Class hour “Behavior in public places. Class hour on the topic: "Culture of behavior in public places"

Purpose: to familiarize students with the rules of conduct in public places;

learn the rules of etiquette.

The culture of human behavior is an external expression of his spiritual wealth, the ability to communicate with people. The rules governing human behavior in society have been created over many centuries. They arose in connection with the need to streamline the communication of people, to make it more organized, pleasant and beautiful.
Often, a person's upbringing is judged only by his manners. But not only the external attributes of good breeding distinguish a cultured person.

School rules.

School discipline is maintained on the basis of respect for the human dignity of students, teachers and other school employees. Students are required to comply with the Charter of the school, study conscientiously, treat property with care, respect the honor and dignity of other students and school employees, and comply with the internal regulations:

    Follow the class schedule, do not be late and do not miss classes without a good reason. At the entrance to the school, students greet the administrator on duty, teacher, comrades, wipe their feet, undress on their own in designated places in the locker room, students store change of shoes in special bags in the locker room along with outerwear. Keep the school and school yard clean. Take care of the school building, equipment, property. Save energy and water. Carefully treat the results of the work of other people and provide all possible assistance in cleaning school premises. Keep order and cleanliness in the locker room, toilet. Take an active part in the collective creative affairs of the class and school. The student is obliged to come to school neatly (cleanly, neatly) dressed, is obliged to have and change clothes at school with changeable shoes. Outdoor and outdoor shoes must be clean. A student at school must be neatly combed, have a clean handkerchief, comb. The student must monitor the cleanliness of the body, hands, teeth, nose, it is not allowed to utter swear and obscene words and expressions. When speaking with elders, the student should stand up. You can't keep your hands in your pockets.

Rules of conduct on the street.

On the street, you must follow the generally accepted rules of conduct. Every time you leave the house, take a look at yourself - do you need to clean your clothes, shoes. No matter how we hurry, we don’t fly, pushing the crowd, but we don’t trudge, barely, forcing passers-by to bypass us. An educated person behaves on the street in such a way as to attract the attention of passers-by less: he does not speak loudly and does not laugh, avoids misunderstandings, and does not enter into a random skirmish. A disgusting habit of spitting, throwing seed husks and other rubbish on the sidewalk.

Pedestrians should avoid moving against the general flow whenever possible. Give way to an oncoming passerby and bypass him on the right side. If you notice that someone is in a hurry, step aside. Even in a very crowded place, they do not push, but ask permission to pass. If the road is narrow and bad, then, if necessary, the man steps off the sidewalk onto the pavement. In narrow, cramped passages, as well as at stairs and doors, one should wait until those who are rightfully supposed to go first have passed.

An open umbrella is carried over the head so that water does not flow onto passers-by. When meeting with other pedestrians, the umbrella is raised or tilted to the side.

Having met a friend and talking to him, do not stand in the middle of the sidewalk, step aside so as not to disturb other passers-by.

When entering public transport, give way to people with health problems, children, the elderly and women. Help them if necessary. If one door is used for entry and exit, then people are first allowed to leave.

In transport, do not stop at the door, but go ahead, freeing up space for other passengers. You can not fall apart on the seat and occupy it completely if it is designed for two. Bags on the seat can only be placed if no one is standing and there are empty seats. If there are no free places, then they give up their place to the elderly, sick, pregnant women, people with small children.

Do not eat or smoke in public transport. Do not enter with ice cream in hand. It does not shake snow or raindrops from clothes. Travel tickets and trash are not thrown on the floor. When sneezing and coughing, they use a handkerchief. They don’t tidy their appearance, they don’t clean their nails, they don’t pick their teeth. Parents should ensure that children do not soil the seats and clothes of other passengers with their feet.
We try to stand steadily, not particularly leaning on other passengers when pushing or turning. Holding on to the handrails, we make sure that our elbows do not touch our neighbor, that our hand does not loom in front of his face. If we see that our progress towards the exit will hamper someone, we ask permission to pass, we inquire if the person is getting off at such and such a stop. If we get an answer that comes out, we stop and calmly wait.

Rules of conduct in the store.

We go shopping every day. Compliance with mutual courtesy here is a guarantee of order and good relations between sellers and buyers.
Who must give way at the door of the store? Incoming. He makes it possible to leave the room, and then only enters himself, of course, while holding the door so as not to hurt the people following him. Address the seller politely, do not interrupt his conversation with a previous buyer.

If you came to the store to see if the right goods were on sale, and you carried the right money with you, it is not worth trying on things that you are not going to buy. It is better to ask the seller about everything that interests you, and not force him to do meaningless work, and do not waste time yourself.
If you wanted to buy something, but could not find anything suitable, do not hesitate to tell the seller about it and thank him for his attention.

It is rude to try to get something without a queue. Such attempts will inevitably meet the just indignation of others.

Rules of conduct in the theater, at a concert, in a museum and at an exhibition.

When visiting a theater or a concert, try not to make noise, do not occupy both armrests of the seats, do not lean your hands or feet on the chairs in front. It is best not to be late for a performance, concert, but if this happens, go to the balcony or sit in the nearest free seat. You will find your place in the break. Programs and binoculars are held on their knees. It is indecent to look at others through binoculars during the intermission. It is not allowed to talk (even in a whisper) during a session, cinema or theatrical performance, all the more so it is impossible to comment loudly on what is happening on stage. If you don’t like a performance or a movie, sit silently, and at the right moment (during a break between scenes, exits of artists) leave the hall. In the cinema hall, men and women take off their high hats so as not to interfere with the spectators sitting behind them to see the screen. Avoid rolling around in your chair, coughing or sneezing. If you are sick, for example, with the flu, it is strictly forbidden to visit public places.

Observe certain rules of behavior in museums and exhibitions. When moving around the hall, try not to interfere with others to concentrate their attention and enjoy the works of art. To do this, do not get too close to other visitors, do not block the paintings with your back, do not talk loudly. And of course, you can not touch the exhibits with your hands. In order not to dispel the impression, it is useful to inspect only those exhibits that are of interest to you. It makes no sense to quickly run through all the halls without highlighting individual paintings by some artist.
If you are visiting the halls accompanied by a guide, then listen to his explanations in silence, without moving too close to him so as not to disturb the others. If you have any questions, ask them after the story is over or during a pause. It is indecent to talk to neighbors during the tour.

At the heart of all good manners is the concern that the person does not interfere with the person, so that everyone feels good together. We must be able not to interfere with each other. It is necessary to educate in oneself not so much manners as what is expressed in manners, a careful attitude to the world, to society, to nature, to one's past.
No need to memorize hundreds of rules, but remember one thing - the need for a respectful attitude towards others.

Murtazina Venera Mustafovna,

primary school teacher

MAOU "Bazarno-Matakskaya Secondary School"

Alkeyevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Rules of conduct in public places

Purpose: to talk about the rules of conduct in public places; fostering a culture of behavior in public places.Equipment: student handouts Class time course:
    Introduction by the teacher.
- Guys, you often go where there are a lot of strangers. Such places are called public. Name these places.(This is a cinema, theater, street, hospital, school, museum, public transport.)- Do you think there are certain rules of conduct in such public places?Children's statements are heard.The motto of our lesson today will be the poems of S. Oboevoy.

I'm walking through the city

I won't get into trouble

Because I know for sure

I follow the rules.

What kind of rules are these?

Very, in general, simple.

Life will be great with them.

Fun and safe!

What are these rules? Did you know?
    Practical part
(Children act out these stories.) On the street
    Several schoolchildren are walking around the classroom, pretending to be passers-by. Kolya enters the door. He happily turns to his friend.
Kolya: Misha, great!Misha: Hello!Kolya: Do you know if there will be classes in the circle today? And then Petka told me - yes, but Vitka says - no. Passers-by go past the stopped guys, bypassing them along the pavement, separated from the sidewalk by a chalk line. Friends are clearly in the way. Misha: Come on, Kolya, let's step aside. We interfere.They leave, continuing the conversation. Now passers-by walk freely on the sidewalk.(Discussion of the plot). In class
    There are four girls in the class. They walk arm in arm, talk merrily, laugh out loud. Again, the sidewalk is busy and passers-by again have to bypass the guys.
Under the guidance of the teacher, the schoolchildren analyze the scene, and in conclusion he reminds them: “If you are walking with friends, do not occupy the entire sidewalk; met a friend and stopped to talk to him, step aside. It is necessary to call each other politely: Kolya, Vitya. Tell me how to get through
    There is a group of kids in the class. They play ball, jump rope. Enter Zoya.
Teacher: Zoya doesn't know how to find the right address. She asks one, another schoolboy.Zoya: (addressing the ball players) Please tell me how to get to Svoboda Street?Olya: (without turning around) I don't know.Vasya: (waved his hand in an indefinite direction). Go there.Zoya: (after standing, he approaches those jumping rope). Tell me, please, how to get to Svoboda Street?Guys: (in chorus). Left. First across the bridge, then right. No. No need to cross the bridge! Near the tram stop! Zoya is upset and, shrugging her shoulders in bewilderment, leaves. Everyone again went about their business and after a while they also run away.Teacher: Each of you knows how unpleasant it is when a polite question is answered carelessly, indifferently, stupidly. (Discussion of this dramatization),Fizminutka. Introduction to notes. On the streetYou must go out into the street in a clean and neatly dressed.It is indecent to talk loudly on the street, shout, whistle, drawing the attention of passers-by.If you're walking with comrades, don't occupy the entire sidewalk! If you meet a friend on the street and stop to talk to him, step aside.If you were asked for an address, a road, you should answer sensibly, calmly and politely.walk down the street without slouching, be fit, don't keep your hands in your pockets.Go out for a walk only during those hours that are set by the daily routine. Do not flirt in the yard, do not forget that you need to do your homework, help with the housework.Decorate your yard, plant it, keep it clean and tidy. Take part in the improvement of the playground, in the construction of a skating rink, an ice slide. Protect the birds, feed them, make birdhouses, feeders. Don't break flowers and trees!Play with kids, don't hurt them.learn moving and quiet games, teach others to play. Follow the rules of the game.

In transport

You can use transport on your own only with the permission of adults, parents.Junior schoolchildren can enter from the front platform, no need to rush, push.Don't forget to pay the fare.Elderly people, women with small children should give way.If you accidentally push someone, apologize.When leaving the car, do not throw the ticket at your feet.Be careful when entering and leaving, remember that the doors open automatically.If you need to cross the street, bypass the tram in front, and the bus and trolleybus in the back.Leaving the transport, you need to help those who get out later than you - give them a hand.(Discuss each item.)
    ABC of behavior in verse. The children are talking.
The city whereWe live with youCan be rightfullyCompare with alphabet.ABC of the streetsAvenues, roads,The city gives usLesson all the time.Here is the alphabetAbove your head.The signs are postedAlong the bridge.ABC of the cityAlways rememberNot to happenYou are in trouble.steep stairs,I run across itAnd I look under my feet- Be careful! - I say.I'm walking across the road with my brother,By the hand of my brother, of course, I leadWe look to the leftLooking to the rightFeel free to go if there are no cars.Noise prevents us from working,Noise annoying granny!The noise makes my head hurtSo why is there noise?Escalator - stairsWonderful staircaseBe careful on itRules diligentlyDo it and don't yawn!Give mom a handAnd hold on to the handrail!Don't fidget on the stairs!cold ice creamIt's not allowed to eat outsideSeductive to look atBut then my throat hurts.
The game "Choose the correct answer!While traveling by bus, you can:a) speak loudlyb) sing songsC) demand a place on the seat;D) stand on the seat with your feet;D) give way to elders;E) puts dirty things on the seat. 6. Homework. Draw diagrams, tables about the rules of behavior in public places.


    "School of Doctors of Nature or 135 Health Lessons" Elementary School; Obukhova L.A. , Lemyaskina N. A. Publishing house "Wako", 2004; "Classroom hours" Academic year. Grade 2; Maksimova T. N. Publishing house "Wako", 2010.

; fostering a culture of behavior in public places.

Summary of extracurricular activities

Subject: Rules of conduct in public places


  1. To introduce children to good manners and rules of conduct;
  2. Cultivate respect for others;
  3. Develop a sense of tact in children.

Lesson progress

Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you.

Today we will talk about politeness and rules of behavior in public places.

Who knows how politeness is shown? That's right, it manifests itself primarily in the words, as well as the tone in which they are said.

Guys, what do you think, are polite people born or made? Of course they do. You should use polite words as often as possible, from which it becomes happier, warmer, brighter. There is great power in these words. A kind word can cheer up a person in a difficult moment, it can help dispel a bad mood. And today let's check what you know "magic words"

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm ... (thank you)

Green old stump

When he hears ... (good afternoon)

The boy is polite and developed

He speaks at a meeting ... (hello)

When we are scolded for pranks,

We say sorry... (please)

Both France and Denmark

They say goodbye ... (goodbye)

But not only your words must be kind, your actions must also be reasonable, clear, such that you never have to blush and be ashamed of them. We must always try to be useful to people, and now listen to the poem "A Very Polite Turkey" and think about its content.

Thirty times a day "at least"

He shouted: "Hey, you ignoramuses!"

Come visit us

Learn to be polite.

I myself - shouted the turkey -

Doctor of Polite Sciences,

And my wife is an example

Great manners.

Even when she sleeps

It is evident that she has been brought up.

Don't be shy donkey

Come sit at the table

Why are you silent like a fish?

Don't be a pig

I would have washed before

You are your pig snout.

No matter how he fought, however

Nobody went to the turkey:

Not sow, not a dog,

Not a cow, not a donkey

The turkey turned blue from anger -

In vain all the works were lost:

"They are all bastards, -

of his greatness,

They didn't get it

Moral standards".

Guys, do you agree with the turkey? Did he behave correctly? Why is this poem so called?

Now let's solve problems together.

  1. The boy shouted to a passer-by: "What time is it now?" What 3 mistakes did he make? (please tell me what time it is, thanks)
  2. One girl complains to her mother: “The boy in the yard is so impolite, he calls me Pebbles. – What do you call him? Mom asked. “But I don’t call him at all, I shout to him: “Hey, you.”

Tell me, is Galya right? And the boy?

And who knows how to behave in the store? Who can tell about it?

Now listen to a poem called “A Lesson of Politeness.” In the meantime, I will read it, you should think about what this poem is about, what rules of conduct are in question.

Bear, five or six years old

Learned how to behave.

Away, bear, you can’t roar,

You can not be rude and swagger,

Acquaintances must bow

Take off your hat to them

Don't step on the paw.

And don't catch fleas with your teeth

And don't go to four

No need to slurp and yawn

Who wants to sleep

He must cover with his paw

Open mouth.

Be obedient and be polite

And give way to passers-by

And respect your elders

And granny bear

In fog and sleet, see you home.

So a bear of five or six years

We learn how to behave.

Although he seemed to be polite,

He remained bearish.

He bowed to his neighbors

Friends and bears

I gave way to acquaintances,

He took off his hat to them,

And the unfamiliar came

With the whole heel on the paw,

Poke your nose where you shouldn't

He trampled grass and crushed oats.

leaned on my belly

On the grandmother in the subway,

And the old man, the old women,

Threatened to break a rib.

Bear, five or six years old

Learned how to behave

But apparently the educators

Wasted time!

What is this poem about? Who is the main character and how old is he? Why was he taught? Did they teach him this?

Guys, you should not be like a bear cub, you should be polite in everything and always.

Not only all children, but also all the people around them want all their friends, all neighbors, even acquaintances, passers-by to always respect them, and that no one, no one, would make comments to them.

And the whole secret is that only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is always treated well, kindly. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone, and he has faithful and reliable friends with whom he is never bored.

And now we will talk about the culture of behavior in transport. I will tell you about the cases that I saw myself. Everyone knows that it is necessary to give way to the elders. So, listen carefully.

  1. A boy and a girl were sitting on the seat in the bus: he was at the window, she was on the side of the aisle. A woman came up with a baby in her arms. Who should take her place?
  2. While his father was taking tickets, Nikita grabbed a comfortable seat, settled down and shouted: Dad, come here quickly, I have taken your seat! The father leaned to his son's ear and said quietly: ....

Answer, what could the father say to his son?

Now you must answer the following questions correctly:

1. Do I need to take off my hat if you came to visit if you came to visit, the theater or the library?

2. If you ate candy, what will you do with the candy wrapper?

3. If you were invited to visit at the appointed time, what would you do: come early, come on time, be a little late?

4. What should you do when you enter someone's house or apartment?

5. Who should wash the dishes for you: mom or grandmother?

What did we talk about today? What kind words do you know? How should you address a friend? And how should you address a passerby when you want to know the time?

Guys, so always be polite and well-mannered!

Preliminary work. The teacher needs to rehearse fragments of the class hour scenario with a group of children in advance and take care of the musical arrangement of the situational workshop.

Description of the class hour (extracurricular activities)

Culture of behavior in public places

Teacher: Guys, count how many people you meet every day. At home, you communicate with your parents, brothers and sisters, with neighbors; at school - with many teachers, school friends, a librarian, readers; in the store - with sellers, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by, old, young, adults, peers. It is difficult to count how many people you will see in one day: you will only say hello to one, you will talk to others, you will answer the third question, you will turn to someone with a request.

Conclusion: a person is in constant communication with acquaintances and strangers at home, at school, in the cinema, in the library, in the store, in transport.

Here we will talk about the culture of behavior with you today at our class hour.

Now listen to the verses and answer the boy's question at the end of the verse.

A group of students comes out, the children read excerpts from Agnia Barto's poem "Bullfinch".

1st student:

On the Arbat, in the store,

There is a garden outside the window.

There is a blue dove flying

The bullfinches whistle in the garden.

I am one such bird

Behind the glass I saw in the window,

I saw such a bird

Now I can't sleep...

2nd student:

Because of this very bird

I roared for four days.

I thought my mom would agree

I will have a bird.

3rd student:

I followed my mother

Waiting for her at the door

I'm at dinner on purpose

He talked about snowmen.

It was dry, but galoshes

I dutifully put on

Before that I was good

I did not recognize myself.

4th student:

What have I tried!

I didn't fight girls.

When I see a girl

I will punch her

And I'm going to the side

It's like I don't know her.

Mom was very surprised:

"What's the matter with you, pray tell?"

Maybe you are sick with us -

You didn't fight on the weekend!

5th student:

And I answered sadly:

“I'm always like this now.

I stubbornly pursued

I messed around for a reason.

“Miracles,” my mother said.

And I bought a snowman ...

I will admire them

He will sing at dawn...

Maybe we can fight again

Tomorrow morning in the yard?

The teacher listens to the reasoning of the children.

Teacher: The behavior of another person, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often a good mood depends on whether a person was given attention, whether they were friendly, benevolent when communicating with him, and how insulting it can be from inattention, rudeness, an evil word. Life in society requires that all people follow the rules of communication that are obligatory for everyone: for adults, for boys and girls, for calm and playful.

Discussion "Rules are binding for all"

Teacher: And now I will offer you four rules of communication culture. The first rule you must formulate yourself by listening to the following verses.

The guys come out again and read poetry.

1st student:

Do you know what U?

Do you know what PA is?

Do you know what PY is?

What does my dad have

Had forty sons?

There were forty hefty -

And not twenty

And not thirty

Exactly forty sons!

2nd student:

Well! Well! Well! Well!

You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!

Another twenty

Another thirty

Well, back and forth

And forty

Roughly forty,

It's just nonsense!

(Excerpt from a poem by Daniil Kharms "Liar"),

The teacher helps the students formulate the first rule: “Be honest always, everywhere and with everyone.”

Teacher: The second rule is the precision rule. Work, social work, entertainment are often collective, when success depends on everyone. Therefore, a well-mannered person must be precise. Accuracy is needed in everything: in work, in teaching, in arriving on time at school, at a meeting, at the cinema, at the theater. Accuracy must be in keeping promises. He gave his word - fulfill it, promised to come - come on time.

The third rule of delicacy. Helping another person should be delicate, not emphasizing that you are doing a good deed, not boasting about it. After all, help is not provided in order to attract attention. You need to be able to accept help, not to refuse advice, not to think that you are the best and can do everything yourself.

And the fourth rule is the rule of politeness. It is necessary to politely address other people, behave correctly in a strange house, be a hospitable host, be able to listen to others, know who can be called “you” and who can be called “you”, be able to restrain yourself, not be quick-tempered, irritable.

Just remember, all these rules must be observed sincerely, without trying to benefit from it.

Discussing situations about behavior in public places

1st situation. Here, fifth-grade students come out in a crowd after watching a movie from the hall. Pushing. Some guys want to get out as soon as possible, so they push the neighbors with their elbows. The boy coming down the stairs stumbled and fell. How did the people around you react?

One rushed to help, trying to help the boy get up, the other shouted: “Well, why are you pushing ?!” The third laughed out loud and threw a line: “Here is a clumsy one! The bear is clumsy." The rest passed by indifferently, not even looking at the victim.

You can imagine the feelings of the fallen boy, and the chagrin of those who got into the flea market, which was created by the guys pushing each other and trying to get out first, without a queue.

What would you do in this case?

(Children offer their own solutions to the problem).

2nd situation. Fifth grade goes on a field trip to the museum. Even from a distance you can hear that a lot of guys are walking: they are talking loudly, laughing. Some try to substitute the "leg" in front of the going. But then I met a kiosk with ice cream and juices. Immediately there was a crowd at the kiosk. Everyone wants to quickly buy ice cream. The students don't even hear the teacher. Finally, the class comes to a stop. The bus is coming. Many guys come in with ice cream in their hands. It melts, drops fall on the clothes of passengers, who, of course, express dissatisfaction and indignation.

In this situation, we again meet people who bring trouble to others. What are the ways to resolve this situation?

(The guys again offer their own solutions to the problem).

One must be able to live among people, behave politely, delicately, respect, spare and take care of each other.

Teacher: Guys, and now I will offer you some rules for "Not". Please, get acquainted with these "Not" more closely.

Two students read in turn:

Do not rush to be the first to sit at the table.

Don't talk while eating.

Remember to close your mouth when you chew.

Don't chew.

Don't be the first to jump out the door.

Don't interrupt the speaker.

Don't wave your arms.

Don't point your finger at anyone.

Don't mimic the speaker.

Do not sit down before the elder without his permission.

Do not extend your hand first when greeting, wait until the elder greets you by the hand.

Don't forget to take off your hat when entering the house.

Do not repeat "I" too often.

Do not pretend in public transport that you do not notice an elderly person standing.

Do not interfere in someone else's conversation, and if necessary, say the word "I'm sorry."

Don't forget to apologize if you accidentally pushed someone.

Don't sneeze into space, sneeze into a handkerchief.

Don't keep your hands in your pockets.

Don't do things that might bother other people.

Don't use words you don't know the exact meaning of.

Don't swear!

Do not consider yourself the most intelligent and omniscient, be modest.

Boys be polite to girls and girls be polite to boys.

Do not try to become an adult ahead of time, try not to fall under the power of bad habits.

Teacher: Guys, it's hard to remember these rules right away. But by doing some of them daily, you can learn all the rules in a few days.

Let's play game "Rules of Good Form". If you carefully listened to the rules of "Not", then you will cope with the tasks of this game.

I will call the first part of the rule of good manners, for example: "At the table ...", and you must complete this phrase using the rules "Do not", for example, "do not dangle your legs", "do not talk", etc.

When eating ... (do not slurp, do not talk to a neighbor, etc.).

Greeting an older...

When talking to a friend....

When entering public transport....

In crowded places and on the street ....

Entering the school...

Continuing the game, the teacher can come up with the initial phrases on his own, depending on the time and the mood of the students.

Rules of behavior at a party At a party you need to be polite, behave calmly At a party you need to be polite, behave calmly Keep talking while eating, but do not talk with your mouth full Keep talking while eating, but do not talk with your mouth full Chew food with your mouth closed mouth, trying to eat and drink silently Chew food with your mouth closed, trying to eat and drink silently Do not distract guests' attention only to yourself. Do not break or scatter toys Do not distract guests' attention only to yourself. Do not break or scatter toys Do not put your elbows on the table, do not play while eating. Don't put your elbows on the table, don't play while eating. Use your knife, fork, and napkin correctly. Use your knife, fork, and napkin correctly.

Children are required to: Get into and out of transport from the sidewalk or roadside and only after the transport has completely stopped; To enter and leave the transport from the sidewalk or roadside and only after the transport has completely stopped; hold on to the handrails in the cabin; hold on to the handrails in the cabin; buy tickets from the driver only at the bus stop; buy tickets from the driver only at the bus stop; be polite, give way to the elderly, the disabled and small children. be polite, give way to the elderly, the disabled and small children. It is customary to exit through the front door, and enter through the back. It is customary to exit through the front door, and enter through the back. Whether you're late or not, don't push other passengers with your elbows as you rush to the exit. Whether you're late or not, don't push other passengers with your elbows as you rush to the exit.

Child passengers are prohibited from: distracting the driver with conversations while the vehicle is in motion and knocking on the cab glass; distract the driver with conversations while the vehicle is in motion and knock on the cab glass; open the doors of the transport during its movement; open the doors of the transport during its movement; stick your head and hands out of the windows. stick your head and hands out of the windows. Do not attract undue attention, damage public property Do not attract undue attention, damage public property

Books must be protected Books must not be folded Books must not be folded Book pages must not be folded Book pages must not be folded Pencils and pens must not be placed in books. And what is the name of the thing that must be used when reading books? Do not put pencils and pens in books. And what is the name of the thing that must be used when reading books? Do not write and draw in books Do not write and draw in books Do not read books while eating Do not read books while eating

Rules of conduct in the library When entering the library, you need to say hello When you enter the library, you need to say hello In the library, be quiet, do not shout In the library, be quiet, do not shout When choosing a book, do not grab all the books in a row, but choose by author or section, or tell the librarian the name book or author When choosing a book, do not grab all the books in a row, but choose by author or section, or tell the librarian the name of the book or author Handle books carefully, do not tear out the pages Handle books carefully, do not tear out the pages Having received the book, you need to say thank you Having received the book , you need to say thank you And the most important thing is to return the book on time And the most important thing is to return the book on time

Rules of conduct at school Bell for a lesson for students, you must stand near the desk, a call from a lesson for a teacher, do not get up until the teacher finishes a lesson Call for a lesson for students, you must stand near a desk, a call from a lesson for a teacher, do not get up until the teacher will not finish the lesson If you want to ask or answer in the lesson, you should not shout out, but raise your hand. If you want to ask or answer in a lesson, you should not shout, but raise your hand. Do not talk during the lesson, do not distract, do not interfere with your comrades. Do not talk during the lesson, do not distract, do not interfere with your comrades. During the lesson, listen carefully to the teacher. During the lesson, listen carefully to the teacher. You can't run around or scream at breaks. You can't run around or scream at breaks. If an adult enters during the lesson, you need to stand up and say hello. If an adult enters during the lesson, you need to stand up and say hello.

Used literature Busheleva, BV Let's talk about good manners. - M .: Education, 1988 Busheleva, B.V. Let's talk about good breeding. - M .: Education, 1988 Minskin, E. M. From the game to knowledge. - M .: Education, 1987 Minskin, E. M. From the game to knowledge. - M .: Enlightenment, 1987 S. Mikhalkov "Tram number ten was on" S. Mikhalkov "Tram number ten was on" Pictures from Yulia Sokolova's book "Rules of Conduct for Kids" Pictures from Yulia Sokolova's book "Rules of Conduct for Kids"
