Where to find and how to meet your love? An independent conspiracy against a future husband - calling on the betrothed. For each pod, before throwing it, you need to read a plot to attract love into your life

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Everyone knows from school this irrefutable proof that two parallel lines do not intersect. They can walk next to each other along their entire length, but I will never be able to touch, even being at an extremely short distance from each other!

We see this picture quite often in people’s lives. Two good ones wonderful person cannot meet each other in this life, like those straight lines. And why?

There's one for that the most important reason. THEY do not match in vibration. I'll give you another small example. Our world, the physical world in which we arrive, consists of a huge number of waves and vibrations. Simply put, our world has an energy wave structure. Energy of different frequencies is generated and emitted by both living and inanimate objects.

But let's look at MAN and WOMAN. Human. Each of those newly born in this world brings here a certain karmic reserve of energy. This is his fate, karma. Thanks to this program, a person will be born in a particular country, society, family. Receives one or another body accordingly. BUT each of those born comes into this world to be happy! And not to suffer and suffer!

Every person, both man and woman, wants to be happy! Love is what a person strives for. He wants to both love and be loved.

So let's look at what is happening in our world now! It is very difficult for a person now to find his soul mate and create a strong, reliable family. As a specialist who has been working in this field for a long time, I know this problem firsthand. There are a lot of men and women asking the same question! THEY ARE ALONE! Great amount wonderful people can't find a life partner. Why is this happening?


I will answer, they are parallel to each other. Yes, they are good, they have both soul and body. Moreover, a good, bright soul. The body is also not damaged. But the paradox is that they either meet the wrong people in their lives or don’t meet them at all. Can this be fixed and how?

I’ll just say one thing now! We need to change the frequency of perceptions, stop watching melodrama on the channel! You can watch movies about love too!

So, there's a problem! A man or a woman cannot find their soul mate, their love and, accordingly, create a normal, healthy family! As I already said, there are several reasons why this happens. I described the main REASON specifically. These people simply simply cannot meet each other, like PARALLEL DIRECTS. But let's not talk anymore about school programs, let's talk about life.

Karmic program

This is the first reason why a person brought such karma, fate into this life and bears his cross. What could it be? Why fate this is how he deals with a person in this life, in this way. Answer in past life a person, by some of his actions or deeds, destroyed or trampled or destroyed the sacred - LOVE. How could this happen? Let’s just say the banal, simplest reason a person (man or woman) rejected the real, pure one for some reason material reasons. Let's say I can't get married because I or you don't have money or housing, or you're not right for me. financial situation. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, but I cannot connect my life with you. That's all this is the murder of LOVE!

Or another similar one karmic reason! The karma of the family (mother, father, grandfathers, grandmothers) could also violate the laws of love. And their children are now paying for this, for they all now carry within themselves a program for the destruction of love in this world. Because they would like to create a normal, healthy family. To love and be loved, but the law of KARMA does not allow you to do this. God forgives everything, NO KARMA.

it is a mechanism, a cause, and there are effects.

Magic We include the so-called magical influences on a person and relationships to arouse in him feelings of love, sexual attraction, the breakdown of relationships with a partner, etc., as outside interference. This is all done using magical influences

: love spells, lapels, sexual attachments, prisushkas, quarrels, egilettes. Through magic a person can either be aroused in love or sexual desires

What can you do if YOU suspect that something is wrong in your life? There is a suspicion that you have been damaged or have a karmic program! There is no need to hesitate and wait. There is nothing more valuable in our world than TIME! It is the time lost that cannot be returned for any money. This means that if you have suspicions, you need to establish the exact reason for what is happening in your life. Is it karma or magic? This is the crown of celibacy, or the seal of loneliness. Or there is nothing like that, and everything is in your hands.

Sergey Rychkov

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