Love for children can work wonders. Children answer the question: What is love?

I would like to immediately write that there is no clear answer. Everyone has their own love. It is multifaceted, multivariate and unstable. And yet, all adults understand by this word a trembling and exciting feeling somewhere deep inside that wakes up when we see the desired object. We feel love for children, spouses, nature, the Motherland... the list is endless. But how to explain all this to a child?

It’s difficult to even imagine how to begin to explain to a child what Love is, so I suggest proceeding from what first comes to mind.

Love is caring. Constant support for your family, protection from various ailments and problems. When you love, you do all this unconsciously, intuitively, it’s like an instinct to protect the most precious things from adversity. All this can be told to a three-year-old toddler and even shown using bird feeders as an example. Tell them that many birds are cold and hungry in winter, that they miss our participation. Children will be happy to make feeders and put nuts and bread for their little friends every day. After all, all of us, living beings, are simply obliged to take care of each other. And at the same time, you can teach your child the diversity of this world - there are so many birds and they are all different. Which ones? What do they like to eat? (Again, the word “love”!) Who do they prefer to play with? All observations can be recorded in a notebook and next winter see if those same birds have flown to you again to “winter”?

Love is compassion and mercy. Everyone needs love, especially people who are suffering and sick. Today there are so many charitable programs. For example, whose volunteers constantly help children not with medicines, but with creativity. You can join them at least for a day. This great way show children what attention and help means. And that you can love everyone. And, of course, that sometimes such love heals better than medicine.

Love is support. If at your home great amount children's things and toys that your child no longer needs can be donated. And to whom? For example, your younger friends or children from orphanages. By the way, this is a great way to make new friends. Maybe your baby doesn’t want to give up his own, then an exchange is possible. There will always be people on the Internet who need something you don't need. But the child will definitely play with “exchange” with pleasure.

Love is a caress. And this is undeniable. From the first minutes of life, a mother shows her baby love through touch, tender kisses and barely audible breathing. The more we do this, the more faster baby will hug us. And very soon he will suddenly jump into our arms and kiss us on the head, then on the cheeks, then on the lips, then on the hands. These are the most pleasant moments in the life of parents and baby. I suggest hugging and kissing more often. As often as possible!

Love is silence. Happy silence from understanding how happy you are just because your closest and dearest people are next to you. When silently doing anything: drawing, cooking, playing - it doesn’t matter at all. The main thing is to be together. The whole family. And give love with your actions. Words are just wind. Actions are what people remember. And, of course, children. Show through your behavior how much you care about your child. If he calls you, be there. Don't turn away. Children copy us. How we treat them is how they will treat us in a couple of years. But we love them and want them to love us too.


Is not whole list meanings of the word "Love". This is just one person's attempt to figure out how to explain this multifaceted concept to a child. Each parent has their own way of telling their child about Love, and we will be happy to learn about this in the comments to the article. In the meantime, I suggest reading the guys’ answers to complex issue: "What is love?"

Ilya (3 years old): “I don’t know, mom. You tell me.” To the question: “Why do you love mom?” the answer was more unequivocal: “Well, I love to play with you, and it’s interesting to play hide and seek with you, and I play cars, and I play with my sister.”

Yaroslav (3 years old): “Love is me.” Then he came up, hugged his mother tightly by the neck and asked, “Is this love?” Then he added, “And love is hugs.”

Sofiyka (4.2): “Love is caring, and also hugs and kisses.”

Gordey (4.9)
: “Love is when you love yourself, and very your heart loves you, his man.”

Danila (6 years old): was embarrassed by the question posed, but answered: “Love is when people are friends, and they show different feelings good, and cheerful and joyful all the time. Love can be between a boy and a girl, a brother and a sister, parents and children, for example."

Zhenya (10 years old): “It’s when a guy and a girl have butterflies in their heads when they’re together. And there is also love for animals and family.”

With love for children and adults, Anna KOPACH

*Review was written in 2015

Children do not think in stereotypes, so they form their point of view based on what they see around them, so their definitions are the most vital and accurate. Answering the question “What is love?” children do not deliberately try to embellish their statements, they simply say what they think. Let's see how they perceive this difficult feeling.

“When my grandmother developed arthritis, she could no longer bend over and give herself a pedicure. Then grandfather began to do this for her - all the time, even if his hands were also cramped by arthritis. This is love."

Rebecca, 8 years old

“Lovers are distinguished by the fact that they can simply look at each other while their food gets cold. Other people care more about their food."

Mark, 8 years old

"I know that my elder sister loves me because she gives me her old things, and she has to buy new ones for herself.”

Lena, 4 years old

“Love is when mom sees dad in the toilet and doesn’t think it’s disgusting.”

Maxim, 6 years old

"You should never kiss a girl unless you have enough money to buy her big ring and her own video camera, because she will definitely want to make a video about the wedding.”

Denis, 10 years old

“Love is when mom gives the best piece of chicken to dad.”

Alina, 5 years old

“I know why kisses were invented. They make you feel so hot throughout your whole body that heating in the house becomes unnecessary.”

Olya, 8 years old

“Love is when you smile even when you are very tired.”

Terry, 4 years old

“Love is when mom makes coffee for dad and before giving it to him, she tastes it to make sure it’s delicious.”

Danny, 7 years old

“Love is when you kiss all the time. And when you are tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk to each other again and again. That's how it is with my mom and dad. When they kiss, it's disgusting."

Emily, 8 years old

“Love is when you tell a boy you like his shirt and then he wears it every day.”

Noel, 7 years old

“Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you've left him alone all day.”

Mary Ann, 4 years old

“You shouldn't say 'I love you' if you don't really mean it. But if you really love, you should talk about it often. But people forget to do this.”

Being a child is very cool. You sleep whenever you want, play, watch cartoons and eat. For small child every day is a whole discovery that is full of adventures and secrets.

As a child, you look at everything very simply and see everything as it really is. Love is a feeling full of mysteries and inexplicable facts.

Every adult knows scientific definition it's a great feeling. What do children say about this?

Sociologists, together with psychologists, decided to conduct an experiment and find out from American and Russian children what love is?

And then compare: is there a difference between the answers? It turned out that yes...

American children answer the question: “What is love?”:

When my grandmother developed arthritis, she could no longer bend over and paint her toenails. Then grandfather began to do this for her, even after he also developed arthritis in his hands. This is Love.

Rebecca, 8 years old.

When someone loves you, he says your name in a special way. Your name feels comfortable on his tongue.

Billy, 4 years old.

Love is when you share your fried potatoes and don't expect them to share them with you too.

Chrissy, 6 years old.

Love is what makes you smile even when you are tired.

Terry, 4 years old.

Love is when mom makes coffee for dad and first tries it herself to see if it’s delicious.

Dani, 7 years old.

Love is what ends up in the room with you at Christmas if you stop unwrapping your presents and listen.

Bobby, 5 years old.

If you want to learn how to love better, you need to start with someone you can't stand.

Nikka, 6 years old

Love is when you tell a boy you like his shirt and he starts wearing it every day.

Noel, 7 years old

Love is like old grandparents who are still friends even after they have gotten to know each other so well.

Tommy, 6 years old

My mother loves me most of all. I don't see anyone else kissing me goodnight.

Claire, 5 years old

Love is when mom gives dad the best piece of chicken.

Elaine, 5 years old

Love is when Mom sees Dad dirty and sweaty and still says he's more handsome than Robert Redford.

Chris, 8 years old

Love is when your puppy licks you even after you've left him alone all day.

Marie Ann, 4 years old

I know that my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old things and she has to buy new ones for herself.

Lauren, 4 years old

There is no need to say “I love you” if it is not true. But if it’s true, repeat it more often, otherwise those you love may forget.

Jessica, 8 years old

The author of this survey, Leo Bascaglia, set out to find the most caring child. The winner was considered four year old baby, whose old neighbor recently lost his wife. Seeing that the man was crying, the child came into his yard, climbed onto his lap and just sat there. When his mother asked what he said to his neighbor, the boy replied: “Nothing. I just helped him cry."

Russian children answer the question: “What is love?”

Love is when dad kisses mom in the morning.

Ksenia, 5 years old

When a grandfather smothers himself heavily, it means he loves his grandmother.

Artem, 6 years old

Love is when mom and dad buy me a lot of gifts.

Masha, 5 years old

Love is when my mother doesn’t scold me when I don’t obey.

Mila, 5 years old

A girl kissed me in kindergarten, that’s love.

Kirill, 5 years old

When my grandparents pick me up from kindergarten, that is love.

Zhanna, 5 years old

Love is when mom doesn't swear at dad.

Vika, 6 years old

Love is when my mother allows me to play on the computer.

Seryozha, 6 years old

Love is when I fell, my mother kissed me.

Igor, 6 years old

When Masha kisses me, it's love.

Yaroslav, 6 years old

Love is when the sun is shining and all people are happy and never fight.

Dasha, 7 years old

Perhaps these are features of the selection, but in the answers of Russian children one hears more consumer attitude. Dads and moms, this is probably our parental shortcoming. Let's correct the situation, show a personal example?

Love for children lies in the expression of tenderness, affection and care on the part of parents. Parental love is the most sincere and is based on conscious and boundless self-sacrifice and dedication.

At birth, a child receives the most valuable of gifts - life. And for parents, a child is a gift of fate, the only thing worth living for. Endless Love takes possession of the hearts of parents, envelops them in the most tender and wonderful feelings: love for your child.

A child is the most important thing we have in life, and no career, friends or material goods will not replace this happiness. With the arrival of a baby in the family, parents learn to live and love in a new way.

The previous rhythm of life in the family changes, certain difficulties and fatigue arise. But only new, bright, clean and tremulous love to a child can help dissolve all adversity.

New love

On different stages As we develop, we experience different feelings of love: self-love, friendship, falling in love, passion. But only love between a man and a woman gives rise to a new life, a new love. And this is the continuation of the human race.

Love for children is a feeling that you need to begin to learn when it is just beginning to emerge under your heart. new life. This new love and there is the meaning of life.

Loving a child, giving him all your tenderness, affection, care, attention - this, like the ability to breathe, comes by itself with the birth of the baby. But it is also important to understand what responsibility we take on with its appearance.

IN modern world There are many scientific methods for raising a child, many books on child psychology, training and education. But there is the most the right way- listen to your heart. Mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of love and wisdom.

My parental love

For many years now, I have been tirelessly thanking God for the happiness of motherhood given to me. No one taught me how to be a mother or how to raise a child. I have had constant desire express your feelings for the baby, hug, kiss, enjoy the smell of his delicate skin, do not let him go from your arms, giving him the warmth of your body.

I didn’t listen to advice about not teaching a child to hold hands. I was pleased when he was nearby, and I felt his heartbeat. And then I firmly decided that I would listen and follow the promptings of my heart in relation to my baby.

The main thing is to clearly understand that a child is a vulnerable creature who has a soul, feelings and a heart overflowing with love for his parents. This is still an empty vessel that needs to be filled with health, feelings, knowledge, and this will determine further fate and the life of a child.

A child is like an innocent, vulnerable, fragile sprout. The main thing is to properly nurture, care for and protect it. There are very wise saying Apostle Paul: “Whatever you sow, that you will also reap.” This must always be remembered.

Every child is a reflection of the world that surrounds him. And this world is the family in which he grows. This is a living person with his own feelings, emotions and experiences. He grows quickly and, like a sponge, absorbs all the surrounding reality.

My maternal principles of raising a child

You need to understand that there is no such thing as too much love. You need to learn how to love, think, feel, rejoice, cry and worry like a child. Only then will it be achieved complete harmony in relationships with a child and his upbringing.

If a child is loved, he himself will be able to love.

We should not expect the child to be the way we want it. It is necessary to help him become not us, but himself. The main thing is to hear, understand and accept. Do not judge and you will not be judged.

Learn to accept all the child’s problems as your own, and not with pride. Not to humiliate, but to understand, help and teach how to act correctly in a given situation.

You need to thank the child for his help, even the most insignificant, for good deeds, attention and obedience. Teach your child to feel gratitude clear examples, impeccable actions and attitude.

Do not reproach the child and do not demand payment for giving him life. He will give life to another - this is an irreversible law of gratitude.

Parental love gives children a sense of security, makes them stronger and more confident, the development of personality depends on this.

Parental instinct sometimes protects their child too much, and the main thing here is not to overdo it. Excessive shouting and severity good man don't grow. Severity causes cruelty and hypocrisy.

You cannot punish a child if you are angry. This gives the impression of anger, hatred, and not fair punishment. And if parents are fair, then they are right. It is necessary to make it clear that there are rules that must be followed, that he may not always be right in his actions.

It is strictly forbidden to name children offensive words: lazy, stupid, mediocrity, etc. This often ruins them, they are easily suggestible and after a while they can become like that. You need to carefully select the words to use when speaking with children.

A child should not witness quarrels and arguments between parents; he sees lies, dishonesty, weakness and shortcomings. Children should have unlimited trust in their parents, and they, in turn, should set an impeccable example.

You need to love someone else's child. Never wish or do to him what you would not wish or do to your own. There are no children of our own or strangers. Help others, and someone will help yours. “The Law of Boomerang” - everything in life comes back.

I have always built my life and relationships myself. And I can say with confidence that not all children take examples from their parents’ relationships. Some strive to build their own world of love and happiness, with their own rules and principles, where they will give love and receive it in abundance.

I am sure that love for children is the main rule in parenting. And love can work miracles!

Children do not think in stereotypes, so they form their point of view based on what they see around them. Therefore, their definitions are the most vital and accurate.

It is known that children do not have stereotypical thinking, so they express themselves the way they imagine it. Adults are very interested in hearing from children how they perceive life.

  • “When my grandmother developed arthritis, she could no longer bend over and give herself a pedicure. Then grandfather began to do this for her - all the time, even if his hands were also cramped by arthritis. This is love." Rebecca, 8 years old
  • “Love is the most important thing in the world, but football is also very good.” Alyosha, 8 years old
  • “Lovers are distinguished by the fact that they can simply look at each other while their food gets cold. Other people care more about their food." Mark, 8 years old
  • “I know my older sister loves me because she gives me her old things and she has to buy new ones for herself.” Lena, 4 years old
  • “When you love someone, your eyelashes go up and down, up and down, and stars fall out from under them.” Lisa, 7 years old
  • “Love is when mom sees dad in the toilet and doesn’t think it’s disgusting.” Maxim, 6 years old
  • “You should never kiss a girl unless you have enough money to buy her a big ring and her own video camera, because she will definitely want to make a video of the wedding.” Denis, 10 years old
  • “Love is when mom gives the best piece of chicken to dad.” Alina, 5 years old
  • “I know why kisses were invented. They make you feel so hot throughout your whole body that heating in the house becomes unnecessary.” Olya, 8 years old
  • “When someone loves you, they say your name in a special way. You just know your name is safe in his mouth.” Billy, 4 years old
  • “Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a guy puts on cologne, and they go on a date and smell each other.” Karl, 5 years old
  • “Love is when you smile even when you are very tired.” Terry, 4 years old
  • “Love is when mom makes coffee for dad and before giving it to him, she tastes it to make sure it’s delicious.” Danny, 7 years old
  • “Love is when you kiss all the time. And when you are tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk to each other again and again. That's how it is with my mom and dad. When they kiss, it's disgusting." Emily, 8 years old
  • “If you want to learn to love even better, you need to start with the friend you can’t stand.” Nikka, 6 years old
  • “Love is when you tell a boy you like his shirt and then he wears it every day.” Noel, 7 years old
  • “Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you've left him alone all day.” Mary Ann, 4 years old
  • “You shouldn't say 'I love you' if you don't really mean it. But if you really love, you should talk about it often. But people forget to do this.” Jessica, 8 years old
