Dry skin of the face: causes and treatment. Face mask at home

In the first part of the article "Part 1: Deep moisturizing the skin of the face at home - is it possible or not?" we have analyzed the causes of dry skin, the 4 main types of moisturizing from a dermatological point of view, and what ingredients to avoid, as they will not only not help, but will harm.

We will devote this material to the most useful folk remedies for moisturizing the skin of the face, and also give the best recipes for natural tonics and masks that can be prepared at home.

Among all the variety herbal ingredients, cosmetologists highlight some plants whose moisturizing effect on the skin can be equate to expensive developments of scientific laboratories.

Botanical Moisture Ingredients

  • Such amazing plants include, first of all, aloe vera. Its stabilized form helps to cope with dehydration on several levels at once. There are several active moisturizing ingredients in aloe.
  • Besides, agave, having a number of unique healing properties on the skin, it is an excellent conductor for other beneficial substances.
  • Many moisturizing ingredients are next to us: honey, cucumbers, raspberries, plums, carrots, apples, avocados, lemon, oils (olive, wheat germ), oatmeal, egg yolks, green tea, kefir, dry algae.
  • And from medicinal herbs, in addition to aloe, you can use linden, rosemary, chamomile, calendula, parsley, wood lice, iris, birch. Healing vegetable oils have not only nourishing, but also moisturizing, as well as antioxidant effects, so they will be useful for dry and aging skin (oils of wheat germ, grape seed, avocado, sesame, linseed, sea buckthorn, olive, shea, roses, sandalwood, geranium , evening primroses).

If the skin does not have hypersensitivity, it will be very useful to wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté in the morning with an ice cube prepared with a decoction of herbs or fruit juice; ice from birch sap is suitable for aging skin. Massage with such a cube lasts 20-30 seconds.

Before applying the mask or before the massage, you can make a steam bath for 10 minutes or a hot compress from the same herbs. This will facilitate better penetration of nutrients deep into the skin. And at the final stage of care, a cool herbal compress will protonate and refresh.

Thorough cleansing of the skin before a mask or massage is a prerequisite for a quality procedure. For dry skin, soaps and alcohol solutions should be avoided.

Moisturizing lotions

The stage of cleansing is completed with toning lotion. This is necessary to restore the acid-base balance of the skin disturbed due to washing. The simplest recipe is a decoction of chamomile or mint. However, at home, you can prepare more complex compositions:

plum lotion(for dry skin)

Peel 3 large plums and remove the pits. knead a little and pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, use the cooled broth.

Oatmeal lotion (for oily, dehydrated skin)

2 tbsp oatmeal, pour 2 cups of boiling water or milk (if the skin is peeling), cover and cool. Wipe morning and evening after cleansing the skin.

grape lotion(for normal and combination skin)

Thoroughly mash ripe red grapes and leave them for 2 hours. In half a glass of the resulting juice, add a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. honey, mix and leave for another half hour.

Oil lotion(for very dry, flaky skin)

1 tbsp apricot oil, mix with 1 tsp. wheat germ oil and 1 tbsp. jojoba oil, add 1-3 drops of rose essential oil. This mixture is good to wipe the face and neck at night.

Recipes for moisturizing masks

And here are some recipes for moisturizing masks that traditional medicine offers.

Mix cottage cheese, warm milk, carrot juice and olive oil (1 tablespoon each) until smooth and apply it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe your face with an ice cube. This mask also has a whitening effect.

Herbal mask for dry skin.

1/2 tsp. dry herbs of yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile, hop cones, strawberries and blackberries, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Mix the infusion with 1 tbsp. sweet apple juice, 1.tsp. honey and 1 egg yolk. Lubricate the face with the resulting mixture, rinse thoroughly with water after 15 minutes.

Beat until foamy 1 tbsp. fat cream along with 20 drops of propolis and 1 tbsp. cucumber juice. Apply a thick layer on the face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe the skin with cucumber juice.

Refreshing mint mask for dry skin.

2 tbsp crushed mint leaves pour 1 cup boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes, cool and strain. Apply a warm slurry of leaves on the face and remove after 15 minutes with wet cotton pads.

Egg mask for dry and flaky skin.

Mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. grape, peach or apricot kernel oils, and with 1 tsp. slightly crushed oatmeal. Apply the resulting mass on the face, gently massaging it. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

During such procedures, it is necessary to lie down and relax the muscles of the face. The course takes 1.5-2 months (2 times a week). After 2 months, the course can be repeated. To maintain the effect, 1 mask per week is enough.

Vegetable oils for skin hydration

A few words about such common healing oils as olive and grape seed oils.

Olive oil

Olive oil has antioxidant, rejuvenating, moisturizing, cleansing, regenerative and analgesic effects.

It restores the protective function of the skin and restores its tone, does not clog pores and improves skin respiration. It contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which in their composition similar to maternal milk lipids.

Recently, olive oil has been given special attention due to its anti-cancer properties it is recommended to apply on the skin after sunburn. Its use in a cream, mask or as a massage base gives a wonderful result in the above tasks. Great for sensitive skin.

For home beauty treatments, use extra-virgin oil, first (cold) pressed, to avoid clogged pores and inflammation.

Grape seed oil in cosmetology is used both as a separate component and as part of care products.

Suitable for any type of skin, as on the one hand it nourishes, fortifies, deeply moisturizes and regenerates the skin, increasing its tone and elasticity, on the other hand, it has astringent, sebum-regulating, antibacterial and porosuzhivayuschie properties.

Besides this, it strengthens capillaries, serves as a conductor for other beneficial substances, is a powerful antioxidant and a source of phytoestrogens, preventing aging and removing toxic substances from the body.

Without regular home moisturizing, the skin of the face becomes sensitive, prone to inflammation, it quickly fades and becomes unsightly. In addition to using masks and creams, there are other ways to prevent dry skin.

You can determine if your skin is dry at home as follows: if finger marks do not immediately disappear when you press on it, then the skin needs to be moisturized.

And since moisturizing is part of the generally accepted basic care, information about the appropriate products is useful for every woman.

Dry skin and its causes

Dry skin is the result of an imbalance in the acid-base balance, water and fat metabolism in the body.

If the problem is ignored, the skin will soon “thank you” with thinness and deterioration in color, high sensitivity, premature wrinkling and early wilting.

Normally, moisture should come from both inside and outside. The hydration process provides nutrition to the cells, maintains their elasticity and youth.

7 causes of dry epidermis

The main causes of dry skin:

  • Influence of weather conditions
    Frost, wind, sunlight, low humidity - all this negatively affects the healthy state of the face.
  • Other external factors
    Industrial soap, even the safest, contains substances that dry the epidermis.
    Another factor that does not depend on a person is tap water, which is often chlorinated and contains heavy substances.
    Polluted air is another source of negative influence, especially in large, industrial cities.
  • Wrong care
    This is actually a complete lack of care (nothing but daily washing) or, conversely, the abuse of masks, peels, alcohol lotions, etc., as well as the use of unsuitable hygiene products.
  • Cosmetics
    Poor quality or incorrectly selected, and sometimes not removed in time.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
    The dermis is sensitive to the internal problems of the body. Smoking, alcohol, insufficient consumption of pure water, nutrition with a chronic lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, stress, constant lack of sleep and other nuances of modern life do not rejuvenate her.
  • Diseases of the internal organs, genetics
    This invariably manifests itself in the state of the epidermis.
  • Age changes
    With age, due to hormonal changes, in particular, a deficiency of female sex hormones, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, the fatty secret is produced more slowly. Already after forty years, during menopause, many women notice increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.

How dry skin develops

Weakened protective layer

The moisture level of the epidermis is regulated by two mechanisms: the state of its stratum corneum and the amount of sebaceous secretion produced.

The horny cells of the skin and the fat secreted by the sebaceous glands form lipid layer. He protects the skin from moisture loss and from the negative effects of external factors including pathogenic microorganisms.

For one of the above reasons, this barrier is violated.

Internal moisture is lost and the external environment attacks

When the lipid film is weak, it does not perform its protective functions well, as a result of which moisture evaporates quickly, and the skin itself becomes subject to regular inflammatory processes.

There are signs of dryness

This is peeling and a feeling of tightness, the formation of a network of small, barely noticeable wrinkles, which, with the subsequent lack of moisture and continuous exposure to external factors, quickly transform into deep grooves.

Usually the first wrinkles appear in the corners of the mouth and eyes and on the neck - here the skin is the thinnest.

How to Moisturize Dry Skin

Take Preventive Measures

If possible, exclude factors that negatively affect the condition of the epidermis A. Of course, in one day to change the regime of work and rest, diet, etc. impossible.

But at least reduce the level of consumption of junk food and drinks, review your cosmetic bag and be more physically active under the power of everyone.

Choose the right cosmetics and skin care products to moisturize your skin

Pay attention to alcohol-free tonics, vitaminized and nourishing masks, creams containing collagen, hydrants (provide a normal level of moisture), glycerin, sorbitol, linolenic acid, and other high-quality moisturizing cosmetics.

Such a complex contributes to the restoration of natural epidermal protection.

For deep cleansing of the skin, give preference to a moisturizing enzyme peel. Its action is extremely delicate.

Create your own comprehensive hydration program

If you trust nature more than rejuvenating injections and other beauty tricks, take control.

Contact a beautician and nutritionist and create an individual program, which includes advice on nutrition and skin care, taking into account your age, rhythm of life, degree of dehydration of the epidermis, etc. And, of course, follow all the recommendations.

The cosmetic effect, which has a strong internal base, is more noticeable and lasting.

Rules for applying and using masks

Note! Masks can be harmful if used incorrectly or overused. This is especially true for compositions with a heavy structure.

How to properly apply a mask

  • Gather your hair. Tie them in a ponytail, pin them up, hide them under a bandage or scarf.
  • Cleanse your face of daily dust. Use a neutral pH milk or foam cleanser.
  • Steam the skin over herbal decoction (for example, from chamomile) for 20-30 minutes. The temperature should be comfortable, not scalding. Or put a hot towel on your face.
  • Apply the mask with a cosmetic brush - firstly, it is more hygienic, and secondly, the composition applied in this way lies more evenly. If the treatment mixture is thick, use a cosmetic wooden spatula. The area around the eyes, lips, as well as the thyroid gland area should be bypassed.
  • When the mask is on the face, take a horizontal position and do not talk. The explanation is simple - if you walk or sit, the composition of the mask slips imperceptibly and pulls the skin along instead of nourishing it. The result is appropriate. It is considered ideal if you lie in a warm bath with your head back. This is how the steam effect works.
  • Remember to do an allergy test before using any new formulation and don't experiment based on hearsay. Do not add anything extra to surely nourish, moisturize your skin, etc. Instead, you can get an allergy. Not all components are compatible with each other, even if individually they are useful.
  • Remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Gently pat the mixture until your face is completely clean. No aggressive or abrupt movements.
  • Wash your face and apply a cream suitable for your skin type.
  • After washing off the mask, it continues to work in the deep layers of the epidermis. Therefore, it is recommended not to talk for at least another hour, to avoid active facial expressions and not to go outside.

Frequency and rules for using homemade moisturizing masks

The frequency of using a moisturizing face mask largely depends on your skin type:

  • for oily - 2 times a week
  • for dry - 3 times a week
  • for combined - every other day: one day - drying, toning, the other - moisturizing
  • For normal, one procedure per week is enough.

Considering age, then:

  • up to 25 years, it is recommended to apply a mask 2 times a week for any skin type
  • after 30 - 2-3 times a week, depending on the presence of individual dermatological problems
  • after 40 - 3-4 times a week

As for the ingredients, they must be fresh and environmentally friendly.

Another important point: do not jump to conclusions about the recipe. Already after the first application, you will feel external and internal changes on the skin of the face, but a miracle will not happen at once.

Healthy hydrated skin is the result of regular and continuous care.

Recipes for moisturizing masks at home

Moisturizing mask for oily skin


  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp


Beat the egg white until foamy. Combine with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply one layer of the mixture and, when it dries, another one. Wash off after 20 minutes with water of a contrast temperature.

Protein-lemon composition moisturizes and whitens, tightens pores.

Moisturizing face mask with aloe


  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp
  • Aloe juice - 1 tsp
  • Flour - 1 tsp


Aloe juice is useful when it is properly prepared. Cut off a couple of the lower leaves of the plant, wash them, dry them, wrap them in paper and refrigerate for 8-12 days.

After this time, cut off the darkened areas, peel the rest of the peel and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Strain it through cheesecloth several times.

The juice can be stored in the refrigerator, in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid, for up to 1 month.

To prepare the mask, combine all the ingredients. Keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes.

The mask moisturizes, nourishes and evens out the complexion, gives the effect of the presence of a light matting base.

An intensely hydrating facial mask


  • Fresh cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  • Liquid Vitamin A - 1 tsp
  • Sour cream (natural yogurt) - 1 tbsp.


Mix the ingredients, soak on the face for 15 minutes. This folk remedy gives an instant powerful moisturizing effect, acting like an ambulance.

Do-it-yourself moisturizers

Homemade creams are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days.

Moisturizing cream with olive oil


  • Lanolin - 4 tsp
  • Borax (no more than 5%) - 0.5 tsp
  • Glycerin - 0.5 tsp
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp.
  • Beeswax - 4 tsp
  • Water - 2 tablespoons

Borax, lanolin and glycerin are sold in pharmacies.


Mix wax, olive oil and lanolin and heat the mixture in a water bath. Heat water separately (at least 75 degrees), add borax and glycerin. The borax should completely dissolve.

Then little by little (a few drops) add this mixture to the melted mass with wax. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula until a thick, light cream is obtained.

Beeswax forms a thin protective film that helps retain moisture.

Borax softens and whitens the skin. It gives the cream a thick consistency and also serves as a light preservative. In combination with glycerin, borax dries the skin, but this effect is completely eliminated by the rest of the ingredients.

Moisturizing cream with avocado based on beeswax


  • Beeswax - 10 ml
  • Avocado oil - 12 ml
  • Wheat germ oil - 2.5 ml
  • Glycerin - 2.5 ml
  • Rose water - 60 ml
  • Bitter orange ether - 6 drops


Melt the wax to a liquid state, stirring it constantly. Without stopping stirring the mass, add lanolin to it and then the rest of the ingredients.

This cream moisturizes and soothes the skin, stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin.

Moisturizing cream with jojoba oil


  • Jojoba oil - 6 tbsp.
  • Aloe juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Vitamin E - 1 tbsp
  • Beeswax - 2 tbsp
  • Rose extract - 4 drops


Dilute vitamin E, jojoba oil and wax in freshly boiled water. Stir the composition until the wax is completely dissolved.

Then cool the mixture, enter the rose extract and aloe. Mix thoroughly and pour into an airtight glass jar.

The moisturizing effect after applying this homemade cream lasts a long time., peeling disappears, even very dry skin becomes soft and velvety.

Moisturizing cream with cocoa butter


  • Cocoa butter - 0.5 cup
  • Sesame oil - 4 tablespoons
  • Orange extract - 2 tbsp.
  • Apricot extract - 2 tbsp.


Combine the oils and heat them in a water bath until a liquid state is obtained. When the composition has cooled, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

The cream is suitable for normal and young skin.

Folk remedies for moisturizing the skin of the face

Washing with milk

No wonder Cleopatra used milk as her main cosmetic product.

Its active ingredients carefully care for health, cleanliness, smoothness, elasticity and even complexion, have a calming effect, and therefore are suitable even for very sensitive skin.

Regular washing with milk completely restores the protective functions of the epidermis.

There is only one contraindication for use - local inflammatory processes: acne, wounds, etc. In this case, the product may exacerbate the problem.

Use natural milk for washing, carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week. Pre-cleanse the skin from make-up or daily oil and dust.

If your skin is of normal or oily type, dilute the milk with warm water, if the dermis is dry - with linden or chamomile infusion. For ease of use, the milk composition can be frozen and ice cubes can be used.

After washing, gently pat your face dry with a soft towel and apply a nourishing cream.

Washing with sour milk

Lactic acid works gently, so suitable even for problem skin with acne and inflammation. This is a kind of homemade chemical peel and moisturizing at the same time.

As a result of daily washing with sour milk, the texture of the skin improves, its tone evens out, the pores open and clear, and the formation of collagen increases.

It is believed that milk does not turn sour by itself (this is putrefactive fermentation), but from a crust of black bread dipped into it.

Cucumber and oatmeal mask

Moisturizes, regulates the sebaceous glands.


  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Oat flour


Peel the cucumber and mash its flesh. Add oatmeal to the cucumber mass until you get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture on your face and keep it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with room temperature water and apply a nourishing cream.

Carrot mask

Rejuvenates, tones, soothes, softens, heals wounds, promotes collagen production, brightens age spots, regulates the level of moisture in cells.


  • Carrot juice - 2 tablespoons
  • Cream - 1 tsp
  • Cottage cheese - 1 tsp


Apply the composition on a cleansed face for no more than 15 minutes. If you overdo the mixture, you can get an unnatural skin tone.

Moisturizing mask with egg and honey

Nourishes, moisturizes, whitens, relieves inflammation.


  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.


Beat the protein, add the rest of the ingredients. Apply the composition in a dense layer, soak for 15 minutes. rinse off with warm water.

Prevention of dehydration

  • Drink in the morning 1 tbsp. any vegetable oil.
  • Use a humidifier in the room where you are the most.
  • Take vitamins, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits, brewer's yeast, herbs, seafood, egg yolks, liver, green apples are useful for the skin.
  • Apply store-bought or homemade moisturizers to wet skin after a shower, then use a nourishing cream. By creating a protective film, you will save the desired effect.
  • Do not use moisturizers before going out into the cold.
  • Cleanse your face from makeup with milk or micellar water, as flowing chlorinated water negatively affects the condition of the epidermis.
  • Use water filters.
  • Drink at least 1.5 -2 liters of clean water per day.

Elastic hydrated skin in youth - this is the norm. In maturity, it is the result of systematic efforts that are worth making in order to preserve your own youth and beauty.

Video on how to moisturize the skin of the face at home

You can make your skin more beautiful and hydrated by yourself at home. The main thing is not to be lazy, then the result will certainly please you. We have prepared a video for you with great tips on what to do at home to improve your skin condition.

Softening, cleansing and toning mask for very dry skin with lanolin:
Of course, it will be necessary by itself - a fat-like substance (ask at pharmacies, cosmetic stores), also oatmeal (grind oatmeal into flour with a coffee grinder or in any other way) and some fresh berries (strawberries, cherries, black currants, gooseberry). In the off-season of berries, you can take an orange or a tangerine.
In the bowl in which you are going to prepare the composition, place 1 tsp. lanolin, add a couple of tbsp. l. water and leave for a while until the substance has completely absorbed all the water. Only after that add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal flour and 2 tbsp. l. berry or fruit pulp, crushed into gruel.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. In which case, the density of the mixture can be diluted with berry juice. Apply the mask on a washed and towel-drenched face and hold for 15 minutes. You can wash it off with just one water.

Homemade nourishing mask for dry skin with a refreshing and tightening effect:
Mix into a homogeneous mass 1 raw chicken yolk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (olive, corn, linseed, but not sunflower), 1 tsp. liquid buckwheat or herbal honey and 1-1.5 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Apply the mixture evenly on your face for about 12 minutes, then rinse with just lukewarm water.
The yolk and oil in this recipe have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, lemon juice invigorates and refreshes, but also helps to brighten the skin. And honey helps to tighten sluggish, drooping skin, increase its elasticity.
And if you add to this composition another 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and massage the skin when applying it, you get the effect of a soft scrub.

Recipe for a fruity vitamin and softening mask against dry skin:
Late summer and autumn is the season for melons and plums. These are the ones we will use for this mix.
So, combine melon and plum pulp in equal proportions (1-1.5 tablespoons each) and stir everything together with 1 tbsp. l. .
Both plum and melon are suitable for any variety, the main thing is that the fruits are ripe and soft. The plum will need to be peeled.
The resulting composition is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

You can make a mask for very dry skin of the face from the most common foods.- bread, eggs, sour cream.
Just grind into a homogeneous mass of raw egg yolk, 1 incomplete tbsp. l. sour cream and 3 tbsp. l. crumb of any white bread or loaf. Optionally, you can add 1 more tbsp. l. pulp of banana, melon, apricot, persimmon.
Apply the resulting mixture for 20 minutes and after their expiration, wash with warm water.
The product nourishes, moisturizes and refreshes the skin.

Very nourishing mask for very dry skin:
Raw yolk will be needed again. Add 1 tsp to it. face cream with a nourishing or moisturizing effect (suitable in particular for children) and 1 tbsp. l. slightly melted soft butter. Rub all components.
The resulting mass is applied and kept for 20 minutes.

Smoothing anti-wrinkle mask for dry skin from beans:
Pour a quarter cup of raw beans of any variety with cold water and leave for 2 hours, then boil them until soft.
Finely grate cooked beans and 2 tbsp. l. rub the resulting slurry with 2 tbsp. l. melted butter until soft.
When applying the composition, gently massage your face with your fingertips. Keep 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water, while massaging the skin.

Very dry facial skin needs regular nourishment. The following homemade mask is great for this:
Boil oatmeal porridge in milk. To a couple of st. l. still warm porridge, add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil or slightly melted butter and mix well.
Apply generously on the face and wash off with water after 20 minutes.

Dry skin of the body is a rather unpleasant and common problem that causes discomfort. Dry skin can be a congenital phenomenon, or it can manifest itself throughout life as a result of exposure to certain factors. In addition to dryness and dullness, red flaky areas may appear on the skin of the body, and in general, it loses firmness, elasticity, ages quickly and looks rather unsightly. In addition, excessively dry skin is always accompanied by severe itching. What to do with dry skin of the body?

In normal skin, the sebaceous and sweat glands during the interaction form a thin film on the surface of the skin, which protects the epidermis from negative external influences (temperature difference, excessive and frequent exposure to hot water, etc.). This process can be disrupted under the influence of certain factors, resulting in dehydration, loss of firmness and elasticity, and the appearance of dry skin.

Dry skin (xerosis) is mainly a temporary phenomenon and appears due to any reasons, the period of exacerbation is observed most often in winter. However, dry skin can be disturbing and cause a lot of inconvenience throughout life. This problem extends to the abdomen, arms, lower limbs. But such a distribution is very conditional.

Changes in lifestyle, nutrition, skin care with active use help get rid of dryness of the skin of the body.

Causes of dry skin of the body.
In the appearance of dry skin of the body, in addition to the genetic factor, many others are to blame, in particular:

  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Dry air (heating in winter, air conditioning in summer).
  • Hot showers, hot baths dry out the skin, deprive it of its fatty protective film.
  • Insufficient consumption of pure water leads to its deficiency in the body, and, as a result, to dehydration of the epidermis.
  • Climate.
  • Unbalanced and unhealthy diet, long-term rigid diets.
  • Bad habits (smoking, drinking carbonated drinks, including sweet ones, coffee, tea in large quantities).
  • Prolonged exposure to the open sun (sunburn, solarium).
  • Skin diseases disrupt the production of ceramides responsible for water balance (psoriasis, eczema, keratosis, diabetes mellitus, atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, allergies).
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Use of soap (it dries out the skin).
  • Too frequent use of aggressive cosmetic products for cleansing and exfoliating the skin (scrubs), or the complete absence of this procedure in the care.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body (especially E and A), as well as hypovitaminosis.
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics (after such therapy, a course of vitamins and treatment of the stomach is required, which will have a positive effect on the skin).
  • Frequent stress.
In cosmetology, there are two types of dry skin:
  • The presence of good tone, when the skin is sensitive to irritants, sometimes there is an unpleasant itch, while the skin has not lost its elasticity, smooth and matte without deep and numerous wrinkles. Often observed at a young age, regular and thorough care is required, mandatory protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Dry skin with reduced tone is characterized by very thin skin around the eyes and in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, wrinkles are intensively formed. Ordinary cosmetics in care are useless, deeper procedures are required.
Determining which type you are is quite simple, you just need to press a little with your fingertips on the skin. With a quick recovery (smoothed out), you have nothing to fear.

Treatment of dry skin of the body.
If dry skin appeared against the background of a change in climatic temperature, as a result of prolonged tanning and stays in a solarium, dry air in the room, then in such cases it is necessary to limit or completely stop sunbathing, use humidifiers in the apartment, at work.

Be sure to moisturize the skin of the body twice a day.

If the problem of dryness and itching of the skin has arisen against the background of your active weight loss or insufficient drinking during the day, it is recommended to observe the drinking regimen, drink at least one and a half liters of clean drinking water per day. Remember, strict diets lead to a deficiency of proteins and trace elements in the body, and weight loss drugs remove excess fluid from the body. From here, the skin loses its tone, elasticity and firmness, and ages faster.

In women, a similar problem during menopause is solved by the appointment of hormone replacement therapy.

In general, dry skin can occur as a sign of very serious diseases, so if dry skin is accompanied by redness, itching, insomnia, ulcers or wide areas of peeling on the skin, you should not hesitate and consult a specialist. Only after a complete examination, tests, specialists (allergist, cosmetologist and dermatologist) will be able to identify the cause of the dryness of the epidermis and prescribe the optimal treatment.

It is important to give up bad habits, improve your diet, you need to eat more foods that contain a lot of vitamin E (fatty fish and seafood, high-fat dairy products, nuts, vegetable oils, legumes, spinach and broccoli).

With this problem, it is recommended to abandon hot baths. Preference should be given to a warm shower or bath and no more than fifteen minutes, in order to avoid degreasing the skin. As hygiene products, it is desirable to choose shower gels or cream-based liquid soaps, which contain many ingredients with moisturizing properties. It is advisable to use such funds no more than once every seven days.

Basic rules for dry skin care.
Care for excessively dry body skin should be regular and include gentle exfoliation (peeling and scrub no more than once a week) and moisturizing (cosmetic oils, milk, lotion, body cream) immediately after hygiene procedures and at night. By the way, with dry skin after water procedures, you do not need to wipe it with a towel, but only slightly get wet so that some moisture remains. After that, it is advisable to apply cosmetic oil to the body, it is a great moisturizer and perfectly retains moisture in the tissues. And before going to bed, you can use a lotion with a high content of ceramides, phospholipids and fatty acids.

Be sure to use protective cosmetics at any time of the year.

Since dry skin is very sensitive to various irritants, therefore, it is advisable to give preference to clothing exclusively from natural breathable fabrics (except for wool), to exclude synthetics, guipure, etc. It is important to choose the right clothes for the season.

With severe itching, cold compresses help well, hydrocortisone ointments or creams reduce inflammation.

Moisturizing body masks that should be done twice a week, baths with herbal decoctions are very good for the skin. Such procedures will not only moisturize, soothe and cleanse the skin, but will also stimulate its regeneration.

Dry skin of the body, treatment with folk remedies.

Bath recipes.
Add a decoction of flaxseed to a bath with warm water (five teaspoons per liter of water, boil for fifteen minutes, insist, strain) and chamomile (recipe on the back of the package). Add decoctions to water. The duration of the procedure should be no more than fifteen minutes.

A glycerine bath is ideal for restoring dry skin. In a bath with warm water, add half a glass of medical glycerin in liquid form (sold in a pharmacy).

Heat a liter of milk, but do not boil. Dilute 200 g of honey in a water bath. Gradually combine honey and milk, add two teaspoons of almond oil to it and pour into the bath.

Wrap three tablespoons of oatmeal in a gauze bag and tie. This bag needs to be fixed on the faucet in the bathroom so that when opened, water flows through the oatmeal. Take a bath in this water for fifteen minutes.

Peeling recipes.
Combine four tablespoons of honey (preferably in liquid form, or melt) and a tablespoon of salt, add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (linseed, olive, etc.) to the composition and mix thoroughly. Apply the composition with light massaging movements on the skin of the body, after five minutes, rinse.

Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and almonds, grind everything with a coffee grinder. Next, mix the mixture with two tablespoons of sour cream. After taking a shower, apply the mixture on the skin, rinse after five minutes. Dry the skin with a towel (lightly) and moisturize the skin.

Recipes for moisturizing body masks.
After taking a shower or a warm bath, it is recommended to apply a mixture of two tablespoons of honey (preheated in a water bath) and the same amount of olive oil to the body. Leave the mixture for twenty minutes, then rinse. Such a mask, in addition to nutrition, removes toxins.

Combine a glass of mineral water with 50 ml of milk. This mixture should be rubbed the body for twenty minutes, then rinse. The procedure promotes the production of collagen.

Grind the pulp of one avocado, add the pulp of the chopped banana to it. In the mixture, add half a glass of cream, 100 grams of butter and at the end add a couple of drops of rose oil. Beat everything, apply on the body after taking a bath and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with a washcloth. This mask not only nourishes, but also effectively cleanses the skin.

It is useful after bathing to moisturize the skin with natural products. For example, moisten a cosmetic napkin (large) in milk (you can use aloe juice, kefir) and apply on the body. The duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes.

For deep nutrition of the skin of the body, a mask is recommended from an oil solution of vitamin E and water (vitamin can be replaced with peach, apricot, almond oil, avocado oil).

If you have tried all the above methods, but there is no improvement, but, on the contrary, the condition has worsened, consult a doctor.

Xerosis(this is what cosmetologists call dry skin of the face) is manifested by a feeling of tightness, signs of irritation often appear on the skin and it begins to peel off strongly, peel off in large enough pieces. With dry facial skin, a woman should take special care, because otherwise her condition will deteriorate rapidly, the skin will become dull, and the most unpleasant thing that can happen is the early appearance of wrinkles.

Such a feeling of tightness on the skin of the face may appear due to improper functioning of the sebaceous and / or sweat glands, and disturbances in water and / or acid-base metabolism may also occur. The excellent appearance of facial skin depends on the degree of hydration, and the lack of moisture in the cells leads to a decrease in elasticity and firmness, thinning, and the skin may become more sensitive. A variety of factors affect the level of skin moisture - for example, bad habits (), sunlight, low or too high air temperature, frost, wind, aggressive, use of alcohol-based lotions, shortage and others.

Table of contents:

Dry skin: causes

There are well-defined causes of dry skin on the face:

Note:with dry facial skin, it is not at all necessary to completely abandon peeling, you just need to choose the best option - for example, enzymatic peeling, which both cleanses the face and moisturizes the skin at the same time.

Dryness of the skin of the face never “comes” alone - as a rule, some other unpleasant and pronounced factor is added to the classic xerosis.

Classification of dry skin of the face

Peeling and dryness

This combination worries women more often than men, and this is due, first of all, to the fact that the sebaceous glands of the stronger sex work in a slightly different mode.

Causes of peeling and dryness can be:

  • long-term medication;
  • exposure to external factors (cold, heat, wind, sunlight, sea water, and so on);
  • lack of moisture in the body.

When the combination of dermatological problems under consideration appears, special attention should be paid to facial skin care products - use only special (with a mild / gentle effect) gels and foams for washing, use only lotions without alcohol in the composition.

To get rid of peeling and dry skin of the face, you need to follow the following recommendations of cosmetologists:

  1. Washing soap should contain a moisturizer or cosmetic oils. After washing, you should immediately blot your face with a napkin (do not wipe!), Treat the skin with an alcohol-free tonic and apply a moisturizer.
  2. Cosmetic oil can be used as an excellent cleanser, in this case, sesame seed oil will be the best choice - after its application there will be no feeling of tightness.
  3. It is important to choose the right day cream, for which you need to take into account the time of year. For example, this tool may have protection from ultraviolet rays (for summer) or low air temperatures (for winter). Apply day cream to the skin of the face no earlier than half an hour before going outside. Another nuance - when choosing a cream, it is advisable to purchase a product with fatty components that will help create a protective film on the epidermis and prevent moisture loss.

There is an excellent recipe from the “folk medicine” category that will help get rid of peeling and dryness of the skin of the face - you need to dissolve it in a small amount of water, then apply the resulting mass to the previously cleansed skin and lightly massage with your fingertips (they can be additionally moistened in a honey solution). This procedure not only qualitatively moisturizes the skin of the face, but also exfoliates the dead layer of cells. After such a massage, you need to thoroughly rinse your face and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect.

Dryness, redness and irritation

This trio appears on the skin of the face for a variety of reasons - allergic reactions, improper care, being in a room with dry air, stress, poor nutrition, food poisoning.

To get rid of dryness, redness and irritation, you must follow the following rules:

Dryness and redness

Most often, this combination of facial skin problems takes place with the adverse effects of external factors, so a woman will have to pick up a special protective cream and use it before going outside. And the most common cause of dryness and redness of the skin of the face is considered, moreover, a variety of factors can provoke such an inadequate reaction of the body - food, pollen, house dust, and so on.

To restore the health of facial skin, women must follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

  1. If redness and dryness appeared after going out, then you will need to pick up a soothing and moisturizing cream.
  2. An allergic reaction will require the exclusion of contact with the irritant, or the reception that the doctor prescribes.
  3. Any facial skin care products should be bought only those that match the type of face. You cannot use multiple tools at once.
  4. You can not carry out the peeling procedure and apply scrubs (even from natural products). If such procedures are indicated by a cosmetologist, then they are allowed to be carried out no more than once every 2 weeks.

Note:if the redness of the skin of the face is permanent, then most likely the reason for this lies in the development of diseases of the internal organs. Special attention requires a sudden, sharp reddening of the face that has arisen for no apparent reason.

severe dryness

The first thing to do with severe dryness of the skin of the face is to abandon the solid soap, which contains alkali in its composition. You can replace this harmful agent with special cosmetic products that have both moisturizing and cleansing effects at the same time - gels, milk, foams. After cleansing, the skin of the face will need to be wiped with a lotion without alcohol and immediately apply a moisturizer.

note: if after such procedures the dryness of the skin of the face does not become less pronounced within 3-4 days, then cosmetologists recommend adding 2-3 drops to the moisturizer used or.

Before going to bed, a vitamin, moisturizing cream should be applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face, and it is desirable that this remedy has the ability to regenerate cells.

Itching and dryness in the summer

These symptoms may appear after washing or applying cosmetics, often against the background of itching and dryness, there is redness and a feeling of tightness / burning. And if there is such a combination, then the reason was the wrong choice of skin care cosmetics.

Itching may also be associated with an allergic reaction, but in this case, along with dry skin, the woman will be disturbed by redness of the eyes, swelling and increased tearing.

Note:in some cases, itching and dryness of the skin of the face can be associated with eczema, seborrhea, fungal skin lesions, as well as hormonal disorders and abnormal liver function. To exclude such a possibility, you need to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist - specialists who will accurately diagnose and refer you for additional examinations, if necessary.

Dryness may not affect the entire face, but only some of its parts. And in this case, the causes of the state under consideration will be somewhat different factors.

Dryness of the skin of certain parts of the face

Dry eyelid skin

The delicate skin of the eyelids is very susceptible to external and internal adverse factors - for example, stress, bad habits, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance can affect its health. Worsen the condition of the skin of the eyelids, making it dry, and improper care, and poor quality cosmetics, moreover, these factors can lead to irreversible consequences.

To help solve the problem of dry eyelids can:

  • mild cleansers;
  • moisturizers and masks.

Beauticians recommend using a mask based on quail eggs and vegetable oil for dry eyelids (preference should be given). For one yolk, you need to take 2-3 drops of oil, mix everything thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture on dry, clean eyelids. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes, then the mask is removed with a wet cotton swab, and the skin of the eyelids is treated with a moisturizer.

If dry skin of the eyelids is accompanied by irritation, inflammation and / or itching, then aloe will help relieve the condition. You need to take a leaf of this plant, peel and knead. The resulting mass is applied to the eyelids, and after 10 minutes, removed with a damp cloth.

Note:if the skin of the eyelids is dry even with proper care, then the reason most likely lies in eye infections, inflammation, allergic reactions, or malfunction of the sebaceous glands located directly around the eyes. In this case, you will need to visit a doctor and get a medication appointment.

In addition, you may see:

  1. Dry lips. As a rule, this condition is associated with being in the wind, under the sun's rays. You can correct the situation with a special moisturizing lipstick, at night you can treat dry lips with medical vaseline or olive oil.
  2. Dry nose. It may appear against the background of a protracted, lack of vitamins. To get rid of dryness in the nose area, cosmetologists recommend using soap with olive or sea buckthorn oil in the composition for washing.

Dry skin treatment

This problem among cosmetologists is considered quite serious and therefore it must be solved with the help of professional tools and procedures, but all masks prepared at home should act only as auxiliary procedures.

Modern cosmetology uses various procedures to treat dry facial skin - for example, collagen masks, salt cleansing of the epidermis, injections, hot compresses, cosmetic massages. But without fail, you will need to get appointments from a specialist regarding the choice of cream and mask:

  1. The cream should have powerful moisturizing properties.. It can be a serum, which contains hyaluronic acid. Cosmetics that contain fatty acids, ceramides and phospholipids have excellent moisturizing properties.
  2. Face masks. There are many methods from the category of "traditional medicine" that will help reduce the dryness of the skin of the face. But they solve the problem temporarily, so contacting a beautician cannot be avoided. The most effective home remedies are:
    • compress with cold milk, it can be replaced with kefir or whey;
    • mask based on beeswax - lanolin (2 tablespoons), beeswax (1 teaspoon), aloe juice (1 teaspoon) and olive oil (1 tablespoon) are mixed, areas of the face where there is a feeling of tightness are rubbed with the resulting composition.
  3. The composition of the cream, which can be used for dry skin of the face, should contain:
    • vitamins , and , ;
    • natural oils - jojoba, olive and avocado;
    • components for protection against ultraviolet rays;
    • extract of passion fruit, brown algae;
    • palm wax;
