How to make your own curls. Beautiful curls at home

Large curls, small curls or light waves, beautiful hair is popular at any time of the year.

How to make beautiful curls without the help of a specialist?

Important: the hairstyle must be done on washed hair! If you use electrical appliances, your hair must be dried thoroughly.

Method number 1. How to curl long hair with curling irons

Playful curls, classic large curls or beautiful waves like Hollywood stars? Even women with naturally straight hair can curl their curls at home. To do this, you only need the most ordinary hair curlers.

  1. Apply hairspray from roots to ends, lifting each individual strand.
  2. Divide the hair into small strands and curl it with a curling iron. Hold for as long as indicated in the instructions for use of the forceps.
  3. Wait until the hair cools down.
  4. Apply hairspray to your hair.

Method number 2. Creating curls using curlers

Most girls with straight hair dream of curls. Curlers are one of the most effective and safest ways to curl your hair.

  1. Divide your hair into thin strands.
  2. Wind one strand of hair onto each curler and secure with an elastic band.
  3. Leave overnight.
  4. In the morning, carefully remove the curlers.

Method No. 3. Soft curlers for bouncy curls

As soft curlers, you can use any available material, be it socks, scraps of fabric or pieces of paralon.

  1. Twist thin strands of hair into curling irons.
  2. Leave for about 10 hours.
  3. Remove the curls and use your fingers to form large curls.

Method number 4. Blow dry curls.

If you don't have a curling iron or hair straightener on hand, don't despair. A hairdryer will help give your hair the desired volume and curls.

  1. Wash your hair.
  2. Apply styling to hair.
  3. Twist small sections of hair onto a round comb and dry with a hairdryer.

The curls are ready.

Method No. 5. Curls with an elastic band

An effective, painless, convenient and very simple way to get beautiful large curls.

  1. Apply foam or mousse to damp hair.
  2. Put a rubber band on your head.
  3. Twist the strands, starting from the front, around the elastic band.
  4. Leave overnight.
  5. In the morning, remove the elastic band and straighten the curls with your fingers.

Method number 6. Braids as a way to create curls

Gorgeous curls can be achieved without any additional funds. Today you can go through the whole day with braids, and tomorrow you can shock everyone with your mischievous hairstyles.

  1. Braid damp hair into thin braids. The braids do not need to be secured with rubber bands.
  2. Leave for 10-15 hours, or better yet, overnight.
  3. Unbraid your hair and style your fluffy curly hair.

Method No. 7. Create African curls

Hairstyles made from small curls look great on both long and medium hair. This hairstyle will be appropriate both at a social party and on a regular walk.

  1. Wash your hair and treat with any fixative.
  2. Divide the entire volume of hair into small strands.
  3. Twist each strand onto hairpins in a zigzag motion.
  4. Put a shower cap on top.
  5. In the morning, undo your braids, and your beautiful, stylish hairstyle is ready.

Method No. 8. We curl the curls with an iron.

Hair straighteners can be of great service when creating curls, curls and waves. Before you start curling, make sure your hair is completely dry. You need to start straightening your hair starting from the bottom of the hair.

  1. Heat the iron to 200 degrees.
  2. Press a small strand of hair with the iron plates, moving a few centimeters away from the roots.
  3. Wrap the free part of the hair around the iron. Hold for a couple of seconds.
  4. Unwind the finished curl.

From the very first time, you may not get the perfect hairstyle, the main thing here is not to get upset, but to try again. In general, curling your hair at home will not be difficult. You just need to follow simple rules:

  • Hair must be thoroughly combed and sprayed with water from a spray bottle.
  • The thickness of the strand significantly affects the final look of the hairstyle. The thinner the strands, the smaller the curls.
  • Use fixatives to keep the results as long as possible.

Making curls without curling irons and curlers is not so difficult, but you need to know that these things cause severe damage to your hair. Do you urgently need to create fashionable, chic curls, but don’t have a curling iron or curlers at hand? No need to worry. In a short period of time, the curls will not be too wavy. They need to be fixed for at least a few hours, or even better all night, then you will have a luxurious hairstyle.

Creation Rules

  1. The strands should be damp, but not wet.
  2. You should use foam or mousse.
  3. After separating the strands, you need to dry them with a hairdryer.
  4. You can create curls using improvised means.

Without curling iron or curlers

Let's look at the easiest ways to form curls:

  1. Using a hair dryer and a comb, clean, damp hair must be divided into several strands, which must be wound around the comb. Dry each strand with hot air. As a result, you will get large curls.
  2. Using your own finger - for this you will need to apply a lot of fixing substance (foam, varnish) to the strands and twist the separated strands onto it. For larger curls, you can use 2 fingers.
  3. Using hairpins and bobby pins, we divide the hair moistened with a spray into small bundles. We wind each strand inward (on curlers) and, having reached the base, secure them with a hairpin. We do this with all the strands. We wait until they dry, carefully unscrew them. We fix the resulting curls with varnish.
  4. It’s not difficult to quickly make curls without a curling iron or rollers if you have pieces of thick paper. The result should be paper curlers that are tightly wound onto damp, fixed strands from roots to ends. For a strong effect, curlers should be on the hair for at least 5-6 hours.

The main disadvantage of “fast” curls is their fragility. But good fixation can smooth out the disadvantage for a short time.

Curls for the night

For the night:

  1. Since childhood, all girls have known the method of twisting strands using rags. The entire hair is divided into strands of the desired thickness, each strand is tied from the bottom up to the base. The method is convenient for sleeping.
  2. If you don’t have any paper or fabric on hand, and you need to make curls quickly, then braids are the best option. To make the curls thin and wavy, you need to braid small strands, and vice versa.
  3. Hair crabs are excellent assistants in creating many original hairstyles, but they are also a wonderful handy tool that allows you to create amazing curls overnight.
  4. They use a clever method that helps create large curls. Take a sock and tie it into a donut. We secure the hair with a ponytail and, starting from the ends, twist the sock on it to the base. Now you can go to bed, and in the morning beautiful, large curls will form.

Medium length hair

Tips for creating the curls you want:

  1. When creating curls, various available tools are suitable.
  2. One of the main components of a successful hairstyle is a good mood and a creative approach.
  3. Small crabs that secure curls significantly reduce the time required to create curls.

Beautiful long curls

The largest number of curling methods are especially suitable for girls with long hair.

To get large curls, use:

  • Hairdryer and brush;
  • Sock or large elastic band;
  • Scarves or shawls;
  • Twisting a bun at the top of the head.

Tips for creating the curls you want:

  1. Beautiful waves are obtained by weaving braids or spikelets.
  2. To create light waves you will need strands or spirals.
  3. To achieve African hair, you need to braid small braids and secure them with hairpins.

A great alternative allows you to give free rein to your fantasies and allow you to experiment a little on yourself.

As it turns out, to create chic, fashionable curls, you don’t need to turn to professionals for help or spend money on expensive curling irons or curlers. There are many alternatives that guarantee results without harming your own hair.

Options for home

Every girl dreams of fashionable, bouncy curls that can be done on long or short hair. For most, they are straight, thin or weakened. They must be taken care of; you should not use a curling iron or curlers again.

There are several reliable options for doing your own curls at home. Until now, many girls use different methods alternately.

It is interesting that curls made with your own hands differ in splendor and elasticity.

Here are some tools that will allow you to create beautiful curls for different lengths and hair types:

  • Foil;
  • Cardboard tubes;
  • Small braids;
  • Hoop;
  • Harnesses secured with ropes;
  • Fingers;

  1. Before you start curling, you need to thoroughly wash your hair and dry your hair a little. They should not be wet, but slightly damp.
  2. There is no need to style your curls with a comb, otherwise the strands will look completely untidy. It is better to straighten the strands with your hands.
  3. If you braid your hair, the result will depend on the tightness of your braiding.
  4. Braids must be braided on dry hair, otherwise the method will not be effective enough.
  5. The curls need to be twisted, starting from the roots, gradually moving around the entire perimeter of the head.
  6. To make thin hair a little stiff, use lemon juice and water instead of mousse or foam. This will allow the curls to last longer.
  7. To fix the result, use a varnish with a weak or medium hold. It will avoid gluing and stickiness of the strands.

If you need to loosen curls, use anti-frizz products.

While doing household chores or just relaxing, curls will form into the desired hairstyle.

Fashionable hairstyles for women in 2019

This season's fashionable hairstyles surprise women with their infinity. Slight untidiness, bright colors, and a love of experimentation are the main trends of 2019. How to successfully play with stylish trends and express individuality through styling - read on.

As often happens, any life changes begin with dramatic changes in appearance. Owners of long hair calmly cut off the entire length above the shoulders, looking for cool styling options. Hairdressers were inspired by fashion shows and came up with the top 3 best hairstyles for short hair.

Classics, like bobs, are always in fashion

A modern standard bob is an even, dense cut, without graduation or multi-layering. Previously, bangs were mandatory, but now it is not considered mast-bi. A good solution for lovers of retro style.

This alternative is acceptable for girls with:

  • heart-shaped and diamond-shaped face shape (downward triangle);
  • preference for rigor and symmetry.

The classic bob is undesirable for ladies with round and square faces. The cuts here will stretch the face horizontally, and the bangs will frame everything.

In order not to be loaded with the standard, you can pay attention to the elongated square for two reasons:

  1. Versatility.
  2. Create a beautiful combination with color gradients (ombre or balayage).

Ladies also note the fact that the longer “version” is more convenient: you can make a tail, braid spikelets. Therefore, it was chosen by star figures: Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Swift, Bella Hadid, etc.

The lack of symmetry remains fashionable in all cases. On short hair, asymmetry looks impressive and unusual. The best solution for women with a square or round face - due to the preservation of the diagonal, the haircut visually works to narrow it.

There are several types:

  • garcon;
  • session;
  • pixie

The advantages stand out:

  • interesting design;
  • a highlight in any image.

There is a significant drawback - the complexity of installation. If after a specialist all the hairs are in the right place, then on a weekday you have to sweat to style an unruly long strand. A great example is Rihanna at the beginning of her music career, Kris Jenner.

The technique of this haircut is as follows: long strands in the front, shortened in the back. This design allows you to create a beautiful shape that emphasizes facial contours without losing volume.

Various options are welcome with:

  • graduation;
  • cascade levels;
  • milling.

A bit of vintage will be added to the overall look by bangs at an angle. The described hairstyle is universal and practical. Suitable for any type.

Defined in units of measurement, this is approximately from fifteen to twenty-five centimeters. For hairdressers, the “golden mean” is in the area between the chin and shoulders. Medium length is the most common. Therefore, due to such prevalence, there are plenty of styling options.

Eternal cascade

The cascade in this case is a win. First, volume is maintained; secondly, it is on medium-length hair that the texture of the hairstyle is best seen. Suitable for all types, highlighting the beautiful sides of the face, highlighting obvious flaws.

There are several popular types:

  1. Graduated (multilayer). The shortest cut is located at the top of the head. The technique is used for thin hair, creating a thickening effect.
  2. With a bang.
  3. Equal. Here a razor is used to create the thinnest and sharpest cut. Despite the sharpness, all layers smoothly transition into each other.
  4. At the tips.

“Old-timers” remember the double cascade. However, for several reasons, this option is not considered stylish.

The corresponding coloring techniques look good with graceful transitions: the previously mentioned balayage, ombre. We must not forget about shatush, bronding and highlighting. Vivid examples include the stars Jennifer Aniston, Nina Dobrev, Mila Kunis.

Monroe "comeback"

Big curls add mystery to a lady, and Merlin Morneau is proof of that. Although just walking around with such a hairstyle is not the coolest idea for romantic evenings, important dates or meetings.

For this you will need:

  1. Long bob.
  2. Lush curls.

A similar perm looks better on blondes (due to the direct association with the star). However, brunettes can also take advantage of the idea for a “going out” hairstyle. The styling was appreciated by Christina Aguillera, Katy Perry and Eva Longoria.

Graduated bob - for all occasions

A combination of all the advantages of a cascade (obtaining thickness, slight negligence) and a square (mystery, severity of the image, simple styling). Plus – a must-have for girls with thin hair. With this hairstyle, you can forget about dry shampoos, permanent volume fixers, etc.

It’s easy to support the idea at home. All you need is an iron and half an hour of free time. Then the haircut will look like Rosie Huntington, Keira Knightley, Rita Ora.

Hair length is from 25 cm. You can even get inspired by fairy-tale hairstyles when watching Disney cartoons about princesses: graceful curls, brilliantly straightened strands.

The same cascade

The classical understanding and its varieties are indicated above. On long hair, it looks best torn and with bangs (straight or oblique).

  1. Straight, torn bangs will suit those with round faces.
  2. Girls with an oval face shape would do well to look at thick bangs with slightly rounded edges.

It is practical. Standard styling is suitable for work and sports everyday life. Curls will add a little festiveness to the cascade:

  • large curls through curlers;
  • light curls made with a curling iron.

The main thing to remember is that a frilly hairstyle may not be understood in the office or gym.

Shaggy (meaning “shaggy” in English) is a new hairdressing trend. The shabby effect is created by maintaining volume on the top of the head and torn strands that are placed in a chaotic manner on the head.

Celebrities are increasingly choosing this option:

  • the carelessness of the haircut adds naturalness to the image;
  • proper styling refreshes the face;
  • Suitable for both everyday style and the red carpet.

Stylists immediately pay attention to the shag even when shooting fashion magazine covers.

An important advantage of long hair is the opportunity to experiment. While the bob and bob are not subject to drastic changes (except perhaps just by curling), hair from 25 cm allows you to create incredible masterpieces, as in the photo examples below.

Hairstyle is one of the ways to express yourself, show your mood and inner world. Proper styling will decorate a woman’s appearance, giving it mystery, or, on the contrary, severity.

Curling with a curling iron is fast and beautiful. With this simple household appliance you can create many bright images. For example, “Hollywood waves” are very popular now.

But you can't use a curling iron every day. From high temperatures, hair loses its shine, becomes brittle and lifeless.

Use a curling iron to style your hair no more than once a week.

1. How to choose a curling iron

Curling irons differ in coating. Ceramic ones are considered the safest for hair. These curling irons are most often used by professional hairdressers.

Curling irons differ in shape. Using ordinary cylindrical curling irons of different diameters, you can get small or large curls. A tapered curling iron helps create curls at the roots and playful curls at the bottom. Most cone curling irons do not have a clamp: you need to hold the tip of the strand, but it does not break. Spiral curling irons create the same curls, while two- and three-barrel curling irons create a corrugated effect.

Curling irons differ in diameter. The larger it is, the less curled the curl. The minimum diameter that can be found in the store is 10 mm. Maximum - 50.

A large-diameter curling iron will not cope with coarse or thick long hair. Large curls will quickly straighten under the weight of their own weight, leaving no trace of curling.

Small curling irons are primarily designed for short hair and curling bangs.

The best option for normal shoulder-length hair and longer is a curling iron with a diameter of 19–25 mm.

Often the durability of a curl depends on how correctly the tool is selected and the curling technology is followed.

2. How to prepare your hair

When curling with a curling iron, follow three rules:

  1. Hair must be clean. Curls on greasy hair will dissolve faster than the curling iron cools down.
  2. Hair should be dry. Curling wet hair with a curling iron is like frying bread over a fire.
  3. Hair must be protected. Before curling, be sure to treat your strands with a heat protectant. It seals the hair scales, retains moisture inside and thereby protects from high temperatures. Leave-in sprays are considered more effective.

3. How to curl your hair with a curling iron

Hairdressers advise dividing your head into the occipital, temporal and frontal zones and curling your hair in that order.

At home, you can do it simpler: fix part of the hair on the top of the head and curl first the lower and then the upper strands. Or, if the length allows, you can make a straight parting, divide the hair into right and left parts and curl each one.

Whichever option you choose, first separate a strand about 2 cm wide. The thicker the hair, the thinner the curling strands should be.

If you want your curls to last all day, spray your hair with hairspray or treat it with beer foam before curling it with a curling iron.

Comb the strand and twist it onto a curling iron. Twist the strand into a rope if you want the curl to be dense, like a spring.

Be careful not to pull too tightly or pinch the tip with the clamp of the device. To achieve spiral curls, hold the curling iron vertically. If you want more playful curls, set it horizontally or at an angle.

If you have very long hair, do not curl the entire curl at once: when the ends are almost burnt, the upper layers will not even warm up. First, grab the middle of the strand with a curling iron and twist it towards the roots. Then curl the tip.

Hold each curl on the curling iron for 10-15 seconds. The curling time depends on the power of the device and the desired elasticity of the curls. If the hair is healthy, the curling iron can be heated to 200 °C. It is better to curl thin and weak hair at a temperature of no more than 100 degrees.

Carefully remove the curl from the curling iron and lightly spray with hairspray.

To prevent the still hot curl from developing under its own weight, secure it with a bobby pin until it cools completely.

Let the curls cool for 10-15 minutes. After this, you can comb them with a wide-tooth comb or fluff them with your fingers.

If necessary, place the curls in and fix with hairspray.

4. How to restore hair

To restore weakened hair, you can use one of the following masks.

  1. With kefir and aloe. Heat 1 teaspoon of castor oil and combine with 1 tablespoon of kefir, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 1 ampoule of vitamin E. Rub the mask first into the roots, then distribute along the entire length of the hair. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  2. With egg and honey. Mix the egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of liquid honey. Add ½ tablespoon of olive oil and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave for half an hour, then wash your hair.
  3. With banana and glycerin. Make banana puree in a blender. Add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and the same amount of almond oil. Apply the mixture to your head: from roots to ends. Keep the mask on for 40 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

How to make curls with curlers

Good old curlers are used both to create curls and to add volume. Curling with curlers usually takes longer than curling with a curling iron. But the hair is not exposed to high temperatures.

And thanks to the variety of modern curlers, you can create new hairstyles every day. Here, for example, is the effect that can be achieved with the help of curlers.

However, due to the tension created during curling, the blood supply to the hair follicles may be disrupted. If you use curlers frequently, your hair may weaken and begin to break.

1. How to choose curlers

Large and small, plastic and foam, with and without clips - the range of modern curlers is huge. But each type has its own purpose.

Papillots, or boomerangs, are foam rubber or silicone sticks of different lengths, densities and diameters. There is a wire inside, so the strands can be twisted and fixed in different positions. Suitable for hair of any length: the shorter, the smaller the diameter you need to take. The volume of curls also depends on the diameter.

Velcro curlers are cylinders of different diameters with many small hooks. Hair clings to them and additional clips are usually not required. Velcro is ideal for creating root volume on medium and short hair, as well as for curling the ends of long curls. But you need to be careful: these curlers can get tangled in your hair.

Spiral curlers are made of soft plastic and allow you to get spiral-shaped curls. To do this, you just need to thread the strands through curlers using special clips.

Most curlers should not be left on for more than an hour.

Bobbin curlers are wooden sticks with threads that are attached with rubber bands. Bobbins are usually used for perms or to create curls on very short hair.

Foam curlers are fixed with elastic bands or special plastic clips. The various diameters of these soft barrels allow you to curl hair of various lengths on them.

Electric and hot rollers help to create an express curl because they heat the hair. The first ones are charged from the mains, the second ones need to be boiled in boiling water to melt the paraffin inside them.

Ideally, you need to have in your arsenal and combine curlers of various types and diameters.

2. How to prepare your hair

For curling with curlers, the hair must also be clean. However, they do not need to be completely dried: the curlers are wound onto damp hair.

Therefore, wash your hair, apply a heat protectant and lightly dry your hair with a hairdryer or let it dry a little naturally.

3. How to curl your hair with curlers

According to the classic scheme, you start curling your hair with curlers from the center of the frontal zone and gradually go down to the back of your head. For this you need large curlers. Afterwards, you can curl your hair on the sides using curlers of a smaller diameter.

Using a fine-handled comb, separate a section of hair from the middle of your head. It should match the width of the curlers. The thickness will depend on the thickness of the hair: the more hair and the stiffer it is, the thinner the strand should be.

Wet the strand with water if your hair is not damp enough. Then treat it with foam or hair mousse.

Comb, lightly stretch and curl the strand. Be careful not to wrinkle the tip. Typically, curlers are placed perpendicular to the head, but you can experiment by winding them vertically or at an angle.

Having twisted the first strand, secure it with a clip, elastic band or hairpin (depending on the type of curler) and move on to the next ones. Try not to curl too tightly: stretched hair causes discomfort.

A straightening iron can handle hair that does not take curling irons and curlers. Make curls from the strands, wrap them in foil and warm them thoroughly.

After finishing curling, dry your hair naturally or with a hairdryer. If you are in a hurry, but do not want to harm your hair, use low temperature mode.

Carefully remove the curlers when your hair is completely dry. Straighten the resulting curls with your hands or a comb and fix with hairspray.

Pros and cons of curling irons and curlers

Both with the help of a curling iron and with the help of curlers you can create beautiful and very different curls. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages, which are clearly demonstrated in the following table.

pros Minuses
Curling iron

1. You don’t have to buy ten curling irons. All you need to do is choose one to suit your hair length and type.

2. Due to high temperatures, curls form easily and last for quite a long time.

3. Curling with a curling iron is fast.

1. You need to try several to understand which curling iron works best with your hair.

2. You can’t curl your hair often.

3. Difficult to use on short hair.

4. To minimize harm, thermal protection is needed.


1. A variety of curlers allows you to style hair of any length in different ways.

2. Some curlers can be left on overnight.

3. Used on wet hair - curl it and go about your business until it dries.

1. You need a lot of curlers of different types and sizes.

2. Fiddling with curlers is quite long and troublesome (with the exception of hot rollers).

3. Frequently curling your hair with curlers can weaken your hair.

What do you prefer to do with curls? Tell us in the comments what and why is closer to you.

Methods for curling short, long and medium-length hair. Key secrets and reviews.

Female beauty is magical, it fascinates and attracts, excites and delights. And every representative of the fair sex craves attention and admiration from men. To do this, she sometimes makes titanic efforts to look like an idol on a glossy cover.

We pay special attention to hair. Playful curls, large curls, soft waves on a woman’s head make men turn around and make us feel like queens.

Frequent trips to the hairdresser, chemical or bio-perms are still a bit expensive for the average woman. And the damage to hair from frequent heating and curling with curling irons, curling irons, and hot rollers is significant. They lose their shine, split, and break.

But there is a way out - these are environmentally friendly and the safest ways to get the desired curls and curls at home. And curling irons and curlers are not needed at all.

Ways to beautifully and quickly curl and make wavy hair without a curling iron or curlers?

Let's look at several common methods of curling at home.

1. Using an elastic band for a Greek hairstyle

  • Wash your hair, dry it with a towel, comb it well
  • When they are almost dry, start rolling.
  • Put on an elastic band, carefully divide all the hair under it into small strands, twist them like spirals and twist them around the elastic band.
  • The ends of the strands can be secured with small bobby pins if you can’t hide them under an elastic band
  • If your hair is prone to curling, then just wear this hairstyle for an hour or two and untwist it.
  • If your hair is straight, then you need to spend more time - from 5 hours to the whole night. By the way, it’s convenient to sleep with such a curl if you don’t use bobby pins
  • Remove the elastic with a slight movement of your hand and carefully straighten your curls
  • It’s better not to use a comb, just run your fingers through your hair to straighten it
  • Fix the result with varnish
  • Give washed and well-dried hair a soft wave shape with your own hands.
  • Apply the mousse over the entire length of your hair, except the roots and scalp.
  • Use gentle hand movements to remember them for 15-20 minutes
  • If time is of the essence, use a hairdryer when styling with your hands.

3. We use available tools- cloth or paper kitchen towels, an old clean T-shirt, handkerchiefs or other fabrics. It is important that they should not be synthetic, otherwise the fabric will slip and delaminate, but beautiful curls will not.

  • Depending on the width of the curl you want to get, we cut our available material into strips
  • For small curls, a fabric or paper “helper” width of 2.5-3 cm is suitable. For large curls - at least 5 cm. Cut the T-shirt from the neck down, do not use sleeves
  • Hair should be freshly washed and slightly damp
  • If they are clean, you can spray them with a spray bottle
  • Take a piece and place it on or under the curl, depending on the desired direction of curling the ends.
  • Start rolling the paper or fabric strip from the ends of the strands to the roots. If it is necessary to curl not the entire length, then to the level that is optimal
  • Tie the strip or secure it with a bobby pin
  • Go to bed with your hair done
  • In the morning, carefully unfold each strand, lightly run your hands at the roots, as if fluffing your hair.
  • If necessary, fix the result with varnish
  • Brush slightly damp, clean hair well.
  • We form small strands with our hands and twist them tightly in a spiral.
  • We collect hair at the roots in the form of a snail
  • Secure each with a pin
  • Leave for 5-8 hours
  • Gently untwist, beat with your hands and tousle the hair a little

5. Wrap it around your finger

  • Comb barely damp, clean hair
  • Separate a strand and wind it around your finger from the tip to the roots of the hair.
  • You will get a ring, which you carefully remove from your finger and secure with a hairpin.
  • So we collect rings all over the head
  • After 5-7 hours they can be dissolved
  • The ideal result will be obtained if you curl your hair in this way at night.
  • Lightly spray curls with hairspray

6. We braid hair at night.

One of the initial methods for getting wavy hair is braids.
We divide freshly washed, almost dry hair into several strands - 2, 4, 6 or more.

  • It all depends on the desired result - curly and voluminous hair or a light wave. We remember that the fewer braids, the less pomp and curliness.
  • We braid the braid tightly and secure it with a silicone rubber band.
  • If there are a lot of braids, they can be intertwined with each other until you get one
  • Let's go to bed
  • In the morning we unravel the braids and separate the strands with our hands.
  • To add volume to the roots, you can use a flat iron.
  • We fix the result with varnish

7. Use a sock

  • We cut the clean sock at the location of the toes so that we get a pipe
  • Roll it into a round donut
  • We gather clean, slightly damp hair into a bun and fix it high on the top of the head in a ponytail.
  • We take our sock blank and place it around the ends of the tail.
  • We twist the hair from the bottom up onto the sock so that it is evenly distributed along the circumference of the sock.
  • At the top we get a beautiful donut of hair
  • We fix it with hairpins or bobby pins
  • After a while we unwind the hair
  • You can wear this “bagel” all day long, and in the evening you can show off your flowing wavy hair in all its glory at a party or romantic meeting.

8. Tighten the harnesses

Instead of braids, you can twist your hair into plaits.

  • We comb clean, almost dry hair and part it into two halves.
  • We twist each one into a tight strand away from the face so that future curls emphasize the openness of your face.
  • We fix both tourniquets with silicone or any other rubber band in front of the chest or back on the back.
  • Let's go to bed.
  • In the morning, remove the elastic band and tousle your hair with your hands.
  • You can fix the result with varnish.

How to curl your hair without curling irons and curlers: photo

Below is an example of photo instructions for curling hair without a curling iron or curlers.

How to curl your hair overnight without curlers?

All hair curling methods require a certain amount of time to achieve the desired effect. And it’s optimal if you have a night at your disposal when, after the preparatory work, you can sleep with your hair done. And in the morning, just fix it slightly and enjoy the result.

How to curl your hair at night? The best methods for braiding braids are curling into strands and wrapping on paper, cloth scraps and elastic. In this case, nothing will prick or disturb you while you sleep. You can completely relax and not think that any of your movements will ruin the fixation of your hairstyle.

Wavy hair at home without curling irons or curlers

You can get beautiful waves on your hair by wrapping it with an elastic band for a Greek hairstyle or a sock. These options are especially interesting because they look like full-fledged hairstyles even up to the point of untwisting the hair.

How to make light waves on your hair without a curling iron?

Light waves can be obtained well with the use of soft curlers - papilettes. They are made of polymers, are almost weightless in mass, are affordable and are sold in any supermarket or specialty store.
In the middle of the folder there is a rough ball to better hold the ends of the strand. These curlers are easy to wind and fix their ends together.
It is comfortable to sleep with them, they are soft, without sharp or prickly corners.
In the morning, untwist your hair and comb lightly with a wide-tooth comb. This will give your hair a slight wave and even out the curls.

How to curl and make curls on short hair without a curling iron or curlers?

Short hair is not at all an obstacle to creating a variety of daily hairstyles, including curls and waves. Your imagination and desire will help you create interesting images.
Let's look at several options for how to make curls on short hair.

1. Use a special round brush

  • Apply a little volume mousse to damp, clean hair.
  • We take a brush and a hairdryer, dry our hair alternately with hot and cold air and at the same time curl the curls with a brush
  • For clearer waves, you need to twist the curl onto the brush, then direct a stream of air from the hairdryer onto it
  • Hold for a couple of seconds, move the hair dryer away and carefully remove the brush
  • Perform similar actions throughout the head
  • Lightly run your hands through your hair to style curls.
  • For a longer lasting effect, spray your hair with hairspray.

2. If you don’t have a hairdryer at hand, then create waves with your own hands

  • To do this, squeeze wet hair with your fingers.
  • So we go through all the hair
  • Thanks to these movements, your hair will dry faster and acquire a romantic waviness.

3. Thanks to the elastic band for the Greek hairstyle
The process has been described above. Even if you cannot use all the hair due to different lengths, do not be upset. A light curl will still work.

How to curl and make curls on medium-length hair without a curling iron or curlers?

There are many ways to curl medium-length hair at home. And the time spent on shaping beautiful curls or waves is relatively short.

  • Suitable means for curling medium-length hair are elastic bands, hairpins, snail strands, strips of fabric or paper, your own hands, a brush with a hairdryer
  • The main thing is the flight of your imagination and creative inspiration
  • If you have a lot of small crabs, then secure the hair rings at the roots not with hairpins, but with crabs. It can save you time on curling

Hairstyles for medium hair without curling irons

The Greek hairstyle, twisted with a special elastic band, remains relevant. You can match your hair randomly, or you can separate each curl and twist it. As a result, light waves on the hair are ensured.

  • Strands twisted into flagella or rings, after unwinding, will give cute curls to their owner.
  • Paplets or strips of fabric rolled overnight will also give you wavy hair in the morning.
  • A brush and a hairdryer are a good pair for creating voluminous waves. The secret is to first twist the length with a brush, and then carefully lift the roots.
    We wind each strand horizontally onto the brush, dry it, hold the brush for a couple of seconds and remove the strand
  • You can twist the strands onto the brush vertically and also unwind them after drying. This way the waves will be less pronounced, but the ends will be well curled. This option will be especially interesting for those with hair of different lengths.

How to curl long hair without a curling iron or curlers?

Girls with long hair can use the greatest number of curling methods at home. All of the above methods are effective for them.

  • Classic braids or “spikelets” will give beautiful waves to your hair
  • Spirals and strands will slightly curl your hair
  • Small braids and pin curls will help achieve the effect of curly African hair
  • Experiment with different curling methods, choose your favorite and enjoy it

Large curls and waves for long hair without a curling iron

Large curls on long hair can be easily achieved by using:

  • hair dryer and brush of large diameter
  • sock or elastic band for Greek hairstyle
  • curling with plaits and buns
  • regular autumn scarves

Let's consider the technique of the last method:

  • Divide wet hair into two parts along the parting
  • Create two high ponytails and secure them with silicone rubber bands.
  • Take a scarf and fold it diagonally
  • Tie the scarves around the ponytails so that both ends are the same length
  • Divide the ponytail into two parts and twist each of them tightly onto the hanging part of the scarf.
  • Curl your hair in a spiral from the roots down so that the ends of the strands coincide with the end of the scarf.
  • Secure your hair with a silicone rubber band
  • We repeat similar actions with the second tail.
  • In total you will get 4 spirals
  • If you winded them up at night, then feel free to go to bed
  • If you curled it in the morning, then by collecting all 4 spirals together and securing them at the back or top with a crab, you will get a pretty decent home hairstyle
  • Gently unwind each strand, untie the scarf
  • The rubber bands can simply be torn apart for convenience.
  • Straighten your hair with your hands, shake your head slightly so that it falls apart
  • Fix the result with varnish

How to quickly curl long hair without a curling iron

The fastest way to curl long hair without a curling iron is a large-diameter brush and a hairdryer. The technique is the same as for medium-length hair.

In second place is curling the hair into a “bun” on the top of the head:

  • We collect slightly damp, clean hair into a bun and press it with one hand.
  • with the second hand, twist tightly in a spiral in any convenient direction from roots to ends
  • during the curling process, the hair itself will fall into a “bun”
  • secure with pins or crabs
  • wait an hour and a half and untwist your hair
  • Lightly straighten your hair with your hands and spray with hairspray

Some tips for those who want to get beautiful curls at home:

  • before curling, the hair should be either freshly washed or slightly moistened, for example, from a spray
  • Tangle Teezer combs work great to comb wet hair. They can easily untangle even tangled strands without losing hairs.
  • start curling your curls from the top of your head, gradually moving along your head in other directions
  • Instead of mousse and gels, use water with lemon juice, gelatin or beer. They will make fine hair a little tougher and the curls will last longer.
  • to secure the final curly hairstyle, use a low- or medium-hold hairspray to avoid sticky and sticky curls

How to beautifully and quickly twist and curl your hair without curlers and curling irons: tips and reviews

Oksana, student
I have a very dynamic life. I always try to do a lot in my studies and spend my leisure time well. I have short hair and love to experiment with hairstyles, especially when styling after washing my hair. Either with my own hands or with a brush I create cute waves on my hair and a good mood for myself!

Marina, young mother
Since the birth of my beloved baby, I have been devoting all my time to her and learning to keep up with household chores. Now only my beloved husband works in our family, which means I always need to look attractive at home. I wear medium length hair and try to give it a nice shape. I like to twist it into a Greek hairstyle or make a “donut” out of my hair. After wearing them like this for a day, in the evening I like to show off my beautiful waves and curls in front of my husband.

Elizaveta, sales manager.
I work in the office of a serious company engaged in IT sales. The schedule is intense, full of meetings, conferences, and business trips. Often there is simply no opportunity to go to a hairdresser. And looking 100% is my habit and necessity! Besides, I'm married and have children. I wear long hair and try to experiment with different hairstyles. My favorites are braids and scarves, which give a beautiful wave to my curls in the morning after a night of curling.

We examined in detail the methods of curling hair without curling irons and curlers for different lengths of hair, got acquainted with reviews of women who practice curling at home, and paid attention to some tips.

Video: Curls without curlers and curling irons

The desire of women to constantly change has led to the emergence of various forms of styling. Among them, a special place is occupied by light waves, which are appropriate in everyday life and on special, special occasions. Who these hairstyles suit and how to do them using various devices (including improvised means) will be discussed in this article.

What they are and who they are suitable for

These are the same curls, only created in a deliberately careless manner. As a hairstyle, they look natural and feminine.

This styling option looks great on long and medium-length hair. But on short hair you can also create soft curls very effectively.

The main thing is to know how to curl wavy curls correctly, what devices you need to use for this, and what styling products you can use to make wavy hair at home.

You shouldn't do light curls before an important event if you don't have practice. The result may not be what you wanted. It’s better to practice creating soft waves on your hair in advance. This way you will be able to get used to the stylers and decide in which direction it is better to wind.

Remember that Thick, long and coarse hair unwinds faster and in this case you should definitely use styling products. But thin hair can be easily made heavier with the help of various hairsprays, foams, etc. Therefore, use them carefully, trying not to overdo the quantity. Read more about products for creating and fixing curls on our website.

Wavy curls suit everyone, the main thing is to curl them correctly and in the right direction.

Curls with a flat iron

Before making a light wave using a straightener, It is worth familiarizing yourself with some rules:

  • You can use the iron only on dry hair;
  • shaping the hairstyle is done on well-washed hair;
  • the wrap goes in the direction from the roots to the hair;
  • It’s important to choose the right temperature. For example, for fine hair, medium temperature is sufficient;
  • when screwing, do not put too much pressure on the clamp so that unsightly folds do not remain;
  • be sure to use thermal protection.

Curls for medium and long hair

  1. Separate the temple areas and secure them with a hairpin.
  2. Gather the remaining strands into a ponytail, leaving the initial horizontal row at the back of the head.
  3. Take a small strand from the back of your head and press it with an iron at a distance of about 2 cm from the roots.
  4. Holding the tip of the strand, turn it together with the iron towards the head at 360°C. The end of the strand should point down.
  5. In this position, pull the styler down along the entire curl. You should get a neat curl.
  6. Separate the next section of hair horizontally and do the same movements, pointing the iron in the opposite direction - away from the head. This way the wavy curls will not merge with each other.
  7. In the next row, create root volume. To do this, comb each individual tuft of hair at the root and spray with hairspray.
  8. Then twist in the opposite direction from the previous row, holding the strand at the roots.
  9. Curl the rest of your hair in this manner. The front bundles are all wound in an upward direction.

What are the features of curling curls for long and medium hair? You will find the preferred curling techniques on our website.

Advice. To create a natural wave in your hair, tilt your head forward and comb the curls thoroughly with your fingers. Spray with varnish. Raise your head, straighten all the curls with your fingers and apply hairspray again.

Using a straightener, you can make curls at home in this way:

  1. Twist a small strand into a tight strand and run an iron through it, warming your hair well from the inside.
  2. Do the same with the rest of your hair.
  3. Smooth out the curls with your fingers and fix with hairspray.

Blow dry

How to make hair wavy with a hair dryer?

You will need:

  • 2 large round combs;


  1. Wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer in any order until almost dry.
  2. Separate a small part of the hair and stretch it using brushing and a hairdryer, as with standard styling.
  3. Pick up the same bun again and twist it onto the comb towards the head, all the time drying it with a hairdryer. In this position, leave the brush on the strand while you make the next curl.
  4. Curl the next part of the curls in the same way, leaving the comb on it in the form of a large curler.
  5. Unwind the previous curl.
  6. Repeat with the rest of the curls.

Curls with a curling iron

How to make wavy hair using curlers:

  1. Wash your hair and dry it until slightly damp. Apply mousse. If you use hot rollers, your curls should be completely dry.
  2. Create curls by starting from the ends. The width of the strand should be slightly less than the length of the styler. Make twists in different directions.
  3. Dry the curls curled with curlers with a hairdryer. When using thermostylers, skip this point.
  4. Carefully remove the stylers and comb through the curls with your fingers. Do not brush.
  5. Fix with varnish.

Attention! Please note that this method is not suitable for those with short hair.

Styling with a bun

A great way for those who have long curls and do not have time for lengthy manipulations with their hair. You can wear a bun at work and get soft, airy curls in the evening.

How to make beautiful waves on your hair using a beam?

  1. Twist your curls into a tight rope.
  2. Twist it to form a bun and secure with hairpins or hairpins.
  3. Leave it on for a few hours, and then just loosen your hair and straighten it all out with your hands.


  1. Apply mousse or foam to cleanly washed and damp hair.
  2. Braid your hair: one or several, depending on the thickness of your hair. The thicker the braid, the softer the wave will be.
  3. Wait for the braid to dry (you can leave it overnight).
  4. Unravel and style with your fingers without a comb.

This method is also faster. To do this, a braid is braided onto clean, dry hair, which needs to be warmed well with an iron. You can find out what curls from braids look like and who this method of curling is suitable for, on our website.

Cold Wave

Cold wave (aka retro wave) gets its name from the styling method: curling occurs without thermal devices. This hairstyle looks good on short hair, but you can create it for any length.

You will need:

  • foam (for a more natural look) or gel (to create an emphasis on curls). Choose styling products that will leave your hair flexible, not stiff;
  • hair clips;
  • comb with fine teeth.


  1. Apply the chosen styling product to damp hair and make a side part about 5 cm deep.
  2. Starting from the side where there is more hair, comb it well with a comb, directing it towards the face.
  3. From the very top, at the roots, place your finger on the parting so that it points towards the face, parallel to the parting.
  4. Take a comb and place it parallel to your finger at a distance equal to the depth of the future wave (about 3 cm). Use the comb to move the selected part of the hair towards your finger, forming a wave (crown) upward.
  5. Place your finger in place of the comb and comb the remaining curls, thoroughly combing out any irregularities in the area of ​​the finger.
  6. Secure the wave with clamps on both sides.
  7. Use your finger and comb to create a new wave, remembering to comb the strands well.
  8. Pay due attention to the front part; the lines should be clear and beautifully outlined. Be sure to secure the bends of the crown with clamps. Please note that the clamps must be parallel to each other.
  9. Continue working until you reach the desired number of crowns.
  10. Wrap the tip of your hair in the direction from the face to the crown and form a beautiful curl.
  11. Wait until your hair is dry and only then remove the clips.
  12. Spray the entire surface of the crowns well with varnish.

Advice. The cold wave can be continued over the entire head, or you can simply curl the back of the hair with curlers.

Curls with a flat iron and foil

The foil strengthens the fixation of the curl, and styling with an iron is more durable.

  1. Cut the foil into squares.
  2. Take a small strand and curl it into a ring, starting from the tip, towards the head.
  3. Wrap the ring in foil, forming a pocket.
  4. Warm up the iron for about 2 minutes.
  5. Continue forming curls in the same way.
  6. Remove the foil only when it has cooled completely.
  7. Straighten the finished curls with your hands and fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

There are many ways to create easy waves. If you need to style quickly, then use a hairdryer. And if you don’t even have time for styling, take care of your hair in advance and just make a bun. Well, if you want to work your magic on your hair longer and create a real masterpiece, then a curling iron will help you.

Although, in the pursuit of beauty, all means are good, so experiment, try different methods and choose the one that you like more than others.

Useful videos

How to make your own curls without harming your health.

A method of curling curls “for the lazy.”
