How to find out what size feet are in centimeters. Perfect female legs

How to determine the size of your feet if you suddenly come across a pair of boots that you have long dreamed of buying for your daughter, at an incredibly favorable price? Or if you want to make a surprise and present as a gift to your girlfriend fashion shoes on the "hairpin", but do not know exactly what size she has - 37 or 38? Perhaps you often shop for your relatives and friends on a business trip abroad in the USA or Europe - in this case, a table will also help you quickly and accurately find out the shoe number if you only have a foot length in centimeters.

What are the tables?

Shoe marking tables exist for all occasions: men's, women's, children's, Russian, European and American. If you didn't know, women's size 42 is smaller than the corresponding men's. And boots made in China will be smaller than boots with the same size marking from a manufacturer in Russia or the USA. Therefore, all the data must be carefully compared so that the new thing pleases, and does not upset, and does not end up on the mezzanine in a box, used only a couple of times. For convenience, the table can be printed on a small sheet, which is inserted into a notebook, wallet or handbag, so that if necessary, you can always have it at hand.

Determining the size by centimeters

If you want to know exactly what size you are, 42 or 43, for example, or your child, the easiest and most reliable way to do this is:

  • take landscape sheet paper or cardboard;
  • circle the foot - you need to stand, leaning on your leg with all your weight and straightening your toes;
  • measure the length with a tape measure or tape measure.

It's faster, of course, to simply measure the foot from heel to tip. thumb. But in this case, inaccuracy can be made, since every half a centimeter plays a role.

Below are tables of the ratio of measurements in centimeters and standard shoe sizes for our country.

For men's shoes

40 26
41 26,5
42 27
43 27,5
44 28
45 29
46 29,5

For women's shoes

35 22,5
36 23
37 23,5
38 24
39 24,5
40 25
41 25,5
42 26
43 26,5

Table for children's shoes in Russia

Children's shoes are produced in the Russian Federation up to size 35, then the child switches to non-adult models.

Remember that one Russian shoe size is only half a centimeter. It is very easy to make a mistake when buying, and it is not always possible to change a pair of sandals or boots.

Comparison of Russian and American sizes

In America, shoe length is measured in inches. In order not to make a mistake when buying things on English-language sites or on a tour, you should use a special table. To translate American markings into Russian, use the following scheme:

  1. first convert the insole size in inches to centimeters;
  2. then check the table, remembering to leave a small margin for the insole.

If you place an order in the US through online stores, then they usually provide tables to help you quickly navigate in an unfamiliar numbering system.

European sizes

In Europe, the labeling of shoes is also not the same as ours. In France, a system of strokes is used. What is a pin and how many centimeters does it have? The length of the insole is measured in shtih, one unit is 2/3 cm. Here is a table of correspondence with Russian standards.

Russia France
34 35
35 36
36 37
37 38
38 39
39 40
40 41
41 42
42 43
43 44
44 45
45 46

That is, if you do not want to be confused with the strokes, just add 1 more to the usual number, for example, for children's shoes in size 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 or 28 in France, buy boots or shoes marked 23, 24, 25 , 26, 27, 28 or 29, and for men's moccasins 43 sizes - with marking, respectively, 44.

But in the UK, the inch system is adopted. One inch equals 2.54 cm. 4 inches is the zero size, that is, the leg of a newborn baby. Next, the marking goes in 1/3 inch increments, maximum size is 13 inches. In America, the measurement system is the same. Here is the exact match table.

Russia England
34 2,5
35 3,5
36 4
37 5
38 6-6,5
39 7
40 7,5
41 8
42 9
43 9,5
44 10
45 11

For the United States, a similar system applies, but men's and women's size lines are different.

Russia USA

Men's Women's

34 3 4
35 4 5
36 4,5 5,5
37 5,5 6,5
38 6 7
39 7 8
40 7,5 8,5
41 8,5 9,5
42 9,5 10,5
43 10 11
Foot length in cm Europe USA
8,3 16 0,5
8,9 16 1
9,2 17 1,5
9,5 17 2
10,2 18 2,5
10,5 18 3
10,8 19 3,5
11,4 19 4
11,7 20 4,5
12,1 20 5
12,7 21 5,5
13 22 6
13, 3 22 6,5
14 23 7
14,3 23 7,5
14,6 24 8
15,2 25 8,5
15,6 25 9
15,9 26 9,5
16,5 27 10
16,8 27 10,5
17,1 28 11
17,8 28 11,5
18,1 29 12
18,4 30 12,5
19,1 31 13
19,4 31 13,5
19,7 32 14
20,3 33 14,5
20,6 33 15
21 34 15,5
21,6 34 16
21,9 35 16,5
22,2 36 17
22,9 36 17,5

Girth and fullness

Previously, according to the standards, the completeness of the shoes was also always indicated. To do this, the girth of the foot was measured at the widest point and such a value as half-fullness was calculated. If in the Russian Federation the maximum completeness is 12, then in Europe and America there are 17 various sizes. In addition, another letter index is added, starting with "A".

Why is it important? Because people with a full foot or with a high instep to the usual 37, 38 or 39 size need to add one more step or one and a half if they buy shoes with a small half-fullness. And on the other hand, a man with a narrow foot of 43 sizes with a large half-fullness will fit a pair of 42 sizes.

What else do you need to know when buying shoes?

It is not always possible to accurately rely on the data in the table - the fullness of the legs is different for all people. It is especially important to take into account the girth of the foot when purchasing closed shoes with a “zipper” - if you can adjust the volume of a boot or boot with laces or Velcro, then this will not work.

Always buy shoes with a small margin. Although doctors do not recommend taking shoes “for growth”, putting an insole into slightly too big sneakers or prying a sock is easier than stretching small and tight ones. In addition, narrow uncomfortable shoes deforms the feet and contributes to the formation of bumps and calluses on the feet.

Right and left feet usually different lengths. You need to buy shoes, focusing on the dimensions of the larger foot. If you don’t have a table with you and they don’t offer it in a store or market, you can determine the size for Russia using a simple formula.

  1. Measure the length of the foot in centimeters and divide in half - for example, if the length is 26 or 24 cm, then half will be 13 or 12 cm, respectively.
  2. Now you need to add the resulting value to the length of the foot in centimeters: 26 + 13 \u003d 39 or 24 + 12 \u003d 36-37.

How much it turned out - this is your shoe size. But this method is only suitable for extreme cases, since it can give an error of 05-1.5 numbers.

Children's boots for the winter should always be bought with a margin of 1.5 cm so that the sock fits in and the child's leg does not get crushed. For summer shoes a margin of 0.5-1 cm is enough.

AT recent times consumers are increasingly using the services of online stores. When purchasing shoes, they often face such a problem as the wrong size of shoes.

How to find out the size of the feet will help simple procedure which will take you a few minutes:

  • Lay a sheet of A4 paper on the floor, put your foot on it and trace with a pencil. At the same time, keep it strictly vertical. For the correct result, step on the foot, transferring the weight of the body to it, and relax the fingers.
  • Usually the right and left feet are different in size. If you don't know which foot is bigger, circle both. Size bigger foot will be your shoe size.
  • Get a tape measure or ruler and measure accurately. greatest distance from the extreme point of the heel to the tip of the toe. Do this with the outlines of both legs.

Now, according to the table, you should determine the correspondence of the length of the foot (in cm) to the size standardized in Europe. Men's sizes: size 40 is suitable for a foot length of 26 cm. Accordingly, the 41st for 26.5 cm; 42nd - 27 cm; 43rd - 27.5 cm; 44th - 28.5 cm; 45th - 29 cm.

Women's European sizes legs are determined accordingly: 35th - 22.5 cm; 36th - 23 cm; 37th - 24 cm; 38th - 24.5 cm; 39th - 25 cm; 40th - 25.5 cm.

Metric shoe numbering systems

In the post-Soviet space, shoe size is determined by the length of the foot in millimeters, similarly to the European standard. This does not take into account the decorative allowances of the pads, warm socks etc. This system is the most convenient and complies with the international standard. The French shoe numbering system determines the size of shoes by the insole, which is 10 mm longer than the foot. The unit of measurement is a stroke (2/3 cm). The UK has its own system - inch. Unit of measure is inch (2.54 cm). 4 inches is size 0 (newborn foot size) and then the numbering goes in 1/3 inch increments up to the 13th size. The American system is similar to the English one. How to find out what size feet are when buying shoes with a non-European numbering system? It is difficult to make such calculations on your own. For this, there are special correspondence tables that are best taken with you when planning to visit a shoe store.

About the fullness of the legs

The fullness of the foot is a very important size parameter, on which the comfort of shoes depends.

According to GOST, shoes should be produced in the so-called. semi-fullnesses (there are 12 of them). So, in the average female size, the girth of the widest toe of the foot is 212 mm, with the largest 12th - 256 mm. Foreign manufacturers have about 17 fullness, which are indicated in Latin letters, starting with A.

How to find out the size of a child's feet

This will help the same method of measuring the length of the foot, which is described above. A foot 11 cm long corresponds to the 17th size, 11.5 cm to the 18th, 12 cm to the 19th, etc. up to the 30th (19 cm).

Good luck with your purchase.

The entry of Russians to international trading floors forces us to study other measures of length, volume, and so on. Shoe sizes also differ from those accepted in Russia. There are European numbering of sizes, American, French. The differences are quite significant, which should be considered when buying on. Initially, determine your own size in the system familiar to Russians.


What is my shoe size

AT different countries ah adopted different standards of numbers for shoes. For Russians, Russian shoe sizes are simple and understandable. They match the length of the foot, which greatly simplifies the matter. Below the values ​​of the length of the foot and the correspondence to their shoe numbers are shown in the table.

In order to freely navigate in the sizes indicated in stores in other countries, determine your size in other systems.

Exist international standard, is called ISO 3355-77. By the way, the Russian system of shoe sizes described above refers precisely to the international one. Amendments to the block in this case no, the foot of a person is taken as a basis directly. This makes the system clear and convenient.

The situation is different in European system, where the size is determined not by the length of the foot, but by the length of the insole. It is clear that the insole is longer than the foot, sometimes up to 15 mm, depending on the shoe model. This introduces some confusion and inconvenience, but it's all a matter of habit, it is quite possible to adapt.

Another system that takes into account the length of the insole is English. But, not only are measurements taken in inches, 4 inches is taken as the zero size. Without going into details, you should just remember your "English" size if you need it.

More common similar "inch" size American system. It has a different zero size, and the introduction of women's shoes into a separate system led to even greater discrepancies with English sizes.

Shoe sizes for women

Knowing the length of the foot and using pivot table sizes of women's shoes in various systems, you can easily determine your "English" size, "American" and others.

Shoe sizes for men

By analogy with women's sizes, data for men's shoes is summarized in a single table.

Children's shoe sizes

In order not to make a mistake when buying shoes for a child, remember that the baby's foot grows in size very quickly. And, if you measured the foot of a three-year-old baby a couple of months ago, then before purchasing shoes, you should once again clarify the length of the foot. Experts recommend measuring a child's foot depending on age with the following frequency:

  • in babies from one to three years old once every three months;
  • in children from three to six years old once every four months;
  • at junior schoolchildren up to 10 years every five months.

how to size kids shoes

In infants, the foot is measured with a string, centimeter tape. And older children who can already stand, just like adults. It is better to measure both feet, then summarize the results and divide in half. So you will avoid mistakes, because in children, the legs may not grow in the same way until the full formation of the foot.

Add half a centimeter to the resulting figure in case the leg swells (in summer) or you need to wear a sock. Winter shoes requires a thick sock, so add another 1.5 cm to the size of the foot.

The tables below show the sizes of children's shoes in different systems for different age groups.

How to determine the size of shoes by the length of the foot

matching shoe sizes on Aliexpress - customer reviews

It’s great if there are already customer reviews for the pair of shoes you have chosen. They will help to take into account some of the nuances. So, despite the recommendations to buy Chinese products in a larger size, it may turn out that this should not be done in specific case. Here is an example of such a review about shoe sizes.

It is also worth taking a walk through the review sites, indicating a specific model in the search. Highly detailed descriptions purchases and even messages about open disputes, compensation, or, conversely, about perfectly fitting shoes, you will undoubtedly be helped.

How to order shoes on Aliexpress

Shoes are not highlighted in the rubric together with bags. Looks like leather goods. In the drop-down menu, define a sub-heading - women's shoes, men's shoes, and so on.

Diving deeper into the subcategories, look for what you need. Read the reviews, if necessary, contact the seller. After choosing and carefully reading the information about the shoes, you need to make a choice of size and color. In the product card, choose the color of shoes (1), size (2), number of copies (4).

Pay attention to the delivery method and whether it is free for you (3). If everything suits you, then feel free to click on the "Buy" button (5).

A new pop-up window will inform you that the product has been added to the cart.

Choose to go to the cart or return and continue shopping. If you select a basket, then in it you will see all the products you have already selected (1). This does not mean that you have to buy them. Choose only what you are willing to pay in this moment (2).

Further, the standard purchase path is on: entering the necessary contact details, payment, etc. If you were careful, completed all the points described above, then the purchase will not disappoint you. If you have any problems, please contact the administration and the seller with questions.

The choice of shoes is a delicate matter. It is necessary that she does not sting anywhere and does not hang out, in a word, so that the leg in her, as they say, sleeps. That is why buying shoes over the Internet causes a certain alertness. After all, we can not try on "clothing" for the legs. Turn your purchase into a bargain correct definition the size of your foot. All self-respecting manufacturers clearly adhere to established standards, so knowing your size, you can easily find the shoes you need in any country.

Measuring your foot correctly

Before proceeding directly to the measurements - a few useful tips.

    Measurements are best taken at the end of the day, when the size of the leg increases due to the rush of blood.

    Put on socks - after all, you will not wear shoes on bare feet. However, be careful - too thick a sock, for example, a grandmother's tie, can seriously affect the accuracy of sizing.

We recommend that you measure both legs and take the highest result as a basis.
In order to optimally select a shoe model, it is necessary to know two main parameters with a high degree of accuracy: foot length and completeness.

Foot length

Please refer to the table below to find the correct size for your foot length.

Here we got Russian size shoes. The domestic sizing system has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is metric and complies with the international standard ISO 3355-77. Secondly, the measurement technique is such that you can easily determine the shoe number without making adjustments for the shape of the lasts. However, this is not the case in all countries.

For the basis French shoe size system adopted the length of the insole. The unit of measurement is a stroke equal to 2/3 cm. It, as a rule, exceeds the length of the foot by a decorative allowance. The size of the allowance can vary from 0 to 15 mm.

English The sizing system measures length in inches. We remind you: 1 inch = 2.54 cm. Size zero here is the length of the foot of a newborn - approximately 4 inches. Numbering goes through 1/3 inch from 0 to 13, and then again from 1 to 13.

AT United States the sizes are similar to English. They are only offset to zero by 1/12 inch (2.1 mm). Thus, some American and English sizes may match. Also in the USA there is another system of sizes for women's shoes. large sizes. It is also numbered from 1 to 13, only it is even more shifted towards the beginning of the measurement in the direction of decrease.

Below is a table of correspondence between the sizes of different countries. Knowing your domestic shoe size, it is easy to determine which shoes to order.


It may turn out like this: it seems that the size is chosen correctly, but you put on shoes - and your foot is like in a block! Or, on the contrary, dangles, as in a galosh. And the whole point is that they did not take into account such an important characteristic ascompleteness legs. This is the circumference of the foot at its widest toe (see figure).

In the European Union, the following scale of completeness values ​​is most common:

B- narrow foot

D- standard fullness of the foot,

E- the foot is slightly fuller than the average,

EE- wide, full foot.

However, if you are somewhat broad-boned, then it is better to calculate your fullness of the foot yourself. To do this, we propose to use the following formula.

W = 0.25B - 0.15C - A

W- the desired number of completeness,

B- circumference of the foot in mm,

With– foot length in mm,
A is a constant coefficient, which can be determined from the table:

Consider an example. Let's say you are a man with a foot length of 220 mm and a girth of 205 mm. We count! 205x0.25 - 220x0.15 - 17. Total: 1,25 . Round up to one. It turns out that in the Russian system the fullness of your leg is 1 .

To buy shoes abroad, you need to transfer the received data to the system of another country. To do this, we recommend using this table.

Since the American and English systems for measuring the fullness of shoes are almost identical, I did not duplicate the repeating lines.

It should be noted that Americans often act much easier. They leave only three fullness sizes: N(narrow) - narrow, M(medium) - medium, W(wide) - wide.

To make everything completely clear, consider an example. Here are very gentle. Such a model will good addition any light dress, whether it's a bridesmaid outfit or a dress for High school prom.

When studying a product card, pay attention to the following characteristics:

- colors (available colors).

- S size (female sizes available) - marked in green, fullness marked in red.

- Size Chat(size table) - given exclusively for this store (marked in yellow).

We choose, for example, size 8, corresponding to our 38th. The fullness of the shoes is M, that is, normal.

Here is another example -. In the product card you can see what sizes are available (the size field is marked with a green checkmark). Shoes differ in fullness. Moreover, in this case, the buyer has the opportunity to choose from the proposed options. See the box marked with a red tick. If we check the correspondence table, we will see that shoes from 40 to 50 sizes with fullness from B (for very narrow leg) up to 6E (one foot above average fullness).

As you can see, translating your domestic shoe size into foreign measurement systems is as easy as shelling pears. Simple calculations will take just a couple of minutes. And as a result, you can buy imported shoes online with peace of mind. Now you can enjoy the comfort and elegance of both branded goods and lesser-known brands.

So, why do you need to know your foot size at all? In any store, sales assistants will select the right shoes for you, in which it will be convenient and comfortable. But, firstly, knowing your size, you save yourself time (it is better to try on two or three pairs than five), and secondly, what if you order shoes through an online store?

A bit of theory

The size of a person's foot is determined by two parameters - the length and width of the foot. However, in most cases, when we say "size", we mean only the length of the foot, expressed in some particularly tricky way :)

There is currently 4 major shoe numbering systems:

International Standard ISO 3355-77 . The number of shoes is the size of the foot, measured in millimeters (usually converted to centimeters, rounded to 0.5 cm). The length of the foot is measured from the heel to the most protruding toe. There are no corrections for the shape of the last, which makes the system easy to use and understand. This metric system applied in Russia.

European system - centimeter, along the length of the insole. The unit of measurement is a pin, equal to 2/3 cm (6.7 mm). The length of the insole is usually longer than the length of the foot, by 10-15 millimeters (the so-called functional allowance), so the European shoe size designations are larger than in the first system.

English system - inch, on the insole. The smallest (initial, zero) size = 4 inches (the size of the legs of a newborn baby). Numbering - through 1/3 inch (8.5mm).

American systems a is similar to English, but the initial size in this system is smaller than in English. Numbering - through 1/3 inch. Women's sizes highlighted there in a separate system (the difference with English is even greater).

About completeness

The fullness of the shoe (width of the foot) is a parameter that is rarely mentioned. The reason lies in the fact that traditional shoes (sneakers, boots, boots) are quite soft, and the materials tend to stretch over time. Typically, this setting is importance in the case of the selection of hard shoes - skates, ski boots etc.

In Russia, according to GOST 3927-88, numbers from 1 to 12 with an interval of 4 mm are used to indicate the completeness of men's and women's shoes, In Europe - gradation from 1 to 8, after 5 mm, In the UK and the USA - letter designations of fullness: A, B, C, D, F, c/o 5mm,

Shoe enterprises in many countries, for market reasons, specialize in the production of shoes only of certain widths - narrow, medium or wide, so buyers know in advance which shoes of which companies suit them.

Fullness is also sometimes referred to as a "block".

Determine your size

First - measure the length of the foot. It is recommended to do this at the end of the day, because. legs get trampled and get bigger. Stand on a piece of paper and circle your foot with a pencil. If you are going to wear socks, then you should put them on and measure your foot with them. To determine the length of the foot, measure the distance between the outermost points on the drawing, as shown in the figure. Measure both legs and choose the longest length. Round the result to 5 mm and find your size in the table.

The fullness of the leg (block) is measured at the widest points of the toe part using a centimeter, as in the figure. Unfortunately, this shoe parameter is not always indicated.

So, for example, the block is indicated for ice skates, but not for roller skates.

Sizes of men's shoes

Sizes of women's shoes

Sizes of children's (teenage) shoes.

Shoe width

french1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Table of fullness (rise) in cm for each size.

SizeFullness (rise) in cm
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
35 19,7 20,2 20,7 21,2 21,7 22,2 22,7 23,2 23,7
36 20,1 20,6 21,1 21,6 22,1 22,6 23,1 23,6 24,1
37 20,5 21,0 21,5 22,0 22,5 23.0 23,5 24,0 24,5
38 20,9 21,4 21,9 22,4 22,9 23,4 23,9 24,4 24,9
39 21,3 21,8 22,3 22,8 23,3 23,8 24,3 24,8 25,3
40 21,7 22,2 22,7 23,2 23,7 24,2 24,7 25,2 25,7
41 22,1 22,6 23,1 23,6 24,1 24,6 25,1 25,6 26,1
42 22,5 23,0 23,5 24,0 24,5 25,0 25,5 26,0 26,5
43 22,9 23,4 23,9 24,4 24,9 25,4 25,9 26,4 26,9
44 23,3 23,8 24,3 24,8 25,3 25,8 26,3 26,8 27,3
45 23,7 24,2 24,7 25,2 25,7 26,2 26,7 27,2 27,7
46 24,1 24,6 25,1 25,6 26,1 26,6 27,1 27,6 28,1
47 24,5 25,0 25,5 26,0 26,5 27,0 27,5 28,0 28,5
48 24,9 25,4 25,9 26,4 26,9 27,4 27,9 28,4
