Apologies for being rude to the girl. Apologies to a girl in your own words

Well, my love, stop sulking! Come on, finally, look at me with your shining eyes, smile with your incredibly beautiful, brilliant smile! After all, when you are gloomy, then the whole world is different! And the sun doesn't even shine that brightly! But you don’t want the sun to shine less brightly on the entire planet just because you’re angry with me! So come on, let out all your negativity and jump into my arms! I didn’t want to offend you at all and I didn’t know that this would happen. Come on, my chipmunk, stop blowing your cheeks! Let's start having fun already! Well, my love, forgive me for being a fool. This won't happen again!

More than anything in the world, I don’t like those moments when my beloved princess frowns, then the whole world doesn’t appeal to me! And when I realize that I myself am to blame for this, I don’t even know what to do to correct the situation. Therefore, honey, don’t take what I did to heart, because I love you very much, and I don’t want your little defenseless heart to hurt because of me. Let’s make peace with you as soon as possible and nothing can stop you and me from becoming even happier! And further closer friend to friend. After all, my happiness is only where you are! And you know it. I love you my dear.

Sunshine, swallow, flower, my beloved. Well, please forgive me, a fool, for acting like an idiot! I didn't do it on purpose. You know very well how much I love you. And that I will do everything for your happiness! And so that you don’t need anything! So please give me one more little chance make you my queen! The one who won my heart forever! The one for whom I want to accomplish feats. You are my queen and my future! Do not be angry with me! And you will see what I can do for you! I am capable of a lot, if only you were next to me!

You, dear, make my life brighter every day! Only you believed in me and my success when I had no hope! But you believed so convincingly that I believed it too. And I really don’t want this little stupid situation to become an obstacle for you and me. further relations! After all, I only want to see you in my future! You're the only one I need. After all, there is no one dearer to me than you! Forgive me, please, for my mistake, I stumbled, which happens to everyone. But the main thing I understood is that I want you to always just be next to me! The fact that you are my inspiration again and again to achieve the best!

Our dear life consists of eternal attempts, of striving for something better, new. But these attempts do not always turn out exactly as we see them. And the result does not always turn out exactly as we imagine. Yes, this time everything turned out a little differently than we planned! I admit I'm wrong here. But let's not dwell on this. There are still a lot of opportunities, chances, options! The main thing is that you always just be by my side. I'm sorry it turned out like this. But know that I love you and don’t want to lose you. Just know that when you believe in me, we will definitely succeed!

Mistakes only mean in a person’s destiny that he is alive and moving in the right direction! Honey, we all learn from mistakes! So let's quickly forget about this ridiculous situation and start living on. After all, I didn’t want to disappoint you! I wanted everything to be good with us! And you know, I know for sure that it will be good. If only you would forgive me! Believe me, this will give me the strength to conquer new heights and go as quickly and further as possible! This will mean that you believe in me, in us, in our future! Forgive me my love, give me a chance to become better for you! And you will see that you were definitely not mistaken!

My little girl, forgive me for not thinking a little before telling you this. I just said it out of spite, without even thinking about the words, I just said it and that’s it! Without thinking about the meaning of these words. I know that you have every right to be offended by me. But wouldn’t it be better for both of us if we live in harmony, without quarreling or swearing? After all, you are dearer to me than everyone else! Everyone's favorite and most beautiful! Let's quickly forget about this situation. I assure you that this will not happen again! I will do everything to make you happy! Everything in order to your heart knew no sadness! And everything to make you always smile! Forgive me, my dear! You are my Everything!

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I feel like a scumbag
What hurt you so seriously...
You store up your grievances for a long time,
Words cannot convince you to forgive.

But I'll try in poetry
Bring back the trust...
Understand, I repent very much
And I miss you so much!!!

I told you very rudely
How can a girl not say...
Your silence is deserved
She managed to punish me...

But I really need an apology
Say it with all your heart.
I'm looking forward to your answer
Will you forgive me baby...

Apology to a girl

I called you offensively
You can't do that with girls.
In general, it became obvious
That we are no longer friends...

But the world has become so empty,
Where your voice is not heard.
I wanted to apologize
From the heart...before you!

I am punished for your tears
Now I can't sleep at night.
Yes, I’m such a pest -
I offended you, and I run away myself...

But I thought about it in my spare time
And I realized how guilty I was.
After all, I, like you, have a friend
Never to be found anywhere!

Best apology to a girl

Sorry, I hope it's possible...
It's my fault, what can I say.
It's so hard to ask for forgiveness
It's just harder to forgive.

But I hope that one day,
You will hear my repentance
You will understand that friendship is important
And you need to be above resentment!

I apologize...
And I admit my mistakes.
I'm just breathing so hard
Without your tender smile...

Give back your trust
Nothing matters to me without him.
Forgive insults and lies,
They won't happen twice!

Beautiful apologies to a girl

Excuse me, please...
I repent very much
Why do I bring insults?
Ask for whatever you want!

Give me a chance to improve
Dear beauty...
I was mercilessly rude
I will forever repent...

You are kind, of course
And immensely feminine
And you will forgive over time.
Let me part with the burden.

Original apology to a girl

I brought you to tears
Made it unpleasant...
And I ask you to forgive me seriously
And take it back!

You'll forgive me, I hope
Maybe not right away, I understand...
Everything, of course, takes time.
I miss you already...

Though separated from eyes and body,
I won't sit idle.
I will desperately strive
Make peace with you soon!

Girls react painfully to small signs of inattention on the part of guys. Be tactful, gallant, attentive and remember how to apologize to a girl if you seriously offended her.

It’s easy to offend a girl; it’s enough just to be late for a date or forget to buy flowers as a gift. Men often do not attach importance to such trifles, and girls react emotionally, perceiving them as a grave insult.

Learn to apologize to girls

To apologize means to overcome yourself, to step on the throat of your falsely understood pride. It's difficult, but all the more respectful. There are a few simple rules how to ask a girl for forgiveness.

Here's how to apologize:

  • Think carefully about what happened and find convincing words to explain your action. Don't put it off until later: what you say should be brief but convincing. You can beautifully apologize to the girl, at the same time telling her about your love.
  • The girl may misunderstand you, fearing that you intend to continue the conflict. Start with words of apology, it will be correct to apologize to the girl. Words of apology for a girl will become more important than anything else you say later.
  • Hurry to apologize, because the girl is on nerves and may kick you out without even listening to you. Try to speak in a conciliatory tone and do not raise your voice. If you scare a girl, she will no longer want to forgive you.
  • Try to explain that the offense was caused by accident, there were no bad intentions. It is important for the girl that you have realized your guilt and are ready to make amends for it. The path to reconciliation always begins with sincere repentance. We will need your promise that this will not happen again.
  • Do not blame the girl for the misunderstanding, otherwise she will be forced to defend herself, then your apology will no longer be inappropriate. Having calmly thought it over, the girl herself admits if she was wrong. If she considers herself guilty, you can assume that you have already been forgiven.
  • You should not rush the girl to answer. She may not accept the apology hastily, but after calmly thinking about the situation, she will answer differently. Choose the best time to apologize so as not to provoke the girl’s irritation.
  • Do not consider it difficult to apologize several times if the apology was rejected the first time. Perhaps a letter of repentance will be received more favorably. You can even write poetry, but you can simply ask your beloved girl for forgiveness in your own words.

Only someone who is interesting and pleasant to a girl can be easily forgiven by her. Otherwise, when you are only annoying her, do not impose your company. While maintaining decorum, briefly apologize and leave. The girl will appreciate your delicacy, and her attitude towards you will change for the better.

Without departing far from the topic that I started in the last article “,” which talked about how to write an apology letter from a girl to a guy, now we will look at how to write an apology letter from a guy to a girl.

Misunderstandings arise from time to time in any relationship. These can be small disagreements, disagreements and, of course, quarrels that develop into serious clashes. Similar situations tend to build up their energy for weeks or even months before exploding. Thus, the longer this accumulation goes on, the more powerful the explosion will be.

The most terrible result of such an “explosion” is a loss of trust. Therefore, it is best to resolve disagreements as early as possible, without waiting for the situation to deteriorate to such an extent that it completely gets out of control and it will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to save the situation.

If the last quarrel with a girl was your fault, you offended her, and a misunderstanding arose between you, but you don’t want to lose her and part with her, - The best way save the relationship - write a letter of apology.

A quarrel very rarely arises due to the fault of just one person. Usually both the man and the woman contribute to the deterioration of the relationship, and if you feel that at least a small share of your guilt is still there, you need to apologize - this is what real men do.
Remember, an apology is not humiliation, but a noble act!
A written apology is beneficial because it allows you to calmly think through every phrase and every word. This is very important if you really want to save your relationship with your girl. In addition, the letter will reveal the real reason grievances and disagreements.

Before you start writing an apology letter to your girlfriend, you must understand that the main task, which stands in front of you - to apologize, and not to make excuses or “sort things out.” If you are going to continue the “proceedings” only by transferring them to paper, it is better not to even start. Regardless of whether you are essentially right or wrong, it will only get worse. If your goal is to get your girl back (or not lose her), you must be precise and honest when writing the letter.

How to write an apology letter to your girlfriend

You can roughly divide your letter into two parts. The first will contain the apology itself, and the second can be dedicated to poems or quotes.

Warning #1. At this point I need to explain something to respected men. Many representatives of the “stronger sex” consider it shameful and unacceptable for themselves to “stoop” to the expression of romantic (or any) feelings. Naively believing that in this way they destroy the image of a tough macho man they created (as they think).

I must disappoint you dear guys. Women really appreciate the moments when men sincerely express their feelings. Just don’t “little”, but express their feelings and show tenderness and romance. Why do you think the image of a noble knight dedicating all his victories was so popular in the Middle Ages? beautiful lady, and in between battles, writing romantic poems to her or singing serenades under her balcony?

The combination of masculinity and romance creates that very “explosive mixture” that is difficult for any woman to resist, and if you want to restore the relationship, your letter should express your feelings, which perhaps you have never spoken out loud to your girlfriend.

The length of the letter can be any, depending on what you want to say. Make sure it covers all the details and aspects you want to cover. In some cases, a few paragraphs may be enough, and in others, even a dozen pages may not be enough. But again, this will all depend on how sincere and honest you are and how you feel about your apology.

Now, look at the main points that should be included in an apology letter to your girlfriend.

I will use this definition as “point”, don’t let that confuse you. Just don’t even think about numbering these “points” in the letter, it’s just that I somehow needed to designate the semantic section of the letter, so I called such an imaginary section “point”.

  • One point should be related to the events that actually made you write the letter.
  • The letter should also include a paragraph in which you say why you decided to write the letter (your feelings for the girl - you miss her, etc.)
  • You also need to specifically focus on what you are willing to do to make peace with her and how you see your relationship developing in the future.
  • You need to end the letter with honesty, sincere apologies and assurances of his love. The letter must be signed with your name. Many guys don't do this, but simply sign as if it were a receipt for payment of services (and make a very big mistake)
  • Below your signature, you can write some kind of poem or quote about love. Where can I get all this? – You can find it on the Internet, but in such situations I always recommend writing it yourself (I’m talking about poetry... the quote, of course, can be taken anywhere). It may not look professional, but the girl will understand that you were sincere and took the time and effort to express your feelings. She will certainly appreciate this gesture very highly.

Remember that from your letter the girl should understand and believe that you are really very sorry for what happened and that is what you want to say with your letter, and not something else. After reading your apology letter, she should get the impression that your relationship with her means a lot to you and you really love her. You can attach a small flower, a couple of rose petals, your a photo together, which captures one of the brightest moments of your relationship.

Warning #2. You just read a paragraph that may have caused you questions or even complete rejection - “What flowers? What photos? I what? Girl?" I won’t explain anything further now, because this could turn into a lecture on psychology, but if you want to restore your relationship with a girl, do as I advise you, otherwise your chances of success are reduced by a factor of 100, no less!

Example of an apology letter from a guy to a girl

Here is a sample apology letter that you can take inspiration from to write your letter. If you blindly copy this text, and your girlfriend suddenly finds out that you took the letter from the Internet, then after such an “apology” you will get into even more serious trouble than before. Therefore, use this example only as a guide for writing your personal letter.

Dear (Favorite)________, not everything went well with us Lately, and that's why I decided to write this letter. It’s not always possible to express in words or by looking into your eyes how I feel and how much I love you.

I know you're upset about what happened __________ (you can explain your actions, but don't make excuses), but I also want you to know how I feel.

You mean so much to me - more than the whole world, and I am very sad, ashamed and hard when you are hurt. I apologize for the mistakes I made, I promise not to repeat them and to do everything possible to ensure that nothing like this ever happens in the future.

I'm trying to get rid of those bad traits in my character that cause you pain. You are the most best girl in the world and it’s very hard for me because I could lose you. For all the mistakes I made, I have already paid for what is happening to me now. All this taught me to appreciate your attitude to me, and I will try my best to justify it and be for you exactly what you are for me - the best person in my life.

_______ (girl's name), I realized that I cannot afford to lose you because I love you very much. I am ready to meet with you when it is convenient for you and to listen to everything that you consider necessary to tell me.

_______ (girl's name), from the bottom of my heart I ask you to forgive me and believe me.

(here you can insert a short verse, quote, photograph)

I love you, (your name)

I repeat once again that the letter must be written by you. Here's just an example. It is better to write by hand, no matter whether your handwriting is beautiful or not. The girl should see that this letter is written “from the heart.” Put part of your soul into the letter and they will definitely believe you.

FROM THE AUTHOR: My responses in the comments are the opinion of an individual and not the advice of a specialist. I’m trying to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I don’t have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also do not have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires great amount I have very little free time.

In this regard, I kindly ask you to ask specific questions about the topic of the article, do not try to use the comments for correspondence or chat, and do not expect me to provide advice in the comments.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many people do), but then be prepared for me to ignore yours. This is not a matter of principle, but solely of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

If you want to receive qualified help, please seek advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

With respect and hope for understanding, Frederica

Relationships between a man and a woman are always fraught with difficulties. It is important not only to kindle the spark of love, but also to preserve it. It happens that a guy and a girl quarreled, and she was seriously offended. So what should I do? How to apologize so that your beloved understands and forgives your beloved? After all, women are so emotional and vulnerable!

What to do when offended

Taking the first step towards reconciliation is exciting. Especially when you really did something wrong! If all She did in the relationship was to look for a reason for a “quarrel,” then it is better to break up with such a special one.

It turns out that it is not so easy to apologize! It all depends on the “degree” of guilt! Therefore, you should not delay the apology for too long, otherwise the girl may think that she means nothing to Him. And if this is not so, then you need to tell her about it! Be sure to say - sincerely, passionately, emotionally, looking at her.

It is important to apologize “live.” No SMS will work as much as words spoken to your eyes. However, you can use a mobile message if the girl basically doesn’t get in touch: she doesn’t answer calls, doesn’t open the door. You can try to “catch” her near the institute (work, on the way to the store, near the entrance). Loving heart the girl will appreciate His feelings, willingness to repent, to spend time, energy, and nerves on meeting her. However, you shouldn’t be too zealous either - it will be like “bullying”. The girl needs to be allowed to “cool down” from her worries!

Psychologists believe that apologies can be stretched a little. And not at all for the girl to go crazy with jealousy and excitement about what is happening. She needs time - and then she will assess the situation not on emotions, but, as they say, “on a sober head,” that is, correctly.

She may not want to reconcile right away. This is “normal” for an impressionable person. This is how the girl makes it clear, “I am very offended by you.”

On the other hand, during the “special” pause she will relive those “bitter” moments of resentment again and again. There is nothing wrong with a girl questioning her behavior too. What if the quarrel that happened was partly her fault? After all, as they say, both are to blame for a quarrel.

One-on-one conversation If your loved one lives in another city, communication difficulties may arise. But even in past centuries, people managed to “love” across distances - by sending letters, carrier pigeons. To help modern Romeos and Juliets modern means communications: Internet, mobile phone

, skype. It doesn't matter where the girl is. The main thing is to make her feel how dear she is and how much she means to Him. And finding ways of reconciliation is not so difficult if you have the desire and imagination. What to say when the meeting finally took place? A banal “sorry” may, in modern terms, “not work.” It's like saying "let's get this over with quickly" official part and let's move on to more interesting things " The girl must understand from her lover’s words that he really realized his mistake and this will not happen in the future. And for this I will have to patiently explain that I was wrong:

  • acted cruelly and selfishly;
  • said offensive words without thinking;
  • made it “hurt”.

In general, you definitely need to “talk” this situation over with Her. If a girl makes contact, it means she is ready for reconciliation or at least listen to his explanations. However, you should not expect instant forgiveness on her part. Again, here everything depends on the situation when the guy offended the girl. Perhaps he insulted her feelings and wounded her to the heart with cruel words or his actions. Then in your apology you will have to use all the delicacy, diplomacy and patience of which you are capable. But having given your word, keep it!

The position of a young man who is trying to blame his girlfriend as if she is to blame for the current situation is fundamentally wrong. This is a direct threat to future relationships! “Ask a woman for forgiveness, even if it’s not your fault...” wrote the wise poet. This tactic really works! But you shouldn’t apologize at every step either, otherwise the girl will think that her lover is a rag, henpecked, doesn’t have his own opinion, and not everyone likes this.

“Women’s hearts are not stones”

So, “the ice has broken” - the girl replied that she was ready to meet and talk. Her heart will be softened not only by passionate words of repentance, but also by something “material.” For example, soft toy, cute card with poems, bouquet of flowers. Women love gifts - it makes them feel more confident. After all, a souvenir or flowers are a sign of attention!

Any woman wants to be loved and desired. And therefore, when you meet, you need to “praise” her - say that she looks great, or notice another feature of her. A compliment, of course, should be made from the heart, and not be homemade. Sincere touching words will become for her a “pleasant consolation” and “proof” of his feelings!

Here are a few iron ways How is it right for a young man to apologize to a girl if he has offended her greatly?

  1. Ask for forgiveness, but not in a derogatory manner, without making excuses, but admitting your mistake.
  2. Any possible ways show how much he values ​​their relationship: you can do something nice for her - buy a nice souvenir, huge bouquet daisies, tickets to the concert of her favorite band.
  3. Perform a dizzying act so that she gasps with delight - “He tried only for Her.” It could be a carriage that suddenly arrives, in which He invites her to ride and makes important statement; inscription in huge letters on the asphalt in front of her windows “Sorry, I was wrong”; an invitation to a cafe, where her friends are already waiting for her, and in their presence, bending his knee, he will ask for an apology. Let it be huge balloon, on which her name is written, and before her eyes he will release it into the sky with the words “Let everyone see how much I Love you”!
  4. You need to be persistent, but not pushy! And if a girl is angry for too long, you can attract people she knows well to your side - parents, sister, friend. You need to try to explain to them that he feels bad without her, that he realizes how he hurt her, and ask him for help in reconciliation. The opinion of “authoritative” persons should work. But only if He really convinced them that He repented!
  5. Take a short time-out if all your efforts were in vain. It is quite possible that without the attention of her lover, the girl will become nervous and understand that resentment has clouded her eyes, and by delaying reconciliation for a long time, she may lose him FOREVER. If after some time the young man starts an “attack” again, she will most likely “surrender.” However, you must act carefully and delicately!

In love, all means are good! AND universal method There is no apology to the girl. The young man must try all the options himself, based on the current situation, the temperament of his beloved and his capabilities. It is important that She feels that He values ​​her, He realizes his guilt, He wants to be with her. If a girl cares about him, she will definitely appreciate his words, his desire to make peace and continue the relationship.
