Photos of red-haired beautiful girls. Vasilisa Romova, VSU student, Faculty of Geography

The most beautiful red-haired girls in Voronezh. They delight the eye with reflections of copper, flame, noble mahogany, cinnamon and honey. It’s finally autumn, the long-awaited time for photo sessions against the backdrop of the park’s blazing foliage! Festive lights in the treetops - orange, yellow, with burgundy flashes... Some girls like it that way golden autumn what they prefer all year round decorate yourself with its most ceremonial shades. The sunniest, warmest and richest colors of autumn are on our pages! Vote for the brightest “Lady Autumn”!

Christina Weingart, engineer (energy)

Photo: personal archive Christina Weingart

They teased me, calling me “redhead,” which I really didn’t like. I prefer to call my hair color gold, but “red” sounds kind of rude.

Favorite colors to wear are red, white and black.

Because of envy.

Svetlana Chikhovskaya, chief accountant, now a housewife

Photo: personal archive of Svetlana Chikhovskaya

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? I have never been teased, so I am not at all angry, on the contrary, at times I am too kind to people.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? I love bright colors in clothes, their combination with red hair makes any look charming.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Because in our sunny hair, porcelain fair skin There is something magical, mysterious and attractive in the eyes. Plus, red-haired people are usually extraordinary individuals, they have strong character and a breathtaking temperament.

Ekaterina Sedykh, wedding photographer

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? They say that redheads are not evil unless you tease them. As soon as I became a redhead, people around me just wanted to celebrate this, and they began to call me Ryzhulya and Lisichka.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? When it comes to makeup, I prefer warm and calm tones. I’m already bright thanks to my hair color, I don’t want to overdo it. I love all shades of green in clothes. And recently I bought a very stylish coat emerald color, this fall I will be on top.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? It's all envy. With their bright appearance, redheads always involuntarily attract attention. Naturally, not everyone likes this, so since ancient times they have been telling a lot of all sorts of things about us. But actually we are very nice. We can be. Sometimes.

Vladislava Surina, illustrator

Photo: personal archive of Vladislava Surina

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? In childhood there were no nicknames, but in adolescence often called Chanterelle or Gadget from the cartoon “Chip and Dale”.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? In my opinion, red goes most magically with a wide palette blue shades. From dark sapphire blue to light turquoise. I have a lot of clothes in these colors in my wardrobe.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Probably because redheads are always damn charming and attractive. The fact is that red is quite a catchy and noticeable color and fiery girls look unusual, and people tend to attribute supernaturalism to everything unusual.

Natalya Usacheva, nail service master

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? Fox.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? A little black dress, smokey eye makeup and red curls are the whole secret.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Red curls are the whole secret. Redhead is a state of mind. The state of demonism and fire.

Maria Grishchenko, a student at Lugansk National University, works as a manager in Voronezh

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? Because of curly hair called Mivina. In Ukraine, this is an analogue of “Rollton”.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? Favorite scarlet lipstick.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Due to its singularity, uniqueness of image and frightening beauty.

Victoria Titova, three-time Russian champion in oriental dancing

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? Some people still call me the cunning fox or simply the cunning one.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? I don't like heavy makeup. I think the main thing is correct form eyebrows and long eyelashes. But in clothes I prefer black and white colors. For a festive occasion, a figure-hugging mini dress in a rich emerald color or deep blue is suitable. In this image she could outshine any other girl.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Redheads have their own special energy, they are a little reckless, always cheerful and a little cunning.

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Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? I have only met kind and positive Ryzhikov. As a child, I was teased because of hemp; they said in my direction: “Lily – Child of the Sun”, “Kissed by the Sun”. No one wanted to tease, but they were only touched and complimented. Now more and more often they call me Ryzhik, Redhead, Witch, Fox, Snort-snort, which only lifts my spirits!

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? I prefer a natural style of clothing that brings convenience and comfort. Rich red hair color with pastel shades looks gentle and romantic. You cannot do without gray, yellow, blue, emerald colors, which can be emphasized with natural makeup.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Redheads attract the attention of people, especially men, as if bewitching them with themselves. As they say, while brunettes and blondes compete with each other, redheads rule the world!

Yulia Shugurova, teacher-choreographer, administrator at a beauty salon

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? They teased: “The red-haired one is shameless,” “The red-haired, freckled redhead killed grandfather with a shovel.” In general, everything is standard.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? My favorite look is naturalness in makeup, simplicity and elegance in clothes. I believe that you can outshine not only a blonde or a brunette, but anyone in general, only by radiating self-confidence. And the charm, of course, has not been canceled.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? This stereotype comes from medieval Europe. At that time, all red-haired people were called witches and burned at the stake. Or maybe there is some truth in this?

Valeria Ruman, student at VSU RGF

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? Mostly they said Ryzhik, redhead.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? Emerald dress, red lipstick is a favorite look! I love red lipstick, it really suits my red hair. I also highlight my hair color with red and green clothes.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Back in the Middle Ages, redheads were considered witches and burned at the stake. This is where the association with red-haired girls came to us. And there is something fiery, spectacular and cunning about redheads. No wonder they are called beasts!

Evgenia Ershova, document management manager

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? It is still sometimes called a hamster.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? I love bright jackets, Darling - dark purple color. It shades your hair and makes your eyes brighter!

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Because all redheads are unusual and different from each other. Only a trick unites them.

Svetlana Smolyaninova, student at VSAU, Faculty of Economics and Management

Photo: personal archive of Svetlana Smolyaninova

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? My friends used to call me Fox, Fox. And because of the green eyes and some of my predictions that magically come true - a witch.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? I love the emerald color and blue. In any clothes, even sportswear, I feel like the best!

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? It has always been believed that redheads are naturally “not like everyone else.” From time immemorial they thought that they were messengers of hell, and that’s why they were burned at the stake. But, in my opinion, it was invented by envious blondes and brunettes.

Olga Meteleva, engineer

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? So they teased me “redhead”, but for some reason I was never offended or had a complex.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? Good mood! In general, I love the color green in clothes and bright makeup.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? This is a rare hair color for everyone in the Middle Ages unusual women prescribed witchcraft abilities, and from then on they began to call redheads “beasts.”

Vote for the brightest red-haired beauty on the last page

Vasilisa Romova, VSU student, Faculty of Geography

Scroll through the photo gallery by clicking on the arrow

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? I was teased as a soulless, shameless redhead. And one friend said that if SF had killed me, he wouldn't have gotten a single soul (cyberhumor).

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? There is no need to emphasize the red color. He stands out without makeup or special tricks. There is no special, favorite image. If I really want to, I can eclipse without much effort.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? They are called that because redheads are something of an anomaly. This hair color is characteristic of less than 5% of the population. And in the 16th century, red-haired women were considered witches. Unfortunately, even in the works of the 19th century girls easy orientations were described as red-haired (for example, in the work of Guy de Maupassant).

Tatyana Churova, head of regional direction

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? Beska and Fox.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? Expressive look, a little blush, a black dress and high heels.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Most people associate the red color with fire, which is fraught with danger, burns and bewitches. Maybe that’s why red-haired girls are still considered “evil spirits.”

Ekaterina Zhukova, bank worker

Photo: personal archive of Ekaterina Zhukova

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? When I was a child, I wasn’t a redhead because I wore makeup, but I was teased because maiden name Murzilka (and he was almost red).

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? I really like the combination of all shades of green with red hair. I also absolutely love my scarlet dresses (despite the fact that some will say that it doesn’t go well with red).

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? These are passionate, enthusiastic people, often with behavior different from the average person. That’s why people may not understand them, and maybe even fear them.

Ksenia Ilyushina, student of the Faculty of Chemistry

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? I wasn't teased as a child. And as soon as I dyed my hair, Red is my middle name.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? I believe, that The best way highlight your hair color - smile and good mood.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? And try to refuse anything to radiant red-haired girls! Does not work? That's the same!

Alena Tikhonenko, tattoo artist

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? As a child, I was a curly blonde and was often called a dandelion. Subsequently, there were a lot of experiments with hair, but red is not just a color, it is a character. The main thing is to be able to match the bright image internally. Now I'm being compared to Poison Ivy from Batman.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? The best colors to harmonize with red hair are green, blue, purple shades, combined with smoky makeup.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? That's a moot point. For example, in Ancient Rome red hair was considered a sign of noble birth. And the priestess was always chosen with a reddish tint of hair and green eyes. I think redheads green-eyed girls, of course, could be called witches simply for their beauty, for the fact that they could bewitch a man.

Katerina Pogorelova, finance and credit economist

Photo: personal archive of Katerina Pogorelova

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? Dystrophic.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? Black dress.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Because a woman with red hair always attracts attention! Natural red-haired girls have been considered unusual since ancient times and therefore people gave them such a nickname, since they could not explain their natural feature!

Vote for the brightest red-haired beauty on the last page

Natalya Lavrentieva, field of activity - information technology

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Photo: personal archive of Natalia Lavrentieva

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? In childhood they called her simply Red, and in the children's camp Carrot, but it was extremely affectionate.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? I love it very much plain dresses intense colors: green, blue, marsala, etc.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Redheads are called beasts because of their fiery character, matching their hair color.

Oksana Kitaeva, art director of PROspekt LLC, presenter and MC

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? As a child, everyone was called Ksyukha, in high school they began to call me Lu-Lu, that’s how my pseudonym was born and remains MC Lu-Lu to this day.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? A win-win be the brightest - purple suit and Smoky makeup eyes.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? Some, out of envy that redheads are always the center of attention, attract attention to their appearance, and often shine brightly inner world. Someone falls madly in love with the “child of the Sun.” There are many reasons, we’re just a little different from everyone else, and people often consider everything that deviates from the norm to be abnormal!

Alena Poplavskaya, leading accountant

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? I haven't been a redhead since childhood. I dyed my hair for the first time in 9th grade. Then my male classmates did not understand the beauty of this color and called it corrosion. It was a shame.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? Undoubtedly, the color of redheads is green. Therefore, when I go shopping, I try to choose things of this color, or blue, it also emphasizes the color of my hair.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? I have no idea why redheads are called that. We are sunshine! Kind and bright, we illuminate everything around.

Ekaterina Vetokhina, student of Voronezh State Autonomous University

Photo: personal archive of Ekaterina Vetokhina

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? They called me Ogonyok, but it wasn’t exactly in childhood. And also - Rabbit.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? The most important thing is that my favorite color is blue and blue is the main colors that suit redheads. So I have a lot of pieces in my wardrobe that I can steal the show with. For example, mine Prom Dress the deep blue color paired with shiny pumps made me stand out from everyone else.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? They're jealous! This is a very unusual color.

Photo: personal archive of Victoria Onufrieva

Were you ever teased because of your hair color as a child? There were many nicknames, for example, Cosmo-Vika.

How do you highlight your unique hair color in your wardrobe and makeup? I highlight my hair color with something bright, be it red lipstick or a green shirt. I probably don't have a favorite image. I try to make each one memorable. A win-win option for red-haired girls: red, yellow, blue, green colors and their shades.

Why are redheads called beasts or witches? The comparison between redheads and witches comes from mythology. Adam's first woman was Lilith (created from red clay and endowed with a shock of red hair): insidious, seductive and unyielding, she did not want to be an obedient complement to a man and left paradise. She became the wife of Satan, the queen and mother of demons.

German scientists, conducting numerous experiments and surveys in the field sexual activity women with different colors hair, came to the conclusion that red-haired ladies are the most active and open in intimate matters. Most often they have many suitors and partners.

Red is definitely a color that men like! Even heroines are often awarded by the creators fiery red hair. According to surveys, half of the stronger sex are attracted to red-haired people, and they would like to see them as their sexual partner.

People associate the red color with flames, with sunsets, with animals, for example, with sly fox. Tall with red hair, like this animal, she is dangerous and obstinate. Maybe she behaves like a hooligan, with a loud and ringing voice, and in some matters she is too harsh and aggressive, but in many ways she is smart and fair. She is admired, admired, imitated.

Red-haired girls always stand out in the crowd, and sometimes it’s luxurious hair create for them an individual and bright image, which, of course, appeals to men.

What is amazing about red-haired women?

Fiery hair color gives the owner glamor and self-confidence. Due to her visibility, a woman is constantly in the spotlight. Due to the increased interest in red-haired people, women often resort to dyeing their hair this color, trying to be as noticeable as possible.

You can often see Hollywood stars dyed red, for example, Milla Jovovich and Nicole Kidman naturally had a completely different hair color.

When changing hair color, a woman's attitude towards herself, her worldview, and in a sense, even her character, changes. She becomes more confident and active, which, of course, everyone around her notices. Also, what men like about red-haired girls is their responsibility, initiative, and enterprise. This applies to financial, professional, as well as personal issues.

A woman with fiery hair is never in one place, she is always on the move, laughing, smiling, infecting those around her with her positive and perky attitude. Redheads are demanding and caring wives. They will never leave their loved one, they will help him in everything, provide assistance in business and business. However, you need to communicate with her carefully, as if with fire - any carelessly spoken word will lead to a scandal and quarrel. Despite all the talk of envious people and Old Believers, red-haired women have a truly noble appearance. Red hair color is associated with gold, copper, money, wealth, and rare man will deny himself such a treasure.

Each period of time has its own fashion. As you know, it is cyclical: what seems to be a thing of the distant past will very likely soon become popular again. Currently, things that were worn in the distant 90s are returning to fashion.

90s fashion


At that time, a tracksuit served not only for sports. They also wore it on dates, to work, or for a walk. Moreover, this outfit was popular among both men and women. And if on tracksuit there was some kind of label well-known company, then there was simply no price for him.

Mini skirts

The shorter the skirt was at that time, the more stylish and fashionable the girl was considered. Elastic skirts were especially popular. This model, as a rule, was black and rose very strongly when walking, trying to turn into a belt. Despite such inconveniences, it was still difficult to meet a fashionista of the 90s without such a wardrobe element as an elastic skirt.

Broad shoulders

Outerwear with broad shoulders– was also at the peak of popularity in the 90s. A miniskirt, a jacket with such shoulders, a blouse with ruffles - and fashionable image ready.


Shapeless sweaters were considered the latest fashion in the 90s. Large warm sweaters, as a rule, had some kind of bright ornament or pattern. Girls preferred artificially elongated sweaters, which were worn under leggings.

Speaking about the fashion of the 90s, one cannot fail to mention the flared trousers that were popular wild success in all segments of the population. Flares that started from the knee rather than the hip were considered fashionable.


Bandanas and caps are iconic accessories of the 90s; they enjoyed particular success among men. Girls gave their preference to headbands. All these accessories could be of absolutely any color - from black to the brightest acid shades.

Hits of the 90s

In the 90s, denim items were at the peak of popularity. Only the lazy did not wear them. The more there was on the body denim clothes, all the better. Notorious fashionistas managed to wear jeans With denim shirt and complement it all denim bag. But the famous Malvina jeans were especially popular.

Another hit of that time can rightfully be called leggings in bright acidic colors - pink, yellow, blue, light green. Such leggings were in every girl’s wardrobe, regardless of body type. Popular ones of the time also had a strong shine. Such tights filled out the legs, but all women still loved them.

The crimson jacket is a true legend that still brings a smile to many people. In the late 90s, a crimson jacket had to be present in the wardrobe of every so-called “new Russian”. Such a jacket was an indicator that its owner was a serious and important person.

Leather items could only compete with denim items in popularity. At the peak of fashion were any items made of leather - trousers, vests, skirts, leather jackets. Leather items with a large number of rivets and locks were especially valued.

Video on the topic

Some psychologists believe that hair color affects character. Red-haired people are the “darlings” of the sun; people with fiery hair are not so common, but they exist in almost all nationalities. They have their own characteristics in character. There are some stereotypes about such representatives of humanity, but there are also certain facts


The color red was associated with the sun and fire. This is where stereotypes with copper shades come from. The heat of the sun and tongues of fire are considered an element indomitable and beyond the control of man. This is how people with a sunny complexion were considered. In ancient times, they were considered hot-tempered, indomitable and dangerous. The fact that most redheads were Celts, Scots and Irish contributed to the same stereotype. And, as you know, these were warlike and fearsome peoples. There are still legends about their violent temper. An unbridled desire to be free and independent, aggression and independence - and now these character traits are attributed to red-haired people.

IN Ancient Rus' Red-haired people were feared, especially women. They were considered witches and sorceresses. This was especially true for green-eyed red-haired girls. In England, many such women used to be burned at the stake, considered witches.

Red-haired people have to endure enormous onslaught and pressure from childhood. Some adults will not be able to tolerate all the jokes and close attention. But this gives redheads special patience, toughness of character, the ability to defend their opinion and achieve planned heights. This makes women stand out in particular. They easily achieve success in male professions, always rise to the occasion and are ready to fight back if necessary.

In a crowd of people, a person with red hair is immediately visible. It stands out for its brightness. And they are considered bright personalities not only because external signs, but also by character. They are capable of surprising, being soft and romantic at one moment, and then flaring up and exploding in a storm of emotions the next second. Scientists have proven that red-haired people produce less anti-stress hormones than people with other hair colors.

Sexually, redheads have all the fire they have. Just lava of passion and desire fills them. They can excite any heart, ignite it with their inexhaustible love and sexuality. In bed, they work wonders, delivering unforgettable pleasure to their partners. It is in bed that their feelings show their full strength.

Red-haired people are assertive, truthful, and can tell the whole truth head-on, without caring about the consequences. They are fearless, stubborn, self-reliant and independent. But it is possible that such a character appears as a result of stereotypes. There are also red-haired representatives with completely opposite character traits.


People with natural red hair color are not that common. Only 4% of people have fiery hair.

Rose Leslie- British actress. Rose comes from the ancient Scottish clan Leslie, we know her by her role Wild Ygritte from the series "Game of Thrones" and the role of the maid Gwen Dawson from the series "Downton Abbey".

Esme Bianco- English actress, model and burlesque show participant. Known to us for her role as a red-haired prostitute Ros in the series "Game of Thrones", not every actress will agree to act in such explicit scenes as Esme, and not everyone can find such a rich collection of erotic photos in their photo album.

Sophie Turner– the young British actress, although she has dyed red hair, is quite worthy of being in this ranking of the reddest celebrity girls, especially since this is bright and saturated color her hair suits her very well. Become a redhead Sophie had to do it for filming in the series "Game of Thrones", but she liked this hair color so much that the actress decided to leave it, and she was right!

Find out more about Sophie Turner here

Carice van Houten– Dutch actress, familiar to many for her role Melisandre (Red woman) in the series "Game of Thrones". But in the filmography of the actress there are a lot of wonderful films and one of them is "Black book", where the actress played a Jewish singer who decided to take revenge on the Nazis for the death of her family. Karis prefers to dye her hair brown with a red tint.

Julia Roberts - American actress, familiar to us primarily from the film "Gorgeous", where her heroine captivated her with her shock of red hair eligible groom. This actress not only manages to act in films, but also raise three children.

Anna Kendrick- a very red-haired American actress and singer, known to many from the saga "Twilight", where she starred in the role Jessica Stanley. This girl was nominated for an award "Oscar" in 2010 for Best Supporting Actor in a Film "I'd like to go to heaven".

Lily ColeEnglish model and actress. Who watched the movie "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus", he couldn’t help but notice a lovely girl there Valentine, whose nickname was "Appetizer". Lily red-haired and with freckles - there is no doubt about it!

Jessica Chastain- American actress. Since this site is dedicated to the actors who played in "Game of Thrones", then I hasten to note that Jessica starred in the film "Mother" With Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, because after she appeared in the film "Servant", roles rained down on her like from a cornucopia.

Julianne Moore- American actress. This red-haired beauty is ready to take on any role, but only if she likes the script. Who has she played: a drug addict porn star in the film "Boogie Nights", an artist painting her own vagina in "The Big Lebowski", Mother Melkin's witch-monster "Seventh Son". Julianne Moore truly a magnificent and brave actress worthy of admiration!

Lindsay Lohan- American actress and singer. Lindsay in fact, she is a redhead and there is no doubt about it, just look at her childhood photographs, because she already starred in commercials from the age of three, and from the age of ten she began acting in television series. Early fame played a cruel joke on her, and very for a long time Lindsay was the heroine of many scandalous news, but we hope that the actress will finally put her head together and continue to pursue her career.

Tilda Swinton- British actress, her ancestors belong to the oldest Anglo-Scottish family. Tilde has a very bright appearance. Once you see her, you will never be able to confuse her with anyone. Many people know her for her role White Witch V "The Chronicles of Narnia". True, now this actress is increasingly dyeing her hair blonde.

Debra Messing- American actress, known to us for her leading role in the comedy "Groom for hire".

Gemma Arterton- British actress. And although this red-haired beauty often dyes her hair in various colors, nevertheless, from birth she has her own rich chestnut hair color with a red streak and cute freckles on her face. Did you know that this red-haired actress was born into the family of a welder and a cleaner. In addition, the baby had six fingers on both hands. But none of this stopped me Gemma become one of the most beautiful and sought-after actresses in Hollywood. I remember her most from the movie "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time", where she played the role of a princess Taminas, and based on the mini-series "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"- there she simply perfectly played a girl who had to endure severe trials, I want to note that this actress looks amazing even without makeup!

Yulia Kogan– singer, known to us as the vocalist of the group "Leningrad", Julia extravagant and very bright woman, not only is she not shy about swearing, she can easily sing a swear song for a huge audience of band fans "Leningrad".

Irina Zabiyaka- lead singer of the group "Chile"- owner of a magnificent rare voice timbre. At one time, many believed that she was a man, but no doubts remained about Irina after she gave birth to a child.

Natalia Podolskaya- a red-haired singer, the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., she may dye her hair, but judging by her childhood photos, her hair is still red!

Mylene Farmer- French singer, known all over the world. Milen I dyed my brown hair red and have not changed this color ever since.

Anastasia Stotskaya. Our list of the most saffron singers and actresses cannot do without this bright, chic diva-protégé of Kirkorov! Her hair is the color of a ripe, juicy carrot. You can’t imagine Nastya with any other hair color.

Cynthia Dicker- Brazilian model. A ravishing beauty, and even covered with freckles. Who said freckles are not beautiful? Freckles are gorgeous and so positive!

Catherine Tate- British comedian actress, known to us from the parody-comedy sketch show "The Catherine Tate Show". But at school, classmates laughed at the red-haired girl Catherine, how often does this happen to great people!

Molly S. Quinn who played in the film "We Are the Millers" by Melissa Fitzgerald, that funny girl who was traveling with her parents who wanted to get to know their family better Millerov. Moreover, it is Molly voices fairy bloom in a series of cartoons "Winx Club". The actress is only 20 years old, but she has already starred in many projects. And yes, she is a real redhead, perhaps because she has Irish blood in her veins?

Lena Katina- ex-soloist of the group "Tattoo". Lena is not at the end of our list of red-haired celebrities, and who knows how long this list could become. If you remember any other red-haired beauties, write, I will gladly join this honorable rank!

Emily Browning- Australian actress. She played the very first leading role in the film "Lemony Snicket: 33 Misfortunes", and recently starred in Kit Harington in film "Pompeii".

Emma Watson - redhead actress Hollywood with brown eyes, the girl carefully disguises her freckles, but is in no hurry to get rid of her red hair color, because it gives her appearance expressiveness. Emma, ​​although she has already grown up, still seems to me like an unopened bud - gentle, unvulgar and talented!

Andrea Riseborough- English actress. Andrea often dyes her wonderful red hair black and dark chestnut color. Riseborough starred with Tom Cruise in a science fiction film "Oblivion", where she played his red-haired partner Vicky. And in the film "We. We believe in love", director, who was Madonna, Andrea Riseborough played one of the main roles, but in this film she was a brunette.

Bela Thorne is a red-haired young American actress, model and singer. This beauty is only 16 years old.

Shailene Woodley-a very popular red-haired American actress, you may have seen her in the films “Devergent”, “The Descendants”, “The Fault in Our Stars”.

Kaya Scodelario– British actress Born 1992. Another red-haired beauty to add to our collection! Blue-blue eyes, freckles and curls of brown-red hair. And you could have seen her in the film "The Maze Runner", where she starred in the role Teresa.

Lana Del Rey- American red-haired singer, composer and model, this beauty’s hair is a bright, rich color.

Victoria Tarasova - Russian actress. This beauty most likely dyes her curls red, she looks so fiery, bright, sunny that I simply can’t imagine her in another color!
