How to get your best friend back. Remember all the good moments of friendship

Friends, they are like stars. You may not always see them, but you know they are there. And while a shooting star is a very beautiful sight, a fading friendship is one of the most unpleasant experiences in life.

However, if you are sure that friendship is worth fighting for, then you need to try to restore it. So if you are still worried about the fate of friendships that have brought you many priceless moments of joy and happiness, then give the friendship at least one more chance. You have to understand that there will be difficulties anyway, but if you and your friend value the relationship that you have, then you can overcome all difficulties by focusing on saving the friendship. After all the tests passed, your connection can become even stronger.


    Act now. As soon as you realize that you have begun to move away from each other, you need to act decisively. Procrastination can only increase the distance between you, turning it into an abyss. Be ready to be the first to make a move, because a friend may mistakenly think that you did something wrong that hurt your friendship. Therefore, you should not wait until he or she begins to solve the problem that has arisen.

    Conduct an honest and frank analysis of the situation. Sit down and think about the events that preceded the moment when everything went wrong. Was it your fault after all? Perhaps you said or did something wrong, or, on the contrary, did not say or do something, although you should have? It is necessary to think about all the moments of your inaction, when certain actions were expected from you. For example, you haven’t called for a long time, to find out how a friend is doing, or you missed an agreed meeting, or you didn’t show up at an important event for a friend. Think carefully about all such points and do not jump to conclusions.

    If it was your fault, apologize. Briefly explain the situation from your side, do not invent excuses for yourself and do not try to blame a friend. By accepting responsibility for problems in a friendship, you show that you really want to save the relationship, and a friend is more important to you than your own selfishness or pride.

    Talk. If you cannot find obvious reasons why there is a gap between you and a friend, suggest that he or she just talk. Say that you are very sad that your friendship is not going as smoothly as it used to. Explain that you would very much like to see if there is an opportunity to restore the relationship. Your desire to overcome the problem will certainly be appreciated by a friend, especially if you say that you are completely ready to listen to a friend's view of the current situation. Whatever you do, DO NOT show your resentment, DO NOT get angry or upset, and DO NOT upset a friend. This will make the distance between you even greater, and therefore, it will be even more difficult for you to restore the relationship. Do not interrupt your friend while he/she is explaining his/her view of the situation. Instead, listen carefully.

    Listen to what your friend/girlfriend is saying. If some third party told you different versions of the same story, specifically to quarrel you, then listening to a friend is The best way figure out what's what. If you hear things from a friend that you have never said in your life, then be sure to ask who is spreading these rumors. It's amazing how quickly the faces of liars change when the victims of their gossip tell the truth to their faces. Therefore, even if this liar tries to avoid you, still ask why he slandered you, and be ready to listen to him.

    Be prepared to discuss your behavior and actions that hurt the friendship. If your friend misunderstood your behavior or your words, then try your best to clarify the situation. Don't blame your friend and don't speak loudly, as this will make him/her defensive, which will just hasten the end of the friendship. Don't wait for the relationship to work itself out. You must make an effort to break the barrier that has arisen. Be patient, explain clearly how you see the situation, and give your interpretation of past events without blaming anyone or shielding yourself.

    • Your boyfriend/girlfriend may blame you for never being around for important moments in their lives, such as starting a new business. He / she may say that they are tired, that at the moment when your help is needed, you are always either too busy or completely uninterested, although at the beginning you showed a willingness to help. You can answer that you agree that it was wrong of you to never discuss this. After that, explain what exactly prevented you from being there for or helping a friend. For example, that you may have had to care for a sick child or spouse, and even try to stay afloat at work with constant burning projects. Instead of just apologizing, provide a reasoned explanation for why you weren't as interested in your friend's business as you were expected to be. The most important thing is to tell the truth. And do not try to put pressure on pity or arouse sympathy, but simply explain what the problem was.
  1. Accept all differences between you. Your friend can be as free as a bird while you are the father of three. Everything around us is changing, our life is changing, and with it friendly relations. However, this does not mean that change must necessarily mean the loss of the connection between you and a friend that gave birth to your friendship, and that changing the priorities in your life towards work, personal life, or personal development should undermine the friendship. It's important to be honest about these changes and accept that you and your friend may have different life trajectories that you're on, yet you both appreciate and respect each other.

    • If a friend / girlfriend is moving away from you due to changes in your life, then try to convince him / her that no matter what changes occur in life, your friendship is still important and valuable to you. You must be aware that just because you have changed does not mean that a friend should also change.
    • Relive the joint vacation that you used to love. For example, you can spend the whole day or evening together, meet to sit somewhere and chat or go to the movies, play sports together, etc.
  2. Don't be naive. While you are trying to rekindle the friendship, the friend may be signaling that he/she deliberately wants to end it. But to be sure that this is exactly this option, and not temporary employment or other problems, the signals must be very obvious. For example, your friend should obviously avoid you, or stop answering your calls, or you should have trouble finding him and talking, while your other joint friends have no problem with this. In that case, try to renew the friendship, but don't blame yourself if it doesn't work out. If the other person has made a choice not in your favor, you cannot change anything.

    Find a compromise. Suppose you and a friend have talked and listened to each other, both have clarified the situation, now you need to find ways how you can reach a compromise on points of contention. You need to find a way to mutually resolve the issue that has put your friendship in question. If you mean as much to a friend as he/she does to you, then you will definitely find a compromise that will be the first step towards renewing your friendship.

  3. Show your willingness to strengthen your friendship. Once you have overcome all the difficulties that your friendship has faced, show your friend how much they mean to you. Start creating a new joint history and valuable moments against which this unpleasant page in your joint history will quickly be forgotten, and you will not return to it.

    • If it's really yours a true friend/friend, then they will talk openly with you, and you can also be open.
    • Do not be afraid to be the first to start a conversation and develop it further, especially if your friend / girlfriend still does not support the conversation.
    • Turn off your cell phone while you are chatting with a friend. He/she should do the same. Constantly interrupting the conversation to answer a call or write a text message will show that you do not really appreciate the time spent with a friend.
    • Do something new and exciting together, but also keep the old traditions that you both enjoyed. This will strengthen your friendship even more.
    • Remember the challenges you have overcome. Even when you restore your friendships, do not repeat the same mistakes and create new problems. Otherwise, disagreements will not keep you waiting, and then you risk losing friendship forever.
    • Try to rebuild friendships, but remember that sometimes you need to take a break. For example, if you constantly have disagreements or arguments, and there is a feeling that they are growing like snowball, then such relationships become tiresome. You need to take a break from each other and take a break from your friendships. Then both of you will be able to think about everything and understand how you can save the friendship. If the relationship is still very complicated, and you quarrel very often, talk to each other, you might be better off ending the friendship. No matter how hard it is, but in this case, it is better for you not to meet outside of school, college or work. You can devote the freed time to study or work. But be sure to wish each other well. Whatever happens between you, you need to remain mutually polite, otherwise you risk drawing other joint friends into your constant conflicts, and then you can already lose them all. Life is too short, do your best to keep your friends friends, but never get involved in your friends' argument if they are arguing with each other. They may say something unpleasant about you, which they will later regret very much.
    • Share some important and personal information for you or ask a friend for advice in some difficult question. This will highlight main point friendship - to be near at the right time and important point. And also shift the focus of the conversation from problems in your relationship to another interesting topic.
    • Make sure you know exactly what your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to keep and maintain the friendship. If this is not so, then catch these hints and leave all attempts. If you can’t understand your friend’s hints, then this will make him treat you even worse, because you will force him to do some actions. Nobody likes people who don't take hints, so don't become that person.
    • Remember to keep in constant contact with your friend. good option will send Greeting Cards for the holidays.

From time to time, everyone can quarrel with their best friend, and it may seem to you that you have lost him forever. Ultimately, to everyone's happiness, the best friends reconcile because they care about each other. Save positive attitude even if the situation seems impossible to you. With effort, you can return best friend, even if there was a quarrel between you, a friend met someone new or left.


Discuss your problem

    • Say, "You are like a sister to me, so being away from you hurts me."
    • If your friend is spending a lot of time with a new friend or partner, let them know that you want some attention too. Explain to a friend that you understand that new person is important to him, and emphasize that you are not trying to separate them. Say, "I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy. I just miss you."
    • Be honest with a friend, even if you feel embarrassed. You could say: "It was very hard for me in recent times because you are my best friend. I'm used to us talking every day, but lately I feel like you're too busy for me."
  1. Don't make assumptions. Don't be too intrusive. There are several reasons why your friend might leave you, so don't assume that a few unanswered messages or missed appointments mean you've lost your best friend. Perhaps he is going through a stressful period or a situation that requires a lot of time, which leaves little time for a friend to communicate.

    • Understand that there may be other things in a friend's life that have nothing to do with you or other friends.
    • If your friend spends a lot of time with someone else, consider that the other person might fit into your friend's life in a way that you don't. For example, your friend and new person may both be from divorced families, may come from similar cultures, or may both need to care for a sick family member.
  2. Sorry. If you've done something wrong, apologizing is the first step to healing your friendship. simple word"I'm sorry" is usually not enough. You must be detailed and specific. Even if you don't think the fight was your fault, you may have to do the honorable thing and be the first to apologize.

    • Show your friend that you are aware that you did something wrong and you know why it was wrong.
    • Say, "I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. I know you were upset because I would be very upset if you forgot my birthday."
    • Avoid statements such as "You never listen to me!". Instead, say, "I thought you couldn't hear me, and that made me sad."
  3. Take responsibility for your actions. When you apologize, resist the urge to explain your behavior. Do not make excuses, no matter how justified what you did or what happened in your life. Nothing justifies the actions that offended your friend, and also nothing justifies the actions of a friend that offended you.

    • For example, don't say, "I'm sorry I forgot about your birthday. I had a busy week and lost track of the days." While these words may be true, they weaken your apology because they show that your actions were justified in some way.
    • Say, "I know what I did was wrong."
  4. Don't look for someone to blame. Regardless of who started the fight or what was said, focus on moving forward. Think about how much you want your best friend to be a part of your life, and remind yourself that pointing out who did what will only hurt the situation.

    • Avoid saying things like "I'm sorry you feel this way" because they put the blame on the other person. You tell a person that you are acting normal, and he is just overreacting emotionally.
    • If you feel like your friend is unfairly accusing you, say, "I heard you think it's my fault. Is that true?" If the person answers yes, then you can talk about it.
  5. Suggest ways to solve your problems. Talking to a friend will start the relationship building process, but it may not be enough to fully restore it. Suggest ideas for things you can do together, including the next step. Making a friendship takes effort, and your apology will carry more weight if you show your friend that you have a plan.

    • Ask a friend to go see a popular movie together. You can spend time together without the expectation of a conversation, and then you will have common topic for a discussion that will put less pressure on you without forcing you to look for neutral topics.
  6. Meet new people. Do not rush and try to replace your best friend, start the process of creating new ones friendly relations. Don't rush friendships or one-on-ones, but be open to meeting other people.

    • Join the club.
    • Chat with other friends.
    • Throw a party.
  7. Know when to let go. Sometimes when someone asks for personal space, they end up wanting it to be that way. As hard as it is to let go of your best friend, you need to move on. Think of it as a learning process that will help you form better friendships in the future. Think about what led to the end of the friendship and use this lesson to choose your friends in the future.

Restore friendship

  1. Ignore gossip. Gossip will only hurt your friendship. If someone tries to talk badly about your friend, ask them to stop. Don't listen to other people say that your friend is cheating on you. Even if it's true, it won't help you fix the situation.

    • Say, "I'm not interested."
  2. Forgive and forget. Start with clean slate. Once your issues are resolved, don't continue to punish your friend, act coldly, or constantly bring up the subject of his mistakes as a weapon in other fights. Let go and keep moving forward.

    • Focus on the future.
    • If you're facing a problem like the previous one, give your friend a chance to explain instead of jumping to conclusions.
  3. Invite a friend to a group event. When you rebuild friendships, it can be awkward at first. When you spend time in the company of joint friends, it will be easier for both of you to control your emotions. Wounds take time to heal.

    • Invite the whole group of friends to go out for dinner.
    • Browse upcoming events in your area or school and select one that is related to common interests.
  4. Realize that new relationships are inevitable. Just because your friend met someone new doesn't mean your friendship is over. One of you will be the first to find a partner or a new good friend. If your friend does it first, then it may be difficult for you to accept your new dynamic, but know that it happens to everyone.

    • Don't take it as a rejection. A friend is not trying to replace you. He just found another person with whom he converges.
    • Your relationship may change, but it's not over yet.
    • Chat with this person. Be open and try to get to know him. If this new guy or girl, be delighted with your friend's happiness and let him know that he can trust you.
  5. Find new ways to spend time together. If your friend has something happened in his life that does not allow him to communicate with you much, for example, a sick relative, new baby or additional work/study responsibilities, find ways you can easily fit into his new routine. As your friend's life changes, your time together may also change. Show him that you still fit into his life. Tips

    • Make sure your friend knows that you are still thinking about them even though you are trying to give them more personal space.
    • If it was you who provoked the conflict, talk to a friend. Tell him the truth. Try to convey that you did not mean to offend him.
    • Try to see things from his point of view.
    • If the person no longer wants to be your friend, let them go. It will be difficult, but it's for your own good.
    • If you think a friend is mad at you, ask first and then draw your own conclusions. Maybe you just need a little break.
    • Check with another person you trust, such as a parent or older sibling.
    • Show your friend that you really love him.
    • Calm down before talking to your friend again.
    • Keep in touch with him and remind him that he is your best friend.
    • If your best friend has found a new best friend, don't be rude to your new friend. Try to explain to him how you feel and invite them to an event that you can all attend together.


    • Don't get irritated or jealous when you run into your friend.
    • Never intentionally try to make a friend jealous.
    • Don't apologize, only to then ignore your friend.
    • If you treat your friend's new boyfriend/girlfriend very badly, it will only make things worse. If a friend has a new person in his life, he has appeared in your life.

A real friend or girlfriend is very valuable in life, because it is not so easy to find such friends, but what to do if you had a fight, how to return your friendship with a friend or girlfriend?


Before returning friendship or taking the first steps towards this, analyze the entire situation to the smallest detail. At the same time, try to think first from your side, and then think from the side of a friend or girlfriend, what would you do in her / his place? When you have thought through everything that happened and you still have a desire to return the friendship, proceed to the first step. We recommend that you read


Perhaps, after analyzing your situation, because of which friendship with your best friend or girlfriend was lost, you realized that it was you who were to blame, which means that the first thing you need to do is apologize to your friend or girlfriend. You need to be able to apologize beautifully, you should not rush to your feet, and kneel down and shout what you are bad person. Respect yourself, do not fall morally in the face of your friend or girlfriend. Just say that you were wrong at that moment and are very sorry about what happened. No need to make deep and eternal promises no one will believe in them, just give time to a friend or girlfriend whose friendship you want to return to think for a while. Resentment and bitterness will come down and friendship will return.


Regardless of whether you are guilty or not, in order to restore friendship, you need to talk with a friend and girlfriend and discuss the current situation, come to a mutual understanding of the current situation.


During a conversation, you do not need to talk all the time, try to listen to your friend or girlfriend, while doing it carefully, listening to every phrase said. Perhaps what the friend or girlfriend with whom you want to return friendship says will not be pleasant to you and may be disgusting, but you must listen to the end to draw the right conclusions. We recommend that you read


If your friendship was broken due to some negative qualities of your friend or girlfriend, but, despite this, you want to return and continue to maintain friendship, then you will have to accept the qualities of a person “as is”. After all, each of us has our own cockroach, and either others accept it or not, it is no longer possible to eradicate this cockroach.


If human cockroaches are so disgusting to you, but you are ready for anything in order to return friendship, remember that sooner or later these cockroaches will bake you again. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to look for a mutually beneficial compromise in your relationship. We recommend that you read

Don't be afraid to be the first one to start a conversation with the person you want to be friends with.

During a conversation, try not to be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, for example, mobile phone.

Try to show the person that you are really a loyal and good friend. To do this, do something good and useful for your friend or girlfriend.

Having restored friendships, always remember your mistakes that led to the loss of friendship, so as not to make them again.

If your quarrel was very strong, do not rush to restore your relationship the next day, let the person think and take a breath from bitterness and resentment. Sometimes it takes a week and sometimes whole months. Do not rush things, everything will get in the way.

If the friendship has completely burst, and there are no hints of its restoration, then perhaps sometime in the future friendship will return, but for now, if you want to return friendship, send signs of attention to your friend or girlfriend. For example, greeting cards for the holidays and the like.


Alex: I'll tell you my story, how my friend returned friendship with me. We have known him for more than five years, but with every year of communication and growing up, I began to understand and notice a touch of selfishness in him, and now, at the very end, when we had a fight, I realized one person cannot be corrected, how he was an egoist, and he will remain so . Moreover, his egoism grew stronger and stronger over the years. At one fine moment, I realized that it was not worth having any further relationship with this person and told him that his selfish behavior was annoying me and that there was no point in having such a relationship. Of course, he was offended and we did not call each other for about a month. A month later, he took the first step and called, but I did not answer, then a week later he wrote to email with interesting and funny news, then I realized that he wants to return our friendship. My soul was seething from accumulated grievances, and I did not answer, I did not care. A week later, he called again and I did not pick up again, this went on for another month. As time passed, the resentment began to subside, and I myself called my friend. We talked, of course, I told him everything why I behaved this way, he listened and took it personally. A week later, you already met and had a good rest in the bar. But what do you think? After a while, his egoism began to repeat itself again and again, and then I concluded for myself that this person cannot be changed and everything will be as it is, and therefore I did not interrupt our friendship, but I no longer show much zeal to communicate with him . We recommend that you read

Irina: Our friendship with a friend fell apart, and I could no longer return her. The reason was banal, no, we did not quarrel and did not swear. She just got married, got married and I, over time, our life began to be covered with family concerns and we no longer had time for each other. Of course, we talked, but the more time passed, the less and less our communication became, and as a result, our communication stopped altogether. Now I don't even know her phone number and where she lives. Why did it happen, and was it possible in this situation to restore and restore our friendship? Most likely not, because friendship is valuable only when we need each other for something, in our case we needed to communicate, but a family appeared, communication appeared and we slowly lost our friendship.

Olga. After graduating from high school, I left to work in another city, and then returned to the capital with my husband. I wanted to establish old ties, our group was very friendly. But it turned out that no one communicates anymore, someone went abroad, someone just goes about their business, so nothing worked out for me. The only thing was to find a couple of girlfriends and make friends with families already - there is simply no time to go to meetings only with girls, but family gatherings quite possible.

Anna. My friend and I quarreled over a guy, and he had fun - either he was courting her, or he was following me. He thought that we would jump into his bed in a race to him. But we have been friends for several years, so we were able to agree and became friends even more in order to teach the insolent a lesson. They didn’t get smart - they poured a laxative into the drink at a big break at the university - the poor fellow flew out of the audience like a cork, probably managed to run, but to the women’s toilet, because we unscrewed the lock with a screwdriver a little with a screwdriver and slammed the door. So he needs it, otherwise he imagined himself to be Casanova.

It is easy to quarrel with a girlfriend because of a trifle, but in order to return and restore relations with a person who was dear, you will have to spend a lot of effort. Everyone who has ever experienced a breakup with a loved one knows that this is one of the most painful experiences in life. It confirms the end of a relationship with a person, your best friend, with whom you have shared joys and sorrows for many years, leaves deep scar in the heart. Healing takes a lot of time and energy.

Best friends are those who complement each other, filling each other's gaps and voids with positive emotions.

Reclaim lost friendship

However, if the friendship is strong, even after a serious quarrel and disagreement, it can be restored. Former friendships, good and warm memories, all the hardships and joys experienced together, secrets, should not be lost forever. Everything can be healed, restored and friendship will be stronger than it was before.

Relationships need to be re-evaluated. But you don't know where and how to start old relationship. In this case, it is worth resorting to conspiracies and magical rituals. A reconciliation conspiracy will certainly help restore former friendship and overcome past differences.

A quarrel is not bad and not good, it is a natural process. If you quarreled with a friend, then you shouldn’t, running around in different corners, pout at each other

Friendship and love - wonderful feeling. It gives a feeling of happiness if the feeling is mutual. Such friendship inspires, gives meaning to life. Boys and girls dream of such friendship. So it is, so it was before and so it will be in the future.

It's not unusual to return old love and a girlfriend are trying with the help of a love potion and conspiracies, they turn to fortune-tellers.

An important task of magic that attracts interested parties is the return of love and friendship. Those who have lost a loved one can do a lot to regain their former affection and friendship. If all the methods taken do not help, a desperate person turns to fortune-tellers. Does it work? The question is faith, chance, the arrangement of stars in the sky. But is divination safe, does it make sense to pronounce a conspiracy? Why do people pay large sums of money to fortune tellers to win someone back?

There are plenty to choose from

Fortune-tellers and soothsayers on the pages of newspapers, on the Internet offer their services to return love and friendship, to restore health. Exists a large number of rituals, spells, conspiracies and love spells designed to regain lost friendship, restore affection. It has been so for many centuries, and so it is to this day. Even though there is not enough evidence of the effectiveness of all the magical actions taken, some people believe in magic. Used in witchcraft various items, often tree leaves and fruits. Some fortune tellers claim that it is simply necessary to write the name of a person on a white sheet of paper, and every day for a month, put it under your pillow.

Undoubtedly, friendship has a lot of advantages, because a true friend will always listen and understand

Many magic spells

There are more complex actions that require appropriate rituals, incantations and candles placed in a certain place and certain time. They are made at night, when the moon is young in the sky. They also require hard-to-reach "materials":

  • bat blood;
  • claw or hair of a wild animal;
  • crushed and dried goose heart powder.

There are also certain herbs that a person who is trying to win back a girlfriend, friend or lover makes an infusion and decoction of.

Plants that help restore affection

People who lost loved ones tried to bring them back with the help of supernatural powers, starting with love potions, infusions, decoctions made from herbs, spices, liquids and incense, as well as various oils and talismans, conspiracies and ending with complex rituals, sometimes just disgusting .

Among the plants that help to return the love of a friend, her friendship:

  • fragrant verbena and tulip;
  • violet and iris;
  • Bay leaf;
  • basil and lovage;
  • lavender and rose;
  • vanilla and nutmeg;
  • myrtle bark;
  • sage and rosemary;
  • ginseng, orris root and parsley.

There is a divination associated with the cultivation of a tulip. In a pot with a tulip bulb, bury a piece of paper with the name of the one you want to return. Friendship will be restored along with the flower that appears.

How and when to cast a love spell

Start the ritual upon the return of a friend on Friday, in the evening, so that the last rays of the sun illuminate the sky, and the young moon is visible in the sky. Do not tell anyone about your action, stay at home with a book or in front of the TV in the evening, do not go out with friends. If you follow all the conditions and do everything right, in a few days the former friendship will be restored again.


Take seven red smooth candles, a pen with red ink, a page of white paper (cut it into seven parts), a candle holder, an ashtray.

Every Friday, on a sheet of white paper, write in red ink the name of the person you want to return, adding your own. Write text:

“You and I will be together, and if our friendship has become not so strong, then the flame of this candle will help to enlighten your mind, you will not leave me and our friendship will be eternal. So let it be, so be it!”

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Over the flame, burn the paper with the written text where the request was written.
  3. Burn the rest in an ashtray.
  4. After this time, extinguish the candle and bury the candle in the park.
  5. Pour the ashes out of the ashtray in the direction where your friend lives.
  6. Bow to all four sides.

This method is effective, it will help to smooth out and erase the bitter sediment in the soul from quarrels and bad memories. After the ritual is completed, you can call your girlfriend, ask her for forgiveness and boldly tell how much you repent and value your friendship. Positive thoughts and your energy to achieve the goal will help remove sadness and pain from the heart of a girlfriend or friend, and your relationship will go back on track.

You can also return a friend with the help of a pink candle with a name written on it, lit on Thursdays. A friend's hair is placed in wax from a burnt candle. This should cause a desire to make peace and warm feelings for you.

From fortune teller Claire

She offers a very interesting ritual that is honest to two people who were friends or loved each other before. He does not force anyone to return the former relationship by force, but makes the one who left think about something else and see him in a slightly different light. If the feelings of both are genuine and sincere, then their ritual will try to preserve, but if friendship and love cannot be restored by mutual desire, the ritual frees both partners and allows them to gain true friendship and happiness. To perform this spell, you must:

  • peppermint oil;
  • orange oil;
  • sandalwood and almond oil.

Mix everything in any proportions. To perform the ritual, you will need two tablespoons of this mixture. Install a stand on which you can conveniently place a photo. Place seven pink candles nearby different size and rub them with a mixture of oils. Place any item of your girlfriend next to the photo. Light candles and think about your relationship, cast a spell:

“Great, kind Isis!

I ask you to listen to me.

My affection and friendship is still smoldering.

My heart is aching about…… (name)

I want her/him to come back to me

Or forget me forever.

I disappeared from her heart.

If this is our fate

Either unite us or separate us forever.

Let it be so."

Imagine your relationship, the return of your girlfriend, the joy that you will experience. And for the conspiracy to be effective, let the candles burn out to the end. Bury the cinders along with the wax under the tree.

Spells and conspiracies have great strength- Fortune tellers warn. They can even be dangerous, especially if you want to force a person to change his desires and feelings that he does not need.

Ritual for healing heartache

The loss of a friendship is painful. There is nothing more painful than the loss of affection, friendship, love. Solace can be found in magic, but does real feeling deserve such a way? Therefore, if someone put you on, think about whether your desire is too selfish and cruel towards the friend who left you. Do you want her to be happy? And when you find the answer, and then turn to magic, do not ask how to return the lost friendship, but ask how to forget about it and find a new and real one. Because everyone is worthy of friendship for himself, and not that which came with the help of witchcraft.

Nothing, it's better to say directly to your face what you don't like than to do anything else

To perform the ritual, you will need two candles - pink and blue. Light them up and cast the spell:

“Attitude and friendship is gone, it is no more

The wound in my heart healed and became stronger.

I let go of my pain and wiped away my tears

Freed my heart from them.

I'm ready for true love and true friendship."

Is it just innocent fun

Is a conspiracy to return a girlfriend a sin and a dangerous game or innocent fun? According to all beliefs, magic must be approached carefully and not played with, even forced to experience such feelings as love and friendship under pressure, it can have bad consequences. Real friendship and true love is known and comes independently of mysterious rituals and there is no need to involve otherworldly forces. But this does not mean at all that you cannot tell fortunes on a camomile. One must be able to distinguish between innocent entertainment and the dangerous pleasure of playing with fate.

To be heard

Each of us wants to be happy. We should be happy when relatives and loved ones, friends are nearby, all needs are met, there is health ... When something is missing, many people ask the Lord to give it to us. This is an expression of our confidence in him that he loves us and wants to see that we are happy, and that he is omnipotent, therefore there is no such thing and there is no such thing that is impossible for him. Scripture encourages us in many places to ask God for what we need and ensures that our prayers are answered. Even in the Gospel one can find a parable in which Jesus guarantees the effectiveness of prayer that comes from the heart. As about that unjust judge who capitulated to the persistent widow and took her side. So a prayer for a friend, for her happiness, for well-being and protection from external forces will bring your dear person only good will be support in difficult times, will help her in sorrow and in joy.

Whoever is to blame - you can cast a friendship plot to return a dear person


Father, I ask you to bless my friend. I ask you that your grace touch her soul at the moment when there will be pain, and give her your peace and tranquility. Where there is doubt, give new self-confidence. Where there is fatigue and exhaustion, I ask You to give her understanding, patience and strength. Where there is fear, show your mercy and give her a little of your courage. Open your arms, give her love and courage, give your blessing. Give her a gift so that she can distinguish between the evil forces around her and the strength so that she can overcome them. I ask you, Lord, do this in the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

No matter how it turns out further relations with a departed friend, God's help and prayer for her well-being is effective and effective help in the restoration of relations, as well as for her to be healthy and happy.

Let's take a closer look at a love spell on how to get a girlfriend back - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

What kind of love spell will help so that the young man with whom we are friends forgive me and make peace in this situation, you need to cast a love spell on a friend that cannot be removed and after which your friendship will become even stronger. You do not need to be afraid of magic and you can independently read a love spell on your friend without preparation immediately and right now.

Let's not waste time, here are the words of the conspiracy - a love spell for reconciliation:

Young acquaintance friend

For me you are dear

Our friendship grows stronger

After what I said

My love spell is not simple

He will reconcile us with you

Our friendship can not be broken, no one can separate.

This love spell will help you reconcile with your friend and the familiar guy will be the first to take a step towards reconciliation with you.

You can predict your fate by date of birth and name online in several ways, for example, tell fortunes on cards for free or get fortune telling online. date of birth and name

You are thinking about how to return a guy after breaking up whom you love and who already has another girlfriend, of course, with the help of a love spell, having read a plot to return a loved one and the advice of a psychologist are unlikely to help here. Believe me, there is nothing complicated in this and the return spell really works and the person on whom the love spell was made will very quickly return back to you and even

How to return a wife with a child if you love them very much and she does not want a relationship, or maybe love has cooled down and the wife has gone to another and her feelings have cooled down irrevocably. You can return your beloved who has fallen out of love even after a divorce, when the wife is now ex lives with another man, and the methods of influence after which she will definitely return are given in this article and this

“It is possible to quickly return a husband to the family by returning his love for his wife and children in one day if you read strong conspiracy in a photo or influence a loved one with prayers, but then it will take a little more time, or you can spend a lot of money and listen to the advice of a psychologist on how to return your husband to the family, that's just a 100% guarantee for this option of returning a loved one no one can give

Love spell as very strong way return the husband to the family if he went on a spree or went to his mistress, forgetting the way home. How to bewitch a beloved man so that he stops cheating and leaving home, we will tell you today, get ready to make a strong love spell to return your husband to bewitch him to yourself. Women have always used magic and arranged their own

Love spells that cannot be removed and the effect of which is imposed forever are perhaps the most popular and strong love spells on the love of a person who does not show love feelings. love spells are divided into two types: black and white and they all act at a distance. A black love spell is done in a cemetery under the moon and cannot be removed on your own, only an experienced and

How to get back your love ex girlfriend after a breakup, if I love her and she doesn’t want to improve our relationship and is already dating another guy”? "I want my girlfriend back." "how to get the girl back if." "how to bewitch a girl who." We very often receive such questions from readers through the feedback form and

“How to return a wife to yourself who was loved if she does not want to”? Tips on how to return a wife to his family after infidelity and divorce are given by a husband who returned his beloved with a child after a divorce at the moment when his wife left for another. Using strong love spells to return that will help to reconcile even ex-wife. People begin to appreciate only what

You can read fast and strong love spells for a guy at home at a distance from your loved one. This very strong white love spell without a photo that you will read about can be done on your own, but you need to prepare well, this is the only way you can fall in love with the one you like young man. Ready? Then let's start. "What love spells on a guy's love to read

This "strong love spell on a husband should be read at home at a distance" from a loved one. This love spell has already helped many to save a disintegrating family and return the husband to the house, even in cases where he has already gone to his mistress and is at a distance from the person reading the text of the love spell. Many people who decide to resort to love magic, seek

You are ready to independently read a strong love spell on a woman's love for a man and do this love spell at home. We will tell you how to quickly and forever bewitch your beloved woman on your own, and this love spell is suitable for a love spell married woman, who is married to another, and in order to quickly return a wife who left the family.


In this conversation, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to touch on a topic that is relevant for many - how to return a loved one. But, since I am not a psychologist, but a practicing sorcerer, we will talk about how to return a loved one with a love spell on our own at home.

Real witchcraft is a subjective art, but it is it that frees a person, shows him his true capabilities. All feelings, beliefs and desires are just our idea of ​​the world around us. true magic helps to collect fragments of the world into a single picture, and if the departure of a loved one threatens the integrity of the world, a strong love spell at a distance will help to return the man.

Home love spell to return a man as a way to improve relationships

Breaking the secret connection of lovers can be unpleasant, rude, a bitter residue can remain at the bottom of the soul. But when a beloved husband leaves, and, mind you, a beloved husband, it is incredibly hard. There are rituals to return the love of a husband. The choice remains with the performer: what methods to apply, what rituals to include in the complex, how intense the impact will be.

done right spell to bring back a loved one men must give quick result. As always, it all depends on the performer magician and his victim. I will give you a professional practical advice: in order to return a husband, first you need to clean him (especially if the rival uses magic for her own purposes). And only after a good magical cleansing from the impact of a love spell made by her husband's mistress, it's time to implant your programs. And after a love spell, put protection on work and on her husband, of course.

And if your beloved man does not leave you, but loves to take a walk, and changes his girlfriends like gloves, there is nothing pleasant in this. You can talk to your soulmate from betrayal. Make a simple home love spell that will help pacify and return your beloved man, make him faithful. This one good old way to bewitch a guy is suitable for harmonizing relationships, which does not contain any negative messages, which does not have bad consequences.

Your his a beloved man will make a conspiracy from betrayal true on the web. This is a magical opoy of charmed water. An effective magical ritual for the fidelity of a husband only to his wife, worked out many times. It lays down easily, softly, but in itself is rather weak, like most dryers. It works perfectly in the complex, arouses interest in a beloved guy, love yearning, reconciliation with one's passions.

The pain of loss and a conspiracy to return a friend

It is easy to quarrel with a girlfriend because of a trifle, but in order to return and restore relations with a person who was dear, you will have to spend a lot of effort. Everyone who has ever experienced a breakup with a loved one knows that this is one of the most painful experiences in life. It confirms the end of a relationship with a person, your best friend, with whom you have shared joys and sorrows for many years, leaves a deep scar in your heart. Healing takes a lot of time and energy.

Best friends are those who complement each other, filling each other's gaps and voids with positive emotions.

Reclaim lost friendship

However, if the friendship is strong, even after a serious quarrel and disagreement, it can be restored. Former friendships, good and warm memories, all the hardships and joys experienced together, secrets, should not be lost forever. Everything can be healed, restored and friendship will be stronger than it was before.

Relationships need to be re-evaluated. But you do not know where and how to start a past relationship. In this case, it is worth resorting to conspiracies and magical rituals. A reconciliation conspiracy will certainly help restore former friendship and overcome past differences.

A quarrel is not bad and not good, it is a natural process. If you quarreled with a friend, then you shouldn’t, running around in different corners, pout at each other

Friendship and love is a wonderful feeling. It gives a feeling of happiness if the feeling is mutual. Such friendship inspires, gives meaning to life. Boys and girls dream of such friendship. So it is, so it was before and so it will be in the future.

There is nothing unusual in the fact that they try to return their former love and girlfriend with the help of a love potion and conspiracies, they turn to fortune-tellers.

An important task of magic that attracts interested parties is the return of love and friendship. Those who have lost a loved one can do a lot to regain their former affection and friendship. If all the methods taken do not help, a desperate person turns to fortune-tellers. Does it work? The question is faith, chance, the arrangement of stars in the sky. But is divination safe, does it make sense to pronounce a conspiracy? Why do people pay large sums of money to fortune tellers to win someone back?

There are plenty to choose from

Fortune-tellers and soothsayers on the pages of newspapers, on the Internet offer their services to return love and friendship, to restore health. There are a large number of rituals, spells, conspiracies and love spells designed to return lost friendship, restore affection. It has been so for many centuries, and so it is to this day. Even though there is not enough evidence of the effectiveness of all the magical actions taken, some people believe in magic. Various objects are used in witchcraft, often tree leaves and fruits. Some fortune tellers claim that it is simply necessary to write the name of a person on a white sheet of paper, and every day for a month, put it under your pillow.

Undoubtedly, friendship has a lot of advantages, because a true friend will always listen and understand

Many magic spells

There are more complex actions that require appropriate rituals, incantations and candles set in a certain place and at a certain time. They are made at night, when the moon is young in the sky. They also require hard-to-reach "materials":

  • bat blood;
  • claw or hair of a wild animal;
  • crushed and dried goose heart powder.

There are also certain herbs that a person who is trying to win back a girlfriend, friend or lover makes an infusion and decoction of.

Plants that help restore affection

People who lost loved ones tried to bring them back with the help of supernatural powers, starting with love potions, infusions, decoctions made from herbs, spices, liquids and incense, as well as various oils and talismans, conspiracies and ending with complex rituals, sometimes just disgusting .

Among the plants that help to return the love of a friend, her friendship:

  • fragrant verbena and tulip;
  • violet and iris;
  • Bay leaf;
  • basil and lovage;
  • lavender and rose;
  • vanilla and nutmeg;
  • myrtle bark;
  • sage and rosemary;
  • ginseng, orris root and parsley.

There is a divination associated with the cultivation of a tulip. In a pot with a tulip bulb, bury a piece of paper with the name of the one you want to return. Friendship will be restored along with the flower that appears.

How and when to cast a love spell

Start the ritual upon the return of a friend on Friday, in the evening, so that the last rays of the sun illuminate the sky, and the young moon is visible in the sky. Do not tell anyone about your action, stay at home with a book or in front of the TV in the evening, do not go out with friends. If you follow all the conditions and do everything right, in a few days the former friendship will be restored again.

Take seven red smooth candles, a pen with red ink, a page of white paper (cut it into seven parts), a candle holder, an ashtray.

Every Friday, on a sheet of white paper, write in red ink the name of the person you want to return, adding your own. Write text:

“You and I will be together, and if our friendship has become not so strong, then the flame of this candle will help to enlighten your mind, you will not leave me and our friendship will be eternal. So let it be, so be it!”

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Over the flame, burn the paper with the written text where the request was written.
  3. Burn the rest in an ashtray.
  4. After this time, extinguish the candle and bury the candle in the park.
  5. Pour the ashes out of the ashtray in the direction where your friend lives.
  6. Bow to all four sides.

This method is effective, it will help to smooth out and erase the bitter sediment in the soul from quarrels and bad memories. After the ritual is completed, you can call your girlfriend, ask her for forgiveness and boldly tell how much you repent and value your friendship. Positive thoughts and your energy to achieve the goal will help remove sadness and pain from the heart of a girlfriend or friend, and your relationship will go back on track.

You can also return a friend with the help of a pink candle with a name written on it, lit on Thursdays. A friend's hair is placed in wax from a burnt candle. This should cause a desire to make peace and warm feelings for you.

From fortune teller Claire

She offers a very interesting ritual that is honest to two people who were friends or loved each other before. He does not force anyone to return the former relationship by force, but makes the one who left think about something else and see him in a slightly different light. If the feelings of both are genuine and sincere, then their ritual will try to preserve, but if friendship and love cannot be restored by mutual desire, the ritual frees both partners and allows them to find true friendship and happiness. To perform this spell, you must:

  • peppermint oil;
  • orange oil;
  • sandalwood and almond oil.

Mix everything in any proportions. To perform the ritual, you will need two tablespoons of this mixture. Install a stand on which you can conveniently place a photo. Nearby, place seven pink candles of different sizes and rub them with a mixture of oils. Place any item of your girlfriend next to the photo. Light candles and think about your relationship, cast a spell:

“Great, kind Isis!

I ask you to listen to me.

My affection and friendship is still smoldering.

My heart is aching about…… (name)

I want her/him to come back to me

Or forget me forever.

I disappeared from her heart.

If this is our fate

Either unite us or separate us forever.

Let it be so."

Imagine your relationship, the return of your girlfriend, the joy that you will experience. And for the conspiracy to be effective, let the candles burn out to the end. Bury the cinders along with the wax under the tree.

Spells and conspiracies are very powerful - fortune tellers warn. They can even be dangerous, especially if you want to force a person to change his desires and feelings that he does not need.

Ritual for healing heartache

The loss of a friendship is painful. There is nothing more painful than the loss of affection, friendship, love. Solace can be found in magic, but does real feeling deserve such a way? Therefore, if someone put you on, think about whether your desire is too selfish and cruel towards the friend who left you. Do you want her to be happy? And when you find the answer, and then turn to magic, do not ask how to return the lost friendship, but ask how to forget about it and find a new and real one. Because everyone is worthy of friendship for himself, and not that which came with the help of witchcraft.

Nothing, it's better to say directly to your face what you don't like than to do anything else

To perform the ritual, you will need two candles - pink and blue. Light them up and cast the spell:

“Attitude and friendship is gone, it is no more

The wound in my heart healed and became stronger.

I let go of my pain and wiped away my tears

Freed my heart from them.

I'm ready for true love and true friendship."

Is it just innocent fun

Is a conspiracy to return a girlfriend a sin and a dangerous game or innocent fun? According to all beliefs, magic must be approached carefully and not played with, even forcing feelings such as love and friendship under pressure can have bad consequences. True friendship and true love is known and comes regardless of the mysterious rituals and there is no need to attract otherworldly forces. But this does not mean at all that you cannot tell fortunes on a camomile. One must be able to distinguish between innocent entertainment and the dangerous pleasure of playing with fate.

To be heard

Each of us wants to be happy. We should be happy when relatives and loved ones, friends are nearby, all needs are met, there is health ... When something is missing, many people ask the Lord to give it to us. This is an expression of our confidence in him that he loves us and wants to see that we are happy, and that he is omnipotent, therefore there is no such thing and there is no such thing that is impossible for him. Scripture encourages us in many places to ask God for what we need and ensures that our prayers are answered. Even in the Gospel one can find a parable in which Jesus guarantees the effectiveness of prayer that comes from the heart. As about that unjust judge who capitulated to the persistent widow and took her side. So a prayer for a friend, for her happiness, for well-being and protection from external forces, will bring only good things to your dear person, will be support in difficult times, will help her both in grief and in joy.

Whoever is to blame - you can cast a friendship plot to return a dear person

Father, I ask you to bless my friend. I ask you that your grace touch her soul at the moment when there will be pain, and give her your peace and tranquility. Where there is doubt, give new self-confidence. Where there is fatigue and exhaustion, I ask You to give her understanding, patience and strength. Where there is fear, show your mercy and give her a little of your courage. Open your arms, give her love and courage, give your blessing. Give her a gift so that she can distinguish between the evil forces around her and the strength so that she can overcome them. I ask you, Lord, do this in the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

No matter how further relations develop with a departed friend, God's help and prayer for her well-being is an effective and effective help in restoring relations, and also so that she is healthy and happy.

A simple love spell for strong friendship

A love spell allows you to evoke friendly feelings in another person or strengthen an existing friendship between two people. In addition, there are rituals that allow you to create a generally friendly atmosphere around you.

Varieties of rituals

Love spells are of different directions. Rituals can be used:

  • To attract to own life friends. As a rule, this suitable option for people who dream of having a reliable true friend. In most cases, such rituals are performed in the phase of the growing moon during the daytime.
  • For supporting existing relationships. These rituals are not only useful for strengthening friendships, but are also used when it is necessary to restore broken friendships.
  • To attract new friends and acquaintances into your life. Such influences allow the performer himself to be liberated and look more attractive in the eyes of others.

Rite options

It is very important, choosing a rite for specific case follow his instructions completely. Only with this approach can you make an effective love spell aimed at making friends or strengthening friendships.

Simple love spell

If you want to make friends with a specific person, then you can perform a very simple ceremony that is very effective. To do this, you need to speak in special words. small object, which will need to be thrown into the victim's house. That is, for such a ceremony, you need to be able to visit the house of a person who is planned to bewitch for friendship.

If it is not possible to get into the house of the victim, then, as an option, you can speak a coin, which is then tossed into the pocket of your clothes. A love spell for friendship is carried out exactly at noon.

The magic spell goes like this:

The charmed object must reach the victim on the day of the ceremony. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the impact will be significantly reduced.

For a friendly atmosphere

Sometimes it happens that a person on a subconscious level repels possible friends from himself. He somehow involuntarily creates an uncomfortable environment around him.

You can change this situation with the help of magic. For the ritual, it is necessary to prepare twelve different fresh flowers, but all of them must be light shade. With such a bouquet, you need to go to the temple and pray at the icon of tamed hearts. After that, the bouquet should be left at the icon.

Before leaving the temple, it is necessary to whisper the following magic words three times in a whisper:

After that, you need to go home and on the way you should not talk to anyone. Despite the fact that the ritual is considered completed on this and immediately begins to act, it is recommended to repeat it again in a month.

Return of an old friend

It often happens that after the breakup of friendships, it is very difficult to take the first step towards and try to restore friendly relations. Can be restored old friendship through a magical ritual. magical effect imperceptibly melt the ice of hostility and resentment and allow the restoration of friendly relations. Such a ritual should be carried out during the growing moon in the evening, always on Friday.

For the ceremony, you will need to pre-prepare:

  • Three decorative small white wax candles and one church candle;
  • A joint photo with a friend, but if it is not there, then you can simply write your names on a white sheet of paper;
  • Small mirror;
  • Clew woolen threads of red color.

When carrying out, you must perform the following steps:

  • The mirror is placed on the table;
  • A photo or note is placed on the table in front of the mirror;
  • Three white candles are placed between the picture and the mirror;
  • A church candle is placed next to the photo;
  • First, a church candle is lit;
  • Then white candles are lit in turn, and each time the following conspiracy is spoken:

This ceremony must be carried out within twelve days. There should not be a break, even if you and your friend have already made peace. If reconciliation did not happen by itself, then during the ceremony you need to gain courage and take the first step. In this case, reconciliation will happen quickly and painlessly.

It should be remembered that there are a lot of white rituals with which you can make friends with new people or reconcile with old friends. Therefore, the use of rites of black magic is not recommended. If they are carried out incorrectly or accidentally made, you can achieve an absolutely opposite result, that is, cause a strong hostility in the victim towards himself.


In order to return your wife in a magical way, you can make an easy love spell for reconciliation and love. To do this, looking at the flame of a wax candle (not necessarily from the church), you can read white conspiracy to love with an appeal to light spirits. This effect is light, contributing to the harmonization of relations, if you and your spouse are in a quarrel, but warm feelings not lost yet.

White love spell to return your wife - how to read white love spells correctly

This white love spell is valid only for the bride or wife. If in this way you try to lure someone else's spouse, destroy someone else's love or family, then the goal will hardly be achieved, but you can completely pay for your actions. When pronouncing any white love plot, you turn to the spirits of Light, and not the essences of Darkness, do not seek to order, enslave the soul of your partner, but ask the spirits to open her heart to your love. Such rituals do not introduce negative programs, and do not bear negative consequences. It is necessary to read the plot of a ritual love spell to return your beloved wife after a divorce with a lit candle, clearly realizing what you are asking the spirits of fire for. This is best done on a full moon.

How to return a wife to her husband and children - to make a love spell or turn away from her friends?

Usually, the need to return the wife after parting with the help of a love spell arises when another man appears in the second half, and she leaves for him. What can be done in unusual situation when there is no rival, but there are unmarried girlfriends who inspire your woman with prejudice and persistent antipathy towards her husband, children and family in general? How can you resist such pressure?

In this case, do not rush to make a love spell to return your wife, this will hardly change anything. Magic is alternative, and helps to find a way out of any situation. There are good work rites for removing unwanted friends or girlfriends. You can conduct such a ceremony, after which you can harmonize relations, and you can get a brilliant result, exactly the one you need.

Black love spell conspiracy to return the wife from her lover

How can I make a black love spell to return my wife? There are many options for black witchcraft, but you need to choose based on the real situation, as well as in accordance with your practical experience and knowledge in the field of love witchcraft. How to eat white magical rites, so there are love plots with an appeal to dark forces. You can return your wife by reading a love spell for a beloved woman in front of a candle:

As practice shows, a strong love spell on a wife can be chosen in white magic meetings, but if you are used to turning to the Forces of Darkness, then work with those rituals and according to the rules that you are used to. In addition, there are many rituals in black magic that beginners and double-dealers simply cannot touch. Yes, if you look, double-dealers are not witches or sorcerers, but simply ordinary people who have not yet decided whether they are with Light or with Darkness, and you cannot serve two masters. You can’t envy double-dealers at all, God punishes them for sorcery, and Demons don’t take care of them, and it’s impossible to conjure properly.

Home love spell for wife's love - on the night of Ivan Kupala

Here is an example for you strong love spell on his wife, through Bes vorkovnik.

This is an effective love spell for the love of a wife, and if done correctly, it works great. Having thrown the chicken into the fire, the pit must be covered with earth, the place should be leveled and stand on it with both feet, arms crossed over the chest and say out loud your love desire. Whatever you wish will be fulfilled.

Here is another rite of the old, very strong love spell on his wife. To work, you need a photo of the object. To do on the growing moon.

Powerful black love spell for wife's love on a spider web

Before the rite, keep a bloodless fast for 3 days, these days collect a web on an aspen twig (aspen is a demonic tree), while saying: “The spider touched the heart (wife's name). Amen".

Hide the witch's lining in the house. This free love spell on the love of his wife is binary, therefore it is not recommended to do this rite of revenge, say, to a former mistress.
