Dear, I am a woman, I do not want to be strong and decide everything for two ....

Beautiful - a picture, quite a slice of public opinion.
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

After all, do you think that even remotely this text is about love? Or is it a stupid, young and naive fairy writing?
But hell!

So the text reads:

“Darling, I am a woman. I do not want to be strong and decide everything for two.
If you don’t want to, then let’s remain friends and find men for ourselves.”

So, the main character, a Typical Writer in these Internets of yours © (we will call her TP for short), tells her “Darling” that she is a woman.
A woman is an adult female, one of the two sexes that form the genus of people, having primary and secondary sexual characteristics inherent in her sex.
In the first lines of his letter, TP reminds the Dear One (obviously a man) of his sexual characteristics.
Let's go further.

"I don't want to be strong" , informs TP to us and Dear. Not strong means weak. Viva evolution! Before anyone strong man of any gender, devoured by animals, thrown off a cliff, swept down by a plague or something else. History knows many examples of the bad death of weak (not only physically, but also in spirit) people.

“I don’t want [...] to decide everything for two” , admits TP. For how many, in principle, TP can decide, it is not yet clear from the text. But even now it can be assumed that the TP cannot and does not want to decide even for itself, because in the relationship "TP + Dear" there are only two people, and even in the wording "for two".
From the construction of sentences, it is clear that the TP was brought up in a sociocultural environment where a person belonging to female gender, is prescribed to be "weak" (or, according to at least, not wanting to be “strong”) and not incurring decision-making responsibilities. It could be assumed that this woman was brought up in one of the preceding current centuries, but the fact that these lines appeared at the present moment suggests the opposite.

“If you don’t want to, then let’s stay friends” , suggests and offers TP.
It should be especially noted that the TP does not offer the Dear One to decide for himself (which would be logical, remembering an adult person from the human race), but imposes the burden of making decisions on his own behalf.
And, returning to the previous line, it becomes obvious that the TP itself, indeed, cannot and does not want to decide for itself. offers to do it Dear.
From the impossibility and unwillingness to decide and be responsible for oneself, we can conclude that the TP is an incompetent member of society.

At the same time, TP hints to Dear that he is also a woman, calling him "girlfriend".
Considering that she knows Darling (otherwise, how could she assume that he does not want to decide for two?), she saw his secondary, and maybe primary sexual characteristics, according to which he is a man, it can be established that TP suggests that Dear, brought up in approximately the same socio-cultural environment as she, for some reason strange reason is the bearer of certain "feminine" qualities.
From which, again, it follows that some qualities are exclusively “male” or “female”. Which, returning to the definition of a woman (or man), depend on the structure of the genital organs and other primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
Thus, the TP assumes that Dear is also an incompetent member of society.

"...we will remain friends and find men for ourselves"
TP, assuming that Dear is also a woman and a disabled member of society, offers him (or her? I'm already confused) to find a man. I will make a reservation that a man is an adult male, one of the two sexes within the human race, and also, according to the TP, a person who has unique “male” qualities.

Thus, the assumption of TP becomes obvious that it is impossible for two incompetent members of society to be together due to the absence of that adult person from the human race who could make decisions on their behalf. Therefore, each of the disabled members of society should find an adult who would make decisions for him. survival for.
Because an incapacitated person who is left without the guardianship and guardianship of any of his relatives or, in last resort, state, doomed.

Translated from vanilla into Russian, the phrase turns out like this:

“Darling, I am a man with a pussy and boobs and I am a disabled member of society.
I'm guessing you are too, so let's find adult healthy caregivers."

Cynicism and materialism in pure form. Fairy and does not smell.
We can only feel sorry for the author this message and wish her to find an adult and healthy person who will put it on his neck.

Mom, can you imagine I want to see him shave in the morning. I want to wake up from what kisses my temple. I want to know every mole on his body, every scar. I want to kiss him as much as no one could ever.

Mom, this man is my universe, my abyss. this man is my home, mine is God. I can't stop loving him now, it's useless. The main thing is that he could not stop loving.

How do I treat my man? I respect him, admire him, I'm afraid not to please, I'm afraid to upset or offend, I love him, I miss him every minute when I look at him, I always think "how wonderful he is", I'm proud of him, admire, always worry, even because of every sneeze, I want to take care of him, I try to be better for him, I'm happy for him, I think he is very smart and the most charming and handsome, I love his jokes and himself, and it's so great that I don't want to part with him never.

Boys, don't fool girls. First of all, cheating is not manly. Secondly, the girls will eat your whole brain with a teaspoon for this)))))))

I like to ride for a long time in cars, buses, trams, trolleybuses. sit down on free place, for the one that is single, you turn on your favorite song in the player, and look out the window, you think about everything at once and at the same time there is nothing. I feel much more comfortable in them than anywhere else. sometimes you just wish there was no final stop. you go somewhere, but it doesn't matter where.

We all have moments of indifference. when you stop taking anything to heart and almost stop feeling. You are completely uninterested in everything that happens around you. but moments like these are just the calm before the storm. then you begin to perceive everything with even greater strength and sharpness, love madly, and rejoice - from the heart.

Dear, I am a woman. I do not have to be strong and decide everything for two. If you are not capable of this, then let's remain friends and find men for ourselves)))))))

Let her out on the road,” I said, walking him to the door.
- Whom? he wondered, turning around on the threshold.
"My soul," I replied, turning the key in the lock. - She again, fool, followed you ...

The best way to deal with enemies is to stop noticing them.

The Almighty is testing you to see if you will turn away from Him after this. You will certainly lose your youth, you will lose your loved ones, you may lose your job, your money, the love of some person, but you must never lose your dignity. Remember, the Almighty always sees you and sees how you endure difficulties: scold Him, tear your hair, show discontent or show patience, and patience is half of your faith, for it the Almighty rewards you or erases some of your sins.

One very rich man said "I don't need beautiful wife, for money I can give her any appearance. I don't want rich. I already have everything. I don't need affection. Almost all women become such for my money, and those who do not become, I can win. I need a decent wife. Loyalty and a good reputation can not be bought by me for any money in the world!!!

All the people sent to us are our reflection. And they were sent so that we, looking at these people, correct our mistakes, and when we correct them, these people either change too or leave our lives.

Few people have such a friend
who can tell everything
pour out your soul to the last drop,
and be completely sure that it will not touch other people's ears.

One a wise man said: "At night, before falling asleep, I looked at the face of my wife when she slept and said to myself:" Poor. She lived in respect with her parents and was spoiled, and then she got married and moved to a strange house to live with a stranger a man. She gave up all the blessings of her parents and came to a man who would say: "do this and do not do this." And then I thought. How can some people hurt and beat their wives after she left her house and moved to him? How can a man not think of a wife waiting at home? How can a man spend time with strange women when an honest wife is waiting for him?

Incredibly tired of the holy male confidence that all homework should lie on the woman's shoulders.

I work every day, my husband - a day after four. Nevertheless, he considers it my sacred duty to wash, clean, cook, iron, collect him for work (yes, yes, that's right!), although in my understanding you can collect a child in a kindergarten, in extreme cases - a first-grader to school, but not an adult healthy man who is not disabled, sick or helpless.

I went to relatives for a week, did general cleaning filled the fridge with groceries. When I returned, I saw something similar to the consequences of hostilities. Dust lies on all possible surfaces in funny shmatki, hungry cats from the threshold almost ate me for breakfast, moldy sausage and other goodies yearn in the refrigerator, the carpet for this unfortunate week was so filthy that I couldn’t wash it myself - I had to call dry cleaning at home. What happened all this time in the house, one can only guess. How it was possible to litter the dwelling so much, my brain simply does not fit.
And now the most interesting: after a five-hour flight, after a four-hour wait at the airport, after two hours on a bus to hometown I had to quickly prepare breakfast for my beloved, otherwise he, poor thing, was hungry. I just lost all the words! I spit on everything and went to bed, because I simply did not have the strength to do anything. She was called a heartless bitch who does not care about her beloved, who missed her so much! Let me, if you are bored, you could clean the apartment and cook for your beloved, tired from the road, at least an elementary breakfast. But no, it's women's duty"! Who and when obliged me to do this, I could not remember.
When I get sick, I go to work until victory; the beloved whines at any trifling ailment and demands time off. As in that poem:
With a face tormented and grey,
On a white crumpled sheet,
Like a victim of rabid cholera
Lies knees against the wall.
Long-drawn-out groans, as during childbirth.
The thermometer shakes in the hands.
All the sorrow of the Jewish people
Frozen in narrowed pupils.
On the volitional chin
Foamy saliva flows.
He whispers plaintively and timidly:
“How are you with the children now alone ...”
In the apartment, conversations subsided,
The night light is barely lit.
Dark. All curtains are down.
My husband has thirty-seven and two.
Our dear men, be at least a little more independent! It's hard to be a fragile girl when there's even more fragile man who wants to say:
- Honey, I'm a woman. I do not have to be strong and decide everything for two. If you are not capable of this, then let's remain friends and find men for ourselves.

“It would be better if they went looking for a man to some bar,” wrote my reader today in a comment kind man noendoutcry.

And I immediately remembered how much recent times I myself received such comments.
Here is one of the latest.

"oh, Nikonova, don't write more nonsense in LiveJournal - just find yourself a man!"

Nikonova - this is like me here, these men cannot write their last names correctly and write not past the toilet, but there too! The name of this commentator is beautiful, but foreign - pezda-hollywuda.

What to say to such kind of men?

Kittens, it's you who roam women's magazines, and your great business stands still, mistresses shed tears on their loins and cheeks, the nuclear button is unattended. And you teach and teach life to me, a respectable lady in years.

Dedicate articles to me, putting my name in the title. However, you are doing the right thing, because by yourself no one needs you and you yourself know this very well.

It’s not me who needs to look for a man, it’s you who can’t live without grandmother Nikolaeva, without wives and mothers serving you.

If one overcomes natural squeamishness and takes a closer look at such a male distributing advice, then his gigolo-like essence will be revealed. Normal self-sufficient man would never allow such a thing.

Where did this rotten "Find yourself a man" come from? I have never seen a woman say to her interlocutor: "Better find yourself a woman."

It seems to me that this is such a stereotypical idea that a woman is necessarily an attachment to something, a certain object that does not exist by itself. the main objective women to make a man feel comfortable and have strength for the future great battle. And then suddenly there is a war, and he is tired and unfed ?!

Such an image is enshrined in the public mind and is presented in advertising as a commercial product thereof.
A woman washes his shirts, prepares food for him, tries to attract his attention, puffs herself with fragrances and sparkles with snow-white trousers in critical days. She does not let go of the washcloth and toilet brush.
It is advertising that tells us that the toilet is the face of the hostess!
It was

So it will be!

And let her rejoice that she is allowed to serve Himself!

And it is still unknown what decision he will make

So, woman, remember your place in the food chain!

Dear, I am a woman, I do not want to be strong and decide everything for two. If you don’t want to, then let’s remain friends and find men for ourselves.

I recently came across a picture with such a phrase when I saw and marked it, among many others on VKontakte.

What stopped me? Moreover, I even saved it to my computer and decided to write a whole article ...

And everything is very simple. The fact is that in this simple and seemingly funny picture, the reason for most partings is reflected. Most breakups are when a girl says to a guy, "Let's be friends." You're worried about breaking up with your girlfriend. Are you worried that she left you? Wake up!!! And tell yourself honestly. Or at least try to be honest with yourself. Maybe your situation is similar to the hypothetical situation from this picture?

In principle, if a girl in a relationship herself offers to leave friends, she has already made a decision at least once. And why in a relationship has it come to such a point that the girl makes the decision?! Where is the man who decides what will be good for the relationship and, as a result, for his beautiful companion, it will be so good that she doesn’t want to decide anything, she wants to be with him so fragile and defenseless because there is support and confidence in another person. There is that person who strives to go forward, strives to develop himself, who wants to try something new, who involves the girl in his interests and she is also happy from this!

Where is that real father families? I'm not talking about those fathers of the family who, after coming home from work, sit down at the computer or TV, with a bottle of beer, and sit there every evening. Nothing but work, not wanting to do in their relationship. Relationships also need to be developed. When you think that everything will somehow happen by itself, you essentially cease to control the process. In fact, you sign that you do not want to be responsible for your relationship. And then you will blame everything on your girlfriend. Yes, because in your world all the women are b ... .. And a man who has ceased to engage in relationships, he is not to blame for anything. It is not his fault that the locomotive that was launched was fired up and left without a driver, it is not his fault that this train went downhill at full steam.

Take responsibility. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Take a chance. Be a man B…… Although the latter is probably superfluous 🙂

Recently, a strange trend has appeared, more and more often men cease to be men. This trend is proven by multiple studies, sociological surveys and simple observations. Increasingly, you can meet a family where a man is a housewife, and a woman works and provides for the family. Increasingly, there are moments when a wife decides for her husband where he will go, when to communicate with friends, and even when they will finally have sex. Often a man cannot make a decision and “…must first consult with his wife…. » This starts to happen in all the little things that require even minor decisions.

Don't be afraid to make a decision and make a mistake. It's so nice to feel like a winner when the decision is right!

And oddly enough, it’s no less pleasant when they scold you, they say: “why did you do this ?! you just made it worse!" But you understand that yes, you did worse. Yes, you did not foresee everything and made a mistake. But you did it yourself! At a crucial moment, you took responsibility for yourself. I made a mistake today, but next time when the situation repeats itself, you can't go wrong. In any case, do your best not to make a mistake. And let them scold you today, but the time will come when you will win. And today you honorably accept your defeat. Only in order to ever make a victory.

There are those who, after such defeats, do not want to lose anymore and stop taking responsibility, stop making decisions. In my opinion real life for such men ceases to exist .... And probably they become heroes of such correspondences, which are mentioned at the beginning of the post ...

I would very much like this article of mine “far beyond midnight” to make at least some impression on you. Whatever happens, take matters into your own hands. Accept what is, and accept it as a fact that if you want you can change it. Your life depends only on you! Everything is in your hands, friend!
