How to make diapers from gauze with your own hands. How to sew a reusable diaper for newborns from gauze? Disposable gauze diapers for newborns how to wear

Modern mothers prefer to use disposable diapers, but current realities dictate different rules to us. Not all young parents can afford this forced luxury. Today they make walks and trips to the clinic much easier, but at home you can also save money. You can make your own diaper from a newborn diaper.

Making natural diapers

Every young mother is faced with the fact that from birth a diaper becomes a useful accessory for her child. After all, while still pregnant, mothers begin to pack their “worrying” suitcase, which necessarily includes diapers and diapers for the maternity hospital. What is better than diapers or diapers? Of course, a child will feel better in natural fabric than in a synthetic diaper. After all, the baby’s skin is still so delicate and susceptible to various harmful substances, such as impregnations, fragrances, and powders. These components can easily cause allergic reactions or inflammation of the skin.

Not to mention the fact that a child will scurry under it, especially in the warmer months. Hence the conclusion: rolling up a diaper from a diaper is the way out. And besides, saving the family budget for a young family.

Gauze diapers for newborns are a great option. Firstly, the mother knows for sure that a diaper made from a diaper is made with her own hands and not from artificial materials, secondly, every mother can make diapers instead of diapers, and thirdly, swaddling with a diaper is also useful.

Old diapers will come in handy

How to cut diapers from old diapers? About 20 pieces will be enough for one child. They can be washed and used many times. Cotton fabric, maybe not even new, or gauze is suitable for this. Especially if a detailed step-by-step description is attached.
How to make a diaper from a diaper:

  • wash the fabric, even if it has just come from the store;
  • iron on both sides to disinfect and eliminate the smell of washing powder or baby soap;
  • cut the fabric into squares (90 x 90);
  • or rectangles (90 x 180) overcast the edges or stitch them so that they do not stick out from frequent washing

The material for folding the diaper is ready. All that's left to do is learn how to handle and swaddle the baby. For babies in the first months of life, two folding techniques are suitable: “Scarf” and “Rectangle”.

The baby needs to fold a diaper from a diaper in order for the hips to form correctly. Today, neonatologists and orthopedists advise parents to place a diaper on top of the diaper during the first 15 days of life, so that the legs are kept in the “frog” position and the pelvis is formed correctly.

Folding techniques

Using diapers instead of diapers is very practical. You just need to learn how to use them correctly

Kerchief. You need to take a piece of 90 x 180 cm. Place the larger side towards you.

  1. take the bottom corners and fold them with the top ones;
  2. bend the resulting rectangle in half, connecting the lower left corner to the right;
  3. Fold the lower left corner diagonally;
  4. do the same with the lower right corner;
  5. put the baby in the middle of the resulting “kerchief”;
  6. stretch the bottom edge of a hand-made diaper between the legs;
  7. fold the side edges alternately onto the baby’s tummy;
  8. tuck the ends into the middle or you can tie them, but not tightly.

The result is diaper panties that are ready for use.
Rectangular. A piece of gauze 90 x 90 cm is used.

  1. fold in half lengthwise;
  2. again in half lengthwise;
  3. place the short edge towards you;
  4. unscrew the edge;
  5. put the boy so that the folded edge is in front, and the girl so that the thickened edge is under the back;
  6. press down with panties

It is important to remember that these reusable diapers can only be used until the baby crawls and sits up. After all, the child will feel pressure in the tummy and you can forget about comfort.

Prevention of dysplasia

Do you need a diaper under the diaper? Here you need to prioritize: for whom it is necessary. If we talk about a mother who has a lot of things to do around the house, then wearing a disposable diaper is a salvation. After all, the child will not wake up in it because he peed himself, and the mother will not have to wash and dry endless dirty laundry.
For children, of course, the best option would be to sew diapers from gauze; the child does not sweat or steam in them, they do not cause dermatitis or allergies. But they make walks and visits not very comfortable for parents.

Mom will need a large special bag for diapers and diapers with a large number of them, since the baby pees and poops very often in the first months of life.

Disposable diapers or diapers for newborns is a parent's decision, but the right choice can only be made when all the pros and cons are weighed. It is important to realistically assess your financial situation. After all, using disposable ones is not a cheap pleasure.

The first months of life, the child makes about 18 bowel movements per day. The baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive. Therefore, it is important to keep it clean at all times.

For these purposes they are used. They absorb excess moisture and feces. But store-bought products are disposable and are not cheap. This leads to high costs.

Homemade diapers will help you save money. They are easy to make from scrap materials. It is useful for parents to know how to make a diaper from gauze or gauze.

Homemade diapers for newborns have their positive and negative sides. Parents need to know about all the pros and cons of such products. This will help you decide whether to use homemade diapers or whether it is better to purchase factory-made products.

Benefits of using natural diapers for your baby:

  • environmental friendliness. Gauze and diaper do not contain toxic elements or allergens. Therefore, they are safer to use than store-bought options;
  • efficiency. About 20 diapers can be made from one package of gauze;
  • possibility of reuse. Homemade gauze diapers or diapers are easy to wash and iron. Therefore, they can be used repeatedly;
  • the ability to create a diaper of the required size and shape;
  • softness of the fabric. The gauze is pleasant to the child's body;
  • breathability. Gauze provides ventilation to the skin. This prevents the appearance of and. Such problems often arise in children for whom their parents buy factory-made diapers;
  • are not addictive, unlike regular diapers.

Disadvantages of using homemade diapers for newborns:

  • the need for frequent changes. The absorbency of natural diapers is lower than store-bought ones. In the first months, the baby has bowel movements frequently, so diapers have to be changed constantly. It is better not to use such products when going for a walk or to see a pediatrician;
  • untimely changing of diapers can cause skin irritation and the appearance of a rash;
  • homemade diapers have to be constantly washed and ironed.

Both natural and store-bought diapers have their positive and negative sides. Some mothers use both types of diapers for their children.

Parents who make gauze diapers for their children will not have problems with... Since such products cause discomfort in the child after natural physiological processes.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make it yourself

There are also reusable diapers. The first are a triangular or square piece of gauze that is wrapped between the child's legs. They have to be changed after each emptying.

Reusable diapers are made from thicker fabric. For example, from chintz, flannel. Textiles are rolled in two layers. Gauze diapers are placed inside the panties. Such products can be changed a couple of times a day.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a diaper from a diaper in the shape of a triangle with your own hands:

  • take the fabric and cut out a rectangle of a size that corresponds to the child’s age.
    For babies: for the first month of life, a cut of 60x120 cm is suitable, for three months - 80x160 cm, for older ones - 90x180 cm;
  • fold the material in half so that you get a square;
  • Connect the upper left corner of the fabric to the lower right.
  • smooth out the diaper and secure its edges with pins.
  • stitch the edges, leaving a 5 cm long section unstitched;
  • turn the product inside out;
  • sew the remaining section with a hidden seam;
  • Sew ribbons on the sides.

The triangle diaper insert for newborns can be omitted. As practice shows, it slips, curls and begins to interfere with the baby. By three months the child becomes more active. Therefore, for such babies, it is recommended to insert a gauze pad into a natural diaper and change it when it gets dirty.

How to fold from gauze?

You can make your own diaper from a regular piece of gauze. You don't need any sewing skills for this. To ensure that the pelvis and hips form correctly, pediatricians recommend fixing the baby’s legs in the “frog” position for the first two weeks of life.

How to fold a gauze diaper

To do this, it is important for parents to be able to fold and put on a diaper correctly. There are several techniques. It is recommended to practice on a child's doll first. It is important that the gauze diaper does not cause discomfort to the baby: it does not squeeze the body and does not rub the skin.

This diaper is easy to make. It is necessary to cut off part of the gauze and fold the material in several layers. It is advisable to overcast the edges of the fabric with a zigzag. Next, you can start folding the diaper.

Traditional ways to fold a diaper:

  • headscarf. You will need a piece of gauze measuring 180x90 cm. The material is folded in half, then diagonally. The result is a triangle shape. The baby is placed in the center of such a scarf. The lower corner leads between the legs to the stomach. The other two edges cover the child on the sides. All corners are tied together. To secure it, you can use a belt or braid made of natural material;
  • rectangle. You will need a piece of gauze measuring 100x60 cm. The fabric must be folded lengthwise several times. One of the narrow edges needs to be folded. The baby is placed on gauze so that the sealed end is under the back (for girls) or in front (for boys). The lower edge is folded between the legs onto the stomach (back). Secure the diaper with a belt and pants;
  • Hungarian version. You will need a piece of gauze 50x100 cm. The material is folded in half. Turn over to the other side (seam side down). Fold in half again. The top corner is folded back. The fabric is turned down. The free edge is wrapped several times. The baby is placed on the resulting seal. The lower end is pulled between the legs. The sides are folded over the top. The diaper is tied with a belt.

Video on the topic

How to make a diaper out of a diaper with your own hands:

Thus, homemade diapers have many advantages. They are easy to make. You can create a diaper from gauze or a diaper. It is important to know and master different techniques for folding a diaper for effective use.

With your own hands

Homemade diapers can be made for both disposable and reusable use. The first is a square or triangular piece of gauze, which, like factory diapers, is wrapped between the baby’s legs. Reusable is made of fabric, more dense in its composition, from natural cotton material. Replaceable gauze diapers are placed inside the panties. Such models are washed a couple of times a day, and disposable ones must be washed immediately after a single use.

So before you make a diaper, you need to think about how you plan to use it.

A disposable diaper is made from cotton fabric, similar to gauze, but denser. Let's look at its production step by step.

  • We take a piece of fabric in the form of a square, with sides of 80 cm. For hemming, you can take a piece a couple of cm larger. We overcast or stitch the edges of the fabric on a sewing machine, then fold the square in half. Place the fabric on the table with the fold down.
  • We take the upper edge of the fabric cut with our hand on the right, and the lower edge on the left, then carefully pull the upper edge to the right, and move the lower edge to the middle of the top line, thus constructing a triangle. We turn the triangle on the reverse side and fold it towards the center. There should be a slight overlap of fabric in the central part of the diaper. You can then stitch the resulting seal to the base, saving a lot of time on folding the fabric in future use.
  • To put on this diaper, you need to place the resulting scarf at an angle downwards, lay the baby down and place the lower edge of the scarf on his tummy. Then we take the remaining ends from the side and twist them inward, trying not to create discomfort in the baby’s tummy area. You can add Velcro to the edges to make it easier to secure the diaper.

Making a reusable diaper yourself is also not difficult, since the technique can be used the same as for making disposable diapers from gauze. You can change the method. The difference is the use of denser fabric; fabric from previously used bedding is perfect here, as it will be soft enough for the baby’s delicate skin. Soft cotton material, chintz or calico are also used.

When making reusable products using the method described above, we do everything the same, only we use thick fabric. This method is not recommended for newborns due to the density of the fabric and the inconvenience of putting on panties, but if we install Velcro, they will become more comfortable. In the center, a kind of pocket is sewn inside using waterproof material (soft oilcloth), thereby preventing possible leakage.

Then we make gauze pads; they will require replacement after each soaking. It is recommended to prepare 10-15 such liners. We fold the gauze so that we get about five layers and sew it on the sides. Our reusable diapers are almost ready. The final touch will be attaching buttons to the sides of the product. The sides of the diapers will be securely fastened and will not come unfastened during the baby’s active movements.

The next method of making a diaper can be used by folding the diaper into a scarf. Take a piece of fabric 90 cm by 90 cm. Fold the fabric straight, then lay it diagonally. We lay the baby down and pass the free end between the baby’s legs. We make a belt from the ends on the sides by tying the ends of the fabric into small knots. You can also use Velcro. So we can highlight the following advantages of using reusable gauze diapers:

  • gauze will protect the child’s skin from irritation and chafing, and it is worth highlighting its environmental friendliness;
  • since the inserts are changed frequently, feces do not come into contact with the baby’s sensitive skin, the sterility of the product is ensured;
  • saving money;
  • does not require much labor to manufacture, folding and sewing such products is quite simple, and the material can always be found at hand;
  • there are no excessive flavorings in the gauze;
  • gauze products are environmentally friendly.

The disadvantage is that the products get wet quickly, but with proper care, parents should simply check more often to see if the child has defecated, thereby eliminating his discomfort in a timely manner.

To learn how to make diapers from a diaper, see the following video.

In the first months after birth, a baby makes an average of about 18 bowel movements per day. Your baby's sensitive skin requires special care during this period. Previously, diapers were used for these purposes, which not only warmed the child, but also absorbed excess moisture and baby feces. However, diapers must be constantly changed, washed and ironed, which takes a lot of time and effort. The advent of reusable diapers has made caring for a newborn much easier, but their cost leads to large expenses that not all parents can afford.

Homemade diapers will help solve the problem of maintaining the family budget when a child is born. One of the most suitable materials for their manufacture is gauze.

Types of homemade diapers

There are two general types of diapers available for DIY:

Special requirements are imposed on the material characteristics of homemade products intended to maintain hygiene and preserve the health of a child’s skin:

  • absence of components that can cause the occurrence of and;
  • the fabric should be durable, but soft enough so as not to rub the baby’s delicate skin;
  • the diaper material should absorb moisture well, promote its removal and evaporation;
  • The breathability of the material should allow the child’s skin to breathe.

Gauze diapers fully meet these requirements and have a number of advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of gauze diapers

Gauze is a very cheap and accessible material

The following advantages can be cited in favor of choosing gauze as a material for homemade diapers:

  1. Economical. One standard package of gauze is enough for 20 homemade diapers.
  2. Environmental safety, absence of harmful substances and allergens in its composition.
  3. Easy fabric processing, allowing you to create diapers of the required shape and size
  4. Softness of the fabric.
  5. Air permeability, which helps to ventilate the skin and prevents diaper rash.
  6. All feces are quickly absorbed into the fabric, keeping the baby's body clean.
  7. Gauze diapers, unlike standard diapers, are not addictive and allow you to quickly potty train your child.

The advantages of baby gauze diapers are obvious, but you must also remember their disadvantages:

  • due to the baby’s frequent bowel movements in the first months after birth, disposable gauze diapers must be constantly changed;
  • untimely change of a wet gauze diaper leads to various rashes and;
  • A reusable gauze diaper does not last long; when walking with your child or, for example, going to the pediatrician, you should stock up on spare products.

If you need to travel with your baby, you can use standard reusable diapers. This will cost much less than the constant use of such products.

Shape options for disposable gauze diapers

Gauze blanks for making disposable baby diapers do not require special processing. It is enough just to cut pieces of clean fabric of the required sizes and overcast their edges. Then you should correctly fold and wrap the gauze on the child’s body so that it does not bunch up or curl for a long time.

You can fold a gauze diaper in one of three traditional ways:

It should be remembered that a homemade diaper should be comfortable for the baby, not rub his skin and not put too much pressure on the body. First you need to practice folding gauze fabric into a diaper and choose the most convenient method for yourself.

Sewing reusable gauze diapers

To create reusable gauze diapers, you will need special patterns, since such products require additional elements - a pocket and an insert.

The pocket should be made of waterproof material. To do this, you can use oilcloth or waterproof material. Inserts, on the contrary, should absorb liquids well. For this purpose, you can use fleece, bamboo or gauze fabric. To prevent the material from coming apart later due to exposure to moisture, it must be folded in several layers and stitched along the edges. In this case, you should constantly check and periodically change wet liners. On average, about 12 such sets may be needed per day. You can reduce their number by using a piece of terry towel sewn inside a gauze insert.

To create patterns, use thick paper or fabric; the blanks must correspond to the size of the baby. The inserts can be sewn on or secured using attached snaps. The diaper will stick to the baby more tightly if you sew buttons or Velcro on the sides of the product for fastening.

Caring for homemade gauze diapers

Gauze diapers are extremely easy to care for

In order for homemade gauze diapers to last longer and not harm the child’s health, you should adhere to the following rules for caring for the products:

  1. The set of disposable diapers and reusable diaper inserts must be updated periodically. It is advisable to completely replace them with new products every 2 months.
  2. Gauze diapers should only be washed by hand, using detergents intended for children's clothes. You can use pre-boiling gauze, appropriate powders, gels, baby and laundry soap.
  3. After washing and drying items, they must be ironed, which will not only soften the fabric, but also further disinfect it.
  4. When using homemade gauze diapers, you can use various powders and creams to prevent irritation and allergies.

Gauze diapers must be changed promptly and the baby's skin must be carefully examined. If any rashes are detected and such a reaction occurs again, you should discard the selected diaper material. It is necessary to change it to a new product or choose another option for hygienic protection.

Our grandmothers and mothers could easily and without hesitation “with one left hand” fold a diaper for a baby out of any diaper. At that time, a similar skill was a necessary condition for successful motherhood. But even in our age of disposable diapers, the Internet and washing machines, any mother, if desired, can quickly master this simple science. We offer to help you detailed instructions on how to make a diaper.

What is a reusable diaper made from?

Most often, young mothers hear from older relatives and experienced friends about gauze diapers. Gauze absorbs moisture well, “breathes”, is available (sold in pharmacies very inexpensively) and only becomes softer after many washes. However, this material has its drawbacks - if you wash several pieces of raw gauze in a regular washing machine, then separating them later and turning them into diapers can be a difficult task.

For any color and size

A standard size diaper of 60x90 cm is perfect as a template for future diapers made of gauze or cotton fabric. If you approach it on a grand scale, you can prepare several options. For Smaller flaps are more comfortable for newborns, children older than 3 months will need additional inserts. In any case, a special delight gauze reusable diapers in their versatility– one size diaper is suitable from birth to one year.

How to make a reusable gauze diaper - watch the video

We decided on the material and chose the size. Now we take the future diaper and begin to learn how to fold it. Watch the video several times and try to repeat “this trick.”

1. Fold the diaper in half so that you get a rectangle with the wide part facing you, with the fold facing you.

2. Take the upper left (farthest from you) edge of the diaper - one top layer. And pull it to the right edge. In this case, the lower (closest to you) left corner extends to the middle of the upper edge. You should end up with a triangle with the top facing you and the base away from you.

3.Take the triangle by the base and turn it over to the other side. Now the triangle lies with its apex closer to you, and in the middle we see a supply of fabric. We carefully fold this “tail” in the middle of the triangle. This will be the most absorbent part of the diaper. If necessary, we also add additional fabric here, folding it into a long strip.

Actually, the reusable diaper is ready. It is convenient to hang diapers after washing by folding them in half. Once you remove the dry cloth from the line, it's easy to make a diaper right away. Once you have folded the diapers, roll them up as if you were wrapping a baby. It is convenient to store ready-made diapers in a folded form, in a pile somewhere near the changing table. For example, on the shelf above the changing pad. This way they will always be at hand.

How to put a diaper on a baby

Very simple. Take the ready-made diaper, unfold its “wings” and place the baby in the middle of the triangle so that the liner strip is between the baby’s legs. Fold the bottom edge of the triangle up, between the baby’s legs. Then take one of the “wings” of the diaper and wrap it around the top, around the baby’s waist. Make sure there are no unnecessary folds on the back. Repeat the same with the second “wing”, securing the edge inside the diaper from above.

Now it would be nice to have all this secure the structure with something. There are several options:

    On top of a gauze diaper put on pants or rompers. At the same time, you need to understand that most likely these sliders will also be wet after peeing. An additional liner may partially prevent your clothes from getting wet, but this cannot be guaranteed.

    If your home is warm enough and even hot, you don’t want to wear extra pants, you can attach a gauze diaper, buttoning the bodysuit over it. It is better if the bodysuit is a little big so that the baby does not feel too tight. Keep in mind that the likelihood of side leaks increases.

    If you need the structure to definitely not get wet, then the most convenient and comfortable option for the child is to wear woolen changing pants on top of a gauze diaper. (see video at the bottom of the page) They are usually included in sets of ecological changing systems, but they can easily be purchased separately, knitted yourself from high-quality soft wool, or even cut from an old sweater. The water-repellent properties of natural wool are enough to prevent everything around you from getting wet after peeing. To make these pants get even less wet, they are washed with a special shampoo with lanolin. You can also buy simply purified lanolin at the pharmacy and treat your panties as needed.

You can also try securing the gauze diaper with a baby safety pin. special clamps(from changing systems) or put on special waterproof panties on top, choosing them according to size.

In this video clip you can see again how to fold a gauze diaper, how to put it on your baby and how to secure it.

How many reusable gauze diapers do you need?

The answer depends on how often you use them. On average, if you use disposable diapers for sleeping and walking, you will need no more than 10 pieces of gauze per day. Taking into account daily washing and drying, prepare approximately 15-20 pieces. Accordingly, the number of required gauze diapers for a newborn increases, if you practically never use disposable diapers, and is declining if you are practicing planting(What is this? ). It must be remembered that gauze diapers are needed be sure to remove it immediately after “wet work” or stool to avoid skin irritation.

After stool, the child must be washed. We do not recommend using wet wipes instead of cleaning, as many children are allergic to the chemicals in the wipes. Instead, if necessary, you can use regular cotton pads soaked in clean water. Just as effective and simple. At the same time, you can ventilate your baby’s bottom for an additional 5 minutes. If irritation occurs, diaper cream with zinc oxide and fresh air will help. To prevent diaper rash, leave your baby to lie down without a diaper on.

How to wash gauze diapers?

It is convenient to immediately soak used gauze diapers in a container of water. This can be a basin or a special bucket for soaking in the bathroom; if desired, you can add a couple of drops of potassium permanganate solution or a little washing powder to the water. At the end of the day ask dad Throw the contents of the bucket into the washing machine.

Wash gauze and other cotton reusable diapers can and should be done in the washing machine. Use temperatures above 60 degrees and additional rinsing to ensure the cleanliness and quality of the diaper, especially if there are any problems with the baby’s skin or stool. It is not at all necessary to iron both diapers and just the diapers and clothes of a healthy baby, especially on both sides. But if someone close to you insists, don't interfere, after all, everyone can help a young mother in the way they think is right.

Why do you need all this trouble?

Using reusable gauze diapers not only helps you save money, but also seriously reduces the amount of non-degradable waste in the world your baby will live in. you can be We are confident in the quality of the diapers you make, not impregnated with synthetic gels and unknown chemicals. After each wetness you change the reusable diaper new, clean and dry, teaching the child to be neat. Therefore, the baby quickly develops an idea of ​​the cause-and-effect relationship “pee - wet - changed - dry,” which is unrealistic with the constant use of super-absorbent disposable diapers. According to the experience of many mothers, when using reusable diapers, babies quickly learn to “tolerate” little by little and pee less often at night.

When using reusable gauze diapers Only natural cotton fabric comes into contact with the baby’s skin which allows the skin to breathe. A disposable diaper also “breathes,” but only until the first wetness. After this, a plastic-paper “toilet” filled with liquid gel and left on the child’s skin turns into a kind of unhealthy compress. Due to the fact that disposable diapers are not cheap, not all mothers will immediately replace the expensive “12 hour dry” diaper after the first wetness, especially at night. By using reusable gauze diapers and changing them immediately, you will provide your child with better care and better hygiene.

What's the result?

As we see, make a reusable gauze diaper It’s not difficult, it’s quite simple and convenient to use. Any mother can at least partially replace disposable “diapers” and “huggies” with gauze and cotton diapers. And the best thing is that if necessary and desired, you can always choose– what to put on your newborn right now: a disposable or reusable diaper. Or even leave it to ventilate. Our grandmothers and mothers practically did not have this choice, but we do. So let's take advantage of this by choosing the best for your baby!
