Ancient recipes for healing from various ailments and diseases. Sacraments of Healing

All this will change your way of thinking. We're going to quickly go through the list of 15 Divine Healing Secrets that John Lake said you'll need in order to function in healing. So we'll go through the list.

1. You must destroy the "sacred cows" regarding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdisease and strength.

We've made these lists before, and I'm currently working on one too, and a lot of it will be posted on our website for you to read. I have gathered already whole list sacred cows of 52 points, which mainly relate to the area of ​​\u200b\u200billness and strength. There are, of course, other points here and there, but mostly ... And we will get rid of them. We have already started doing this. We will consider them, one by one, explain them and get rid of them.

So first, get rid of it!

You cannot think that "sacred cows" are true.

For example, one of them is that before God can heal you, you need to get rid of the sins in your life. This is the "sacred cow". All those Jesus healed were sinners. Each of them not only had sin, but, according to the Bible, was sin. Just as we are righteousness now. Before you were born again, you were sin. So all those people not only sinned or had sin, but they were sin, and yet He healed them. You don't have to get rid of sin to be healed. I am not saying that you should live in sin, you should get rid of it. I'm just saying that you don't have to wait until you are completely free from sin before you are healed! God will heal you even if you have sin, and this should kindle a fire within you to get rid of sin when you are healed. I know this because it has worked in my life.

2. Realize that sickness and infirmity are the enemy.

Sickness cannot be a tool that God uses to make you a better person. It cannot be something that God uses to teach you.

Rhys Howell wrote a book called Intercessor. He was a great man of God. He is cool! But there is one area where he made a mistake. There are a lot of good things in that book. I'm not saying, "Don't read this book!" But he thought that when you start interceding for someone, God often allows you to experience the pain that the person is experiencing. And because he thought so - that was his understanding - because of that, they were often open, as intercessors, to begin to feel all this. When in fact, he didn't realize that when you pray for people, very often the same symptoms will try to pass on to you. But this is not God, this is the enemy taking revenge on you for your prayers. Understand that if it is wrong for them to have these symptoms, then it is also wrong for you to have them. You are not Jesus, in the sense that you should not bear the sickness and infirmities of other people. He did it! You should not! Our task is to be liberators and bring freedom to people, and not to bear these burdens. There are burdens we will have to bear, but it is not sickness or anything from which we have already been redeemed by Jesus.

So he had the idea that if you go into deep intercession for a person, then you will feel their symptoms. Is not God's will! This is the retaliatory strike of the enemy! When you pray for people and they're standing right in front of you. Very often, … I will give you this example: when I was praying for people, I could suddenly have pain, for example, in my left knee. When it first happened, I realized it happened when I stood in front of the person I was praying for. When I stepped aside, the pain went away. And when I returned to the place, the pain returned, and then I realized that it was a word of knowledge. That's how it worked. I needed to learn. When was the first time I said, "Does your left knee hurt?" They answered me: “No!” I clarified: “Are you sure your left knee does not hurt?” "No!" "Okay, maybe I'm wrong..." I said.

“But my right hurts!” Then I realized that my left knee was directly opposite that person's right knee. It's not that I was wrong, I just didn't understand at the time. I had to learn and grow. The man's knee was right in front of me and I just needed to switch places. And say: "If this pain is in my left knee, then this is your right knee, Right side».

So, you grow in understanding and you learn as you do things. Therefore, I had to learn it.

It can be a word of knowledge at times, but I only experienced it when I stood in front of the person I was praying for. If you experience this too, say, “Is it really true?” If this is true, then God showed me this, and it is obvious that He wants the person to be healed! So say, "Be healed, in the Name of Jesus!"

You can just as well serve people. But usually if you feel something, especially when you intercede or right after, it's the symptoms that people had - the enemy's retaliation, it's not God! It's not something that God is trying to use to give you compassion. Jesus had compassion, but there is no record that He was sick! So don't think that you have to feel something in order to have compassion for people. The love of God poured out by the Holy Spirit into your heart is compassion. Amen?

3. You must be fed up with it!

At some point, you have to decide, “I'm done with it! I am done with sickness or infirmity! This won't happen to me again! This will no longer happen to my family! And wherever I find it

I will destroy it!" Why? Because that's what Jesus did! And I will affirm the victory of Jesus over the enemy! Therefore, you must get fed up with it and refuse him, you must take a firm stand and say: “That's it! Enough!"

Now... When you do this, I'll be honest with you, you'll most likely have to "pass the exam" in this area. And this exam will not be from God, you should know that. The enemy will come to see if you are serious or not. And usually, if you make such a decision, everyone knows that this is so, because people will immediately object to yours: “I decided to live in Divine health!” "Don't say it! You don't want the devil to hear you, do you?" But I want him to hear it. Let him come and I will pass this exam! I will beat him and then he will know that I am his master, and not he is mine! You must learn to get tired of all this, take a stand!

“What if I do this and it gets transferred to me? And then, I'll have to lie in bed for a day or two because I'm sick, so how did it pass to me?" You know what? Your experience does not dictate the truth of God's Word! And even if you didn't pass this test, get up and do it again! Stand up and proclaim the same statement again! Fill yourself with the Word of God, make sure it's within you, fill yourself with it, be persistent in it, go to the Word, study the Word and live in it! Listen to healing CDs, go to trainings, listen, read about it. You could say this: become obsessed with healing, even if only for a short time. If you do this even for a short time, it will enter you, become a part of you, and then you will be able to stand. Most importantly, do not give up, do not stop, just because you did not manage to live like this the first time. I know people who have quit smoking 25 times! What does this mean? Technically, they haven't quit smoking until last time but they tried, and God blessed them for their efforts. We focus too quickly on their failed attempts. But we must realize that they tried!

And you also try, try and become more experienced until you win! Our task is to get fed up and overcome it, and not start judging ourselves for what we did not do!

This applies to everything. To temptations to sin and to bad habits. This applies to all areas. But we must decide that we will live in accordance with God's Word and become aggressive towards these things, which is one of the above points.

Look at the next item.

4. Treat all diseases equally.

What do we usually do? Most people categorize diseases as, “Oh, this is an ailment that will go away in 24 hours. It’s not scary, just drink more fluids, lie down and rest, and everything will pass.” Then something more serious happens. “Oh, this year I already had it 2 or 3 times, and here it is again!” And you go to the doctor. It turns out that it's something chronic, and it keeps coming back. And we are already classifying it. Cancer is serious! Why? Because it can kill you. Or AIDS. And people begin to classify diseases. But you must realize that if you are going to move in healing, you cannot play games with any of the diseases! You must decide that all this is the enemy! You should treat all of them the same! You must understand that in fighting in a war, you treat one person the same way you treat an entire army. You don't treat one person differently. Why? Especially now, one person can have remote telecommunications and can keep in touch with an entire army. An enemy is an enemy! It must be eliminated. Everything is very simple!

Sickness and weakness are the enemy. And it must be eliminated! You can not play with him, flirt and undead him. Therefore, you should treat all diseases equally, because if it were not for your the immune system, then, since any disease is the same, it could kill you! Look at it just like that, diseases are all the same.

5. Treat all illnesses as a person.

What does this mean? We should be friendly to people, but that's not what I'm talking about now. "Treat her like a person" means that you talk to her like a person, you kind of see her as a person. Why?

Because, many times, and you will see this while serving people, you will encounter people who have had these difficult situations already. for a long time. Such people had to learn to live with these diseases, to adapt to them. By adapting to these infirmities, they begin to change their lives, and the more they change their lives, the more they accept this disease. I'm not saying they try to do it, they just adapt to it, they start identifying with the disease. And when you mention their illness, it sounds to them like you're referring to them, not to the illness. I had such examples when I spoke to people whom I was going to serve, who had some kind of deformation all their lives. Therefore, for them, this deformation was a continuation of themselves, it was a part of them. And if you turned to this disease, they would automatically begin to defend themselves, they would even get hurt. I had to learn how to approach such people. Because you can't just approach them like that. In your mind, infirmity is an enemy that attacks a person, maybe even from birth, but they think completely differently. You may think completely differently, but when you start talking to them, you need to make them understand that you are not attacking them, but the disease. You don't even need to say that you are attacking a disease, but you must treat this infirmity as a person and speak to this problem as if you were speaking to an enemy! Therefore, start talking to her, tell her to do what you would like her to do. It's very simple!

People ask all the time, "How do I pray for this or that?" Just! Tell the problem to do what you want! If you want her to leave, then order her to leave, if you want her to die, then order her to die! If it's a bacterium, a virus: "Bacteria, virus, die!" Unless of course you want it! Frankly, when I watched the example of Jesus, I saw that He was never specific. He was most specific when He asked, "What do you want me to do for you?" and received the answer: “Lord, that I may see!” "See!" It was a case where He was specific. Everything He did, He answered them. He listened to their request, paraphrased it into a command, and proclaimed!

Think about it.

Therefore, one of the ways to pray for any thing is to tell the problem to do what you want: “Sickness and infirmity, go away! Body be healed! It's that simple! Talk to the problem…we'll talk about it in a minute, I'm getting ahead of myself….

6. This is a big point - order, don't beg!

You don't talk to God about it. I never talk to God about a person's infirmity and sickness unless I intercede, but that's a different situation. Usually, when I minister to people, I never talk to God about a person's infirmity or sickness, or about his healing. Why? Because Jesus didn't do that! He never prayed, He commanded, He spoke situations! He represented God! He did not go to God and did not speak to God about man. He was the representative of God, and therefore, He represented all the power of God, and He released it by commanding! This is who we are! What we do, we do instead of Him, in His name. That's why we don't say...

You see, most people think that when we lay hands on someone, we bring God's attention to them, as if to say, “Here's the one I want you to heal! Heal them!" And healing comes from God above! But that's not what's actually happening. Healing flows from you, it doesn't come down from heaven. We must understand this. Healing doesn't come down from heaven. Healing flows from God's Spirit, and God's Spirit dwells in you! It's that simple! So, you command, not beg!

7. Talk to the problem, not to God about the problem or to someone else.

You can remember it this way, you just talk to God about…I started from the opposite end…You talk to the problem about God! You don't tell God about the problem! Do you understand? I'm talking about sickness and infirmity. There are other situations and things…. I am not saying that you should not pray. I'm just saying that when it comes to healing, there is no need for prayer. Because God cannot say anything other than what He has already said: “…by His stripes you were healed”! Made! Our task now, since we already know this, is to go to the people and be God's police officers, and "evict" (kick out) this problem from the bodies of these people! This is what we do. We simply command this thing to go away, and we don't talk about this thing to God. We don't have to call the head office and ask, "Do you want this problem gone?" No! The office has already given us instructions. It's written in the law, in the law of God, which says, " His stripes we are healed." They are healed, so our task, our goal, is to get them out of this problem so that they can experience the healing that Jesus has purchased for them. Very simple!

When you start seeing them in this way, you won't be digging into their lives to find out how sickness came in. You will just release them. We need to clarify something. What I mean is, I'm not saying we don't want people to stop doing the things that have caused sickness in their body. We want their lives to change. Many diseases and infirmities are the result of sowing and reaping, which opens the door for the enemy to operate there. But the difference is, there are those who say, “In order for me to heal you, I must find sin, find something that you did in the past, find open door and so on." Jesus never did that! That's why we don't do that either. We operate in His Name, and we must do the same things, and even greater things. And this means that we are doing what He did, and it should be easier for us, not harder! And most of those who heal make the task more difficult. Because you need to know all the "what", "when", "how long" and the like. But Jesus didn't! So, you must see them as prisoners of war…. You are here to free them, not to try to find out how they were captured. If they have some habit or practice of something that causes illnesses to keep coming back to them, then that's another matter. This needs to be dealt with during the apprenticeship. It is important not only to free them, but also to teach them how to be free: “Do you want to be free from this? Then you need to stop doing this, because this is what will allow the enemy to come back again! You can keep getting sick and I'll keep healing you, but it's much better if you learn how to close that door so the worst doesn't happen!" And we will live in divine health. And that comes through discipleship.

9. Get clean and stay clean - this is for you!

God does not heal people through you because you are perfect or because you have no sin. God heals people through you because He loves people. He will use you even if there is sin or other problems in your life, because He loves people. But that doesn't mean it's okay to have sin in your life. It's much better to live in freedom, live in purity, before people and God, so that as you stand there you can be sure that when the devil comes, he won't find anything in you! If you minister healing, you may be dealing with demons at some point in your ministry. And if you deal with them and do not walk cleanly, they will annoy you. But you don't want that to happen to you, do you? You don't want them to tell you, “We know what you just did! We know, we know!” You want to live clean so they don't have anything to say. And if they try to lie to you, you just tell them "Shut up!" and they will shut their mouths! Therefore, cleanse yourself and live in purity. It's not that hard to do, and it's a good life!

So we jump to a completely different topic, and I don't have time on this show to go too far, and I may have to split this into two parts, because we're running out of time.

According to the research of Dr. Caroline Leaf, who found that approximately 87% of all infirmities and diseases come from wrong thinking, from your thoughts. And the other 13%, she says, deal with life choices: the food you eat, the things you do, that is, life choices, toxic things, and the like. Buy her book and read the details. I don't know how accurate the percentages are, but I do know this: if you take some vehicle, or any car, that's supposed to run at 5,000 rpm, and this car does 20,000 rpm. And it works like that constantly at 20,000 rpm without stopping, then after a very short period of time the car will start shaking, making rumbling sounds, parts will start to loosen, bolts will start to fall out and everything will start to fall apart. Why? Because this car never - I'm not saying it can't run at 20,000, obviously it can - but it wasn't designed to run that way all the time. Right? Do you agree with this analogy?

Your mind and body can do phenomenal things by going through incredible stress and pressure for quite some time. They can handle it! But your body and mind were not designed to do this all the time. Do you understand? I'm not saying they can't do it, they can, but they weren't designed to operate in these kinds of situations all the time. I don't know how Caroline Leaf classifies this as a thought process, I guess. But I can safely say that most illnesses, infirmities and things like that arise from stress. More than for any other reason, stress is the most known cause sickness and infirmity, and he, I think, falls into the category thought process because you are constantly thinking (this is stress!), and you do not know how to get rid of these thoughts. If you just learn what Peter said to throw all your worries on to Jesus because He cares about you, then the stress will go away. Any stress is worries that you keep to yourself instead of letting them go. So the key to solving this problem is to learn to let go of these things. And this means in any area: in your business, in your career, in work. In the field of paying bills, in relationships, everywhere! You must realize that every day is a new beginning! His grace is renewed every morning, so every day is a new beginning. It is said: don't go to bed, don't let the sun go down while you are angry and until you resolve them. Therefore, decide: when you wake up in the morning - this is a new day, a new beginning! Don't put in the past day. And if you learn to do that, learn to cast your worries on Him, then the stress will go away, and all of a sudden, most of physical problems will disappear, just because there is no stress. The absence of stress is what we usually call peace. And that's what Jesus came for, to give us just that.

If the world becomes your attitude towards things in general, I don't want to say "feeling" because Jesus wants us to live that way, then what does the devil want? stress! Because stress is the opposite of the world!

And obviously, the key is to learn to stay in this world and not let in stress, get rid of it. Then add other things to that, like changing your diet, because what we eat isn't even food. It's all substitutes, and made by human hands, it's not even food. How are we even alive? It's all God's grace! Because everything I eat, I can hardly call food, real food.

And if I didn’t drink Coca-Cola regularly, and it wouldn’t burn everything inside me, then I would have real problems. I need to believe in Divine health!

I want you to understand that I am not inspiring you to go through the same things that I went through. For example, my third daughter was dead and I raised her from the dead. I don't want anyone to go through this. I don't want anyone to go through the death of a child like I went through the death of my first daughter and her funeral. I don't want people to go through this. By saying this, I'm just reminding people that there are things…. When people say: "This is the law!"

For example, when we first started, it was impossible to just take and pray for a person. It was something unheard of, although there were such things as anointing, leading. When people say, “God won’t heal this person until they get rid of sin” or “God won’t use you to heal people until you get rid of sin in your life!” So the first thing I say is, "Let's see if it's true!" Because when I first started, I knew that I had sin in my life, but I prayed for people, and God healed them. So I automatically knew it wasn't true. I had to go back to the Bible and find out what is true.

Listen, God will use you even if there is sin in your life. How do I know? Because that's what He did to me. And by saying this, I'm not saying that because I confirmed it by praying for people when sin was in my life and God healed them, that we can continue to sin because God will use us anyway! I am not talking about that! I say that I have proved that this is not true! But, at the same time, after that, I began to really see the goodness and holiness of God, and this attracted me to holiness, and sin and other things began to leave my life. I'm not saying that if you can do it, then you should do it! Just because you can function at 20,000 rpm doesn't mean you have to live like that. You can exist in this mode for a while, but then everything starts to crumble.

You can see this in people, because most of the people who continue to serve people and have results, but at the same time, they themselves continue to be sick or some other thing happens to them, then often these people live in sin. Let me explain. You might say, "So sin brings sickness?" I did not say that. I say that the Bible says that if our conscience condemns us, then we cannot receive anything from God. Got it? If our conscience condemns us, then don't think about getting anything from God.

Of course, you may ask, “How then do such people heal others?” Because you can trust God that God will heal them. But if your conscience condemns you, then you cannot pray in faith that God will heal you! Because you will find reasons why God cannot heal you! God doesn't say He won't do it. Notice what it says: let such a double-minded person—the one we're talking about—let not such a person think that he can receive anything from God. It does not say that God will not give him something, it says that he will not accept (will not receive) it.

You see, God won't give you healing. God doesn't heal anyone. God has already said that " His stripes you are healed." Healing is a settled issue, see? So, God does not heal, He has already healed! He already gave it! But you won't accept (receive) this if your mind is doubled, and if your conscience condemns you, you will not accept (receive) what God has already given!

If I told you, "I paid for your dinner at that restaurant over there!" and you thought, "Curry doesn't really know me. If he knew me, he wouldn't pay for me!" And thinking like that, you would never go to that restaurant and eat even though I already paid for you! In general, it would be useless for me to pay for your dinner, because you, because of your conscience, which condemns you, would not be a participant in what I have already provided. Do you understand?

God works in the same way. He has already given us all the things we need for our lives and godliness! It's already been done! This will never happen. It's already been done! All you are waiting for is your decision to believe and release what has already been done! Almost everything in the New Testament is in the past tense, in the sense that when you read it, everything is in the past tense. Very rarely in the future.

Nothing that Jesus did in redemption is based on the future! Do you understand? Everything He did in redemption is in the past tense, and we can live it now because it's already been given to us. And when you choose to believe it, you will see it in your life. Everything is so simple!

10. Beware of pride.

As soon as you begin to serve people, and they will be healed, do not become proud! Everyone can do what you do! If anyone can do it, then what to be proud of?! We must end Christian idolatry. We must be sure that people... People put preachers on a pedestal and then get angry when they fall off. Sometimes preachers want to be on a pedestal, but very often they don't. And on the other hand, we ministers must be aware that when we are put on a pedestal,

we have to get off the pedestal ourselves. It is much easier to get off it than to be thrown off it! But as long as we lift up and exalt ministers and talk about their anointing or their gifts, we will have this problem and we will see people go when the minister falls. In addition, when a minister stands on a pedestal, his head sticks out above everyone else, and this is a good target!

People ask: "Why are you doing this, why are you teaching?" Because I don't want to be a target! Much easier to hide in the crowd. Let the devil look for you.

11. Be aggressive!

Develop your aggressiveness regarding sickness, infirmity and sin. Be aggressive towards sin in your own life! This does not mean that you should judge people or be rude to them. This means: to speak the truth, but to speak the truth in love. As for you, be aggressive towards sin, get rid of such things, stop doing them. Don't put yourself in a position where certain things will be.

On the last trip, the team that was with me did great job. Because, from the very beginning, we told them: “If someone comes up and I need to step aside with them to talk, you also go with me, because there can be nothing personal that people will tell me whatever they could say in front of the whole team.” Often women come up to us and ask: “Can I talk to you?” You can, along with my team. I told them: "If I go to the elevator, then you go with me too!" Why? Because there were people who jumped in the elevator with me to ride together, and so on. So I say, “If I get on the elevator and someone else gets on the elevator with me, you get on the elevator with me too! I'm not going to ride with someone alone!" Why? Because it's wise.

We have to look at things where there have been problems in the past and eliminate the possibility of the problem itself. If you do, then you don't need to worry. And you will have long life and long service. And we want to serve for a long time! So you can do things that are just smart. Don't be stupid, don't give the devil a reason.

12. Be led by God's character and nature.

It's very simple. God is good! He is love! He is the light! He is life! And there is no darkness in Him at all! Here! You are moving towards light, love and life! And so you eliminate the darkness. You eliminate hatred, fear. You eliminate sickness, infirmity and all that, all the opposite!

13. Take responsibility for your neighbor.

You are your brother's keeper. You take responsibility for them, you help them. Whatever they may need, you supply that need in every area—spirit, soul, and body.

14. Decide to believe the Bible and not some random feeling.

Don't wait for guidance. Don't wait for guidance. Listen to the Bible. Do what the Bible says. Don't expect some random feeling. Your feelings may change. One day you feel like a generous person, and the next day you don't. Do what the Bible says, then you won't have to worry and you will always be generous.

15. Know that God is in you, with you, and for you.

If God is for you, then who can be successful against you? Nobody! So know that God is in you, with you and for you! If He is for you, He does not laugh when you are in trouble. He does not hold anything back from you and does not become the cause of your lack. He is with you, and He wants you to trust Him, and He wants you to get the things He has in store for you.

Frank Kinslow - The Secret of Instant Healing

Frank J. Kinslow




UDC 615.851 BBK 53.57 K41

Translation from English by N. Goncharova

Kinslow Frank K41 The Secret of Instant Healing: Quantum Health Synchronization / Perev. from English. - M .: LLC Publishing house "Sofia",

ISBN 978-5-399-00098-5

Do you believe in miracles?

That instant healing from any disease is possible?

Through this book, you can learn simple steps to clear your awareness and instantly heal your body and mind. You can learn to heal the body and mind of others as well. And yet, with the help of your friends, you will be able to transform the problems that affect all the inhabitants of planet Earth.

How difficult is it to master Quantum Shift? It's as easy as thinking. The practice of Quantum Shifting does not require special skills and can be mastered quickly.

The bad news: Quantum Shifting, like all healing practices, is limited by the practitioner's own limitations.

The good news is that practicing QE can remove all of these limitations.

UDC 615.851 BBK 53.57

The Secret of Instant Healing Copyright © 2008 Frank Kinslow. All rights reserved. Lucid Sea LLC. Dr. Frank Kinslow is the only Quantum Shift teacher in the world.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce in whole or in part in any form. ©"Sofia", 2010

ISBN 978-5-399-00098-5 © Sofia Publishing House, 2010

Preface 9

Chapter 10 Feelings and Eufeelings 75

Chapter 1

Chapter 11

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Awareness and the Universe 18

Chapter 12: In Search of Pure Awareness 83

Chapter 4 Mind and Thoughts 28

Chapter 13 Healing in Three Steps 96

Chapter 5

Chapter 14. What to do after COP 104

thoughts 33

Chapter 15 Psychological Healing 114

Remote KS 123

Gate Technique 44

Extended COP 134

Quantum Shift 51

Friendly World 142

Getting Ready to Heal 72

Appendix 150

The information in this book is not intended for diagnosis, prescription, or treatment. It should in no way be used as an alternative to supervision by a qualified professional.

Dedicated to my mother, my children - Cindy, Becky and Brad, my sister Sharon and Diana

Special thanks to

Jimmy of the Badlands, the fastest and most accurate editor in the West, and Vern, friend and great publisher

Other books by Frank J. Kinslow:

The secret of true happiness: how to fulfill your very cherished desire* The Secret of Quantum Living

"Sofia", 2010.


What if I tell you: only by realizing the problem can it be eliminated?

“Of course,” you say, “I recognize the problem, and then I take certain actions to fix it. And what's so out of the ordinary here?

Most of the time, that's what happens, right? But I'm not talking about that at all.

What if you simply became aware of the problem, and that very awareness - without any effort on your part - made everything right?

Will it be out of the ordinary? Undoubtedly.

AND I'm talking about just that. You can become aware of any problem - an arthritic knee, indigestion, a migraine, anger or fear, a failed relationship or job loss - only by all means. the right way, - and the organizing genius of awareness will fix what was wrong.

AND it's not just exceptional, it's miracle. This is a skill that can change your world and our entire planet in the most unimaginable way. It is a way of perceiving life that will make the world kinder and more interesting, turning it into the world of our dreams. Simply put, understanding the healing and organizing power of awareness will help solve the problems that have plagued us from the moment we stood on two legs and forever assumed our modern human form.

If you think I've exaggerated the role of awareness in shaping our lives according to our innate wisdom, I disagree. And it will take only a few minutes to prove my statements. Before you - a small book, hiding a huge potential. However, you don't have to take my word for it, by no means. What I bring to your attention is a scientifically reproducible process that everyone can do. All that is required of you is to be aware.

Is your awareness working now? Are you aware that you are reading these lines?

Are you aware of whether you are sitting or standing? Do you know what you are thinking about right now?

This is what determines everything. You can learn simple steps to clear your awareness and heal your body and mind. You can learn to heal the body and mind of others as well. And yet, with the help of your friends, you will be able to transform the problems that affect all the inhabitants of planet Earth.

Well, are you ready? Have you been seized with anticipation - the feeling that something secret is about to open before you? What is revealed to you in the pages of this simple book will be yours. personal travel. We can judge the results by the actions that you will take after reading the book. Everything else is easy. It just takes a page turn to change your life forever.

Thanksgiving 2007 Sarasota, Florida

Anything will reveal its secrets to you if you treat it with big love. I have found that when I quietly connect with people while loving them, they also trust me with their secrets.

George Washington Carver

There is one little secret waiting for you - and it is closer than your next breath, more alive than the next beat of your heart. As soon as you master this secret, miracles will burst into your life that you never dreamed of even in your wildest dreams. This is the secret to health, joy and peace, and it is already working - right now, as you read these lines. However, it is hidden from you. The secret is hidden, but not in the symbols of faded parchment manuscripts buried in the recesses of ancient temples, but right before your eyes.

This simple book will reveal the secret to you and show you how to draw from its depths to enrich your life and the lives of your family, friends and even pets.

In the pages that follow, you'll learn how to heal your body, mind, and soul as easily as watching a beautiful sunset.

The scientific method that I will present to you can be easily comprehended and implemented by anyone. It is as simple as the mystery itself - and just as powerful.

I recommend not to jump ahead, but to read the book sequentially, page by page. Only in this way will our secret be properly settled in your mind. And please, Take the time to complete each exercise exactly as outlined. You will learn new skills, and in order for them to gain a foothold, you need to train. This simple exercises. Moreover, they are amazing

useful and empowering. Therefore, no matter how hot your desire to start working miracles immediately, give enough time to the basics. As one wise teacher said: “A good start is half the battle done.”

The secret is hidden not in the symbols of faded parchment manuscripts buried in the recesses of ancient temples, but right before your eyes.


The highest meaning of life depends on awareness and the power of thought, and not just on the ability to survive.


I want to ask you a simple question. Thinking about the answer to it can change your life forever. Think over it well. Then go back to reading. The question is:

What is most important to you in life?

What was your answer like? Health? Family? Mind? Job? Ice cream? My answer to this question is awareness.

Without awareness, you are deprived of everything. Without it, you are not able to love your spouse and children, work at your job or sip coffee in a roadside cafe. Whatever your aspirations and goals, you do not exist without awareness.

Awareness is not the mind.

If the mind could be compared to electric light bulb, then awareness would be allowing it to burn with electricity. The dim glow of awareness in the mind creates confusion, misunderstanding, and ultimately leads to suffering. A mind brightly illuminated by awareness is calm and present. He demonstrates beneficial gentleness, passing it on to others. If you begin to perceive awareness as your "inner light", then you will come closer to understanding its paramount importance.

The quality of your awareness determines the quality of your life.

The quality of your awareness determines the quality of your life. Your awareness needs to be vibrant and awake. Imagine that you are sitting in a completely dark room near the window. Dawn has not yet begun, but the first rays of light begin to make their way into the room, and you look down, trying to determine the outlines of an incomprehensible object at your feet.

Fascinated, you continue to stare as the room fills with more and more light, allowing you to see the object more and more clearly. And suddenly - to your horror - you realize that this incomprehensible object is a coiled snake, ready to rush at you. You freeze, afraid to move, lest the snake suddenly attack a moving target. Your mind is bombarding you with crazy thoughts: “Is this snake poisonous? If even one muscle trembles in me, will she rush at me? If she bites me, who will help me?”

And you sit like that, frozen, while the light continues to gradually fill the room. You notice that for some reason the snake hasn't attacked you yet. Little by little you start to relax, the mind becomes a little clearer. He convulsively works out escape scenarios while his body remains still. The sun rises above the horizon, the rays of dawn break through the window, flooding the room with a soft golden glow. And then, like a flash of lightning in the darkness of the night sky, you see that your snake is actually a coil of rope.

You felt fear. Your mind froze, and then collapsed, and all thoughts crumbled into shards of glass. All this time, your motionless body has been pumping stress hormones into your bloodstream, preparing you for battle. In those few minutes, you've probably aged a few months. Why? Yes, simply because they felt a threat where it was not in sight.

Such darkness can be compared to a switched off awareness. Work for wear or lack motor activity, drugs, alcohol, poor nutrition- either anger, greed or sadness - all this dulls the mind, turning off our ability to perceive a world in which nothing threatens us.

Our life is full of imaginary threats. We are surrounded by financial snakes, labor snakes, family snakes. Even if we are driving towards a pleasant event - to the cinema or to the beach - the situation on the roads can spoil our mood, raising blood pressure and twisting emotions. We have become a fight-or-flight generation with snakes around every corner.

How can we change our perception? How to learn to enjoy the bright light of the day, in which these snakes are seen as harmless ropes - which they are? Yes, become more aware! Awareness is like sunshine. It clears the emotions and enlightens the mind. A dull mind and muddy emotions are poor reflectors of awareness. Perception feeds on awareness. Pure awareness can never be drawn with a rope.

We've become a fight-or-flight generation with dreams around every corner

Most of the time, our mind is on autopilot. The endless mental chatter is a great example of an uncontrollable mind. An overactive mind - a phenomenon so common today that it has become the norm - uses up an insane amount of energy and constantly drags us into trouble. Other symptoms include worry about the future or dwelling on the past, boredom, frustration, anger, anxiety, and fear. All of these are ropes that appear to be snakes. Clouded awareness makes our world a scary place.

Awareness is always and everywhere, but we do not pay attention to it. I know it sounds a little crazy, but it's true. Usually we are too preoccupied with the things, deeds and thoughts that make up our daily life. We are aware of these things, but are we aware of awareness? Infrequently. Most of us wouldn't recognize pure awareness, take it and come out suddenly to meet us and shake hands. This situation needs to be changed.

Awareness is always and everywhere, but we do not pay attention to it.

Wait a minute. And it's all? Is this the whole secret? Awareness?

At this point, you probably felt some disappointment. I would feel the same if I thought I could possess the secret of the universe simply by determining what happens when something is missing. Also, you may not have a clear idea of ​​what I'm talking about. It's because pure awareness impossible to see

even mentally. Pure awareness impossible to photograph. Awareness is not an object, thought, or emotion. So talking about it can be frustrating if you want to get hold of it with your mind. Awareness is not a reality of the physical world, so it cannot be grasped and used like a hammer. However, once you have a direct experience, or rather a non-experience, of pure awareness, everything that has been said will make perfect and beautiful sense to you.

If you're feeling a little lost after reading this far, don't worry. It is not necessary to understand something in awareness in order to allow it to work miracles in your life. Still, it will be useful to have some knowledge of awareness so that you can explain to others why they can feel very good, and very soon. As you are about to discover, you will be able to perform miracles and enjoy life, and pure awareness will become as natural to you as breathing. So, are you ready to learn some theory? Wonderful.

You don't have to understand anything about awareness in order to allow it to work wonders in your life.

Awareness and the Universe

Let's not look back in anger or look forward in fear, but look around with awareness.

James Thurber

The moment you stare at something, even a small blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, amazing, inexpressibly majestic world enclosed in itself.

Henry Miller

First of all, take a look at fig. 1 “Material Model” on page 20. Start with horizontal line at the bottom of the picture. This line represents the boundary between the perceived world of the spawned objects and the non-MamepuUy from which they were spawned. Above it is the infinity of creation, and below it is the limitless abode of pure awareness.

Pure awareness is one and has no form. This means that it has no boundaries that our mind could identify. The mind operates with objects that can be recognized by their distinctive features. The mind is the seat of thoughts and emotions. Our mind maintains contact with the material world through the organs of perception. We are able to distinguish a bagel from a bullfrog by their characteristic hallmarks. This example may seem a bit simplistic, but the job of the mind is to identify the various forms, name and categorize them, and then use them or put them in your archive to use later.

Pure awareness is one and has no form. This means that it has no boundaries that our mind could identify.

This whole process is carried out through thought, which is form. Thoughts and emotions are mental forms. Ideas, beliefs, hopes, and philosophies are a collection of thoughts united around some central theme, just as a chair is a collection of molecules united by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsupporting you.

sitting position. Thoughts are not tangible like material objects, yet they are objects. The bottom line is that all objects in the universe are individual and unique. Each object exists separately and is recognized by its unique shape.

Below the horizontal line, we see pure awareness without form. Imagine it like Blank sheet paper on which the words will be written. Awareness is formless, limitless, undifferentiated and pure. This is a one that is not followed by a two. Because awareness has no form, it cannot be recognized by the mind. No matter how hard you try, you cannot understand awareness. As well as you will not be able to control or manipulate it. As an object, it does not exist, and therefore does not exist for the mind at all. But it exists.

Thus, we are faced with the following task: we must find something that has neither form nor matter. After that, we must know this "non-object", ninto, deeper than we know our own mind. Finally, we must use this unused non-power to heal ourselves and others.

Now you begin to understand why this knowledge is a mystery? It exists because we live in our minds without being aware of awareness. Despite life-proven experience to the contrary, we believe our mind when it tells us that eternal happiness, peace, and love can only be found through things and objects. We fall for this old trick again and again. And we believe our mind, which says that nothing means anything. Noono still means.

Despite life-proven experience to the contrary, we believe our mind when it tells us that eternal happiness, peace, and love can only be found through things and objects.

* Implicate (English) - to include, imply, involve, implicate, interfere.

Pure awareness has no boundaries, so there is nothing to change in it. This nothing lasts forever. All other things, that is, the entire creation, changes and eventually ceases to exist. Change is the only constant in the realm of creation. The moment something is created, it begins its journey towards extinction. Pure awareness never changes, never dies. This is the field of immortal love and boundless peace.

So, here's a challenge for you. Everything that has form comes from formless pure awareness. Don't ask me how, it's just the way it is, that's all.

The web of creation unfolds from the womb of pure awareness.

Quantum physics has opened up the realm of pure awareness - by at least, in theory. David Bohm, one of the outstanding theoretical physicists of his time, discovered the so-called "unlimited whole" containing implicative order. It should not be confused with the zero field or quantum state, which is the lowest energy state of a particle or object. In the state Bohm speaks of there is no energy. Simply put, this field contains the "material" for creation, silently waiting for the opportunity to become a form or energy. Thus, Bohm argues that everything happens from nothing. He says - and I'm taking a little inductive leap here - that creation comes from nothingness of pure awareness.

You will experience this a little later when you learn to stop thinking and then watch your thoughts materialize again out of nothing. Now let's look again at the perceived part of creation, depicted above the horizontal line.

Everything in creation exhibits two qualities: order and energy. As an illustration of this thought, let's take the chair on which you are now sitting. What you call a chair is actually energy that has taken the form of a chair. We know that energy is at work here, otherwise your butt would not be too happy to stay on the floor. (I love poetry, don't you?) In the energy/order equation, the latter is manifested in the shape of your chair. So it doesn't matter whether it's stars or atoms, amoebas or zebras, everything is energy and form.

From the womb of pure awareness unfolds the web of creation.

The most basic created form is the wave. Immediately before the wave and immediately after pure awareness in the hierarchy of creation, there is a zero field, or quantum state. I present this curious fact for those who are familiar with quantum theory and wish to appreciate my statements as fully as possible. If you're more into healing theories, know that this very basic level of creation is often referred to as the life force - the one that breathes life into the organic. The wave has no limits, its extension is infinite. Subatomic particles arise at the places where the waves overlap. As they condense, they become atoms. Clusters of atoms form molecules, and molecules line up in physical forms - chairs, flowers, and cars.

Everything in creation exhibits two qualities: order and energy.

The more distinct the order of an object in our energy/order hierarchy, the less energy it exhibits. Compared to a subatomic particle, your stool is pretty solid. Subatomic particles are slippery guys. If you know the exact location of a subatomic particle, then you do not know at what speed or in what direction it is moving. AND In a similar way, if you manage to detect its exact speed, you will not be able to detect it. My children, when it was their turn to help around the house, behaved like young subatomic particles. If they were in motion - required quality to do housework, they were impossible to find. If it was possible to find their exact location

Say, on the sofa by the TV, it was impossible to move them. Looking back, I'm just amazed how much physical principles managed to master my offspring - inertia, entropy and especially - Uncertainty principle Heisenberg. Thanks a lot to them.

Well, back to the question of energy and matter. Each subsequent finer level of creation contains more energy. On our gross material level, the energy of the chair you sit on holds the weight of your body. On a more subtle material level of this chair, we will find more free energy. If we shuffle its molecules, for example by throwing it into a fire, we can release even more energy in the form of heat and light. If we want to release even more energy from the stool, we can go to the atomic level. Knowing how to split the atoms of the chair, we could get great amount energy in various forms.

I am not aware of any work on the use of subatomic particle energy, but I am familiar with methods of using fine wave energy. This is a familiar area of ​​energy healing, and we will look at this very interesting work on our path to being able to heal without the help of energy.

Each subsequent finer level of creation contains more energy.

Let me ask you a question: Have you ever run out of thoughts?

I thought so. We can say one thing about thoughts: they are not translated in our head from the first to the last breath. If thoughts are energy and we never run out of them, then it is logical to assume that the source of thoughts is an inexhaustible source of energy. It also follows from this that we would be very successful if we were able to get in direct contact with our thought source. It turns out that finding the source of our thoughts is uniquely and at the same time incredibly positively, in the most beneficial way, it will affect physical ailments, personal relationships, financial success, emotional health and - yes! - even in the love field. All areas of our lives are amazingly transformed when we simply realize where the beginning of everything lies. And this is our eternal companion, pure awareness.

If thoughts are energy and we never run out of them, then it is logical to assume that the source of thoughts is an inexhaustible source of energy.

We have just seen that more energy is released at the finer levels of the material world. But where did all this energy come from? Now we know that she is born pure awareness. Creation, by definition, is the movement of energy in some organized or ordered way. One fundamental point needs to be understood here: pure awareness is a source of energy without being energy itself. This means that it is immobile. It has the potential to beget, but has not yet done so. It also has no form. It can be said that pure awareness is perfection waiting to manifest itself.

Pure awareness is a source of energy without being energy itself.

Now you might be thinking: “Where is he getting at?” Glad you asked. If you want to play exclusively on the reserve field of life - your will, do not deny yourself the pleasure. But if you are aiming for great power and the most perfect order, one must get in touch with the source of all knowledge -

pure awareness.

There are thousands of healing modalities that work for different levels life. Body work and chiropractic are effective on a gross material level. Herbs and medicines act at the molecular level. Acupuncture and energy healing deal with subtle energy waves. But none of these healing methods can draw directly from Source of creation.

This book will teach you the science of healing from awareness. I call this process Quantum Shift*(CS). Remember, pure awareness is the source of energy and order, and in QE you are drawing from the purest, most powerful form of being possible. When you use QE, it is not you who heals, but awareness. Moreover, you too will be healed along with those you help. Can you imagine how win-win relationship it is?

* Quantum Entrainment (QE) (English) - a term created by the author for the name of his healing method. Entrainment - passion (of particles), entrainment, capture, involvement.

Mind and thoughts

Every action is preceded by a thought.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The question is whether you are able to recognize the reflex nature of thought, that thought is a reflex. ...

One could also argue that, since reflexes are modifiable, there must be some mind or consciousness—something beyond reflexes—that can determine whether a thought is logical or not.

David Bohm

Your mind is a created thing. It is not material like your chair. It belongs to the realm of the mental, not the physical. But, like matter, mind represents energy and order. Your mind is the repository of your thoughts. Thought is a very curious phenomenon.

As a student of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the early 1970s, I spent five months meditating in the quiet Spanish town of La Antilla. I meditated for 10-12 hours daily. After a few weeks my thoughts calmed down and I began to see how my mind works. At that time I realized how a thought is born. Each newly created thought was a single point of flashed energy on the threshold of pure awareness. I watched it expand to reveal its content. Each thought-form contained a vibration representing emotion, logical thought, and all five organs of perception. Each thought is a galaxy in the universe of the mind (Figure 2 "Mental Model").

How does all this work?

What is the secret of healing?

One of my readers, after publishing the chapter on quantum touch, sent me an angry letter, in which there were comparisons with Satan and other abominations, and with threats and wishes for me to go to hell. I leave all his threats and curses to him, let him deal with them himself, and I present to you a simple explanation of the mechanism of action of quantum healing.

I thought for a long time. Maybe the result of my thoughts will seem naive or even stupid to you, well, offer your explanation, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth. It is possible that now I will provoke the anger and rejection of supporters of esotericism, various spiritual practices. Well, argue, write your comments. I only ask you to do without curses and insults. I will simply delete such comments.

How does all this work?

Did you pay attention to the titles of the books that prompted me to explore my own possibilities?

Quantum touch, quantum shift, quantum healing. Everywhere is the mysterious word "quantum".

Perhaps you have heard from the corner of your ear that in quantum physics there is such a mysterious effect - the measurement results depend on the observer.

It seems to me that this effect is the basis of quantum healing.

This effect has long been used by psychologists - for example, a person has pain in a particular place.

It is necessary to ask to evaluate the pain on a 10-point system - thus already drawing conscious attention to this area.

Then you need to ask the person - what shape is this pain, what size, what color, what kind of area does it seem to a person - soft or hard?

Here he described, suppose that the pain is 8 points, it is located in the area of ​​​​the body and appears oval shape, measuring 10 by 5 centimeters, hard, hot and red. After he described all this - you need to ask him to tell again - how he sees, feels, imagines this pain - and already the shape can become round, the diameter will decrease to 3-4 cm, the hardness will soften, and the temperature in this area will drop and, as a result, he will estimate his pain already at 5 points. If you are not too lazy, go through the same issues with him again several times, and as a result, the pain will shrink to a point, it will become almost imperceptible.

When we begin to heal - by breathing or touching - we act as observers, and depending on which observer, and what he is watching, the picture of pain, the picture of the disease, also changes, depending on the intention of the observer (in this case). specific case we are watching the healing) - it is this effect that manifests itself.

So everything can be explained in terms of modern science without resorting to esotericism and other "spiritual" explanations.

It's that simple!

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ancient recipes for healing various ailments and diseases.

And you walk with greater difficulty. In the autumn, when a walnut leaf has fallen, you need to collect as many of them as possible and make a bath, 10 baths every other day, 1.5–2 kg. bath leaves. In the second year, the procedure must be repeated.

Try applying the pulp of a fresh pumpkin to the inflamed areas of the skin. It helps not only with eczema, but also with dermatitis, rashes, and other skin diseases.

No warm compresses. The treatment is simple. The skin around the boil should be wiped with 2% camphor alcohol several times a day. Then cut an aloe leaf in half and apply to the boil, fixing it with a band-aid (preferably at night), after 1-2 days no boil.

Take a tablespoon of cornmeal, pour a glass of boiling water. Night to insist, and in the morning on an empty stomach (not blabbing) to drink.

30g. propolis insist in 300g. vodka for 10 days, then drip three drops three times in each ear.

Take burdock root. Consume raw. Dry for the winter, and eat, after a month, blood sugar returns to normal.

Wash the shells of 5 raw eggs, dry and grind into powder. Squeeze juice from 5 medium lemons, add 300g. honey, and 250g. cognac. A day later, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Take a ripe watermelon weighing 3-5 kg., Take out 1/3 of the pulp, pour honey into the resulting container, close the hole with a cut piece of watermelon, wrap it with thick material and bury it in the ground at a depth of 50-60 cm .. After 5 days, carefully remove the pulp with honey. Squeeze juice out of it. Drink 1/2 cup in the morning and a glass in the evening. Use 5 watermelons in this way. Helps a lot.

Take 1kg. blue onion, pass through a meat grinder, mix with 800-900g. granulated sugar. Insist in a cool place for 1.5 weeks, squeeze, take 3-8 tbsp. spoons per day, depending on the severity of the disease. If the condition is critical, then you can drink it already 3 days after preparation. The recipe has been tested on patients with cirrhosis of the liver, even complicated by dropsy.

With the help of these conspiracies, you will win over not only your beloved woman. But also her parents, and relatives, and her colleagues, and even her boss. Impulses will come from you that will attract people to you. Unnoticeable to them.

“I will get up, pray, go out, crossing myself, through the door. Through the gate to the open field to the east.
There is Jesus Christ. Tell me, Jesus Christ, how can all people become any. Christ sends to the old man, the wise man, tell me, old man, how can I become any kind of people.
According to Christ's instruction, the old man did not become stubborn, but he himself began to say that he would love me, the servant of God (name), every man and baby, and men, and red girls, and young women, in those words, the east-castle was spoken.
The West is the key, now, forever and ever. Amen."

Find a knot in the floor or in the wall, circle it with your finger and say like this: “how, you dried up the knot, so dry, slave (name), for me, God's servant (name) Amen.”

IN Palm Sunday break the willow and say. “As long as the willow lies behind the icon, until then my husband will not stop loving me and will not forget. Amen "Put the willow behind the icon. Watch out, don't accidentally throw it away.

AT navel.
When the husband is sleeping, touch his navel with your little finger and say, “As soon as his navel is untied, I will refuse, in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

There is always a reaction to any action, this is the so-called out of place, which neutralizes the love spell.
In this section, you can find answers to the question of how to cool a man's heart, how to remove ardent love from yourself. Turn away the annoying girl. From heartache.

“I will report a chip under the heel. I will go without looking back, to the tryn-ram, to the stone side, lying there, strictly guarding, angry evil, blood-sucking, nine-eyed. Nine years, nine years, cool the soul of the slave (name) to the slave (name) at night with a candle, in the morning before dawn, in the church every time he looks at her, the devil will remember my word and will not give them both rest. No peace, no feast, no tender bodies, no water, no fire, no honey, no salt, but an unfortunate share. Amen, amen, amen"

Every mother wants her child to be healthy and happy. If a child laughs in a dream, then they say “Angels make him happy, amuse him,” do not miss the moment to strengthen a happy share for the child.
Be sure to read the conspiracy over the child so that there will be no trouble with him in the future,
“Glory to the angels who bring good news. From the face of the Lord God to my doorstep. With wings invisibly overshadow the servant of God (name) from infancy, strengthen him for a happy share. follow you, angels, angels, so that grief does not become attached to him, so that he gets a happy share. Three angels at his feet, three angels in his head, three angels on his sides. eternal joy to you and my baby. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"
It often happens that children mortgage their parents' housing for debts or interest, and now the old ones do not necessary people live anywhere, without a roof over their heads, exist the strongest amulets parent from unfavorable children.

forty crosses should be distributed. Then he will "get out" of death. But as soon as he recovers, you must immediately christen him.

That a number with the name and time of birth is tied to the handle of a newborn. You should know that one born with zeros is surrounded by earthly fate. after baptism, you should slander for money and give in alms.
"God, take the baby (name) from every circle of evil amen"

To be born in a shirt is considered lucky, especially when the born was enclosed in a vial from head to toe, like in an egg. This thin web is sewn into a cloth or tarred into a medallion, worn along with a cross on a cord - this will give happiness to the born.

then do not take your godfathers, take your sister or brother. Then only the child will live long.

How often do we make mistakes in life, and then we ourselves suffer because of them. Do not leave your husbands and wives, do not part with your halves, even when it is hard for you. Support each other, help, otherwise you may lose a loved one forever.
It is a pity for those women who suffer because of their husbands. With the conspiracies below, you can ease your mental anguish and help return your spouse.

Take your wedding ring, put in holy water and drink. Should be 40 sips.
Before that, they read the plot
"How do you water with wedding ring, come in at the top, come out at the bottom. So that my husband (name) leaves the slave (name of the rival) and enters my house. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen"

A woman whose husband is unraveling her hands should take the rope with which the hands of the deceased were tied.
Dip and hold it in water for a while, then give this water to your husband to drink.
From that day on, her husband will no longer raise a hand against her.

You need to make tea on the water and give it to your husband to drink.
"Mother Holy Mother of God. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I do not take water, but return life. To such pure life was like a slave (husband's name) with a slave (wife's name) In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen "

Go to the biggest store in your city on Easter, put your left hand on the doorknob and say.
“Christ has risen, and my husband has come to me. How everyone grabs this brace, so that my husband runs to me, misses me. Hands grabbed, hugged. Amen"

The wife should take a pinch of earth from some grave, pour it into a drink and give it to him to drink. Debauchery in it will freeze forever.

Kissel is cooked from two different cherries, raspberries, etc., while the jelly is cooked, they say twice.
“We grew up apart, and now together” jelly is given to the spouses to eat together.

As you know, children are a blessing from God. The life self-realization of a woman is simply unthinkable without happiness and bright joy motherhood. Take advantage of conspiracies, tips and amulets that will help a woman to endure and give birth normally healthy child, as well as restore strength and improve their health after childbirth.

If the stomach is weak and there is a threat of miscarriage, this conspiracy will help to strengthen. Speak to the water and let the patient drink 12 sips per day.
“Mother Mother of God, intercessor of mothers, come out of the heavenly doors, strengthen the servant of God (say the name) the fetus of the womb and the womb of the fetus. Amen"

No need to step over a pole, shafts, collar, broom, climb over a fence, through a window, step over an ax, pitchfork, rake, etc.

If a woman has a difficult birth, then you need to tell strangers as little as possible about this, even hide it so that no one knows about it, and then the birth will become easier.

If a pregnant woman reads this conspiracy for a young month, then nothing will happen to her during the time that she is carrying a child.
“Mother is an intercessor. Stand up for my stomach, for my child. Save, save and protect me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen"

There should not be a single knot on the puerperal, even the braid is untwisted.

To be born in a shirt is considered lucky, especially when the born was enclosed in a vial from head to toe, like in an egg.
This thin web is sewn into a cloth or tarred into a medallion, worn along with a cross on a cord - this will give happiness to the born.

There are many ways to influence thieves. There are many ways to kill a thief if his name is unknown. Through the spirit of the dead, with an invisible hand of revenge, you can punish the offender with madness, or even kill the conspiracies listed below act quickly and surely.

When leaving home, always say “I am from home - Jesus Christ is in the house”
or so “Lord, give me your keys, Mother of God, give me your locks. Lock my door tightly. Don't let thieves into my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen"

Drug addiction is the plague of our age. The generation of children from 10-12 years old to 28-30 years old is dying out, leaving no children behind or leaving disabled children. This is the worst disaster that claims millions of lives. Deprives us of the future. Use strong conspiracies to eradicate this addiction.

During the funeral of the deceased in the church, light a candle. When the father says Everlasting memory”, then you say “For the rest of the dope from the servant of God (name). The deceased does not suffer either for the living or for the dead, so that the servant of God (name) does not suffer from drugs Amen "

It is hard to imagine the suffering of a woman who cannot give birth to a child. Faith in all that is holy is lost. But do not despair. Even the most terrible damage or disease can be overcome. Do not lose faith, tirelessly pray to God and He will hear you. Learn how to remove damage to infertility with the help of conspiracies. There are conspiracies that are suitable for both women and men.

“Lord, the Almighty, and with him his Mother, the Queen of Heaven, help, bless the seed of my family, the sheep has lambs, the mare has foals, the cow has calves, the cat has kittens, and give me Mother of God, children. Key and lock to my words. Amen, Amen, Amen"

In life, it often happens that a person loses his luck in business. Everything seemed to be normal, everyone was pleased, and then you see, someone envied or looked with an unkind look - and that's it. No matter how hard a person climbs out of his skin, but there is no result, as if he is standing still. To protect yourself from failures in life, I advise you to put a shield and a talisman on your work.

and you fear that envious people do harm, you should do so. Boil fish in holy water at 12 o'clock at night. When the water boils and the steam rises, tell me.
“My fish is untouchable, my fish is silent, you don’t open your mouth, you don’t speak with words, so my enemies, and their lips don’t develop, don’t rush words, troubles, don’t do harm, you’re black night, you’re white day, you’re red dawn. Enemies in the back, I'm in front, amen"

They say salt is sprinkled with the right hand backwards over the left shoulder at the workplace
“Walkers, riders, come here, here is your place. Food and water, money for me. you goods. Amen"

You can say on a pin, they always carry it with them. To not be seen
“Lord, my God, I am in front of You.
I ask you to save me, protect me with a talisman.
I ask all the Holy Host to save and protect Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Long-suffering, Ivan the Headless, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Postile, Michael the Archangel, Archangel Gabriel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Praskovya the Great Martyr, Faith, Hope, Love, and their mother Sophia.
I stand under your shield, which will defend me, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen ”

IN present time it is not easy to get a job, and being unemployed is generally scary. Therefore, use conspiracies for a harsh boss, from nitpicking at work, as well as for those who survive from work, and to gain respect in the team. By the power of prayer, one can not only cure diseases, but also achieve the location of the right person, as well as influence the decision of an important matter. There are many conspiracies for this.

This slander is used when it is necessary to win over the trust and respect of your boss or the person on whom your career or signature on an important document depends. Read before you go to the place you need, three times “How bright it is dear to every living thing. As the mother pities the child, so may I, God's servant, be not shameful, but sweet for the slave (name) Amen "

Many will agree that there is nothing worse than loneliness. How sometimes it hurts to look at a woman who has sat in brides. Girlfriends have long started a family, nurse children, and she sheds tears. After all, there is no person nearby on whom you can lean in Hard time, No home comfort and no children's laughter can be heard.
Let slander to get rid of loneliness help you.

If you make a wedding damage, then it can appear in three days, three months, and even after three years or thirty years. There are many ways of wedding damage to a veil, dress, table, chair, etc. Protect yourself from this.

1. Beware, if the groom's foot is stepped on at the wedding, then he will be weak as a man, if this happens, then let the bride immediately wash the groom's shoes without wiping them after that.
2. You can not get married during menstruation, if this happened or they started during your wedding, this will have a bad effect on the lives of children.
Crouch under a chicken roost and say, “The chickens got married without blood, and I got married with blood. Go, evil, on the chickens, not on my guys. Chur not I Amen "
3. The bread that is met from the registry office must be eaten at the wedding. Make sure that no one takes it away and, even worse, do not give it to the pigs, your children will not have a share. If this happened, then you need to backhand hit the pig with a broom and say "eat your own fat, and not my happiness, amen."
4. Many people like hats, but if the bride was not wearing a veil with a wreath, then the marriage will fall apart.
5. You can not put flowers on your head, (insert in your hair) without a veil and a wreath.
6. You can not put on a dress, starting with the sleeves, you should first stick your head into the neckline of the dress (neck).
7. You can not be in a dress with a bare back.
8. You can not wear a dress higher than the knees than long dress. The longer the married life.

If people moved into a damaged house and everything went wrong with them. It is necessary to bring the holy water taken on Wednesday in the church, and sprinkle the corners of the house and windows with the words
“The Lord forgives everyone and helps everyone. God help our house and everyone who lives in this house. In the name of the father and son and the Holy Spirit Amen"

If the family has a lazy daughter. Daughter-in-law, mother-in-law. Prepare food and lay out in this order: the laziest gets the first portion. Then other family members, then you. When everyone eats, wash all the dishes first, and the sloth’s dishes last, while saying the plot:
As I wash the dishes for you, I will put you to work. You will be a diligent, hard-working, real woman, to help me. All for a feast for the eyes Amen "

one's own or someone else's. After they leave with your things, say
“My Guardian Angel, deliverer from evil, save, save and defend from the obvious and the hidden, hidden by thoughts, from the language and the lesson from my doorstep The key, the castle under my doorstep. Amen, Amen, Amen"

and not spoiled, so as not to harm you evil person. When you put a ring on your hand, you need to say “The heretic will crawl into the ring, then he will only spoil everything when the heretic crawls into the eye of a needle. Then he will spoil me. Amen"

They read at Christmas standing on the threshold facing the house “Take me, Lord. Nine arrows from me, from water, noose. Fire, judgment, knife. thief, from a slander. From encroachment on the body and shelter and damage to the blood. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Neighbors are sometimes the closest people. We most often encounter them when leaving the house, and with them we most often have conflicts. Sometimes the life, health and well-being of more than one generation depends on how relations with neighbors develop. Indeed, in anger, neighbors can pretty much ruin your life.

Buy just before mass (service in the church), a small candle, put it on and, lighting it, say the slander “John, father, you conquered the enemy regiments, conquer the heart of my enemy (name)”
Give 9 bows.

In our age, everyone chats: we ourselves, radio, television, mobile phones, even animals and birds that they are trying to teach human language. Today no one in big city does not appreciate silence and silence. But in the old days, wandering knights, monks, and in general any person could take a vow of silence. And it was considered normal, right, necessary. Today, parapsychologists and psychotherapists have finally revealed the secret of this vow. Even the ancients found a remedy for this spiritual discord - silence. In the 6th century BC, one of the conditions for those who wanted to enter the famous school of the Greek thinker Pythagoras to become a philosopher was the requirement that they not utter a single word for five years. Not everyone could withstand such a test. But there was always a line to school. Pythagoras himself believed that silence supreme state spirit compared to speech. And when the monks took a vow, the hermits went into the forests, deserts, mountains and were silent for years, they did not contradict the world around them in anything, on the contrary, they plunged into it. From such voluntary loneliness peace and harmony came to the soul. We all know the proverb: "Speech is silver, silence is gold." Many see its meaning in the advice to be more silent, so as not to inadvertently give out their secrets and generally speak less nonsense. This is certainly true of how to behave in life, but not of the proverb. In fact, this proverb medical advice about one of the ways to restore mental health and harmony with the outside world. On the one hand, our language is a useful invention, because it allows a person to use the experience they already have and, as they say, not to reinvent the wheel each time. But on the other hand, the words that we constantly utter in everyday life often have little to do with the essence of what is happening. We find ourselves in a world of illusions, which differs in many ways from the real. After all, they were invented by people who died long before us, whose life and ideas about it were completely different to designate objects, concepts, feelings and actions. Therefore, we - the people of an eternally chattering civilization - often fall into the trap of words. But silent people, sometimes unable to coherently explain anything, to our surprise, grasp the essence of the problem and act more efficiently than us. Even the ancients found a remedy for this spiritual discord - silence. In the 6th century BC, one of the conditions for those who wanted to enter the famous school of the Greek thinker Pythagoras to become a philosopher was the requirement that they not utter a single word for five years. Not everyone could withstand such a test. But there was always a line to school. Pythagoras himself believed that silence is the highest state of mind compared to speech. And when the monks took a vow, the hermits went into the forests, deserts, mountains and were silent for years, they did not contradict the world around them in anything, on the contrary, they plunged into it. From such voluntary loneliness peace and harmony came to the soul. Based on this experience, the Moscow psychologist Galina Timoshenko introduced a new concept into psychological practice - active silence, which is effective. remedy. This is what our body tells us. After all, it is no coincidence that with coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, in the pre- and post-infarction state, with peptic ulcer, even with the flu, a person prefers to be more silent. In fact, any disease depends on the state of our psyche and is generated by it. Therefore, first of all, we ourselves need to take up the normalization of our state of mind, that is, the resolution internal conflicts. Instead, when a person is in pain, he goes to the doctor and says: cure me. That is, he withdraws himself and shifts the solution of his problems to another, because he is an egoist and he does not want to waste energy on knowingly hard work. At the same time, he also takes a kind of passive position in order to arouse pity and justify his laziness. But such a passive position is acceptable only when contacting a dentist. In all other cases, a person must take on the lion's share of the work to restore their own health. Dr. Timoshenko is convinced that many neuropsychiatric diseases, hypertension, all types of headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia, concussion, psychopathy, even epilepsy and schizophrenia can be treated with silence. What exactly do each of us need to do? Everything is quite simple. For healing through active silence, it is best to go to a place where there will be no opportunity to talk to anyone, watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers. In such conditions, a person is forced to take care of himself, his soul, communicating only with the surrounding nature. At the same time, it is very important to set yourself up for good thoughts and bright feelings. Even three days of such silent inaction will be enough for the general improvement of the body. week term will have an even stronger healing effect. Well, a month of voluntary seclusion will help solve all problems, both internal and external. At first, in the first day or two, a person lives as if by inertia, the latest events are spinning in his head, he mentally argues with someone, plans something, but the body is already resting. Then, Dr. Timoshenko warns, anxiety arises and grows, you want to say something out loud. There is a kind of “breaking the refusal of words”, when they “revenge” for trying to refuse them. But then suddenly a state of extraordinary peace and joy comes, and a person begins to do without speech with pleasure. The time of the onset of such a catharsis, that is, purification, depends on the "problem slagging of the body." In case of disagreement in the family, constant quarrels and mutual insults, active silence can be used at home. In this option, people must agree that during a certain time, for example, weekends, and also better than a week, they are silent, but still interact with each other, do what is needed, but only translate the language of words into the language of gestures, facial expressions, body movements.
