Fashion striped balloon. Striped balloon mod Download hot air balloon mod

This mod will give you a unique opportunity - to create air and sea ships from ordinary blocks. Assemble the ship, set the helm and set off on a long voyage!


Blocks and :

Steering wheel

A block that turns your structure into a ship. Place it on one of the ship blocks and click PKM to start moving.


The standard version of this block has 2 pointers: a compass, always pointing north, and a speedometer.

Here's what they look like in action:


The extended version is designed for airships and has 2 additional indicators: a vertical speedometer and an altitude indicator.

Dashboard picture:



Which can be added to a watercraft to increase its buoyancy. The more floats on the ship, the higher the hull stays above the water.


Without this block, you cannot build an aircraft. The ship must be 40% balloons in order to take to the air. This value can be changed in the configuration file.


Instead of white (normal), you can also use colored wool:


The container is installed on any of the blocks of the ship. Used to transport animals.

Steam engine

An engine that increases the movement speed of your ship. To interact with it, use PKM.

passenger seat

With it, you can ride another player on your ship. To do this, just click on the seat PKM.

Coast buffer

Use this block when creating ports. Its peculiarity is that it never joins the blocks of the ship.



Collecting the ship

The ship is built in the same way as any other Minecraft structure. Next, a steering wheel is attached to it, on which the player clicks RMB. It opens up the following interface:

  • rename: ship rename button

  • Compile: analysis of all adjacent blocks and turning them into one whole ship with subsequent storage of the steering wheel in memory

  • undo: undo last compilation

  • Mount: start of ship control
The following blocks are not taken into account when compiling:
  • Earth
  • grass
  • sand
  • gravel
  • clay
  • water lily
  • high grass
  • hell stone
  • soul sand
This list can be edited in the configuration file.

When decompiling, the following world blocks will be removed upon contact with the ship:

  • high grass
This list can also be edited.


The control is carried out using the movement keys and does not depend on the direction of the camera. The standard control mode can be enabled by setting the value 0 in the control_type line in the configuration file.

Other keys:

  • X: gain altitude

  • Z: descend

  • C: brake

  • = (equal sign): automatic alignment of the ship along the world map

  • \: ship decompilation

  • K: ship's menu
  • /as or /ashelp or /as?: display all mod commands

  • /asinfo: ship information

  • /asdismount: Exit ship control mode. The overwrite option allows you to decompile the ship by removing interfering world blocks

  • /asalign: automatic vessel leveling

  • /asdestroy [radius]: destroy the nearest ship within the given radius

This mod allows you to create ships and balloons in the game. In order for the mod to work, you need to install Forge, and then move the mod archive to the Mods folder, if you wish, you can change the configurations in the ArchimedesShips.cfg file. The mod adds new blocks, by installing which you can turn huge buildings into moving ships, that is, ships or balloons.

The mod is notable for the fact that the shape of the ships can be any, there is no specific type of ship, you yourself build any ship and run it by connecting the necessary blocks (measuring instruments and ship marker).

ink bag
Name What do you need What will happen Description
Ships Helm (Helm) Boards
iron ingot
It must be installed on a built ship or balloon in order for it to work. After installation, it will become a steering wheel (steering wheel).
Basic Gauge (Dashboard) glass panel
iron ingot
gold bar
red dust
Installed on the steering wheel with the shift key pressed. One sensor works as a compass, the second shows the speed of movement.
Extended gauge (dashboard 2) glass panel
iron ingot
gold bar
red dust
Used on airships, it has two additional sensors - vertical speed and altitude.
Floater Wood
White wool
It is not necessary to use. It is needed in order for the ships to swim better.
Air Ballon (Balloon) Wool
A thread
Needed for the flight of a balloon, it must consist of at least 40% of such blocks in order to be able to fly.
Passenger Seat Wool Allows several players to use one ship at once, passengers must sit on a chair by right-clicking on it.
Shor Bufer (Shor) The purpose of the block is not revealed.

Archimedes' Ships Mod awesome mod that everyone should install. The mod adds several blocks, these blocks will allow you to "revive" the ship and airship of any size. You will be able to travel by ship and airship through the vast world of minecraft, haven't you dreamed about it.



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Main block (marker)- the main block for creating ships.
Right click on a block and create a ship from interconnected blocks and mount it.

Measuring devices- the compass always points north, the speedometer shows the speed of the ship. A whole circle is equal to 80 km/h.

Aircraft measuring instruments- show altitude and speed.

Floater is a light block, the more such blocks in your ship, the higher it will be on the water.

Balloon- in order for your airship to fly, you need more than 40% of such blocks.

Passenger seat- any player can network on this place by right-clicking on it.

The block does not interact with the ship.

To create a ship, simply build it like you build other buildings in Minecraft, put a main block on the ship and right click on the block, the GUI will open.

Ship Mod Management

W,A,S,D - standard control
X - up (airship)
Z - down (airship)
C - stop
K - open GUI

The Hot Air Balloon mod for Minecraft PE will delight players with an interesting innovation - this is a balloon with which you can fly to any distance. After installing this add-on, there will be a huge number of opportunities that will make the gameplay simple, comfortable and easy, and the flight itself will give you a lot of pleasure and pleasant emotions. You will be able to overcome various obstacles and obstacles, the completion of which, on foot, would take much more time. And now, by air, you can fly to the required point in a matter of minutes - it is very convenient to travel and fly for resources, fill your inventory and return home.

As for the appearance, the Hot Air Balloon mod for Minecraft PE presents to our attention a small, neat ball. Capacity: one person, has red and white stripes.

Our new air vehicle is a replacement for Ifrit, and as we know, Ifrits are found on the surface of the Nether, and therefore it is not an option to go down there every time. We'll make it easier: activate creative mode, use the spawn egg and get our flying machine instantly.

Next, after spawning, hold it until `Ride` appears, press it to sit down - this method works for Android and iOS users. If you play MCPE on the Windows 10 platform, then just click on the right mouse button here.

The Hot Air Baloon mod for MCPE is a unique, very simple control in which we need two elements at once - an egg and a rod with carrots. In order to take off, you need to throw eggs, then the ball will slowly rise into the air, and in order to set it in the necessary direction, use a fishing rod with carrots. And if your ship starts to lose altitude, then use any eggs again, as breaking them against a balloon, it begins to gain altitude.

1. Download the mod from our website
2. Unpack the archive according to the instructions
3. Then find the files and run them, thereby importing into the game
4. Open the game and go to world settings
5. In the `Resource Sets` and `Add-on Sets` sections, select the imported resource packs (addon)
6. Reload Minecraft PE game
