Parent meeting in a non-traditional form in kindergarten. Parents' meeting "The beginning of the school year - the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten, parents and its pupils Parents' meeting kindergarten beginning of the year

Nadezhda Bukhlaeva
General parent meeting “The beginning of the school year - the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten, parents and its students”

Scenario general parent meeting at MBDOU« Kindergarten"Baby" village KIM"

the date of the: October 2017

Subject: « The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of kindergarten, parents and their pupils»

Goals: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for interaction for a new academic year; improving pedagogical culture parents.

Tasks: introduce parents with the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of the preschool institution for the new academic year; update families' personal data pupils; teach parents observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace

Form of conduct: meeting in the music room.

Participants: head of preschool educational institution, specialists, educators, art. preschool nurse, parents.

Event plan:

1. Introductory part.

2. Elections

3. Familiarization parents with the goals and objectives of the educational institution for the new academic year

4. Filling out the form.

5. Briefly about miscellaneous things.

Progress of the event

1. Preparatory stage

1. Preparation of questionnaires for parents and reminders.

2. Development of a draft solution parent meeting.

2. Introductory part

Expensive our children's parents! We are very glad to see you at general parent meeting preschool because we we understand: without alliance with families pupils, without your support and help in education and development of children, creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in children's gardening is an impossible task. What should our union be like? What can we, adults, do for children so that they life was the garden joyful, eventful and interesting?

We want to continue the meeting with the most important document on which we are working - the Law of the Russian Federation "About Education", where in article 18 it says: « Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral, intellectual development of the child’s personality in childhood. To help the family in education there is a network of preschool educational institutions for children.”

Dear parents!

How do you imagine what modern kindergarten?

(Survey parents)

Children's a garden is a big house where "live" And "create" children, teachers, parents.

How do you imagine modern children?

(Opinion exchange)

Modern children

So different:

There are children who are restless,

There are mischievous children

Why are there children?

They want to know a lot

They dream when they grow up (children read poetry)

Fly to the moon.

There are calm children

Quiet and modest

They love with their mothers

Play all day

Friends are not offended

Adults are respected.

About such kids

One can only dream.

- Children's The garden is not only about children, but also about wonderful teachers. I would really like to know what you mean by the concept "modern teacher» .

(Statements parents)

Modern teacher -

This miracle is a teacher:

Knows and can do a lot

He will teach everyone a lesson.

For children - a second mother, (children read poetry)

He is a friend to employees

For parents - mentor,

He will replace everyone around him.

He is both a janitor and a painter,

Modern teacher -

He has God's gift.

The image of a modern kindergarten will be incomplete, if we don't describe parents. Let's try to create a portrait of a modern parent.

(Statements parents.)

Modern parent -

What can I blame him for?

Eat parent -"customer" -

He loves to talk

Observer – parent

It will only be to see.

Activist and helper -

Giving children joy.

While the child is in kindergarten we(children, teachers and parents) make a triangle.

(Educator The pointer points to a diagram in the form of a triangle.)

Teacher Parent

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. He, learning new, reveals himself (what I can, what I can do, what I am capable of). The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. We should not forget about society, which plays a big role in the development of a child.

What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? (will fall)

Remember I. Krylov's fable "Swan, Crayfish and Pike": “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, and what will come out of it is nothing but torment.” It follows from this that we should combine our efforts to make children comfortable and interesting in kindergarten.

You probably already guessed that our the meeting will be unusual.

So, today we are children, teachers and parents- we go on a cruise on the ocean of Knowledge.

The Basic Commandment of Travel: do not leave the race and reach the finish line. Finish, the main goal is our children, general the development of each child as an individual, their preparation for school. The length of the journey is not one month, but a whole year.

The distance is long and not easy: with turns, difficulties and problems.

At the same time those parents Those who successfully complete this distance with their children will receive new knowledge, discoveries and ideas along the way. All employees participate in the journey kindergarten, the group of leaders consists parents, educators.

Organizing time

To go on such a long voyage, we need a reliable, equipped and beautiful boat. This is ours kindergarten and our groups(subject-developmental environment, without it the full comprehensive development of our children is impossible). A story about a subject-development environment

How can you go sailing without a reliable crew! I suggest choosing parental a committee from each group that will work together with educators organizing all our joint projects.

Elections new composition of the parent committee

Conclusion. In any team, understanding, good relationships, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important. Conditions for harmonious relationships between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents is the ability to give in to each other, mutual tolerance.

Features of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

The ship is ready to sail. Full speed ahead! No. We are still missing something! Of course, the life-saving means is pedagogical knowledge.

Story parents about educational programs according to which the pedagogical process is carried out, tasks education and training for a new academic year. Features of the educational process in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. (Art. teacher)

Feedback from parents

Parents ask questions that interest them, make suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process. They are given a memo "Rules for parents»

1. The team is also a family. Strengthen the peace of our family with good thoughts, kind words, and good deeds.

2. Always be friendly. Friendliness is the basis of your health.

3. Live easily, simply and joyfully. See the positive in everything.

4. Be kind and honest. Remember that the good you do will always return to you multiplied.

5. Always be in balance, restraining negative emotions.

6. Do not create conflict situations.

7. Get out of conflict situations with dignity and humor.

8. Love the child for who he is.

9. Respect the individuality of each child.

10. When your child talks to you, listen carefully. Don't be stingy with praise.

11. Notice not the child’s shortcomings, but the dynamics of his development.

12. Praise, encourage, encourage, creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

A story from an additional education teacher about group work at a preschool educational institution.

Head nurse on the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in preschool educational institutions

Filling parents' questionnaires

Briefly about miscellaneous things

Admission of children to children's gardening is carried out from 7.30 to 8.30. Being late interferes with the teaching process, distracts children and educators from operating conditions and charging.

If for some reason you are late, notify teacher, wait until the morning exercises are over, do not push the children while doing the exercises.

* behind children's Pay for the garden by the 15th of each month.

If the child does not attend children's kindergarten due to illness, vacation, etc., then the child is admitted to children's kindergarten only with a certificate from a pediatrician.

It is not allowed to bring pistols, sabers, swords, nail polish, lipsticks, perfumes, etc., chewing gum, or candy to treat your friends. If we want to give a treat, we bring it to all the children, or we don’t bring it.

You can't pick up children parents drunk and persons under 15 years of age. Educator has the right not to give up the child in these cases.

Request parents– take part in group life and kindergarten.

Final part

Exercise "Wish"(wishes for the new school year for children, parents, teachers)

Parents in a circle, plays a tambourine

You roll, merry tambourine,

Hands over quickly.

Who has a cheerful tambourine?

He will tell us his wish!

In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation of friendly relations in children's and parent groups, as well as in relationships

V Kindergarten was fun, Fine. I wonder if he would happily go to kindergarten, made friends with the guys and returned home happy, because loving adults were waiting for him at home.

The journey to the land of Knowledge continues. We wish you success, interesting discoveries, fun games and true friends! Only forward!

Is our the meeting has come to an end. See you again!

Solution parent meeting:

1. Chairman elect the parent committee of the kindergarten:

2. Approve parental committee next composition:

3. Accept the rules for execution parents.

4. Teachers and parents interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - creating favorable conditions for the education of children in the existing team.


Dear parent!

MBDOU children's Garden No. 7 asks you to answer questions and fill out a form. The questionnaire is anonymous.

Your opinion about our work is very important to us. kindergarten.

1. Are you satisfied with the work of our kindergarten?

Completely satisfied;

Partially satisfied;

Not satisfied at all.

2. Your child goes to kindergarten

With pleasure;

Through force;

More often with pleasure;

Rarely with desire.

3. Are you satisfied with the work of teachers in the group?

Completely satisfied;

Partially satisfied;

Not satisfied at all.

4. What do you think? Children in kindergarten

Gain interesting knowledge and skills of cultural behavior;

They get it, but not enough;

I don't get anything new;

Receive harmful information;

I find it difficult to answer.

5. Your awareness of the job kindergarten


at all do not have information;

You prefer not to have information because it upsets me.

6. Information about children's garden you buy

From visual propaganda kindergarten;

According to others parents;

From teacher;

On meetings;

From the manager;

You don't receive it.

7. Are you comfortable going to work, leaving your child behind? kindergarten?


8. Would you like to kindergarten:

The material base has increased;

The ethics of everyday life have increased;

The attitude towards children has changed;

There was respect for parents;

Quality has increased educational-educational work;

It would be interesting work with parents;

More often I would get interesting work with parents;

Meetings with a nurse and doctor were arranged more often;

I would like you to know more about your child, his difficulties, successes

You can add comments and suggestions for work kindergarten. Thank you for your participation!

Venue: MBDU "Solnyshko". Music hall.

Time: 16h 30 min

Goals: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: introduce parents to the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of the preschool institution for the new school year; update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace

Form: meeting

Participants: administration, parents, music director

Event plan:

1. Introductory part. Watching the video “Vernisage of events at the MBDU “Solnyshko” for the 2016-2017 academic year.” Acquaintance with new regulatory documents. (Head Varenik N.A.)

2. Message from the chairman of the parent committee.

3. Election of new members of the parent committee

  1. Introducing parents to the goals and objectives of the educational institution for the new academic year.

Presentation “Educational activities of preschool educational institutions” (senior teacher Leshukova A.N.)

  1. Briefly about various things (issues of education, ecology, cooperation). Carrying out the event: “Living Planet”
  2. Solution.

Progress of the event

1.Preparatory stage

  1. Preparation of questionnaires for parents and memos.
  2. Development of a draft decision of the parent meeting.
  3. Creation of a video film “Vernisage of events at MBDU “Solnyshko” for the 2016-2017 academic year”
  4. Selection of social videos about raising children and positive parenting.

2. Introductory part

Dear parents of our children! We are very glad to see you at the general parent meeting of the preschool institution, because we understand: without an alliance with the families of the pupils, without your support and assistance in the upbringing and development of children, creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in the kindergarten, it is an impossible task. What should our union be like? What can we, adults, do for children to make their life in the garden joyful, rich and interesting?

We want to continue the meeting with the most important document on which we are working - the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, where Article 18 states: “Parents are first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral, and intellectual development of the child’s personality in childhood. IN help families in raising children have a network of preschool educational institutions.”

Getting to know new regulatory documents

(Internal regulations of preschool educational institutions, Rules for the admission and enrollment of preschool educational institutions students for training in educational programs of preschool educational institutions, Procedure and grounds for the transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students, Parental agreement, Order “On measures to prevent the illegal collection of funds from parents (legal representatives) of students , students of educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea"

Dear parents!(Senior teacher Leshukova A.N.) View the presentation.

What do you imagine a modern kindergarten to be?

(Parent survey)

A kindergarten is a big house where children, teachers, and parents “live” and “create.”

How do you imagine modern children?

(Opinion exchange)

Kindergarten is not only about children, but also about wonderful teachers. I would very much like to know what you mean by the concept of “modern educator.”

(Parents' statements)

The image of a modern kindergarten will be incomplete if we do not describe the parents. Let's try to create a portrait of a modern parent.

(Parents' statements.)

Modern parent -

What can I blame him for?

There is a parent - “customer” -

He loves to talk

Observer - parent

It will only be to see.

Activist and helper -

Giving children joy.

Watching social videos.

During a child’s stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers and parents) form a triangle.

(The teacher points with a pointer to a diagram in the form of a triangle.)

Teacher Parent

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. By learning new things, he discovers himself (what I can do, what I can do, what I am capable of). The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. We should not forget about society, which plays a big role in the development of a child.

What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? ( will fall)

Remember I. Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Cancer and the Pike”: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, and what will come out of it is nothing but torment.” From this it follows that we should combine our efforts to make children comfortable and interesting in kindergarten.

You probably already guessed that our meeting will be unusual.

So, today we - children, teachers and parents - are going on a cruise on the ocean of Knowledge.

The main commandment of travel: do not leave the race and reach the finish line. The end, the main goal is our children, the overall development of each child as an individual, their preparation for school. The length of the journey is not one month, but a whole year.

The distance is long and difficult: with turns, difficulties and problems.

At the same time, those parents who successfully complete this distance with their children will find new knowledge, discoveries and ideas along the way. All kindergarten employees participate in the trip; the group of leaders consists of parents and teachers.

Message from the Chairman of the Parents Committee

We say words of gratitude to those who assisted in carrying out repair work and preparing the group for the new academic year.

How can you go sailing without a reliable crew?! I propose to select a parent committee from each group, which will organize all our joint projects together with the teachers.

Election of a new parent committee

Conclusion. In any team, understanding, good relationships, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important. The conditions for harmonious relationships between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents are the ability to give in to each other and mutual tolerance.

Features of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

The ship is ready to sail. Full speed ahead! No... we are still missing something! Of course, the saving grace is pedagogical knowledge.

Message from senior teacher Leshukova A.N.

The senior teacher tells parents about the educational programs through which the pedagogical process is carried out, the tasks of education and training for the new school year. Features of the educational process in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Feedback from parents

Parents ask questions that interest them, make suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process. They are given a “Rules for Parents” memo.


  1. The team is also a family. Strengthen the peace of our family with good thoughts, kind words, and good deeds.
  2. Always be friendly. Friendliness is the basis of your health.
  3. Living is easy, simple and joyful. See the positive in everything.
  4. Be kind and honest. Remember that the good you do will always return to you multiplied.
  5. Always be in balance, holding back negative emotions.
  6. Don't create conflict situations.
  7. Deal with conflict situations with dignity and humor.
  8. Love the child for who he is.
  9. Respect each child's individuality.
  10. When your child talks to you, listen carefully. Don't be stingy with praise.
  11. Notice not the child’s shortcomings, but the dynamics of his development.
  12. Praise, encourage, encourage, creating a positive emotional atmosphere.
  1. Parents filling out a form
  2. Briefly about miscellaneous things
  • Children are admitted to kindergarten from 8.00 to 8.30. Being late interferes with the teaching process and distracts children and teachers from regular routines and exercises.
  • If for some reason you are late, warn the teacher, wait until the morning exercises are completed, and do not have children during the exercises.

*pay for kindergarten by the 10th of each month.

  • If a child does not attend kindergarten due to illness, vacation, etc., then the child is admitted to kindergarten only with a certificate from a pediatrician.
  • It is not allowed to bring pistols, sabers, swords, nail polish, lipsticks, perfumes, etc., chewing gum, or candy to treat your friends. If we want to give a treat, we bring it to all the children, or we don’t bring it.
  • Drunk parents and persons under 15 years of age are not allowed to pick up their children. The teacher has the right not to send the child in these cases.
  • Girls need to bring a comb.
  • We ask parents to take part in the life of the group and kindergarten in the design of the site and group. Take part in competitions,

Agitation-action “Living Planet”


In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation of friendly relations in children’s and parent teams, as well as in relations between parents and teachers of a preschool institution. We need to make sure that the child in kindergarten has fun and good. It is interesting that he goes to kindergarten with joy, makes friends with the kids and returns home happy, because loving adults are waiting for him at home.

We wish you success, interesting discoveries, fun games and true friends! Only forward!

Our meeting has come to an end. See you again!

Parent meeting decision:

  1. To elect the following as the chairman of the parent committee of the kindergarten:
  2. Approve the parent committee with the following composition:

3.Enforce the rules for parents.

  1. Teachers and parents interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - creating favorable conditions for the education of children in an established team.

5. Approve the regulatory documents of the preschool educational institution: Internal regulations for pre-school pupils, Rules for the admission and recruitment of pre-school pupils for training in pre-school educational programs, Procedure and grounds for the transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of pupils, Regulations on the procedure for attracting, spending and accounting for voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities, Procedure for accepting donations.


Dear parent!

MBDU kindergarten "Solnyshko" asks you to answer questions and fill out a form. The questionnaire is anonymous.

Your opinion about the work of the kindergarten is very important to us.

1.Are you satisfied with the work of our kindergarten?

  • completely satisfied;
  • partially satisfied;
  • not satisfied at all.
  1. Your child goes to kindergarten
  • with pleasure;
  • through force;
  • often with pleasure;
  • rarely with desire.
  1. Are you satisfied with the work of teachers in the group?
  • completely satisfied;
  • partially satisfied;
  • not satisfied at all.
  1. 4. How do you think? Children in kindergarten
  • gain interesting knowledge and skills of cultural behavior;
  • they receive, but not enough;
  • I don't get anything new;
  • receive harmful information;
  • I find it difficult to answer.
  1. Your awareness of the work of the kindergarten
  • full;
  • partial;
  • you have no information at all;
  • prefer not to have information because it upsets me.
  1. You purchase information about the kindergarten
  • from visual propaganda for kindergarten;
  • according to other parents;
  • from the teacher;
  • at meetings;
  • from the manager;
  • you don't get it.
  1. Are you comfortable going to work, leaving your child in kindergarten?
  • Yes;
  • No;
  • partially.
  1. Would you like the kindergarten to:
  • the material base has increased;
  • the ethics of everyday life have improved;
  • the attitude towards children has changed;
  • respect for parents arose;
  • the quality of educational work has improved;
  • interesting work would be carried out with parents;
  • I would get interesting work with parents more often;
  • meetings with a nurse and doctor were arranged more often;
  • I would like you to know more about your child, his difficulties, successes

You can add comments and suggestions regarding the work of the kindergarten. Thank you for your participation!


Goals :



Parent meeting

“The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten, parents and its students”

Prepared and conducted:

Head of MDOBU No. 4



Orenburg region

Andreeva M.N.


Scenario of the general parent meeting at MDOBU No. 4 “Lukomorye”

Date: October 2016

Subject: “The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten, parents and its students”

Goals : expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks : introduce parents to the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of the preschool institution for the new school year; update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace


Participants: educators, parents.

Event plan:

1. Introductory part.

2. Message from the chairman of the parent committee.

3. Election of new members of the parent committee

4. Introducing parents to the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution for the new school year. Features of the educational process in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

5.Acquaintance with new regulatory documents.

6. Filling out the form.

7. Briefly about miscellaneous things.

Progress of the event

1.Preparatory stage

  1. Preparation of questionnaires for parents and memos.
  2. Development of a draft decision of the parent meeting.

2. Introductory part

Dear parents of our children! We are very glad to see you at the general parent meeting of the preschool institution, because we understand: without an alliance with the families of the pupils, without your support and assistance in the upbringing and development of children, creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in the kindergarten, it is an impossible task. What should our union be like? What can we, adults, do for children to make their life in the garden joyful, rich and interesting?

We want to continue the meeting with the most important document on which we are working - the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, where Article 18 states: “Parents are first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral, and intellectual development of the child’s personality in childhood. IN help families in raising children have a network of preschool educational institutions.”

Dear parents!

What do you imagine a modern kindergarten to be?

(Parent survey)

A kindergarten is a big house where children, teachers, and parents “live” and “create.”

How do you imagine modern children?

(Opinion exchange)

Modern children

The different ones are:

There are children who are restless,

There are mischievous children

Why are there children?

They want to know a lot

They dream when they grow up

Fly to the moon.

There are calm children

Quiet and modest

They love with their mothers

Play all day

Friends are not offended

Adults are respected.

About such kids

One can only dream.

Kindergarten is not only about children, but also about wonderful teachers. I would very much like to know what you mean by the concept of “modern educator.”

(Parents' statements)

Modern educator -

This miracle is a teacher:

Knows and can do a lot

He will teach everyone a lesson.

For children - a second mother,

He is a friend to employees

For parents - a mentor,

He will replace everyone around him.

He is both a janitor and a painter,

Modern educator -

He has God's gift.

The image of a modern kindergarten will be incomplete if we do not describe the parents. Let's try to create a portrait of a modern parent.

(Parents' statements.)

Modern parent

What can I blame him for?

There is a parent - “customer” -

He loves to talk

Observer - parent

It will only be to see.

Activist and helper -

Giving children joy.

During a child’s stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers and parents) form a triangle.

(The teacher points with a pointer to a diagram in the form of a triangle.)


Teacher Parent

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. By learning new things, he discovers himself (what I can do, what I can do, what I am capable of). The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. We should not forget about society, which plays a big role in the development of a child.

What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? ( will fall)

Remember I. Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Cancer and the Pike”: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, and what will come out of it is nothing but torment.” From this it follows that we should combine our efforts to make children comfortable and interesting in kindergarten.

You probably already guessed that our meeting will be unusual.

So, today we - children, teachers and parents - are going on a cruise on the ocean of Knowledge.

The main commandment of travel: do not leave the race and reach the finish line. The end, the main goal is our children, the overall development of each child as an individual, their preparation for school. The length of the journey is not one month, but a whole year.

The distance is long and difficult: with turns, difficulties and problems.

At the same time, those parents who successfully complete this distance with their children will find new knowledge, discoveries and ideas along the way. All kindergarten employees participate in the trip; the group of leaders consists of parents and teachers.

Organizing time

To go on such a long voyage, we need a reliable, equipped and beautiful boat. This is our kindergarten and our groups (a subject-development environment, without it the full comprehensive development of our children is impossible).

(The floor is given to the chairman of the parent committee)

3. Message from the Chairman of the Parents Committee

We say words of gratitude to those who assisted in carrying out repair work and preparing the group for the new academic year.

How can you go sailing without a reliable crew?! I propose to select a parent committee from each group, which will organize all our joint projects together with the teachers.

4. Election of new members of the parent committee

Conclusion. In any team, understanding, good relationships, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important. The conditions for harmonious relationships between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents are the ability to give in to each other and mutual tolerance.

5.Features of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

The ship is ready to sail. Full speed ahead! No... we are still missing something! Of course, the life-saving means is pedagogical knowledge.

Message from teacher Velichkova I.O.

The teacher tells parents about the educational programs through which the pedagogical process is carried out, the tasks of education and training for the new school year. Features of the educational process in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Feedback from parents

Parents ask questions that interest them, make suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process. They are given a “Rules for Parents” memo.


  1. The team is also a family. Strengthen the peace of our family with good thoughts, kind words, and good deeds.
  2. Always be friendly. Friendliness is the basis of your health.
  3. Living is easy, simple and joyful. See the positive in everything.
  4. Be kind and honest. Remember that the good you do will always return to you multiplied.
  5. Always be in balance, holding back negative emotions.
  6. Don't create conflict situations.
  7. Deal with conflict situations with dignity and humor.
  8. Love the child for who he is.
  9. Respect each child's individuality.
  10. When your child talks to you, listen carefully. Don't be stingy with praise.
  11. Notice not the child’s shortcomings, but the dynamics of his development.
  12. Praise, encourage, encourage, creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

6. Getting to know new regulatory documents

(Internal regulations of preschool educational institutions, Rules for the admission and enrollment of preschool educational institutions students for training in educational programs of preschool educational institutions, Procedure and grounds for the transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students, Regulations on the procedure for attracting, spending and accounting for voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities, Procedure for accepting donations)

7. Parents filling out a form

8. Briefly about different things

Children are admitted to kindergarten from 8.00 to 9:00. Being late interferes with the teaching process and distracts children and teachers from regular routines and exercises.

  • If for some reason you are late, warn the teacher, wait until the morning exercises are completed, and do not push the children during the exercises.
  • Pay for kindergarten by the 20th of each month.
  • If a child does not attend kindergarten due to illness, vacation, etc., then the child is admitted to kindergarten only with a certificate from a pediatrician.

It is not allowed to bring pistols, sabers, swords, nail polish, lipsticks, perfumes, etc., chewing gum, or candy to treat your friends. If we want to give a treat, we bring it to all the children, or we don’t bring it.

Drunk parents and persons under 15 years of age are not allowed to pick up their children. The teacher has the right not to send the child in these cases.

Girls need to bring a comb.

We ask parents to take part in the life of the group and kindergarten in the design of the site and group. Take part in competitions,

8. Final part

Exercise “Wish” (wishes for the new school year to children, parents, teachers)

Parents in a circle, playing a tambourine

You roll, merry tambourine,

Hands over quickly.

Who has a cheerful tambourine?

He will tell us his wish!

In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation of friendly relations in children’s and parent teams, as well as in relations between parents and teachers of a preschool institution. We need to make sure that the child in kindergarten has fun and good. It is interesting that he goes to kindergarten with joy, makes friends with the kids and returns home happy, because loving adults are waiting for him at home.

The journey to the land of Knowledge continues. We wish you success, interesting discoveries, fun games and true friends! Only forward!

Our meeting has come to an end. See you again!

Parent meeting summary

Teachers of secondary group No. 4
Ronzhina O.A., Klyushnikova N.L.
Date: September 30, 2014

Topic: “The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten and its students.”

Goals: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.
Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old; introduce parents to the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of the preschool institution for the new school year; update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace; intensify work on children's speech development.

Meeting plan:
I. "Let's get acquainted." Introductory part.
II. 2. Congratulations to parents on the beginning of the school year. Presentation of letters of gratitude for active participation in the autumn fair and carrying out repair work.
III. Consultation: Topic: “Age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old.”
IV. Introducing the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution.
V. Introducing parents to the design method of N. L. Klyushnikov and O. A. Ronzhin.
VI. Selection of the parent committee
VII. Miscellaneous
VIII. Results of the meeting

Progress of the meeting:

I. Educators: Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group! We are very glad that you took the time to talk with us about your children. Today is our holiday. Try to guess which one. Our famous travelers are four or five years old and have entered the middle group of kindergarten! Let's convey our wishes to them!
The theme of our meeting is “The beginning of the school year - the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten and its students.”
Now let's get to know you. My name, as you already know, is Olga Aleksandrovna Ronzhina, and your new second teacher is Natalya Leonidovna Klyushnikova.

II Presentation of letters of gratitude
I would like to start with something pleasant and thank all the parents who took part in organizing and participating in the autumn fair, which was held on September 19 at 17.00. and carrying out repair work in the group by the beginning of the school year. But I would like to separately congratulate: Yulia Konstantinovna Kovalchuk; Mukhortov
Parents are presented with letters of gratitude for their assistance in carrying out repair work and preparing the group for the start of the school year.
III. We have met, and now we can begin to discuss the topic of our meeting.
You all know your children well, their habits and characteristics. For each of you, your child is unique and inimitable. But you’ve probably thought about the fact that not everyone understands his behavior, preferences and whims. We invite you to listen to a consultation on the topic “Age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old,” read by N.L. Klyushnikova.
Educator. The ship is ready to sail. Full speed ahead! No... we are still missing something! Of course, the life-saving means is pedagogical knowledge. Do you, dear parents, know the characteristics of our main travelers? What are children aged 4-5 years like?
Each child develops differently, each has its own path and pace of development. But there is still something in common that allows us to characterize children and their age characteristics. Let’s draw up a general age portrait of a 4-5 year old child, highlighting the indicators of different aspects of his development. (A description of age-related characteristics can be found in the educational program in which the preschool institution operates.)
The age of 4-5 years is rightly called middle preschool. Closer to the age of five, children begin to display features characteristic of older preschoolers: some arbitrariness of mental processes, growth in cognitive interests and independence, attempts to explain the phenomena of life around them that interest them. Curiosity, the need for independence and activity, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the psyche and behavior. These features, for example, make it easier for a child of the fifth year of life to master the norms of their native language and speech functions.
At the same time, instability of mood, attention, emotional vulnerability, concreteness and imaginative thinking, passion for play and play situations bring children of the fifth year of life closer to younger preschoolers. And the expanding opportunities for raising and educating children at this age cannot be realized without knowledge and consideration of this duality of development. (V.V. Gerbova.)
Educator. It is very important in upbringing to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. They are determined by the type of nervous system. I.P. Pavlov identified four main types of the nervous system (depending on the body’s reaction to external stimuli): phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, melancholic.

IV Goal: To ensure the development of educational activities of pupils, the effectiveness of the quality of providing educational services, and the safety components of preschool educational institutions with the Federal State Educational Standard.
1. Ensure the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils and increase the health index by 15% from last year.
2. To ensure positive dynamics of program material in the field of “Speech Development” section “Speech Development” through the introduction of the project method “Development of communication skills of middle preschoolers through the use of innovative technology O.A. Bizikova"
3. At least 5 students take effective participation in competitions of various levels and areas.
4. Increase work efficiency through advanced qualification category I degree and participation in professional competitions, improving self-education.

V. Introducing parents to O. A. Ronzhina’s project method “Development of communication skills of middle preschoolers through the use of innovative technology O. A. Bizikova” and N. L. Klyushnikova. "". Explain the essence of the project, goals and objectives. Register parents who will take part in these projects with their children.

VI. Selection of the parent committee.
The work of the group’s parent committee is regulated by the document “Regulations on the parent committee of a municipal preschool educational institution.”
Parents should be briefly reminded of its functions.
Possible positions of committee representatives:
Chairman of the parent committee (he is a representative from the group to the parent committee of the municipal educational institution or the Council of the municipal educational institution);
deputy chairman of the parent committee (his right hand);
secretary of the parent meeting;
a group of parents responsible for implementing measures to strengthen the material, technical and visual-didactic base of the group, landscaping and creating normal sanitary and hygienic conditions in it;
attention sector (responsible for purchasing gifts for birthday people, for the New Year, organizing “sweet evenings”, etc.);
sports sector (carrying out and equipping activities aimed at strengthening and maintaining the health of students);
cultural sector (involving parents to participate in educational, cultural work with students outside of developmental classes, as well as during the holidays);
public relations (development and strengthening of connections between parents of students with the teaching staff of the Municipal Educational Institution and other cultural, educational and sports organizations);
editorial board;
Parental votes are counted, the results are announced, and the personal composition of the group’s parent committee is discussed. The parent committee is approved by direct vote.
Conclusion. In any team, understanding, good relationships, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important. The conditions for harmonious relationships between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents are the ability to give in to each other and mutual tolerance.

VII.Miscellaneous (topical questions of parents and educators)
1. Message from the teacher
The teacher tells parents about the daily routine, educational programs according to which the pedagogical process is carried out, the tasks of education and training, about the main classes and types of children's activities (network of classes), about additional education (clubs).
2. Feedback from parents
Parents ask questions that interest them, make suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process. They are given a “Rules for Parents” memo.
3. We ask you to please comply with the dress code for physical education and music classes (gym - white T-shirt, black shorts, on bare feet; Music hall - group uniform for legs - Czech girls - white, boys - black). Swimming pool - terry robe - long with a hood, spare panties (2 pieces), if the robe is short, then with pajama pants. Everything is signed.
4. Please make payments to the preschool educational institution on time before the 10th of each month. If payment is not made (except for valid reasons - vacation), the child is not accepted into kindergarten on time.
5. Read the memos from the accounting department and sign that you have read them.
IX. Familiarizing parents with the goals and objectives of the municipal educational institution for the new school year.
6. Filling out the questionnaire by parents (Information about parents)
Parents fill out a family questionnaire, where they enter all the changes that have occurred during the current period (changes in last names, phone addresses, places of work, etc.). Parents receive a printed list of teachers (full name, contact numbers, consultation times)

VIII. Results of the meeting.
Well, that's all the questions we've discussed today.
Genus selected Committee.
Thank you for your time and attention. Goodbye.

Familiarization of parents with the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

SLIDE 1. Hello, dear parents!

The most dear and beloved people in a child's life are their parents. The need for parental love is the strongest. Dear parents of our students! We are very glad to see you at the general parents’ meeting, because we understand: without an alliance with the families of the pupils, without your support and help, the upbringing and development of children, creating a cozy and joyful environment for them is impossible.

SLIDE 2.Work in kindergarten is carried out in accordance with regulatory legal documents:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”

- “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” dated November 20, 1959.

- “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the work schedule of preschool organizations.” SanPiN

- “Convention on the Rights of the Child.”

Our preschool educational institution operates in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. In Art. 18 says: “Parents are the child’s first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral, and intellectual development of the child’s personality. Preschool institutions operate to help families raise children.” We are glad that you have chosen our preschool institution as a second home for your kids.

SLIDE 4. The Federal State Educational Standard was written for all participants in the educational process (teachers, students, their parents (legal representatives), social partners, the public) and is aimed at solving the following tasks:

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

Ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities);

Ensuring the continuity of goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels;

Creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

Combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society;

SLIDE 5.. the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

Ensuring variability and diversity in the content of Programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating Programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children;

Formation of a sociocultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

SLIDE 6. The preschool education standard does not allow the transfer of the educational and disciplinary model of education to the life of a preschool child. The new document prioritizes an individual approach to the child through play, where the intrinsic value of preschool childhood is preserved and the very nature of the preschooler is preserved. The leading types of children's activities are: gaming, communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive, etc. The way of organizing children's activities also changes: not the guidance of an adult, but the joint (partnership) activity of an adult and a child - this is the most natural and effective context for development in preschool childhood.

SLIDE 7. The Standard's requirements for the results of mastering the Program are presented in the form of preschool education targets, which represent social-normative age characteristics of a child's possible achievements at the stage of completing preschool education.

SLIDE 8. TO targets Preschool education includes the following social and psychological characteristics of the child’s personality at the stage of completion of preschool education:

Initiative and independence in different types of activities;

The ability to choose your occupation;

Self-confidence, open to the outside world, has a positive attitude towards oneself and others;

Possessing self-esteem;

Interaction with peers and adults;

Manifestation of imagination, fantasy, creativity in various types of activities;

Submission to different rules and social norms;

Demonstration of creative abilities;

Ability to control one’s movements (level of development of gross and fine motor skills);

Ability for volitional efforts;

Showing curiosity;

Tendency to observe and experiment;

The ability to make your own decisions.

Thus, the targets do not represent an assessment of the child’s achievements within a rigid framework: knowledge, abilities and skills, but represent social and psychological characteristics of the child’s possible achievements. It is important that by the end of the senior group in kindergarten, the child has developed a strong-willed and motivational readiness for school.

SLIDE 9. This academic year we continue to work on the main educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The program ensures the diversified development of children aged 2 to 7 years and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.

The educational process in preschool educational institutions is based on the approximate basic general education program of preschool educational institutions " From birth to school» edited by Veraks N.E., Komarov T.S., Vasiliev M.A.

Also in our kindergarten there are priority areas:

Additional program "Traffic Light". Teaching preschool children the rules of the road. Danilova T.I. Relevance and the simply vital necessity of teaching children the Rules of the Road is undeniable. Statistics show that very often children are the cause of road accidents. Target- developing skills for safe behavior on the roads.

RegionalProgram "Belgorod Studies". Target- social and moral formation of preschool children, aimed at personal development by introducing children to the culture of their native land, the formation of historical and patriotic consciousness through the study of the history, culture, and nature of Belogorye.

Our preschool educational institution also provides Additional services services provided by the State Educational Establishment of Children's Education "Center for Traditional Culture of the Village of Kupino":

"Rhythm" circle Program “Sa-fi-dance” Filereva Zh.E., Saykina E.G. The goal is to create conditions for the realization and disclosure of a child’s individual dancing abilities, the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste, and the development of interest in independent creative activity.

"Theater Activity" Club Program “Theater-creativity-children” Sorokina N.F., Milanovich L.G. Target- development of children's creative abilities through theatrical art. Guiding Principle- involving children in productive theatrical and playful creative activities, creating stage images that evoke emotional experiences.

Club "Ethnic Studies" program “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva. Target- promote the formation of a personal culture in children, introduce them to the rich cultural heritage of the Russian people, lay the foundation for children to master national culture, for which children must know the life and way of life of the Russian people, their character, their inherent moral values, traditions, material and cultural features environment.

SLIDE 10. In the new 2015-2016 academic year, the teaching staff sets itself the following guidelines. Target: maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, the intellectual and personal development of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics.

Teachers for this academic year are faced with the following tasks:

  1. Preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.
  2. Development of coherent speech in children in various activities.
  3. Improving the professionalism of teachers when using new generation programs and technologies.

The preschool educational institution is working on physical education and health work. In this area, sporting events, morning exercises, physical education classes, walks, and excursions are held.

Working with parents. Information is posted where parents can get acquainted with the life of children in kindergarten, with a schedule of classes, and exhibitions of children's works. This year, preschool specialists have planned a large number of exciting and educational events for you, dear parents. Therefore, we invite you to actively participate in all events. Your children are waiting for you. They simply need to work together with you. Finding helpers and allies in you is a great joy for us, teachers. We are confident that from the large number of proposed events you will find interesting ones for yourself and will participate in them. In this way, you will give your children moments of joyful meetings and learn a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself.

SLIDE 11. I would like to note once again that raising a child is the most important activity of parents. No lack of time or fatigue at work should prevent fathers and mothers from communicating with their children. Nothing can justify neglecting children. So let us be allies in matters of their education. Let's try to devote as much time as possible to communicating and playing with children, both within the preschool and at home. We invite you to be active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outsiders observers.

Practical task for parents

Now we offer you a small creative game: “How do you see your children.” (Sheets of paper and pencils).

Trace the outline of your hand with a pencil, write your child's name on one letter on each finger, and then unscramble the letters, noting the character qualities of your baby. In the center of your palm, draw a symbol - who the child is in the family (sun, bell, flower). When you get home, talk to your child and show him your creativity.

This concludes the general parent meeting and invites you to go into groups.

Documents for download:
