Discomfort when urinating in women. During menstruation I crave carbohydrates, in particular bread

Ecology of Cognition: If you have a toothache, rub an ice cube in the V-shaped area between your thumb and forefinger. Numbness in the hand will reduce the intensity of the toothache.

These little tricks, which you hardly knew existed, can be very useful and effective when you need to rid your body of unpleasant sensations:

1. If you have a toothache, rub an ice cube in the V-shaped area between your thumb and forefinger. Numbness in the hand will reduce the intensity of the toothache.

2. If you have to listen to your interlocutor in a noisy room, then turn your right ear towards him. The right ear is better at picking up words, while the left ear is good at hearing sounds and music. Remember this in case you are going to take a phone number from some beauty at a club.

3. By the way, about clubs. If you've had too much and feel like you're starting to feel dizzy, put your hands on something hard and stable. Tactile sensations deceive the brain, which allows you to maintain balance.

And if the unbearable dizziness does not go away even after you lie down in bed, then place one foot on the floor. This will reduce the painful sensation of imaginary movement.

4. No matter how strange it may sound, it has been proven that people who hate injections need to cough before doing so. Experiments have shown that an unexpected cough reduces the pain a person experiences when a needle is inserted into the skin.

5. If you go to bed immediately after a hearty dinner, be sure to lie on your left side. Sleeping on the right side causes the stomach to be higher than the esophagus, which is why digested food and gastric juice can enter the esophagus and cause heartburn and other unpleasant sensations.

6. If you are in a bad mood, then hold a pencil in your mouth. It activates the muscles that a person uses when smiling, which will "fool" your brain.

7. If you urgently need to “go small” and there is no toilet nearby, then to suppress this desire, think about sex.

8. For nosebleeds, the following will help: Place a cotton swab on the upper gums behind the small indentation under the nostrils and press it with your fingers. Most of the blood comes from the cartilaginous septum of the nose, and pressing firmly on it will help stop the bleeding.

9. If you want to hold your breath underwater for a much longer time, take several short breaths instead of one deep one. This will trick your brain into thinking it's getting more oxygen, and you'll gain a few extra seconds.

10. There are dozens of “guaranteed” ways to get rid of hiccups. However, research shows that it’s all about the increased level of CO2 in the blood. Therefore, a surefire way to stop hiccups is to breathe into a plastic bag for 30 seconds.

11. If you feel sick and feel nauseous, press the point between two tendons on the inside of your wrist.

12. If your hand is numb, try shaking your head from side to side. This will relieve tension in your neck and ease the tingling sensation in your arm. And if your leg is numb, it’s best to walk around a little.

13. To restrain the urge to vomit, tightly clench your hand into a fist, so that your thumb is inside it.

14. To increase the range of vision, clench your hand into a fist and look through the resulting hole, as if through a telescope. This trick allows a narrow beam of light to reach the retina and increase depth of field and focus.

15. If you get a pain in your side while running, you're probably exhaling when you step on your right foot, which puts extra pressure on your liver. To avoid painful sensations, exhale on the left step. published

Let's figure out why discomfort occurs during sexual intercourse.

And everything seems to be fine: a pleasant atmosphere, a gentle partner, fresh feelings and sexual desire, but you don’t want intimacy, because it only brings discomfort. A familiar and not very pleasant situation? Then you've come to the right place. We decided to understand the causes of pain during sex in women. Read this material, because perhaps it will help you eradicate the culprit of the problem. This information will also be useful for men who value their loved ones and want only the best for them.

Most often, a woman does not enjoy sex for such reasons.

1. Painful sensations after losing virginity

Many girls feel pain during their first sex. This is due to the rupture of the hymen. The next two or three times can also bring discomfort to the woman. But over time, the discomfort will pass.

2. Lack of arousal

You haven't had time to warm up yet, but your partner is in a hurry? Then it's not strange that you don't enjoy sex. Women need foreplay. Talk to your boyfriend about this. As a last resort, use lubricants.

3. Stress and anxiety

The situation and emotional state are important in the matter of intimacy. A woman who is confused or upset has a hard time getting aroused, so sex can cause significant discomfort. Take a break and try to stabilize yourself - then everything should get better.

4. Uncomfortable position for the partner

Sexual intercourse in some positions may not bring you pleasure, and may even be accompanied by painful sensations. Tell your partner about this and try changing your position, maybe this will solve the problem.

5. Allergies

Shower or intimate hygiene gels, pads, tampons, condoms - all these products can cause allergic reactions in some representatives of the fair sex. Unpleasant sensations during sex may be accompanied by itching, redness and irritation. Once you remove the allergen, the discomfort goes away.

6. Gynecological and venereal diseases

If there is something wrong with your women's health, this can also affect how you feel during sex. Inflammatory processes in the genital organs, caused by various pathogens, lead to pain and other symptoms of gynecological diseases. Discomfort during intimacy is an important reason to go to the gynecologist and have your reproductive system checked.

7. Diseases of the excretory system

Cystitis and other similar insidious ailments can also affect your experience of sex. It is not for nothing that the reproductive and excretory systems are often called the same word “genitourinary”. Such a neighborhood is not the most pleasant for women, because the infection often “wanders” back and forth. And diseases of the excretory system significantly worsen the quality of sexual life.

8. Cysts, benign and malignant formations on the genitals

As you can see, discomfort during sex can also be a dangerous symptom. Of course, it is not the only and obvious sign of the appearance of tumors, cysts, polyps or endometriosis of the uterus, but only an accompanying one. But discomfort during intimacy indicates the need for an early visit to the gynecologist and checking your reproductive system for the presence of pathological neoplasms.

9. Menopause

During this difficult period of perestroika for a woman, there may also be problems with sex. The amount of sex hormones in the body decreases, so it is more difficult for the fair sex to become aroused, and there is less natural lubrication. The consequence is pain and discomfort from sexual intercourse. The solution is to use lubricants, and a visit to a gynecologist is also necessary to check women’s health and receive important recommendations.

What conclusion should be drawn from all of the above? A healthy woman has no problems in bed! Therefore, we, beauties, must strengthen our immunity in every possible way and maintain reproductive health. What can help us with this? Sports, timely consultation with doctors, proper nutrition with vitamins, microelements, nutrients and probiotics, which are responsible for our natural protection against infection.

The last group of substances is quite difficult to find in full in products, so special additives will not hurt. One of these probiotic complexes is designed specifically for women and is designed to support your natural intimate microflora. It is simply irreplaceable during treatment with antibiotics or hormonal drugs, when the body is weakened and very susceptible to sexually transmitted infections. helps beneficial flora resist bacterial and fungal pathogens of gynecological ailments. Consult your gynecologist about the indications for using this probiotic complex, and be healthy.

This article is meant to remind you that painful sex is not the norm. Don’t be patient, but take action - and then your life will shine with bright colors!

Pain and discomfort during sex (sexual intercourse) is a fairly common phenomenon. Perhaps you have already encountered such a problem and have not yet found an explanation for it, which has significantly complicated your contacts with a loved one. In such a situation, it becomes quite difficult to avoid sexual intimacy without the inevitable serious conversation on this topic. How to proceed?

First of all, sexologists recommend in such a situation not to be afraid of a serious conversation with your partner and explain to him that sex has recently become less comfortable and even painful for you. An attentive and caring person will certainly meet you halfway and demonstrate a sufficient level of understanding. In any case, you can gain some time during which you can contact a specialist. But before visiting a doctor, it makes sense to pay attention to the following common factors that can cause discomfort during intercourse:

1. Discomfort during sex due to strain and stress

Many people perceive sex not only as a way of expressing their feelings and an opportunity for psychological and physical unity with their loved one. Often it becomes a kind of therapeutic agent that allows you to relieve excess psychological stress. But, unfortunately, in life it also happens differently, when excessive stress and frequent stressful situations become a serious obstacle to having sex. These can be muscle pain, constant fatigue and a feeling of apathy, which have a detrimental effect on libido levels. In this state, a counter initiative from a partner who wants to have sex with you can even cause irritation or aggression. Experts recommend paying attention to the quality of nutrition and sufficient rest.

2. Discomfort during sex due to inflammatory processes in the body and endometriosis

Most men, unfortunately, do not understand anything about the problems associated with the peculiarities of female physiology. And I do not intend to delve into such an area of ​​​​knowledge. They believe that for this purpose there are specialized specialists whom the partner should contact in such cases. At the same time, it is the cleanliness of your partner and his attention to his own hygiene that is one of the factors that can cause inflammatory processes in you, which can cause severe pain not only during sex, but also during menstruation. In some cases, the only way out will be a collective consultation with a gynecologist who can explain to your partner some of the features of the transmission of certain infections that are not even considered sexually transmitted, but can seriously complicate your intimate life.

3. Discomfort during sex due to allergies

Allergic reactions may manifest as symptoms of burning or pain in intimate areas. In some cases, this occurs due to individual intolerance to any detergent or washing powder. In others, it is the result of an allergic reaction to latex, from which most modern condoms are made. In addition, you should not discount other reasons, which a visit to the doctor will help you understand correctly.

Carrying a growing fetus is often accompanied by physical pain and irritation. Fortunately, there are remedies to alleviate these pains, making pregnancy easier and the chances of a happy resolution increasing.


Part 1

Reduce morning sickness

Part 2

Relieve Lower Body Disorders

Part 3

Increased vitality

Part 4

Pain relief

    Learn to relieve back pain. Carrying a baby is a lot of physical stress on your back. Most pregnant women find relief from back pain by following these guidelines:

    • Avoid prolonged standing or sitting. If this means changing your usual lifestyle, do it.
    • Shoes should fit well on your feet, preferably something with a flat sole. If you are not sure what to choose, consult your doctor.
    • If you need to lift something, do it using the force in your legs, i.e. squatting rather than straightening.
    • Make fewer turns and twists, especially sharp ones.
    • Have someone else put seat belts on older children in the back seat of the car.
    • Take warm (not hot) baths to relieve pain.
    • Use heating pads or warm water bottles to relieve muscle tension.
    • Consult your doctor if the suggested measures do not help you.
  1. Ask your husband, partner or friend to give you a massage. Pregnancy massage techniques are easy to learn and are effective in relieving pain.

    Learn to cope with round ligament pain. To relieve round ligament pain, pregnant women can use physical therapy, yoga, and rhythmic body movements.

    Find out what safety precautions pregnant women should take. For example, if your temperature rises, to reduce it you need to use means that do not pose a danger to the baby’s health.

    • You can ask your doctor about which medications are safe for pregnant women. Some products that are normally safe for you (and you are used to it) can still be dangerous for the growth of the fetus, so you need to make sure that they will not harm the baby.
  2. Eliminate heartburn. Take a regular glass and pour baking soda into it (the usual dose is about 1 teaspoon). Pour warm water at room temperature into a glass and the water will turn white. Drink a little of it as soon as heartburn occurs, and before or after meals.

  • To improve your sleep, use 1-2 extra pillows. As your baby grows, your belly will get larger, which may make sleep less comfortable. By adding pillows, you can support your stomach and support your lumbar spine. This will make it easier to straighten your back without strain, and reduce pain. If your spouse or partner likes to roll over in their sleep, the pillow will also serve as a buffer against accidental impacts, the main thing is not to turn it into a barrier separating you!
  • Swelling also causes a lot of discomfort in pregnant women. Swelling can occur in different parts of the body - fingers, feet, ankles, legs. Some pregnant women have to remove their wedding ring to facilitate blood supply to the enlarged finger. The cause of edema is the retention of fluid in the body. Try sitting so that your legs can be raised at a 90-degree angle. You can also lie on your back, but you need to somehow fix it so as not to fall on your side. Wear loose shoes that fit your enlarged feet. Avoid any types of tight clothing or underwear. Reduce your salt intake and drink plenty of water.
  • Mood changes also often accompany pregnancy, causing anxiety in women. Firstly, this is a normal phenomenon. It is likely that during pregnancy you will feel different emotions (sadness, touchiness, solemnity, agitation, moodiness, irritability, anxiety, happiness, etc.) more than usual. Tears will come to your eyes from time to time, and your overall emotional state will be more pronounced when your body experiences major changes. Generously accept any mood swings and be kind to yourself, any emotional waves will surely subside. You need to get plenty of rest and also use conversations with people to avoid holding on to excess emotions. Of course, you cannot use alcohol, coffee or medicine as a sedative - your friends and family can comfort and calm you down.
  • During pregnancy, breast tenderness is also observed. Fortunately, for most women, this condition stabilizes by the end of the first trimester. The best thing you can do is check your bra size. It is very likely that your breasts will increase a size or more. Continue to monitor your size throughout your pregnancy as this process continues. It is better to use a bra with wide straps and a wide support base made of cotton fabric. If changing your bra does not provide relief, consult your doctor.
  • Continue to exercise as long as possible. Naturally, the intensity and type of exercise must be approved by a doctor. Staying in good physical shape will keep many of the aches and pains that come with pregnancy at bay.


  • If excessive vomiting occurs, you should drink a lot of water to restore fluid balance, and be sure to consult a doctor.
  • Medical examinations and tests can also be unpleasant. Some pregnant women are tired of waiting in lines, some don't like the temperature in the laboratory, others are shocked by the overly sweet taste during a diabetes test, and others are scared by needle pricks and other medical operations. To remain confident, ask questions about what is happening. It is also better to play it safe to be calm - if anxiety, pain or discomfort arises, report it.
  • Don't hesitate to ask your doctor for advice on what is best for your case.
  • Any unpleasant sensation that seems abnormal, causes unbearable or strange pain, or prolonged pain is a signal to immediately visit a doctor or midwife.

However, it also happens that a pregnant woman begins to experience particularly vivid sexual sensations. It also happens that a woman, during pregnancy, experiences the first real orgasm in her life. How does sex during pregnancy affect the fetus? In fact, they don’t want to have sex during pregnancy for fear of harming the baby. Particularly noteworthy is sex during pregnancy, the sensations of which are simply indescribable. Is sex dangerous during pregnancy? However, you should not treat sex as an inevitable necessity; the baby may feel emotional discomfort.

Wearing an obstetric pessary may also cause discomfort and pain. The growth of the uterus and stretching of its muscles (in the first weeks of expecting a baby) can cause pain in the vaginal area. If the pain intensifies and is stabbing in nature, this may be a signal that the fertilized egg is fixing in the fallopian tube. Painful sensations can also spread to the lumbar region. Cystitis. The disease is characterized by pain at the end of urination, urge without emptying, coupled with cutting pain in the vaginal area. Hormonal changes cause increased vaginal dryness in some women, which may result in a tingling sensation in the vagina during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the discharge may increase, or vice versa - a woman may notice excessive dryness in the vagina during pregnancy. An unpleasant odor from the vagina during pregnancy is one of the clearest signs of dysbacteriosis.

What to do if intimacy does not bring pleasure, but rather creates painful sensations? And everything seems to be fine: a pleasant atmosphere, a gentle partner, fresh feelings and sexual desire, but you don’t want intimacy, because it only brings discomfort. We decided to understand the causes of pain during sex in women.

1. Painful sensations after losing virginity

But over time, the discomfort will pass.

Unpleasant sensations during PA

Sexual activity was not always regular, but definitely a couple of times a week, and there were never any problems with arousal and lubrication. It feels as if the walls are inflamed, but in reality there is nothing and in this regard I am healthy. Just do this experiment - imagine sex in the house and how you feel in your body at the same time. What does it feel like? At the last time, intimacy noticed such a thing: at the beginning they were both very tense, this was visible in the stiffness and a certain “clumsiness”. It is extremely difficult to get aroused in this way and all caresses were not perceived by the body. Everything was somehow artificial and awkward, until we admitted to each other that there was tension and it was stopping everything. Regarding caresses for your husband, the same strategy: imagine that you are caressing your husband. What sensations, thoughts, feelings do you have?

Sensations that occur in early pregnancy

It is important to remember that premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and pain during menstruation are a priori. The exception is bleeding from the vagina for 4-6 days. It is worth paying attention to the fact that about half of women experience pain and discomfort during menstruation. You may also have a bloated belly due to excess gas in your intestines, again hormonal culprits. The maximum amount of estrogen in the body occurs during ovulation (in the middle of the cycle), and it is at this time that women are often happy and feel good. After ovulation, estrogen levels quickly decrease and by the time menstruation begins, they are at a minimum level, which is why many women suffer from premenstrual syndrome.

Pregnancy for a woman is one of the natural states. And yet, this greatly changes the body’s perception of not only the world around it, but also itself. Sensations are especially important in the early stages of pregnancy. After all, some of them will indicate that there are deviations from the norm and urgently require medical intervention.

The body, which is preparing for pregnancy, undergoes significant changes. The walls of the vagina and all erogenous zones become more sensitive. Many women develop a strong sex drive.

Neither pain nor anything pleasant. Who can tell me how to fix the lack of sensations during sex, or is this normal and everything is to come? Alina. for the first time I had pleasant sensations during the process, it was very interesting, after three days I felt warmth and fullness between my legs. The partner was good-looking, but unfamiliar. But I can’t imagine how you described it—the friction of the penis against the walls of the vagina. I usually experience euphoria, indescribable pleasant sensations. Alinka, don't listen to them!!! Your reaction is absolutely normal, don't worry!!! Then everything will happen if you try hard!!! For many people, the joy of sex appears only after childbirth!!! It’s as if you haven’t had sex for a year, you’re very hungry and here on you... What a feeling!

What are lubricants? Do they help get rid of discomfort during sex?

At the same time, I realized that I even fell asleep in between spasms, but I did it while actually sitting on the bed, and then the pain came again. It's just extremely exhausting. I was enough for two, and I simply couldn’t even breathe in the third from exhaustion and powerlessness. But you already want this to end so quickly that you find some strength within yourself and still take a third breath. This stage was, in my opinion, the most painful and exhausting. I don’t know what is forgotten there, I remember everything perfectly. The only thing that somehow calms you down is when you hold a child in your arms. Still, whatever you say, this is something very special, which brings tears of happiness to your eyes and relief...

It is worth noting that against the backdrop of problems of this nature, sexual relationships can be spoiled by the absence or insufficient amount of natural lubricant. And it is intended to eliminate discomfort during sex. The term lubricant means basically the same thing as lubricant. Exciting. Such gels contain substances that slightly irritate the mucous membranes of intimate places, increasing local blood circulation and increasing sensitivity. When choosing a drug, be guided by your partner, since everyone’s reaction to odors is different. But remember that intimate gels often contain substances that can cause allergies. There are also intimate problems for which lubricants cannot be used.

There can be many reasons for such pain - both physiological and psychological. In any case, you should not endure it, and if unpleasant sensations appear, the first thing you need to do is run to a gynecologist in order to rule out dangerous diseases and, of course, get rid of discomfort.

I felt such strong sensations that I felt as if I would explode and could not stand it any longer, but at the same time I wanted it to last forever.” Sometimes it hurts because there is not enough lubrication inside. If I want to do this, then I feel ecstasy.” What I like most about intercourse is when he comes and his whole body goes stiff.”

Meanwhile, vaginal dryness is also common among lactating women. If you have the problem of vaginal dryness, the most effective and safe way to eliminate it is the use of moisturizing intimate gels, which will quickly restore a feeling of comfort. In order to get rid of pain and burning, you should pay attention to softer and gentle hygiene gels. In any case, as soon as you first feel discomfort during intimacy, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

It is necessary to answer that with thrush, vaginal discharge does not always occur, and the only sign of candida infection is pain in the vagina. If you have sharp pain during sex, pain after sex, or discharge, the cause may be acute vulvovaginitis. Pain in the genital area occurs not only during sexual intercourse, but also during any contact with the genitals: when riding a bicycle, during a gynecological examination, or when inserting a tampon. Pain with endometriosis feels similar to menstrual pain, which spreads throughout the pelvis. With deep penetration of the penis into the vagina, increased pain occurs.

After that, for six months I felt pain when entering the vagina, I did not experience any pleasant sensations at all. Help, please, it’s offensive to the point of tears, I started to feel somehow frigid again. To begin with, you need to “learn” to relax and liberate yourself for sensations; other possibilities may well come with experience. Subsequently, during sexual intercourse, I did not feel anything, periodically there was pain and that’s all, I only felt friction and that’s all. I experience clitoral orgasm regularly but no sensations in the vagina.

Oddly enough, not all women experience pleasure from sex. Painful sensations cause considerable discomfort to some, although recently everything seemed to be fine. If you can’t cope with painful sensations during sex, be sure to contact a sex therapist. Yes, sexual incompatibility can also cause pain during sex. You feel pain in the vagina, especially with deep penetration. In addition, pain during sex can cause inflammation of the genital organs - vaginitis, bartholinitis, vulvitis and others. Sensations: dryness in the vagina during penetration of the penis, unpleasant, painful sensations.

What causes discomfort during intimacy? Unpleasant sensations during sex are often signs of intimate problems that need to be addressed with a gynecologist. The sensitivity of the vaginal microflora to changes in the body is extremely high. A weakened immune system may be followed by the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, to which the mucous membrane of intimate places reacts with the formation of cracks, an unpleasant odor and discomfort. Allergies. If pain, swelling, burning and itching are observed during intimacy, a possible trigger for these symptoms is latex allergy, which occurs in one in five women.
