In which countries do the busiest women live? The most busty Russian celebrities

The staff of the magazine women's health The Journey of Female Health Sciences conducted a study in which they found out in which countries they live the busiest women. About 400,000 women from 108 countries took part in the experiment. The sample was conducted among women 28-30 years old.

For the authors of the project, it was important that the study participants never used the services of a plastic surgeon. The most busty were white Americans. In second place are girls from Canada, in third - black citizens of the United States. The fourth place was occupied by the residents of Ireland, and the Poles close the top 5.

The smallest chest found in Africans and Asians. The most buxom among the latter were Turkish women, followed by citizens of Malaysia, Bangladesh, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Mozambique. The last among the inhabitants of this part of the world were Filipinos.

Russian women were in 40th place in the world ranking, Ukrainian women- on the 21st, Estonians - on the 25th, Lithuanians - on the 28th, Latvians - on the 30th, Belarusians - on the 38th. Women from Azerbaijan and Armenia were in 59th and 60th places.

The study was not conducted only in Georgia, Israel, Iran, the Arab states, as well as in the countries of Central Asia that were part of the USSR. According to the authors of The Journey of Female Health Sciences, the results of their work will be useful for manufacturers of lingerie, as well as firms providing services in the field of plastic surgery.

1. USA (women with white skin)
2. Canada
3. USA (black)
4. Ireland
5. Poland
6. UK
7. Netherlands
8. Colombia
9. Iceland
10. Venezuela
11. Turkey
12. Australia
13. New Zealand
14. Norway
15. Germany
16. Finland
17. Sweden
18. Denmark
19. Spain
20. Bulgaria

Lingerie company Triumph found out in an annual survey where the busiest women live in Europe. According to the results, it turned out that English women are the busiest, and only in Britain are bras with cups of the fourth size in demand.

And the Russian Plastic surgeons say that the fashion for large silicone busts is passing - patients are asked to pull out the implants, while others even ask to reduce their excessive natural forms. Everyone wants to look natural and even modest.

Marketers found that 57% of British women wear a fourth bra size. For example, the British sex symbol model and actress Kelly Brook, whose breasts have recently been called "the most beautiful breasts in cinema". In second place were the Germans, the fourth breast size in 50% of women. They are followed by residents of the Netherlands - 36%, writes The Sun.

The owners of the smallest breasts were residents of Sweden and Switzerland - 14% of women have the first breast size, as well as Italians - 68% of Italians wear the second bra size.

The study also affected Russian women. It turned out that the most sold size in Russia is only the second (75 V). But many Russians women would prefer to have a third size (75 C), as they consider it more feminine and attractive.

“Today, “full” breasts are in fashion - those that do not look thin and flat,” say manufacturers of lingerie.

Great Britain- 57%-D, 18%-C, 19%-B, 6%-A

Denmark - 50%-D, 19%-C, 24%-B, 7%-A

Netherlands - 36%-D, 27%-C, 29%-B, 8%-A

Belgium -28%-D, 28%-C, 35%-B, 9%-A

France - 26%-D, 29%-C, 38%-B, 7%-A

Sweden - 24%-D, 30%-C, 33%-B, 14%-A

Greece - 23%-D, 28%-C, 40%-B 9%-A

Switzerland - 19%-D, 24%-C, 43%-B, 14%-A

Austria - 11%-D, 27%-C, 51%-B, 10%-A

Italy - 10%-D, 21%-C, 68%-B, 1%-A

Fashion on plastic surgery leaves. Plastic surgeons in Moscow say with one voice: patients come for consultations and ask to remove implants, while others even ask to reduce their excessive natural forms. Everyone wants to look natural and even modest.

The history of show business, traditionally considered the main supplier of clients for plastic surgeons, knows examples when natural external data, far from the glossy ideals of beauty, became a hallmark and helped in a career. A prime example is Barbara Streisand. Big ears allowed her to win the Oscar twice, with her impressive nose she received the Golden Globe four times, and her massive chin, combined with coarse eyebrows, did not prevent her from receiving the prestigious Grammy Award ten times. Despite psychological complexes, she always rejected the idea of ​​plastic surgery because of the danger of losing her voice timbre.

As you know, often the whims of patients simply contradict the canons of aesthetic surgery. You can reduce and enlarge the chest as much as you like, remove bags under the eyes and pump out fat, but not a single surgeon can fill the patient’s head with worthwhile thoughts, and add simple happiness to his eyes.

The famous jazz singer Victoria Pierre Marie, who constantly attends social events, authoritatively declares that the "natural" type of women begins to dominate in the clubs. And surgeons emphasize that no one has yet been able to prove that cosmetic surgery makes people happy.

Perhaps that is why those who have already inflated something, pumped it up or increased it, are now striving to return the body to naturalness.

A sociological survey conducted showed that the majority of men do not really like artificially enlarged breasts - silicone. UK survey shatters stereotypes about what men like big breasts.

Ideals female beauty changed from era to era and continue to change. Now almost all the girls are chasing a wasp waist, flat stomach And slender legs. However, one thing remains unchanged - luxurious breasts are always an object of desire for men and envy for women. In this selection, we present Russian celebrities with the most prominent bust. Of course you know them. And the shapes of these stars never go unnoticed.


Posted by Alena Vodonaeva (@alenavodonaeva) Nov 24, 2016 at 3:07 PST

She became famous for her forms while participating in the Dom-2 television project. This video was made and posted on Instagram last year when Alena had her fifth breast size. In December, she underwent surgery to reduce it and now the TV presenter is the happy owner of the third size. And even with a new bust, Vodonaev remains one of the busiest Russian celebrities.


Model Anastasia Kvitko was nicknamed "Russian Kim Kardashian" in social networks. The girl gained popularity thanks to her magnificent forms, for which she received such a nickname. In terms of demand, she is still inferior to the wife of Kanye West, but she is catching up with her by leaps and bounds. Kvitko already has over 6 million Instagram followers and many advertising contracts.

Anna Semenovich

Posted by Anna Semenovich (@ann_semenovich) Mar 16, 2017 at 1:59 PDT

The ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant" from the very first appearance on the stage gained popularity thanks to more than lush breasts. In her youth, Anna was professionally engaged in figure skating and, as she herself admits, so that her breasts do not interfere with performing complex elements, she pulled her with the help of special underwear. Many suspect that Semenovich gained such a large bust after plastic surgery, but the singer and actress refutes these rumors and assures that from the very early age was the owner big size. Now Anna has the 5th breast size.

Anfisa Chekhova

Posted by Anfisa Chekhova (@achekhova) Jan 10, 2017 at 5:23 PST

Once upon a time, the program “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” was the first to break into the air of a federal television channel in the format of an erotic show. Attention to the broadcasts was attracted not only by the topics of the plots, which were not customary to talk about openly before, but also by Anfisa herself. Her curvaceous it was impossible not to appreciate. Then, in 2000, we still did not know anything about plus-size models, and Chekhova became a kind of pioneer of such a beauty standard in Russian show business. Now in her microblog you can rarely find photos even in underwear - she happy wife and mother. And, to be honest, the celebrity lost a lot of weight, and her forms lost a little in volume.

Anna Sedokova

Publication by ANNA SEDOKOVA (@annasedokova) Apr 25 2017 at 11:23 PDT

And one more busty beauty in our selection. Former member group "VIA GRA" recently became a mother for the third time. Anna daily pleases her subscribers with pictures of herself and her children on Instagram, and often in the photo she shows a beautiful figure. In particular, large breasts, which after three well-fed children look amazing. Sedokova, a month after the third birth, has already entered the stage and continued her career as a singer. It's only the beginning!

Top 7 busty women in the world

The chest is perhaps the most attractive part female body. And if it has magnificent elastic forms, then it is doubly appetizing. WITH young age beautiful half humanity dreams of being liked by men and does everything to get big breasts. What they don’t do on the way to success: they eat cabbage and pump up muscles, exhausting themselves exercise, and use the services of a massage therapist, and resort to plastic surgery. Today I propose to admire the impressive breast sizes of 7 champions in this category.

Annie Hawkins-Turner
The record holder of the Guinness Book of Records (1999), who has the stage name Norma Stitz, is the owner of the largest natural breast in the world. Already at the age of 10, Annie, because of her non-standard bust, could hardly fit at her desk, for which her classmates made fun of her. It's all about serious illness- gigantomastia, which provoked breast growth. But the girl managed to love her body when she got married. Her husband treated her with care and tenderness, like Annie was a doll. It was he who sent her photo to one of the magazines. So Annie became a model in the erotic business.
Her chest weighs 51 kg, and its volume is 178 cm. 57-year-old model Norma Stitz is the mother of two children, whom, however, she was afraid to breastfeed, fearing that she would simply crush them with her weight. On the advice of doctors to reduce the bust, Annie responds with a decisive refusal.

Annie Hawkins-Turner confirmed her place in the Guinness Book of Records ranking twice more: in 2009 and in 2011. And although it is not easy to be the owner of such a breast, even everyday activities - from driving a car to cooking - are difficult for a woman. For example, while bending over, she has to hold her chest to avoid pain, and when driving, Annie does not use a seat belt that puts a lot of pressure on a sensitive area. Not to mention the fact that there are no bras of this size in any store. They are made for Hawkins-Turner by special order. But the worst thing, despite the fact that men are attracted to impressive size, is backlash surrounding. Strangers will always find a reason to hook on the living. “They tease me for no reason and enjoy it,” admits Annie. This does not prevent her from being a sought-after model in the erotic business. She has also acted in several adult films and shows. Norma also visited the talk show of Andrei Malakhov.

Myosotis Claribel
The African-Spanish model also has a sickly size. This is the second record holder after Norma Stitz.

Miss Claribel wears a K bra size. The 34-year-old Dominican prides herself on having a Spanish temperament and impressive 118cm breasts.

Thing Hiafen
For a Chinese woman, Ting has a simply transcendent breast size, a consequence of an anomaly in the development of the mammary glands. However, the giant bust caused a lot of problems for the girl: she moved with difficulty, she was tormented aching pain, peers refused to communicate with her. Only plastic surgeons could help her. Ting Hiafen successfully performed mammoplasty to reduce the mammary glands, and their growth was stopped. Today, her breasts weigh 20 kg, hang down by 48 cm and are 30 cm from the ribs. Even after plastic surgery, the 22-year-old Chinese woman is the owner of big breast.

Lolo Ferrari (Eva Valois)
The French dancer, star of the porn industry, the Guinness Book of Records holder as the owner of a large breast, had such a magnificent bust thanks to plastic surgery. In 10 years, she suffered more than 20 surgical interventions. The result of the operations was not only appetizing forms but also health problems. The girl constantly took potent drugs. Thanks to her appetizing breasts and attractive body, Lolo has become one of the highest paid porn actresses. She was called " European bust number 1". Each of her breasts weighed 2.8 kg. The "eighth wonder" of the world passed away at the age of 37 in 2000.

Chelsea Charms
American model, stripper, dancer and porn actress, 2011 Guinness Book record holder, owner of the largest in the world. Having by nature a good 4th size, the girl set out to increase her bust. Turning to plastic surgeons, 20-year-old beauty implanted polypropylene implants, which, sucking water from the body, expand in volume, due to which the bust increases. As a result of this intervention, Chelsea's chest weighs about 24 kg, and the size of the bra by Western standards is 165XXX.

The 38-year-old model starred for women's glossy magazines, today she works as a stripper in a nightclub, also earning money by the fact that there are many people who want to shoot as a keepsake next to gorgeous breasts.

Sabrina Sabrok (Laurena Fabian Colotta)
Sabrina has always dreamed of holding the title of the owner of the largest breasts in the world. To achieve this goal, the girl moved a series plastic surgery. Today she is a famous Latin American TV presenter, model.

In addition to candid photo shoots, Sabrina became famous as a musician: she played in the electropunk style in the Primeras Impresiones band. Also, Sabrina happy mom. In 2010, her son was born. Sabrina Sabrok's chest weighs 18 kg, which makes her the record holder in this category.

The largest breasts in Russia - Maria Zarring
Moscow beauty Maria (Miya) Zarring became famous as the owner of the largest natural breast in Russia. An impressive breast size 12, attracting everyone's attention, helps her build a career in show business and the modeling industry. With a height of 165 cm, Maria has a bust volume of 117 cm.

And recently, the people of Kiev considered the title of “the main natural beauty of Russia” offensive for Ukraine, because Maria grew up in the Crimea, although she was born in Moscow. Kyiv-based "beauty expert" Oksana Melnyk said that Masha was chosen only to "poke us in the nose" and that "Moscow is laughing at Ukraine." Considering that Crimea has become Russian again, the attacks of the Maidanites on the political correctness of the title are not justified. The 28-year-old actress Maria Zarring herself is almost not interested in politics, lives in Moscow and says that she is “proud of her body, her title and her country” and dreams of conquering the world.
