Combination of smell and color. How to choose perfume for clothes

​Some women have a consistent taste - they prefer one scent for all occasions. Others tend to change their scent depending on the season or for a special occasion. Either way, it's good to know how to choose the right scent. Perhaps this will be the first step to success.

    Distinguish between spirits.

    Choose perfume according to your surroundings. If you work in a small, enclosed space, you should avoid perfumes with strong scents.

  1. Before purchasing, try on the scent for yourself.

    • You can sprinkle a drop of the scent you like onto a special strip of paper that will be offered to you in the store. However, keep in mind that the smell on the paper will be slightly different from the smell on your body. If you drop some perfume on a pulse point on your body and you like the smell, then this should be the determining factor when choosing a perfume.
    • Alternatively, you can dab a little perfume on the inside of your wrist and wait about ten minutes. Wait until the aroma develops, then you can make the right decision.
    • The aroma has three degrees of expression - notes: top, middle and base. The top note is immediately felt, but not for long - after five minutes it disappears. The middle note appears after 10 minutes, and is replaced by the main note, the “aftertaste” of which is felt for about 15 minutes. Middle and base notes form the basis of the perfume composition and last for an hour. To get a full idea of ​​the perfume, you will have to wait until all the notes are fully revealed.
    • Try not to let the perfume drip onto your clothes. Firstly, the smell of perfume from your clothes can overwhelm the smell of the perfume you choose. Secondly, perfume can ruin clothes by staining or discoloring the area where the drop fell.
  2. Don't smell multiple scents at once. During perfume testing, your sense of smell becomes less sharp, all the smells are mixed, and accordingly, you are not able to get a clear idea of ​​​​the chosen aroma.

    • If you choose different types of perfume, stop at 5-6 scents, otherwise all the smells will mix.
    • Ask if you can smell the coffee beans during the scent test. Coffee beans help cover up the aroma of the perfume and allow you to better “feel” the scent over a longer period of time. Of course, the scent won't fade for long, so don't choose too many scents at once.
  3. Choose the scent that suits you. Approximately 75 percent of all perfumes contain small amounts of rose and jasmine extracts. In addition, perfumes typically contain thousands of other ingredients and various chemicals that combine to create the scent. That is why in nature there are no two completely identical aroma. Although sometimes it seems that the smells are exactly the same. However, many fragrances are traditionally divided into four categories: fresh green, woody, floral fruity and spicy.

    • The aroma of fresh greens is reminiscent of the smell of fresh grass, leaves and meadow grasses. This aroma, as a rule, is clearly felt, so it is chosen by strong women who lead a healthy lifestyle. Representatives of the fair sex, who have their own scent for every occasion, preferably use perfume with the aroma of fresh greenery outdoors during the daytime.
    • Aromas with woody notes are included in a wide range of warm aromas. Most of them include notes of amber, sandalwood, cedar, as well as various spicy aromas. The combination of spices makes the aroma so unique. Sensitive people choose a woody scent, especially if there is a romantic meeting in the evening.
    • The floral and fruity aroma evokes a feeling of playful mood, sudden feelings and romance. In most fragrances you can smell the scent of a particular flower or fruit. But some have more fruity notes, while others have more floral notes. These scents are great for daytime use. For women looking to refresh their senses, this piquant, floral-fruity scent is perfect.
    • Oriental spice aromas are somewhat similar to woody aromas, but they have a more pronounced floral note. Perfume in this category has a rich aroma, in which you can distinguish shades of orchid, orange blossom, vanilla, sweet spices, incense and musk. These exotic perfumes can be used at any time, but they work best in the evening. If you are one of the gentle, mysterious, emphatically feminine natures, then choose perfume from the category of spicy aromas.
Svetlana Rumyantseva

The scent of a woman speaks about the owner without words. The aroma conveys her feelings, dreams, desires. “Perfume is the music of the body,” said Madame Rocha. They lift the veil of secrecy and make it possible to touch the thin canopy that hides the sensual soul from the world of conventions.

Perfume appeared in ancient times: in Ancient Egypt, India, Mesopotamia. They were used mainly for ritual activities. They loved aromatic compositions and essential oils in Ancient Greece and Rome - everything for human delight. But perfumes found their real peak of popularity in France. Since the 17th century, scented water has become the only way to hide dirty body odor. This is where all the power of ingenuity lies. As centuries passed, hygiene became an obligatory part of the life of European people. Perfume has not lost popularity. The methods and secrets of the old masters are still used today.

Composition of aroma essence

Gives a state of bliss and sensual pleasure. It is not for nothing that incense is used in religious practices: the enchanting smell intoxicates the mind, relaxes, and puts one in a high mood. Three main ingredients are used to make perfume.

Aromatic concentrate

An aromatic concentrate is the basis of a perfume, a fragrant composition that contains from 15 to 60 aromatic components. For its production, plant and animal components are used. The former occupy the majority of the concentrate.

Plant components are made from leaves, flowers, fruits, roots. Some are turned into essential oils, others into “flower lipstick”, and the third are used in the form of infusions.
Animal ingredients help preserve odors longer. These include musk, amber, civet and castoreum. The presence of these components indicates the quality of the perfume. Sometimes natural essential oils are used to prepare new, synthetic fragrances.


The second component is a solvent, also known as concentrated ethyl alcohol.


The third component is water.

Dyes or antiseptics are often added to perfumes, which does not affect the smell.

Laws of perfume concentration

Dividing aromatic products into groups gives consumers the opportunity to make an informed choice and purchase a bottle with attractive contents. The choice of perfume is a whole science in which the result depends on a number of factors. Before going to the store, decide what time of day you are choosing the perfume for, how long it should last, what smell it should have: sweet, bitter, refreshing, invigorating or soothing.

The French Perfumers Association has developed a clear separation of fragrant liquids. Which category the mixture falls into depends on the amount of fragrant concentrate.

Undiluted essential oils. They have a concentrated odor and evaporate instantly. Extracted from plant components. Sometimes essential oils are used as perfume without additional mixtures.
In perfumes, the aromatic concentrate takes up 18-30% of the mixture. The scent lasts on the skin for at least 12 hours. On clothes made from natural wool until the next wash.
Eau de parfum contains 10-20% aromatic substances. The smell evaporates within 4 hours.
In eau de toilette, essential oils make up about 4-10%. This is a light perfume for daily use.
Cologne contains 2-4% aromatic substances and belongs to the men's perfume category.

Perfume, unlike other gifts of perfumery, reveals itself gradually. The first note that comes into play with your sense of smell is the “starting note.” Her life is short. After 10 minutes the aroma changes subtly, and after 30 it is replaced by a new one. Now comes the turn of the “heart note”. It reveals the true character of the spirits. The “heart note” scent lasts for about 12 hours. Then the "end note" comes into play. How long it will last depends on the durability of the scent and the material. Romantic gentlemen of the 18th century kept scented letters from their beloved women for years.

Aroma to taste

The art of perfumery is in great demand and is developing by leaps and bounds. Technologies change, synthetic components are created, odors become more complex. You won’t be surprised by the aroma of peaches when the freshness of the sea wind, the whisper of forest herbs, and the rustle of book pages are hidden on the shelves in the store, in glass bottles. For ease of selection and clarity, we will divide the abundance of odors into groups.


This is the smell of the forest, with all its richness. What does wet stone, rain-soaked earth, sun-warmed grass smell like? A rich collection of chypre aromas will tell you about this. Perfumers divide the family into several subgroups.

The most common is woody smells. Initially, women took note. The smells of wood and moss were brightened up with subtle floral and playful fruit aromas, resulting in a daring but refined mixture. Such perfumes are suitable for brave and confident girls with a masculine character. Chypre perfumes often have an earthy scent made from wood moss.

A separate group includes leather chypres with a rough, smoky scent of leather and tobacco - this is the basis of masculine compositions. A new group has been created for women - green fragrances. This includes the smells of forest herbs and freshness.

Chypre perfumes last a long time and have a special richness of aromas. This is the perfume of strong people, impeccable and collected. They reveal depth and mystery.


Appetizing and carefree smells of fruits and berries. They invigorate and energize. Sweetish aromas are suitable for girls with mischievous sparkles in their eyes and young laughers. Sourish smells, with a hint of capriciousness - for ladies with a difficult character.

A separate group of fruit aromas is citrus, which includes the smells of not only fruit pulp, but also bitter zest.


The smells of fragrant inflorescences convey the infinite. There are gentle notes for vulnerable people, light compositions for dreamy young ladies, and mysterious shades for seductresses. You can choose the scent of a single flower or an intricate composition of the aromas of several inflorescences.


Spicy smells of the east. Warm aromas, they warm, envelop you in a dense canopy. Oriental perfumes are mysterious, like the dark eyes of a southern dark woman. Their smell awakens sexual energy, enchants, bewitches.

Ozone and oceanic

Artificially derived aromas. Ozone smells include the smell of a thunderstorm, evening coolness, morning freshness and dew, and clean mountain air. They are diluted with notes of mint, lavender, and herbs. Oceanic aromas are reminiscent of a fresh sea breeze and the coolness of mountain lakes.

In addition to the main groups, two more new, mysterious, with almost “magical” properties have emerged in perfumery.

Molecular perfume

This type of perfume appeared in 2006. What makes it unusual? Molecular perfumes are odorless while they are in the bottle. The aroma appears after contact with the skin. It has enchanting magic and attracts members of the opposite sex. These perfumes are suitable for both men and women. The scent that appears after application to the skin changes throughout the day, depending on mood, activity level, and time of day. It adapts to the unique biorhythms of a person and always reveals a new side. How many people - so many smells. With such perfume you will always be individual.

Perfume with pheromones

This miracle of perfumery was created in the 90s of the last century. The main task is to attract male attention. Pheromones are chemical substances. They are produced by human skin. Their concentration indicates readiness to create a pair and continue offspring. In women, pheromones are actively produced during the period of ovulation (2-3 days in the middle of the cycle), when the body is ready to conceive a child. Substances that are imperceptible at first glance are picked up by a man’s olfactory receptors, which send a corresponding signal to the brain. As a result, a woman looks more attractive to the stronger sex on a subconscious level.

Fully armed: the secrets of the perfect choice

Buying perfume is a delicate art. It rests on nuances. Choosing a scent is a sensitive and intuitive process. For your inner “I” to open up and point you in the right direction, use 6 tips who will tell you how to choose perfume and when is the best time to do it.

1. Disease does not come alone

Going to a perfume store with a stuffy nose is the same as trying on a new dress with your eyes closed. The only advantage of such a trip: an excess of aromas or the strong smell of one of the masterpieces of perfumery will break through your stuffy nose.

The main enemy of the olfactory receptors is drops. If the nose breathes with the support of the medicine, the smell will escape you.

2. Morning is wiser than evening

Go for perfume in the first half of the day, while your nose is sensitive and your olfactory receptors are not tired of the abundance of smells.

3. No more than 4 flavors

The more you smell, the less you notice the aroma. If you don’t stop, the moment will come when the smells will merge into one obsessive illusion that will give you a headache. If you do not find a suitable option on the fourth try, postpone your search until another day.

To avoid being stuck in a perfume store for a couple of weeks, weed out unsuitable options right away. If you don’t want to inhale velvety but heavy oriental scents, don’t sniff. Sweet notes irritate you – don’t try them. Ask the consultant how the aroma is revealed, what components it contains, what group it belongs to. This will make your search easier and save time.

4. Monthly cycle

During menstruation, women perceive odors differently than on other days of the cycle. This is especially true for ladies. Wait until your hormonal levels return to a stable level, and then go searching.

Use a sampler.

Take your time to apply perfume to your skin. Use samples first. Sprinkle the strip with aromatic water and wait until the alcohol part evaporates. The sampler does not need to be kept far from the nose, but sticking into it is unnecessary. A distance of 3-5 cm is quite enough.

Take your time.

You should feel all three notes before purchasing. Apply a drop of perfume to the crook of your elbow and leave it on for a day. Listen to the smell, watch how it changes. If you like the aroma at all stages of development, feel free to take it.

Buy only the perfect perfume. If you're not sure, keep looking. Your scent will sink into your soul from the first moments, you will feel its attraction. Say a firm no to every “if.” . When the smell is dissonant with your mood, psychological discomfort will arise. Why would you spoil your mood?

Smell and type

After conducting research, experts divided girls into 4 types:

Spring ones are fair-haired, white-skinned, tender and blooming. Clear, clean scents with a simple perfume composition will suit them.
Summer girls are fair-haired, clear-eyed, ruddy. It is better for them to choose sweetish smells, bright and invigorating: fruity or floral.
Girls of the autumn type are dark-skinned and dark-haired, southern beauties. Tart and dense smells suit them.
Winter, dark-haired and fair-skinned girls will like refreshing, frosty scents.

Appearance is closely related to the psychological portrait of a person. Choosing perfumes according to this principle will give the image harmony and completeness.

Packaging and color

When purchasing perfume, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. Scuffs and dents on the cardboard indicate improper storage and transportation of the product. Damaged boxes may contain counterfeit product. Manufacturers of high-quality perfumes monitor the attractiveness of packaging.

The perfume product is delicate and capricious. He is afraid of light and dampness, so perfume bottles should be stored in dark nightstands and not on bathroom shelves.

Competent packaging will tell about its contents: color, shape, font - the design solution tells customers what awaits them inside. Blue, blue, turquoise bottles hide fresh oceanic or ozone scents. Flower scent boxes often feature inflorescences. Strict masculine scents are designed laconically, stylishly in black and white. Light airy scents are hidden in elegant bottles. The complexity of the glass vessel indicates the amount of aroma concentrate and its value. Perfume and eau de toilette are placed in a simpler bottle with a larger volume. Perfume vessels are distinguished by a variety of shapes and sophistication of presentation.

The color of the liquid in the bottle will tell you about the composition. The dye does not affect the smell of the perfume, but manufacturers like to tint the fragrant contents of the vessel, awakening associations in the buyer’s head. So, light green speaks of a riot of greenery, forest herbs, lime. Brown is reminiscent of dark chocolate, smoky chypres. Pinkish is associated with berries and flowers, and yellowish with the sweetness of honey.

Now you are fully armed. Be inspired, be patient and experiment. A woman is a multifaceted creature, and her perfume collection is not limited to just one scent.

17 January 2014, 14:45

It is important to understand that perfume comes in different forms. It differs not only in brands, but also in the degree of concentration of perfume oils. Depending on the intensity and persistence of the aroma, perfumes, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, cologne and other perfumes are distinguished.

Perfume- the most concentrated, persistent and expensive type of perfume. The content of fragrant substances is from 20 to 30%. The perfume has very pronounced base notes. Recommended for use in winter and evening.

Eau de Parfum- a lighter perfume with pronounced middle notes, but in terms of durability it is almost as good as perfume. Eau de parfum is sometimes even called day perfume; it is ideal for use during the day. The content of fragrant substances is 12–20%.

Eau de Toilette- a light type of perfume in which the top notes are well felt. Fragrant substances from 8 to 10%. Eau de toilette is less persistent: to feel the aroma, you need to use it several times a day.

Cologne (Eau de Cologne)- This is the weakest aroma. The content of fragrant substances in it is from 3 to 8%. This perfume is mainly used by men.

The concentration of fragrant substances in other perfumes (deodorants, lotions and the like) is less than 3%. Their aroma is barely perceptible.

The bouquet of the perfume also affects the longevity of the scent. Nutmeg, chypre and woody scents are more lasting than floral, citrus or sea scents.

When choosing a perfume, consider its type and ingredients.

Application rules

The durability of the aroma also depends on the method of using the perfume, or rather on where and how to apply it.

Where to apply perfume

When the inimitable Coco Chanel was asked where perfume should be applied, she answered: “Where you want to be kissed.”

In fact, perfume should be applied to the wrist, behind the earlobe, on the bend of the elbow, on the neck in the area of ​​the interclavicular cavity and under the knee.

These are the so-called pulse points. In these places, the blood vessels are close to the skin, the temperature of these areas is slightly higher. All this contributes to the opening and distribution of aroma.

Please note: we are talking about spirits. They are usually produced in bottles with a glass rod and a stopper. By the way, it is she who needs to pick up the perfume, and not the pad of her finger. To smell fragrant, you only need a drop of perfume on each point.

Perfume and eau de toilette are usually sold in the form of aerosols. If you use them, spray the perfume in front of you and simply stand under the cloud of aroma. Water is less concentrated, so the procedure can be repeated several times.

Most people apply perfume at the very end, when they are already dressed, or even before leaving the house. Unfortunately, the scent won't last long. Clothes absorb odors well, but do not release odors well. And not only perfume, but all the aromas around. In addition, if you apply perfume to, especially light, there is a risk that stains and stains will remain.

Apply perfume immediately after a shower or bath. Clean, steamed skin absorbs the aroma like a sponge absorbs water. In this case, skin hydration is of great importance. If you have an oily skin type, there is nothing to worry about, but if you have dry or normal skin, then in order for the perfume to last long, the skin must be moisturized.

For these purposes, it is best to use body lotion from the same line as the perfume. Many manufacturers, in addition to perfumes, produce a whole series of care products with the same fragrance. In this case, your perfume will not conflict with the smell of lotion or antiperspirant. If your perfumes do not have “companions,” use neutral, unscented products.

Didn't have time to take a shower before leaving? Apply to your pulse points and then apply perfume to them. This base will fix the aroma: it will last longer.

Spray perfume on your wrists and rub them together - you do this, admit it? This is mistake. Any aroma is multi-layered: first the top notes reveal themselves (literally in the first 5–15 minutes), then the middle notes begin to “sound” and at the end the base notes break through. If you rub the perfume, this process is disrupted and the aroma loses its individuality. So just let the perfume dry.

A few more tricks

In conclusion, here are a few more that will allow you to feel and give your favorite scent for as long as possible.

  • Apply a drop of perfume to your comb or sprinkle it with eau de parfum. Comb your hair. Hair retains odors perfectly: every time you turn your head, a pleasant trail will remain behind you.
  • Soak a cotton pad in your favorite perfume and place it in your purse or pocket. This will enhance the aroma and create a fragrant aura not only around you, but also around your things.
  • Store your perfume correctly. Keep an eye on the expiration date and don't leave it in the bathroom. It's too hot and humid there. It is better to keep the perfume in the box in which it was sold: this way it will be protected from sunlight.

Perfume, like the flickering of a candle, can envelop you and add magic to your image. But aromas are insidious. If you use the same perfume for a long time, your nose can become so accustomed to it that it begins to seem as if the scent is less and less lasting with each new bottle. Also remember that if a perfume suits you, you don't smell it. If you “hear” perfume, it means it’s not for you or you’ve poured too much of it on yourself. In this case, it will be uncomfortable not only for you, but also for those around you.

For a modern woman, perfume is a wardrobe item just like anything else. The right aroma will increase a woman’s attractiveness significantly, emphasize her style, and set the mood for the next day or evening. It is very important to know how to choose perfume for yourself - even your favorite products may be inappropriate for certain events or, conversely, too pretentious and bright for everyday use.

Choosing a composition is a separate art, no less important and complex than choosing clothes or accessories. If you treat this with attention and diligence, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

How perfumes differ from each other: how to choose your perfume scent

High-quality eau de toilette differs from cheap imitations by two factors: the duration with which it remains on the body and clothes, as well as the presence in one bottle of several stages of odors that are not immediately available to avoid confusion. This can only be achieved using a special production technology, thanks to which the plume does not disappear immediately, but gradually. Thus, a high-quality product consists of separate blocks that are organically combined and do not interfere with each other. Such blocks are called “notes” and are clearly classified.

How notes are placed in a general pyramid

  • Initial (top) note. This smell is the first to be felt by both you and those around you. This is often the most pronounced component, fresh and memorable. The action time is only 15 minutes, after which this part will disappear, allowing the next, deeper one to appear. Standard aromas: citrus volatile oils, coriander, rosemary or rosewood.
  • Cardiac (medium). Based on the name, it is clear that this segment is perceived by the creator as the main one, as the meaning of the entire composition of the perfume. The components are usually persistent, woody or floral, lasting a couple of hours after the initial weathering. Standard representatives: jasmine, verbena, geranium or rose essence.
  • Basic (lower). This is what stays with you for almost a full day (10-15 hours). In high-quality eau de toilette, more attention is paid to the base. To ensure that the aroma lasts, the bottom notes are based on the most persistent of natural ones: vanilla, sandalwood, sage, oakmoss. Even animal flairs such as amber, musk and civet are not excluded.

With this knowledge, it will be easier to understand what exactly you want from your ideal bouquet. Understanding how to choose the right perfume for yourself will come on its own. The main thing is to understand which scent you want to wear for a long time, and which one you don’t want to smell for more than an hour or two.

From the very moment of their invention, perfumes are presented to consumers in elegant bottles - these works of art often cost much more than the liquid itself. And if the original technologies were too expensive and imperfect, then with the development of the modern world, the tradition of associating the color of water and the direction of the composition took root in the perfume community - this is how a signal is sent to the potential target audience.

Thanks to this unspoken rule, any woman can understand how to choose the right perfume for herself, focusing on its color. Here are some examples of how the manufacturer gives you a signal:

  • lilac, violet and pink tones signal that the bouquet is suitable for young girls for romantic meetings or modest everyday wear;
  • deep blue and purple tones indicate that the aroma is strong and heavy in a good way, fades slowly and is suitable for adult women for evening receptions;
  • red color speaks of warmth and sexuality, often such bouquets give off sweetness or spice;
  • Green eau de toilette is distinguished by its lightness, unobtrusive citrus, mint or herbal scents, perfect for everyday wear by women of all ages.

When thinking about how to choose the right perfume or perfume, do not forget about your companion if he accompanies you. The choice of eau de toilette for men is no less wide than for women. Few people pay attention to the compatibility of the scents of their partners, but a couple who does this will be the undisputed highlight of any event.

There are separate pyramids for men and women. Having studied them with minimal knowledge of your preferences and wishes, you can easily understand which perfume is best to choose for yourself and your companion.

Which perfume or eau de toilette to choose without making a mistake with the type

People who are not interested in perfumery may think that all the words that are used in everyday life to describe women's and men's fragrances are simply synonyms, one way or another, which have taken root in different countries and cultures, and are now simply used in parallel. To think so is a big mistake, and the manufacturer writes the name on the packaging not based on his own desire, but only on the composition.

Perfume (this is how the French word parfum is translated) is the most expensive type. They have the highest level of concentration, 20-30%, which allows such products to be effective in cold seasons and appropriate for evening events. The last, bottom notes are the most pronounced - they are skillfully crafted, as they are designed to last for a long time. Their downside is that wearing them in hot weather or early in the morning is not recommended. Strong bouquets in such conditions will be unpleasant for both you and others.

Eau de toilette is a light, daytime version of perfume. Suitable for use in hot weather, as it does not reach the heavy lower chords, remaining on the upper and middle chords. It wears off quickly, but the eau de toilette is designed for several uses throughout the day. The concentration is only 6-10%, suitable for everyday use. How to choose eau de toilette for yourself - imagine the aroma that you want to enjoy on yourself even in the most stuffy weather or in an enclosed space, this will be an ideal option.

Eau de parfum is a cross between eau de toilette and perfume in concentration (15-20%). Intended for daytime use, lasts 5-7 hours. The “heart” is clearly expressed in it; it is the middle chords that last longer than all the others. You shouldn’t overdo it - trying to apply such a product several times will not give the desired result, but will only ruin successive steps.

Cologne is the lightest type. Mainly used by men, but women's cologne also exists, it is used at work, on trips, in very hot weather. Cologne concentration is 3-5%.

What to choose - eau de toilette or eau de parfum? If you still can’t decide, pay attention to oil products. Usually the share in such body cosmetics (including body milk, oils or facial skin care products) is small, but it is felt brightly, although not for long - the large application surface affects it. Oil products rarely have heavy, persistent odors. Usually these are citrus, fresh notes.

How to choose your perfume scent for an important event

Perfumes are closely connected with time. Using, for example, evening compositions is unacceptable in the morning - you will look like a person who has not gotten rid of yesterday's toilet. In everyday life, light bouquets are preferred that will not interfere with your work or rest properly, and will not irritate others with an overly heavy or sweet flair, clearly intended for a public evening event. To keep your everyday look natural, choose scents that are citrusy, foresty, fresh or slightly spicy.

For an evening outing (this could be a trip to the theatre, a concert, a buffet or a film screening), any real compositions with a strongly defined “base” and a concentration of 20-30% should be suitable. Use any option, no matter how tightly it holds - at an evening event, far from everyday affairs, this is acceptable. Choose deep floral, woody accords.

How to choose a perfume scent for yourself if you are having dinner at a restaurant today? It all depends on your company. At a romantic dinner with your loved one, you can indulge in viscous spicy and sweet bouquets - vanilla, rose, fruity notes and spices. But at a dinner with business partners or family, such flair would be inappropriate. Depending on the importance of the situation for you personally, make a choice between a daily and evening deep bouquet.

How to choose perfume for the season

Alas, the peculiarities of weather conditions and seasons also dictate their own conditions for perfume fashion. The weather directly determines how long your product will last and what it will turn into in conditions of high humidity or, conversely, unbearable heat.

In winter, any option will erode faster - this is how the cold affects it. To make sure your favorite product doesn't wear off quickly, opt for strong scents in the morning. Sandalwood and rose, noble nutmeg are suitable - all these are tart and warm chords that will come in handy for the cold.

During warm periods everything is diametrically opposite. You will have to think about how to choose the right perfume for yourself and not disturb those around you. Your favorite sweet scents of flowers or spices may be ruined beyond recognition by the heat. Anything harsh at first and strong over time, on the lower note, will be too heavy for a hot day. In such weather, you have to use a lot of hygiene products, the flair of which sometimes mixes with the composition into a very unpleasant duet. For stuffy hours in the office, use refreshing options - mint, herbal, citrus. Anything that exudes freshness will do.

How to find and choose your perfume scent

Not every woman has experience in choosing perfumes. Finding the perfect creation is an art and there is nothing wrong with not mastering it perfectly. But this skill will not be superfluous; it will be useful for creating a harmonious image under any circumstances.

If you are seriously thinking about how to choose a scent for yourself, do it in person. Find a specialized store in the city and find out everything you need - this is very convenient, because in any such salon there is a sales consultant who will be happy to help with advice.

  • Before asking for advice, listen “blindly”, without knowing the age category, gender recommendations and the big name of the manufacturer. Trust your taste.
  • During the day you will only accept 3-4 options well. Ask the consultant to bring those perfumes that best suit your preferences, and choose from them. You can apply the ones you like most on a special blotter (a thick strip of paper), but only one - on your wrist.
  • Do not rub the liquid into the skin - this will not speed up the process, it will only spoil the impression.
  • Spray the cloud above you. This creates a special “trail” that maximally imitates the natural spread of flair around you.
  • Do not inhale the aroma deeply and all at once. In this case, satiety will set in, you will quickly lose your sense of smell, and further fitting will be ruined until the next day.

Take your time if you don’t know how to choose the right perfume for yourself, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. You shouldn’t take the first thing you come across if you can’t distinguish the subtle notes - it’s better to postpone your visit until tomorrow.

Where is the best place to buy perfume?

“The First Moscow Customs Goods Store” will provide you with a level of service that is no different from a salon of the same theme. We will definitely help you figure out how to choose Montal perfume or any other. In the store you will be advised exclusively by experienced specialists who have worked in the field of manufacturing and selling perfumes for many years. By purchasing products from us, you acquire a sincere desire to help you find your fragrance and all the necessary conditions for the desired bottle to reach you on time.

Remember, your composition is an extension of your wardrobe. Its choice requires good taste no less than any other item from your image. Respect the option you choose, do not abuse it, not allowing it to reveal itself in all its glory, and you will see how perfume will transform you every day.

Scientists, mystics and poets have always tried to comprehend the magical essence of aromas. Smell is perhaps the most mysterious and inexplicable of all five senses. This or that aroma can inexplicably bring back into our memory long-forgotten people, dreams, feelings and desires.

In the 21st century, perfumery is not only a pleasant smell, but an entire science and business that determines the rhythm of life of different generations and countries, giving psychological comfort, mood and success to people. Do you know that “nose memory” is much more durable and emotional than visual and auditory memory?

With the help of aroma, you can change not only your mood, but also your emotional perception of reality, manage social connections, that is, make fundamental changes in your life.


But if you embark on this path, then experiment carefully. The mistake of choosing the wrong scent becomes obvious to too many people and such mistakes are not forgiven. Perfume is worn just like clothes, depending on the circumstances, time of day and even your own mood. Surely you will remember a situation when a lady appears in an office or other public place wearing too heavy, harsh perfume. Those around me immediately felt uncomfortable, a feeling of dissonance and even discontent arose around me. At the same time, at an evening reception, the use of heavy, tart aromas would be quite justified for many.

Choosing the right scent turns out to be even more difficult than choosing a clothing style, hairstyle or makeup. After all, one look in the mirror is not enough to understand whether the choice was made correctly. Therefore, it is worth using some rules for choosing a scent.

In perfumery, there are different characteristics of fragrances: light and heavy, daytime and evening. But there is another important criterion that should determine the choice of fragrance. This age. You will be surprised, but one scent will give you an extra ten years, while the other will emphasize your grace, youth and envelop you in an atmosphere of tenderness and romance.

Let's take a closer look at choosing perfumes based on age. When developing fragrances, perfumers focus on several age groups.

  • up to 25 years

For girls, perfume serves primarily as a way to attract the attention of the opposite sex. At this age, you want to experiment, mixing expressive scents with classics. And this is the right time for experiments. Know that perfume for a young girl does not have to be only gentle, with notes of flowers. If you lead an active lifestyle and meet with friends, attend parties, then you can safely choose bright fruity-floral combinations of chords and the smells of ripe citrus. Your collection may include scents with notes of pink currant, tangerine zest, violet, peony and lily of the valley. For the most daring girls, unisex fragrances are suitable.

  • from 25 to 35 years

This is the age when many girls feel more confident as they begin to move up the social and career ladder. The aroma in this case should emphasize the femininity and elegance of the image, but at the same time - correspond to the business environment.

Financial and emotional aspects allow you to make a choice in favor of more sophisticated and sophisticated aromas. The most correct choice would be an unobtrusive floral-chypre perfume from a selective perfume brand. For girls of this age category, fragrances with notes of fig, bergamot, musk, white freesia, and green tea are perfect.

  • from 35 to 45 years

During these years, a woman reaches the apogee of refinement of taste. She is well aware of her desires and needs, and, most importantly, she uses perfume not as a way of self-affirmation, but as a complement to her own verified style.

Natural but sensual scents are the best choice at this age. For example, scents with notes of mimosa, clove, tuberose, iris, musk and white honey. These are harmonious aromas with a classic and soft structure.

  • from 45 years old

Representatives of the fair sex at this age have delicate taste and high intelligence. They are professionals in their field, travel a lot and are well versed in fashion trends. However, when choosing a scent, they do not follow general trends, but the feelings of their inner world.

At this age, women choose perfumes from the aldehyde family, which have a persistent and rich scent. The best options would be perfumes with elegant combinations of notes of rose, patchouli, sandalwood, and moss. Such perfume is a luxurious aroma framed by priceless classics.
