Can the bride wear her sister's shoes? Signs about wedding shoes - shoes and sandals

The wedding day is one of the most important days in family life. This is a very exciting event that should go great. From time immemorial, in our latitudes, it has been customary to pay great attention to signs and superstitions, which even the most inveterate skeptic cannot avoid. Everyone listens to signs, this is already part of our culture.

So before the wedding, the bride and groom are trying to make the wedding scenario such that they not only observe all wedding traditions and rituals, but also do not go against these sometimes strange and slightly illogical folk tales.

Buying wedding shoes

There are many beliefs that the bride most often believes. A good share among them goes to signs about wedding shoes. He will take a lot on this score: the choice of wedding shoes, their color, and various shoe decorations.

If you tend to believe in various superstitions, then for your peace of mind and in order to avoid unnecessary expenses, you should familiarize yourself with all the signs about shoes in advance in order to go to the store with a good store of knowledge.

Red color will protect your couple and save the family hearth. This has been going on since ancient times when the bride would wear new cloth boots. It was believed that such boots would ensure a happy and strong family life.

Heels at wedding shoes and signs

There are signs that affect the height of the heel. If you are buying wedding shoes, you need to be especially serious about the height of the heel, its stability.

Here is what the signs tell us about this:

Steal a wedding shoe

There is a tradition of stealing a wedding shoe. She appeared a long time ago and to this day she is observed at a Russian wedding. Previously, at a wedding, unmarried girls would ask the bride to give them her wedding shoe to try on.

The one of the girls who had the shoe at the right time kept it for herself. The groom had to take the shoe back by paying a ransom. To do this, he had to win various competitions, answer tricky questions, treat those present with something tasty, and pay money.

This ceremony is designed to test how seriously the future husband is in relation to his bride.

To conduct a similar ceremony today, it is worth adhering to the following algorithm:

  • Steal a shoe while no one is looking.
  • Report a missing person at a banquet.
  • Discuss with the host the tasks that he will give the groom.
  • To control the conscientiousness of the groom's performance of all tasks, and also to make sure that the shoe was returned to the hostess.

At the same time, if a young husband asks to return the shoe without any payments, then he will be a greedy husband. And if he does not spare money, sweets and fulfills all competitions, then he will be generous in family life.

Bride's shoes and coin

There is a sign that if a coin is used at a wedding, then this is fortunate. You need to prepare a round coin in advance.

Putting a coin in a shoe and walking with it at a wedding is a good omen. It must be placed under the heel in the right shoe of the bride to protect herself from the evil eye and damage. The groom can put a coin in his shoes for wealth.

Even if young people do not really believe in all sorts of signs and superstitions, they will not be able to bypass them all.

Some will still have to be heeded due to centuries-old traditions. Since wedding shoes are an integral part of the bride's wedding image, many choose them so as not to contradict superstition.

In any case, the choice of wedding shoes, whether you believe in it or not, is always a pleasant and exciting event. And even if you chose shoes based only on your taste, the wedding day is your day. And even if there is some misunderstanding, you should not pay attention to it and be sad.

Most superstitions came to us from our ancestors. Now it is not clear what they are connected with. Nevertheless, the newlyweds try to observe all the traditions so as not to attract misfortune to their future home. Signs about wedding shoes are widespread.

A wedding is a very important day in the life of future spouses. There are many superstitions associated with almost every detail of the holiday: with, with the choice of witnesses, with pastries, and her. And even the most notorious skeptics who do not believe in omens avoid meeting with black cats on their wedding day.

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Style value

Before you go to the store, you should decide on the choice of style. As the saying goes, wedding shoes are the only right choice. Moreover, even if the wedding date falls on a hot summer day, you will have to give up sandals - shoes with an open toe or heel promise a need for family life.

There is a sign that open shoes for a wedding (for example, as in the photo above) should not be chosen because they collect all the negativity. Since ancient times, the legs were considered a vulnerable place, and they tried to hide them from prying eyes. This protected the newlyweds from negative thoughts and the envy of others.

It is also not recommended that the shoes have clasps. They symbolize quarrels in the family. But ordinary closed shoes without laces are not only a symbol of future well-being, but also the imminent appearance of children and easy childbirth. It is best that the shoes are absolutely smooth, without decorations and unnecessary details. Falling on your wedding day is considered bad luck, so sturdy shoes are a must. She promises young people a calm family life without shocks.

As for the heel, then by its height they judge who will be the head of the family. In order for the future spouse to take a worthy place in the house, the heel must be high enough. But it is also better to refuse too high hairpins so that the spouse does not become henpecked.

Shoe color

Traditional white. The newlyweds and shoes are selected to match it. However, few people know that according to ancient superstitions, the color of the dress and accessories should not match. And this is especially true for shoes.

Since ancient times, the bride wore red boots to the wedding. Since then, it has been considered the best color for wedding shoes. Red symbolizes love and passion and serves as a kind of amulet for newlyweds, protection from troubles and envious eyes.

It is also better for the groom to refuse light-colored shoes. For example, you should not choose white and beige shoes for a wedding - signs say that this is a bad sign that threatens with frequent illnesses and failures.

The most popular superstitions

In addition to the fact that when choosing shoes, you should pay attention to its style and color, there are other wedding signs about the shoes of the bride and groom. Let's look at them in the following list.

  • To make family life happy, they buy wedding shoes on Friday.
  • Wedding day shoes don't have to be new. This does not mean that you have to go to the registry office in old shoes. Just before the wedding day, you should walk around the house in purchased shoes.
  • It is not allowed to look in the mirror in full wedding attire until the wedding day. Shoes are tried on separately from the dress.
  • Throughout the day of the wedding, you can not change clothes and shoes. This will become a symbol of the constancy of family life. Therefore, you need to choose shoes that are comfortable.
  • A copper coin is placed in the shoes of the bride and groom: the groom under the left leg, and the bride under the right. Thanks to this tradition, wealth awaits the family, and the bride will be protected from temptations.

Attention! There is an opinion that wedding shoes are not rented. In fact, everything is allowed to borrow, except for the veil.

What to do with shoes after wedding day

Many people wonder what to do with shoes after the wedding day. Some believe that they should be kept intact and safe. However, this opinion is erroneous. Shoes, according to signs, should not be put in a box. Wedding shoes wear out, as they say, to holes.

Tradition of theft

A whole wedding tradition is associated with the bride's shoes. One of the guests should unnoticed by the groom remove the shoe from the newlywed. It is the responsibility of the witness to ensure that this does not happen. If it was possible to steal the shoes, they demand from the groom.

By the behavior of the newlywed, they judge what kind of husband he will be. If the groom agrees to complete tasks or pay for the stolen shoes with money, the bride will have a comfortable life. A husband will be stingy if at the wedding banquet he tries to beg for the shoes of his young wife without a ransom.

Following the traditions that promise a happy family life is not at all difficult. When choosing shoes, follow certain rules. Let's look at them in the following list.

  • Shoes for a wedding are purchased in advance in order to have time to break them in a little. The day of purchase is scheduled for Friday.
  • The bride's shoes should be closed, without laces, ribbons, fasteners and extra decorations. This is one of the main signs that promise happiness in marriage.
  • Shoes should be brightly colored. From light pastel colors will have to be abandoned. This applies to both the bride and the groom.
  • A moderately stable high heel is not only a convenience that is so important for a bride. After all, she will have to spend all day on her feet. It is also a symbol of future stability in family life.
  • A coin placed in the shoes of the bride and groom promises wealth and prosperity.

Expert advice! As the saying goes, wedding shoes after the wedding should be worn for as long as possible. There is no need to sell, give away or store shoes. This is a bad sign for newlyweds.


The signs of which wedding shoes to choose should not play a decisive role in the selection of festive shoes. After all, the most important thing is that the bride and groom feel good and comfortable. And in the thirty-degree heat, few people will feel comfortable in closed shoes. At the same time, if the newlyweds are at least a little superstitious and believe in omens, it is better to try to do everything according to the rules.

A few wedding favors. Signs concerning clothes, shoes and jewelry are considered.

A wedding is the most beautiful and unforgettable day for future spouses. But around the marriage ceremony, there are a lot of different signs and beliefs. Let's try to figure out which of them are true and which are nothing more than fiction.

Wedding pearls: signs

Many brides have an ambiguous attitude towards pearls. There is a belief that this natural decoration will bring tears and scandals to future spouses. But if you carefully study history, you will find that the first piece of jewelry that a guy gave a girl was pearls.

The use of pearls in a wedding:

  • In the West, a string of pearls tie the hands of the newlyweds
  • In Rus', such an ornament served as a talisman for the bride.
  • Protects from the evil eye at the wedding
  • Previously, a wedding dress was specially embroidered with pearls. It was believed that this is for wealth
  • If you are too superstitious, and a pearl necklace goes very well with your dress, purchase an item made of artificial stone

Red wedding dress: signs

It is believed that the color and length of the wedding dress has a huge impact on future family life. Although it is very popular to wear yellow, red or blue outfits, we do not recommend this.

Please note that red is the color of quarrels and contention. Such a marriage is doomed to failure due to frequent quarrels and conflicts.

The positive effect of red on the bride:

  • Red lacing, flowers and a ribbon on the belt, on the contrary, will bring good luck to the girl, and her marriage will be happy.
  • In Rus', the bride wore a red dress on the second day of the wedding. This saved from the evil eye and saved the life of the baby if the woman married pregnant.
  • The car is decorated with red ribbons. It is a symbol of virginity.

Trying on someone else's wedding dress: a sign

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the wedding dress.

  • You can not try on someone else's wedding dress. But when can you consider a dress as your own, because many girls can try it on in the salon? The dress can be considered your own after purchase.
  • During the wedding ceremony, the dress "remembers" the scenario of the wedding and cannot be worn by another woman.
  • Trying on a friend's dress is not worth it. A girl who tried on several other people's dresses may not get married at all.
  • The mistress of the dress should not give it to anyone. Girlfriends will "steal" your happiness.
  • You should not rent a dress, it is best to sew an outfit to order and keep it as a relic.

Signs regarding the tailoring of a wedding dress

  • The seamstress must be older than the bride.
  • Do not sew a dress for a woman whose hair color is the same as yours.
  • You should not choose a seamstress with your name.
  • It is better to contact the atelier or the seamstress on Women's Day (Friday, Wednesday or Saturday).
  • Do not sew a separate dress. It must be whole.

Is it possible to sell a wedding dress: signs

  • You can't sell the dress. The outfit must be kept at home, it is a kind of amulet or relic.
  • In Rus', children were treated with a wedding dress. To do this, you need to put on an outfit and squat over the baby, brushing off the ailment.
  • Regarding the wedding dress, the church does not have a ban on its sale.
  • Believers believe that the attire should be kept by the spouses until the end of their lives.
  • It is forbidden to buy a dress after the wedding, you risk repeating the fate of the previous bride.

Wedding dresses for rent: signs

Even 200 years ago, no one could have imagined that several brides in a row would wear one wedding dress. Now a lot of expenses are associated with marriage, so the newlyweds are trying to save on everything. Including the outfits.

  • If finances allow, sew a dress to order.
  • If there is not much money, ask for a robe in which no one has ever married. Renting an outfit will cost a little more.
  • Before the wedding, fasten a pin to the outfit and sew a thin red ribbon on the inside crosswise.

Wedding dress color: signs

Now you will not surprise anyone with a red or pink wedding dress. After all, every bride wants to be unique. It is worth considering that each color has its own designation:

  • White wedding dress is a sign of innocence and virginity of a girl. It is a symbol of purity and newness. But if you are getting married for the second time, then you should not wear a white outfit.
  • Beige(champagne, ivory) - a married life full of events and adventures.
  • Blue- the color of peace and sincerity. Although some nations have a belief that a girl who marries in a blue outfit will have to share her husband with her mistress.
  • Green- the modesty of the bride and her unwillingness to chase after someone. In Rus', such outfits were not worn, as they believed that he promised a poor life and lack of money.
  • Violet- promises the bride an early separation from her husband or a divorce.
  • Pink- poverty in marriage and frequent quarrels due to an unstable financial situation.
  • Gold- to the wealth and security of the spouses.
  • Silver- excellent financial situation in the family.

Someone else's wedding dress: signs

  • Do not wear or try on someone else's wedding dress.
  • In no case should you let your mother or sister wear the wedding dress.
  • In some countries, a wedding dress is inherited from mother to daughter. You can only wear a dress if the woman who wore it before you is happily married. Thus, the positive energy of the garment will be transferred to you.
  • Do not allow anyone to touch the outfit on the wedding day, only the mother has the right to dress the bride.
  • It is believed that someone else's outfit stores the energy of other people, and it can be transferred to you.

Wedding veil: signs

  • The veil cannot be removed in the church. It is allowed to raise it in front of the priest.
  • Now many wedding planners remove the veil from the bride and put it on unmarried friends who have to dance with this veil on their heads. Ancient traditions forbid it.
  • Only the husband should remove the veil before the wedding night.
  • The veil must hang on the bed for 30 days. In this case, the family will be able to have a strong and healthy baby.
  • The longer the veil, the longer the marriage will be.
  • It is allowed not to wear a veil if there is a wreath on the head.
  • If there is no veil, you should not decorate your hair with natural or artificial flowers.
  • The veil plays the role of a talisman.
  • Fasten the veil, if it falls - unfortunately.
  • A veil will help heal a sick baby.
  • It is recommended to hang the veil on a crib or stroller with a child. This will protect him from the evil eye.

Wedding photo: signs

Photos appeared not so long ago, but there are many beliefs and legends about them. Most of them were invented by the newlyweds themselves. Here are some of them:

  • If you take pictures of the newlyweds near the Christmas trees, life will be prickly
  • You can’t take pictures of the groom with other women, he will go to the left
  • It is impossible for the bride in the photo to be reflected in a pond or pond
  • Newlyweds are not allowed to take pictures in front of a mirror
  • You should not photograph the newlyweds separately, for parting
  • It is impossible for the bride to stand near the temple or church in the photo

Remember, there were no photographers in Rus', such signs are not old Russian, but invented independently. They have nothing to do with reality.

Wedding rings: signs

  • It is impossible for the rings to have engraving or stones, they must be smooth.
  • Do not let someone measure your ring.
  • Do not put the ring on the glove, take it off, and then put on the jewelry.
  • If during the wedding ceremony a ring fell, to a divorce.
  • It is advisable to purchase rings in the same store for the bride and groom. And it is better to do it in one day.
  • Before the wedding, put the rings in a container. Close the container and put it in the freezer. Marriage will be as strong as ice.
  • You can't get married in a widow's ring. This can lead to the death of her husband.
  • Getting married with the ring of your grandmother, who has been married for over 40 years, is a good omen.
  • Newlyweds can use the rings of their parents for the wedding only if they have lived together for more than 20 years.
  • You can not make wedding rings from sawn wedding rings of relatives or parents. The ring must be new or inherited. It cannot be cut and remelted.
  • After acquiring wedding rings, at the entrance to the house, say: “To a good life, to a faithful family. Amen".

Wedding shoes: signs

There are many signs associated with shoes. Here are some of them:

  • It is better to wear shoes in a contrasting color. She will protect from the evil eye
  • The bride's shoes must be closed. This will protect the leg from negative energy and sharp objects.
  • You can't get married in someone else's shoes.

It is recommended to wear your worn shoes on the wedding day. This does not mean that shoes must be 5 years old. Just put on your shoes for an hour every day and walk around the house in them. So, you stretch the pair a little and do not rub calluses.

  • You can wear golden shoes - this is to wealth.
  • Try not to lose your shoe before the registry office, this is a break in marriage.
  • If you break your heel at a wedding, then family life will be “limping”.

Witness at the wedding: signs

  • Witnesses must be baptized
  • You can't call your namesake as a friend
  • You should not choose a widow or a married girlfriend as a witness
  • It is not allowed to invite as witnesses the husband and wife or people who meet
  • The witness must be at least a day younger than the bride
  • Although in Rus' it was the other way around, they invited a happy married couple
  • The dress of the witness must be blue, pink or gold. This will bring good luck to the newlyweds' house.
  • After the exchange of rings, the witness must take the box for herself. This means that she will be married soon.
  • Before the wedding, the witness must fasten boutonnieres to the outfits of the newlyweds and not be pricked with pins. This brings her bad luck.

Children at the wedding: a sign

Many people are afraid to invite relatives with children to the wedding. This is mainly due to whims and noise. Therefore, if you have many acquaintances with kids, invite an animator and prepare a separate children's menu. So, the children will not interfere with anyone. Parents will rest, and children will have a good time and go to bed without hind legs.

There are also signs about children at the wedding:

  • Many children at the holiday - to a happy family life
  • In the west, the bride must be sprinkled with rose petals by children. It is a symbol of innocence and virginity.
  • Children can carry the long train of the wedding dress

You should not sincerely believe in every sign, most of them are mere notions. Try to trust only ancient signs that are several hundred years old.

VIDEO: Wedding Signs

Naturally, the sign of wedding shoes, like many others, has very ancient roots. In the old days, people sincerely believed in all superstitions. In order not to incur trouble, it was necessary to strictly follow the traditions - how to do it, when to do it, etc. Attention was paid not only to the proper conduct of the wedding itself, but also to the outfits of the bride and groom. This also applied to the girl's shoes. Although it is not visible, but it must be special. It was believed that you can not get married - only in shoes.

There were several explanations for this:

1. Legs are considered the most vulnerable spot. If they are open and others see them, then you can easily jinx a person. If the bride was in sandals, then the enemies could wish the newlywed all the worst. In this case, a troubled marriage awaits the couple, which will not last long, and the family will break up;

2. If there are open places in the bride's wedding shoes - toe or heel, then this is bad for family life. It was believed that happiness, money and love would leave the young, and the house would be filled only with many troubles, quarrels and family troubles.

3. Sandals suggest the presence of fasteners and many jumpers. It was believed that this could cause difficulties during childbirth. Therefore, shoes had to be exactly in the form of shoes, so that the birth of a child would be as easy as possible.

If you believe that troubles can happen, then they will definitely come into your life. If you put aside all superstitions and think only about the harmonious appearance and comfort during the wedding, then nothing bad will happen, even if the bride chooses sandals as shoes. Getting married in 30-degree heat, it will be simply impossible to walk all day in shoes. We create our own happiness, no matter what shoes we wear.


  • 1930 Rarity: The Man You Don't Have to Marry!
  • 1930 Tips: Men You Shouldn't Marry!

After a divorce, a woman looks at the institution of marriage somewhat differently than on the eve of entering into it, especially in cases where the divorce was painful. But time heals, and sooner or later thoughts begin to appear in my head that it would be nice to get married a second time. In modern society, this can be done without much difficulty.


In order to create a new family, you need to find a worthy candidate for the role of husband. The wider the social circle, the easier it is to do this. Therefore, do not sit at home, meet friends more often, get out to public events.

Do not be shy about your desire to remarry, there is nothing shameful in this, so close friends can voice their plans directly. It is possible that in their social circle, among friends or relatives, there is an attractive free man.

Consider any offers of acquaintance, even those that seem not very attractive. It is in her first year at the university that the girl has at her disposal several hundred free ones, but over the years, the social circle becomes narrower and the number of married men in it increases with each passing year. But this is not a reason to drag the first person you meet down the aisle, you need to start a family with the person who is interesting, and not just in order not to stand out from the crowd.

Do not compare new acquaintances with your ex-husband, either in appearance or in character traits. The previous marriage is in the past, and a new family needs to be built, forgetting that it did not work out.

Don't get hung up on wanting to remarry. It’s not worth talking about your dreams on the first date, on a subconscious level, a man can be afraid of such pressure, and the relationship will end before it starts.

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Helpful advice

If you cannot find a bachelor among your acquaintances, contact professional agencies. They will help with the selection of candidates and organize an acquaintance with an interested man. This method has certain advantages: men who apply to a marriage agency are ready for a serious relationship.


  • remarry in 2019

Suppose you are a beautiful Slavic girl, but the idea of ​​the Koran is close to you, and no one from your environment shares these beliefs and aspirations. Well, then you can try to radically change your society by marrying Muslim.


Or find yourself in the same territory with a potentially desirable object for you. As a place for the future, institutions where students from different countries receive education are quite suitable. Enter the same place or become guests in their hostel.

Meet the contenders for the role of your husband. Or with one of them, but the most worthy.

Prepare a documentary basis for living together with a Muslim foreigner.

Let him always and in everything feel his importance and leadership. Don't be afraid, no one will push you around.

If, for some external reason, your marriage with this person did not work out, but you were able to maintain respect for each other, do not lose heart. Most Muslim men seek their wives through and through acquaintances of friends and relatives. So, perhaps your betrothed is just busy looking for a meeting.

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When dating through Internet services, especially through special dating sites, be extremely careful and careful. Especially if the fan appeared immediately and he is distinguished by a special temperament and enthusiasm for you. This may well be a scammer, gigolo, or just a person who does not initially have serious plans for you. Also try to isolate yourself as much as possible from possible disappointments and do not trust a person until you are seriously confident in his decency.

Marry billionaire seems like a fantastic unattainable dream, but in fact this desire can be realized. This is the same work as when you work on developing your career. The main thing is to have a clear plan and know what to do.

You will need

  • Willingness to change
  • Propensity to study


Foreign ones are still popular with Russian girls. Many of our beauties dream of getting married and going to live abroad. One of the most sought-after suitors for Russian women are the Germans. They are stable, reliable and, most importantly, attractive. That's just how to marry German?


In order to be a German, you need to get to know him. And although finding a suitable foreign groom is somewhat more difficult than a domestic groom, this is not an obstacle for a purposeful woman.

You should not look for a future German husband in bars and discos frequented by foreigners. Although the chance to meet from abroad is great, it is unlikely that it can lead to something serious. Foreign men go to such places to have a good time and relax, and they are not looking for a wife at all.

To meet a foreign man, you can study the list of German companies operating in your city and get a job in one of them. In addition to good work, you will get acquainted with representatives of Germany, both with colleagues and with those sent to your branch. If your work involves business trips to Germany, the chance to pick up a husband will increase several times.

If you do not want to change jobs, visit exhibitions in which many foreign companies participate. Find out in which business centers there are German companies, and go to lunch in a cafe nearby, since it is likely that your chosen one dine in one of these cafes.

After you have met the right man, he needs to please him. Russian women do not have to make any extra efforts for this. Russian wives are very popular in Europe, and in Germany in particular. Europeans appreciate ladies for their beauty, homeliness, femininity. They are tired of their emancipated

Without the right bridal shoes, your bridal look will not only be incomplete. If you choose the wrong shoes, it can ruin your whole unique image, which is why it is so important to know about the choice of shoes. There are several essential nuances, non-observance of which can significantly spoil your holiday. We will tell you about them now.

What should be the wedding shoes of the bride

First of all, it is of course the color. It would seem clear that if your dress is white, then the shoes should be the same. However, not all so simple. The fact is that the white color can be different, sometimes so much so that its shades do not combine with each other.

Therefore, if you choose a dress and shoes in different stores, you definitely need to take a small piece of the material from which to sew the dress when you go shopping for shoes.

It is also very important to choose the right heels for the length of your dress. If you don’t buy a dress, but sew it from the master, then be sure to wear shoes with the desired heel height when trying on. This will determine how long the hem of the dress will be made for you. If it is too long, then you will experience a lot of inconvenience during the festive celebration.

Now let's talk about the material. It is very important that the top of the wedding shoes is in harmony with the material of the dress. So, if your dress is lace, then it is better if the shoes have an openwork edging or a frill. If the material of the dress is smooth and matte, then the shoes can be trimmed with crepe, but if the skirt is silk, then the shoes can be made of satin.

Wedding shoes that have the same decor with the dress also look good. So, for example, if the dress is embroidered with pearls, then the same trim looks good on shoes.

No less important is the style. If your dress is luxurious and richly trimmed with rhinestones, ribbons or lace, then you'd better choose modest leather shoes for it, but if the dress is simple and strict, then shoes trimmed with mother-of-pearl or rhinestones are perfect for it.

When thinking about how to choose wedding shoes for the bride, one should not forget that you will have to spend quite a lot of time in these shoes, so you should choose shoes taking care of your comfort as much as possible.

Otherwise, the wedding celebration will turn into a real torture for you. If your celebration takes place in the city, then high heels will be quite appropriate, and if outside the city, it is better to prefer light and comfortable ballet flats. However, if you are not used to high heels, then a wedding is definitely not the time to experiment.

What you need to know when choosing wedding shoes for the bride

Properly selected shoes are an indispensable element of the wardrobe and allow you to create a sophisticated and unique image. That is why this question is one of the most important in preparing for the wedding celebration. The shoes chosen for this important event should not only be beautiful and elegant or be combined with the dress - they must also be especially comfortable.

If you go to a bridal salon, they will probably tell you that before choosing shoes, you need to choose a dress. And this is right, because wedding shoes (and not only wedding shoes) must be in complete harmony with the dress, creating a single ensemble with it.

If the dress is already ready for you, then you can grab a small piece of the material from which it is made when going to the store for shoes in order not to make a mistake when choosing the color of the shoes.

Their color should completely repeat the color of the dress, or it can be one tone lighter and not vice versa. If white wedding shoes are darker than the dress, then they will simply look dirty and dusty.

You should go to the store for shoes in the afternoon, because the legs tend to swell somewhat in the evening.

Shoes should be comfortable, comfortable and in no case press, so, having tried on shoes, do not rush to take them off, but walk around the store a little, for 3-5 minutes. Evaluate your feelings - after all, you will have to spend the whole day in them, and not the easiest in your life.

What material and how to choose bride's wedding shoes? In principle, it can be made of absolutely any materials - both leather and textile, shoes can be embroidered with sequins or rhinestones, or they can be lacquered or matte, trimmed with fur, etc. It all depends on your desire and the imagination of the fashion designer - there are no restrictions on this, unlike the groom's shoes.

The only thing is that the shoes should be chosen according to the time of the year in which you are getting married. So if open light shoes are quite appropriate in summer, then in winter they should be more dense. By the way, do not be lazy and get yourself warm shoes as well - after all, you will have to go for a walk.

As for the heel, it should be stable and comfortable. And even if you are used to flaunting high heels, remember that you will have to do this throughout the day and you will not be able to take them off until the evening.

In this case, you will have to walk and dance a lot. If you want, you can buy two pairs - first you will perform in wedding shoes with thin and high heels, and then you can change them to something more comfortable.
