How to hold a bachelorette party before the wedding? Original, interesting and unusual ideas. How and where to have a fun and bright bachelorette party: original ideas, suggestions and interesting places

11 months ago

We offer you some original ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding. Before you use the tips you like, decide on the location of the holiday. Let us remind you: it is better long before date X - at least a month. And the bachelorette party itself should be held no later than three days before the wedding.

Family Look. Almost…

The style of clothing where everyone dresses the same (or very similar) is called Family Look and is usually used in family photo shoots. Bridesmaids are, of course, not family, but on the eve of family life, why not use this feature at the bachelorette party? Agree, it looks harmonious and unusual in the photographs!

Neon bachelorette party

This is one of the most original ideas on how to spend a bachelorette party in a fun, bright, unusual way.

Use luminous bright colors for makeup (you can buy them for 220-350 rubles). Instead of bracelets and necklaces, there are flexible neon tubes. Rent music and lighting equipment, order cocktails and snacks and have a fiery party!

Bachelorette party "Let's go back to childhood"

Suitable for a group where at least one friend knows the bride from school. We need to remember and restore as identically as possible some interesting fun events, clothes of that time.

Try to collect all the photographs from those years and make a large wall newspaper out of them.

It would also be nice to come up with some kind of awesome surprise for the hero of the occasion. For example, invite a friend whom the bride has not seen for many years to a bachelorette party (you, of course, must be sure that they will be happy to meet).

You can give the bride a ticket to a concert of a pop singer that she was crazy about at the age of 15. Or a teddy bear - a copy of her favorite childhood toy, which has been gone for a long time.

Snacks can be anything - homemade, brought with you, or ordered from the catering service.

Dance music and karaoke songs at such a bachelorette party should also be in the style of those times. Who, if not an old friend, would know the bride’s musical preferences, so it won’t be difficult to create a playlist.

Bachelorette party in Western style

A spacious industrial loft or a spacious industrial loft would be suitable for a party. All party participants dress up in jeans and tight T-shirts, choose cowboy hats (as an option - bandanas) of the same color. Only the bride’s headdress should be different.

For such a bachelorette party, you can use disposable tableware (ideally: stylized paper cups - for example, with the inscription Wild Wild West).

Decorate the room with fake weapons, place life-size figures of cowboys or Indians with a hole for the face so that you can arrange a fun photo shoot. Above the bar counter, hang a wooden board with the word Saloon written on it. On the walls are photographs of the event participants with the inscription WANTED. You can get the template from us:

During the dances, use firecrackers and children's pistols with percussion caps - shoot like that! And you can start the party with horse riding at the nearest equestrian club - just go for a walk!

Evening of fortune telling by candlelight

A great idea for a bachelorette party for a small company (2-5 people). Use, bring candlesticks and candles, prepare fortune telling scripts. Spend this evening in a mysterious intimate setting.

Black and white party

If you're planning a bridal shower before your wedding, a black and white party idea is a great option for some amazing photos. Let everyone come in black, and the bride in white, or vice versa. You can also combine these two colors in clothes.

The contrast of black and white is not only successfully used in a photo shoot, but also becomes the theme of competitions at a bachelorette party. For example, you can arrange a battle on antonyms - who knows more opposites. Light-dark, good-evil, and so on. The table, of course, should also be in black and white. And the general ambience of the room.

You can rent from us for a super stylish bachelorette party.

Bachelorette party photo shoot in the studio with cool accessories

Why not have a fiery photo shoot in a loft or photo studio for your bachelorette party? Prepare interesting accessories - themed or just cool. For a break between poses, order your favorite snacks and make refreshing cocktails. The good mood and natural beauty of the young party participants will do their job - the photos will turn out great. All that remains is to come up with an interesting and memorable hashtag for Instagram!

Party in oriental style

Great theme for a bachelorette party. Create a themed atmosphere, decorate a loft or other room where you decided to celebrate a bachelorette party in oriental style. Don't forget about outfits, appropriate makeup and accessories.

Mandatory attributes for such a party are a hookah, incense sticks, oriental music and dancing.

Bachelorette party in the style of “Young Spring”

This bachelorette party theme is symbolic: the period before the wedding is the threshold of a new life, its beginning, the spring of happiness and prosperity. Clothes should be light, pastel colors, and be sure to include flowers, wreaths, and bouquets in your outfits. A photo shoot will be a great option for a bachelorette party!

Bachelorette party master class

Perhaps the most practical of the ideas for holding a bachelorette party before the wedding. You invite a cook, a pastry chef, or use the skills of one of the girls invited to the party. She will teach you and the bride how to prepare various culinary masterpieces or bake delicious cookies.

You can arrange a master class on preparing wedding invitations or - all this will be useful to the bride on the eve of the wedding, and she will be sincerely grateful to you for such a useful idea for a bachelorette party!

Unfortunately, within one article we cannot give all the scenarios for each bachelorette party idea. But the main thing is that we offer the coolest options to make some noise, make some noise, and feel the freedom and scope of action. And the result of all this will be your vivid memories and cool pictures! Isn't that what holidays are for?

Invent, create, and if you want more details, write in the comments to the article, we will definitely answer you!

In the modern understanding of a wedding celebration, a bachelorette party has become an obligatory ritual. Not everyone adheres to it, but, nevertheless, it does not lose its popularity among brides preparing to leave the girlish lifestyle and enter into legal marriage. But how to hold a bachelorette party before the wedding in a fun, unusual, original and inexpensive way? Find original and interesting ideas for a bachelorette party before your wedding.

How do you spend a bachelorette party? This is the same event that is organized without rules. A celebration of the bride and close friends, fun that cannot be adjusted to boundaries and traditions. How to spend a bachelorette party is up to the future wife and her guests to decide.

What do you do at a bachelorette party? They have fun, remember old times and moments, and of course see off their friend to a happy life. The main thing is that it is original and unusual.

It is generally accepted that the bachelorette party tradition came from America or European countries. In fact, This is a completely Russian ritual of seeing off a friend in marriage. Even in Rus', unmarried and married girls came to the bride’s house the day before the wedding. The friends sang songs and performed rituals for a happy life. The bride was in her usual circle and her excitement before the wedding was not so strong. She could keep secrets and ask for advice.

How to have a fun bachelorette party at home?

A bachelorette party at home can be no less fun and exciting than in a cafe or restaurant. The main thing is to think of original ideas for a bachelorette party.

Games for a home bachelorette party will make the holiday fun and unforgettable. You can play with a school photo album. The goal of the game is to guess who is in a huge pile of photographs.

Another game called memories. The rules are simple, friends tell each other a secret or a biographical fact that was previously unknown. If games are not suitable, you can get creative and come up with competitions for a bachelorette party at home. There is no need to be embarrassed or modest, the company will be purely female, which means you can come up with competitions for a bachelorette party with a joke. The absence of men provides flight for fantasy, albeit a little vicious.

Fun activities and games for a bachelorette party at home

How to hold a bachelorette party at home? First of all, you need to think about the theme of the bachelorette party.

There may be many interesting ideas for a bachelorette party:

  • Pajama Party (Pajama Party);

A pajama party offers a homely and cozy atmosphere. All girls must wear home clothes, these can be robes, pajamas or nightgowns. Fun and comfortable, what else is needed for a company of close friends.

  • Retro evening masquerade;

A party in Retro style will become a memorable event. Dresses and hats from grandma's chest will be wonderful accessories for a bachelorette party. You can look through old albums, turn on old records or cassettes.

  • Home SPA salon;

A home spa is another idea that can be combined with a pajama party. Girlfriends doing each other's hair and makeup. Practicing bridal makeup. Nice warm socks and pajamas are complemented by a group of friends with relaxing masks on their faces. This idea will surely appeal to both the bride herself and her bridesmaids.

  • And others…

The main thing to remember is that entertainment at a bachelorette party should take place within the framework of reasonable concepts, so as not to cause the groom’s jealousy or the bride’s poor health.

Celebrating a bachelorette party at home you can come up with original and unhealthy menu. Delicious sandwiches or pizza. Or maybe, on the contrary, an exquisite and complex dish paired with expensive champagne. In any case, on this day girls can allow themselves any whim. All diets and rules can be left for later.

Ideas for a bachelorette party in a club or restaurant

Do the bride and her friends have a cheerful and active character? Great, in this case the bachelorette party can be held more noisily and loudly. A restaurant or club is the best place.

This option has its pros and cons. Positive aspects include unbridled fun, dancing and karaoke songs. The disadvantages are costs and lack of privacy.

A bachelorette party at a club can cost a pretty penny

When choosing a bar or restaurant as a place for a holiday, you should calculate all material costs. Such a bachelorette party will also not leave your friends indifferent; it will be fun and hot. In the end, the bride, just like the groom, is parting with freedom, why not make this farewell wave of the hand in an atmosphere of laughter and loud music?!

If the choice of place for the bachelorette party fell on a restaurant or cafe, you should calculate the number of guests in advance and book a table. If the place is popular, there may not be seats available on the desired day. That is why the issue must be resolved in advance.

Where to hold a bachelorette party, this question needs to be decided collectively in order to extract the maximum number of ideas and suggestions. But the choice, of course, remains with the bride, because this is her holiday.

What's a fun way to celebrate a bachelorette party in the fall or winter?

If the holiday falls during the season of cold weather and bad weather, do not be upset. Don’t cancel the wedding, and with it the bachelorette party! This means we need to think over a cultural program.

You can stay at the same house party or think more globally and go to the park. It is very romantic to rustle autumn leaves and collect wreaths from them. You can also go to the entertainment center to watch a comedy together in the cinema. Then go in and play board games. Such a cold autumn evening in the warm company of friends will remain in the memory for a long time.

You can safely spend your winter bachelorette party at the skating rink. Children's emotions for adult girls, what could be better?! Evening in a cottage village, another idea for an original bachelorette party. Mulled wine, a walk in the forest and conversations by the fireplace. After all, a bachelorette party is an occasion for a warm and cozy meeting with friends.

Original and fun ideas for a photo shoot for a bachelorette party

Bright and original photographs must certainly accompany the bachelorette party. The photos will help you remember the fun event for many years to come. Ideas for a photo shoot for a bachelorette party can be created by the whole group.

Amateur photographs are a good addition. But it is a photo shoot in the studio that will make the bachelorette party more thoughtful, and besides, professional photographs are fundamentally different from ordinary ones.

Themed decorations in the form of a cake, veil, soft toys, etc. will create an atmosphere of preparation. Studio photographers always have the necessary paraphernalia.

A bachelorette party photo shoot in the studio opens up enormous possibilities, any number of frames and individual photo processing. This is a huge plus; there will be no surprises in the form of blurry and blurry frames and red eyes.

Here are a few examples of what a photo shoot looks like in a studio for a bachelorette party, photos:

Photo shoot for a themed bachelorette party “Pajama Party”

But such original and fun ideas can be used for an outdoor photo shoot for a bachelorette party, photo:

What to give to your bridesmaids for a bachelorette party?

How to hold a bachelorette party before the wedding? Ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding, these issues are discussed together, as is customary. But what to give the bride for her bachelorette party is a task for the invited friends.

What do you give for a bachelorette party? In fact, anything, but in order to make a choice, it is worth taking into account the character of the bride and her preferences.

One of the gift ideas could be a culinary theme, because the bride is preparing to become a wife, and therefore a good housewife too. A wall clock in the shape of a frying pan is quite an original and interesting idea. If your bride has a sense of humor, then you can give her a funny cake, for example, here are the cakes for a bachelorette party as in the photo:

If the bride is also her best friend, then you can do intimate gift in the form of sexy underwear or various sex toys. A very relevant gift on the eve of the first wedding night. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the size.

Erotic toys for the best bridesmaid

It is also worth deciding on the cost of the gift. If it is a collective one, from all your friends at once, then by chipping in you can collect a decent amount and spend on an expensive and exquisite gift. For example, a set of expensive cosmetics or perfume that the bride has been eyeing for a long time.

If your budget is not very large, you can choose on romantic or humorous souvenirs. Such items remain as keepsakes, which is very important. What to give for a bachelorette party if there is absolutely no financial opportunity? In this case, it is worth remembering that the best gift is attention, and you can give it without having money.

An original solution might be to congratulate your friend on her bachelorette party. This could be a poem or even a song from loving friends with wishes for a happy family life.

You can also draw a poster for a bachelorette party. A large sheet of Whatman paper, and then everything depends on your imagination. It can be filled with photographs or funny jokes. The main thing is sincerity and it doesn’t matter at all what artistic abilities the bridesmaids have.

There is also a very frank gift in the form of a guest stripper. This is, of course, if the bride is not distinguished by her modest disposition and prejudices. It’s up to the friends to decide, because who else knows their friend better than anyone else?

Such gifts will surely remain in memory. Lovely souvenirs, warm wishes and friendship for many years to come. This is what the bride really wants.

A bachelorette party is a fun and relaxed celebration with friends. How to hold a bachelorette party before the wedding is not the most important thing. It is important to talk with close friends, talk it out and discuss all the issues of concern.

Very often, or rather always, the bride is nervous before the wedding. She is worried about everything: from whether she chose the right wedding dress to whether she chose the right groom. It sounds absurd, but it is true. The girl is nervous, the task of her friends is to advise, guide and convince. That's what a bachelorette party is for.

Last free evening of fun. Last opportunity to put your thoughts in order, chat and discuss everything thoroughly. All functions fall on the shoulders of faithful and close friends.

Original ideas for a bachelorette party must be discussed in advance. You may need accessories that are difficult to buy and need to be made to order. To make the holiday successful and fun, all the details require careful consideration. Surprises must be prepared secretly from the bride. And the general concept can be planned without secrets.
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Every bride thinks in advance about where to hold her bachelorette party in Moscow. Of the pre-wedding preparations, this is perhaps one of the most awaited moments. Our selection will help you find the best establishments where you can have an unforgettable bachelorette party. Clubs, bars and restaurants in Moscow offer a wide variety of entertainment for a pre-wedding party: from quests and master classes, to karaoke and, of course, striptease. When choosing where to have an inexpensive bachelorette party in Moscow, pay attention to establishments that offer additional discounts and bonuses to future newlyweds. By making the right choice, you have the opportunity to have a truly fun holiday with your friends.

Bars for stag parties in Moscow

A bachelor party not in Vegas can also be made as colorful as possible. There are many high-level restaurants in Moscow where you can celebrate a bachelor party. If you want to really rock the party, pay attention to places with parties, dance floors with light and sound equipment, or strip clubs. For a more relaxed bachelor party, you should look for restaurants with hearty meat cuisine and an intimate atmosphere. In some establishments you can rent the entire billiard room or an individual karaoke room for a bachelor party.

Restaurants for a bachelorette party in Moscow

Before you decide on a specific restaurant, you need to decide which holiday format suits you. A calm bachelorette party in a restaurant with friends or an incendiary party with a sea of ​​bright emotions? Moscow provides a variety of options:

  • cozy gatherings with a large selection of dishes and wine;
  • a party in an unusual style (for example, the Caribbean islands);
  • a chamber atmosphere and private rooms where you can completely relax and spend a bachelorette party in Moscow only with your closest ones;
  • common room with stage and dance floor;
  • live music in the background or karaoke equipment for you and friends.
  • Most establishments carefully approach the organization of a bachelorette party in a restaurant. They will offer you a memorable atmosphere, a custom-made cake with an individual design, and signature cocktails that are not on the main menu.

    Where to celebrate a bachelor party: bars and restaurants

    On our website you will find a complete list of restaurants where you can have a hen and stag party. To search for an establishment with certain features, use the filter by parameters. You can choose bars for a bachelorette party in Moscow near a convenient metro station, with your favorite cuisine and a suitable average bill.

How and, most importantly, where are bachelorette parties held today? Any place where you can have fun with your girlfriends is suitable. The main thing is to decide on your goals. What do you want - just to follow traditions, relax before the wedding, chat with girls, have a blast, dance your heart out, or just get drunk? Yes, yes, and such a desire sometimes arises before the wedding. Depending on your expectations from the bachelorette party, choose the location.

Where and how to hold a bachelorette party? Several popular options

1. Bachelorette party at home

If the bride has her own apartment, where no one can disturb her, the bachelorette party is often organized at home. Well, this is quite consistent with the good old traditions of a bachelorette party. The girls treat themselves, drink, have conversations and even, perhaps, shed a tear, remembering their carefree youth.

Home doesn't mean boring. You can not just sit, but arrange it. Most Popular themed bachelorette party - pajama . This is usually a sleepover.

The girls gather at the bride's house or on neutral territory (for example, a large hotel room), change into pajamas and nightgowns and have a nice time. It is believed that in such an intimate atmosphere people can be as sincere as possible, so girls' conversations can turn out to be very rich and touching.

For a pajama party, it is advisable to prepare several interesting films - comedies, melodramas or even horror films. It’s better to spend time in the twilight, so you need to buy one. For drinks, you should choose mulled wine or any other hot alcoholic drink. Various fortune tellings are suitable as entertainment at a pajama party-bachelorette party: comic or serious.

You can also organize at home Spa party for bachelorette party . This will allow you to kill two birds with one stone: have a wonderful time in good company and get yourself in order on the eve of the wedding. For the party you need to prepare aromatic candles, low-alcohol cocktails with natural juices and honey, as well as all the necessary accessories and cosmetics for spa pedicures, scrubs, and masks. And after all the procedures, you can do makeup for each other and walk to the nearest bar to dazzle all its visitors with your beauty.

During a home bachelorette party, you can watch a video with the bride and her bridesmaids: children's matinees, school parties, graduation, outdoor recreation... Sweet memories will brighten up the pre-wedding evening.

2. Bachelorette party in a cafe, bar or nightclub

This, of course, is a more expensive option, and you’ll hardly be able to talk enough, but you can have a blast, dance, sing karaoke, watch a male striptease, or even order a private dance. Of course, you shouldn’t take a camera to such a bachelorette party, so as not to leave any incriminating evidence. And it’s also better to leave chatty girlfriends who don’t know how to keep secrets at home.

3. Bachelorette party in a restaurant

It is better to choose a relatively expensive and luxurious restaurant. Girls in evening dresses, gourmet dishes, champagne. With quiet music, you can calmly talk about everything, and then dance. Minus one: expensive.

4. Bachelorette party in the sauna

This option is also quite in the spirit of the old ones, because then the bride on the eve of the wedding also went to the bathhouse with her girlfriends. It is advisable to choose a sauna with a swimming pool, a decent banquet hall and additional services (for example, the presence of a billiard table can brighten up your leisure time). In some saunas you can order SPA treatments: scrubs, massages, wraps.

In a word, you can spend several hours in a good sauna and never get bored. By the way, you can invite strippers to the sauna, if, of course, you are interested.

For a bachelorette party in the sauna, you should choose only low-alcohol drinks or get by with just juices and tea. Seafood and exotic fruits on skewers are suitable as a treat.

In the sauna at a bachelorette party you can hold games and competitions with your girlfriends. For example, give each single friend a banana and a glass of yogurt. Whoever eats yogurt faster with only a banana, using it as a spoon, will be the first (after the bride, of course) to get married. If the sauna has a pool, you can take a wreath of artificial flowers with you. Let the girlfriends take turns throwing a wreath into the water from one place - whoever throws it the furthest or whose wreath touches the opposite wall of the pool wins. And her prize will be a quick wedding.

5. Bachelorette party in a limousine

It is better to order a large limousine that can accommodate up to 12 people. Find out if bar stocking is included in the rental price. If not, you need to prepare drinks and snacks. It’s so romantic: spending the pre-wedding day next to your girlfriends, driving through the lamp-lit streets of your favorite city. The optimal time for which you should rent a limousine is 3-5 hours. Girls can even dance in the limousine and share their emotions with passers-by through the hatch. Well, if you want to continue the banquet, you can always end the fun at the bar.

6. Bachelorette party at the water park

How wonderful it is to feel like a child again shortly before your own wedding. The bride and bridesmaids will have fun and receive a lot of positive emotions. Then you can take a table in a cafe on the territory of the water park and indulge in conversations, memories and discussions of the upcoming event.

7. Bachelorette party outdoors

If the weather is warm, girls can have a nice picnic with meat cooked over a fire, songs with a guitar, outdoor games and the launching of Chinese sky lanterns. Of course, it will be quite difficult for girls to organize a picnic - the bride’s father and brother can help with this. Or you can do it differently: team up with the groom and his friends and organize a joint bachelorette party in the fresh air.

8. Bachelorette party on a walk

If the weather outside is beautiful, the girls can go for a walk. But not an ordinary one, but a very fun and interesting one.

The bridesmaids can wear long skirts, and the bride can dress up in an extreme mini, stockings and stilettos. Let only her get all the attention of the opposite sex this evening.

In order not to wander aimlessly, it is worth preparing a to-do list for the bride, which includes about ten items. These could be the following tasks: ask a passerby for a condom, take an autograph from a man, pretending to confuse him with a star, take a photo hugging a bald man, etc. If the bride organizes it herself, she can ask her bridesmaids to make such a list for her.

Such a walk turns into a crazy adventure, the final of which can be a visit to a bar - for example, the very one where the bachelor party is taking place.

1. Choose the right day. It is better to hold a bachelorette party with alcohol and a busy program at least three to four days before the wedding, so that there is time for a hangover, rest and recovery. There is a lot to do for the bride and an early bedtime.

2. Think about the dress code.
For example, for a bachelorette party in a bar, nightclub or some other establishment, you can order T-shirts with slogans in advance. The T-shirt for the bride reads “Bride” and for the bridesmaids says “Bridesmaid”. The inscription “We are having a bachelorette party!” can be placed on the back. This will attract the attention of other visitors and protect you from annoying suitors.

In some countries (for example, in England) it is customary to wear short skirts and high socks, and tie bows on the head. By the way, at an English bachelorette party it is important that at least one thing is pink.

You can also choose a color - let all your girlfriends come in clothes of a certain color. You can have a bachelorette party wearing cowboy hats. By the way, the bride at the bachelorette party can wear a veil, but it is short and not white. There are a lot of options! Photos from a bachelorette party with a thoughtful dress code are especially impressive.

3. Don't disturb others. If the groom did not want to invite the bride and her girlfriends to the bachelor party, you should not show up unexpectedly for this event. Why do you need unnecessary conflicts on the eve of the wedding? And if the groom is not trustworthy, was it worth filing an application with the registry office?

4. Leave a memory.
Invite and arrange a photo shoot, choosing some interesting theme: for example, “back to childhood” (in short dresses, knee socks and bows) or “crazy bachelorettes” (deliberately sexy outfits, languid eyes).

Photos from the bachelorette party will remain a long-lasting memory for both the bride and her bridesmaids.

Games and competitions for a bachelorette party

In principle, any games and competitions are suitable for a bachelorette party - even those held at regular parties or weddings. Here are just a few of the entertainments: games and competitions for a bachelorette party , popular in different countries. We warn you right away: the games are not for the shy!

Game "Kissing skills"

This is a comic game that supposedly will test the ability of each of the girls in the ability to kiss men. To play the game you will need a poster with a photo of a handsome man (you can take some celebrity), lipstick, and a scarf. The poster should be hung on the wall or laid out on the table. The girls are blindfolded one by one, spun in place, and then asked to apply lipstick to their lips and kiss the man on the poster on the lips. The girl whose kiss is closest to the man’s lips wins.

Game "The Most Thrifty"

A list of different items is compiled and points are assigned to each item. When the girls gather, the presenter will read out a list of items. Those girls who happen to have the named item with them (or on themselves) receive the corresponding points. Points, by the way, can be made in the form of fake banknotes of tens and given to the participants. Whoever ultimately scores the most points wins and receives some kind of prize.

Sample list of items and points:

  • Condom – 20 points
  • Notepad – 10 points
  • Photo of husband or groom – 30 points
  • Stockings – 20 points
  • Toothbrush – 10 points
  • Bottle opener – 50 points
  • Mobile phone – 10 points
  • Comb – 10 points
  • Tampons – 10 points
  • Ex-boyfriend's phone number – 20 points
  • Your own credit card – 20 points
  • Husband's or fiance's credit card - 50 points
  • Lighter – 10 points
  • Mints – 20 points
  • Ballpoint pen – 10 points
  • Ballpoint or gel pen with red ink – 30 points
  • Chewing gum – 10 points
  • Dark glasses – 10 points
  • Car keys – 10 points
  • Earrings – 10 points

Game "I want"

The presenter asks a question. For example: “How many of you would like to be a virgin again?” or “Which of you would like to get married this year?” (the question is chosen depending on the company gathered at). Those who responded take part in the game. One berry is placed in wide, low bowls or bowls - a pitted cherry or a strawberry. The presenter explains: “You need to eat the berry without using your hands.” The girls think it will be quite easy to do this. But that’s not the case - the presenter comes up with a can of thick cream and fills the bowls with it (at least half). But now the girls can start a race to see who can eat the berry the fastest. The fastest one wins. Immediately after the competition, you should take a photo of the girls with cream on their faces.

Game "I Know Who It Is"

All girls, except the bride, are given sheets of paper and pens. Assignment: describe some funny or curious incident related to a love relationship or a wedding, wedding night or honeymoon (if the participant is married). The girls briefly describe the situation. If the bride knows who has what handwriting, she needs to deliberately change it.

Sample entry: “For my honeymoon, I bought a bunch of very sexy lingerie. On our second night, I came out of the shower wearing a thong and an open leopard print bra. My husband burst out laughing. Throughout the next days of our honeymoon, I came out of the shower wearing his T-shirt.”

Game "The Truth and Only the Truth"

Cards are prepared in advance: two for each party participant. Half of the cards are “Truth Cards.” The other half is “Truth Substitutes” (there may be fewer of these cards).

Truth cards contain intimate questions. The cards are shuffled and placed back side up. The girls take turns taking a truth card at random, reading out the question and deciding whether they are ready to answer it. If the girl does not want to answer, she draws the “Truth Substitute” card and again faces a choice: what is better – answer the question or complete the task from the “Truth Substitute” card. Either answer or complete the task. Questions and tasks are compiled for a specific company.

Truth cards (example):

1. Have you ever made love in a car?

2. Have you ever imagined yourself in bed with your boyfriend's best friend?

3. Have you ever gone to work without wearing panties?

4. Have you ever had an affair with your boss?

5. Have you ever made love on a train?

6. Have you ever made love on a plane?

7. Have you ever danced on a table?

8. Have you had an affair with a foreigner? If yes, what country is he from?

9. Do you like to look at photos of handsome men from a men's underwear catalog?

10. Have you ever covered your boyfriend in cream or something else and then licked it off?

Cards are substitutes for truth (example):

1. Remove your bra without removing your top.

2. Drink a whole glass of champagne without stopping.

3. Dance like an Egyptian.

4. Show off your underwear.

5. Paint your eyelids with blue eyeshadow.

6. Sing the song “A Million Scarlet Roses” in front of the camera.

7. Do ten squats.

8. Dance like a virgin.

Cards with questions should not be repeated - that is, after a card is drawn, it is put aside. The replacement cards are shuffled each time, so that the same task can go to several girls.

Bachelorette parties are a relatively new tradition in Russian youth culture that came from the West. However, its roots can also be found in ancient Russian rituals. In the old days, for example, there was a tradition of undoing a girl’s braid, accompanying this process with crying about her difficult lot. If you look at how a bachelorette party is held before a wedding in our time, then no associations with sadness and tears will arise. The atmosphere at such parties is fun and positive. Girls strive to diversify their entertainment programs by choosing unusual venues for events.

Who is responsible for organizing the bachelorette party?

It should be noted right away that the witness takes upon herself all organizational issues. Of course, there are no official formalities in this assignment of responsibilities. Moreover, in practice, all participants are usually involved in the organizing process. There is one delicate point that will allow you to find out how hen parties are held and on what basis they are organized. Since the main goal of this event is a symbolic, bright and unforgettable vacation for the bride in the status of a free girl, it is advisable to save her as much as possible from the hassle.

The best option is if the same witness and her closest friends take care of organizational issues together. This is the traditional model of how a bachelorette party is held before a wedding these days. The only thing that is required from the bride is to orient the program to her taste. She should give direction, and her friends will take on specific tasks in organizing the holiday.

Who should you invite?

How to choose a place?

This is the most important decision at the stage of preparation for the bachelorette party. The quality of the entire event depends on how well the choice is made. The main question that should be resolved by this choice is: “How to spend a bachelorette party fun and with comfort for the bride?” It is quite logical for him to look for answers from the culprit of the upcoming action. Some people want maximum relaxation on this day, loud music, fiery dancing and a bright show. Others prefer a warm, calm and soulful atmosphere. A narrow circle of people gathered in a pleasant environment without strangers is the optimal format for those who like home gatherings. But at the same time, it’s worth adding some entertainment in the form of music and competitions, since a bachelorette party, by definition, should not be boring and dull. The territory in each case must meet these requirements.

But this is not enough to understand how bachelorette parties are held outside the home. In addition to the possibilities for holding a bachelorette party in a particular place, it is necessary to take into account a number of other points. For example, will all participants be able to reach their destination on time, will they have the opportunity to return home in accordance with their plans. As examples, you can take a closer look at several options for holding bachelorette parties in different places.

How do you spend a bachelorette party before a wedding in a sauna?

This is a classic place to organize such an event. Modern saunas, in addition to everything necessary for water hygienic procedures, are equipped with multimedia equipment and all the means for holding feasts. Music, videos, snacks and strong drinks - all this will be at hand and in a secluded, relaxing environment. When answering the question of how hen parties are spent in a sauna or bathhouse, one cannot help but touch upon the aspect of practical benefits. The bride will be able to cleanse her skin and put her body in order, which will allow her to look refreshed and energized at the wedding. Additionally, you can order the services of a massage therapist, who will also bring a considerable boost of energy. The rest depends on the creativity of your friends - in addition to the communication itself, it wouldn’t hurt to dilute the atmosphere with competitions and prepared surprises.


Also a common place for a bachelorette party. But this option suffers from the unpleasant factor of the presence of strangers. It is worth choosing a restaurant if it is possible to rent it outright on that day. When considering how to host a bachelorette party in a restaurant, it is important to consider that this place is ideal for simulating a social event, which includes real ladies. It is better to come to this event in evening clothes, and the menu should consist of exquisite dishes, expensive wines or champagne. The conversation will be accompanied by soft live music. As you can see, for very young girls who want a splash of strong emotions and bright shows, this option is unlikely to be suitable. But for respectable, intelligent older women, pleasant communication with friends, during which you can calmly discuss all the nuances of a future wedding, the restaurant is quite suitable.

Night club

This is the opposite option for brides who are looking for ways to spend a bachelorette party fun and with a complete break from the everyday hustle and bustle. Nightclubs are created for strong positive impressions, communication, dancing and music. However, how will such a bachelorette party differ from an ordinary trip to a club? First of all, originality. For example, you can focus the party on a wedding theme. Or go to another plane by resorting to the services of a stripper. The main problem of holding hen parties in clubs is the inability to retire in close company. As a last resort, you can protect yourself and your friends in a separate area, participating in general dances and, possibly, competitions with other recreational activities to the best of your ability and desire.

Hosting a bachelorette party at home

It would seem that this is the most unattractive place for a bachelorette party in terms of fun and memorable emotions. But if we take a deeper look at the advantages of this option, this opinion will change to the opposite. Unlike clubs, the organization of music, drinks menu and entertainment program will fall entirely on the shoulders of the girls. Is this bad? On the one hand, it is inconvenient, although if each participant responsibly contributes to the preparation, then the hassle will not unduly burden anyone. On the other hand, if we look at examples of how bachelorette parties are held at home, the financial costs for them are minimal. Especially when you compare home parties with going to restaurants and nightclubs.

Ideas for extreme sports enthusiasts

The most memorable experiences can be gained from an extreme bachelorette party. However, extreme in this case is conditional, since we are talking about an amateur level. This could be a hot air balloon flight, an airplane flight, a hike to conquer a mountain peak, etc. But in any case, it is important to follow safety precautions, since even the slightest scratch can spoil the bride’s appearance at the wedding celebration. In addition, when deciding how to hold a bachelorette party in an unusual way, you need to remember the physical and psychological preparation of all participants in the event. It is desirable that all invited girls can participate in it, and not just the most courageous ones. Less risky forms of such bachelorette parties include skiing trips, park rides, etc.


Most of the mentioned bachelorette party options can be stylized to fit a specific theme. Of course, the choice here is almost limitless, and it all depends on the tastes of the bride and her friends, but how to hold a bachelorette party before the wedding so that the styling emphasizes its unique spirit? There are two most common options - a children's party and a pajama party. In the first case, the participants are faced with the task of dressing in outfits that imitate the clothes of girls. These could be, for example, colorful sundresses or dresses with bright patterns. But the main emphasis should be placed on accessories, including bows, multi-colored knee socks, deliberately ineptly used makeup and other attributes that characterize the young age of the female sex. The purpose of such stylization is to symbolically imitate a period as distant as possible from the upcoming adult life in marriage.

A pajama party requires organization that resembles a cluttered bedroom. There shouldn’t be any difficulties with questions about how to spend a bachelorette party before the wedding in pajamas. These are scattered pillows, loose blankets and an overall relaxed homely atmosphere. It is emancipation without norms and rules that is the main property of the atmosphere of such stylization.

What to give to the bride?

Presents at a bachelorette party have a symbolic meaning, but this choice also has its own subtleties. Many people mistakenly believe that a gift should be related to family life, so it can be presented as frying pans, irons, aprons and similar utensils. Such household items and attributes will undoubtedly be useful to a girl, but it is better to give them at the wedding itself. The main idea of ​​a bachelorette party is different - to give the bride the opportunity to enjoy her last hours of freedom from household duties, to feel like a young girl or even a child. When talking about how bachelorette parties are held and what to give brides at such events, it is worth mentioning teddy bears, flowers, pendants, photographs with friends and other memorabilia associated with adolescence and youth. But the bride herself should not greet her friends empty-handed. Again, a symbolic piece of jewelry, a souvenir or a toy with meaning will help strengthen friendships.

Who pays for the event?

It is customary that all expenses are covered by the bride and her friends. But situations are different, and most young girls have very limited financial resources. Therefore, questions may arise regarding how the bachelorette party is held and who pays for it besides the bride and her bridesmaids. There can be two options - the future husband or the bride's parents. But if the event is sponsored by the groom, then the very idea of ​​a bachelorette party as a holiday for unmarried and free young girls will be distorted. Accordingly, it is better to turn to parents for financial help, who, of course, will not miss the opportunity to pamper their daughter one last time before she becomes a wife.
