This is Mademoiselle. Erase from official documents... Go figure - she’s a madame or a mademoiselle...

Mademoiselle or madame - French women still have to choose

Madame or mademoiselle? In France, the above issue is quite sensitive, because this appeal indicates family status women. Feminists are against it. Such a label, in their opinion, exists rather to designate “a woman’s accessibility.”

While some men consider this more a sign of chivalry than an attempt to attach a label, the issue of mademoiselle and madame remains a “hot” topic in French society. “Agree, you never focus attention in your address to a man on his marital status. Whether he is married or not, he still remains Mister in the English-speaking space and Monsieur in the French-speaking space,” argues Juliet Mouret, speaker of the French feminist organization Osez le feminisme. She sees discriminatory motives in the lexical designation of women's status.

In France, a man is called monsieur all his life, but with a woman it is different: in official and business settings, a distinction is usually made between mademoiselle and madame, depending on whether the woman is married or not. This distinction has already been abandoned by a number of Western countries. In particular, Germany, back in the 70s of the last century, moved away at the official level from using the address Fräulein, which was used to designate an unmarried young girl) at the official level. Regarding English-speaking countries, there is a neutral address Ms. (Miss), which is used to address both married women and unmarried women.

Is the address “mademoiselle” a tradition or a manifestation of sexism?

French feminists want all women and girls in France to be addressed as "Madame". Women notice that in the especially sentimental love of the French for addressing Mademoiselle, there is hidden something other than sexism. With slogans “Mademoiselle” is a relic of the past! “The organization Osez le feminisme and another feminist group, Chiennes de Garde, staged a protest on Tuesday demanding an official ban on the use of the address 'Mademoiselle'.

“We are talking about a trivial manifestation of sexism at the everyday level, and if we manage to overcome it now, then we will also be able to fight on a more global scale,” says Marie-Noelle Bas, president of the Chiennes de Garde organization.

The word mademoiselle (French mademoiselle) comes from the French. Demoiselle (translated as girl), which was used as a noble title in pre-revolutionary France, and began to be associated with a woman’s marital status only during the time of Napoleon. Since 1967, the term has gone through three Government Memorandums, each of which left the appeal "Mademoiselle" legal right to apply.

Until now, unmarried women who demand the use of the word madam, considering it more tolerant, are given the idea that they simply do not have the necessary tick in the questionnaire. A very similar situation arose with Lawrence, a journalist and mother of three children. “Well, look, they still demand that I be called mademoiselle,” she says, showing her checkbook, where before her name is indicated the abbreviated form of “mademoiselle” - “Melle”.

Petitions and pamphlets against "Mademoiselle"

Feminist activists Mouret and Bas are encouraging the French to download a petition letter from their website, which asks the French government to ban the disparaging word "mademoiselle." In addition, they demand the repeal of the ban on the maiden name “nom de jeune fille” and the surname that a woman receives upon marriage “nom marital”. According to the law of 1794, a woman has the right to keep her maiden name for life. She can change it to her husband's last name, but that is her choice. In addition, the husband's surname should be indicated as acquired, feminists note.

From the Internet you can download petitions against the address "Mademoiselle"

Navigating between the addresses “madame” and “mademoiselle” has become part of the everyday life of the French. If a woman is over thirty years old and her marital status is unknown, most people still tend to call her madam. However, there are also those who find special pleasure when someone addresses them as “mademoiselle.” Like, it makes them feel younger.

For journalist Laurence Waki, author of the 2006 pamphlet Madame or Mademoiselle, “French women have been killed so many times in the head that their self-identity depends on the opinions of others, that the address of mademoiselle and madam has become an attribute of their makeup.”

The topic of sexism in French society has already become a reason for discussion in the press. This year, immediately after the arrest of the former head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, after charges of attempted rape were brought against him. A number of condescending comments regarding the arrest of Strauss-Kahn, voiced by many high-ranking officials, caused a wave of indignation and irritation among feminists. In particular, one of the former ministers of the French government spoke about the incident as follows: “No one died.”

To the question, what is the difference between madam, miss, and mademoiselle? given by the author Ekaterina Markelova the best answer is madam - appeal to married lady in France, mademoiselle - to an unmarried woman, miss - the same to an unmarried woman, but in English speaking countries

Answer from Oleg Kabushko[guru]
Mademoiselle is unmarried, Madame is married, and Mrs. is a widow or divorced

Answer from Olga Dyakova[guru]
Madame is married, but mademoiselle is not. Miss - from another language (from English).

Answer from GALINA[guru]

Answer from IP Mikhalevskaya I.I.[guru]
madam - woman
Miss is a girl. It seems so, but I don’t know mademoiselle))

Answer from Nika[guru]
There is no difference between “miss” and “mademoiselle”. This is how they address unmarried girls in England and France. And "madame" is an address to a married woman in France. (In England - "Mrs")

Answer from Lyudmila Gorchakova[guru]
Miss must be used with a surname, and madam and mademoiselle, if you are addressing to a stranger and you don’t know his first or last name: mademoiselle - to to a young girl, and madam - to an adult woman.

Answer from Demo4ka[guru]
Madame is an address to a married woman in France, Miss is an address to a young or unmarried woman in England, Mademoiselle is an address to a young or unmarried woman in France.

Answer from Dinka[guru]
between miss and mademoiselle - nothing, except for language (the first is in English, the second in French). This is how they address unmarried people. But Madame is a French married lady.

Answer from Var"ka[guru]
madam - married woman, miss - girl (in English-speaking countries), mademoiselle - girl (in French-speaking countries)

Answer from Olga[guru]
Miss - that's what they call it in the UK unmarried girl(even if she is 100).
Mademoiselle - see above, only in France and French-speaking countries.
Madame is a married woman in France.
In Great Britain, this was how the queen and women from the royal house were addressed. Since Latin and French were originally spoken at the English court, the influence is very great.
There is also an appeal from Mrs. to married women in the UK
from fishing mistress - mistress.
But the cunning American freedom-loving women came up with another appeal: mis- is when it is unclear whether a woman is married, unmarried, a girl, or no longer.

Answer from Anita ****[guru]
Miss is an unmarried Englishwoman, but between the French women Madame and Mademoiselle, the only difference is in social status: the first is married, and the second is an unmarried girl

Answer from Fork[guru]
Madame - married, mademoiselle - unmarried kopeck piece (appeal in France) Miss - unmarried, Mrs - married woman (appeal in England). In Germany - Frau and Fräulein, respectively.

Answer from Madina[newbie]
How smart everyone is!!!

Answer from Marat Melkumyan[guru]
In France, all women after 35 are madames, up to 35 are mademoiselles!



1. several A word attached to the surname of a girl of an aristocratic, bourgeois circle, meaning. young lady, maiden.

|| Word, used. in polite address to such a girl. “Well, how to translate “madame” and “mademoiselle”? Is it really “madam”?” Griboyedov .

Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "MADEMOISELLE" is in other dictionaries:

    Mademoiselle O. Genre drama Director Jerome Foulon Country ... Wikipedia

    mademoiselle- and, and uncl., g. mademoiselle f. 1. Daughter of the brother of the French king. From her wife the Prince de Condé has princesses and daughters, ... to whom the title is simply given to Madmaselli, the devil of origin, and to no one else. Matveev Zap. 1 92. // Sl. 18.… … Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    See governess Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. mademoiselle noun, number of synonyms: 6 ... Synonym dictionary

    - [dmuaze], and, female. 1. In France and in some other countries: polite address to a girl (usually before her name, surname), young lady. 2. The same as madam (in 2 meanings). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “MADEMOISELLE O.”, Russia France, FR2/PETROPOL/TELFRANCE (France), 1994, color, 102 min. Psychological melodrama. Based on the short story by Vladimir Nabokov. Cast: Maite Nair, Elena Safonova (see SAFONOVA Elena Vsevolodovna), Alexander Arbat, ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    mademoiselle- mademoiselle. Pronounced [mademoiselle]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    mademoiselle- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN mademoiselleMile ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Miss addressed to an unmarried woman in English-speaking countries. It is short for mistress, an obsolete form of addressing a woman. It can be used both as a direct address to an unmarried woman, and before the surname of the one being addressed. In... ... Wikipedia

    - (French mademoiselle) a polite address to a girl in France and some other countries (usually before the last name). New dictionary foreign words. by EdwART, 2009. mademoiselle [ze], f. [fr. mademoiselle]. Polite address to a girl in France and... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    mademoiselle- [dmuaze/], uncl. and mademoise/li, f. 1) In France and some other countries, as well as in pre-revolutionary Russia: addressing a girl, an unmarried woman, or politely mentioning her. So, should I write about a stroller for Mademoiselle Clémence?... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language


  • Mademoiselle S, Berto Jean-Yves. A love confession from the beginning of the last century, expressed in letters from a young Parisian woman, is perceived with the greedy curiosity that a good sensual romance. This intriguing book...
  • Mademoiselle S., Berto J.-I.. A love confession of the beginning of the last century, expressed in letters of a young Parisian woman, is perceived with the greedy curiosity that a good sensual novel usually evokes. This intriguing book...
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The French authorities have decided to abandon the use of the word “Mademoiselle” in official documents. Now officials will address all women as “madam.”In accordance with a circular from the government of the Fifth Republic, ministers and prefects are advised to remove the word "mademoiselle" from administrative decrees, forms and questionnaires whenever possible. According to the government order, previously printed forms of documents with a discontinued appeal can be used until they run out.

This decision was made under pressure from feminists, who have launched a campaign since last autumn against the traditional treatment of unmarried women as “discriminatory”. They insist that men, regardless of their age or marital status Only “Monsieur” is addressed and the division of addresses for married and unmarried women is unfair.

What was happening was assessed by the Chairman of the Guild of Linguistic Experts, Doctor of Philology, Professor Mikhail Gorbanevsky.

Mikhail Viktorovich, how could you comment on the decision of the French authorities?

Mikhail Gorbanevsky: I respect the feminist movement and believe that women's equal rights should be respected in everything. But it seems to me that in the West there is a certain maximalism in this regard. Rising in an American elevator somewhere to the 22nd floor, you can smile at a woman and greet her, and she will hand you over to the nearest security guard, accusing you of sexual harassment. Where is it golden mean, I don't know.

In general, the everyday issue here is very complex, there is a mystery here. When you enter book Shop and you want to ask the saleswoman to show you some book, every time you think about how to address her - madame or mademoiselle? I have asked my French friends, including linguists, several times how they get out of this situation. And everyone, smiling, answered somewhat vaguely.

One professor told me that he tries to guess whether they are married or not, another said that he focuses on age, a third said that you can say “mademoiselle” to any woman. In general, this mystery is unsolved for me. I, like my French friends, continue to say “madame” when communicating with ladies I don’t know. I once had a case when I addressed a middle-aged woman somewhere as “madame,” and she insistently emphasized that she was a “mademoiselle.”

This probably interferes in some way and can put us in a somewhat difficult position, which French feminists perhaps rightly remind us of. Although, I repeat, I generally don’t like any kind of fanaticism, including gender fanaticism. When feminists get into something and sing something or do something simply because they are like that, it reminds me of a gay pride parade.

In general, I’m not surprised that this happened not in Italy or Germany, but in France. There is a strong feminist movement there.

Maybe unifying the address would make communication more convenient?

M.G.: As I can imagine, it will be a little easier to draw up documents, register, and take into account. Go and find out whether she is madame or mademoiselle. And so they decided to put things in order in their document flow. When I served in the army, the foreman - warrant officer Zagorodny - told us: “Do you know how the army differs from the collective farm? Uniformity." And Ensign Zagorodny was right.

Does it happen that french women Are they offended when they hear something wrong?

M.G.: Me the only time the woman corrected me, as I mentioned above. They are too well brought up to be offended openly. The person who accompanies you or someone else can give you some advice. It's not a big deal if you make a mistake and call Madame Mademoiselle. I can address a woman as “Mademoiselle Berthoud,” and the person sitting next to me will quietly say “Madame.” And Madame Bertha won’t even raise an eyebrow.

Speech etiquette in French, its triple formula, has been proven for centuries. We also have a triple formula, but it refers to the name of a person: first name, patronymic and last name. The French have a triple formula in circulation: Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle. The late writer Soloukhin asked in one of his books: when will someone introduce official circulation among us - probably by decree, he hoped. By the way, he is inclined to the Polish version, where both married and unmarried women are addressed as “panis”. And Soloukhin advocated for the return of the words “sir” and “madam” to the Russian language. But this has never been a universal formula of Russian speech etiquette. This is not a return, this is implantation. A decree can correct something for document flow, but it cannot be introduced into speech etiquette.

Can the norm introduced for state documents, spread to oral speech? The word comrade, originally used in the party, became common in the Soviet Union.

M.G.: The Soviet Union had Article 6 of the Constitution, which officially stated the leading role of the Communist Party in all areas. There arose its own “monsters”, which are still arising today. Remember how Brezhnev was addressed in the second part of his biography. They didn’t call him “Comrade Brezhnev.” An official formula was invented. How can one address a member of the Politburo in accordance with the speech etiquette formula? Either “Leonid Ilyich”, or “Comrade General Secretary”, or “Comrade Brezhnev”. And at one of the congresses, already when his unbridled glorification began, the formula “Comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev” was heard. It was an outrage against what existed then, not very successful, but still speech etiquette. And this influenced oral speech; if a person spoke at a meeting, he would say: “As our dear comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev said.” God forbid he said “Comrade Brezhnev”; it was perceived as some kind of familiarity. So there was an influence, but this is politics, overturned into language.

I hope that this will not happen to our French colleagues and that there will be no impact on oral speech in the near future. And the French themselves are people with a sense of humor, and such undertakings will probably not have any continuation. With the possible exception of situations of official communication.

In general, as a linguist, I do not advise anyone to solve anything in a language by decree, with the exception of special cases of document flow. Let me remind you of Yaroslav Smelyakov’s wonderful poem “Russian Language”. It ends with the quatrain:

“The Lords - even those disappeared
Instantly and for sure
When they accidentally encroached
On the Russian essence of the language."

Language has its own essence, it is a living organism, and neither communism, nor fascism, nor capitalism, nor feminism could break the French, German, or Russian languages. Temporarily they could, but every time the tongue rose like a phoenix. Although now, in the post-industrial era, new challenges are emerging.

So you think that, following the officials, the rest of the French will not call all women “madame”?

M.G.: I don't think so, because there is no reason for it. Moreover, they do not have an authoritarian political system that dictates or controls rule-making.
