How to make liquid laundry soap. DIY laundry gel recipes

How to make your own laundry detergent?

An excellent laundry detergent is washing gel cooked at home. Liquid washing gel is prepared very simply - from ordinary soap, water, borax and soda. In terms of cleansing qualities, the product can compete with the most expensive laundry detergent, but unlike industrial detergent, home laundry detergent is not a dangerous pesticide and is cheaper.
If you like washing with powder, then we recommend preparing

Do-it-yourself washing gel - recipe

  • Water - 18 cups

  • Grated soap (you can use either store-bought or collected remnants) - 1 cup

  • Borax 1 cup

  • Washing soda or baking soda 1 cup

We will also need:

A container for making soap, a saucepan for a bath, a spoon, a resealable storage container, it is most convenient to use plastic bottles.

Description of the ingredients of the washing gel

Bura- sodium salt of boric acid, a natural mineral, is added to give bleaching properties to the washing gel, you can buy it in the online store.

Washing soda- soda ash (sodium carbonate) Na2CO3, you can buy in hardware stores (if you're lucky) or on the Internet. It is significantly "stronger" than regular baking soda. But you can take baking soda in the absence of washing soda, increasing its amount by 3-5 times, but the effect will still be a little weaker. Washing soda also performs an important function in washing gel - it dissolves fats and turns them into water-soluble substances, softens water, eliminates odors, and bleaches.

How to make washing gel

1. Boil 2 cups of water, then add grated soap (preferably on a fine grater, it will melt faster) and stir the mixture in a bath or low heat until completely dissolved and turned into a homogeneous mass.

2. Add borax, soda and stir until dissolved.

3. Pour in the remaining liquid (you can use the recipe for 16 cups or at your discretion to the desired consistency) and cover with a lid.

4. Leave to mature for 24 hours before use. The consistency will be quite thick.

5. Pour the washing gel into bottles or leave it in a container with a lid. Before washing, it is better to mix the soap in a container or shake the bottle, use a quarter of a cup for washing.

You can add 5-7 drops of essential oil after cooling the laundry soap and you will get a pleasant fragrance that will remain on the clothes.

The second DIY laundry gel recipe
  • water 1 liter,

  • soap shavings 50 grams,

  • soda ash 45 grams,

  • essential oil as desired.

Method for preparing washing gel according to recipe No. 2

1. Pour soap shavings into boiling water, dissolve thoroughly, stirring

2. Add soda, mix thoroughly again until completely dissolved (if it is poorly dissolved, then white stripes may appear on colored or dark linen).

3. After adding soda, the liquid will begin to gel and become pearlescent.

4. When washing gel cool, you can add essential oil. For a whitening effect, add a few drops of blue ink to your laundry detergent, they will optically enhance the whiteness.

5. Pour the gel into a bottle or canister.

How to use washing gel

For washing, pour 1/4 cup of gel for medium soiled laundry and half a cup for very dirty laundry, you can pour it directly into the washing machine.

Washes such a gel no worse than Ariel and other powders, linen after washing is soft even without using an air conditioner. The only drawback is that it does not contain optical brighteners like in powders, so white linen will not look crystal white.

For particularly delicate items, add vinegar or hydrogen peroxide for white items to the rinse compartment. This is an excellent gel for washing children's things, for allergy sufferers, but there is nothing to say about savings.

Washing powders and gels are something without which it is impossible to imagine everyday cleaning or washing. Many modern products contain surfactants (surfactants) and phosphates (salts and esters of phosphoric acids), which, although they are excellent helpers for washing, remain in the fabric with poor rinsing and often provoke allergic reactions, human skin diseases. The desire to reduce the use of all kinds of chemicals in everyday life makes us look for alternative products that contain natural ingredients. To minimize the risk and contact with harmful substances, you can make your own laundry gel at home.

One of the simplest and most common detergent recipes is laundry soap laundry detergent. It's easy to prepare and, with the addition of an essential oil of your choice, can have a unique formula that only you will know.

It is worth noting some points, knowing which you can decide in favor of making the product at home or, conversely, abandon this process:

  1. The desired effect is achieved if the washing temperature is 40 degrees and above. Not all things can be washed at the specified temperature;
  2. Suitable for cotton linen, bed, towels;
  3. Frequent use of the tool will lead to rapid wear of things. This is caused by the use of soda ash, it has pronounced alkaline properties and acts negatively on the material;
  4. Colored laundry may fade;
  5. Should refrain from using for products made of silk and wool;
  6. If you wash by hand, wear rubber gloves, otherwise dry skin cannot be avoided.

We have to:

  • a pan in which it is no longer planned to cook food;
  • ordinary laundry soap 50 grams;
  • soda ash about 100 grams;
  • water 1 l.;


  • green tea brewing (preferably tea bags) - 50 ml (2 bags);
  • essential oil - a couple of drops.

How to make washing gel:

  1. Grind the soap, it is better to use a grater.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Place the crushed laundry soap in water, stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour in baking soda, stir to dissolve completely. It is good mixing that will allow you to prepare a quality product. If this is not done, then it will leave white marks on the laundry. If foam forms, collect and remove it.
  1. Add tea broth, stir.
  2. Turn off the fire. As it cools, the gel will thicken.
  3. Add the essential oil after the mass has completely cooled, mix. The oil can be any, depending on which flavor you prefer.
  4. Pour into a bowl or box. It is better to store the finished product in a warm and dry place.

You can start!

Use Laundry Soap Gel

The homemade washing gel is suitable for both hand washing and machine washing. When using in a washing machine, add the gel directly to the drum to avoid residue sticking in the tray. The dosage depends on the degree of soiling of things and the hardness of the water. As a rule, one tablespoon of the product is enough for two kilograms of things. For more severe pollution, you need to add half a spoon or an extra spoon of the product. Over time, you will be able to adjust the amount of gel for each wash, depending on the amount of laundry and how soiled it is.

Instead of the usual conditioner, you can use table vinegar. It removes soap residue. What's more, the vinegar will keep your laundry fresh and soft. Add it, about a quarter cup, during the rinse phase.

Unconditional pluses

  • Do-it-yourself washing gel is easy to prepare. You can prepare the product at once, or you can increase the volume by simply doubling the ingredients;
  • does not have a strong odor;
  • suitable for people suffering from allergic diseases;
  • low cost of the product;
  • applicable for washing dishes and floors.

How to make washing gel even more effective

  • depending on the choice of essential oil, the aroma of the gel can become diverse and acquire new properties. For example, when adding tea tree oil, the gel will have antibacterial properties. It is not uncommon to use lavender or eucalyptus oil for fragrance. But the absolute favorites are orange and rose oils;
  • Add a few drops of blue for bleaching;
  • One teaspoon of salt will help not to lose the color of the laundry, just add to the finished product. Do not forget to rinse the laundry again to avoid white marks;
  • softness of linen can be added to the gel before washing one teaspoon of citric acid.

Reviews on the use of the gel can be found very diverse. Someone immediately follows all the recommendations, the necessary proportions and receives an assistant in household chores. Some housewives overlook the sequence of cooking steps, and the home remedy does not cope with dirty stains. Do an experiment, make your own laundry gel. It will take some time, but the question of its effectiveness and the decision whether or not to use a homemade laundry detergent will be closed once and for all.

Actually, there is no shortage of washing powders and all kinds of liquid laundry detergents - there is a rich choice in stores. If, for some reason, you don’t want to use any of the products offered, then you can make a washing gel with your own hands. It is done quickly and simply, and from the components you will need laundry soap and soda ash (not to be confused with food).

It is worth noting that for the preparation of this gel it will be necessary to take dishes that are not used for cooking.
For 100 grams of laundry soap, you need to take the same amount of soda and a couple of liters of water.
So, first you need to rub the soap on a grater and pour it with some water.

Then put it on the stove at low heat or use a blender (so that the soap dissolves faster in water). When the soap dissolves, add the remaining water and mix well.

Then pour soda ash and stir well until completely dissolved (so that later there are no white spots on dark clothes from undissolved soda). The liquid will immediately thicken.

After adding soda, for its better dissolution, the soap can be kept on fire for a couple of minutes with constant stirring. You can go the other way - dissolve the soda in part of the water, and then pour the resulting solution into the soap. Here, whoever likes it more. When all the components are connected, the do-it-yourself washing gel is almost ready.
It may look like this (laundry soap was used from scratch):

Or, for example, like this (used ordinary laundry soap from the store):

Now it will need to be covered with a lid and left for a day. Then pour into a container convenient for use and use. It should be borne in mind that when the washing gel is hot, it will also be more liquid, and when it cools it will thicken, so do not cut back on the water, otherwise it may turn out to be jelly. Although, if this happens, then everything can be easily fixed by adding the required amount of water and heating.
Such a do-it-yourself washing gel is much cheaper than store-bought counterparts, easy to manufacture and effective to use. It will be especially appreciated by people who do not like synthetic and very strong fragrances of washing powders and gels. And for easy aromatization of such a self-prepared laundry gel, you can use a few drops of essential oil, chosen to your taste.

Despite the variety and relative availability of detergents, modern housewives increasingly prefer to create their own home counterparts.
Today, many have learned how to make their own laundry gel to combat various stubborn stains, and even mildew on linen!
It is quite simple to prepare an effective remedy; most often, crumbs of household, children's or antibacterial soap are used to create the base.
In this post, we will share recipes for making safe and easy laundry detergents on your own.

To get the maximum effect from a homemade product, you must first soak the laundry. The gel itself is best loaded directly into the drum, otherwise a significant amount of thick composition will remain on the walls of the tray. On average, for two kilograms of laundry, you need to take a tablespoon of the product.

Intense Soap and Soda Ash Gel:

This tool actively fights stains, does not settle between the fibers and does not leave streaks after rinsing. It can be safely used for washing products made of any materials, except for natural wool and silk. Not suitable for very delicate fabrics.

To make an effective gel with your own hands, you must follow these steps:

  • For 200 g of soap you will need the same amount of soda ash and about 2.5 liters. water. Soap can be anything, but the gel based on household soap has the maximum cleansing property.
  • To prepare the product, you will need a medium-sized container in which you can cook on the stove. It is worth considering that after such operation, the dishes can no longer be used for cooking.
  • We rub a bar of soap on the smallest grater, pour 1.5 liters. water, mix and put on medium heat. We heat the mass, stirring constantly, reduce the heat to a minimum, the product should not boil.
  • When the soap is completely dissolved and the mass becomes homogeneous, add another 1 liter. water, stir and add soda. After adding this component, we continue to stir the mass, preventing the formation of foam. The soda must be completely dissolved, otherwise white stains will appear on the products.
  • Remove the finished mixture from the stove and cool at room temperature. We give the mass a day to settle, after which we pour it into suitable containers with a wide neck. If already in the process of cooling the mass is too thick, then it is allowed to introduce an additional portion of water and reheat the product. In the end, the product should become similar to medium-fat sour cream.

Homemade soap gel with borax and soda, which has disinfectant properties:

Such a tool not only qualitatively copes with pollution, but also eliminates such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold. Thanks to the combination of laundry soap and borax, a pronounced disinfecting effect is achieved. If desired, essential oils can be added to the listed products. This step will allow you to get a fragrant composition, the pleasant smell of which will remain on things even after rinsing.

  • For 5 l. water you need to take 300 g of household, tar or antibacterial soap, baking soda and dry borax.
  • Rub the soap on a fine grater. Pour 0.5 liters into the pan. water and add soap. We put the composition on fire, slowly heat up, stirring constantly.
  • It is strictly forbidden to pour soap into boiling water!
  • After the product becomes homogeneous, slowly add the remaining components, without ceasing to stir the composition. Lastly, add the remaining water in a thin stream.
  • Then the mass is heated again, but not to hot, but to a warm state. We clean the finished gel in a dry place for a day and only after that we pour it into prepared containers.

The resulting product is much milder than the previous one, so its amount for one wash can be increased to three tablespoons. It is not recommended to replace technical baking soda, the mass will turn out to be too aggressive. This composition has practically no effect on the condition of the fibers and can be used to process things, including delicate ones, on a regular basis.

Vinegar-based homemade fabric softener:

Many housewives use fabric softeners so that it smells good after washing and the fabric becomes softer. But even here it is quite possible to do without industrial products and prepare an air conditioner based on more natural and safe components.

The procedure is very simple and does not even involve cooking or heating:

You will need two glasses of white vinegar, baking soda and water, a few drops of essential oil without a strong odor.

First, dissolve soda in water, pouring the powder in a thin stream. After dissolving, pour in the vinegar, without ceasing to interfere with the composition.

  • It is strictly forbidden to change the sequence of introduction of components, this can lead to violent chemical reactions!
  • Tip: For the preparation of the conditioner, it is recommended to take a large container, because. the process of mixing drugs will be accompanied by the release of a significant amount of foam.

When all the “violent” reactions are over, add no more than 10 drops of essential oil to the workpiece, after which we carefully shake the resulting conditioner.

The liquid composition is poured into plastic or glass bottles. You need to store a homemade air conditioner in a dry and warm place, otherwise the mass may thicken.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade gels:

All detergent compositions contain surfactants (Surfactants (Surfactants) - these are, as a rule, chemicals that are contained in any cleaning agent, even ordinary soap. It is thanks to surfactants that the cleaning agent cleans, it is they who are responsible for the quality of dirt removal ). These components, contained in ready-made mixtures of industrial production, are so aggressive that they wash off a thin protective layer (hydrolipid barrier of the skin) from hands during hand washing. The composition of washing powders often includes phosphates - products that remove very stubborn stains, but at the same time negatively affect the condition of the skin, immunity and nervous system of a person.

To save yourself from the harmful effects of aggressive chemical elements, home-made detergents are made.

Do not forget that home-made compositions are low cost, easy to prepare and do not emit sharp unpleasant odors. The components used to create such products have already been tested by housewives many times and are absolutely safe for humans, provided that the recipe is followed.

Before you prepare a washing gel with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the application:

  • Homemade composition based on soap does not dissolve well in cold water.
  • The temperature of the liquid during washing should be at least 40ºС.
  • Soda ash is more effective, but leads to tarnishing of the color of products.
  • To process bright things, it is recommended to prepare gels based on baking soda, however, the quality of the result will decrease slightly.
  • Frequent use of a technical soda-based gel can cause rapid wear of things, so this product should be added only if there is strong contamination.

Modern household chemicals often contain components harmful to the human body. Therefore, a do-it-yourself prepared washing gel seems to be a lifeline in a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdanger, because in this case you will know exactly each constituent substance, and not rely on the honesty of the manufacturer.

Craftsmen not only learned how to make an effective washing gel that copes with even the most difficult stains, but also developed a simple recipe for a homemade conditioner rinse. These products are absolutely safe for human skin, subject to precautions. They also have a positive effect on fabrics and the washing machine. But about all this in order.

Benefits of homemade laundry detergents

You don't have to be a great chemist to figure out the difference between industrial detergents and homemade ones:

  • Almost all store-bought laundry detergents contain surfactants. They, in fact, are responsible for the quality of washing. These components break the bond between fabric fibers and dirt. But they are also very poorly rinsed out of clothes and harm the human body, getting into it through the pores of the skin. Homemade laundry detergent made from laundry soap usually does not carry this risk.
  • Industrial powders and liquid detergents often contain phosphates or phosphate compounds. They soften the water and help wash the most difficult stains. At the same time, these components are very dangerous for human health, as they destroy his immune system. Phosphates are not added to homemade products.
  • The prepared do-it-yourself washing gel for an automatic machine is also suitable for hand washing. Industrial products, due to the different amounts of foaming substances in the composition, should be used for the recommended purpose.
  • Soap-based household detergents effectively cope with soiling on fabrics not only at high temperatures, but also at fairly low temperatures.
  • Homemade preparations do not emit sharp unpleasant odors.
  • All components that make up the prepared laundry gel at home are absolutely harmless to humans, subject to prescription doses.
  • The cost of homemade laundry detergent is much lower than any store.
  • Preparing a detergent at home is not difficult. All do-it-yourself laundry gel recipes are very simple and quick to complete.

Disadvantages of prepared do-it-yourself washing gels:

  • A homemade product based on soap does not dissolve well in cold water. Therefore, the water must have at least 40 degrees for the full effect of the gel.

Important! If things need to be washed in cold water (less than 40 degrees), then the gel is pre-dissolved in warm water and poured into the drum of the machine.

  • , which is part of homemade washing gel, although it is highly effective, it leads to fading of colors on clothes. Therefore, for washing things of bright colors, it is recommended to use baking soda instead of this component. This will significantly reduce the washing result, but save the colors.

Important! This technique is relevant for lightly soiled things that should just be refreshed. If you need to remove serious stains, then baking soda is unlikely to cope with this.

  • If you often use a washing gel made from laundry soap and soda ash, then things will quickly wear out, lose their shape and original appearance. Therefore, a product with technical soda should be added when washing only heavily soiled laundry.

Important! If you add a teaspoon of fine salt to the do-it-yourself washing gel before loading it into the washing machine, then the chances of retaining bright colors on clothes will increase significantly.

Washing gel made from laundry soap and soda ash

Soda ash and laundry soap have been used to clean clothes for a long time - both individually and in combination. The gel of these components effectively fights dirt, does not settle between the fibers of the fabric and does not leave streaks after rinsing. Such a tool can be safely used to wash all fabrics, with the exception of wool and silk.

Important! To get the maximum effect from a home-made product, you should first soak the laundry in it.

To prepare a washing gel from laundry soap and soda ash, you should perform the following manipulations:

  1. For a bar of laundry soap weighing 200 g, take the same amount of soda ash and approximately 2.5 liters of water.

Important! Soap for the preparation of the gel, you can take any. But the most effective will still be economic.

  1. Prepare a bowl in advance in which you can cook the gel. It is worth considering the fact that it will no longer be possible to cook food in it after that.
  2. It is necessary to grate a bar of soap on the smallest grater and pour 1.5 liters of water. After mixing thoroughly, put the bowl with the mixture on a medium fire. You should constantly stir the solution and at the same time make sure that it does not boil.
  3. When the soap is completely dissolved and the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to add 1 liter of water and soda. Stir constantly until the soda is completely dissolved.

Important! If the soda does not completely dissolve, then after washing, white stains may appear on the clothes.

  1. After the mass has acquired a uniform consistency, remove the dishes with it from the stove and leave to cool naturally.
  2. Do-it-yourself washing gel should stand for a day, after which it should be poured into a jar with a tight lid.

Important! If the finished gel has become too thick, it is allowed to add water and reheat the product. The finished product should have the consistency of medium-fat sour cream.

  1. The optimal dose of gel for washing 2 kg of laundry is a tablespoon of the product.

Important! It is best to load the gel directly into the drum of the washing machine to avoid wasting the product on the walls of the tray.

How to make washing gel from laundry soap, soda and borax?

Such a laundry detergent effectively copes with difficult stains and even eliminates mold on clothes. The combination of borax and laundry soap has a disinfecting and disinfecting effect.

Important! To give the gel a pleasant aroma, you can add a few drops of essential oil to its composition. Light aroma will be inherent in clean linen even after thorough rinsing.

To make such a washing gel with your own hands, follow these instructions:

  1. To prepare liquid soap for washing with your own hands, you will need 5 liters of water, 300 g of tar, antibacterial or laundry soap, 300 g of baking soda and 300 g of dry borax.
  1. Rub the soap on a fine grater. Stir it with 0.5 liters of water and put on low heat. Stir the mixture constantly until the soap is completely dissolved.

Important! Soap cannot be poured with boiling water.

  1. After dissolving the soap, carefully pour in the remaining components. Add water last, pouring it in a thin stream.
  2. Heat the entire composition again until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Important! Do not heat the gel to a hot state.

  1. Leave the finished washing gel with your own hands to stand for a day, then pour it into prepared containers with a wide neck.

Important! To wash bedding, towels, or whites, add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide during washing. It will serve as a kind of bleach for fabrics.

  1. The optimal dose of this prepared laundry gel at home is 3 tablespoons per wash cycle.

This gel acts much softer than the previous one. It practically does not affect the condition of the fibers of the material, so it can be used for regular washing of items made of delicate fabrics.

How to make fabric softener at home?

Washing gel made from laundry soap does an excellent job of washing clothes, but it does not contain components that would soften the fabric. Is it possible to do without industrial conditioners in this case? Making your own fabric softener is not difficult. To do this, you do not even need to heat or cook anything:

  1. For a homemade conditioner, you will need two cups of vinegar, the same amount of water and baking soda. A few drops of essential oil can be added to give the product and clean linen a fragrance.

Important! Take a large vessel for preparing the conditioner, since the process of mixing the constituent components will be accompanied by the release of a large amount of foam.

  1. Pour baking soda into the water in a thin stream. When the soda is completely dissolved, constantly stirring the liquid, add vinegar to it.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to change the sequence of introducing the constituent components, as this can lead to a rather violent chemical reaction.

  1. When all reactions have stopped, add the essential oil to the mixture. Shake the resulting liquid thoroughly.

Important! Do not overdo it with the amount of essential oil so that the clothes do not have a cloying, but a pleasant aroma. To do this, use no more than 10 drops per specified volume of other ingredients.

  1. Pour the liquid into bottles with a tight-fitting lid.
  2. Store your home air conditioner in a warm, dry place. Failure to follow these recommendations may lead to thickening of the product.

Important! Ready conditioner can be used both for machine washing and for hand washing. It is worth adding it while rinsing things in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons.

Advantages of a home air conditioner for things:

This product, like almost everything cooked with your own hands, has many advantages:

  • Using only safe components in the process of its preparation.
  • Suitable for any type of wash.
  • The composition of the softener helps to remove soap residue from the fibers of the fabric.
  • The air conditioner helps to remove static electricity from the matter.
  • Makes things softer and more pleasant to the touch.
  • In the case of using essential oil in the process of preparing the conditioner, clothes take on a pleasant and delicate aroma.

Important! A home-made air conditioner, like a store-bought one, helps soften fabrics, but not always the water itself, in which washing takes place. And this is also an important factor, especially when using a washing machine, dishwasher, and in general, in principle, for human health. Therefore, read also about what are the best water filters in the apartment.

Experts agree that home-made detergents are suitable for absolutely all family members, including children of different ages and people, even those with asthma and allergies. The use of such products is not accompanied by dust, as the use of industrial washing powders, reduces the need for a person to come into contact with harmful chemicals in general. In addition, these funds significantly save the family budget, since all components are inexpensive, and the consumption of detergents is minimal.
