How to calculate: how much should a child eat during one feeding when bottle-fed? Nutritional standards for infants from birth to one year with breastfeeding and artificial feeding.

A caring mother is concerned about everything that concerns her child. Especially his well-being. That is, the baby’s sleep, mood, thermal conditions, comfort, coziness and, of course, nutrition, which occupies a leading position in all this. The questions they ask themselves are similar: has the child eaten enough? Was the portion enough to satisfy him? How many times a day does a baby need to be fed for him to gain weight?

Breastfeeding and artificial feeding - basic rules

  • The consequences of force feeding are: development of neuroses . At this age, food is still poorly digested, and the child may vomit.
  • If the baby eats more than normal, but the weight remains within the prescribed limits, it means that the child simply has such a metabolism . Most likely, the baby is very active: he walks, moves, spends his energy - this is what the body requires compensation.
  • The main indicator when feeding is not the numbers on the scale, but health status . As for weight gain, it says a lot in the first days and weeks of a toddler’s life.
  • Don't worry beyond the norm for no reason. Let the baby eat how much can he eat . The main thing is that the food is healthy and age-appropriate.

Do you want to raise your child “by the book”? Then follow the doctors' recommendations. You should know that At different times of the day, the baby can eat different amounts of milk . If you have electronic scales at home, carry out control feedings and weighings. That is, weigh the little one before and after meals (clothes and diapers should be the same in both cases). The resulting difference in weight is the amount of milk consumed.

Dynamics of increase in food volume

  • Second day. The baby eats about 90 ml of food. That is, he consumes 10-30 ml per feeding.
  • Third day. The volume of milk consumed increases to 190 ml, in accordance with the baby’s “experience” and more intense lactation.
  • Fourth day. The volume of nutrition has already reached 300 ml, which is due to an increase in lactation and the improvement of the “sucking” skill.
  • Fifth day. Nutrition volume – about 350 ml.
  • Sixth day. The volume of food is about 400 ml and above.

Don't be surprised at the rate at which your milk intake increases—it's not an endless process. As soon as the amount of nutrition reaches the age level, this dynamics will slow down and already stop at its level. Further, the volumes of food eaten will remain stable. And they are calculated in accordance with the body weight of the baby.

  • From ten days to eight weeks. The amount of food per day is equal to 1/5 of the baby’s weight (about 750 ml).
  • From two to four months– about 900 ml (1/6 of body weight).
  • From four to six months– about 1000 ml (and 1/7 of body weight).
  • From six months to twelve months– about 1100 ml (1/8 of body weight).

The daily volume of food is divided by the number of feedings- this is how the amount of milk that the baby should eat at a time is calculated.

Newborn stomach volume

  • After birth - seven ml.
  • Fourth day - about forty ml.
  • Tenth day - about eighty ml.
  • Four weeks - about one hundred ml.

Calculation of infant nutrition in calories according to Maslov

One liter of mother's milk is known to contain about seven hundred kcal . The ratio of the amount of kcal required and the age of the baby:

  • For a baby up to three months – 125 kcal per kilogram of body weight.
  • From three to six months – 120 kcal/kg.
  • From six to nine months – 115 kcal/kg.
  • From nine to twelve months – 105 kcal/kg.

For example, if a baby weighs 5.8 kg at four and a half months, then he needs 120 kcal for each kg, or 696 kcal per day. That is, on average, about 994 ml of nutrition.

How to determine if a baby has enough milk?

The baby's sucking reflex is very pronounced in the first months. Because of this, mothers often overfeed their babies. The guideline in this case is weight gain:

  • If a toddler has gained weight in a week more than three hundred grams , which means he is overfed.
  • 150-200 grams per week - adequate increase.
  • Less than one hundred grams per week - a reason to worry. Most likely it's just a lack of milk. But it’s better to play it safe – the reasons may be more serious. It makes sense to consult a pediatrician.

Ways to increase lactation for full breastfeeding

  • Feed more often toddler in the daytime.
  • Drink more fluids . Especially water. More liquid means more milk.
  • In no case don't rush the child , but also stretch out feeding for at least twenty minutes.
  • Drink green tea, carrot juice and Laktovit collection.

Listed remedies for better lactation increases milk production for five days. Then you can forget about nutritional deficiency.

Dear nursing mothers, don’t you know that with the birth of a baby comes a hectic time when you don’t care about anything except the baby’s health. And the most important point is proper nutrition of the baby. How much should a baby eat at 1 month? How to feed a newborn correctly? Let's try to figure it out.

Active production of breast milk begins approximately on the 4th day after the birth of the baby, which is brought to the woman on the 2nd day after birth. And here the new mother begins to worry that her baby is eating very little. There's really no reason to worry. Here are objective facts that will help answer all questions:

  • in the first days after birth, the sucking reflex is still weak in the baby, so it takes a little more time to develop it;
  • colostrum is produced in the mammary glands - this substance contains a whole complex of nutrients necessary in the first days of life and very little of it is enough for the child to be full;
  • the volume of a newborn’s stomach is very small - only 10 ml, so the baby does not eat so much - 7-9 ml is enough for him to be completely full;
  • in the first days after birth, the baby eats 10-12 times a day, which means that he receives approximately 100 ml of milk per day.

Don't worry about your baby not eating enough - over time, milk production will begin to increase along with the baby's desire to eat more. To understand how much a baby should eat at 1 month, you should get acquainted with the norms of breast milk production.

Milk production in the first days after birth

How much a baby eats at 1 month depends on the weight the baby was born with and how it develops. The volume of a newborn's stomach increases every day.

In parallel with this, his daily nutritional need also increases. For example, already on the second day after birth, the baby can drink up to 20 ml per feeding. Accordingly, its daily dose is 200 ml.

With normal weight and development of the baby, you can calculate the required amount of breast milk. To do this, you need to multiply the number of days old by 10 - this is how you get the daily norm for a newborn.

How do you know if your baby has received the required amount of food? For this, the new mother will need scales. You should weigh the baby before and after feeding - the difference between the first and second indicators will show how much the baby ate during one feeding.

How and when is the best time to feed a baby?

Literally 10 days after birth, intensive production of breast milk begins. Now the daily norm will be approximately equal to a fifth of the newborn’s weight. Some women practice hourly feeding of the baby, others prefer to put the baby to the breast as needed. Which option is preferable is up to the mother to decide.

However, pediatricians are inclined to believe that it is still not worth force-feeding the baby. As a rule, a newborn child himself expresses a desire to have a snack.

This happens approximately 10-12 times a day with an interval of every 2 hours, respectively. The alarm should only be sounded when the number of feedings is very different from the norm.

The baby actively suckles at the breast for 15-20 minutes. It happens that the baby continues to move for more than half an hour. But this does not mean that the child does not get full - he just likes the process itself, and he tries to eat every last drop. You should not allow your baby to nurse for more than an hour.

Feeding standards for a child under 1 year of age

The table suggests approximate nutritional standards for infants. It should be remembered that each child is individual, so minor deviations from the norm are acceptable indicators.

Age Norm (ml) for one feeding Norm of milk (ml) drunk per day
3-4 days15-55 ml200ml
7 days45-75 ml400 ml
14 days55-85 ml20% of the newborn's weight
1 month95-105 ml600 ml
2 months115-145 ml800 ml
3 months145-175 ml1/6 of the child's weight
4 months170-210 ml1/6 of the child's weight
5-6 months200-230 ml1/6 of the child’s weight (approximately 750-950 ml)
From 7 to 12 months210-240 ml1/8 of the child's weight

Some babies may eat more, some may eat less. A baby's daily need for breast milk depends on many factors.

Artificial feeding

Having figured out how much milk a baby eats at 1 month, you should talk about how much a baby should eat while being bottle-fed.

For various reasons, natural feeding is impossible and the baby is forced to eat from a bottle. In this case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the rate of the artificial mixture. The following rules should be followed to calculate the daily nutritional intake:

  • a newborn should eat at least 8 times a day;
  • the one-time norm for a baby is equal to the amount of milk during natural feeding;
  • the main thing that a mother should remember is that the child should not be overfed; It is much easier for the baby to eat from the nipple, so he may drink more milk than he should.
  • When artificial feeding, it is easier to calculate the norm - there is a scale on the bottle with the corresponding marks.

Now it’s worth getting acquainted with the approximate feeding standards for a newborn baby.

By following the tactics of feeding on demand, the mother provides her baby with strong immunity and protection from diseases, the normal development of the child’s body and the formation of the functioning of all basic systems.

So, the baby is 1.5 months old. How much should a baby eat at this age? Pediatricians have come to the conclusion that children from 10 days to 1.5 months should eat approximately the same amount of formula per day that will be equal to 1/5 of the infant’s weight. From 1.5 to 4 months – 1/6 of the child’s weight. , you can read in one of the articles on our website.

Features of artificial feeding

Mommy should not worry if the baby does not eat his allotted amount at one time. You should only worry when the number of feedings decreases. If your baby requires food less than 8 times a day, you should contact your pediatrician.

Having found out how many ml a baby eats at 1 month, you can get acquainted with the characteristic signs of saturation of the baby. If the baby sleeps well, gains weight, and goes potty, he gets the required amount of food.

If the baby was unable to drink his allotted amount and began to cry, it is worth raising him upright - it is quite possible that the gas will prevent him from eating further.

Only if the baby often wakes up, begins to greedily suck the breast or pacifier, constantly cries and is in a restless state, should the amount of food be increased. Perhaps the baby just doesn't get enough to eat.


The Its Kids team told you about the main nuances of feeding a month-old baby. We are sure that many of you have something to add or require additional information. We invite you, friends, to dialogue in the comments and in our VK and FB groups.

Many mothers are nervous and wonder how many times a day a newborn should eat, and how often should he be fed? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously and draw up a general nutrition plan, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the baby’s sucking reflexes and the mother’s breast, as well as the presence of milk in it. However, let's figure out how to feed a child so that he grows up strong and healthy.

How many times a day should a newborn eat?

During the first couple of postpartum days, the mother secretes a special substance - colostrum. It is fattier and more nutritious than breast milk. Since the baby is born very fragile and with a poorly developed sucking reflex, and is just beginning to get acquainted with the outside world and food, there is no need to be afraid that in the first days he will eat only a few drops of his mother’s colostrum (about a teaspoon). In addition, the baby's stomach at the time of birth is from 7 to 10 ml and will not be able to accommodate more.

On the second day, the little one will eat a little more - 2-3 teaspoons of colostrum.

Already on the third day, the newborn will begin to develop rapidly, and he will need more milk (colostrum will go away). You need to feed him longer. The stomach will increase to 20-40 ml. In order for the baby to be satisfied, it is necessary to rely on approximately the same volume of breast milk.

Since the baby will grow with each subsequent day, the amount of milk consumed should also gradually increase. By two weeks, the child’s daily consumption should be approximately 500 grams of milk, with a single feeding 50-70 grams, and so on.

Over time, you will no longer have to increase the dose, the portions will form and by 6-7 months the child will eat approximately 800-1000 grams per day.

It is definitely difficult to answer the question of how many times a day a newborn should eat. The right thing to do is to feed him when he is hungry and keep him close to the breast until he has eaten. Typically, infants eat 10-12 times a day every 2-3 hours.

All data given is approximate. Each newborn baby eats differently - some eat more often and more densely, others less often and less. Therefore, you can set a clear schedule for your baby only through experience and observation.

How to tell if your baby has enough milk

Many parents are afraid that their newborn will be hungry. To understand whether he has enough milk, the mother needs to observe the baby’s behavior and his condition. If the child sleeps well, does not ask to eat more than he should, and gains weight, then everything is fine, and the child eats as much as he needs for growth and development. But if the baby behaves restlessly, or distrustful parents simply have doubts about the saturation of their child, then there is an easy way to check whether the baby has enough food or not. You need to purchase special scales for children and weigh the baby before and after he eats. The difference (plus or minus a few grams) will be the result of how much he ate. You can do it another way: express milk from the breast and put it in a bottle, so you can understand down to ml whether the little one has enough milk.

Excessive worries about the amount of milk your baby consumes are in vain, since he will take the required amount.

How many times a day should a newborn eat: features of the sucking instinct

The baby suckles at its mother's breast not only because it wants to eat, but also because of its special physiological need for sucking. The structure of the baby's mouth, cheeks and lips are designed in such a way that he can tightly grasp the mother's breast and suck on it, however, to strengthen them, it is necessary to constantly attach the baby to the breast so that in the future he does not suck his finger or fist. Due to the baby's need to suck, the feeding process can take up to an hour. In general, the approximate feeding time should be between 15 and 30 minutes. But you should not strictly count the feeding time. When the baby is full, he will let you know about it.

When feeding a newborn, it is important to ensure that he sucks the breast and does not chew or simply hold it in his mouth. During long-term feeding, if the baby begins to chew it, this means that he will soon fall asleep.

How many times a day should a newborn baby eat when bottle-fed?

A baby who is fed formula milk wants to eat about the same amount as a breastfed baby. Modern milk formulas for newborns contain elements close to, adapted to mother’s milk, which contribute to the development and full growth of the baby. But when feeding a child using this method, there is a risk of overeating. Therefore, if you do not monitor how many times a day a newborn baby should eat, he may develop bloating, digestive difficulties, and colic.

In order to choose the optimal amount of food for your baby, it is best to contact your pediatrician. After the examination, taking into account the physiological characteristics, height, weight of the child, he will advise how many times a day your newborn should eat.

Doctors usually say that it is better to underfeed a baby than to overfeed and then not sleep at night because of problems with his stomach.

In practice, there is a simple way to calculate the volume of feeding of an infant. It is necessary to multiply the number of days of the child from birth by 10 milliliters. The result is the amount of food consumed at one time (for example, on day 4, a child should eat 40 ml of formula at a time). But this is only the first 3 weeks.

Subsequently, up to 2 months, the calculation of the daily dose will be 1/5 of his body weight. For example, if your little one weighs 3500 kg, then the daily dose will be 3500/5 = 700 ml per day. And a one-time dose will be equal to: 700 ml divided by the number of doses (usually 6-7). Total approximately 100 ml per milk formula.

As the child grows, the amount of food consumed will also increase: at 2-4 months - 1/6, from 4 months to 1.6 years - 1/7, at 6-8 months - 1/8, 8-12 months - 1/ 9 based on body weight. To avoid overeating, the main thing is not to exceed the feeding volume of 1200 ml per day.

Unlike an infant, it is advisable to feed an artificial baby, following the following regimen: during the day - every 3 hours (a deviation of plus or minus half an hour is allowed), in the evening and at night, the break between feedings is 4-5 hours.

You can focus on the diet, but it is necessary to take into account the baby’s appetite, as well as the recommendations given by the pediatrician.

The key to a baby’s health is the cleanliness of the dishes from which he drinks. Therefore, do not forget to boil or sterilize bottles and nipples with a special apparatus.

More information on how many times a day newborn babies should eat

It is important for mothers not only to know how many times a day a newborn baby should eat, but also other nutritional features.

Belching. Every baby, starting from the first days of life, when he drinks milk, swallows air with it, which remains in the stomach and gives the child anxiety. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, a toddler has a good way: hold the baby in your arms, put his head on his shoulder and stroke his back. It is better to put a napkin on your shoulder first in case the baby suddenly burps. Not everyone can burp air right away. It helps: put the baby in the crib for a couple of minutes, and then pick him up again. After the baby has burped, you can continue feeding him.

Weight gain. Many parents worry that their baby is gaining weight much more slowly than other children. There is no need to worry about this. If the baby eats well, sleeps and is generally healthy, then a slow increase is nothing to worry about. However, it is better to play it safe and show the child to the pediatrician.

Toilet. When deciding how many times a day a newborn baby should eat, it is necessary to look at the number of diapers soiled by him. Do not forget that with proper feeding, the baby should have regular bowel movements (at least 3 times a day). And healthy children can write from 10 to 20 times a day.

The most important need of a baby after birth is his nutrition. All physical development and condition of a child depends on how correctly a child eats. So, moms, good luck feeding your little one!

Nutrition of a baby in the first year of life is an eternal topic, and it worries absolutely all mothers. And the heated debates happen in the first six months. Often inexperienced parents do not know how much a baby should eat at 1 month and are afraid to overfeed him or leave him hungry.

Babies who were born very large - more than 4500 grams - will need slightly more food than a baby with an average birth weight. And vice versa - if a child was born with low weight, and even more so, he will need less food than the average established figure for this age.

What are the nutritional standards?

Each child eats as much as he wants. Not only older children are divided into children with little teeth and children who eat well - all the origins come from infancy. But doctors have calculated how much a baby should eat at 1 month.

So, from birth to two months, a baby should receive 1/5 of his own body weight in liquid food. That is, a child weighing 5 kilograms per month is supposed to drink 1 liter of milk or formula. Of course, this is not a one-time requirement, but a daily requirement, which will need to be divided into the required number of meals.

How many times does a 1 month old baby eat?

Depending on the type of feeding, the number of feedings per day differs. Thus, children who receive formula should eat every three and a half hours during the day, and at night they have a break of 5-6 hours. That is, it will be about 7-8 times a day.

But infants who are fed on demand receive more ml of milk than bottle-fed infants. But this does not mean that you can feed such babies as much as you like; it is advisable to leave an interval between feedings of at least two and a half hours. During the day there are about 10-12 breastfeedings.

How long does a 1 month old baby have?

And again, it all depends on whether the baby is breastfed or bottle-fed. In the first case, the baby can spend 40 minutes at his mother’s side, while in the second option, the children drink the mixture in about 5-10 minutes.

How to determine how much a 1 month old baby eats in ml?

To begin with, we will need exact ones. The baby is laid out on them before feeding and immediately after, in the same clothes. This method is considered the most accurate. There is also an old method to check how much milk or formula a baby eats at 1 month. This is a wet diaper test, and during the day there should be at least 12 diapers. If there are fewer of them, then the baby clearly lacks nutrition.

Hello, dear parents! All mothers are concerned about the main question - does the newborn baby have enough food? At the same time, it is important to know exactly how much formula a newborn should eat at a time and per day, so as not to remain hungry. We will do these calculations today.

The amount of milk for a newborn at a time and per day depends on:

  • Type of feeding;
  • Condition of the child at birth (health, weight, height);
  • Individual characteristics of the child;
  • Time of day;
  • Age.

So, breastfed and bottle-fed babies eat different numbers of times per day, which means they eat different amounts of milk at a time. How many times should you feed your baby? It is recommended to feed an artificial baby about 8 times a day, since the break between feedings should be at least 3 hours. This is done so that the mixture has time to digest, and this requires more time than the digestion of breast milk.

A breastfeeding baby is fed on demand, that is, as many times as he wants, which is about 12 times a day. Therefore, how many grams are eaten per feeding depends on what you feed the baby.

With each week, and then month, the need for food increases. Starting from 3 months, a nursing mother produces an amount of milk that meets the needs of her baby. Milk is produced as much as the baby is used to eating at a time and per day:

2. Artificial feeding

If the mother was unable to establish lactation in the first month, little or no breast milk may be produced. At the moment, there is a large selection of artificial formulas for newborns, the composition of which is as close as possible to the composition of mother's milk. It is up to the pediatrician to decide which formula to choose. Having selected the appropriate mixture, you need to figure out the dosage.

How long should a newborn eat? The duration of feeding varies depending on the age of the child. In the first days, babies eat very little, gradually increasing the amount of milk and, accordingly, the duration of feeding. The main thing is that the baby eats the entire portion at one time. This ensures that the mixture does not spoil and the baby receives the entire portion that is allotted to him at one feeding.

The number of feedings decreases with the age of the baby, because from 5 months he will begin to receive complementary foods.

3. How much formula should a baby eat at a time and per day?

When feeding your child with artificial formula, you yourself determine how much he will eat, so you need to correctly calculate the dosage. Each child is individual, so the portion that is established by WHO or eaten by the neighbor’s kid may not be suitable for yours. How to determine a single serving? If your pediatrician hasn't told you about this, you can calculate the dosage using known formulas.

The formulas take into account the weight and age of the child, so the result will be more accurate than the average according to the table.

3.1. Formulas for calculating the daily portion of formula for newborns in the first 10 days of life

  • For babies whose birth weight is below normal, that is less than 3200 g:

Daily value = Age in days * 70

  • For babies weighing at birth more than 3200 g:

Daily value = Age in days * 80

3.2. Formula for calculating a single portion of formula for newborns in the first 10 days of life

One-time rate = Age in days*10

For example, a child is 7 days old, he was born weighing 4000 g, the calculation will be as follows:

  • Daily norm: 7*80 = 560 ml
  • Single dose: 7*10 = 70 ml

Or divide the daily intake by the number of feedings per day, and you will get how much the baby should eat in one feeding.

3.3. Calculation of the daily intake of formula for children from 10 days to one year

  • Up to 6 weeks: Daily value = weight (g) / 5
  • 6 weeks – 4 months: Daily value = weight (g) / 6
  • 4-6 months: Daily value = weight (g) / 7
  • 6-8 months: Daily value = weight (g) / 8
  • 8-12 months: Daily value = weight (g) / 9

3.4. Calculation of a single dose of formula for children from 10 days to a year

One-time rate = daily rate / number of feedings per day

For example, if your baby is 2.5 months old, weighs 4500 g and you feed him 8 times a day, calculate as follows:

  • Daily rate: 4500 / 6 = 750 ml
  • Single dose: 750 / 8 = 93 ml:

All calculations are simple, you will quickly figure it out. Remember that having determined the daily and single dosage of the formula for the baby initially, you can adjust them, depending on how much the baby gains per month. If weight gain is stable, the dosage is correct. If your baby is underweight or gaining excess weight, consult your pediatrician to review the dosage or choose a different formula.

Weight gain in children under one year of age is described in the table:

Also find out how much formula should be given to a newborn. from this video:

Good luck with feeding your babies properly! Don't forget to subscribe to our updates. See you later!
