How to make a squirter from a ballpoint pen. Liquid sprayer from a plastic bottle DIY children's spray bottle

It will come in handy when you need to wash windows, as a replacement for a regular sprayer, or as a paint sprayer if you don’t have a compressor at hand. All the necessary parts are available as usual, and some of them will definitely be found in your workshop or in the trash can. In general, this homemade product is really useful, simple and affordable!

Necessary parts for making a spray gun

  1. Plastic bottle 1 liter
  2. A can of paint or deodorant
  3. Nipple from an old camera with thread
  4. Good sealant, hot glue or epoxy
  5. Auxiliary tools (screwdriver, pliers, wrenches, etc.)

Making a sprayer

First of all, take a plastic bottle. As shown in the photo below, we make a hole along the diameter of the nipple, it is better to do this with a screwdriver and a drill, so the hole will be even.

Next, take the nipple and cut off the excess rubber from it. You can use any nipple, even the one that is inserted into a tubeless tire will do; in this case, you won’t have to glue it and seal it. In this homemade product, I used a bicycle inner tube with a thread.

Now you need to thread the nipple into the hole you made, so that this manipulation can be done quickly and without nerves, you can wind an aluminum or copper wire onto its end, thread it through the hole and pull out the nipple.

We coat the area where the nipple is adjacent to the hole at the base with sealant or hot glue, then screw on the nut and washer and tighten them well with a wrench or pliers.

The next step is to take an aerosol can and cut off the top part with the valve.

Then we make a hole in the bottle cap using a screwdriver, in the center.

Coat the hole around the hole with epoxy or a good sealant.

And insert the cut valve from the aerosol there, pressing it down so that the glue is distributed over the entire surface. Please note that you do not need to remove the hose, you need to cut off the valve so that it remains in place, this is a very important part of the future sprayer!

We do the same on the other side of the lid.

Now you can start testing the sprayer. We dilute the paint with a solvent to a liquid state, or you can use plain water for a test. Pour the liquid into the bottle and tighten the cap well.

Now you can paint, spray plants or wash windows))

The result is a very high quality and versatile sprayer. You can buy quick-drying paint, dilute it with a solvent and paint; you will save quite a bit of money, since this sprayer is reusable, and cans of paint are not cheap and run out quickly.

It can also be used as a water sprayer for spraying plants, washing windows and other work. That's all, thanks for your attention!

Homemade video:

Even if you were not a notorious hooligan and did not hang out with a company of mischievous street children, your leisure time probably included a couple of yard entertainments.

By the way, we were especially proud of our ability to make such a contraption back then - and if it came from our parents, it means that the idea was especially successful. Let's be honest: even today many people remember homemade toys with pleasant nostalgia, but some, no, no, may surprise children with an unusual invention from the most ordinary objects.

1. Sprinklers

The spray bottle was made very simply: the main condition was to find an empty shampoo bottle or a liter plastic bottle of “Whiteness”.

Next, a hole was made in the plug of the “projectile” with a hot nail on the stove, and half of a ballpoint pen without a refill was inserted into it. To seal, the structure was fixed with mastic or plasticine. Having poured water into a bottle, one could go on the attack.

The universal squirter was a great alternative to an expensive water pistol - and, frankly, it was much cooler to use. A homemade spray bottle was a kind of pass, confirming that you were “one of our own.”

Moreover, in particularly long “battles”, the spray bottle helped not only in the attack - it was very convenient and pleasant to drink water from it.

2. Darts

Modern teenagers cannot be surprised by playing Darts. Soviet children, by the way, also knew such entertainment, only original darts at that time were very rare - they were either not sold, or they cost a fortune. But I wanted to play!

Therefore, almost every boy could make his own darts, which, by the way, were not much inferior to the factory analogue. The basis of the “arrow” was a piece of paper and four matches; paper clips were used for paper clips, as well as thread and a needle.

A couple of minutes - and the darts are ready! In addition to a homemade target made from notebook paper, they were thrown at wooden doors and trees.

3. Slingshots

A slingshot made from a thick hazel branch was held in special esteem, because not everyone had the skills and funds to create it. So you could always trade it for other treasures like Turbo gum inserts or chips.

To make a slingshot, in addition to the “horns” itself, you had to stock up on a wide gray rope (usually bought at a pharmacy), a piece of leather (discreetly cut out of your mother’s bag at home) and copper wire or blue electrical tape that held the weapon together.

For projectiles, they used almost everything that was at hand, or rather, underfoot: most often, slingshots were loaded with stones that came across in the yard sandbox. Unripe berries such as rowan, plum or cherry were also used.

4. Knives

It was carefully kept, and taken out into the street only on special occasions - when a game of “knives” was planned. This was not just a viewing of secret treasures, but also a competition in dexterity and dexterity.

There were several variants of the game, for example, in “Zemelka” they drew a circle and divided it equally by the number of participants. The task of each participant is to stand on his own plot, stick a knife into the opponent’s plot and cut off a piece of his land. “I got wounded” (didn’t stick it in) - the move passed to someone else.

In the event of a catastrophic reduction in the area, the enemy offered help - you could stand on its territory for three seconds. But if you don’t resist, you’re out. By the way, you could even stand on tiptoes of one leg, the main thing was to hold out for three seconds.

5. Boomerang

Don’t be surprised - today you can buy a boomerang of a wide variety of colors and textures in any store. But in Soviet times, such “overseas” toys were not sold. But the children at that time were very resourceful: they adapted 30-centimeter wooden rulers to make real flying machines.

The work is simple - fasten the rulers crosswise with electrical tape and hold them over the steam, and the pleasure is like a real boomerang. He even knew how to come back! And it’s not worth talking about the number of frightened crows and pigeons.

6. Smokers

Only Soviet children know what magical properties a children's tumbler has: if pieces of the special plastic from which it is made are wrapped in foil or newspaper, set on fire and extinguished, then a real miracle will happen!

Tested - it works. Remember the eyes of the uncles and aunties who received such a gift from the roof.

7. Spit tube

Among boys, this attribute was valued no less than a knife, but it was not just a game element, but rather an essential item. Indispensable in battle, the “spitter” also worked great in situations where it was necessary to attract attention, remind oneself, or show interest. Yes, yes: boys started throwing paper balls at the girls they liked much earlier than carrying their briefcase home.

By the way, later the metal tube was replaced with an empty gel pen refill, and instead of plasticine, from which a piece was pinched off and loaded into the tube, they began to use paper “bullets,” millet or buckwheat.

8. Cherkash on the shoe

It so happened that the symbol of courtyard romance in Soviet childhood was a fire. Therefore, everything that was connected with him acquired special significance. All the more valuable was the box of Cherkash: a match could always be found, but it was difficult to find. It was then that a homemade backup option was invented.

The boys took a cigarette filter, placed it on the end of the sole, set it on fire and, after waiting for it to melt a little, sharply applied the brown side to the sole of the boxes. The rough surface instantly stuck to the boot, so the black leather was always “at hand.”

There were, however, unexpected surprises: when the mother got to the children's shoes, she had to do it all over again.

9. Slate in the fire

Again, fun inspired by the campfire theme. In Soviet times, children loved to experiment with surrounding objects, and, having received an unusual effect, they immediately put the new “toy” to use. Slate was no exception.

Unfortunately for the builders, janitors and caretakers, it burned beautifully. He shot in pieces, scattering the fire in different directions, so that there was nothing left of it. The parents were horrified, but the kids loved it.

10. Water bombs

By the way, Soviet children also knew what condoms were - and used them quite often. But not for its intended purpose, but for slightly different purposes.

To “perform the operation,” they usually took a group to someone who lived on the upper floors. It was from there, “from above,” that it was fun to scare passers-by by dropping huge balloons of water, three or four liters each, on them. You understand what exactly the kids poured water into... Those who were especially resourceful added paint or potassium permanganate to the solution to make it brighter. Whatever one may say, scale is still important!

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