Congratulations to kindergarten graduates from kids in verse. "Goodbye, Kindergarten!" - prom

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Graduation in kindergarten - congratulations to children

"How they have grown up!", "We didn't have time to look back..." - the parents of little fidgets gasp in one voice.
So the kids grew up, until recently they learned to walk and talk. It seems that only yesterday they came for the first time with their mothers by the hand to the kindergarten - and now the time has come to say farewell to the kindergarten, to a warm, dear, hospitable home. Ahead of the school - school joys, school mates, breaks, calls and copybooks with primers. The first difficulties, answers at the blackboard, grades and homework.
And now the boys and girls are preparing to say goodbye to kindergarten. Moms excitedly straighten prom dresses and hairstyles for smart fashionistas, tie ties for boys. Graduates repeat poems and songs learned especially for the graduation party. After all, everything should be solemn on this day! There will certainly be congratulations to educators, nannies, all kindergarten workers, parting words to the children, a response from parents, many songs and dances. So I want this bright and joyful day to remain in the memory of children.
This is the first graduation in my life. A beautiful holiday, but at the same time sad, because children begin to say goodbye to childhood. I so want to stop them: "Do not rush to grow up, do not, because you will not return childhood. Live in it a little more, rejoice at childish carelessness." Childhood is the most carefree, happiest time. How many times, already as adults, we all mentally return to childhood and think - what a happy world it is! Therefore, we wish that every child of today in the inevitable adult life will surely fulfill his childhood dream.
To help educators, the site has scenarios for children's graduation, color invitation forms, posters and pictures for graduation.

All the ladies in ball gowns
And they are gentlemen to match,
Today you need to be adults
And I want to run to my mother.
Did you enjoy playing here?
Sometimes I didn't want to go home
It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten
And we celebrate graduation. ©

girl at graduation

Today you say goodbye
To all teachers and children.
But you always, baby, know:
You are expected here, you will be met here.
You come to us sometimes
Tell me about your successes
And if it's sad, then we
We will support you with warm laughter! ©

Congratulations to educators

Graduation rush through the gardens in a crowd -
Hurry, fly, hearts are torn to pieces ...
Thank you very much, relatives,
Because our offspring are funny
Now go ready for the new path;
And you - good health and patience,
The warmth of the soul and business acumen,
Good luck, victories and so much inspiration,
So that you have more than enough for a lifetime;
So that you are not called "educators",
So that each of the children is in love with you! ..
We are very sorry to part with you ...
Thank you and low bow to you! ©

Congratulations to the children

Dear kids!
Sad moment comes:
Desks and books are waiting for you,
The school calls you to battle ...
Congratulations kids
Our graduates!
Do you remember these
golden days -
It's still autumn
But saying goodbye now
One thing we ask you:
Remember us at school! ©

You let us go today
Like a flock of happy birds.
And involuntarily at the same time you drop
Tears from your long eyelashes!
How much kindness and affection you have,
And there is no wiser person in the world!
You must have come from a fairy tale
And raised us for so many years!
Do not be sad! We are sure
We will visit you again!
Our nannies and caregivers
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts! ©

We are big now
Soon we will be students
But together we all decided:
We will not forget kindergarten!
Let's say goodbye to him today
The memory will always keep
How we quarreled, reconciled,
How they played in the garden, yes! ©

The steam locomotive of childhood rushes along the road
Outside the window, stations flicker like birds.
He will take the guys further today.
Goodbye, station called "Kindergarten!"
Dolls and cars, a slender row of books,
Seeing off, looking at you.
And it’s as if they are whispering: “(child’s name), don’t be sad!
Happiness to you, joy! Bon Voyage!" ©

First time in the garden without mom
Tears, the long-awaited evening,
Porridge in the morning, tea with cookies,
The first poems
Mornings and exercises -
Kindergarten, its own rules.
Daytime sleep, walks, dinner,
Quarrels, fights, friendship again.
Those years have flown by...
How? Nobody noticed!
Kindergarten, don't be sad
We need to go to school!
We say goodbye to you -
Here it is, the first graduation! ©

Congratulations, dear, glorious children, on your first graduation. May a happy childhood not end, may every day be cheerful, bright, sunny and kind for you. Do not be afraid of change, do not forget to dream and enjoy life, go for a walk, start something incredibly interesting, draw pictures, sing songs, surprise your family and the whole world. May each of you be able to reveal your talents and achieve great victories in life. Be happy, dear children.

Our dear children,
It's time for us to part
We wish you goodbye
Good luck and good to you
leaving today
You are my favorite kindergarten
School is waiting for you very soon,
And there is no turning back
You are an excellent student
Never give up
Smile, don't be sad
Be happy always!

Our dear and wonderful children, today you are leaving the walls of your favorite kindergarten, and soon a new adventure and a new journey called "School" will begin for you. Let you not be afraid of obstacles on the way, let letters and complex numbers not scare you, let everything always work out for you, let there always be enough time to study well, play fun with friends, read interesting books and live good fairy tales.

Looks like it was just recently:
You came to this kindergarten,
But time passed quickly
For all kindergartners!

Now you are adults
And soon you will go to school,
Let great success
Waiting for you on the path of life!

Always, kids, remember
All the things the garden taught you:
Be friends, help your neighbors
So that a ray of happiness shines on you!

Our dear children, congratulations on your graduation. Today you will leave the walls of this kindergarten and go on a new path along the roads of other interests and hobbies. We want to wish you never doubt yourself, in no case be upset, dream beautifully and believe in miracles, show your talents in everything and successfully acquire new knowledge of life.

At your first graduation
We accompany you on your way
All doors let the vast world
It opens before you.

Finished garden ahead
The road to school awaits you.
We wish that it is easy
You were given education.

Let's meet on the way
You new friends
In your circle you, children,
Let the school family accept.

Have you completed Kindergarten?
And today is graduation
Here you were small
The world is waiting for you now.

First step in life
You have passed now
Prepare well:
Next school, first grade!

Today is graduation day! And I wish our kids a great and bright life path. May the coming school years bring you a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities. May joy always accompany you, along with good luck, sincerity and success. Good mood, courage and victories!

Today, kids
We say goodbye to you
From kindergarten to a new world
Doors open.

Right over the threshold
The path of knowledge lies
Go bold
On a new journey with friends.

We want you to study
You are great at school
Grew up and became
Real people.

Goodbye, kids, what can I say?
It is very sad to part with you.
Days, however, fly like a bird,
It's time to say goodbye to the garden
Let the school welcome you
Adults now you are people,
Maybe you remember us
Well, we will definitely not forget you!

Our dear little graduates, our obedient pupils and mischievous children, we congratulate you on this wonderful day. Today you will say "goodbye" to our garden and set off towards new adventures, new dreams, new wonders. First of all, I want to wish you not to be afraid of anything, to remain the same sincere, cheerful, cheerful, inquisitive and friendly children. May you easily overcome every step on the ladder to great success, may there always be the support of your parents, grandparents, and may every day be filled with your smiles and happy moments.

Dear children, congratulations on your first graduation! May your school years be exciting and interesting, may you be surrounded by good people and true friends. Get new knowledge, conquer new heights, obey your parents, be their pride and make your dreams come true!

Our dear and beloved kids! Leaving the walls of your native kindergarten, you are embarking on a new adult school path. As parting words, we would like to wish you success, strong friendship, excellent grades, health and a lot of joy.

I congratulate our wonderful little graduates, as well as all the employees of this kindergarten, parents of children, grandparents. But, nevertheless, I want to say the most important words for our mischievous people, because a new school life, new hobbies, new friends and new dreams await them ahead. I wish you guys to always remain the same cheerful birds that fly freely around this world and are not afraid of anything. Good luck in the future, a lot of interesting and surprising things, as well as health, obedience and frequent reasons for ringing laughter.

We congratulate you on the first small step of your growing up. Today you are leaving the walls of our kindergarten and our group and we want your life to be easy and happy. To make you great students and great people.

Today, I want to wish a bright future to all our children, our dear little graduates. May the world of your opportunities, hobbies, desires, interests and aspirations become much wider, may your favorite characters, delicious chocolate, funny songs and good friends always cheer you up. I want to wish you to always remain the same cute children and bright rays of joy. Let the upcoming school days not scare you, let everything work out for you!

Our dear children, today you say goodbye to kindergarten, today you say goodbye to your teachers and nannies. And we want to wish you a good journey. And let your happy childhood not end there, let books become more interesting, adventures more fun, every day more fun and joyful. Good luck to you, children, kindness of hearts and miracles. And most importantly - do not get sick and stay wonderful guys.

Dear children, today you are crossing the first important threshold in life. We wish the school to warmly welcome you, knowledge is easy to come by, curiosity does not end! We are proud of you and very happy!

You have grown our chicks, have become so big. Today you are so elegant and beautiful, but your eyes are serious. You leave the walls of a cozy nest that greeted you every morning with the smile of your beloved teacher. Do not be afraid to fly to a new world, there you will find a lot of new and interesting things. There is a school waiting for you. Most importantly, do not forget what your teachers taught you. Try, strive, learn, be obedient and smart, and you will succeed. Good luck to you.

Graduation in kindergarten, as a rule, consists of several traditional blocks that can be interchanged. These blocks have historically developed and include the main meaningful moments of graduation in kindergarten, without which, of course, it is impossible to do without.

  • introduction;
  • memories of how the kindergarten path of today's graduates began;
  • congratulations of graduates with kids;
  • "passing the baton" from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades;
  • checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school;
  • the gratitude of the children to their educators and all the pedagogical and attendant staff of the kindergarten;
  • gratitude of parents;
  • parting words of kindergarten staff to graduates.

What not a single graduation in kindergarten can do without is without poetry. Poems will create the appropriate mood for graduation in kindergarten: where necessary - cheerful (for example, when talking about the childhood of graduates), where necessary - lyrical (when talking about how graduates do not want to leave kindergarten). Poems will make graduation in kindergarten even more vivid, emotional, help both children and parents remember it for a long time, keeping memories of kindergarten for a long time.

It is important to place the accents in the use of poetry in such a right way in order to build the correct emotional outline for graduation in kindergarten: somewhere to laugh with the children and parents, and somewhere to grieve, so that both children, parents, and teachers can feel the importance of this wonderful segment of life - preschool education.

In this material, you will be presented with poems to choose from for various thematic graduation blocks in kindergarten.

In fact, these verses can also become a ready-made script if you add prose links to them - the words of the leader.

Block "Introduction"


The sun shines in the window
And the birds are singing.
They probably already
They also know about the holiday!
The birds have flown and are sitting
And look out the window at us
Like it's here now
About our kindergarten cinema!
As if we are on the screen
Let's see all our way
My friend, you are never a kindergarten
Beloved, don't forget!
Today we will remember
How did we get here
As if the birds flew by
weeks and years.
We will say goodbye, friends,
It's time for us to go to school!
Childhood goes by
And, alas, the game is over!


Oh, is this the day
Did he come anyway?
Last holiday, Graduation,
Still found us!
Well, maybe just wait.
And don't let them go?
How are we going to live without them?
For now, don't understand...
Came here at the age of three
And they were good
So smart already
Even though they are kids.
They knew how to eat and drink,
They were still able to sleep.
How to read and how to count
We were able to find out here.
Now they can draw
Read and sing songs
And so they know how to eat quickly,
To be in time for lunch!
How did you grow up right here
In front of our eyes.
No wonder here they are, the eyes,
Look - everyone is in tears! ..
You are graduating today
You have grown, friends!
And no matter how much we want
You cannot be left.
We send you on your way now
We'll collect your luggage
But everyone will know for sure
That he is OUR graduate!

Block "Memories of the first steps of graduates"


I was three years old.
Mom told me
Since I myself did not know about it,
That from Monday I will go to kindergarten
And I will find true friends there!
At first I held on to my mother for a long time,
Then somehow he broke away from her,
And with crying, and with a roar, I went into the group!
And there ... I found a lot of toys there!
Our teachers were there!
Probably, there are no more beautiful educators!
Can we take you to school with us?
And we'll take our babysitter!
She comforted us just wonderfully,
When we wept, she sang songs to us,
And the kids are unhappy
Instantly became calm!
What if we accidentally get a deuce at school?
No one will comfort us nannies better!
How we will be without you - we still do not know
We do not represent, we do not understand!
Can we bring toys with us?
And, if possible, more pillows?
What if I want to sleep at school?
Can I take my bed with me?
How we don't want to part
Say goodbye to our beloved garden!
Probably good at school
But I really want to go to kindergarten!


When we brought the children
Here for the first time in my life
So worried at the door
And the kids got used to it!
At first I didn't want my mother
Let go son
And soon my mother could not
Find a son
He was so busy playing
With your favorite teacher!
You were always like this
Caringly attentive!
Like our miracle - kids

They have grown over the years!
Recently, they just came to the garden,
And then we went to school...
How it will be there - we do not know,
But thank you
For giving everything to children
Perhaps, like family!

Block "Congratulations of graduates with babies"


Oh how big you are!
You are almost up to the ceiling!
And call you babes
No hand will be raised.

They took you on sleds
And carried in their arms
Now stand firm
You are on your own feet!

We want big like you
Hurry up to become already
Live like you, not on the first
And on the top floor!

We promise worthy
We will replace you, friends,
After all, without you, that is, without the elders,
You can't do it in the garden!

We promise that the toys
We won't break here.
And we won't be each other
Never offend here.

In a quiet hour we will sleep quietly
And eat up the whole dinner,
And we can learn at school
Four and five!

We'll grow up very soon
Let's go to school too!

Block "Transfer of the baton" from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades"

Relay our
We deliver to you!
We will tell you in words
And we'll sing a song for you!

Get in the garden
you useful knowledge,
To go to school
You without delay.

We learn everything at school
Then we'll tell you.
We hope the program
You will be on the teeth!

Keep all toys
Don't break them
Just in case you
Save them for us.

Suddenly we'll miss it
And want to play?
It's hard work -
Get fives!

We will run to the garden
To expensive cars
To dolls and bears
Beloved and family!

Let's go back for a minute
We are golden in childhood
Good and light
And such a good thing!

Graduates sing a song about toys to the motive "Tired toys are sleeping ...".

1. Funny toys are waiting,
The books are waiting
Well, when are the kids to them
Will they come again?

Let the lessons end
Feet will bring them to the garden,
To play
Here again.

2. Babies, you stay
Here without us
We will go to study
To the first class.

Well, you live together
You need to grow up
To take you
First class!

Block "Checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school"


How much knowledge there is on the planet!
You can't even count them all at once!
We will now check how you read,
How do you write and how do you think?
At school, you need to know the numbers firmly,
To understand your grades!

The host reads the quatrain, the children answer in unison within the meaning of “Yes” or “No” or the word that fits the meaning. The host confuses the children by offering them “wrong” rhymes.

Poem-game "Marks"

The school has a mark of five.
Will we receive it?
Do we always enjoy it? (Yes!)

Get doubles more often
And besides, do not be discouraged.
It's not a secret at all.
Is this the right advice? (Not!)

If the deuce is not a problem,
Is it just nonsense? (Not!)

Does knowledge give us light? (Yes!)
And good in our world
The rating will be four.
Mom happy and proud? (Yes!)

Better than a deuce
A score of three counts.
And I give you guys advice:
After all, better grades (Yes!)

Don't be lazy at school
It's always good to learn
Always be excellent? (Yes!)

Well done! I think you will be very good students!

Riddles with a choral answer in school subjects

We want to write numbers -
We take it in a box ... (notebook).

We want to write letters -
We take in a stripe ... (notebook).

Draw a huge house
Want. I take a big ... (album).

I draw simply, without a pointer.
Help me with a drawing ... (paints).

Cool at school there is a lesson:
There, like hares, jump and jump
We jump and jump
And we drive ... (ball).

This is not literature
This is our ... (physical education).

And beloved, of course,
We will have ... (change).

I'm not used to kindergarten
Get grades ... (in the diary).

What is behind the shoulders?
Do not pick it up and mom!
Weighs eight kilograms
How much are they asking us!
I take it this way and that,
This is my school ... (backpack).

It has pens and pencils
Get them and know, write.
And although it is very small,
We really need ... (pencil case).

You can get a double
And not to get fives,
If at the right time
You will not learn ... (lesson).

We go to school to study
Work behind the desks
We won't go with you
If there is ... (day off).

I really need a chalk in my hand,
When you go out ... (to the blackboard).

There are boards and old ones,
And there is ... (interactive).

It's cool to learn from them
And they need ... (computer).

To know the subject well,
We will study on ... (excellent)!

Block "Gratitude of children to their teachers and all the pedagogical and service personnel of the kindergarten"

Before reading a gratitude poem, you can name the kindergarten employee to whom gratitude is intended by name and patronymic.

Thank you everybody,
native teachers,
So beloved and precious!
you taught us
Everything that they could
We played with you
They laughed and sang.
Probably sad
Without us, you alone ...
Today we are for you
Thank you!

We are our educators
Thank you here now!
You were able to teach us
How to put on your own coat
And tie your shoelaces
They also taught us
And now we can go
Also themselves - in the first class!

Head of our
Thank you for your attention,
For all-all-all problems
Such understanding!
Our kindergarten is the coolest
We know it for sure
And you of all the managers -
The best in the world!

Without a methodologist at all
You can't in the kindergarten
It will definitely say
All my friends.
So it was interesting
Here we are to do
What from our occupations
We can't get away!
Maybe you will go
And to school with us too?
There skill is yours to us
Learning will help!

Thanks for the music
Our teacher!
'Cause everyone's better now
We sing and dance!
And the school can be
They will take us to the school choir!
We'll make sure
There is a sensation in the choir!

Charging with us did
You every day in the morning!
Our teacher
Physical training! Hooray!
Have you thought about health?
And you tempered us
How to take care of yourself
We learned from you.

You don't get sick either
In the garden without us!
For us, you are a health worker -
Simply top class!

Beloved cooks!
How will we be without you?
Tasty food
We will never forget!
Can we from school
We will come
So that you sometimes
Were you able to feed us?

We speak in chorus!
For everything, for everything, for everything

Block "Gratitude of parents"

Such a kindergarten
Definitely not anywhere else.
We will not disappear with you
On land and even in water!

How you always were tremulous
With our kids!
you painted with them
Paints, pencils,

You sang songs with them
Dances you danced
With you so cheerful
They never got bored!

We'll part ways soon...
We will be very bored.
For those who were not here in the kindergarten,
Maybe we don't understand...

Only we will tell them
How great it was for us!
Very very children
They love their second moms!

You really were
Real moms:
So good, kind
Talented and brilliant!

You taught them a lot:
Play together and make friends
And get big
And in general it is right to live!

We'll be parting soon.
The kids will go to school.
But in kindergarten they are favorite
Always find a way!

So don't be sad
They will come running to you
After all, they know that in the kindergarten
Teachers are always waiting!

Block "Parting words of kindergarten staff to graduates"

Here you are leaving us, what a pity we are!
The doors will close soon...
And when we start talking
Maybe no one will believe!

We will talk for a long time
And, interrupting each other,
Talk, talk about you
Remembering your names...

To all friends, acquaintances, colleagues,
Who did not know you, we will tell about you.
How did you get on with the band.
They danced like waltzes together.

What smart kids
We went to this group - let's say!
Everything you did, we remember
Because everything is important to us.

We loved you very, very much
They knew everyone - who loves what,
Someone porridge, and someone cutlets.
We won't forget it now.

And now you're leaving us.
And we won't see each other again.
Of course, we will be a little upset,
And maybe we'll shed a little.

But all summer in all those who meet
On the way to work children
We will recognize the features
Yours, the best children in the world!

All autumn we will worry:
How are you there without a quiet hour?
How are you without our parting words,
Without support, without our affection?

The New Year will come - and the same:
How without a holiday in kindergarten?
You please each tell us:
"I'll come to your kindergarten!"

Of course, the kids will come to us
The day you go to class.
Dreamers and rascals...

You, beautiful and naughty,
You, who are no more,
Go around the whole beautiful world,
All our huge white light!

Goodbye dears!
You are going to fly.
You are just very dear to us.
May you always be lucky in life!

Good day! Time flies unnoticed and now “yesterday's” kids-pupils are preparing to say goodbye to their favorite kindergarten. So, in a few years, for many, the kindergarten has become a “second” home, and the teachers and staff have become caring and loving “parents”.

Before forever leaving the familiar world of toys and afternoon naps, the children will have a solemn and beautiful graduation. Today it is a real magical ball for girls and boys - with beautiful puffy dresses and "adult" hairstyles, strict suits, white shirts and ties or bow ties. According to tradition, at graduation in kindergarten, congratulations are heard from parents to children, as well as to educators and all the staff of the preschool institution who took part in the life of their beloved children. Warm parting words from the head of the kindergarten - the phrases are filled with sadness from the imminent parting and pride in the achievements of little graduates. In turn, children learn beautiful poems and lines of prose for educators who have long become family. We have prepared for you congratulations in prose, sincere and sweet lines.

Wishes to kindergarten graduates in your own words

Congratulations on your graduation from your favorite kindergarten. I wish you to move from the carefree days of a mischievous childhood to the responsibility of schoolwork, I also wish you to spend your every day in an interesting and exciting way, I wish you to remember funny kindergarten everyday life with a smile, and I wish you to enthusiastically follow the path of education.

Happy first graduation! Kindergarten today says goodbye to the smallest people who begin their journey to the land of knowledge. We wish you big steps in the new period of your life, success in your studies and the happiest and most fun children's time. Let your smiles always shine on the faces and cheer up those around you.

Happy graduation to everyone who participated in the work of the kindergarten! Here the children learned their first words, steps and a lot of interesting things. Let them enter a new stage for them - this is a school that will teach them even more and more cognitive. After all, they will go through a big school with new impressions. Good luck and great study!

Congratulations on your graduation from Kindergarten. First ball, first parting. I wish you, dear child, not to lose friendship with the guys, to take cheerful memories and a bright palette of colors with you on your future journey in order to decorate the picture of your upcoming school years in your own way and your imagination.

Accept congratulations on an important holiday, graduation in kindergarten. One more step has been passed, there is a lot of new, interesting, fascinating, unique ahead. And although growing up is inevitable from year to year, life will present new surprises. Let the green light burn on the fateful path. Good luck turning in any direction.

Wishes for the first graduation to children in kindergarten

You have become quite big, it's time to say goodbye to the garden. For you, the school opens doors, calling for interesting new knowledge. Let this first graduation be remembered for a long time, and be the starting line for new beginnings!

Our dear, dear dear teachers! The years of childhood fly by unnoticed.
Now the time has come to leave the kindergarten: the school is ahead. All these years you have been healers of children's hearts and souls, you have taken care of them, you have accepted every child as he is, you have been able to find an approach to everyone. We have always been calm for our children. The educator - with a capital letter - is you, our dear person! Thank you for your hard work, thank you for the warmth of your heart. We wish you warmth, harmony and love on this wonderful and a little exciting day. May there be a lot of warmth, love, health and kindness in your life. Patience to you on naughty.

Best wishes for graduation in kindergarten in your own words from adults

Congratulations to all the staff of this wonderful kindergarten on your graduation. You are great fellows and truly deserve the title of the best workers in the field of happy childhood. I wish you great success in your future activities, many more such wonderful and cheerful bands, as well as an ongoing series of joyful events in life.

Dear employees of the kindergarten, we sincerely congratulate you on the next release of a group of children from your walls. We wish you health, patience, creative inspiration in your work, family well-being, may your wards always give you the opportunity to feel proud of their successes.

Dear Kindergarten Staff! Already grown children are leaving your walls, and soon other kids will fill them with their loud laughter and unbridled energy. We thank you for your invaluable hard work and wish you patience, mental strength, and inspiration. Let the children feed you with their energy and charge you with sincerity and optimism!

On behalf of all the parents of the graduates of our group, I would like to say a huge thank you to all the teachers and staff of the kindergarten.

In addition to the necessary knowledge, you have invested a part of yourself in our children. You managed to penetrate into children's hearts and instill kindness, love and joy in them.

I would like to thank the head of the kindergarten, the teachers of our group, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution.

We express our gratitude to the teaching staff (educators, methodologist, senior educator, Physiotherapist, Teacher-psychologist, Speech therapist teacher, Musical director), as well as to the fighters of the invisible front: cooks, nannies, watchmen, head of the household. Part. Honey. Employee.

Thank you for YOUR selfless work and desire to work in a kindergarten, educating the younger generation. You are all high-level professionals with vast experience. Our children were happy to go to the garden, and we, the parents, never worried, leaving the children in your reliable hands. Thank you very much!

How quickly time flies! it would seem that quite recently our children came to kindergarten with an uncertain step and for a long time did not want to let go of their mother's hand.

How many bitter children's tears were shed on the threshold!
Kindergarten with tenderness and care opened its doors for our children.

Thanks to your kindness, your attentiveness and sensitivity, the guys quickly got used to it. Kindergarten has become a second home for our children. Here our children learned something new every day: create, make friends, appreciate, respect, dance...

Thank you for putting a part of your soul into our guys, so different, helping them become kinder, smarter, teaching them such ordinary, but sometimes very difficult things.
Thank you for your daily hard work!

This is the work of a whole team of professionals: After all, every child needs to be fed deliciously with breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack.

Check the neck, vaccinations, certificates so that no one gets sick! In order for the classes to be interesting for children, it is necessary to prepare a whole range of materials.

It is impossible to list all the things that you do every day! In recent years, our kindergarten has changed a lot, his life has become much more interesting. Thank you for that!

Forgive us if sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of pressing matters, we were late, forgot something, argued with something and did not agree.

Of course, it was not easy for you, but you did a great job with everything, therefore you were professionals with our kids! Thank you for these important years for all of us!

Thank you for your care, attention, kindness, patience and love. Thank you for our weekdays and holidays, for the warmth and comfort in kindergarten.

We wish the whole team healthy, strong pupils next year, calm and reasonable mothers, fathers and grandmothers, happiness and pleasure from work.
