Tourism as a form of physical culture. Sports tourism as a means of physical education in primary school age

Tourism as a means of physical education creates the most favorable conditions for the improvement of children. In tourist trips, the motor actions studied in physical education lessons (overcoming obstacles, water obstacles, climbing, walking, etc.) are directly applied, the knowledge acquired in geography, biology, astronomy lessons sounds in a new way.

Tourism is a means of enriching the life experience of students, acquaintance with various professions, a means of understanding the beauty of nature.

Overcoming difficulties in the campaign instills in them a sense of collectivism, teaches them to rise above personal likes and dislikes, to be sensitive to each other, merciless to violators of discipline and order. The hike will help to better understand and study the nature of each child, establish trusting relationships between teachers and students, satisfy the need for novelty, adventure, romance.

In 1972, for the first time, a hiking trip and orienteering competitions were included in the TRP complex.

Recently, more and more amateur hikes and trips are being carried out, the number of their participants is increasing.

More than 21 thousand routes have been laid across the country along the native land, to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory. 20 million amateur tourists go hiking along these routes every year. More than 2,000 tourist clubs, about 67,000 tourist sections, physical culture groups of the DSO have been created in the country.

Circles and sections train badges and dischargers, as well as junior tourism instructors, assistant hikers. The circles are led by teachers of the school or employees of the station for young tourists. A school amateur camp can be organized as a tourist, sports or labor and recreation camp. The task of these camps is the same: health promotion, education of labor skills, moral and physical qualities. But depending on the purpose, tourism, sports or socially useful work may come to the fore.

The camp is characterized by broad self-government. Its activities are regulated by a specially developed charter with the active participation of all members of the camp.

The order of the director on the organization of the camp, the agreement with the institutions on the territory of which the camp will be located, the lists of personnel, the work schedule is endorsed by the tourist organizer of the district House of Schoolchildren, the camp commission and submitted to the department of public education to obtain permission to enter the camp.

The rally of competitions is given as a review of tourism work for the past academic year. By order of the director, the head of the rally-competition, the head of the marching groups are appointed, the position and the judicial team are approved.

The rally should be held in two days. On the day before the day off, after the lessons, the groups go by their routes to the place of the competition, and having arrived there, they set up tents, prepare dinner, in the evening a review of the amateur performances of all teams is held around the fire. Sunday is dedicated to competitions for grades 5-7 and grades 8-11, which are held separately and summing up the results of the rally-competition.

Tourism as a means of physical education for schoolchildren

Tourism in the education system of Russia is an effective means of teaching and educating children and youth. The word tourism in translation from French means "walk", "trip", "journey". Special methods of using excursions, travels, systematic observations and research to broaden the horizons of children, master versatile practical skills, educate them in morality, love for work, nature, became widespread in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. At present, tourism is included in the permanent arsenal of pedagogical means of the school, and pedagogical theory and practice have proved the usefulness and necessity of tourism for every student.

As experience and practice show, tourist activity is an important factor in solving the problems of comprehensive education of the younger generation and their involvement in work. Hiking near and far, Robinson's life in a tent somewhere in the dense forests, evening gatherings under the starry sky by a hot fire - this is where the richest deposit of educational opportunities, a real treasure trove of pedagogical treasures. Observations show that it is tourism that creates conditions that require active and independent actions from children.

Especially great opportunities in the implementation of tourism work have a subject of physical culture.. It should be emphasized that physical education lessons using tourism facilities have their own characteristics.

Firstly, the content of such lessons includes not only the performance of various physical exercises, but also the formation of knowledge about nature, the relationship of man to nature, teaches collectivism, camaraderie and mutual understanding, which undoubtedly makes them cognitive and educational and has an educational character.

Secondly, the lesson of physical culture with the use of tourism means is subject to a single storyline and game form, which ensures interest and the need for physical exercises.

Thirdly, lessons with the use of tourism facilities are conducted in the open air, which allows solving one of the main tasks of physical culture - health improvement.

You can spend the entire lesson in the form of a trip, playing around the stations, or include elements of tourism in the lesson. Theoretical and practical classes can be carried out not only in natural conditions, but also in the gym or in the classroom. Many elements of tourist all-around, obstacle courses can be included in athletics and gymnastics lessons.The natural tourist obstacle course includes the following stages. This is a “crossing” on a fallen tree, climbing over obstacles, “crossing” over “bumps”, overcoming a “web”, crawling under leaning branches, climbing through a “mousetrap”, etc., which provides a change in motor actions and is beneficial for the development of motor abilities. and a number of functional systems of the child's body.

Relay races and outdoor games of short duration with search elements are used in elementary grades so that children can navigate in relation to buildings, structures of various kinds, areal landmarks, various directions of movement, etc. For example, on a drawn class map, children mark where any objects (desks, chairs) will be, and then change their location. After that, they offer the partner to return the items according to the proposed pattern. During the games, children acquire the ability to hold the card correctly, i.e. orient the map to large landmarks (windows, doors, walls). At the middle level, students consolidate the knowledge gained in the lower grades. The rules of the games and the games themselves become more complicated.

The use of outdoor games such as,"Wind and weathercocks", "Climbers", "Talking in the forest", "Pedometers", Chasing the "fox", "Who is more observant", "Search for the missing group", "From bump to bump", "Preparing for the campaign", "Compass", etc.. not only increases the emotional background of a physical education lesson, but alsoreinforce the skills necessary in everyday life, develop physical qualities, interest in physical education lessons.

So that cross-training lessons would not be tedious and monotonous, 7th grade students were introduced to the map, topographical signs, how to read the map. 4 routes were developed, identical in complexity and length. The class was divided into several subgroups, each of which found checkpoints along its route, trying to be the first to reach the finish line.

The purpose of tourism activities in the school as a means of promoting health, a healthy lifestyle and preventing delinquency is to create conditions for attracting as many students as possible to tourism. To do this, tourist circles and sections are organized at the school, tourist rallies, competitions, tourist evenings, hikes, quizzes, etc. The purpose of the program is the development of motor, cognitive activity of students, health promotion. The program includes the following sections: the ABC of topography, the ABC of tourist and household skills, first aid, etc.

Thus, the variety of forms of tourism, its positive impact on the human body allow it to be used as a means of physical education, starting from primary school age.

Hiking takes a significant place in the life of the health camp, as they have great educational opportunities. Their implementation depends on the teacher, counselor-leader. Work on tourism creates a fertile ground for the development of labor and strong-willed skills. On a hike, a tourist learns to overcome obstacles, cook food, chop wood, put up a tent, and navigate the terrain.

The campaign must pursue precisely formulated tasks. The duties of the leader of the campaign include the development of the route, the study of the travel area, for which he conducts personal reconnaissance in advance. When choosing a route, one should take into account age, degree of physical fitness, natural and climatic conditions of the hiking area. As a result, a survey of the area or a route plan should be made.

A special place in the preparation is occupied by training in packing a backpack, kindling a fire, quickly setting up tents, and arranging huts. All this would be good to learn in a playful way and in the form of quizzes. An effective means of preparing for hiking trips are competitions in the tourist obstacle course in detachments between links. They can be carried out on the speed of overcoming by the team (link) of the entire strip, consisting of natural and artificial obstacles: running "over bumps"; carrying the "victim", overcoming a moat, a stream along a log; climbing a slope with a rope; orientation, setting up a tent; kindling a fire, etc.

2-3 days before the departure, a list of participants in the campaign is established. For every 12-15 people, a leader is allocated (from among adults). Other responsibilities are distributed - the supply manager for equipment, the deputy head for food, the orderly, the photographer.

After the products are issued on the basis of the order of the head of the camp, the cook group draws up a menu for the entire trip. On the eve of the exit, the deputy food manager and the supply manager receive food, inventory, dishes (buckets, bowls, mugs, spoons), distribute them in backpacks and in other containers that are convenient for carrying. Note that all this must be completed before the evening line.

The head of the group is appointed by order of the head of the camp and is responsible for the preparation and successful conduct of the campaign (travel), for the life and health of its participants.

When developing the route, it is necessary to outline the movement paths of the group, draw up a schedule of the route (outline the places of halts, determine the most difficult places-obstacles, places for overnight stay and swimming), agree (if necessary) on lodging for the night with an excursion institution, with a children's recreation camp along the way following, about a friendly meeting, meals or about other events.

If the group leaves in the morning with the intention of returning in the evening, then the route for participants of average fitness can be from 10 to 16 km. If a two-day hike is planned, then it is advisable to choose a bivouac site 5-7 km from the beginning of the route. On the second day of the hike, you can plan 14-20 km. After choosing a route, its features are studied: the terrain, the nearest settlements, the presence of roads and trails, natural obstacles, forests, rivers, sights, historical monuments, museums. The possibilities of approaching the beginning of the route and leaving at its end are determined.

The main form of marching formation of tourists is in a column one at a time. The leader goes first, followed by the weakest participants. One of the neat tourists is appointed as the last one. The trailer must not leave anyone behind him. The distance between participants should be 1.5-2 meters. The first halt is recommended to be done 10-15 minutes after the start of the movement to adjust (if necessary) equipment and shoes. In the future, halts for 10 minutes are recommended to be done every 45-50 minutes of movement. Places for them are chosen in a dry picturesque place in the shade. Backpacks are removed, several exercises are given for the arms, shoulder girdle and torso. Participants sit or lie down so that their legs are higher (on a backpack or stump). The average walking speed is 3-4 km/h, i.е. The group spends 15-20 minutes to cover one kilometer. At the same time, the speed of movement depends on the terrain, weather conditions and the preparedness of the group. The weight of the carried load can be from 5-7 kg (girls 10-12 years old) to 12-16 kg (boys 12-15 years old). If the weight of the cargo (cargo equipment) is much more than recommended, then it should be delivered to certain sections of the route in advance.

Travel hazards can be spontaneous, unpredictable (thunderstorm, earthquake, collapse, etc.), but most often it is weather deterioration, poor-quality tourist equipment and equipment.

In the campaign, you must strictly adhere to the established daily routine: it is forbidden to linger for a long time by the fire in the evening; hang up at 22-24 hours, and wake up at 6-8 hours, depending on the work ahead. At night, alternate duty is established. The regulations are as follows: 2 people for 2-3 hours, always with adults. But, if the way back is not far, you can allow it, but it is better to lead the evening chant by the fire, which gives the children a lot of joy and pleasure.

Before leaving the halt, the whole group carefully cleans the territory. Garbage is burned, and the fire is filled with water. The leader and commanders check the work done and whether anything has been forgotten.

Route selection, driving order and precautions:

1. When choosing a route, you need to avoid large open areas. The best way would be a path. On the highway, you need to move along the side of the road on the left side towards the oncoming traffic.

2. Crossing the river is a great danger. You can cross by boats and by ferry, but avoid fording. Swimming is strictly prohibited.

3. During a thunderstorm, you don’t have to run in the field, but it’s better to find shelter in a dry hole, a ditch, carry all metal objects a few meters away, lie down and cover yourself with a raincoat. In the forest, do not hide under tall trees. Free-standing oak, poplar, spruce, pine are especially dangerous (lightning rarely strikes birch and maple).

4. On the way, follow the tired participant, take care and help him.

5. Adhere to the approved itinerary and trip plan, not allowing deviations from them without good reason.

6. Strictly adhere to the established rules for bathing children. The head personally checks the bathing place and is always with the guys during the bathing.

7. Observe sanitary and hygienic rules. Do not allow drinking unboiled water (with the exception of proven wells and springs). Explain to participants that excessive drinking causes profuse sweating, excretion of salts, and this in turn causes fatigue. Carefully check the quality of food products (meat, sausage, fish, canned food, mushrooms). Do not allow cooking in galvanized utensils (buckets, cans should be poured, aluminum).

8. Not allowed to move bareheaded, without a shirt to avoid sun and heat stroke. Immediately provide first aid to the sick and injured, and if necessary, contact the doctor of the nearest settlement.

9. A tourist never does anything alone. Do not lag behind the group and unauthorized absences.

10. Notify the ALL (school) about the course of the hike and the condition of the participants from pre-established points. However, this is not always possible. Then you should agree on the arrival at the agreed time and place of someone from the camp in a camp car.

11. The head is obliged to ensure the safety of property and collected materials.

Khakass State University named after N.F.Katanov


Korobeinikov Denis Yurievich, Lecturer, Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Khakass State University named after Nikolai Fedorovich Katanov


The article considers sports tourism as an integral part of physical education in education and its types. The main means of physical education, typical for younger schoolchildren, was physical labor, consisting of physical exercises, due to which the student's comprehensive physical development takes place, and also contributes to the formation and improvement of certain physical qualities of children. Two sets of exercises from sports tourism are presented, which can be used in the physical education of younger students.

The article considers sports tourism as an integral part of physical education in education and its types. The main means of physical education, typical for younger students, was physical labor, consisting of physical exercises, through which there is a comprehensive physical development of the student, and also contributes to the formation and improvement of certain physical qualities of children. There are two sets of exercises from sports tourism, which can be used in the physical education of younger students.


sport; competition; sports tourism; types of sports tourism; physical development; physical education; means of physical education; physical qualities; education; primary school age; leading activity; sensitive period of development; physical exercises, theoretical exercises

sport; competition; sports tourism; sports tourism; physical development; physical education; a means of physical education; physical quality; education; primary school age; leading activity; a sensitive period of development; physical exercises, theoretical exercises

UDC 796.51


Sports tourism, according to A.Yu. Alexandrova is a sport based on competitions on routes (sports hike), including overcoming obstacles categorized by difficulty in the natural environment (roads and trails with various surfaces and off-road, water crossings, mountain passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves , water) and at distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism as a kind of sport is included in the unified all-Russian sports classification. Sports tourism is regulated by the relevant properties, namely: competitive activity, after which the individual abilities of tourists are compared. As well as in every sport, tourists who deserve it are assigned sports titles and ranks. The most important and most significant is that the legal and regulatory framework has been developed in sports tourism. This tourism basis is associated with the process of formation, conduct of sports trips, tourist competitions and other events.

Sports tourism can also be considered as an independent direction, therefore, depending on the purpose of travel, it can be divided into two types: active and passive. Active tourism is when a tourist has not only the motivation to engage in tourism, but also as the physical development of his own body. And passive tourism is when a “tourist” stays at sports competitions as an observer.

The types of sports tourism are:

  • hiking - movement on the route is carried out mainly on foot. The main task is to overcome terrain and landscape obstacles on foot, for high categories of difficulty - in areas with difficult terrain and climatic conditions;
  • ski tourism - movement on the route is carried out mainly on skis. The main task is to overcome relief-landscape obstacles on snow and snow-ice cover on skis, for high categories of difficulty - in harsh climatic zones and in mountainous areas;
  • mountain tourism - hiking in high mountains. The main task is the passage of mountain passes, climbing peaks, traverses of mountain ranges;
  • water tourism - rafting on rivers on means of rafting (ships), as a rule, in mountainous areas. The main task is the passage of water obstacles formed by the relief of the riverbed and the features of its course;
  • sailing tourism - travel on ships under sail on the sea or water areas of large lakes. The main task is to fulfill the ship's voyage plan in accordance with the rules of navigation in inland waters and on the high seas;
  • on vehicles - a section that includes cycling tourism, equestrian tourism and auto-motor tourism.


Sports tourism can be considered in various directions, for example, as a multi-species active sport, and for this reason I would like to consider it in a narrow direction, namely: tourism as a sports section.

Target : consider sports tourism as a means of physical education.

Tasks : study the definition of sports tourism; consider tourism as a means of physical education at school, namely at primary school age.

Scientific novelty : a set of exercises from sports tourism, which should be used in the physical education of younger students, in accordance with the psychological characteristics of a given age.

The beginning where tourism takes place is the school. Tourism is an equally important component of extracurricular sports activities at school.

Currently, tourism is a low-cost and very effective technology for the formation and development of physical principles in a schoolchild. For this reason, tourism can undoubtedly be considered a means of physical education in education.

Physical education is a type of education, the specific content of which is the training of movements, the education of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical education knowledge and skills, the formation of a conscious need for physical education.

So, tourism can be called an exceptionally significant means of physical education, in addition, it contributes to the active entertainment of children in nature. Therefore, we can say that sports tourism is directly related to physical education, education and physical development of children (including younger students). The interval from which it is necessary to start training in sports tourism is the primary school age.

All age categories of the population, without exception, are fond of sports tourism, including even schoolchildren studying in grades 1-4. In the age periodization D.B. Elkonin's primary school age includes the interval from 7 to 11 years. The leading activity of younger schoolchildren is study, a schoolchild learns to control his own behavior in accordance with the conditions, requirements and established rules at school. He develops arbitrariness, self-discipline and an internal plan of action, for this reason, primary school age can be called the pinnacle of childhood.

Also, this age is characterized by characteristic features that relate to the sensitive period of development, namely: the assimilation of generally accepted school moral norms, positive changes and transformations, the presence of the highest authority of an adult, the regulation of emotional states, receptivity, work with fears of exaltation, darkness and etc., emotional-volitional regulation is included, etc., which, of course, must be taken into account in the physical education of younger students.

The variety of forms of sports tourism, its positive impact on the body of schoolchildren make it possible to use it as a means of physical education in primary school age. The means of physical education for younger students are physical and theoretical exercises, physical activity, the healing power of nature, etc. A significant role is occupied by walks with hygienic purposes.

Separately, I would like to consider physical exercises, which are the main means of physical education in elementary school.

A set of physical exercises from sports tourism that can be used in physical education:

  • orientation on the terrain on a topographic map
  • rock climbing (climbing wall)
  • pull-ups on the bar
  • overcoming the "Parallel crossing"
  • overcoming the "Hinged crossing"
  • overcoming the "Pendulum"
  • overcoming the "Swamp"
  • overcoming the railing
  • slope climb
  • downhill
  • homing descent
  • setting up a tourist tent
  • stretching the muscles of the legs to overcome the obstacle "Butterfly" and much more.

With their help, the comprehensive physical development of children, the formation of the correct skills of natural movements, the development of basic physical qualities, the overcoming of various fears, the formation of insignificant independence, the control of emotions, the development of willpower, etc. are carried out.

Consider theoretical exercises, which are an important means of physical education in elementary school.

A set of theoretical exercises from sports tourism that can be used in physical education:

  • knitting tourist knots
  • study of various types of campfires, as well as their installation
  • study of topographic symbols
  • study of the rules of behavior in campaigns and safety rules
  • the theoretical sequence of setting up a tourist tent, etc.
  • learning the basics of orienteering and much more.

With the help of these exercises, the theoretical preparation of young tourists is carried out not only for hiking, but also for existence in the domestic environment. Attention is trained, as well as the speed of its switching, additional intellectual development, the formation of abstract-logical forms of thinking, etc.


Thus, sports tourism is an indicative and effective means of physical education of younger schoolchildren, contributing to physical, mental development, hardening and strengthening the well-being of schoolchildren.

Bibliographic list:

1. Aleksandrova A.Yu. International tourism / A.Yu. Alexandrova. - M.: Aspect Press, 2004. - 136 p.
2. Durovich A.P. Organization of tourism / A.P. Durovich. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2009. - 222 p.
3. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports. 2nd ed., revised. And extra. - M.: Academa, 2003. - 481 p.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school in the village of Verkhnee Kuzkino

Chernyansky district of the Belgorod region"

Methodical development



physical culture teacher

Arkhipov Pavel Ivanovich

With. Upper Kuzkino, 2014

    Introduction to the subject

    The impact of tourism on human health

    The Importance of Tourism for the Formation of Vital Skills and Skills

    The place of tourism in the system of education of schoolchildren

    The current situation in the field of tourism

    Ecological education in hiking and orienteering classes

    Interdisciplinary connections in the study of the course of tourism and orienteering


A man with a backpack on a country road or a difficult taiga path is a familiar character of modern life. Some make their way to the North Pole through snow and ice hummocks, others climb seemingly inaccessible mountain peaks, others descend into mysterious caves, others cross oceans alone, others walk continents on foot ... Who are these people? What drives them? Their name is wanderers, travelers, tourists.

The ability to live in the field and overcome the difficulties of camp life, to travel for the benefit of oneself and others, turning nature into one's friend and ally, must be taught.

In the Regulations on the system of training personnel in sports tourism of the Russian Federation, a clear system for training personnel of all categories has been developed - from organizers of sports tourism to instructors of international class sports tourism, who receive their specialties at courses and seminars. Those who want to work with a large army of tourist schoolchildren usually graduate from the departments of physical culture of pedagogical universities and institutes.

Tourism is the most widespread form of active recreation and recreation for workers, one of the important means of raising children. While traveling, tourists get acquainted with the past and present of our Motherland, its natural resources, cultural monuments, perform socially useful work, recreate the pages of history associated with the military and labor exploits of our people, observe nature, protect it.

2. The impact of tourism on human health.

In our technical age, hypodynamia appeared - a violation of body functions due to lack of movement. In the presence of transport, especially in the city, many deprive themselves of the opportunity to walk. No need to carry water - there is running water, no need to harvest firewood - a gas or electric stove will solve this problem. According to the Research Institute of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, school physical education lessons - twice a week for 45 minutes - provide only 11% of the motor activity necessary for the development of a growing child's body. Extra-curricular and out-of-school physical culture and sports are designed to fill this gap. Active movements in the fresh air contribute to the hardening of the body and improve health. Walking with a load and a dosed load strengthens the cardiovascular system. Tourism contributes to the education of curiosity, strong-willed qualities. Acquaintance with new areas, nature, meeting people enrich a person. Camping life develops observation, intelligence, courage, determination, independence. Many prominent scientists associate their holidays with tourism.

3. The value of tourism for the formation of vital skills and abilities.

Camping life teaches a lot. One teacher suggested evaluating physical education classes based on how they affect the health of students and how they contribute to the acquisition of life skills. What is useful and vitally necessary for classes? On a hiking trip, you will certainly learn to carry weights: a backpack in this is the main teacher. You will learn to help an injured comrade: make a stretcher and drag from improvised means, overcome any obstacles. A tourist is not worried about the lack of a roof over his head - he will be able to organize his overnight stay. Out of products? Not scary! The tourist knows edible mushrooms and plants. He is not afraid of the possibility of getting lost: knowing how to navigate the terrain using local objects, stars, the sun, a compass, he will confidently find the right path. Tourists are not afraid of either cold or heat. He has a saying: "There is no bad weather if you have good equipment." What a man with a backpack can do! Most importantly, having learned and seen a lot, you love your land, your land more strongly and learn to defend it. This was proved, for example, by mountaineer tourists in the Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War and tourists joining the detachments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES).

4. The place of tourism in the system of education of schoolchildren.

A variety of forms of tourism, its positive impact on the human body allow it to be used as a means of physical education, starting from primary school age. Excursions, weekend trips, power and category trips are one of the methods of extracurricular work.

In the programs of general education schools in school-wide physical culture and sports events, monthly days of health and sports, intra-school competitions, a large place is given to tourism. Tourist rallies of various ranks have become a tradition.

Many class teachers end the school year with weekend hikes, involving their parents, former students, in their conduct. Camping trips become holidays of nature and health for children.

There is a system for organizing work on tourism with children. This work in the country is headed by the Center for Children and Youth Tourism under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It publishes a large amount of educational and methodological literature on tourism, organizes republican competitions not only for schoolchildren, but also for teachers.

Each region has a regional center for children and youth tourism. In rural and urban areas there are student creativity centers, tourist centers, tourist clubs. Teachers of additional education work with children on many types of tourism.

5. The current situation in the field of tourism.

Until 1990, amateur tourism as a social movement was realized through a system of tourist clubs at the councils for tourism and excursions at the level of the Union republics, territories, regions, administrative regions, tourist sections of large enterprises, institutions and educational institutions.

Work with children was carried out in the system of centers (sections) of youth tourism, which then numbered 120. They were financed by public education authorities.

At present, the former sports tourism management structures have largely ceased to exist. The state budget, the budget of trade unions and sports organizations have been significantly reduced, and in some places they do not provide any assistance to health and sports tourism at all.

The number of tourist clubs, which before 1990 was 700, has decreased to 200-250. Moreover, a significant number of clubs have lost their premises and are working on a voluntary basis. Territorial federations of sports tourism continue to operate on the basis of clubs as public organizations. 70 regional, regional republican organizations are included in the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia (TSSR). It is informationally and methodically connected with the system of youth tourism (a structure of the Ministry of Education of Russia). The movement closely interacts locally with other sports and youth movements: climbing, scouting, military-patriotic, etc.

Despite all the economic difficulties in the country, sports and health tourism has passed the critical point of its fall, and a positive trend has been outlined in its development. This became possible thanks to the organizational, methodological and financial support from the state committees for physical culture and tourism at all levels, as well as the initiative of the leaders of the federation and sports tourism clubs. The main reason for the beginning of the rise of the tourism industry is the desire of socially unprotected segments of the population to solve the problem of their recreation and a healthy lifestyle in a cheap and effective way. In the territorial state committees, there is a steady process of creating staff congratulations involved in the development of sports and health tourism.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations shows great interest in the tourist movement as a source of personnel and the scope of the latest equipment for action in extreme situations. Many of its staff members are masters of sports and sports tourism instructors. During the preparation of the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", joint activities of the Tourism Development Coordination Department of the State Committee of the Russian Tourism Federation and federal forestry services began to work on the development of tourism in national parks.

In recent years, the State Committee, together with the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia, has worked hard to develop the movement. A complete calendar of sports events is formed annually, a standard regulation on the club has been developed, a new classification of sports routes has been introduced, new category requirements have been developed, and a complete list of all regulatory documentation for sports tourism has been prepared.

6. Ecological education in hiking and orienteering classes.

You can hardly find a person who would refuse to visit nature, in the forest after a working week. Every year the forest acquires more and more recreational value. The word "recreation" in translation means rest or restoration of human strength. Tourists and orienteers are in direct contact with nature and the forest, often not thinking about the fact that this contact is not painless for nature. Due to the lack of proper knowledge, education, and a sense of responsibility among some travelers, tourist routes are often polluted, natural monuments are destroyed, and fires occur in forests.

In tourist trips, in orienteering sections, it is necessary to engage in environmental education.

It is necessary to make it clear to young tourists that nature is very fragile and requires careful treatment. Talking about the forest, you need to explain that a tree is a living organism that is born, lives, breathes, eats, reproduces, grows and dies. His body, like the human body, consists of cells and has various organs. All parts of the body of the tree are pierced by vessels through which juice with nutrients circulates like blood.

It is necessary to develop in children moral and ethical views on nature. It should be persistently explained to them that it is necessary to limit their needs when communicating with nature, emphasizing that the benefits that nature brings are common property.

It is necessary to educate young tourists an aesthetic attitude towards nature. It is necessary to take care of nature not only because it contributes to our health, gives a forest shade, gives mushrooms, berries, provides industry with raw materials, is the basis of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and, in general, the source of all life. But also because harmony, strength, grace, perfection of forms, refinement of color have merged in it. It is necessary to touch the spiritual strings of a tourist, to awaken in him a love for the perfect, the sublime, the beautiful.

The teacher should draw the attention of the children to the numerous dangers that await all living things in nature, because often only one out of many thousands of fry turns into an adult handsome perch, only one seed out of millions grows into a snow-white beauty birch. And how easily it can be destroyed with a thoughtless attitude towards nature. Children need to be explained that disease, slow decay and drying out of the forest easily comes from, albeit minor, but repeated damage to the trunks with tourist axes and knives, opening the way to the plant's body for harmful fungi and insects, viral diseases.

From the noise of tourist receivers, animals go to remote areas. The receiver and tape recorder are enemies not only of animals, but also of plants, at least those that are pollinated by bumblebees, bees, beetles, because high-frequency sounds prevent these insects from rising into the air.

A leader by personal example, for example, when preparing for a campaign, can bring up the right attitude towards nature. Fire stands and tent pegs should be carried with you so that young trees are not cut down to make them. Young tourists should be able to choose a place for a fire so that it does not harm the environment, and a place for digging a "refrigerator" and a garbage pit so as not to damage the roots of plants. Collecting medicinal herbs with the guys (oregano, St. John's wort, mint, strawberry leaves, rose hips, etc.), you need to explain why you can’t tear everything in a row: parts of the plants are left for their restoration. Mushrooms are not pulled, but cut off, preserving the mycelium.

Tourists need to know a lot about bee colonies, gravedigger beetles, forest mice, ants in order to be imbued with love and respect for nature, to become not only its consumer, but also an assistant.

Of great educational importance is the work of putting tourist halts in order, their sanitary cleaning, garbage collection on the route (plastic bags, cans, plastic bottles), extinguishing an abandoned fire, restoring the anthill fence, cleaning springs.

The guys can be involved in helping animals in difficult winter times - teach them to prepare branch food, leave food for birds on halts (crumbs of bread, pieces of bacon, etc.).

In 1978, the Red Book of the USSR was published for the first time. It registered 598 rare and endangered species of animals and plants of our country. Species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book are subject to special protection throughout the country. Tourists need to be told about this book.

In the latest version of the Rules for Orienteering Competitions there is a section "Environmental Protection Measures". It says:

“1. The organizer and participants of the competition are obliged to comply with all environmental regulations in the area of ​​the competition. FSO (Orienteering Federation) of Russia and local federations have the right, based on environmental considerations, to introduce restrictions in certain areas on the number of mass starts in one summer season, as well as on the maximum number of participants visiting one CP.

2. In the case of setting up field camps to accommodate participants, all environmental and safety requirements must be met.”

    Interdisciplinary connections in the study of the course of tourism and orienteering.

Without knowing the anatomy, without knowing where a certain muscle is attached, what its functions are, it is impossible to accurately determine its role in a particular movement, to choose the right exercise for its development. Without studying anatomy, it is difficult to understand why the trainer-teacher does not allow his student to sit or stand after finishing the 100m, but advises him to walk or run slowly. But everything is very simple: while walking or running slowly, the muscles of the legs, contracting, drive venous blood to the heart. Rising from the lower extremities, the blood cannot go down due to the peculiar structure of the veins (the presence of "pockets"), as well as the action of the muscles. This means that the muscles contribute to the faster passage of blood through the systemic circulation, it quickly gets rid of carbon dioxide, is saturated with oxygen, and recovery occurs faster. Having learned about the role of diaphragmatic breathing, an athlete can think about how much benefit it will be if this breathing is turned on at a distance: when inhaling, the abdominal muscles relax, while exhaling, the abdominal muscles, contracting, raise the diaphragm and a better exhalation occurs.

Studying the speed of chemical reactions in biochemistry, you think about when exactly to drink glucose before starting in orienteering. If three minutes before the start, then with the start of work, glucose immediately enters the bloodstream, splitting into carbon dioxide and water, and gives the athlete additional energy. If you take glucose five minutes before the start, then it has time to turn into a more complex sugar, glycogen, which, in order to provide energy, must first be broken down into simple carbohydrates. This splitting requires additional energy.

When studying the technique of overcoming obstacles in the forest, one cannot do without biomechanics. Whether you like it or not, you follow its laws. It is better to know this subject in order to painlessly and quickly study your own - the technique of movement in the forest.

Without knowing physiology, it is impossible to understand the processes of energy supply of the body with a different nature of work. You need to have an idea of ​​​​what creatine phosphate, aerobic and anaerobic processes are, due to which the sprinter and marathon runner take energy - this makes it possible to train correctly.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of psychology in tourism and orienteering. Given the psychological characteristics of the group members, many tragedies can be avoided on a long trip. We have already spoken about the role of psychology in orienteering.

Hygiene, theory and methodology of physical education, skiing, athletics, swimming, gymnastics, outdoor and sports games, a survival school - all this will come in handy on a hike and at a distance.

Even knowledge of a foreign language! After all, in a few years orienteering will be an Olympic sport, and suddenly you get into the national team? And what? Dreaming is not bad. By the way, often the dream comes true.

In tourism and orienteering classes, you can supplement the knowledge of the children obtained in the lessons of geography, biology, psychology, biochemistry, geometry, etc. and thereby involve teachers of other disciplines in their work. This proves that physical culture, tourism and orientation are not only the culture of the body, but also the culture of the spirit!


1. Bogatov S. F., Kryukov O. G. Orienteering. - M., 1982.

2. Vyatkin L. A., Sidorchuk E. V. Nemytov D. N. Tourism and sports orientation. - M., 2001.

3. Istomin P.I. Tourist activity of schoolchildren: questions of theory and methodology. - M., 1987.

4. Kodysh E. N. Competitions of tourists. - M., 1990.

5. Konstantinov Yu. S. Tourist competitions of students. - M., 1995.

6. Prontisheva L. P. The origins of mastery. – M.. 1990.

7. The system of training younger students in the initial period of orienteering training. – M.. 1978.
