How to do root chemicals for hair volume. Root chemistry for volume: advantages and disadvantages

Daily styling takes a lot of effort and time, especially if you don't have enough volume in your hair. Regular use of thermal tools worsens the health of your hair: it thins it, dries it out and leaves it lifeless. The modern cosmetics industry invites consumers to forget about everyday half-hour styling using a new service in beauty salons - root hair volume Boost UP. This is a specially prepared procedure that allows visual increase hair volume at the roots for 6 months. To carry out the event, professional equipment, the hands of a master and 4 hours of free time are required.

How is the boost up procedure performed?

1. The head is thoroughly washed and dried, since Boost Up is done on dry strands.
2. Each strand is individually wound onto special metal pins. This allows you to create the desired “spring” or so-called “corrugation” effect. At the same time, the upper strands remain straight; due to the lower strands with corrugation, they are raised and volume is created.
3. For hair curling, a solution based on keratin amino acids and propolis extract is used, it is applied to the root zone.
4. Then the head is washed and dried with a hairdryer. As a rule, girls have to use fixing varnish to create volume at home, and also backcomb long strands. The technology for implementing boost up is completely different.

Boost up procedure - video

Specifics Boost up

Specialists use a bioperm filled with active life-sustaining components - cystiamines. This element is a derivative of keratin amino acids and at the same time it is the basis of the hair structure. When the substance enters the structure of the strands, it instantly has the following effect:

- reduces the porosity of the hair structure;
- smoothes out unevenness.

For greater results, cosmetologists mix the resulting liquid with propolis extract– anti-inflammatory healing element. It has a general healing effect on the scalp.

The product used for the procedure does not contain chemicals, toxins or dyes. This makes the event safe for health and harmless, since it is based only on useful, life-sustaining and healing components. However, this applies only to high-quality compositions, so the specialist must be chosen especially carefully.

Who is Boost Up suitable for?

1. It is advisable to use this procedure for owners heavy and thick hair. Since such strands by themselves are not able to support their weight, the volume at the roots of Boost Up will help to cope with this task without resorting to haircuts and thermal tools.

2. Boost up is also suitable for fine hair lacking volume. Owners of thin curls know firsthand what a lack of volume means; the hair is too weak, so it usually hangs in icicles and quickly becomes oily at the roots. Boost up copes with this problem perfectly, it dries and lifts them at the roots.

Thus, you can get long-term volume without resorting to the use of destructive instruments and chemicals. But in order for the results to really last up to 6 months, you should properly care for your hair.

Hair care after Boost UP

At first, it will be unusual to observe that even after sleep, it is enough to comb your strands to make them look decent. As a rule, it is better to use combs with a wide comb. It does not stretch or injure the hair follicles, but at the same time brings the strands to their normal position.

Washing your hair will not be difficult. Cosmetologists say that it is not necessary to change shampoo after this procedure. The reason is the absence of chemical elements and reactions to them. Owners of Boost UP can continue to use familiar shampoos, conditioners and conditioners and not worry about the condition of their hairstyle.

Because Volume composition dries out hair, they are necessary nourish and moisturize, so periodically apply a balm or mask directly to the roots to avoid drying out the strands.

Long-term volume is done specifically so as not to suffer in the future with styling, but those who cannot part with their usual curling iron, hair dryer and hot rollers also do not need to fear for the health of their hair. even after using all the styling tools, Boost Up does not disappear, but continues to delight you with voluminous styling.

The only thing you should avoid is hair tension– gathering into an elastic ponytail, bun. Such hairstyles themselves harm the hair follicles, but Boost UP works specifically on the root zone. This will negatively affect its manifestation - an uneven volume will appear.

Advantages and disadvantages of boost up hair volume

Hair volume at the roots is actively gaining popularity, but what is the merit of such an event? Of course, like any other cosmetic product, it has its own characteristics.

Pros of boost up

✓ After the procedure, long-term hair volume is created at the roots for 4-6 months;

✓ The hair dries a little, as a result of which the washing procedure can be carried out less frequently, and it becomes “greasy” more slowly.

✓ You no longer need to do styling, just dry your hair with a hairdryer and you will get a voluminous styling.

✓ Volume is maintained even in bad weather or after wearing a hat.

✓ Hair looks thicker and more voluminous, this is true for thin hair.

✓ Suitable for use by girls with any type and length of hair.

Disadvantages of root volume

✓ Difficulties in finding a good master (since Boost-up is a relatively new cosmetology technology, not everyone was able to learn it to a professional degree). Not only the effect of the procedure, but also the health of your hair depends on the master. If the technology is not followed or low-quality materials are used for volume, hair loss or fragility may begin.

✓ High cost for providing a cosmetic procedure, as well as the duration of the procedure. Now the cost for long-term volume ranges from 3 to 10 thousand rubles.

✓ At the end of the event, if the effect is not satisfactory, the procedure cannot be redone.

✓ Boost up cannot be done on short strands; hair length must be at least 15 cm.

✓ The crimped strands may be visible, making it difficult to achieve the main styling.

✓ Hair may be dry and tangled.

✓ As it grows, the volume “slides” and it doesn’t look natural.

Naturally, Boost Up is not the only cosmetic procedure of its kind that provides a long-term volume effect; an alternative to Boost Up is the Bouffant procedure. What is the difference between these two procedures?

What is the difference between boost up and buffant?

Boost Up and Bouffant- these are two different techniques for creating volume styling that have a similar effect: they allow you to create volume styling of the desired diameter and is an absolutely safe procedure for hair in both cases.

The differences are as follows:

1. According to the time of the events (Bouffant is done in 3 hours, and Boost Up 4-5 hours).

2. The result differs in appearance (in Boost up, the root perm should be masked, since in the first two weeks all the twisted strands are obvious. Bouffant allows you to make the volume more natural).

3. There are different compositions for the procedure, but both are safe and harmless to the hair follicles.

4. Duration of effect (Boost up lasts up to 6 months, Buffant up to 3 months). Moreover, both events cost almost the same.

Buffant technology

1. Hair should be clean and dry. Next, a strand of hair is separated and backcombed, thus processing the upper part of the hair.
2. Then the hair is treated with a special compound and fixed with curlers.
3. After the required time has passed, the composition is washed off, the comb is untangled and the head is dried with a hairdryer. Buffant also has its disadvantages:

Backcombing can damage your hair;
Bouffant can cause hair loss;
Buffant can cause dryness and brittleness.

How is the Bouffant procedure performed?

How to remove boost up?

There are only a few girls who would like to get rid of the effect of full and healthy volume. Girls often want to eliminate actions from Boost Up because unsatisfactory result.

Naturally, Boost Up is an event that requires the presence of professional equipment and tools during its creation, and therefore the hand of a master is also required to remove it. Usually, You can get rid of this volume with special solutions. They are available in almost every beauty salon providing root volume services.

These products are evenly applied to the area of ​​the strands, after which you need to wait 20-30 minutes and wash your hair thoroughly. This is where the technique of removing root volume ends.

If girls want to get rid of this effect on their own, they will have to wait up to 6 months until the volume disappears on their own, or do lamination.

One of the main indicators of a well-groomed and successful woman is her hair. One who does not pay enough attention to her hair cannot be considered a real beauty. It is desirable that the hair looks thick and sleek, and the styling can remain voluminous for a long time. But, alas, not all representatives of the fair sex are naturally lucky to have a luxurious head of silk hair. Those who were born with thin and thin hair have to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror to give their image a presentable look. And with the rather dynamic rhythm of modern life, it can be quite difficult for a woman to find even an hour to create beautiful volume on her head. In addition, it is rarely possible to achieve perfect styling that would last long on your hair.

But the beauty industry is not asleep, and new progressive ways of improving one’s appearance are being created. One of these steps is root perm hair. Having made such a magical perm, you can forget about the problems of unruly and lifeless hair for a long time.

What is root perm?

The name itself does not hide the fact that this procedure uses special chemical compounds that are aimed at creating root volume for up to several months. Many people are initially scared by the word “chemical”. But in fact, the drug can be called harmless. Much more damage to hair is caused by daily use of a hot hair dryer, styler and many different products to achieve long-lasting styling.

Perm hair roots can be performed some time after perming the entire length of the hair, when the curls have already grown enough for straight roots to become noticeable and the hair to lose volume. The advantage of this procedure is that the ends of the hair are not subjected to unnecessary processing. This type of perm can also be useful for those who want to keep their hair smooth and flowy, but have life and volume at the roots.

Pros and cons of perming for hair volume

Once upon a time there were terrible rumors about hair perm. But time goes by, and the ways to improve your appearance are becoming more effective and less harmful. More and more women are undoubtedly resorting to the creation procedure. root volume of hair with perm and subsequently they don’t regret it at all. Those who have experienced this procedure describe the following benefits:

  1. Spectacular voluminous hair.
  2. With proper care, the volume at the roots is maintained for several months, which saves time and money that could be spent on expensive hairstyle products.
  3. Resistance of styling to wet or, conversely, too dry weather.
  4. Long-haired beauties do not have to sacrifice the ends of their hair, since the volume holds well even on long hairstyles.
  5. The chemical composition dries the scalp a little, which reduces the need for frequent hair washing, which is especially convenient for those with oily hair.
  6. The hair retains its natural shine and is healthy, not weighed down by a large number of hairsprays and mousses.

As for the negative aspects perm procedures, then this is, first of all, quite expensive. Also, women have to spend more than 3 hours of precious time in the salon, because... The process is quite long and labor-intensive. The effect of the procedure is long-lasting, and if a salon client suddenly changes her mind about wearing volume or she doesn’t like something about the hairdresser’s work, then the hairstyle cannot be changed until the effect of the drug wears off.

Who is better to do a hair root perm?

If the woman has previously done hair perm, over time, her hair gradually grows. Luxurious voluminous strands remain only along the length of the hair, and the root part gradually loses its original charm. In this case, the method of creating a root chemical perm will come in handy. The composition is distributed only to the regrown roots, ignoring the length, thereby once again eliminating the influence of a rather aggressive chemical composition on the ends of the hair.

In addition, many ladies are aware of the problem of lack of volume in long hair. Having grown to a certain length, the hair begins to weigh down the hairstyle, and the volume disappears. Often, in order to achieve the desired effect again, women have to cut off hair that has been grown for a long time and carefully. Root perm to create volume This will come in handy here. The volume will be stable and long-lasting, the hair length will not need to be changed. In addition, this curl looks much more natural.

Are there any contraindications for root perm?

Like all salon procedures, perming for hair volume has a number of its own contraindications, which must be familiarized with for everyone who is planning this method of creating the perfect hairstyle for themselves:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Taking hormonal and antibacterial drugs.
  • Dandruff, dry scalp.
  • Wounds or scratches on the head.
  • Body temperature is higher than normal.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Increased shedding.
  • Excessive fragility.
  • Manifestation of allergies to the components of the curling product.
  • It is not advisable to do a root perm for short haircuts, because the result may not turn out as desired.

Root hair perm technology

This is a fairly difficult process that should ideally be carried out by a qualified craftsman. It is possible to do it at home, but you may not get the expected effect and even ruin your hair. In addition, without the help of a good hairdresser, it is difficult to choose the right chemical composition, because each client has his own hair type. Of course, a woman will face additional costs at the salon. But, if you consider that the result of the work of an experienced master will be a chic hairstyle that will last about six months, then it is better not to spare money and opt for a salon procedure rather than a home one.

For perm for hair volume the specialist will need smooth hairpins or bobbins, regular curlers, foil, waterproof fabric or polyethylene to protect the strands that will not be treated with the drug, and, of course, the product itself. In modern beauty salons there is a large selection of preparations for perm, all of them are based on cysteamine, which is similar in nature to the amino acid that is part of human hair. Therefore, the procedure practically does not harm the hair. The following stages of perm are distinguished:

  1. First, the master assesses the condition of the hair and scalp and performs a test for an allergic reaction.
  2. Next, the hairdresser washes the client’s hair with a special sulfate-free shampoo for deep cleaning.
  3. The hair is divided into strands, onto each of which the composition is applied at the roots. The remaining curls are covered with protective material.
  4. The strands coated with the composition are wound onto curlers or bobbins.
  5. Put a cap on your head and leave it on for half an hour.
  6. One of the finishing touches is to treat the base of the hair with a special fixing agent, which must be kept on the head for another 15 minutes.
  7. The last stage is the final shampooing to wash off the drug.
  8. If the client’s goal is partial root volume, then the master processes only the necessary curls.

Preparation for the procedure of creating root volume of hair with a perm

A few weeks before the planned creation root perm hair The following actions should be excluded:
Perform hair coloring. If little time has passed after painting, the product may not adhere correctly and the desired effect from the procedure will not be achieved.

Use hair products containing silicone, because... Long-term use of silicone guarantees its absorption into the hair, which will also lead to an undesirable effect. When washing your hair, do not massage the skin too much.

What should you do to achieve a long-lasting styling effect after perming your hair roots?

To achieve lasting results from root perm hair, you need to follow the following tips:

  • Use hair care products designed to create curls.
  • Do not use shampoos or products containing silicone or sulfate.
  • Do not use formulations designed to produce smooth hair.
  • When washing your hair, you need to monitor the water temperature. It can't be too warm.
  • Try to protect your head from the sun, because... it dries out the hair very much. You can use a protective spray.
  • Use restorative oils and nourishing masks.

Of course, each woman decides for herself whether she should take the risk and resort to root perm or not. But the conclusion is still obvious. Such a procedure can significantly make life easier for the beautiful half of humanity, already drowned in worries. Under any circumstances and weather conditions, it will help complement the image of a chic and well-groomed lady and add confidence to her in her irresistibility.

Main effects: the volume appears immediately after the procedure and lasts quite a long time, it persists at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions and wearing hats.

Advantages: gentle impact; for six months you will not have to comb, use fixatives or curling irons; the root part of the hair becomes drier; everything looks natural; the strands do not become heavier, they are easy to style, without the “dandelion” effect, as with classical chemistry.

Flaws: the root perm procedure is expensive and is repeated every 6 months; There are really few real professionals. Some people include the duration as 3 hours.

A gentle chemical is used, so the hair is minimally damaged and begins to grow healthy almost immediately.

The optimal choice of curlers will become thin and smooth made of wood or plastic. It is strictly forbidden to use metal. Small wooden bobbins are often used. The result will not change with them, but it is much more convenient to work with.

It is recommended to make a root perm, If: Every day you have to spend a lot of time styling your hair; hair is thin and sparse, shoulder length and below; The curls are thick, they are not lifted with the help of curling irons and fixing agents.

Before and after root perm

Contraindications: pregnancy, taking antibacterial, hormonal drugs, infectious diseases in the acute stage, elevated body temperature, damage to the skin, bleached strands, brittle hair, systematic hair loss, overdried strands in the sun or exposed to sea water, haircut too short or curls too long , an allergic reaction to any irritant.

Root curling technology for short and long hair. Avoid using shampoos and conditioners containing silicone before the procedure. Checking the body's reaction to a chemical, washing the hair with a special deep cleaning product. After drying with a towel, the entire hair is divided into partings, using thin and smooth hairpins or curlers, the strands are twisted so that their ends remain hanging freely, and secured with foil.

A chemical is applied, a plastic cap is put on top, after a while the composition is washed off, the foil and curlers are removed. A special fixing balm is applied to the entire hair for 20 minutes. The final stage is rinsing the hair with warm water and drying.

Experts categorically do not recommend do a root perm at home, since you need to accurately divide your hair into parts and highlight the middle layer specifically; when twisting the root zone, the strands must not be allowed to break; you need to properly dilute the chemical and use it in a certain quantity; You need to understand which hair will take how long to get the desired result.

At home, for volume, use a curling iron with embossed heating plates, which press the hair at the roots for a few seconds.

After the procedure, hair care includes: use of shampoos without silicone and sodium lauryl sulfate, 2 times a week masks for the care of curly hair, after each shampooing, the hair is rinsed with a decoction of chamomile or burdock roots; You need to wash it with warm water, not hot.

Read more in our article about all the nuances of root hair curling.

Read in this article

The essence of root curling

A distinctive feature of this procedure is that the hair remains straight, but becomes as voluminous as possible. Moreover, everything looks so natural that those around you will not even guess that a master worked on the image. The secret lies in several nuances:

  • the upper and lower parts of the hair are not involved in the process;
  • strands are curled using smooth hairpins;
  • the formed curls are secured with foil;
  • After the chemical composition is removed from the hair, a fixing balm must be applied.

The volume appears immediately after the procedure and lasts quite a long time. Moreover, it persists at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions and wearing hats.

At home, you can only perform a “light” version of the root perm. To do this, use a curling iron with embossed heating plates, which press the hair at the roots for a few seconds. Volume and splendor are guaranteed, but only until the next hair wash.

Possible complications

After a root perm, a client may encounter the following troubles:

  • hair dryness will increase - it will be difficult to style your hair, the strands will begin to become electrified and fluffy;
  • hair fragility increases significantly - the situation can only be corrected with the help of specific hair care using professional products;
  • as soon as the hair grows, the resulting effect disappears - experts recommend doing a root perm for those women whose hair grows too slowly.

Proper after care

Even if the effect on the hair was gentle, after the procedure it will be necessary to carry out specific care procedures. And the master gives some recommendations immediately after the root perm:

  • the composition of shampoos and balms should not contain silicone and sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • 2 times a week you need to use masks to care for curly hair;
  • after each wash, the hair is rinsed with a decoction of chamomile or burdock roots;
  • You need to wash your hair not with hot, but with warm water.

Watch the video on how to care for your hair after a perm:

How long does the effect last?

The client is immediately warned that the effect obtained after root perm will last for a maximum of 6 months, after which the procedure will have to be repeated. But if the hair grows too quickly and a woman is forced to adjust her haircut every 2-3 months, then volume and fullness will only be maintained for this period.

In order for root hair curling to go perfectly and the result to be as positive as possible, you should listen to the recommendations from experts:

  • During “critical days” you should not carry out procedures - a woman’s hormonal levels are disrupted, and this can distort the results.
  • Before visiting a beauty salon, you do not need to wash your hair; it should be slightly dirty.
  • After curling, you need to protect your hair from ultraviolet rays, for which you use not only hats, but also specific sprays and balms.

Root perm is a relatively new procedure that has not yet become widespread. But it is she who effectively and permanently solves the problem of straight, “unruly” and thin or too heavy hair.

It is impossible to meet a girl who does not think about her appearance even for a minute. After all, any of them dreams of looking impressive and making passers-by turn around. I want to be perfect on all fronts, from perfectly painted eyelashes to hair-to-hair styling. And this is where the fabulous luck ends, hair is so demanding that stylists have to spend more than one hour working on it due to individual shortcomings, for example, a complete lack of volume. So the girls suffer in pursuit of voluminous hair, they invest a lot of money in various masks, foams, curlers in order to lift their smooth hair from the root for at least a couple of hours. How tiring it is, I wish I could do one procedure and shine every day without having to put my hand to it every day. Did you want to? That’s what the masters came up with, let’s meet boost up. It looks great, requires minimal effort, is it worth the money? Let's figure it out.

Boost up or gust up, what is it?

Such a spectacular name immediately reveals the essence of this action. Everyone remembers the times when perm was in fashion, then literally everyone did it. Women lined up at hairdressers in the morning and spent several hours waiting. And the procedure itself took a lot of time. As a result, satisfied clients acquired voluminous hair, which had to be styled with curlers, otherwise it would be ordinary curls. Although this option suited many. In addition, they did a root perm, which is similar to the one we are talking about now. It’s not for nothing that they say that everything new is forgotten old. So, thick up - familiar was used 20 years ago, its technology and compositions were designed in a modern way and again launched into the salon circulation of services. Don't be scared, it's really beautiful and modern in every sense.

Boost up is a procedure for lifting hair from the roots. The author of this technology is a master from St. Petersburg - Elena Glinka. It was she who improved this procedure, which made many people happy. There is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, why not give a second chance to really worthwhile things. Long-term styling that lasts for about six months sounds very tempting and justifies its popularity.

This procedure is performed exclusively on the root part of the head, not including the upper part of the curls. Due to this, the styling takes on a natural, relaxed look.

On long hair:

What kind of hair can be used with Boo stup?

A moment of versatility - it looks cool on long and short hair. Products for lifting hair do not make it rough or unruly; on the contrary, most have a healthy shine, like after lamination.

How long does Boost Up last?

The period depends on your master; if the order of his actions corresponded to the technique, the composition he uses is of high quality, then you will be satisfied from 4 to 6 months. I can assure you that we encountered the problem of high humidity outside, when the hairstyle we spent half the morning turning into a “sludged biscuit”, and the effect of push-up hair does not change its appearance in the rain or exposure to other factors. Confidence in one’s impeccability under any circumstances is captivating, you’ll agree.

Pros and cons of the Boost up procedure


  1. The bio composition does not harm the hair and scalp. What scares me the most is how the hair will look after. They will remain fine with proper care.
  2. Suitable for any type. The only caveat may be very, very short hair, on which it may not be possible to attach a poop.
  3. Gives curls a natural shine. The goal is to make them look healthy, the result is justified.
  4. Regulates hair oiliness. You don't have to wash your hair every day, even if that's what you used to do.
  5. Nothing can damage the styling except the mistakes of the master when creating it. From now on, neither rain nor wind will cause discomfort.
  6. Save time in the morning. You no longer have to spend hours in front of the mirror. Simply blow dry your hair after washing or comb it.
  7. Long lasting durability. As already mentioned, the styling holds its shape until the hair grows back.

Boost up regrown, photo 5 months:

Boost up before and after and after 3 months photo:

Changes are already visible, but overall everything looks pretty good.


  1. The parting should remain the same as it was when styling during the procedure. It is not advisable to change it.
  2. You should only contact professionals, since correcting errors will take a lot of time, up to 6 months.
  3. Price. Although the cost varies depending on the cities and regions. The main thing is not to choose an inexperienced master because of a lower price.
  4. Allergy to components of the composition. It is mandatory to conduct a skin sensitivity test before starting work. So to speak, beauty is beauty, and safety comes first.
  5. It is better not to do the procedure while taking antibiotics.

Types of root hair volume


The founder of this procedure abroad is Paul Mitchell. British born hairdresser. He created the system (chemical compositions) John Paul Mitchell Systems. Quite successful in his field of activity. The technology arose some time after the Boo stup procedure.


  • You get a very natural look.
  • For 3 months you get rid of the daily marathon in front of the mirror.
  • Harmless, takes care of hair.


Similar, only somewhat simplified. Here the creators took a step further and decided to try to make styling faster. Performed using backcombing, without the use of curlers. The process of combing itself is unpleasant. The result looks natural, but lasts less than after the above techniques.


  • Ability to direct hair in the desired direction. Unlike Boost Up, the location of the parting can be changed.
  • Soft volume. The styling will not look too pretentious, like Marie Antoinette's.
  • The effect lasts up to 2 months.


  • Price.
  • After the procedure, you should not wash your hair for some time.
  • The process itself takes a lot of time.
  • Not a very long lasting result. Compared to other techniques.

Eco Volume

The procedure is similar to the original technique. This is done using special corrugated hairpins. The result is a natural volume with almost invisible corrugation.


  • The result lasts up to 3 months.
  • Natural result.


  • The price is significant.
  • The procedure is lengthy.

Volume On

The creator of the technology is ISO. An alternative replacement for Boostup and Bouffant procedures. They will be made without corrugation and fleece. This is done by wrapping the root with curlers. As a result, we have perfectly straight, voluminous hair.


  • The styling lasts up to 4 months. Some techniques promise a longer time, but there are other benefits to compensate.
  • There is no backcombing or corrugation in the procedure.
  • Suitable for short hair.
  • Naturalness. It’s not at all fashionable to look artificial these days, so everyone strives to be as real as possible.


  • Price. The price of any procedure depends on the cost and quality of the materials used by the specialist. Be glad that he does not save on you, since his choice determines how you will look, 100 or 90%.
  • Time. Beauty takes time, but you can give yourself this time once and for several months.

How to twist ends onto a straightener

What is the difference between Buffant and Bustap?

  • The result of the Bouffant technique lasts 4 weeks, and the Boost up procedure lasts for half a year. Good argument.
  • The duration of the Bouffant procedure is 2 hours, but much more composition is required. Boost up takes 5 hours and costs less.
  • Bouffant is done using backcombing, Boost up using curling. Decide for yourself what is more acceptable for you.
  • Both techniques are done taking into account the length and type of hair. It is better not to undergo both procedures for short hair. The result may be disappointing.

Performing the Bouffant technique:

  • First, the hair is cleansed, which requires a special shampoo. This is done in order to rid the scalp of oiliness and increase the effect of the composition for fixing the curl.
  • The roots are combed. It also does not have a very good effect on the condition of the hair. This aggressive treatment of hair damages it and pulls it out. Think about it, at home girls comb just a few strands and as gently as possible, but with the Buffante technique you need to spend time on all the curls except the back of the head.
  • Next, the prepared strands are placed on curlers.
  • Afterwards the composition is applied.
  • Everything is washed off with water.
  • Combed areas are combed. Which can be quite painful.

The procedures are very similar; you can really get confused in choosing. By the way, their contraindications are also almost the same.

Is it possible to do Boost Up for pregnant women?

This styling is suitable for most representatives of the fair sex. Those with thin hair will be especially pleased with the results of the procedure. Just imagine, your weak hair, which constantly sticks to your head, which you were so ashamed of, becomes fuller. There must be no limit to delight. Everything is fine, but if you are in a situation, this is not for you.

Contraindications for pregnant women:

  • Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The point is in the components that contain the compositions. they can be smoothed out by the pleasant aroma of the product, but girls who are expecting a child should still not breathe them.
  • If you have the procedure done during menstruation, the result may be unpredictable due to the play of hormones.

Lovers of perfectly straight hair need to know that the curled part of the hair, although slightly, is visible. Therefore, in order not to make a claim to the master later, think about everything several times. Why spoil the mood for yourself and others?

How to do Boos tup root volume hair in a salon?

  1. At the first stage, the roots are fixed with metal pins, after which a special composition is carefully applied. The choice of composition depends on the type of hair: hard, thin, dyed, and so on.
  2. Then you need to wait for the exposure time, which also depends on the properties of the curls.
  3. After the required period, the composition is washed off.
  4. At the last stage, the hair is dried using brushing to slightly stretch the curled part of the hair.

The surface of the hair remains smooth due to the winding of not all strands. Therefore, others will not be able to suspect you of being unnatural.

Photos of root volume before and after salon options:

Large volume from the roots on dark hair and medium length:

Is it possible to do long-term root volume hair at home?

The idea of ​​a home storage unit is not a very good one. Because it is unknown how it will all end. You do not work with compositions like a master, despite the descriptions of the materials, the master knows their nuances in practice, which are not always indicated by manufacturers. Moreover, you will definitely need an assistant; you must be sure that the curlers, as a fixative option, are put on perfectly.

But if you still decide, watch how and with what the master does the root volume in the video:

How to take care of your hair after a boost up so that it looks beautiful for a long time?

Having received a decent result, of course you want to preserve it for as long as possible. And this is quite real. No complicated care is required, just follow a few rules and recommendations:

  • It is not advisable to wash your hair for the first three days after going to the salon.
  • You should use gentle masks and shampoos without silicone.
  • As with other types of perms, dyeing with henna and basma is not acceptable. Other possible painting methods have their place.
  • It is allowed to use various styling products, there are no restrictions.
  • You need to comb your hair carefully so as not to tangle.

How to remove Boostup?

What to do if you are tired of long-term root volume hair? So to speak, I tried it, I was glad, I got tired of it.

In this case, it is inevitable to use a special composition for hair straightening after the Boost Up technique. A professional product from Japanese and German manufacturers does not harm the curls, but rather promotes their restoration and reconstruction to their original appearance. The composition can be applied to any hair, even colored hair.

In conclusion, I would like to say that trying to look good is great, but you shouldn’t try everything at once. Many treatments and new techniques will have a negative impact on your locks, but healthy natural hair will always be in fashion.

Try to experiment minimally or choose something less harmful, such as haircuts and coloring. Believe me, they will sufficiently emphasize your individuality and originality. The most important thing is to find and look after a hairdresser who will not just serve you, but take care of your hair, give practical advice, and not advertise useless price services.

Celebrities who took BOOST UP photos:

Jessica Alba

Jennifer Lopez

Lush and voluminous hair is the dream of many girls and women. Thick hair greatly transforms the face and makes female representatives more feminine and gentle.

In order to create root volume on their own, women are finding more and more new ways. Curling irons, curlers, curlers, round combs, and so on are used. And to make curls thicker, they use gels, mousses, foams and varnishes.

Recently, a procedure such as root hair curl. Let's look at how this procedure differs from conventional chemistry, all the pros and cons.

During root curling, the hair is processed only in the root area, and the entire length remains untouched. Correction of root perm is also carried out only at the roots.

Root perm, when and in what cases is done:

  • To correct a full-fledged perm, after which several months have passed and the roots have already grown;
  • When your hair is curly and voluminous along its entire length, but there is no volume at the roots;
  • To give thin hair fullness and volume in the root zone;
  • In cases where your hair is quite voluminous, but you want to achieve even more volume;
  • If your hair is oily, so that your hair doesn’t stick to the roots and doesn’t quickly become oily.

Root hair curling when you should not do it:

  • Immediately after lightening or bleaching your hair;
  • With weakened immunity;
  • During critical days, pregnancy and lactation;
  • With severely low or high blood pressure;
  • If there are any allergic reactions to perm;
  • For any diseases of the scalp;
  • At elevated body temperature;
  • When taking medications such as hormonal drugs, antibiotics, painkillers.

Preparing for a perm

  • Before perming your hair at the roots, do not apply oils or silicone serums to your hair for a week. Since they will create an invisible film on the hair, which can prevent hair from curling.
  • A week before the procedure, do not use straightening irons or curling irons, which can weaken your hair.
  • Before perming, it would be good to take a vitamin complex for hair and nails to strengthen the immune system. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

How is a root perm done?

It is best to have a root perm done by an experienced professional in a Beauty Salon! Since only an experienced professional can do a good perm.

You should not save money and try to do it yourself, unless you have special skills in the field of hairdressing.

Root perm, process:

  • The hair is separated into strands and wound into special curling irons called bobbins.
  • The hair is curled precisely at the roots, that is, 3-4 centimeters of the root zone.
  • A special chemical composition for curling is applied to the hair over the bobbins, which is selected individually for each hair type and condition.
  • The composition is kept on the hair for some time, then washed off. Then another fixing composition is applied, left to sit and also washed off. The curl is ready!
