Card file of games - fun for young children. Fun with toddlers Fun early ages


The game: "The goat was walking along the bridge"


A goat walked along the bridge. An adult shakes his knees.

Up down.

And wagged her tail, the adult turns the child out

Side to side.

Caught on the railing. Shakes again.

I landed right in the river, plop! Simulates falling into a hole.

Card number 2

The game: "On a horse"

Target: development of trusting, partnership relations.

Over bumps, over bumps, the Adult sharply raises and

On small bushes, knees down.

On a young horse

Up the hill, thump, thump, thump! Adult pulls forward

And on the old nag legs and rolls a child over them.

From the hill - boom!

Card number 3

The game: "Carousels"

Target: learning to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text, creating an atmosphere of joy that brings children together.

And then, then, then - All run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time, the pace is slowing down,

Stop the carousel. gradually moving to walking.

One, two, one, two (pause) Children stop and

So the game is over! bow to each other!

Card number 4

The game: "Small bird"

Target: development of active speech and attention of the child.

Small bird

She flew to us, to us!

little bird

I will give grains, ladies, ladies!

The bird sat on the window

Sit a little longer

Wait don't fly away

Card number 5

The game: "Geese are flying"

Target: auditory perception, attention, speed of reaction, skills of interaction with adults, with children, creating a good mood.

The geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly.

Fly! - children answer, and also raise their hands.

Ducks are flying! - They're flying!

Flies are flying! - They're flying!

Sparrows are flying! - Flying!

Pikes are flying!

Carried away, children often answer: - Fly!

And they raise their hands.

The leader slaps lightly on the hands and He speaks:

They don't fly! They don't fly!

The game: "The deer has a big house"---Card #6

Card number 6

The game: "Bunny"

Target: development of spatial representations (up-down, left-right)

One two three four five toy up down

The bunny came out to jump.

Looked around, turned, Left, right.

Looked up and down

I ran, I was afraid ...

Where are you, bunny, respond? Hide the toy behind your back.

Card number 7

The game: "Jump"

Target: development of positive interaction between an adult and a child, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

Stands in the field Teremok. While squatting, cover your head with your hands.

The door opens. Slowly raise your arms above your head.

Who appears there?

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, ba-bam! Jumps up, arms outstretched.

The jumper is there!

Card number 8

The game: "Sun Bunnies"


sun bunnies

Playing on the wall

I beckon them with my finger

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it soon.

Here it is, a bright circle,

Here, here, here, left, left!

Ran to the ceiling.

Children catch a bunny on the wall. It’s good to send it higher so that the children bounce, get it.

Card number 9

The game: "Tsap»

Target: relieve emotional stress, improve mood.

Hares stood on the mountain, Drive on the palm of your hand

And they shouted - hide your fingers: tap! "tsap" squeeze the baby's hand.

Card number 10

The game: "Cuckoo"

Target: develop imagination, improve mood.

The cuckoo flew past the garden, they wave their hands

She pecked all the seedlings, pecked with her hands, on the other hand

And she screamed - ku-ku poppy! Beak from a finger

Clench one fist 2-3 times, repeat.

Sukhobokova Olga
Fun games for young children

Let's clap our hands

Clap your hands, clap a little, clap your hands. Very well! – 2 times Claps in front of the chest (without shaking hands).

And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance, and the little children will dance their fingers.

And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance, and the girls and boys all sit evenly. Rotating the brushes, slowly raise both hands up and gradually lower to the level of the chest.

Knock - knock with a hammer, we will build a house for the birds.

Knock - knock with a hammer, settle down, birds, in it! - 2 times They knock with the right fist on the left, raising the right hand high.

Boom - boom, drum, what kind of noise and rumble?

Boom - boom, drum, wake up in the morning! - 2 times Knock fists on the knees alternately.

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - what a pipe!

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - what a pipe! - 2 times Imitate playing the pipe, vigorously fingering with the fingers of both hands.

In-e-ha-whether in-ti-ho-nech-ku ... 2 times

And quickly, and quickly ... - 4-6 times Words are pronounced slowly, in a whisper; palms alternately lightly touch the knees.

Quickly, cheerfully clap their hands alternately on their knees, at the same time stamping their feet.

At the end of the exercise, all in unison they say: "And they arrived!" slightly tilt their heads and put their hands on their knees.

I'm with Seryozha (Dasha, Kolya, Katya) I'm coming up

I'll show you my hands.

I am Serezha (Dasha, Kolya, Katya) I will invite

and with Serezha (Dasha, Kolya, Katya) I will dance.

La la la la la la! 2 times

And with Serezha (Dasha, Kolya, Katya) I'll dance!

Cheerful bear

Quiet, Mishenka, sit down. And don't wake up the kids. 2 times

Eat quickly to have more fun! – 4 – 6 times

colorful flags

1. Yellow, yellow, bright yellow I have a flag in my hand.

I will dance well with yellow, yellow, bright yellow.

2. Blue, blue, bright blue I have a flag in my hand.

With blue, blue, bright blue, I will dance well.

La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la.

3. Red, red, bright red flag in my hand.

With red, red, bright red, I will dance well.

La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la.

4. Our children have multi-colored flags.

Let's dance with colorful flags!

La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la.

5. We have fun walking with colorful flags!

Let's play with colorful flags!

La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la.

Mishutka is dancing

1. I will dance with a bear, la-la-la, la-la-la!

The legs will stomp, la-la-la, la-la-la!


Here is a nice little bear, nice little one. Having pressed the bear to themselves, they stomp in place to the beat of the melody.

2. I will dance with a bear, la-la-la, la-la-la!

I will raise the bear, la-la-la, la-la-la!


Here is a little bear, a little one.

Here is a nice little bear, nice little one. Raise and lower the bear several times.

Slowly shake the bear to the right - to the left.

3. you, bear, do not be lazy, la-la-la, la-la-la!

You circle with me, la-la-la, la-la-la!


Here is a little bear, a little one.

Here is a nice little bear, nice little one. They circle in place, hugging the bear to themselves.

Slowly shake the bear to the right - to the left.

4. Let's have fun dancing, la-la-la, la-la-la!

And catch up with each other, la-la-la, la-la-la!

They walk around the room holding the toy in front of them.

To the exclamation "Oop!" stop and lift the bear up.

We learned to walk

1. We learned to walk, raising our legs,

that's how our little ones walk merrily!

One, two, the kids walk merrily.

One, two, the kids raise their legs.

2. And now let's go again, raise your legs!

Come on, together, kids, have fun!

One, two, kids, have fun.

One, two, kids, raise your legs!

Ghouls - pigeons

Movement Words

Ghouls have arrived, ghouls are doves.

They sat on the head, on the daughter's head.

You, my daughter, wave your hand.

Kshi, ghouls, kshi!

Wave your palm. The child flaps its arms like wings.

He puts his hands on his head.

He waves his arms as if to drive away the birds.

Top - top

Get out of the way, cat. Our Tanechka is coming.

Top - top, top - top, our Tanechka is coming.

It won't fall for anything. Top - top, top - top.

Katya - Katya is small, Katya is remote.

Walk along the path, stomp, Katya with your foot.

The legs walked top - top - top,

straight down the track, top-top-top.

That's how we do top-top-top.

We walk along the path top - top - top.

Rain - rain, stop pouring for you.

Children sit at home, like birds in a cage.

Sunshine, sunshine, shine a little.

Children will go out for a walk, they will run and play.

The bird sat on the window. Sit with us for a while.

Sit down, don't fly away. The bird has flown away!

The bear was walking in the forest, the bear was looking for children.

For a long time he searched. Sat down on the grass and dozed off.

The children began to dance, their legs began to knock.

Bear, bear, get up, catch up with our children.

Zainka, stomp your foot, gray, stomp your foot.

Hit your hands like this, hit your hands like that.

Zainka, clap your hands, gray, clap your hands.

Stomp your foot like this, stomp your foot like this.

Zainka, turn around, gray, turn around.

Turn around like this, turn around like that.

Zainka, dance, gray, dance.

Dance like this, dance like that.

Zainka, bow, gray, bow.

Bow like this, bow like that.

Rattle, play

1. Ding, ding, ding - ding - dong, a chime is heard everywhere.

2. Knock, knock, dance, let the kids look.

Rattle, play, amuse all the guys - 2 times.

3. Ding, ding, high, will be heard far away.

The rattle plays our children amuses - 2 times.

4. Rattle, do not ring, hush, hush, rest.

Rattle, don't play, don't play and rest. - 2 times.

5. Ding - ding, let's run, let's ring a rattle.

Rattle, play, amuse our children - 2 times.

6. No, no, it doesn’t ring, it hid somewhere, it is silent.

Rattle, don't joke, where can we find you?

7. Ding, ding, ding - ding - dong, a chime is heard everywhere.

The rattle plays, amuses all the guys - 2 times.


The crows sleep soundly, they all sit in their nests.

And they will wake up at dawn, they will croak in the yard.

They flew, they flew, the crows flew,

Kar-kar, kar-kar!

Tanya came out on the path to the crows pouring crumbs.

The crows flew in, pecked everything to the crumbs.

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! They banged their beaks.

Tuzik walked around the yard, crows frightened: "Aw - aw, aw - aw!".

sun bunnies

Jumping runaways, sunbeams.

We call them - they do not go, they were here - and they are not here.

Jump - jump in the corners, were there - and they are not there.

Where are the bunnies? Gone. We didn't find them anywhere.

white bunny

1. A little white bunny sits, he moves his ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

2. It’s cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this, you need to warm up your paws.

3. It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this, the bunny needs to jump.

4. Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped ... and ran away.

Here, under the green Christmas tree, crows gallop merrily.

Kar-kar-kar, kar-kar-kar.

The whole day they screamed, they did not let the guys sleep.

Kar-kar-kar, kar-kar-kar.

Only at night they fall silent, and they all fall asleep together.

Kar-kar-kar, kar-kar-kar.

Who is screaming?

Our ducks in the morning - quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!

Our geese by the pond - ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!

Our gulenki at the top - grru-grru-grru! Grru-grru-grru!

Our chickens in the window - ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

How about Petya the Cockerel? early- early in the morning us sing: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

The chicken went out for a walk, pinching fresh grass.

And behind her are the guys - yellow chickens.

Co-co-co, co-co-co, do not go far.

Row with your paws, look for grains.

They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm.

We drank a full trough of water.

Chicken - ryabushechka, where did you go? To the river.

Chicken - ryabushechka, why did you go? For water.

Chicken - ryabushechka, why do you need some water? Water the chickens.

Chicken - ryabushechka, how do chickens ask for a drink?

Wee-wee-wee, wee-wee. pi!

White geese go to the stream, white geese lead goslings.

White geese went out into the meadows, called geese: "Ha-ha-ha!"

Who - who lives in this room? Who - who rises with the sun?

It was Mashenka who woke up, turned from side to side.

And, throwing back the blanket, she suddenly stood up on her own legs!

This is not a big room - this is a huge country.

Two sofas - a giant. Here is a green meadow - this is a rug by the window.

Masha reached out to the mirror with her hand.

Masha was surprised: "Who is there?"

She reached the chair, rested a little.

She stood at the table, and again went forward.

We decided to build a house for our animals.

The house is built, and now we need a fence.

The boards were hewn, firmly nailed.

Knock-knock, knock, the boards were hewn.

Knock - knock, knock, firmly nailed.

That's how the sun rises - higher, higher, higher.

By night the sun will go down - lower, lower, lower.

Well, well, the sun is laughing.

And under the sun everyone sings merrily.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

Cheerfully shines, children warms.

The rain slightly wet the paths.

Drip - drip, drip - drip wet the tracks.

Rain, don't scare us, you, rain, catch up with us!

Music began to play in the meadow, we will go - we will circle in a circle.

The breeze will rise - do not appease, the flowers will dance in the field.

Flowers grow in our meadow.

The cheerful flowers are talking.

Hold hands tightly, spin around and bow.

Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta! The way is a long way.

We are bringing a miracle to the chalk - spikelets.

We need to grind flour on the melenka.

And now we will bake pies from flour.

Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta! Please sieve.

Sift flour, make pies.

Pies - then by leaps and bounds, you can’t keep on the reins!

Hearth cakes made from new flour!

Let's bake pies - all to ourselves let's call:

dine with us, taste pies.

With cabbage - a pie, with potatoes - a pie!

With raspberries - a pie, with blueberries - a pie!

Peki pies - pecks, all from new flour!

Barely - barely, barely - barely, the carousels spun.

And then - then - then all run - run - run!

Hush - hush, do not rush, stop the carousel.

One, two, one, two, the game is over.

Leaves, leaves fly in the wind.

Leaves fall under the feet of the children.

Leaves, leaves, fly quickly.

It's more fun for us, leaves, to walk!

Waving leaves to each other wing:

We will soon fall on the grass with you.

Leaves, leaves circling in the wind

And please adults and all the kids!

The duck began to call ducklings, her little ones guys:

Where are you, kids, quack-quack-quack? Respond, quack-quack-quack!

She took the ducklings into the yard, started talk:

Quack-quack-quack, do you have water in the trough?

Ducks came to the meadow, worm ducks found:

Here's luck, quack-quack-quack! We came here for a reason!

Music began to play in the garden, in the garden.

I'll go dancing to the music, I'll go.

I will slowly squat, squat.

I will exhibit heels, exhibit.

The music is getting stronger in the meadow, in the meadow.

I'll run along the path, I'll run.

So the music died down, kids, kids.

We go home until the morning, until the morning.

Fleet horse, tsk-tsk-tsk,

We will ride without looking back, clack-clack-clack.

Hurry up, hop-hop-hop.

And jump more fun, gop-hop-hop.

To the zakudykin country, well, well, well,

All on foot, on foot ... And on a sleigh - running

7. Fun games, entertainment

Fun games have a significant influence on the formation of the emotional sphere of a young child, his motor activity and ability to communicate with an adult, and later with peers. They are carried out at different periods of wakefulness with a subgroup of children, and, if necessary, individually (for example, during the reception of children or in a situation where the child is difficult to part with his mother).

Entertainment - dancing, familiar outdoor games, movements accompanied by reading funny nursery rhymes, etc. - do not require special learning, are quickly and emotionally perceived by children, encourage physical activity, and cheer them up.

An approximate list of funny toys: figurines with various imitation actions (pecking, playing musical instruments, swinging, dancing); toys with musical and sound effects; toys with color and light effect; figures on wheels and rocking chairs; figurines making movements that make sounds (yula, spinning tops); figurines jumping, tumbling, performing working movements (sawyers, lumberjacks).

With young children, entertainment is held with a detailed plot, accompanied by the teacher's singing or recording. By staging songs using toys, the teacher involves children in activities. They greet the characters of the dramatization, clap their hands when they dance. Children are entertained by sounding clockwork toys, figurative and musical spinning tops.

Education of speed of movements in elementary school students with the use of outdoor games

The complexity of what is commonly referred to as a game is most clearly revealed when one is introduced to various theories that explain the origin and meaning of the game. Scientists have put forward many assumptions and points of view ...

Education in the game

Unlike other activities, play contains a goal in itself; extraneous and distant tasks in the game the child does not set and does not solve. Play is often defined as an activity that is performed for its own sake...

The value of entertainment in preschool age and the role of music in them

The leading goals of the program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by Vasilyeva M.A. involve the creation of favorable conditions for the full-fledged living of a child of preschool age, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual ...

Using games to teach speaking at the initial stage of learning a foreign language

Role-playing games reflect the phenomena and processes that children observe or hear about from elders. In these games, each child takes on a certain role, such as a doctor, teacher, fireman, and depicts the corresponding activity ...

The game is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The following functions can be distinguished: Teaching function - the development of general educational skills and abilities, such as memory, attention, perception and others ...

Using the game when working on the formation of spelling skills

The educational possibilities of games have been known for a long time. Many outstanding educators rightly paid attention to the effectiveness of the use of the game in the learning process. The game always involves making decisions - what to do, what to say...

At present, the condition for the revival of the organizational-activity game, as a form of work with students, is a new state of the socio-cultural situation. Now with the help of the game another task is solved ...

Musical entertainment based on folk traditions as a form of organizing musical and artistic activities of children of middle preschool age

Within the framework of the theme, goals, objectives of our study, it was decided to organize and hold a week of folk festivals dedicated to the celebration of the Russian folk holiday "Maslenitsa" ...

Organization of activities of a preschool educational institution

During the internship, together with the teacher, the time that the child spends in the kindergarten was organized so that he would not only amuse, delight, amuse ...

Leading foreign and domestic teachers consider the game as one of the most effective means of organizing the lives of children and their joint activities. The game reflects the inner need of children to be active...

Formation of pedagogical abilities

1. Let's get acquainted with exciting games that will help develop memory. For each game you will receive a certain number of points, at the end of the lesson we will count them and find out if your memory is good ...

In the development of the child, there are such areas that significantly reflect the indicators of age development and influence its further formation and perception of the world around. Significant indicators of the development of the baby are: the motor sphere - general and fine motor skills, the development of the emotional sphere and the sphere of communication, where personal, business and cognitive aspects are most clearly expressed.

Early age is a favorable time for the formation and formation of a personal neoplasm “I am myself.” Attitude towards oneself, others and the objective environment acquires significance not only as an object of development, practical action and cognition, but also as a sphere of realization and self-affirmation of the “I”. The success of the child, his skills and abilities are manifested in entertaining, specially organized leisure and entertainment, the purpose of which is to please, amuse children, enrich with memorable impressions, at the same time consolidate knowledge, communication needs, promote the manifestation of creative initiative, the formation of initial moral ideas (a positive attitude towards the manifestation of kindness sympathy, helping a peer).

Early childhood is a period favorable for the development of sensory-motor and cognitive abilities, therefore it is necessary to create conditions for the experimentation of the child, i.e. organize an appropriate subject-developing environment, closely related to musical and non-musical sounds. It is this relationship that will contribute to artistic education, which is carried out in the process of productive activities, the development of a child's interest in music and an emotional response to it, and the formation of communicative means of communication based on the artistic word and Russian folk art. Entertainment combines the above-mentioned art forms and from an early age makes it possible to use them to create psychological and emotional comfort, especially in closed institutions.

When developing a scenario, consider:

  • the age of the children participating in the entertainment, their skills and abilities;
  • development of musical and sensory abilities;
  • actions should be connected in meaning with each other and develop by “igniting” children;
  • to form the ability of emotional anticipation of events;
  • the presence of a climax or surprise moment;
  • activity and participation of all the kids present, familiarization with musical and rhythmic movements.

Entertainment is conducted by a teacher or in conjunction with a music director using music. These can be alternating, plot-related, children's songs, nursery rhymes, fun games, folk songs or a fairy tale with a well-known plot, puppet characters or adult participants in the script.


  • continue to acquaint with musical activity;
  • educate an emotional response to music of a different nature;
  • to form musical-sensory abilities, musical-rhythmic movements;
  • "ignite" the child with interest in the proposed activity.

Scenario of entertainment for Children's Day

First junior group

Visiting the fairy tale "Turnip"



Hall decoration: House, bench, imitation of beds, clouds and sun, trees.

Attributes: a turnip in three contrasting sizes, a cloud on a stick, umbrellas, a shovel, whatman paper is clean and with the image of the sun, rays, finger paints, napkins


We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the Sun, Festival of Light!
Hello summer! Hello summer!
Everything is warmed by the bright sun!
We are with you today
Let's visit the fairy tale "Turnip".
Let's meet the mouse
Grandmother, grandfather and Marisha.
One, two, three, four, five!
In a fairy tale we go for a walk!

(Grandfather's shuffling footsteps are heard)

Here comes to visit us grandfather,
He is wearing a large sheepskin coat.

(Music "Get on the exercises, get on the exercises!")

I have good health
I'll plant - ka turnip I!

(Takes a shovel, digs and plants)


Grandfather did you plant a turnip?
And about the sun, forgot?
There is no sun above us
Bright and warm.
For us to call him
Let's play with our hands.

Finger game "Sun"

The sun came out to us, children,
It's just sad
On the road with clouds
Lost what is it?
The sun has no rays
Cheerful rays.
We will give the sun
Golden beam!

Competition "Give the sun a ray", there is an image of the sun on the drawing paper, the children apply rays (we use double tape) in accordance with the size (2-3 children take part) calm music sounds during the competition


Oh yes, the sun is with us
yellow and bright
About this sun
we'll sing now.

(Song "The sun looks out the window")


Now let's go with you
We will return to the garden.
And let's see what's next
It will happen there.

(Grandfather calls grandmother, grandmother enters, stretching, to rhythmic music of your choice)


And the grandmother without charging,
Thank God everything is all right!

(The mouth opens sweetly yawns, calls the granddaughter. Under the words of the grandmother, the granddaughter enters, looks at the "sky")


A cloud came running
Will it suddenly rain?
I'll wait a little
And then I'll start.

(All sit down on a bench together and wait)


Rain, pour rain
Grow our turnip!
(The leader has a cloud on a stick in his hands)
Show all your hands
Let's play with the rain
Count drops with your finger.

Finger game "Rain, rain, water-ka"


A cloud floats across the sky
Distributes to everyone drop by drop
Let's draw the rain
We will collect in a watering can
And a turnip in the garden
Let's all pour together.

Drawing with a finger “Rain drips from a cloud” Prepare whatman paper, finger paint, wet wipes. Repeated at the request of the children.


Our pens were drawing.
They collected rain in a watering can.
The garden was watered together.
They were dirty with paint.
We need to wash our hands
Dry with a towel.

(The host, along with the heroes, distribute wet wipes and help wipe their hands)


Grandmother, grandfather and Mariska
Where are your rascals?
They must help.
Let's call the dog Bug?
... Here she is already running

(The music sounds “Get on the charge, get on the charge”)


Let's play hide-and-seek
Let's go without charging
Let's just call Murka
And let's go play
Well, the turnip ... will wait
Cat urgently in the garden!

Leading: We call the cat: "Kiss, Kiss"

Cat: (Comes out with umbrellas)

I will distribute funny umbrellas to children,
We'll play hide and seek
We won't be sad.

(Dance - a game with umbrellas, a cat and a dog dance with the children, at the end of the game they run away)


Well everyone danced
Not tired at all.
Murke umbrellas collected ...
Where is Murka? Here's the deal!
The cat bug took away.
Well, who is making noise there?
So this is a Mouse in sports pants,
Vest on the body, dumbbells in the paws.


One and two! And three - four!
I will become the strongest in the world!
I will perform in the circus -
Raise the bug with Murka.
(running and jumping)


Likes to do sports
Little mouse.
Grandfather and Grandma help
Even though she's a baby.

(The mouse, together with grandma, grandpa and Marishka, spuds a turnip)

Grandfather: Oh, I've been tired since morning.

grandmother: Yes, it's time for me to bake.


Grandfather and grandmother are resting
Children read poetry.

(Because of the screen, quietly take out the grown turnip)


So Grandpa is back
Sees a turnip - has grown
Here are the things!
Grandpa came up to the turnip
The turnip became larger than the cap.

(He walks admiring, the music “To charge” sounds)

So the turnip is just a miracle.
I would like helpers here
And without them, it's a disaster!

(calling grandma)


I now!
Oh yes, the turnip was a success!

Leading: Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for a turnip. Pull - pull, pull can not.

How to pull? From which side?
Come out granddaughter to help!


Granddaughter for grandmother!
Grandma for grandpa!
Grandfather for a turnip!
Pull - pull, pull can not!

(Grandma calls her granddaughter)


Breaking back, aching hands.
No, he can't do it without Bug.

(name is bug)


Bug for granddaughter
Granddaughter for Grandma
Grandma for Grandpa
Grandfather for a turnip. Pull - pull, pull can not.


Wake up the cat
Let's try a little.

(Cat's name)


Murka for the Bug,
Bug for granddaughter
Granddaughter for grandmother
grandma for grandpa
Grandfather for a turnip. They pull, they pull, they can't pull!

grandmother: Click the mouse, would be in the yard.


Call the mouse? What a disgrace!
We also ourselves, it seems with a mustache!


Here from the mink the Mouse - jump!
And do charging in an instant.


How to stomp the garden bed to no avail,
Get on the charger!
To get down to business
We need to gain strength!

(Charging is carried out with the children)


Everyone comes out in order.
Together they do exercises,
Everyone follow me around!
Everyone smiled at each other.
Lowering our hands together
And now we raise them.
We drop, we raise
Well, now run after me,
We run side by side,
Let's run, let's run
Boom, and everyone fell into the hole!
The kids got up, brushed themselves off,
Everyone quickly smiled.


Get up! Breathe in, breathe in!
And now, it's time to pull!


Mouse for a cat
Cat for a bug
Bug for granddaughter
Granddaughter for grandmother
grandma for grandpa
Grandfather for a turnip. Pull-pull, pulled a turnip!

Well, everyone worked hard, we are all great together,
Stay for the holiday. Have fun from the heart!

Summer, summer, lots of light
Lots of sunshine.
Out of stuffy rooms
Come out quickly!
We'll get tanned
Agile and bold.
Everyone to rest! All up in the air!
All sunbathe.
To pour over, to temper,
engage in physical education,
Grow up with a strong change.

Surprise moment: The mouse brings a lot of colorful balloons inflated with gel.


That's the Mouse! That's it, yes!
She brought us balloons.
colorful, large,
And so funny!
Take it apart, kids.
It's time for us to walk!

Entertainment "Mouse-mother and her cunning mice"

Educator: This fairy tale will be about mice, we will tell this fairy tale together. You are my mice, and I will be a mother mouse. And so that I look like her, I will put on these ears and such an apron (puts on).

finger game

"Mouse-mother and her cunning mice"

Mother mouse found grain

And she took it to the mill (the teacher runs around the hall, hands in front of her chest)

I grinded flour there, grinded flour there (circular movements with the hands).

We will bake pies (Palms together)

And with cabbage and potatoes,

And with carrots and cloudberries (we bend our fingers one by one)

The mother mouse calls the mice,

Your little kids.

Bring me firewood.

Headache (children hold their hands on their heads)

Who will turn on the stove for me?

Oh, my heart hurts (grab your heart with your hands)

Will you knead the dough?

Uh-oh-oh, my stomach hurts (hold hands on stomach)

Well, I'll have to, little mice

You will be punished today.

You will not see fragrant, sweet pies today.

Ready to starve?

We are already healthy (Children raise their hands up).

Educator: Well, what about the mice-guys, I see. That you are healthy, cheerful, cheerful and ready to play again. We are waiting for a new game.

Mobile game "The mice went out for a walk"

One, two, three, four, five -

The mice went out for a walk (walk around the hall, hands in front of the chest)

One, two, three, four, five -

I wanted to dance.

One two three four -

Mice jump around the apartment (clap their hands, jump)

Tick-tock, tick-tock - this is the clock knocking (tilts left and right)

Tuki-so, tuki-so - this is how the wheels knock (rotational movements with cams)

Tuki-tok, tuk-tok - this is how the hammer knocks (knock with fists).

Bim-bom, bim-bom - the mice ran away (throw their hands to the sides, run away to their places).

Educator: Hey, mice, come out,

You look at the cat

The cat dozed off on the roof

Well, the mice dance

They lead the cat around

Lullaby is sung.

Musical game "Mice lead a round dance"

Children go in a circle and sing along with the teacher (a cat is sleeping on a bench in the center)

This is where our story ends. We played with palms, cams, fingers.

It's time for our hands to rest, they say: “Bye! Bye!"

The children wave back and leave.
