How to make a small Shrovetide doll with your own hands. Maslenitsa doll from bast

In Rus', two types of dolls were made on Maslenitsa. A man-sized effigy of Maslenitsa was necessarily burned, symbolizing the transition from one season to another, and the Home Maslenitsa was at home until the next year and was considered a strong amulet of the home, fulfilling the precepts of the owners of the house. They kept the doll in a red corner or at the entrance to the dwelling.

Previously, for any holiday in the family, they made a doll into which a particle of the soul was invested. It was a ritual doll, a talisman, a guardian. As a rule, the most protective were dolls made without a needle and scissors. When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it (sometimes the dolls were called that - "rvanki").

A ritual doll is not a toy. The face usually remained white. The meaning of this is much deeper - a doll without a face was considered inaccessible to infuse evil forces into it.
The hands of the doll symbolize the appeal to the sun, and the skirt assembled in a special way symbolizes the solstice. The amulet is made for a year, at the next holiday it is burned or floated on the water.

According to legend, Maslenitsa was the daughter of Santa Claus and lived in the North. The fragile girl Shrovetide met a man. He saw her hiding behind huge snowdrifts and asked her to help people tired of the long winter - to warm and cheer them up. Maslenitsa agreed and, turning into a healthy, ruddy woman, with laughter, dancing and pancakes, she made the human race forget about the winter storm.

Master class on making a doll-amulet of the Home Maslenitsa taken from the site:

"Home Maslenitsa"- this is a protective Tula doll. Such a doll protects the home and fulfills the covenants of the owners. The doll was made on the eve of the Maslenitsa celebration, and it was kept in the house for a whole year. She lived in the "red corner" or at the entrance to the upper room. "Home Shrovetide" met the bride and groom. When the mother-in-law was waiting for the young for pancakes, she put this doll out the window or on the porch railing. "Maslenitsa" is a protective chrysalis, so red threads are used in its manufacture. The fabric was not cut, but torn off by hand. In the manufacture of "Maslenitsa" straw or bast is used, personifying the violent power of vegetation. The clothes of the doll are bright, with floral ornaments.

Traditional stages of its production:

1. We make the head of the chrysalis. Take a square piece of fabric. Roll a ball out of a piece of cotton.

2. We cover the cotton ball with a cloth, put it on a stick and tie it with a thread. In the manufacture of protective dolls, we wrap the thread twice, and then tighten it onto a knot.

3. We tie a bunch of bast to the stick.

4. For hands, take a bunch of bast and tie it on both sides with a thread.

5. We wrap hands from a bast with a cloth.

6. We bandage our hands on both sides with a thread.

7. We tie our hands with a thread cross - crosswise to the body of the "Shrovetide".

8. We make the chest of our "Shrovetide". To do this, take a square piece of fabric. Roll up a ball of cotton.

9. We cover the lump of cotton with a cloth and tie it with a thread. We also make the second breast.

10. We tie the chest crosswise to the body of the Shrovetide.

11. We tie a skirt.

2. Shirt. For a shirt, take a rectangular piece of fabric. We make a hole for the head and a small incision in front so that the head of the pupa passes. We put on a shirt for Shrovetide.

13. Tie a shirt under the bust with a thread.

14. We take three bright strips of fabric and weave a braid.

5. We wrap the ends of the braid, fasten it with a thread.

16. We lay the braid around the head of the "Maslenitsa". We tie a scarf.

7. We tie the apron. We tie a belt.

18. Each relative in the family can give Maslenitsa a task for a year. To do this, we tie ribbons on the handles of the doll.

In some areas they made "Home Shrovetide" with the "Star of Lada".

This “Home Shrovetide” holds the star of the Goddess Lada in her hands, a Slavic amulet that protects the atmosphere of love and peace in the family that created it.

Home doll Shrovetide. Master class with photo

Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher, class teacher of the 4th grade, GPA teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region
Purpose of material: I bring to your attention a master class on making a rag doll Maslenitsa. The material will be useful to teachers when conducting extracurricular activities aimed at expanding and consolidating knowledge about the traditional holidays of the Russian people; creative people; children 10 - 12 years old.
Target: acquaintance with the art of making a Russian Maslenitsa doll;
development of children's interest in folk culture and traditions through the manufacture of dolls
- develop artistic taste, promote the disclosure of the creative potential of each child;
- learn how to make a Russian rag doll based on traditional technology;
- develop an eye and the ability to work with scraps of fabric;
- to develop the desire for independent creativity;
- to form work skills in the manufacture of dolls;
- to cultivate accuracy, perseverance and interest in achieving the goal;

Traditionally for the manufacture of stuffed animals Shrovetide plant materials were used: wood, straw, bast. Straw was considered a symbol of fertility and abundance. Its use in many ritual dolls meant the glorification and attraction of the fruitful forces of nature. In the old days, it was customary in the villages to make Maslenitsa together, by the whole world, using, in addition to wood and straw, also old unnecessary things that they wanted to get rid of.

Didali Maslenitsa on Monday, preparing for the week-long carnival fun. In some regions (Tula, Vladimir, Tver) they also made small home Maslenitsa. Home Maslenitsa Unlike effigies of Maslenitsa, which was burned on Forgiveness Sunday, they tried to make it attractive, dressed it in beautiful outfits, put it in a place of honor. Home Maslenitsa was considered a guardian of the home. As a rule, it was kept until the next spring, when a new doll was made and the old one was burned. Sometimes only the base of the doll was burned, and beautiful outfits were used again.

Home Maslenitsa- is a small, 20 - 25 cm high, straw, bast or rag doll with a white face. Home Maslenitsa symbolized strong prosperity and healthy offspring of a young family. She was considered a strong amulet of the home, fulfilling the precepts of the owners of the house. They kept this doll in a red corner or at the entrance to a dwelling. On one of the days of the festive Maslenitsa week, when young people came to their mother-in-law for pancakes, this doll was put up in windows or yards. Traditionally, Home Maslenitsa met the bride and groom.

To make the doll we need:
- white flap 15 cm * 15 cm - 1 pc.
- colored flap 10 cm * 10 cm - 4 pcs.
- colored flap 15 cm * 20 cm - 1 pc.
- colored flap 5 cm * 10 cm - 1 pc.
- a triangular flap for a scarf;
- cotton wool or rags:
- threads;

The guys got down to business:

Work process:
1. Take a white square for the head, put a piece of rags or cotton wool in the center.

2. The head is tied with a thread, we must try to keep the wrinkles on the face as small as possible.

3. Next, handles are made: the corner of the fabric is bent, the edges are folded inward, folded in half and tied with a red thread.

4. From two squares and rags, a chest is made, which is tied to the body of the pupa (separately).

5. A bag is folded from a large piece of cloth. The torso of the pupa is inserted into the bag-dress and tightly tied with a thread.

6. Next, the apron is tied in an eversion way (the belt is crossed at the back and tied in front over the apron).

7. A scarf is put on the head, which is tied at the back.

Here are some wonderful dolls - Maslenitsa turned out for the guys!

Good holiday to you! Let the Shrovetide doll protect your home until next spring!

Presentation on the topic: Home doll Maslenitsa

Shrovetide will come to us very soon, so we have prepared for you do-it-yourself collection of ideas and crafts for Maslenitsa!

Shrovetide is an ancient holiday in Rus', which was celebrated 7 days before the equinox and 7 days after. It was on this holiday that pancakes were baked in honor of the worship of the Sun, which gives all life on earth. On the last day of the week, on Forgiveness Sunday, a human-sized straw doll was made on a holiday, she was escorted with songs and dances, and then burned at the stake, it was believed that by doing so she would take everything bad with her and give place to a new life, full of strength and of good. The homemade Shrovetide doll was made in a smaller size and kept at home as a talisman for a year.

Fabric applique. Carnival portrait. Master Class

Manufacturing master class fabric appliqués- a portrait of Shrovetide. New Year, Christmas - these are our favorite holidays. But there is another holiday in Russia, which is fun and stormy. This is everyone's favorite - Shrovetide! For a whole week, all the people, both old and young, have fun, dance and laugh, bake pancakes, go to visit and invite themselves to their place.

Pancakes are the main dish for Shrovetide. They are baked from Monday to Sunday. What different pancakes are obtained. Each housewife has her own recipes and special secrets of their preparation.

After all, then for a long seven weeks it will not be possible to have fun. After all, to this day, people believe that if you don’t take your soul well this week, then you will have to live in misfortune for a whole year, for real. Another rule is that food becomes the most important form of life. People say: “That at this time you need to eat as much as a dog waving its tail or a crow caws.”

Carnival lasts for a whole week and one of the days you can do joint creativity with your children.

After all, Maslenitsa is a family holiday. I propose to make a portrait using fabric appliqué technology.

  1. to form knowledge in children about such a holiday as Maslenitsa;
  2. to acquaint with the traditions and rituals of the national holiday;
  3. develop children's curiosity.
  • fabric scraps,
  • cardboard,
  • a sheet of paper or fabric for the background,
  • scissors,
  • coloring book with picture 2 pcs.,
  • glue,
  • simple pencil.
Get everything ready for work.

Cut out the details from the coloring pages (face, scarf shirt, sundress, mittens, pancake).

Pick up the fabric for the cut out details.

Glue the coloring and fabric together, transfer the pattern to the fabric. Cut along the outline.

Make a face (draw eyes, glue cheeks, pick up a scarf).

Gather all the details together.

Choose a background for the received .

Here's a fun job for the holiday. And if the work is placed in a frame, then you can use it to decorate the interior for the holiday.

Doll Maslenitsa do-it-yourself. Master class with step by step photos

The head is made from magazine sheets, previously crumpled and glued with adhesive tape.

Decorate the dress with frills, sewing them with a hand stitch forward needle directly on the doll.

Make the face of Maslenitsa from papier mache: mold the base from sculptural plasticine and glue it with paper using PVA glue, make 4-5 layers of paper, let it dry.

Although Maslenitsa does not have a face, we decided to draw it with gouache, first apply a beige background on the face.

Got a cute face.

Glue the face to Shrovetide with hot glue.

Glue the hair threads to the head with hot glue or adhesive tape and braid the pigtails, weave satin ribbons into the braids.

Put on a handkerchief for Shrovetide and sew it up behind and under the chin so that it does not fall off your head.

It remains to put on a handkerchief, and the plasticine craft is completed.

Such plasticine crafts for kids will be very useful for Maslenitsa.

Head: Vasilyeva Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Master class number 7. DIY scarecrow

In this master class we will tell you how to make stuffed Maslenitsa do-it-yourself. Shrovetide is one of the most ancient and fun holidays. Its history is connected with the pagan Slavic gods, who were worshiped, asked for their protection, good harvests and sacrificed to them. The tradition of saying goodbye to winter and joyfully meeting spring has been preserved for many centuries in a row. One of the ritual actions is the burning of an effigy - the personification of winter. This doll, made of hay and straw, should be both funny and scary at the same time. Perhaps in order not to cause regret during the burning of an effigy. But, at the same time, it should be bright and attract attention, since the bonfire with Shrove Tuesday is the culmination of the holiday.

have been made by hand since ancient times. It should be based on hay and straw, as well as linen and cotton fabrics. But in the conditions of the city, at the end of winter, it is very difficult to find both hay and straw if they are not prepared in advance. Therefore, we will make the scarecrow proposed for manufacturing using papier-mâché arts and crafts and stuff it with familiar recycled materials.

Necessary materials:

Newspapers or unnecessary paper;

PVA glue;

Paper tape;

Yellow paper napkins or paints (gouache, acrylic, aerosol);

colored paper;

multi-colored ribbons;

Two long wooden sticks;

Unwanted clothes.

work description.

At the first stage of work, we will make a head for a scarecrow. We will do it using the papier-mâché technique.

From the newspaper we form a large lump. Its dimensions should be commensurate with the dimensions of the scarecrow that you want to make. In creating a doll, you can focus on human height and volume.

In order for the newspaper to be in a tight lump and not bloom, it must be fixed with tape. It is best to use paper tape.

From A4 paper, we form five bags. They also need to be fixed with tape or a stapler. We tightly stuff the bags with newspaper and glue them to the newspaper ball. In this case, we again need paper tape. The base is ready.

Now we glue the entire structure with strips of paper using PVA glue, creating an even coating.

Paste the head of Maslenitsa with yellow paper napkins on top.

You can do this with white napkins or toilet paper, but when the glue dries, the entire surface of the head will need to be painted with yellow paint. You can use gouache, acrylic paint or spray paint from a spray can.

From two sheets of paper we form lumps and glue them with paper napkins. When the glue is dry, paint the eyes blue. We place the eyes on the prepared base for the head of the stuffed animal.

From yellow napkins moistened with PVA glue, we form a triangular nose. From red paper we twist a long sausage in the form of a mouth. We also glue them, creating the face of the future stuffed animal.

We continue to apply makeup to our scarecrow. From black paper, cut out two small circles for the pupils. And on top of them we glue two small circles of white color in order to give shine to the eyes of our charming Maslenitsa.

Black paper is useful for making eyelashes and eyebrows. For eyelashes, you will need rectangles that need to be cut in small strips not reaching the edge by 1 cm. Then, using scissors, we bend the eyelashes and glue them around the eye. Eyebrows are placed above the eyes.

Add red circles as rosy cheeks. Well, here is the beauty.

Now let's decorate it. Let's do it with multi-colored ribbons. Cut them into strips about 20 cm long.

We collect strips of ribbons of different colors in a bundle and tie in the middle with a thin ribbon.

With the help of nail scissors, we make a hole in one of the rays of our stuffed animal and thread the tip of the ribbon into it, which holds the bundle. Tie tightly. We repeat this procedure with each ray.

The head is ready, so let's move on to the next step - the formation of the body.

At the heart of the design of the carnival effigy will be a cross made of two wooden sticks.

We put a garbage bag on the bottom of the stick, making a small hole in it. We stuff this bag tightly with newspapers or paper. Tie tightly at the neck.

We put on a white shirt on sticks. We fasten it and tie it from below. We stuff the sleeves with newspapers and fix them with ribbons.

As a dress, we use a bright fabric sewn with a pipe. We fix the dress on the shoulders and tie it with a belt. Below, under the dress, to add volume, you can also place a garbage bag stuffed with paper. In addition, the stuffed animal will burn a little longer.

We put on the head, tie a scarf. Scarecrow is ready! It remains only to burn it!

what else you can make you will learn from our master class, which you will find on this site.

Master class number 8. Shrovetide doll

Today, on the eve of forgiveness Sunday, I want to talk about a small Maslenitsa doll, which is made according to folk motives. You can give it to your family and friends. Remember that when making such dolls, you need to be in a good mood and in a good mood.

The Shrovetide doll is small in size and fits in the palm of your hand.

Materials for its manufacture: beads, fabrics, sanitary flax, wire, yellow yarn.

On a square of knitted fabric, put a bead in the center.

Galina Shinayeva

Russian traditional patchwork doll- a fertile source of spirituality.

man-made patchwork the figurine performs a communicative function, it is a means of communication and familiarizing preschool children with folk cultural experience.

On the Shrovetide week this year, I decided to introduce my preparers to another Russian traditional rag doll - Shrovetide Home.

In the old days rag doll - Maslenitsa was made on the eve of Maslenitsa and kept it all year round. It is a talisman of the house, family and warmth. kept doll in the red corner or at the entrance to the dwelling. For the next holiday doll burned or sent by water.

The children really liked the doll, and they wanted to make it with their own hands. There are different options making Homemade Maslenitsa. The option that I offered the children turned out to be available to them. The preschoolers did a great job.

This dolls - Shrovetide arms stretch up to the sun, skirt dolls twisted as if in a circle, which symbolizes the solstice.

I propose to do doll - Maslenitsa DIY homemade


White flap 20x20 cm - for the head.

two whites flap 10x12 cm. - for hands.

two colored flap 20x20 cm for a skirt.

Red patch for scarf.

Vata - for the head.

Red threads.

In white flap put cotton(or other filler).

We make out the head.

We make a twist for the hands from the corner.

We tie a twist for the hands in the neck area.

We tie both hands.

flaps for the skirt, fold diagonally. Lower flap placed horizontally at a right angle down, top flap vertically, right angle to the left hand dolls.

We bend the bottom flap towards the center.

Upper flap bend from left hand to right (on the doll) .

Lower flap from the back from the left hand we bend to the center.

Upper flap is folded behind the back.

We put on a scarf.

Home Maslenitsa is ready.

In games with dolls children learn to communicate, create, fantasize.

The main thing in these games is emotional contact.

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