Hot topic: Ecology. Avant-garde style in Vivienne Westwood women's collections Eco-themed suit

Health consists of many factors. We live in a world where literally everything influences it; the clothes we wear can make an important contribution to our health. We can give up unhealthy foods and move to an environmentally friendly place, but clothes remain with us almost all the time. In this regard, it is necessary to devote a little more of our attention to choosing the right clothes than usual.

The market offers us a fairly large number of materials from which clothing is made. In this variety, you often have to make a choice only on the basis of your taste preferences, the beliefs of the seller and a vague idea of ​​​​the properties of the fabric.

Let's look at the modern materials from which clothing is made.

All materials are divided into natural and synthetic, and natural fabrics also include fabrics made from wood fiber (cellulose) - viscose, bamboo fabrics.
However, most often they are made chemically using various reagents, which bring this fabric closer to the category of synthetic.

Mainly to natural fabrics include 4 types: cotton (calico, chintz, satin, flannel, corduroy, etc.), wool, linen, natural silk.

Synthetic fabrics much more, they are made from man-made polyester fibers, petroleum products, coal and even natural gas! These include: polyester, fleece, acrylic, membrane, elastane, Polartek, microfiber, nylon, polyamide.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand what type of fabric the clothes are made from, since the chemical industry skillfully makes synthetic things closer to natural to the touch; for this you need to know the markings on the labels of the item.

Natural fabrics : cotton – marking Cotton, Baumwolle, CO, ALG; flax - marking Flax, Li; wool – marking – Wool, W, WP (alpaca wool), WL (llama wool), WA (angora); silk – marking Silk, SE.

Chemical fabrics : viscose - marking viskose, Vis, VI; acetate modular fibers marking - siblon, modal, CVI, MD; AC; polyester fibers marking - polyester, PE, PE, PES, PL; polyacrylonitrile markings – acrylic, PAN, PAC, RS; polyamide markings - polyamide, PA, RA; polyurethane markings - polyurethane, elastane, PU, ​​PU, ​​EA.

If you do not find markings on the label or there is no label, then such an item is not worth buying, or you can check the naturalness of the fabric yourself. Pull a few threads from the seam or take a scrap of spare fabric from your clothing and try setting it on fire. Natural materials quickly burn, flaring up, and synthetic ones melt, the burned residue of cotton turns into powder, and synthetics into a hard black ball.

Synthetic fabrics are somewhat cheaper than natural ones, do not wrinkle much, do not shrink, however, they have disadvantages:
- clothing made from such fabrics does not allow oxygen to pass through easily, making it difficult for the skin to exchange air with the environment; the body sweats faster in it and skin irritation may occur;
- cools and heats up very quickly;
- accumulate static voltage and become electrified;
- do not absorb moisture well;
- since the fibers are made from chemicals, they can cause allergies in people with sensitive skin.

But clothes made from natural fabrics have the opposite properties - these clothes are hygroscopic, breathable, and retain heat well. Obviously, you should buy mainly clothes from natural fabrics, from artificial ones, the most acceptable may be viscose and bamboo.

However, even when purchasing clothes made from cotton, you need to be careful and not buy clothes from cheap manufacturers (dubious Chinese underground factories) since there is a high probability of an allergy to cheap, unstable chemical dyes for fabric. Unscrupulous manufacturers skimp on paints and treat clothing with compounds containing formaldehyde.

Cotton clothing is often treated with improvers that maintain the shape of the clothing and prevent it from creasing, remaining smooth, etc. All these compositions may contain synthetic resins, chlorine, formaldehyde, which provoke allergies. If you buy clothes with the inscriptions “mercerized”, “easy to care”, “does not require ironing”, “does not fall”, “wash without restrictions”, then remember that these clothes have been treated with chemicals.

It’s best if you find clothes in stores labeled 100% Organic Cotton, which are made from environmentally friendly raw materials without the use of chemicals. Or you can choose clothes made from linen fabrics - practically no chemicals are used for its production.

However, all types of clothing must be washed before wearing for the first time, this will protect yourself from skin problems. Buy clothes from well-known manufacturers in a network of branded stores that are responsible for the safety and quality of their clothes. It doesn’t have to be expensive - there are popular mass brands for the average consumer.

How do you choose clothes?


ecological costume competition "Eco-style"

developed by a biology teacher

Velichko Tatyana Sergeevna

Video about ecology
Four presenters come out

Presentation (slide 1)

Ved 1: What is home to you? Four walls? This is not true, your home is planet Earth. And, living in this house, you must respect it! This means leading a healthy lifestyle, eradicating vulgarity and bad taste, merging with nature and, of course, protecting it. At the very least, don't harm her. After all, you love your home?!

Ved 2: Living in an eco style is a whole philosophy, and not just PR for environmentally friendly products and things. It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. It is especially difficult for nature to cope with such “brainchildren” of man as plastic, metal and aluminum.

Ved 3: Even an innocent candy wrapper thrown on the ground is a great evil for the Earth. Sort your waste and don't let yourself pollute the environment. And plant a tree, and better yet more than one! And maybe the Earth will give us and the generations following us another chance.

Ved 4: Let's imagine that today is not 2015, but 3015. The same global changes that were feared already in the 20th century have occurred on earth: natural resources have dried up, the face of the earth is a huge smoky megacities surrounded by mountains of garbage. But man is a mobile creature and decided to use secondary waste to make clothes. So, here is an exclusive fashion show “Eco-style”.

Ved 1: The competition is held in the following categories:

  • « Urbania"- models made of paper, plastic, polyethylene, etc.
Presentation (slides 2,3)

  • "Vintage"- models made from old, unnecessary, abandoned things and materials, which in the process of modernization have turned into fashionable and stylish things
Presentation (slide 4)

  • "Naturel"- models made using natural materials, such as straw, seeds, grain, seashells, etc. Don't forget about fashionable environmental accessories!
Presentation (slide 5,6)

Ved 2: And since fashion always involves a competition, we need a jury, which we will present to you. The honorary jury of the competition today is represented by:

  • head teacher;

  • biology teacher;

  • chemistry teacher;
Ved 3:

  • graduate of our school;

  • Queen of the Historical Ball 2013, Vice-Miss School 2013, 11th grade student;

  • leader of the school student government, editor-in-chief of the school newspaper.
Ved 4: The principle of the jury’s work is as follows: using the criteria, evaluate the costumes of the contestants and choose the best eco-friendly outfit in each of the three categories.

Ved 1: I declare the “Winter 2015” fashion show and the “Eco-Style” eco-costume competition open. (pause, applause)

Presentation (slide 7)

Ved 2: A person's behavior should be like his clothing: not too restrictive and not too elegant, but provide freedom of movement and action. So said the philosopher and historian Francis Bacon. This is exactly the kind of clothing that the 1st Class Fashion House will present to you. Welcome to 1st "A" class! (they parade, present a costume).

Meet 1st "B" class!

Ved 3: A well-dressed person is one whose clothes you have not noticed, said the English writer Somerset Maugham. And now representatives of the 2nd class Fashion House will demonstrate their models for you - Please! 2 “A” class (detail, present a costume).

We invite 2 "B" class! (they parade, present a costume).

We invite 2 “B” class!

Ved 4: If you met a woman on the street and she struck you with her beauty, but you can’t remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly. So said the great French fashion designer Usharo. So, here is stylish clothing from a 3rd class Fashion House. Let's meet! 3 "A" class (detail, present a costume).

We invite 3 "B" class! (they parade, present a costume).

We invite 3 "B" class!

Ved 1: Fashion is not simple stupidity. Even if you say you don't follow it, it's not true. One way or another, you make your choice, says the Italianfashion designer Miuccia Prada. And we invite you to the podium House of Fashion 4th grade. Meet 4 "A" class! (they parade, present a costume).

Meet 4th "B" class!

Ved 2: I don't think about being beautiful. “I devote most of my time to being healthy,” the actress saidAnne Bancroft. And now representatives of the House of Fashion of the 5th grade will demonstrate their models for you - We ask for the 5th “A” class on the podium! (they parade, present a costume).

Meet 5 "B" class!
All representatives of class 5 “B” come out and parade.

Vedas 3 (at this time):

The country cannot live without sweets,

People eat candy all year round,

If he throws candy wrappers,

Then he pollutes his planet.

You and he and I must remember -

You will kill an ant with a candy wrapper.

Although they are beautiful and light,

Bugs can die from them!

That's right, friends, the one who will do the same

Who will take their candy wrapper to the trash can!

But only he is worthy of reward

Who will make a suit out of them! ( 5 "B" sits down)

Ved 3: « Your beauty is your inner world, and how you work on it, how you maintain yourself, what kind of culture you have within yourself, that’s how you look.”, spoke Renata Litvinova. And in front of you are stylish clothes from the 6th grade Fashion House. Let's meet! 6 "A" class! (detailing, presenting a costume)

Greetings 6 "B" class!

Ved 4:“You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you. A person becomes taller by stretching upward,” said
Maksim Gorky. We present models Houses of Fashion 7th grade. We invite 7 “A” class to the podium! (they parade, present a costume).

Welcome to 7th grade B! (they parade, present a costume).

Meet 7th "B" class!

Ved 1:Many People spend big for shopping because they don’t understand things. They think that if they spent thousands of dollars on their clothes, they will look good. But in reality, style is not a million dollars. This is an inner feeling of harmony. We present models Houses of Fashion 8th grade.

Welcome to 8th "A" class! (detailing, presenting a costume)

Meet 8 "B" class.

Ved 2: Caring for the environment It doesn’t always come down to the fact that when you come to visit someone, you start wandering through rooms where there is no one and turning off the light that is on there. . But you can start with this.Welcome to the 9th grade Fashion House. Meet 9th "A" class! ( parade, present a costume). Greetings 9 "B" class!

Ved 3: Heraclitus argued that one cannot step into the same river twice. Modern ecologists argue that there is , which cannot be entered even once. We invite 10th grade Fashion House to the podium. Welcome! ( parade, present a costume)

Ved 4: Each fashion has its own time to which it corresponds. Some art historians believe that fashionable clothing:

  • immoral - 10 years before its time;

  • defiant - 2 years before its time;

  • bold - 1 year before its time;
Ved 1:

  • beautiful - when she is in fashion;

  • tasteless - a year after its time;

  • ugly - 10 years after its time;

  • funny - after 20 years;

  • funny - after 30 years;
Ved 2:

  • unique - after 50 years;

  • pleasant - after 70 years;

  • romantic - after 100 years;

  • beautiful - 150 years after its time.

Ved 3: So, the Eco-Style competition is over. The jury sums up the results. And before they announce the names of the winners, we pass the microphones to our guests - graduates of 2013. Meet!
Performing songs accompanied by itars

Ved 4:

We consider the earth to be paradise

We poison ourselves,

Rubbish rubble, piles,

However, there are trash cans everywhere

Throwing a shadow on your face,

Too lazy to throw trash into the trash can.

Better used product

Throw it here - on the sidewalk.

In parks, squares and alleys

The piles of garbage are turning white.

This is the 21st century - be smarter, man!

Ved 1: This is a whole mission: to give people health and life to planet Earth! Join us!!!

Ved 2: I give the floor for the award to the director of our school.

Final song - background

"Fashion Celebration Made from Waste Material"
Target: To form a responsible attitude towards the environment, which is based on: - compliance with moral and legal principles of environmental management; - active creative activities to protect the environment and combat everything that has a detrimental effect on the environment.
Tasks:- Deepen and expand environmental knowledge on the topic “Household waste”, creating a creative collection of costumes from various materials. - Develop cognitive, creative, social activity of students in the course of practical activities using interdisciplinary connections. - Foster a caring attitude towards the environment through labor, social - useful and propaganda activities.
Visual aids:- Creative collection made by students and their teachers - Demonstration of collections. Fanfare sounds. King. We, the Greatest King of the village of Kazan and its environs, command by our Decree:Princess. What a wonderful day it is today. The weather and my mood are good. Do you know why?Today is a holiday in my kingdom. For all the subjects of our kingdom, I have come up with entertainment - a royal fashion show. Everyone who comes to this show will have to present their own unusual costume. So, friends, I invite you! Leading. It’s not in vain that you came to the holiday, friends!
Let's reveal the secret of beauty without hiding.
The fashion collection will now be shown.
We are holding High Fashion Day for you!

Today there are many trends in the fashion world, so each suit will be unique and unusual. Princess. The eternal debate: what is beauty?
And why do people deify her?
And fashion has finally come to our school!
And beauty and grace are everywhere!

Who will have the first word today?
The jury is ready to “evaluate” the model.

Jury presentation.
Princess. And the main thing is our jury today,
Dear viewers, it’s you.

Music is playing.
Leading.The first model appears on the catwalk(1st grade student)
In the noisy age of computers, progress
Every girl dreams of becoming a princess.
And not wear jeans, not sneakers,
And romantic new things!
For your attention – the “Rainbow” model.

(rainbow poems)

From ribbons, from ribbons
It seemed like up to the sky

A hand will reach out.
What a colorful one!
How unusual!
Non-standard model,
And very pretty.
Princess. Wow! What an outfit!Everyone would be happy to wear it!Original, fashionable, new,Transparent, not easy renewal.And most importantly, on the dress hereOverseas flowers are growing.

Presenter. For your attention, the “candy” modelMusic is playing. A 2nd grade student is coming out.)Sweet candy for everyone to enjoy,
And the costume made from candy wrappers is just a sight for sore eyes!
Everyone loves sweets, everyone adore them.
The sweetest costume - everyone admits it!
(candy poems) Princess. This is a miracle, such a miracle!Wonderful, great, beautiful!What a color! how cute it is!I say: “how beautiful!”The costume reminds me of my childhood!I really want to dress in it!(Model “sweetie” leaves)Leading.There is no more modern costume.Its secret is originality.The suit looks like a knight in armor,It is not afraid of obstacles and interference!In a suit, everyone is a real knight!And your head will be decorated with a shiny helmet!To your attention Prince Gregory!(music sounds, a knight comes out - a 3rd grade student.The music fades out and starts again as the knight brings out Goldilocks.Next is a mini script in verse.
Leading.Princess Goldilocks is fragile, tender,But the dream comes true!Beauty and graceNot a dress, but a sensation!

Princess. Never in this outfitRain and cold are not scary.Does not get wet, multi-coloredAnd noticeable among all others.Leading.With new ideas - into a new century!
A person cannot stand still.
The soul is tired of living without imagination!
Hurry to hear, hurry to see:
Another model made from waste material!

We bring to your attention the “Spring” model.(Speech by 4th grade student)Leading.Let's protect our native land,Let's save its nature.Don't throw trash in the fieldDon't waste water in the river.Boys and girls!Look around!Garbage is your enemyAnd sometimes a friend!That's right, friends, he's doing the right thing,Who will take their candy wrapper to the trash can,But only he is worthy of rewardWho will make a suit out of them?If you want to be happy -Make the world around you beautiful!Our advice for everyone is simple:Clean up after yourself!

Fanfare sounds. Princess. I invite you all to come outTo evaluate the costumesI'll end the show hereThe jury must judge you.
Presenter. The jury gives the floor.(The jury awards all participants with medals, since friendship won) Fanfare sounds. Leading.The fanfare is louder, the music is faster!Let's start dancing soonWe'll have a round dance around the models.To be delighted with impressionsLasted a whole year!(everyone gathers around the models and the princess, dancing the Boogie-Woogie dance)

Appendix No. 1
. We, the Greatest King of the village of Kazan and its environs, command by our Decree:- order in the village must be restored immediately;- send unnecessary and harmful things to a landfill;-due to the huge number of old and unnecessary things, costumes made from waste materials will be introduced into fashion in 2012.

Avant-garde style in clothing and accessories is the use of unusual materials, shapes, lines, the creation of non-standard silhouettes and the choice of eye-catching jewelry and other accessories. In avant-garde style clothing it is impossible to get lost in the crowd, so this style is suitable for the most confident women whose goal is the attention of photographers and the public.

The history of this bright and amazing style has no exact frames or dates. According to most fashion historians, the avant-garde style in clothing appeared closer to the sixties of the 20th century. This is not surprising, because earlier experiments with clothes could bring big problems. In the good old days, such experiments could have sent you to the stake of the Inquisition!

Pierre Cardin

Avant-garde style is characterized by exoticism and extravagance. The avant-garde style of clothing is always catchy and the novelty of images reaches the point of shocking. Avant-garde clothing is characterized by a certain mixture of different styles. Bright neon fabrics, provocative styles and silhouettes of clothing, an unconventional manner of wearing clothes and interesting accessories - these are the main components that make the avant-garde style in clothing quite attractive and worthy of attention.

Often condemned and rejected by the majority, the avant-garde style still finds many fans, both in designer circles and among ordinary fashionistas in all corners of the planet.

But it is important to note that this style of clothing does not suit everyone. Clothing in the avant-garde style is perfect for singers, actresses, people associated with art, show business, advertising and various creative endeavors. Business people and ordinary citizens will look strange and uncomfortable in avant-garde style clothing.

If you run your own or Instagram, and in every way want to attract the attention of photographers, try to embody the avant-garde style in your images.

1. Combine incompatible things!
2. Non-standard silhouette
3. Asymmetry
4. Geometry
5. Play of shapes
6. Vibrant colors
7. Choose eye-catching accessories
8. Bold color combinations, contrast
9. Combination of different style trends
10. Unusual fabrics, complex textures

These are the basic principles for creating images in this style. In addition, look through photographs of old and new collections by designers Vivienne Westwood, Jean Paul Gaultier, Alexander McQueen, Gareth Pugh, Pierre Cardin, Iris Van Herpen, Yohji Yamamoto, Paco Rabanne, John Galliano. It is also worth paying attention to photographs of celebrities. Looking at photos, especially of couture outfits, it is much easier to find inspiration for creating your own looks.

Real avant-garde clothing is something exaggerated, not designed for average people, a kind of advance of fashion in time.

Photos above and below - Gareth Pugh

The materials used in the production of these works of contemporary art are quite varied. They often do not combine with each other: rigid decorative fabrics, imitation colors of animal skins, reptile skin and patent leather, large patterns of different shapes and directions.

The most ordinary thing can claim avant-garde style if it is made from unusual materials or combines radically opposite colors. You can wear a top made of fur, shorts from, or use materials that are not at all typical for tailoring, for example, oilcloth, metal or plastic processed on a 3D printer.

Shoes and other accessories in avant-garde style

Avant-garde clothing simply requires a specific addition to it. This addition includes various accessories, as well as hairstyles. The avant-garde style prefers accessories with a bold design, usually handmade, luxurious and bright, possibly exaggerated. Anything that fits into the intended image will do.

Clothes in the avant-garde style are often decorated with original buttons. An accessory such as a bag can be in ethnic, sports or folk styles. It is worth noting that all accessories tend to adhere to one thing - elegance, even if unusual.

Iris Van Herpen

Shoes used, as a rule, reflecting the most advanced trends or made from non-traditional materials.

Avant-garde hairstyle also implies the absence of any clear recommendations and rules. You have the right to dye your hair purple or create something unimaginable from your hair, the main thing is that the hairstyle is in harmony with your outfit. The avant-garde style in hairstyles manifests itself as the completion of your image, giving the entire costume integrity and completeness of the idea.

The same can be said about makeup. Any manifestation of imagination is acceptable, as is the absence of makeup at all.

Maison Margiela

Avant-garde style is seen as an innovation in a movement against the foundations of traditionalism. Shocking, sometimes unusual clothes in the avant-garde style, however, carry a deep hidden meaning, designed to reveal a person’s inner world and demonstrate his individuality. The designers themselves define the avant-garde style as “complex and mysterious, enigmatic and intriguing.”

Perhaps some images can even be studied, as they say, “according to Freud,” but we should not forget that this is still a bit of theater, the brightest stylistic direction, shocking and innovative. It would be wrong to attribute this style purely to the world of fashion; it is a kind of symbiosis between fashion and art.

In conclusion, it is important to remind you that an avant-garde clothing style does not mean wearing whatever you have to. Then it will no longer be style, but simply bad taste! All clothing of this style should “be in keeping with the theme”, from headdress to shoes and jewelry, even in the most unusual forms. Only then will you get a successful image in an avant-garde style.

Alexander McQueen

Iris Van Herpen

Iris Van Herpen

Photo above - Iris Van Herpen
Photo below - Jean Paul Gaultier

Olga Kovalenko

Event: fashion show « EcoFashion of the Golden City of Russia» .

Location: sports ground of our kindergarten.

Participants: children of all age groups, parents, teachers.

Purpose of the event: to promote the formation of an environmental culture in children and adults.


Attracting the attention of children and their parents and teachers to environmental problems cities;

Formation of environmental thinking;

Development of joint creativity of children and parents;

Unlocking the creative potential of participants.

Materials and equipment:

1. Audio recordings of songs and dance tunes.

2. Audio recordings of melodies for the fashion show.

3. Costumes made from waste material.

4. Prizes for fashion show participants.

5. Attributes for the game "Let's collect trash".

There are funny songs about summer. Participants in the fashion show, spectators, parents and teachers gather on the sports ground, decorated with balloons and flowers.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear children and adults! I am glad to welcome you on this wonderful, warm and smiling summer day! Just recently we celebrated Children's Day with you. Today we have another holiday, which we dedicate to summer and our beloved city.

Child. Why is there so much light?

Why is it suddenly so warm?

Because it's summer

It came to us for the whole summer.

That's why every day

It's getting longer every day.

Well, what about the nights?

Night after night

It's getting shorter and shorter.

Child. Summer is laughing again

Out the open window

And sunshine and light

Full, full!

Panties and T-shirts again

Lying on the shore

And the lawns bask

In chamomile snow!

Children perform song and dance “This is what it is, our summer!”

Leading. It's hot outside, the sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing. Summer is a fertile time for plants and animals. What about people? How do they celebrate summer? And they meet him in new outfits: bright, comfortable, cheerful and sometimes very unusual. And today you will witness an unusual fashion show, on which great fashion designers worked - these are your parents and educators. So let's begin!

Child. We didn't waste time

Our native land was protected,

IN we collected garbage in the city,

They turned him into funny outfits.

And now we want for you,

Represent high class fashion.

Praise us with applause!

Participants in the fashion show walk around the site to the accompaniment of music. The presenter calls the names of the participants, reads poems corresponding to suits. The audience supports the young models and their parents who made costumes, applause.

Examples of poems.

Model "Candy".

Hit of winter, spring and summer,

Very tasty candy.

We'll unwrap the wrapper

We'll find some food.

There are still candy wrappers left,

For beautiful bows.

Model "Bogatyr".

We don't need any extra words

Just look.

The heroes are marching towards us

Shining with chain mail.

Among happy children's faces

We see four girls.

Singing in a beautiful outfit

They perform in front of you.

"Anniversary Bouquet".

We offer not a simple outfit

For girlfriends and girls.

This fashion is for summer

Do you like this fashion?

The hat is like a flower bouquet,

The dress is an armful of leaves.

Salam Alaikum! Finally I got there!

Passing mountains and sands, not knowing fear.

Wah! As soon as I found out, I immediately rushed over!

Come to your holiday on our fast horses!

And from the heart, from all my kindest,

And from the beautifully radiant me.

I want you to my suit was appreciated

And they greeted me with applause!


I am a princess, which means I am the first beauty,

And no one can be nicer to me.

I really like running every day

Beyond the gates of all kings in love.


Real princesses:

Silk, taffeta, pendants in the ears,

Gilded bracelets –

That's how stylish we are dressed!


On Crystal Lake in a silver boat -

Princess girl in a blue dress.

Wheat hair is exquisitely styled,

The crown glows golden fire.

Race driver

Only one can be first

Only one of them all is a winner,

Gloves, a steering wheel and nerves of steel,

He's a race car driver, not a driver.

I'm a beautiful fairy

From a magical land.

On this day everything in the world

We must believe in miracles...

Flower fairy in a chiffon dress,

A cameo shines in emerald bows.

The eyes are so bottomless, the color of amethyst,

And her wings are like silk golden.


The berry ripened in the sun -

The blush has become juicy,

Through the shamrock every now and then

She tries to look out.

From candy wrappers

Me this weekend

I had to work hard.

I ate a lot of sweets

Mom answered sternly -

I need to take care of my figure.

Dad answered sternly -

I'm a man - not a boy!

And my little sister is so small

No teeth, I get it.

How much candy did I eat?

I've eaten enough for 100 years.


I am the Great Laver,

The famous Moidodyr,

Umybasnikov Head

And washcloths Commander!

Sun in the sky turns golden.

A big bird flies high,

Covering us with a wing

The sun is in the blue sky.

This bird is an airplane

He took flight.

Chamomile blooms in the meadow -

A modest white flower,

What's in the yellow pocket?

Dropped a petal.

So as not to crowd the buffet,

A pizza truck delivers pizza.

A pizza truck came to us,

I brought fresh pizza.

Happy winter sun

The road is flooded.

Cinderella is busy all day,

Busy with things.


When bad weather is in the yard,

And the rain is pouring down on the street

The raincoat will cover you

In such a bleak time.

Outfit "Spring flowers" -

Flight of fancy, dreams.

Pink skirt

Unusual plot.

Finally a beautiful wreath

The bride is just getting married.

8. We are the same outfit let's change:

We'll leave the skirt and replace the parts.

We remove the wreath and bouquet,

We put on a fashionable hat.

Bright colors bring the model to life,

A bright flower, like the sun shines

No steering wheel and no tires!

But I'm related to cars!

Even with a square head

I'm almost like you, alive!

I stand and I walk!

Whoever wants to, I’ll be friends with him!

At least a little stubborn

But I'm a very kind robot!

Leading. Let's once again bathe our models in applause. And now I turn to respected adults. Suits, made by you, amaze with their originality and beauty. You managed to turn waste material into unique designer items. Can you guess the riddles about those objects that were useful to you in your work?

Riddles about waste material

What you can easily pick up from the ground,

But you won't get far. (Feathers)

With friends and sisters

She comes to us

Stories, lead new ones

Brings it in the morning. (Newspaper)

Bow on the left, bow on the right

The candy has a dress - (candy wrapper).

Temporary housing –

There is a lot of everything, then you can see the bottom.

(container, packaging)

They use it to stop bottles,

Cars get stuck in it

And secured with a chain,

Closing the bathtub drain


He will curl up into a cat,

stretches out into a path.


When they point together

Order and comfort

Everything that is not needed at all

People give it to me.


Glue together a ship, a soldier,

Steam locomotive, car, sword.

And it will help you guys

Multi-colored… (Paper)

To connect the sheets,

You need to take this device.

Can be fastened with staples.

What will we call him? (Stapler)

The glue does not stain, does not spill,

The tube in the bag will not break,

Dries quickly - just apply.

It's called glue. (pencil)

This tape can be used to glue

Everything that was impossible:

A book, a torn notebook

Repair and patch.

If you don't mind gluing,

That will help you. (scotch)

The cone turned into a wolf,

The stone became a beetle.

They worked for a long time,

The exhibition came later.

And he became our help

Only. (natural material)

To sew or embroider,

You need to take this into your hands.

Multi-colored reels

I have it, my friend has it.

We embroidered cards

We needed it. (threads)

One ear, long nose,

There are no eyes and no hair,

Metal body.

She doesn't sit idle,

She pierces the fabric.

This is a sewing room. (needle)

We can do a lot:

Cut, cut and cut.

Don't play with us kids:

We can punish you painfully! (scissors)

Leading. Applause to parents and teachers! In order to make costumes, demonstrated to us a little earlier, you and I collected various waste material: candy wrappers, packaging, newspapers, garbage bags and much more. Now the children will show how we did it.

A game "Collect trash"(younger and older children play alternately, adults help hold the bags).

Leading. If only they always cleaned up trash on our streets so thoroughly. cities, in recreation areas, then Sterlitamak would continue to remain the cleanest city ​​of Russia. And now we will listen to poems about our beloved city.

Child. The morning rushes to kindergarten,

By all the kids in the city,

All the lights are on the street

They lit their lights for us.

Child. We live together in the kindergarten,

We play songs we sing

About mountains, rivers and fields

About city, where I was born.

Child. Our city Sterlitamak,

Grow and blossom like a poppy.

We'll grow up and everything's all around

We will decorate with our labor.

Leading. And now I invite everyone to dance!

A song and dance is performed "Locomotive-bug"


All fashion show participants received small prizes (notebooks, crayons, rubber bands, hairpins, rings, etc.). The winner was not revealed. Perhaps it makes sense to hold such an event annually, taking into account your mistakes and findings, comments and suggestions from parents.

In fact there were a lot of costumes, parents tried! But I'm not sure if it's possible to post photos of all the children. In these photos the children of my group, most suits invented and made by me.
