How to behave if you like an Italian. Italian men character traits

Andriano Celentano - temperamental Italian

What a beautiful way to take care of them! What poetic compliments do you hear in your address! With what an enveloping passionate look they see you off, walking not quite firmly, but proudly, on ten-centimeter heels. Everything inside is blooming! And the abundance of superlatives in speeches? Not just beautiful, but bellissima. Not just "I'm in love", but "sono inammoratissimo", well, that is, simply "about the very ears." Everything is over the edge, passion absorbs. Yes, passion keyword Italian character.

Here is an advertisement for wine: "Share our passion." Can you imagine advertising vodka with a similar slogan? And here - please. The one who makes this wine does not just come to work every morning, but does it with passion. What about yogurt ads: “Fate amore con il sapore” (“Make love with taste”) or boiled sausage, which is proudly called “mortadella” here: “Passione e desiderio” (“Passion and desire”)? Well, where does the sausage?! We would have banned her for too frank use of the image of female sexuality.

Arriving for the first time in Italy at the age of 17, being an inexperienced virgin, I returned home in a tight mini dress, because I decided that it was a sin to hide such beauty. During the two weeks of travel, my self-esteem has greatly increased. Still, when you are walking down the street, and every passing and passing male instance shouts after you, “Beautiful, wait! Do not break My Heart!". I didn’t know Italian then, I learned a few phrases. But they were enough to understand what exactly the men were saying after me.

With each subsequent trip, self-esteem rose higher and higher. I felt like a woman. I left the house with my head held high, because I knew that I was attracting admiring glances. It's nice, damn it. And the ice cream man will ask: “What does the delightful young lady want?”, And the bartender in the cafe will call “Honey”, and even look as if he is going to propose tomorrow. It doesn't matter which one. Yes, and that's not the point. It is important to always be in good shape.

Later I worked in Moscow as a translator with Italian entrepreneurs. Exclusively business relationship. But! In communication, there was always a slight touch of flirting, without any vulgarity, elegant compliments, word game half hints and glances.

gallant. Dress with taste (what are they worth stylish shirts with matching ties in absolutely breathtaking colors, and boots that shine in any weather). And what aromas come from them! I recognize an Italian even in a multinational crowd of equally dressed men.

Then, they are all without exception handsome, they have a special become. A scavenger dangling from a truck wearing an orange reflective vest. God, how good! And here's another, sprinkling parsley in the window. And this one is so beautiful in the form of a carabinieri (I don’t like the military, but what a posture, what a profile!). Here is another doctor in a green coat. And this one is no longer young, but what a sparkle in his eyes.

In general, I was crazy about Italians. But Italy is so diverse. And the people there are also different. In the north, in the central part, in the south - opposite worlds. The northerners do not like the southerners, they consider them lazybones and parasites, the southerners snort contemptuously at the mention of the northerners: “pompous geese”, “polenta eaters” (polenta is something like a thick corn porridge, which is eaten instead of bread in the northeast).

I communicated with all sorts of types: from the south, and from the central part, and from the northwest. But I haven't seen the Northeast. Therefore, when I moved to a small town that is located between Trieste and Venice, I was very surprised. It seemed to be in another country. Where are the Italians? Where is the emotionality, where is the worship of the Woman, after all? Here people are very reserved. They follow the rules very strictly, follow “how to and how not to”.

On the street, if they look at you, then with some indifferent look. He turned his head, but in such a way that he did not strain his neck too much. No shouting after. Maybe I got sick? Maybe it's written on my forehead now that I'm married?

I wondered: “Where did those Italians go, from whom I was breathless?” But on reflection, I realized what it was.

1. I have been living in Italy for eight years now. Seen enough! Well, beauties, so what?

2. Those Italians who came to Moscow on business behaved completely differently than at home. In Russia they were politeness and courtesy itself. Here, having worked in several places, I can say that all their courtesy disappears after your first working day has begun. There are already other relationships. From them I learned the whole vocabulary obscene words Italian. And you understand that in most cases the Italians are just throwing dust in their eyes.

3. When I came to Italy, it was obvious that I was a foreigner. Therefore, these heartthrobs thought that they could afford more than with local seniors: “Ah, anyway, he will leave later.” Not to mention that there was a time (before the collapse of the USSR) when it was believed that girls from Eastern Europe were ready for anything for a pair of tights. Some people still think so. So sometimes you have to defend the moral of a Russian woman.

4. Italian men from different areas are quite different. Perhaps, living somewhere near Naples, I would complain that it is impossible to go out in a dress above the knees, because everyone around smacks their lips and shouts after “bellissima, stupenda”. And in the north, Italians are quite restrained in their emotions.

Yes, most Italians master the art of flirting almost from the cradle. But what is behind their game? You will be surprised, but many of them live with their mother until the age of 40-45. At the age of 35, they can study at the university, in the 3rd year. Italians have a completely different age scale. Where to hurry?

And in conclusion, I want to say that you can shower with compliments as much as you like, but you should not expect decisive actions from Italian men. Although, without a doubt, it's nice to be admired!

It is clear that people are all different, it is impossible to judge the whole nation by one or two examples. A lot depends on cultural education every single Italian. In this article, we discuss some common features mentality, character inherent in the majority of representatives strong half humanity living in Italy.

However, the fact remains that almost every third Italian family has a Russian woman somewhere, or rather, even more often a Ukrainian one. This probably means that among our compatriots there are Italian men

Still better than your own. The widespread opinion that Italian men are very fond of Russian women and come to us in orderly rows in search of a bride is, of course, complete nonsense, they do not need to go anywhere, they are not at all obsessed with this, on the contrary, it is our brides who go themselves to them.

So what are Italian men like?

Italians by their nature are very temperamental, emotional and falling in love just lose their heads. They know how to beautifully look after their lady of the heart, from them you will hear a thousand of the most romantic compliments. They will gladly invite you on a date to some unusual place, to a small homely and cozy restaurant, they will do something unexpected for you, they may even sing. And in this they differ from our Russian men, who are much more cool and reserved in expressing their feelings.

In Italy, the cult of the family is unusually developed and this is very felt. It is customary to spend weekends here holidays exclusively in family circle they get together for family meals. In restaurants, you can meet huge families, where all family members, without exception, are present, from newborns to 90-year-old old people with sticks or even in strollers.

In addition, for the most part, Italian men are very good fathers and family men who talk about their children with extraordinary pride. On weekends, in parks, squares, playgrounds, on the embankments, you can often meet Italian dads who are happy to roll strollers, walk, play, and mess around with their children. And therefore, having met an Italian acquaintance, you should first inquire about the health of his children, and only then his own. As for household chores, such as cleaning around the house, this is not considered only a female occupation, husbands, along with wives, cook, clean, get up at night to crying baby, go shopping.

As mentioned above, an Italian man is a good family man, he treats his other half with care, attention and respect throughout his life. Not so long ago I was convinced of this personally. I had to stay for some time in the hospital, where an elderly lady of 68 years of age was lying on the bed next to me. I found her for two days before her upcoming discharge. And during these two days her husband visited her. He, as a faithful page, came at 7 o'clock in the morning, in the middle of the day he briefly left for lunch and then returned again and was next to her until 10 o'clock in the evening. As soon as he did not console her: he poured some water, massaged and scratched her leg when she asked, helped her roll over or get out of bed, corrected her pillows, kissed her hands, stroked her forehead, and when she fell asleep he just sat next to her and looked at her. I was pleasantly surprised and shocked by what I saw! By the way, I want to note that the lady was also at the level, before she had time to wake up in the morning, hobbling, she first of all went to change into a new dressing gown, combed her hair and even made light makeup. By the way, I have long noticed that older women here are very spectacular, they carefully look after themselves, dress well and tastefully, know how to wear massive bright jewelry, and are always fashionably cut and dyed.

I was a little distracted, and so after the elderly lady was discharged, her place was taken by a young, pretty and tanned 21-year-old Italian woman, also married. In my opinion, of course, this is not typical for Italians to tie the knot so early, but this couple was expecting a replenishment of the family. The story repeated itself as if it were a blueprint, I won’t list the details, because they practically coincide with those listed above, I can only say that the young husband showed maximum care and attention to his wife, tried to indulge her slightest desires and, with a feeling of great tenderness on his face, stroked her tummy, leaning his ear against it, trying to catch the movements of his future heir. The girl spent three days in the hospital and during this time all her numerous relatives visited her: mom, dad, two aunts, uncle, grandparents and a girlfriend. So in their fortress family traditions I made sure personally. After two examples that flashed before my eyes, I concluded that an Italian man cherishes and cherishes his other half from the moment of the first meeting to the grave. And it's just wonderful!

What else distinguishes Italians?

Of course, his ability to dress stylishly. They have an amazing sense of taste, probably innate. Most Italians are very well-groomed, dress well, wear quality shoes. For Italian men, shoes are business card and that detail of the wardrobe, on which they never save. On the head of the Italian will always be fashionable haircut, and the fashion for men's hairstyles in Italy is changing very quickly. The Lumberjack beard has been in trend for many seasons now. great attention men of Italy, give accessories, shawls and scarves are also hallmark Italian style.

Italian men adore jackets, which are simply amazing, they emphasize the figure and posture. The sleeve of the jacket always allows you to see the cuff of the shirt, as well as cufflinks and watches. For example, classic jacket goes well with a downy vest, a knitted textured cardigan - with a prim suit vest and a strict tie, woolen flannel trousers are appropriate in combination not only with cashmere coat but also with a biker jacket. The whole world recognizes that Italian men are characterized by unsurpassed panache and the ability to dress elegantly and original, and at the same time they never go beyond style.

And if about women's fashion there are still disputes between Milan and Paris, then the ownership of the title male fashion, does not cause any doubts, of course this is Milan!

My friend who lives in Moscow with her Italian husband, almost went crazy when, having arrived in Moscow, he took out of his suitcases trousers of bright red and yellow color and decide what is best for him to wear. Italians traditionally use color in clothing with unsurpassed virtuosity. However, a friend who knows our Russian foundations firmly told her husband: “Darling, you are not in Italy and you will not be understood here in your red pants.” In the end, he was asked to wear their jeans. natural color, i.e. blue. And yet, you will never meet an Italian on the beach in "family shorts" and with a belly to the knees, this is simply not acceptable.

I will not say that all Italian men are so fashionable, brutal and irresistible, of course not, but the fact that there are many of them here is a fact, and to make sure of this it is absolutely not necessary to go to Milan or Rome, you can meet them even in the smallest townships.

There is nothing more Italian than an Italian man

Immediately make a reservation that it is unlikely that anyone will succeed in deriving the formula. Because it does not exist, just as there are no exact parameters absolutely beautiful woman or an algorithm for preparing the perfect borscht. As in any large and relatively isolated group of people, in Italian society there are certain traditions, peculiarities of education, and unique character traits due to historical and geographical factors also take place. In addition, it is worth understanding that even when the main characteristics of a typical Italian become clear, it is your acquaintance who may turn out to be an exception to all (or not all) rules, surprising both you and the statistics.


The typical Italian general case sometimes swarthy, brown-eyed and dark-haired, of medium height - a kind of short burning brunette. Against the background of larger neighbors in Europe, Italians are agile and smiling, demonstrating the superiority of quality, or rather qualities, over quantity. Representatives of the fair sex characterize his appearance as very pleasant and romantic. But this description is more suitable for the southerners. The farther north, the more "European", men look ordinary: they are not dark hair, on so deep dark eyes even the skin becomes paler and more translucent. Nevertheless, the Italian essence can be seen from afar through openness and active gestures.

An Italian man cares about how he looks. He loves life, he loves women and beauty, he simply must love himself. His appearance, if not flawless, is constantly striving for this: he is always clean-shaven, elegant and surrounded by a subtle pleasant aroma. Don't be surprised if your new acquaintance easily knocks you out of the belt in the field of awareness of the latest fashion collections and trends. Caring for appearance does not end with clothes - a man will scrupulously select accessories to his image, starting with accessories, hairstyles and ending with a chic car.

Man son

To the point of becoming a stereotype, the love of Italians for their mothers is known. In fact, this is not an exaggeration, but even some "understatement". The commitment to family values ​​is traditionally strong among the Italian people, so men (and women too) are touchingly devoted to the family and the hearth. It is for this reason that it is enough mature man may well live in the parents' house, often with own wife and children. According to statistics, approximately 80% of grown-up Italians under the age of 30 live with their parents. This has been happening for many generations and is considered the norm.

Did you manage to convince your Italian husband that it would be better to move to? You tried in vain if his mother does not support your point of view. As soon as she rolls her eyes and picturesquely grabs her heart, her son will immediately forget about the promise he made the day before and will not return to this issue again soon.

Italian women are born actresses and have absolute power over their sons. Do you want your opinion to be taken into account? Make friends with your mother-in-law, admire her skills and, perhaps, get some measure of freedom and support.

Sunday dinner with parents is an integral part male life. Photo Fabio Bruna

Of course, such a noticeable feature among representatives of other cultures is not always understood, and then the Italian man receives the “stigma” of a sissy, which, in general, is not true. On the other hand, the guy's focus on the family and his sincere attention to numerous relatives often become a decisive factor in conquering female heart, especially if the girl is a foreigner and is not familiar with the Italian mentality. And the truth: instinctively a woman ( future mother) is looking for a caring father for his children, and the manifestation of care for the family clearly signals to her that this male has the right attitudes. Moreover, it is very possible that the Italian’s love for his relatives will develop into “falling in love” with the relatives of his wife (girlfriend), which may indicate that the relationship is really serious, and the young man has accepted new people into the family.

Of course, not everything is perfect in this kind of relationship. Among the "home" Italian youths there are also frank parasites who prefer to stay in parental home only because here they will always be fed, dressed and treated kindly. They do not seek to work, start a family and are generally alien to the desire for independence.

Male lover

Italian men in the Middle Ages gained a reputation as fatal seducers. Indeed, they are mostly temperamental, courteous and look very organic when flirting with girls. Again, this is especially striking in comparison with other Europeans, among them Italians are real "machos", at least in words.

The art of seduction is facilitated by an innate sense of humor, love of life and ... high intelligence. Yes Yes, unbiased statistics highlights Italian men as very readable. Many of them are interested in religious and classical texts, and most are well versed in poetry, which they are not averse to showing their girlfriends.

Food and women are the two pleasures of the Italian man. Photo Antico Casale di Scansano

Why are the Italians more attractive than their no less intelligent, beautiful and sociable opponents? The fact is that the inhabitants of the Apennines invest in flirting all their natural data and skills, without concentrating on something separate. For them, the process of seduction seems absolutely natural, like breathing, and therefore they resort to it regularly. And this is not a game: plunging into flirting, the Italian in Once again falls in love, and the gap is almost going through stronger girl. It is not for nothing that almost all Italian songs are about love, and a large part of them are about unhappy love and a broken heart.

Gigi D "Alessio, Lara Fabian - Un Cuore Malato

Most European (and not only) women are sure that Italian men are just sexy. And how can you think otherwise about a handsome, courteous and always actively showing interest in opposite sex a man? Foreign women, even with the most mediocre appearance, feel very comfortable in Italy, because. locals are never rude. On the other hand, your Italian companion may well stare at the surrounding girls and compliment them. Such behavior is a manifestation of his love for the world and all the beauty that fills it. But do not expect that you are allowed to behave the same way, it will not be difficult to provoke an outbreak of jealousy.

Speaking of gender relations, one cannot ignore behavior in bed. No, Italians are not sexual giants at all, although surprisingly the vast majority of women remain very satisfied after sexual intercourse with them. The secret is simple: even with the full disposition of a new (or permanent) partner, when the goal has already seemed to be achieved and you can just have fun, the Italian man retains two main and very important features - openness and attentiveness. Such a partner will be open to experiments and new experiences, but at the same time he will always keep his attention to the woman, leaving her desires in the first place.

With an Italian, you are always the center of attention. Photo Antico Casale di Scansano

Unfortunately, among today's Italian youth is increasingly common consumer attitude both women and sex. In this case, you will have to try hard to awaken in a man the desire to sacrifice part of his pleasure and show attention to the needs of his partner. IN last years“indecisive” Italians also began to appear, who are simply afraid to approach the girl they like on the street, knowing uneasy attitude some Europeans to spontaneous courtship.

male husband

It would seem, how is the craving for a family and constant flirting combined in one person? Firstly, there is always a small part of those who are only interested in family (they marry very early and remain faithful), and those who never get cold to long legs, short skirts and fresh relationships (if they marry, then many times, always ready for new adventures). The majority, in the end, reach the goal of their search - that woman who meets all the internal requirements and is able to constantly maintain interest in herself. With her, the Italian forgets about turbulent youth and becomes an exemplary (or almost exemplary) family man.

father man

Despite the reverence family values, amorousness can turn the head of even the most homely Italian. Not often, but this situation can lead to a break. marital relations. After a divorce, a man is able to forget ex-wife but never children.

He will love his offspring equally in marriage, out of marriage, whether they are in the next room or on another continent. And at the same time, he will instill in them endless reverence for mothers and women, thereby fulfilling the main testament of the Italian family education. The children will answer paternal love reciprocity, trusting him as to the best friend, feeling the essence of the "eternal child" under the courageous appearance.

male worker

Work for an Italian man is not at all the meaning of life. And in the company of friends, it is unlikely that communication suddenly turned into a discussion of working moments. Such a detachment from work topics is very appealing to Americans, Germans, and many other “non-Italian women”, in whose homeland men put careers in the first place. No, if it were the will of the Italian, he would not work at all. But the enjoyment of life requires material nourishment, so a man works and sometimes, it should be noted, very well.

Despite the love of idle pastime, Italian men are incredibly practical: all objects, animals and even people in their lives must certainly be useful. Therefore, if you become an Italian girl, but at the same time you don’t know how and don’t want to do household chores, always be beautiful. By remaining attractive, you will satisfy his aesthetic needs, and out of habit, he will entrust dinner and cleaning to his mother.

If an Italian applies to work in best case exactly, then hobbies are given with all passion. This is where perseverance, diligence, and the ability to bring things to the end can manifest themselves. Hobbies most often include sports disciplines, especially football. True, only a small part of the male contingent directly goes in for sports, the majority shows the strength of temperament in sports bars or in front of the TV screen.

Italian "tifoso". Photo LaertesCTB

Of course, one should not think that an Italian man is a gift from God for any woman, but it is quite certain that he is able to make at least some of them happy.

The cultural heritage of Rome, magnificent landscapes and gentle sea, not to mention the cuisine and music - all this won the heart of more than one tourist. But not only Italy conquers the hearts, but also the Italians themselves, and today many Russian girls dream of marrying a resident of this country. Therefore, let's leave the sights and nature aside, and talk about gentlemen. What are they, Italians? What can a Russian bride expect from a foreign groom?

The mentality of Italian men

Italians are impetuous people, prone to passions. Their expansive temperament is completely different from the calmer Russian and in many ways resembles the Caucasian. At the first visit, Italy and its people conquer with their openness and color, but with more close acquaintance you will encounter many surprises, and not all of them will be pleasant.

First of all, the musicality of Italians should be noted - almost everyone loves to sing and has a beautiful voice, so they are happy to pamper their chosen ones love confessions in the form of serenades, opera arias and simply beautiful songs.

Italian men are one of the best lovers peace; they are passionate, hot and irrepressible, not only in bed, but also in courtship in general. Endless compliments, gifts, confessions, willingness to throw the world at the feet of your beloved is a common thing for every Italian. Italians are masters of beautiful words, they love to make promises and build castles in the air, but they do not always fulfill them, depending on the situation and opportunities.

They cannot be called, through their generosity, economical and rational in financial matters; unlike the men of many other European countries, they willingly spend money on their lover and dates. They are happy to pay small bills, pay for two in a restaurant, give flowers, and can even give money just like that, for personal expenses.

But the Italians are not particularly generous either. Despite their willingness to spend, they keep the expense of romance in check and will never spend more than they see fit. Therefore, despite the first impressions, it will not work to “live beautifully” at the expense of the Italian during the period of romance and courtship, even if he is provided.

The men of this country prefer to communicate live, at least by phone. The Internet is not their environment, and Italians are not inclined to conduct long correspondence. Dates, meetings with friends, visiting football matches and beer bars - there is nothing better than live communication, so be prepared that you will see each other often and spend a lot of time together. By the way, there are almost no alcoholics among Italians, despite their love for wine and beer.

Italian men in relationships

Italian before and after marriage different person. After you say the most important words and exchange rings, it can change dramatically. Ownership, jealousy, constant control - once you become his legal wife, your life is in danger of becoming a series, full of passion, violent quarrels and reconciliations.

And not only men behave this way - Italian couples can endlessly hang on their phones, sorting things out. Noisy scenes of jealousy and family squabbles are the norm in Italy, so they often happen not only at home, but also in public.

But constant calls with checks, demands for reports and explanations in the spirit of “why did you look at him like that” is actually a sign not of despotism, but of love and concern for your woman. It's just that Italians express it that way, often being good-natured and non-confrontational people by nature, just too sensitive and emotional.

How to choose a groom?

Much in your future relationship will depend not only on your desires and goals, but also on the groom. You need to choose wisely and very carefully. Marrying a wealthy Italian is not only difficult, but very difficult. There are many wealthy families in Italy who have been developing their business for several generations, and that’s all. important decisions in them takes general advice and not the man himself.

Therefore, parents will do their best to prevent the marriage of their beloved son with an incomprehensible foreigner, who, in their opinion, does not need him, but the family fortune. Poor and not very handsome guys, as in many countries, they are often left alone, and often they are the ones who try to seduce foreigners who are not particularly versed in the nuances of local culture and mentality.

It is not difficult to find a gentleman upon arrival in Italy - the appearance of a typical Russian girl for this country is exotic and therefore very attractive. So fans will be found themselves, and quickly, especially if you are a blonde. But the most attentive and decent Italian, in the eyes of an inexperienced Russian woman, can easily turn out to be a “tourist lover”, divorced father of many children or just a loser.

Therefore, do not rush to final conclusions, no matter how beautifully your romance develops.

Italian family

Family life in Italy is built on the principle “mother is sacred”, and the cult of the mother in this country reaches incredible proportions. Because of which " sissy"Almost every third man is, and often they are not looking for a wife, but rather a "second mother" who will take care of him, endure all the whims and love immensely unilaterally.

Even quite successful and accomplished men in one way or another listen to the opinion of their mother, so you will also have to like her, and not just your chosen one. If you live separately, then this is not a hindrance for your parents - they will constantly strive to take part in all your affairs. There are families in Italy with more progressive, free views, but the likelihood that you will come across a traditional one is very high.

The love of love and temperament of Italians often pushes them to betrayal and petty intrigues on the side, especially during the wife's pregnancy and the first years after childbirth. But women are strictly forbidden to even think about something like that. Any "wrong" view or even a hint of light flirting with an outsider - a reason for scandal and jealousy.

For an Italian wife, the most important thing in life should be the interests of her husband and children, even if this means staying at home most of the time. In any case, today in Europe without a lot of confirmed diplomas Good work You can’t find a foreigner, but work, for example, as a dishwasher ... You didn’t travel so far for this, did you?

The Italian husband considers his main duty to be the material support of the family, but you should not expect special luxury and money for yourself personally. At the first place - family budget, so you will receive from your husband as much as you need to maintain family hearth. For an Italian, a wife is a helper and mother, not a "flip-tail" who spends her husband's money and loves shopping.

Separately, it is worth mentioning divorces - even in the last century they were banned, and to this day they remain complex and long processes. Moreover, when choosing with whom the children should stay, the court usually takes the side of the father. And it's not about infringing on the rights of women, the interests of the whole family are simply taken into account, and the husband's parents will never give up their children now ex-wife especially if they are from another country.

If the wedding took place in a church, then only the Pope himself can give permission for a divorce. Therefore, when deciding to marry an Italian, it is worth once again weighing the pros and cons, taking into account not only romantic, but also all the everyday nuances inherent in the culture of this country.

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For Italian men, the boundaries of what is permitted in relation to women are hidden somewhere beyond the horizon. There is a certain kind of Italian male mentality that you need to learn to perceive and understand correctly. It should, of course, be remembered that all men, and Italians are no exception, are different, and the perception of women, especially Russians, is correspondingly the same. In addition, the Italians themselves differ in mentality, this is especially noticeable between the North and South of Italy. But from the very beginning, be prepared for the fact that Italian men will chat with you on the street in the middle of the day, asking if you have a boyfriend, and if you answer that you do, this will not embarrass them at all. Poor foreign women are at a loss and do not know how to respond to exclamations like: “Beauty! Do you want me"? In Italian culture, this is considered normal, but only in daylight. When the sun goes down, this behavior is seen as vulgarity or a gesture of desperation. So don't be afraid if someone flirts with you while you are photographing beautiful fountains or historical monuments. If they show interest in you too clearly and simply do not give you a pass, angrily say: “Mi lasci in pace”? Does that mean "leave me alone"? Works almost always. There are, of course, tougher phrases to pacify spermatotoxicosis, but this is usually enough. Otherwise, immediately start shouting at the top of your voice (and this is not a joke). Stop harassment in a bar or nightclub immediately and sharply let's turn from the gate.


In order not to provoke Italian men once again, hide shorts and miniskirts away. Big role also plays shoes. For some reason, men in Italy believe that foreign women suffer from a lack of male attention, And clear sign of this are old, trampled sandals. Try to have expensive ones on you, but comfortable shoes. This is a signal that you occupy a higher social level. It's possible they'll leave you alone.


Italians generally don't touch women unless they receive certain cues. But the signals are different, and with an unexpected touch, you should respond instantly. Lightly hit the stranger's hand, as if swatting a mosquito.


When you're introduced to a man, it's best to just shake hands. Among young people, it is customary to kiss lightly on both cheeks, but for foreigners it is more reasonable to confine yourself to a handshake. If a man still touches your cheek with his lips, you have two options for behavior. A smile and favor means that you like him, and you are not averse to flirting with him. If you want to stop any further relations, defiantly rub your cheek (preferably with an antibacterial wipe).


Italian men are very fond of beautiful words. When courting, they will compare you to a goddess descended from heaven. Spreading about how your eyes are like stars, and beauty gives meaning to all life, they do not try to get you into bed faster. These are the usual compliments italian woman reacts quite calmly. They expect the same response from you. By the way, after marriage, Italians do not stop admiring their women. They will always notice new hairstyle, express their opinion about the dress and appreciate how the shoes emphasize the beauty of your legs.


The serious intentions of an Italian man can be found out on the fourth or fifth date. If he wants you to consider him a worthy and reliable person, he will take you to his home. There you will be introduced to your parents, aunts, uncles and half of the neighbors. This should reassure you that he is from a good family and has no secrets. If there were several dates, and you still have not seen a single member of his family, then he is married.
The very first dates can be in a cafe and on the waterfront. An Italian will not make an appointment at a bar and offer to drink alcohol with him if he does not consider you a woman of ill repute. Even Italian men like to date on the beach, trying to impress, as their swimming trunks are more like thongs. Don't be afraid and don't be embarrassed! Just take a big sun hat with you to hide your face.
