An interesting post on skin hygiene. Adviсe

The skin of a child protects the body much worse from fluctuations in ambient temperature, exposure to sunlight, various injuries and mechanical damage, as well as from the effects of various bacteria than the skin of an adult. Therefore, it is very important for the normal condition of the skin and the functioning of the body to observe the hygiene of the skin of children, daily care for it and the prevention of possible damage to it.

Remains of sweat, sebum, dead epidermal cells, bacteria, and dust accumulate on the surface of the skin. All these layers pollute the skin, clog the openings of the sebaceous and sweat ducts. Sebum and organic sweat residues, decomposing, create an unpleasant odor. Contaminated skin creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria, resulting in various skin diseases, eczema, etc.

Bacteria, as well as eggs of worms located on the surface of the skin, can easily get, especially from the skin of the hands, into the mouth and cause serious illnesses (dysentery, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, helminthic infections, etc.). Especially a lot of pathogenic bacteria accumulate in the folds of the skin. That is why it is so important to take care of the cleanliness of the skin, both its open parts and those covered with underwear. Change bed linen weekly.

Children need to be taught how to wash properly. During the morning washing, you must first wash your hands, washing not only the hands, but also the forearms. Then wash your face, neck, ears. It is necessary to wash with soap, as water alone cannot completely remove dirt from the skin. Soap dissolves fatty acids that accumulate on the surface of the skin as a result of the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Soap also softens the epidermis and facilitates the process of removing its dead tissue. Wash your face with water at normal room temperature. Before going to bed, you should wash your face and wash your feet with lukewarm water and soap. Hands should always be washed before eating, after work, in particular after returning home from school, and after going to the toilet.

At least once a week, children should take a bath or wash their entire body under a hot shower. Only hot water with soap and a washcloth or sponge can completely cleanse the skin of dirt, dust, particles of desquamated epidermis, sebum deposits and decay products excreted with sweat, as well as clean the excretory ducts of the skin glands.

On clean skin, germs die much faster than on dirty skin. Washing the body with hot soapy water improves blood circulation in the skin. This increases the work of the heart and respiratory organs, increases metabolism. But using hot water to wash your body more than twice a week is not advisable, as this leads to excessive degreasing of the skin and leads to its dryness.

To wash your hair, it is best to use the so-called "soft" water (rain or river), which is low in lime and magnesium salts. In soft water soap lathers better and it is easier to remove dirt from the skin and hair. It is better for boys to cut their hair short. Then dust accumulates less in them and it is easier to wash them. Long hair in boys and braids in girls should be combed regularly with a fine comb.

Nails on the hands and feet should be cut short and washed thoroughly so that dirt does not collect under them. It is necessary to fight the bad habit of children biting their nails, because this is often the cause of infection with worms and infectious diseases.

The skin must be protected from frostbite and burns. Frostbitten skin is more common on the nose, ears, fingers and toes. With frostbite of the first degree, the skin turns pale, severe pain occurs. With frostbite of the second degree, the skin swells, dark red spots form and sensitivity is lost; with frostbite of the third degree, necrosis of the frostbitten area begins. In severe frosts, children should wear hats with headphones, and warm gloves on their hands. In very severe frosts, it is recommended to lubricate the exposed parts of the face with a thin layer of petroleum jelly before leaving the room. It is useful to drink warm tea, milk or coffee.

If you find signs of frostbite, you should immediately consult a doctor. But first it is necessary to restore blood circulation in the frostbitten areas of the body - move the child to a warm room, remove the frozen things, rub and massage the frostbitten areas very gently, wrap with a soft warm cloth or fur and let the body gradually warm up. Drink warm tea and call a doctor.

With frostbite of the second and third degree, rubbing should not be done, you should immediately consult a doctor. With any degree of frostbite, hot food, tea is useful. It should be remembered that frostbite most often occurs with a relatively slight frost, but with a strong wind. In frosty, windy weather, you need to be very careful, take timely precautions against frostbite in children.

Burns. You can get burned by a flame, boiling water, hot metal, the rays of the sun, alkali, acid, and the like. A first-degree burn is accompanied by redness, slight swelling of the skin, and pain. With second-degree burns, blisters form, with third-degree burns, the deeper layers of the skin are damaged, with fourth-degree burns, the affected area is charred.

You can not treat the damaged surface of the child's skin with improvised folk remedies, try to clean the wound on your own, apply bandages. You can not pierce the blisters and tear off clothes stuck to the wounds. It is necessary to remove the tissue from the damaged area, carefully cut off the adhered tissue around.

For burns of 1 and 2 degrees, pour cool water on the affected area for 5-10 minutes, and wrap the child himself in order not to bring the body to hypothermia. Treat with an aerosol Panthenol or Olazol (one of them should always be at home) and apply a bandage of several layers of gauze or bandage. Let the child drink as much water as possible. The sterile dressing is changed once a day. If it sticks, pre-moisten it with a solution of furacilin or pale pink potassium permanganate. If after a few days the skin around the blister turns red and pus forms inside, you should see a doctor.

For 3rd and 4th degree burns, apply a clean, damp cloth, call an ambulance, and give as much water as possible to drink. An ambulance should also be called for a burn of 1-2 degrees, if the lesion has affected a large area of ​​​​the body, there are open wounds, the groin, head, nose, mouth, and respiratory organs are affected.

Skin hygiene is the basis of personal hygiene. In order for the skin to be young and beautiful, you need to properly and regularly care for it.

For the prevention of skin diseases it is very important to strictly observe the rules of skin hygiene and, if possible, eliminate harmful professional and domestic factors.

The normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and good nutrition contribute to the maintenance of good skin condition. Vitamins A, B, D, C, PP play a very important role. Their deficiency can lead to the appearance or exacerbation of many skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema.

Cleansing of dirt, sebum, sweat, microorganisms and scales requires regular skin hygiene. Baths lasting up to 15 minutes should be taken at least once a week, and showers without soap and water at room temperature should be taken daily.

Regardless of your skin type, it needs to be hydrated and nourished. But when choosing cosmetics, you need to consider its composition and effect on your skin type.

Nutrient creams contain numerous additives that have a beneficial effect on the vital activity of cells. These are vitamins, extracts, plant juices, beeswax, stone oil, lanolin. Fats and oils that are part of cosmetic preparations, as a rule, are well absorbed and reduce the return of water to the skin, protecting it from drying out. In addition, they prevent the penetration of microbes, and also protect the skin from irritating environmental factors.

An important part of skin hygiene is maintaining the water balance in the skin cells, for which regular use of moisturizing lotions and creams is beneficial. The moisturizer is universal, and therefore suitable for oily skin, and dry, and especially fading, as it not only moisturizes, but also adds vitamins, biologically active components, fats and other useful substances to the skin layers.

The skin of the face and neck should be washed with warm water. If the skin is thin and dry, sensitive to sunlight and atmospheric influences, then it is better to avoid the use of soap and use soft water - boiled, rain or tap water with the addition of a quarter teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter.

Particular attention should be paid to the hygiene of dry skin. It is useful to lubricate dry and wrinkled skin with a nourishing cream after washing, and it is better to wipe oily skin with special lotions instead of washing. In any case, both after washing and after a bath or shower, it is useful to rinse the skin of the face with cold water. It should be remembered that hot water degreases the skin, and very cold water dries it.

Before shaving, it is better to wash with hot water, and after shaving, wipe the skin with 0.5-1% salicylic alcohol. Hands should be washed with soap and water at room temperature.

Foot skin(legs, feet) should be washed 2-3 times a week, the genital area and perineum - daily before bedtime.

For proper skin hygiene a contrast shower is useful, which helps well against fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves its blood supply due to the periodic constriction and expansion of blood vessels. It should start with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature. Then you should quickly douse yourself with cold. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and finish it with cool or cold water. Avoid hypothermia and do not use scalding ice water.

Nails should be washed with a brush, trimmed every week, and the subungual space cleaned with a special nail cleaner. It is useful for women to periodically do manicures and pedicures.

It is important to protect the skin from injuries that are the gateway for pyogenic infection. To do this, if necessary, use overalls, protective paste and special detergents.

When observing the rules of skin hygiene, it should be borne in mind that fresh air, moderate exposure to sunlight, water procedures, including sea bathing, have a beneficial effect on the skin. They increase the resistance of the skin to external stimuli. Sports and exercise are also helpful.

Skin hygiene is the basis of personal hygiene. In order for the skin to be young and beautiful, you need to properly and regularly care for it.

For the prevention of skin diseases, it is very important to strictly observeskin hygiene rulesand, if possible, eliminateharmful professional and domestic factors.

The normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and good nutrition contribute to the maintenance of good skin condition. Vitamins A, B, D, C, PP play a very important role. Their deficiency can lead to the appearance or exacerbation of many skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema.

Cleansing of dirt, sebum, sweat, microorganisms and scales requires regular hygiene rules. Baths lasting up to 15 minutes should be taken at least once a week, and showers without soap and water at room temperature should be taken daily.

Regardless of your skin type, it needs to be hydrated and nourished. But when choosing cosmetics, you need to consider its composition and effect on your skin type.

Nutrient creams contain numerous additives that have a beneficial effect on the vital activity of cells. These are vitamins, extracts, plant juices, beeswax, stone oil, lanolin. Fats and oils that are part of cosmetic preparations, as a rule, are well absorbed and reduce the return of water to the skin, protecting it from drying out. In addition, they prevent the penetration of microbes, and also protect the skin from irritating environmental factors.

An important part of skin hygiene is to maintain the water balance in the skin cells, for which regular use of moisturizing lotions and creams is useful. The moisturizer is universal, and therefore suitable for oily skin, and dry, and especially fading, as it not only moisturizes, but also adds vitamins, biologically active components, fats and other useful substances to the skin layers.

The skin of the face and neck should be washed with warm water. If the skin is thin and dry, sensitive to sunlight and atmospheric influences, then it is better to avoid the use of soap and use soft water - boiled, rain or tap water with the addition of a quarter teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter.

Particular attention should be paiddry skin hygiene. It is useful to lubricate dry and wrinkled skin with a nourishing cream after washing, and it is better to wipe oily skin with special lotions instead of washing. In any case, both after washing and after a bath or shower, it is useful to rinse the skin of the face with cold water. It should be remembered that hot water degreases the skin, and very cold water dries it.

Before shaving, it is better to wash with hot water, and after shaving, wipe the skin with 0.5-1% salicylic alcohol. Hands should be washed with soap and water at room temperature.

The skin of the legs (legs, feet) should be washed 2-3 times a week, the genital area and perineum - daily before bedtime.

For proper skin hygiene a contrast shower is useful, which helps well against fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves its blood supply due to the periodic constriction and expansion of blood vessels. It should start with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature. Then you should quickly douse yourself with cold. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and finish it with cool or cold water. Avoid hypothermia and do not use scalding ice water.

Nails should be washed with a brush, trimmed every week, and the subungual space cleaned with a special nail cleaner. It is useful for women to periodically do manicures and pedicures.

It is important to protect the skin from injuries that are the gateway for pyogenic infection. To do this, if necessary, use overalls, protective paste and special detergents.

Subject to skin hygiene rulesit should be borne in mind that fresh air, moderate exposure to sunlight, water procedures, including sea bathing, have a beneficial effect on the skin. They increase the resistance of the skin to external stimuli. Sports and exercise are also helpful.

Hygiene as a science is a very broad concept, covering almost all aspects of human life. The word "hygiene" comes from the Greek hygiene s, which means "bringing health". There are a lot of definitions of Hygiene, but, perhaps, they all mean the same thing: hygiene is the science of improving and preserving a person.

Hygiene includes many sections, such as: hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, occupational hygiene, personal hygiene, communal hygiene, environmental hygiene, military hygiene, etc. Since the subject of the site is fully included in the concept of "Hygiene", then for ease of understanding in this section of the site we will cover only the topic of Personal Hygiene.

Personal hygiene - a set of rules for human behavior in everyday life and at work. In a narrow sense, hygiene is the hygienic maintenance of the body, clothing and household items. Violations of personal hygiene requirements can affect the health of both one person and very large groups of people (groups of enterprises, families, members of various communities, and even residents of entire regions).


1. Body hygiene. Human skin protects the entire body from all kinds of environmental influences. Keeping the skin clean is extremely important, because in addition to the protective function, it performs the following functions: thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory and other functions.

  • Wash daily with warm water. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, i.e. slightly above normal body temperature. Up to 300 g of fat and up to 7 liters of sweat are released through the skin of a person per week. So that the protective properties of the skin are not violated, these secretions must be washed off regularly. Otherwise, favorable conditions are created on the skin for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, fungi and other harmful microorganisms.
  • It is necessary to take water procedures (bath, shower, bath) with application at least once a week.
  • Keep your hands and nails clean. Exposed areas of the skin are particularly prone to contamination. Dirt containing pathogenic microbes can get from hands to mouth through food. Dysentery, for example, is called the disease of dirty hands. Hands should be washed before going to the toilet and always after the toilet, before eating and after eating, after contact with animals (both street and domestic). If you are on the road, then you need to wipe your hands with a damp cloth to eliminate at least some of the germs.
  • Feet should be washed every day with cool water and soap. Cold water reduces perspiration.

2. Hair hygiene. normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Therefore, the procedure for washing the head must be treated responsibly.

  • The head must be washed as it gets dirty. It is impossible to say the exact number of times. The frequency of hair washing depends on various factors: hair length, hair and scalp type, nature of work, season, etc. In winter, as a rule, the head is washed more often, because the headdress does not allow the scalp to breathe, which is why sebum is released much more than usual.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water. Hair can become very greasy, as hot water activates the sebaceous glands. In addition, this water helps detergents (soaps and shampoos) settle on the hair in the form of a gray coating that is difficult to wash off.
  • Be careful with the choice of hair care products (shampoos, balms, lotions, etc.). Hair absorbs water very well, and with it substances that can harm the hair, scalp and body as a whole.
  • After rinsing, it is useful to rinse the hair with cool water.
  • Dry your head after washing, preferably with a warm towel, and then let your hair dry in the air. It is undesirable to use a hair dryer, as it dries the hair very much.
  • When combing hair, the use of other people's combs is unacceptable.

3. Oral hygiene. Proper care of the oral cavity helps to keep the teeth in good condition for many years, and also helps to prevent many diseases of the internal organs.

  • You need to brush your teeth every morning and evening.
  • It is unacceptable to use another person.
  • Be sure to rinse your mouth after eating.
  • At the first signs of tooth or gum disease, contact your dentist immediately.
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year for a routine checkup.

4. Hygiene of underwear and clothing and footwear. An important role in personal hygiene is the cleanliness of our clothes. Clothing protects the human body from pollution, mechanical and chemical damage, cooling, insect ingress, and so on.

  • Underwear must be changed after each wash, i.e. every day.
  • Socks, socks, stockings, tights are changed daily.
  • Clothes should be washed regularly.
  • It is unacceptable to wear someone else's clothes and shoes
  • Clothing and footwear must be suitable for climatic conditions.
  • It is advisable to give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics, and shoes made from natural materials.
  • The cut of clothes and shoes should take into account the anatomical features and correspond to the size of the person.

5. Sleeping hygiene.

  • Each family member should have their own towel and bed.
  • Bed linen must be changed weekly.
  • The bed should be comfortable.
  • Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the sleeping area.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to change underwear for a nightgown or pajamas.
  • Try to keep pets out of bed.

And a little more about hygiene:

The skin is an organ of the human body that performs vital functions: it regulates body temperature, takes part in water-salt metabolism, prevents infection, protects against ultraviolet radiation, and performs a respiratory function.

The condition of the skin directly affects human health. Therefore, skin hygiene is of great importance in the prevention of various diseases.

It is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of skin care in order to stay healthy and young. Groomed skin is an excellent environment for the reproduction and growth of bacteria, in order to prevent infection, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin. Consider briefly the rules of skin hygiene.

Body hygiene


It is best to wash with warm water. After hot water, the skin becomes flabby, and after cold water, vasospasm occurs and normal blood circulation and tissue nutrition are disturbed, which leads to a delay in secretions from the sebaceous glands, and disrupts the self-cleansing process. This often causes redness, the formation of acne.


The skin is sensitive to a lack of vitamins:

  • Hypovitaminosis A is manifested by dry skin;
  • insufficient intake of vitamin B2 with food leads to brittle nails, the appearance of "jam" in the corners of the mouth;
  • if the diet lacks fresh vegetables and fruits (vitamin C), petechial hemorrhages will appear in the region of the hair follicles, upper and lower extremities.

The use of alcohol, fatty foods adversely affects the condition of the skin, elasticity decreases, the skin acquires a dull color, swelling develops.


Personal skin hygiene should be a good habit for every person. The sebaceous and sweat glands on the surface of the body secrete 50 g of sebum and about a liter of sweat every day, so a daily warm shower is necessary to keep the skin clean. Bathing with a washcloth and soap products - at least once a week.

It is useful to visit baths, here the skin is cleansed as much as possible and gets rid of excess water.

For skin hygiene, it is useful to use a contrast shower, it tempers the body, increases the intensity of blood flow.

After bathing, you need to wipe the body dry, as the skin becomes weathered and cracks form on it. It is advisable that all family members have their own towel.

Hand hygiene

Wash your hands thoroughly, because a lot of bacteria accumulate on the exposed surface of the skin. Influenza, viral infections are transmitted through dirty hands (rubbing your eyes or nose with unwashed hands can cause an infection).

Dysentery is a disease transmitted by the fecal-oral route, so you should wash your hands before entering the toilet and after it, as well as before eating and after contact with animals.

Every day you need to wash your feet with water at room temperature and soap, this reduces sweating. If foot hygiene is not observed, cracks will form on the feet, where microorganisms can easily penetrate. As a result, skin defects, ulcers, itching, burning appear on the sole.

To relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation in the legs, it is useful to make a warm foot bath at night.

Nail and hair care

It is necessary to control the length of the nails and their cleanliness. A lot of dirt and bacteria collect under the nails. Regularly it is necessary to trim the nails, at least once a week: on the hands - rounded, on the legs - straight (to prevent the nail from growing into the skin).

Hair should be washed as it gets dirty, preferably not very hot water, because it stimulates the production of sebum. After washing, it is better to dry your hair with a warm towel and let it dry on its own. It is not advisable to use a hair dryer, the flow of hot air dries the hair a lot. To improve hair growth, it is useful to occasionally trim their ends, especially when they split.

clothing hygiene

Clothing serves as a person protection from adverse environmental conditions: rain, wind, snow, hot sun. It is a barrier to microorganisms, dust, dirt. Clothing should be light and practical, selected according to the weather, age, gender.

In winter, it is better to give preference to woolen or knitwear, the thickness of such fabrics contains a lot of air, which does not conduct heat well. Due to its high breathability, the garment allows the body to breathe. For summer, it is better to choose products made of cotton fabrics (coarse calico, chintz, satin), they quickly evaporate moisture and cool the body.

Clothing should not hinder movement, interfere with breathing (tight belts, corsets), disrupt blood flow. During the day, dust and bacteria settle on the surface of the clothes, so you should change clothes when you come home, and put on pajamas at night.

After each bath, underwear should be changed. Socks and tights are also changed daily.

All clothing should be washed and cleaned frequently and kept clean every day.

Shoe hygiene

Shoes are one of the important parts of the wardrobe, it is necessary to choose them taking into account the size and nature of the structure of the foot. Tight shoes impede blood flow and in the cold season they do not warm the feet. Shoes, even a size larger, rub blisters, make it difficult to walk. In childhood, it is especially important to wear shoes that support the arch of the foot.

Warm boots, boots, you need to wear only on the street. Walking into a warm room, your feet will start to overheat and sweat. Do not wear other people's shoes to prevent infection with a fungal infection. Shoes should be disinfected periodically (you can wipe them with a 40% formalin solution).

Girls love to wear high heels. Such shoes make it difficult to move, require additional work not only of the muscles of the legs, but also of other muscles of the body, which causes overwork. Another disadvantage is a change in the correct position of the body and, most importantly, the spine. The foot is irreversibly deformed when wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time. In daily use, there should be shoes with a small heel from 3 to 5 cm high.
