How to make your own hair at home. Long braids are always in fashion

Every modern woman always tries to look beautiful and well-groomed, wherever she is - at home, at work, at school or at a party. However, the lack of time does not always allow you to visit beauty salons as often as you would like. Therefore, the question of how to make a hairstyle for yourself becomes especially relevant. This can be dealt with easily and quickly, using the advice of professionals.

How to do your own hair

In order for the hairstyle to hold well, the hair must be clean and well-groomed. Taboo - greasy roots, split ends, indistinct color and dullness. Healthy shiny hair is the key to excellent styling, even if its owner cannot boast of the density and length of hair.

On average, hair length increases by a centimeter every month. For those who grow them, trichologists recommend trimming the ends at least once a quarter so that the strands look neat.

Hairstyle should emphasize external beauty, and it is important to select it depending on the type of appearance and facial contours.

There are computer programs that will help you choose a hairstyle from an uploaded photo. Hair color, length, condition (thin or thick, straight or curly, dry or oily) should also be taken into account.

A variety of hair care and styling products will be of great help in creating your own image. Use only proven professional brands or folk remedies that have proven themselves well.

Before using a hair dryer, curling iron or flat iron that damages the hair structure, it is necessary to use thermal protection. It is imperative to take care of the condition of the hair both in hot weather and in cold weather.

  • Foam or mousse. They are applied to give the hair extra volume and make the hair stronger. Apply foam or mousse to wet, clean strands, after drying them slightly, then lay them with a hairdryer or curlers. Weak fixation foams hold fine hair well, and strong fixation foams hold thick or curly hair well.
  • Gel. It is recommended to use it to style lush "unruly" hair, using it on a ready-made styling to highlight or smooth individual strands. It is allowed to apply the gel on both wet and dry hair. You can achieve with the gel the illusion of wet hair. It is worth choosing high-quality products without alcohol, which are quickly absorbed and strengthen the hair from the inside.
  • Wax. Indispensable for curls, especially in wet rainy weather. Having treated the hair with wax, you can achieve their softness, "obedience". Strands acquire a lively healthy shine. Wax is suitable for creating smooth, well-fixed styling.
  • Varnish. The final touch in hair styling, when you need to fix an already finished styling or adjust it. Experts insist on the use of fortified varnishes with protection from the negative effects of the environment. Some contain medicinal herbs, thanks to which the tips receive protection from the section, and the hair itself - strength and elasticity. Varnishes should not contain alcohol, which can cause allergies and damage the hair structure, hairdressers warn.

Varnishes differ in the degree of fixation, the tube usually has an inscription on which hair they are suitable for. Super-strong fixing varnishes are usually used for long-term styling. Apply them at a distance of 25 cm from the head for uniform spraying. High-quality varnish does not stick hair and is easily removed when combing.

Romantic hairstyles for medium and long hair

How to create a romantic image, any girl knows. Armed with the necessary items and styling tools, you can make your own hair easily and quickly.

Greek styling

This hairstyle has several variations and requires the use of hairpins and a special bandage:

  • Hair should be combed with a natural comb so that it is not electrified, and divided into a straight parting.
  • Put a wide or narrow bandage on your head and sequentially, starting from the front, wrap the strands under it.
  • Secure with pins and hairspray.
How to make your own hair easy and fast

You can diversify this styling with bundles woven from individual strands. Washed and dried hair with a styling agent applied to it should be wound on curlers, weaving a braid or “spikelet” out of their part, and twisting the rest with bundles and tucking it under a bandage from your own hair.

Low ponytail with flower

An option for a festive styling can be a hair flower. The basis of the hairstyle is a ponytail tied at the back of the head:

  • On the side, you need to select a small strand and braid it into a pigtail, in the process of this, the strands need to be pulled out of the already braided part.

  • Lightly spraying the pigtail with varnish, twist it from the tip to make a flower resembling a rose.
  • With invisible or hairpins, stab the flower at the base.
  • Unwind the remaining strands to wind and lay in the form of curls.


To create curls, you need to wind long strands on large or medium curlers or a conical curling iron, holding it vertically. Before you start creating curls, you should treat the strands with a permanent fixative, since long hair is usually heavy and the styling does not last very long.

The twisted strands can be carelessly disassembled with your fingers and laid with varnish, or you can lift them up and pin them with a beautiful hairpin, tie them in a ponytail, releasing individual curls. You can leave your hair straight by twisting part of the strands and fixing them with varnish.

Curls on medium-long hair can be created with:

  • ironing;
  • hair dryer;
  • tongs;
  • curlers;
  • papillots;
  • Thermo curlers.

To wind with an iron or curling iron, divide the strands into zones and twist them one at a time at a small distance from the roots. It depends on the diameter of the curling iron whether large or small curls will turn out.

Clean damp hair should be wound on curlers, dried with a hair dryer or in a natural way, disassembled with fingers, fixed with varnish. Papillots (soft foam curlers) can curl small curls. Such curlers can be left on the head at night - they do not interfere with normal sleep.

Thermal curlers are plastic and have a paraffin rod. They are more gentle than electric tongs or flat irons. Curls obtained with thermal curlers last longer than those curled with a curling iron or iron. Another way to get curls is small pigtails, which can be braided before going to bed from all the hair, and the next morning unravel and comb.

light waves

Curlers (regular or thermo) of medium size can easily and quickly create them, having which you can not rack your brains on how to make your own hair. After the hair has been twisted, dried and the curlers removed, you should separate it with your fingers, smooth it and, sprinkled with varnish, fix it with hairpins.

Brushing is a way to create light waves with a hair dryer and a round comb. Each strand should be carefully removed from the brush and treated with varnish, then beat all the hair with your hands. You can braid your hair into small pigtails and run an iron through them. After unplaiting the braids, disassemble the waves with your fingers and spray varnish on them.

romantic bun

A bunch of long or semi-long hair looks advantageous both on weekdays and on holidays, stylists say. A smoothed bun looks especially elegant: the hair is straightened, gathered in a ponytail and smoothed with a comb. The tail is twisted into a spiral, coiled and secured with hairpins. It can be sprinkled with varnish, and the hair on the head can be lubricated with gel.

A bundle also happens with side braids hidden in its middle, with two thin rims worn on the head, and with a voluminous roller under the hair.

DIY evening hairstyles for long hair

Making your own evening hairstyle is easy and fast - not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is that the overall image is harmonious, so that everything is combined - outfit, hairstyle and makeup. Complex styling is in harmony with simple and concise dresses, and it is better to choose simple hairstyles for dresses decorated with various decorations and details.

french bun

Elastic band and invisible are needed to create a French bun:

  • Having tied the tail, you need to separate the strand from above, and comb the remaining hair, fixing it with varnish.

  • From the bottom, braid the French braid, pulling out the strands to make it more voluminous.
  • Fasten the next lower strand under the tail, wrapping the remaining hair inward to make a bun. It should be carefully fixed.
  • Spread the top strand of the tail over the bun so that it looks smooth.
  • Invisibly fix the ends under the beam. Lay the scythe over the bun.

Braid hairstyle for women

Such hairstyles go to absolutely all owners of luxurious hair. There are such types of weaving:

  • Russian;
  • European;
  • eastern;
  • design.

How to make a hairstyle for yourself easily and quickly, using a traditional Russian braid, every lady knows from childhood. There are many variations on the theme of the Russian braid: smooth, voluminous, tousled, asymmetrical, with or without parting. 1 of its options is a “spikelet”, where instead of the usual 3 alternating strands, 2 are used with the addition of the following in turn.

french braid differs from the "spikelet" in that the strands do not weave one over the other, but fit inside:

  • Weaving begins with a small bundle disassembled into 3 parts with the addition of strands so that all the hair is gathered at the end.
  • Weaving should start from the crown and lead all over the head in the form of a crown, it can be straight and reverse.

French braid "vice versa"

Weaving in Greek represents a combination of smooth hair and a braid resembling a hoop. 3 strands are taken closer to the parting, adding small strands to them, with which the “hoop” is fixed on the head.

Oriental braids are distinguished by their bizarre forms and the presence of decorations in them:

  • To braid the bundles, the hair is divided into 2 strands, each of them is twisted in 1 direction, then the strands are cross-twined in the opposite direction.
  • Harnesses can be combined with loose curls, side braids, ponytails.

Afro braids weave from the back of the head to the temples. They can be laid out on the shoulders, or you can weave thick braids from them, tie a tail. Zizi are woven with artificial strands; curls - curls are twisted in a spiral.

To weave "French Waterfall", you need to braid 1 or 2 braids, starting at the temples and ending at the back of the head, while each lower strand should freely go down to the back.

For creating "baskets" the hair should be collected in a ponytail at the crown, then, starting from the temple, weave a French braid, alternately adding strands from the tail and loose hair.

Styling for going out

Festive styling involves curls falling on the shoulders, curls raised up or combed to the side, beautifully gathered at the back of the head. Accessories are selected for them - tiaras, inlaid hairpins and hairpins. It is enough to wind your hair on an iron, curling iron or curlers, comb it to one side or back, lift it up, fasten it with a bright hairpin - and the evening look is ready.

For those who love perfectly straight hair, straighten it with a flat iron using a heat protection serum.

To prevent the iron from leaving marks, you need to start straightening your hair from the roots. Always up-to-date styling "retro" means high-styled hair, tacked with a tape.

"French twist" or "shell" is a very elegant hairstyle for the evening. The hair should be divided into a side parting, twist all the strands into a tourniquet and stab it up, fixing it with invisibility. Such styling looks original with bangs combed to the side, laid in waves, or, conversely, with it raised up and combed.

Festive bunch

There are many options for such styling. For example, a double bun, before creating which you should wash your hair and lubricate it with gel so that the strands do not get out of your hair. After drying, make a parting and tie 2 low tails, from which to form 2 bunches, securing each with hairpins. Decorate the bundles with hairpins or flowers.

A high lush bun can be decorated with curls from curls. To add volume, you can use a roller or chignon. A bundle can be created from hair divided into equal strands and twisted into flagella, which are then gathered together and fastened with hairpins. You can complete the festive look with a beam with the help of accessories: combs, headbands, hairpins, clips, decorative hairpins.

Youth hairstyles

Fashion-conscious girls prefer loose hair or hairstyles that you can easily and quickly create on your own, as well as transform one into another.

Hairy tail

How to diversify the tail and make your own hairstyle easily and quickly? To create a tail with a voluminous top, the hair is divided into 4 parts.

The upper one is combed, the lower one is tied into a tail, the side ones are wound on tongs, and then all parts are fastened at the base of the tail so that the top remains voluminous.

high bow

This is one of the most stylish hairstyles of the season:

  • To create it, the hair should be collected in a high ponytail, separate the 4th part and fold it over the forehead.

  • On the remaining strands, fasten the elastic in the middle, dividing them into 2 parts. Comb them for volume, form a bow and secure it with invisibility.
  • Comb the front strand and, folding it back, also fix it with stealth and varnish.

Such a bow can be made at the crown or side.

Delicate curls

The fastest way to style with curls is to tie your hair at the crown into a ponytail, which you wind onto a curling iron, and then remove the elastic. For Hollywood curls, the strands are twisted with forceps from the face, beat with fingers and sprinkled with varnish.

Long hair is easiest to curl in layers, dividing it into 3 sections and starting to form curls from the middle layer. To fix the curls, you should use foam and varnish.

Simple buns for every day

The bun is a classic hairstyle, very easy to perform. At the same time, it is elegant, suitable for a solemn image, and for everyday. It is easy to make: just collect all the hair, twist it at the back of the head and pin it up.

Pigtail bun

  • The hair should be collected in a ponytail, securing it very tightly with an elastic band and leaving 1 strand under the pigtail.
  • Wrap the hair from the tail around the base, fasten, weave a pigtail from the remaining strand and wrap the bundle with it.
  • If the curls are not voluminous enough, they should be combed.


This is ideal for those with long and voluminous hair.

There are several types of such a hairstyle with which you can look stylish:

  • Having lightly combed the upper strands above the forehead to the crown, you can form a high tail.
  • Its base can be wrapped with a strand of hair or ribbon.
  • Options with bangs are very beautifully played out, which can be combed or laid in different ways.
  • You can tie the tail on the side or wind it up with tongs, curlers or a special corrugated curling iron.

Tails are with weaving, with "flashlights", voluminous, with bows, multi-tiered. Ribbons, bows, scarves, decorative and fresh flowers are used to decorate them.

sloppy bun

A slightly careless bun creates a romantic look: apply mousse on the surface of the head, twist the hair, collect it in a ponytail, and then, highlighting one strand,

secure each with invisibility. A wavy bun can be created by winding strands on large curlers, gathering them in a ponytail and hiding an elastic band under the ends of the hair.

Hair ornaments

Hair accessories:

  • Headbands. They are simple, one-color, thin, serve to maintain hairstyles. Decorated with rhinestones, bows, feathers, lace, rivets, the headbands are designed for publication.
  • Flowers are decorative and lively. Will decorate hair of any length.
  • Hairpins. Simple-looking ones can be worn daily, and decorated with beads, sequins, rhinestones - as an evening option.
  • Combs. Usually they are a companion of a festive hairstyle, they look great on straight and curly curls.
  • Stealths and pins. They ceased to perform the function of maintaining hairstyles, turning into an ornament.
  • Tapes. With their help, you can create any image - from hippies to hairstyles in the Greek style.

  • Rubber bands. They are used not only for convenience, but also for modeling hairstyles.
  • Veils. The perfect addition to a party look in a certain style.
  • Tiaras. Used as a wedding and evening accessory.

How to look flawless? Professional stylists note first of all a stylish hairstyle and advise you to take care of your hair carefully. It will not be difficult for a modern woman to make a hairstyle for herself easily and quickly. The main thing is not to forget the positive and positive attitude at home.

You can diversify the styling with various accessories, each of which can become an everyday option or turn an ordinary look into a solemn and festive one.

Video: how to make a beautiful hairstyle

10 easy hairstyles that you can do yourself:

Evening hairstyles for self-performance:

For modern women, saving time often comes first, because not everyone wants to spend a couple of hours doing their own styling in the morning, or not everyone wants to visit beauty salons all the time. It is equally important to be able to do easy hairstyles for school in 5 minutes in order to be in a new look every day.

If short hair can simply be made more voluminous, then those with long or medium curls probably want variety. But not necessarily a beautiful hairstyle should take a lot of time - you can make a lot of stylish options in just 5 minutes for yourself.

And simple ones will be indispensable both for teenage girls who are going to lessons, and for mothers of little princesses who want to teach girls to good style from childhood, sending them to school or kindergarten.

Having hair of different lengths, each girl will come up with several types of hairstyles for herself that she will do when she goes out. In this article, we look at ideas for such hairstyles that you can do before leaving the house at least every day.


The beam in the trend is not the first season. It attracts with its versatility: a stylish bun complements both a business look and an evening or even beach look for every day. If you have medium or long hair, then this hairstyle can be an ideal option.

This styling is done to itself step by step incredibly quickly, and you can use it on both medium and long hair. You just need to tighten the hair in, fix and wrap it around. Your stylish day or evening hairstyle is ready.

You can also use a voluminous elastic band that can be worn on the tail and distribute the strands around it, securing the long ends with invisible ones.

The previous light variation of the beam was as simple as possible, but there are actually incredibly many stylish ideas of this nature. One of them is a braided bun, which can also be done in just 5 minutes before going out.

You can twist the ends with a tourniquet, and then just create a bundle. Using a tourniquet, you can achieve good volume, and the hairstyle will look bright and beautiful, both for every day and for a more solemn occasion.

This option looks very feminine and beautiful, and you can use it for every day, and for going out. If you want to do this hairstyle, gather the ponytail, twist your hair at the last twist, and then stop about a dozen centimeters to leave the ends in front. A loop is formed, which must be divided in two and laid on the sides, sending the remaining ends to hang freely to the back. After the bundle-bow can be fixed.


In addition to bunches, beautiful braids are incredibly popular: both complex and the simplest. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, weaving a braid does not involve any clear technique, so you don’t have to worry that you will do something wrong. Secondly, braids are incredible scope for imagination and the implementation of a variety of ideas. Such hairstyles can be done for special occasions, and for every day.

Plus, they make it possible to make additional volume, even if the hair itself is very thin. Braids can be done on medium or long hair, and the simplest options are appropriate even for short ones.

Side braid

This quick hairstyle in 5 minutes is a very simple and interesting option. The hair needs to be divided and weaving started at the frontal zone, adding strands to the braid in turn. On the other side, you need to collect a thin strand, twist it into a bundle and transfer it with the rest to the braid, gradually adding free strands. Next, you need to hold the ends a little, and carefully pull out small strands on each turn of your pigtail. So you can make your hair more voluminous with your own hands. Secure the braid with an elastic band. You can use a little hairspray to fix the hairstyle.


One of the easiest options for quick styling, appropriate for young girls, teenagers, and adults. Separate a small part from the hair, and braid the braid, then, together with the remaining strands, collect this braid into a ponytail. Twist it in the manner of a flower. This styling looks feminine, and allows for competent placement, even if you have relatively short hair.

Hairstyles based on the tail

Lateral ponytail

A graceful ponytail, located on its side, looks very unusual and intriguing. You only need to make a couple of turns of hair, and you will give an atypical texture and such a desired volume.

If you have a lot of rubber bands, you can use them to create such an unusual hand. To do this, you need to collect the hair in a low ponytail, and fix it with an elastic band, then step back a short distance, and tie the elastic band again. This can be done several times, depending on the length of the hair.

When tying each elastic, try to hold the ponytail with one hand and pull the elastic with the other so that your hair gets beautiful bubbles. This is an interesting hairstyle for every day for teenagers and not only. It is especially suitable for medium or long hair.

As we can see, efficiency and simplicity can keep up with fashion. The simple hairstyles we presented above in 5 minutes, which you can do with your own hands, will be a real salvation in many cases. Experimenting with them every day, you and your long or short hair will always look stylish and attractive.

Every girl dreams of a personal hairdresser who would clean up her head in the morning. Oh, dreams, dreams ... We return to reality and learn how to quickly make hairstyles that are not difficult to perform. Think it doesn't happen? Believe me, this is much more real than having your own hairdresser.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle quickly and easily - ponytail

The ponytail is one of the easiest and fastest hairstyles to whip up. However, it seems to many that with such a hairstyle you can only go to the gym. We will try to convince you of this. We have prepared several options for ponytails, which are not only easy to make, but also look very personal.

Tail and braid

  • Comb your hair, then divide it across your head into two sections. The second part should be much smaller, the dividing line should run approximately from one ear to the other.
  • Collect the larger part in a ponytail, braid a pigtail from the second.
  • Wrap the braid around the base of the ponytail.
  • Secure the tip with an invisibility.
  • Decorate your tail with a decorative hairpin.

Bubble tail

  • Collect the tail, fix it with an elastic band.
  • Step back a little, about two fingers, and tie the next elastic.
  • Then step back the same distance and tie another elastic band. And so on until the end.
  • It is important, when tying a new elastic, you need to hold the tail by the tip and gently pull the elastic up so that you get a bubble effect.

Tail to one side

  • Comb your hair, throw it over your shoulder, while leaving a small strand on the other side.
  • Divide the left strand into two equal parts.
  • Twist these two parts into a bundle, gradually add new sections of hair to it.
  • Continue weaving the tourniquet until you reach the ear.
  • Secure your hair with a beautiful elastic band.

Tail with two spikelets

  • Comb and part your hair with an even parting in the middle.
  • Braid two outer spikelets on both sides.
  • Tie both braids with a silicone rubber band.
  • Separate a thin strand from the tail, wrap it around its base. Tie the end under the elastic.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle quickly and easily - bun

The bun has been a hot hair trend for several seasons in a row. It will harmoniously fit into the image for going out on the "red carpet", as well as for going for a walk or the beach. The main advantage of this hairstyle is the speed of execution.

Bundle with bagel

  • Divide the combed hair into three parts, the middle part should be wide, the side ones are narrower.
  • Tie the middle part with a thin elastic band.
  • Form a bun with a donut.
  • French braid the side strands.
  • Wrap them around the bundle.
  • Hide the ends of the braids, secure with invisibility.

flirtatious bun

  • Wash your hair, blow dry your hair, use a round brush designed to add volume.
  • Make easy curls with a curling iron.
  • To make the hairstyle lush and voluminous, bouffant at the very roots.
  • Lift individual strands up, lay them in loops, securing with stealth or hairpins.
  • Fix with varnish the finished styling.

Greek bundle

  • Divide the combed hair into two equal parts.
  • Twist the side strands into bundles.
  • Twist the strands towards the back of the head, while gradually grabbing new hair into bundles.
  • In the back of the head, collect both tourniquets in the tail.
  • Make a small indentation in your hair, form an inverted tail.
  • Raise the tail, twist it inward, put your hair in the resulting niche.
  • Fix the bundle with hairpins and sprinkle with varnish.

Shell bun

  • Comb your hair.
  • Curl them with an iron or curling iron.
  • Make a light bouffant at the crown.
  • Tie your hair into a ponytail.
  • Wrap it up, pass the tip under the elastic.
  • Wrap your bun with the remaining hair, pin the tip with a hairpin.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle quickly and easily for long hair

Possessing different methods of weaving hair, you can not only create a neat image for yourself, but also with a little effort, you will form a stylish hairstyle on your head. We have prepared for you several instructions by which you can easily and simply braid the original braids.

Simple braids

  • Make a side fixture. Separate the strands from the face.
  • Take a thin strand, braid a pigtail, tie its end with an elastic band.
  • Step back a little and braid another of the same strand into a braid.
  • Part your hair from ear to ear. Take the separated hair on one side, add braids to it.
  • Now take the hair from the other side and connect everything together, tying with an elastic band under the free hair.

Spit "Rope"

  • Gather your hair at the crown into a high ponytail.
  • Divide the resulting tail into two parts.
  • Twist each part into a bundle. You need to twist them in one direction.
  • Twist the bundles together.
  • Tie the end of the braid with an elastic band.

We hope you have seen that you can easily do without a personal hairdresser. As you can see, every girl can make an interesting hairstyle in a few minutes. Do you agree? Then experiment with your hair.

A hairstyle in the appearance of any person, and especially a woman, is no less important than makeup and clothes. Neatly and tastefully laid hair gives the female appearance a special gloss, turning the admiring glances of others on their owner. Therefore, beauties constantly try to monitor the condition of their pretty head, wherever they are: at school, at work, at a party or at home.

If the hairdresser where your personal master works is a stone's throw from him, consider yourself very lucky. But if suddenly the services of a coufer are not available at the moment for one reason or another, and the girl urgently needed to bring her hair “in a divine form”, what then?

It's okay: in principle, any of the fair sex is quite able to independently build several options for original and beautiful hairstyles from their "mane" at home. We bring to your attention "hairdressing courses at home", and we hope that our tips, tested in practice, will help you to believe in yourself.

An important note for those who are experimenting for the first time: try to have at least a two-hour margin of time in reserve - in case you don’t like something, and the “hairstyle” will have to be redone.

What do you need for a good haircut? First of all, you need to figure out which style suits you. It depends on many factors, including the contour of the face. He can be:

  • square;
  • triangular (heart-shaped);
  • round;
  • elongated;
  • oval.

With a square type, rounded hairstyles that cover the auricles are suitable. They will give the image softness and femininity. The length should be medium: too short or too long hair “weights” the face, focusing on the chin.

The owners of "hearts" go for images that create volume in the chin area, and thus visually balance the face. Lush bouffants over the forehead - not for them.

Chubby ones can experiment: they have a very rich choice of options, from simple to multi-layered. However, rounded shapes that repeat the oval of the face are clearly excluded.

For a lady with an elongated facial type, a short haircut is best, visually “expanding” it.

The oval shape is perfect in every sense, almost any type of hairstyle goes with it, with the exception of those that cover the forehead and cheeks.

If you find it difficult to determine your type, the simplest test will help you: looking in the mirror, carefully circle the contours of the reflection with lipstick, then move away from it. The drawing left on the glass will put everything in its place. Next, we propose to learn how to make a hairstyle for yourself for short hair, medium length or long curls.

Curls and buns, braids and ponytails

When everything is clear with the face, we will clarify the options for hairstyles. They can be simple and complex, everyday and festive. To work on them, you will need various power tools, such as a hair dryer, curling iron and hairdressing iron, as well as combs and brushes, hairpins and varnish to fix the result. All is ready? Let's get started!

Spit - girlish beauty

Braids are one of the most common types of hairstyles for long hair. But do not think that, braiding them, the girl will certainly take on the appearance of an exemplary high school student from the movie of the middle of the last century.

A braid can look very stylish if you use fairly original weaving methods. Let's talk about the two most fashionable ones - the so-called French weaving and the "fish tail": those who master them perfectly will easily cope with the problem of long and thick hair. How to quickly make the simplest hairstyle for yourself?

French braid:

If everything is done correctly, the braid should turn out smooth and elastic, and the weaving pattern should be clear and well visible.

"Fishtail" - this is how this braid is called in Europe (English "fish tail"). In Russia, such a braid is usually called a “spikelet” or “herringbone”.

It is perfect for everyday wear. At the same time, the hair does not stretch, is not pinched or injured, and some conceived looseness and delicacy contributes to the fact that, even if slightly disheveled at the end of the day, the pigtail does not look untidy. So, forward, to the French charm!

  1. Carefully smooth and comb your mane.
  2. Divide it in half.
  3. Grabbing a strand from the outside of the left half, throw it over the top to the center and attach it to the right side.
  4. Repeat this action in a mirror order with the right side.
  5. When finished weaving, fix the tip with an elastic band or sprinkle with varnish - then it will not crumble even without it.

To give an openwork weave, slightly pull the hairs at the roots and loosen them. The middle and lower parts of the braid do not need to be touched so as not to disturb the composition.

Both the “French” and “mermaid” methods are suitable for both an adult girl and a little girl, but in this case, the mother will have to do the pigtail, since the child cannot cope with such a task on her own.

Average length at a high level

From medium length hair, you can quickly create a variety of bunches.

Method number 1: "harnesses":

  1. We make a high ponytail on the head.
  2. We divide into several equal parts.
  3. We roll each into a bundle.
  4. We collect a bundle from the bundles.
  5. We pierce with pins.

Method number 2: "shell":

Method number 3: from the "reverse" tail:

  1. After combing the hair, make a ponytail out of it and pull it off with a wide elastic band.
  2. Pull the elastic down a little and, dividing the strands, turn the tail outward, putting it between them.
  3. Braid the inside out in a fishtail style, tying the end with a thin elastic band.
  4. Gently stretch the hairs to make the braid more voluminous.
  5. Raise it up, tucking the tip to the base.
  6. Fasten the bun with hairpins

Method number 4: from braids:

But you should not be limited to only one beam. On strands of medium length, curls curled with a curling iron look great. Here's how it's done.

Soft waves:

  1. The temperature of the tongs is medium.
  2. The strands are wound on the blades of the curling iron.
  3. It is not worth keeping the hair on them for a long time - this time only a slight waviness is needed.
  4. Repeat steps 6 and 7 (see above).

Elastic springs:

  1. After setting the temperature to high, warm the tongs.
  2. Divide your hair into several strands, protecting them with a special tool from overheating.
  3. In turn, gently wind each of them onto the curling iron, withstanding the maximum allowable amount of time.
  4. Remove the ring from the tongs, fasten it to the head with the help of an invisibility and do not remove it until the strands have cooled.
  5. Repeat the operation with each strand.
  6. Comb with a coarse-toothed comb.
  7. Spray with varnish.


There are many types of bangs for medium length hairstyles. Here are the most fashionable ones.

  1. Straight long - great for a thick "mane" covering a highly intelligent forehead. It starts near the crown and ends at the brow line.
  2. Direct short - refreshes and rejuvenates, dropping several years in one fell swoop. suitable for those who have not too large facial features ..
  3. Semicircular - practically does not stand out from the general line and emphasizes the charm of the eyes, these "mirrors of the soul".
  4. Torn - done with the help of thinning, giving the look a perky note.
  5. Oblique - masks asymmetric facial features, making the appearance original and stylish.

Bangs on short hair also look very attractive. We offer several design options for this part. How to make the easiest hairstyle for yourself on your hair with bangs:

  • Option 1.

The bangs are combed back in a slight mess. Looks good with any type of face and style of outfit, except for business.

  • Option 2.

A comb of thick straight bangs, on both sides of which curls are left. It is ideally combined with coloring and highlighting.

  • Option 3.

Short cut straight hair with long bangs. The bangs are combed to the side, and the hair is lightly fluffed up with fingers dipped in foam.

  • Option 4.

We straighten the bangs with an iron, and curl the strands on the sides with a curling iron and fix with varnish. It turns out very elegant, especially if you decorate all this art with a flower - with such a head you can go to any holiday or celebration.

  • Option 5.

Side bangs and zigzag parting are perfect for those who prefer an original style.

Short, stylish, beautiful

The common belief that the shorter the mane, the more limited the choice of hairstyles is wrong. Owners of short (but not “boyish”) haircuts have many ways to quickly arrange something original and memorable on their heads.

So, for example, a regular parting can be straight, oblique, zigzaz, etc. There are more spectacular, but not so complicated samples.

  1. Looks good on a cropped head volumetric styling, made with tongs (now they are more often called an iron), a hair dryer and a brush. Lightly twisting the strands inward, at the same time dry them with a hairdryer and comb them to make them lush.
  2. In the process of "wet" styling, the strands are wetted with a special gel and placed on the head with a comb - as you please.
  3. Using an iron or curling iron, decorate the haircut with curls. Curled inside, they will give your look a touch of classicism; if you twist them outward, it will become more creative and modern.
  4. A festive look will be given to you by strands twisted into flagella at the temples, fixed at the back with hairpins and brooches.
  5. The bob style can be diversified with a low tail, releasing curls on the sides to frame the face.
  6. Combing the back of your head on a straight or wavy parting, make a pair of small ponytails on the sides out of curls - and now you are no longer a respectable lady, but a mischievous girl Pippi Longstocking.
  7. With an asymmetric haircut, the mane is parted with a side parting, and on the smaller side they are twisted into flagella, fastened with invisibility. Most of the hair is curled in light curls and slightly combed.

Thus, a short haircut is not an obstacle to experimenting with the image, allowing you to constantly change your appearance, not allowing it to be “ordinary” both in your own eyes and in the eyes of the people around you.

So, we looked at several types of hairstyles for a variety of types of faces and hair. Now you know how to make a beautiful hairstyle for yourself for a holiday or everyday - to school, to work, to study.

We hope that you will be able to choose among them the one that will help to give your appearance features of charming charm and originality.

Be bolder, experiment, add your own inventions to each and do not forget that your “crown” should be in harmony with makeup, clothes, shoes as much as possible.

And then you will be perfect wherever you go: to a business meeting, a gala event or a romantic date.

And another hairstyle idea that you can do yourself is in the next video.

When there are no opportunities to regularly visit the hairdresser and shine with the perfect professional styling day after day, there is no other way out but to start doing good hairstyles yourself. Of course, thanks to the Internet, today it is not so difficult to do this - a lot of step-by-step video tutorials on how to make this or that hairstyle without involving third parties; a lot of photos, also taken as the hairstyle was created.

The main criteria for a good hairstyle

So that the result of long torment does not become a nest on your head, you need to remember a couple of simple recommendations, following which, you will very soon achieve perfection in creating your own hairstyle.

1. Healthy hair. Get rid of split ends in time, restore chemically damaged hair (after the same hair coloring, for example), treat dry and oily hair, get rid of dandruff (URGENTLY!), if possible, laminate so that the hair is smooth and shines with a healthy color. Then the hairstyle will look beautiful, elegant and well-groomed.

2. Clean hair. With the naked eye, you can determine whether the girl is clean or they have not seen shampoo and water for a week. Clean hair shines, it is light, soft and delicate to the touch, it smells good. Dirty hair is collected in separate disheveled strands, they are very easy to style, unlike clean ones - try to remove the bangs with your palm from your forehead, combing it up with your fingers - if the hair is in no hurry to return back to the forehead, then it's time to go to the bathroom. In addition, unwashed hair smells unpleasant and is hard, greasy to the touch.

What do you need to do your own hair?

First, a ready-made idea of ​​what hairstyle you would like to make yourself. If you spin for hours, saying “my light, mirror, tell me what hairstyle I should do”, it will drag on for a long time, because the mirror cannot speak. First, let's decide what kind of hair we want to build on our heads.
Secondly, a set of tools for styling and fixing the result of our labors - mousse, curlers or curling iron (straightening iron, if necessary), hair dryer, massage and (or) comb, hairpins, invisible, hairpins, elastic bands, etc.

What celebration are we going to?

Depending on the type of celebration, hairstyles can be completely different - you won’t come to a business meeting with the same hair. Therefore, we treat the choice carefully and taking into account where we are going to go.

Hairstyle for short hair: 3 ways

Method one

Apply balm to washed hair and dry a little with a hairdryer. Dividing the hair into strands, randomly beat each of them with your fingers to make light curls. We fix each with foam or mousse. The hairstyle is ready. Strands can also be laid with the help of a round massager, so that the volume is more impressive. Now it remains to fix the entire result with varnish, preferably a strong fixation. Such hair is done in 10 minutes, and it is universal for almost everyone.

Method two

We separate the washed hair with a side parting and wind the strands on the curling iron. We lay the resulting curls in a certain sequence. Randomness, as in the first method, we do not need here. Accordingly, we fix the resulting beauty with varnish and you can go to the office and even to a party!

Method three

Moisturize your hair and apply a small amount of hair styling product to them. Apply mousse to the root area. After that, the hair will need to be dried with a hairdryer. We wind the strands on small curlers. A little later, we remove and, NOT combing the hair, we beautifully style the curls into a chic hairstyle, fixing it with varnish of any fixation.

How to style your own hair for medium to long hair


Curls look very elegant on medium hair. To do this, we wind individual strands on curlers. The larger the curls you want, the larger the diameter of the curlers should be. If you want cute curls, take the smallest curlers. If you want big waves - take the appropriate diameter.
After the curlers are removed, do not comb the hair, otherwise the nest on the head cannot be avoided. Instead, take a styling bottle (gel or mousse) and with your hands, carefully and carefully style the curls in any order. Do not forget about fixing the final result. This hairstyle takes about 30 minutes, but it is universal for any event.

Do-it-yourself bundle

Medium hair can also be collected in a bun. You need to comb well and slightly lift them in the parietal region. Now we make a pile there and form a high ponytail, leaving the ends of the hair in an elastic band. We divide the tail into 2 parts. We comb the left strand and transfer it to the lower right part of the ponytail, fasten it and fix it with varnish.

Unsurpassed Greek style

You can make a hairstyle with your own hands and in the Greek style. We make volume using curlers or curling irons. We put an elastic bandage on the head, it is not necessary to let the hair out from under the bandage, we dress it like a hat.
After that, we divide the hair into 3 parts (left, right and at the back of the head), and we fill each of the resulting strands under the bandage so that the tips also look out.
We improve the volume by slightly stretching the strands from the ring, and we fix the whole hairstyle. Choose the decorations according to your taste.

Feminine and gentle French waterfall

A good hairstyle is a French waterfall, also ideal for long hair. It is simple to perform, but the result is chic, and does not take much time for styling. We make a side parting for the whole head and from the front side we begin to weave the braid in the direction down and obliquely. Having reached the ear line, let go of the lower strand, take a new one next to it and weave it into the braid.

And so every time, releasing the lower strand and weaving in a new one, we reach the second ear and fix the hairstyle behind the lobe with invisible or hairpins. The hairstyle is good for wavy hair, because strands hanging from under the braid look especially good in this form.

See photos of examples of a French waterfall in our article about it

There are many different variations of the French waterfall - both with a bunch, and with a double oblique, and a symmetrical waterfall. The advantage is that the hairstyle is done quickly and securely holds the whole even without strong fixation. The whole beauty of the hairstyle is precisely in the fact that the hanging “waves” should flutter freely, and not look like stone because of the large amount of varnish. A French waterfall should be light, airy and gentle.

Now it will not be difficult for you to make yourself a chic hairstyle yourself and go with it to any celebration or important event!

Photo-manuals how to do hairstyles
