The optimal time for a mask to work is when it is best to make face masks. When is the best time to do face masks - advice from a cosmetologist

It also happens that all our efforts to care for our face not only do not give the expected effect, but even worsen the general condition of the skin. Why is this happening?
Even the most advertised face mask will be useless, and maybe even harmful, if done incorrectly. There are rules for applying face masks that should be strictly followed. Then the cosmetic products will not actually be thrown into the trash, and, most importantly, you will see how your skin has changed.

Rules for applying face masks

The rules for applying masks to the face are simple, easy to remember, and must be followed.
  1. Before applying the mask to your face, your skin must be cleansed.

  2. Before applying the mask to your face, wipe your skin with tonic, lotion or milk. You can prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs for these purposes.

  3. When applying masks, special attention should be paid to the skin of the eyelids and around the lips. The skin in these areas is especially sensitive, and since masks often have a drying property, you need to treat your eyelids and the skin around your lips with a moisturizer before applying the mask.

  4. It is important to follow the recommendations for the duration of the procedure. This is especially true for masks prepared at home from natural products. It is not recommended to keep this mask on your face for longer than 20 minutes. Over a longer period of time, the mask will begin to stretch the skin.

  5. It is equally important to wash the mask off your face correctly, especially if it hardens. Therefore, follow the recommendations: wash off the mask with warm, cool water or cosmetics. Do this gently, without rubbing or stretching your facial skin.

  6. If you apply a mask not only to your face, but also to your neck and décolleté, remember that the thyroid gland area must remain free - you cannot apply masks to this area.

  7. It is very important that you remain completely calm and do not talk during the procedure. It is best to lie quietly with your eyes closed.

  8. It is best to apply masks after a bath, bath or hot compress. It is at this time that the skin best absorbs nutrients.

  9. After completing the procedure, apply a cream recommended for your skin type to the skin cleansed from the mask.

What time to do face masks

Even if a skin mask fits perfectly, it may have no effect or even have a negative effect if applied at the wrong time of day! So let's find out what time to do face masks.

8.00 - 10.00 is the ideal time for absolutely any cosmetic procedures and the use of any masks.

10.00 - 12.00 – at this time it is better to apply cleansing masks to reduce skin oiliness (for example, clay masks are suitable).

12.00 - 14.00 – at this time, like the person himself, the skin looks tired. At such times, it is better to apply a moisturizing mask and rest a little. But you shouldn’t expect much effect from the mask.

14.00 - 18.00 is the most inappropriate time for applying any masks. The skin simply refuses to take nutrients from them! Remember: there is no need to make any masks at this time!

18.00 - 23.00 is an excellent time for skin cleansing procedures, not only with scrubs, but also with other cleansing masks. Although, absolutely any face masks will be no less effective at this time.

23.00 - 5.00 - if you are drawn to apply a mask to your face at this particular time, then choose nutritional ones - they are the only ones that will come in handy now.

How often to do face masks

Each type of face mask has its own rules of use.
  • It is recommended to do nourishing masks at least 2 times a week.

  • Toning masks - up to 3 times a week

  • Cleansing masks - no more than once a week, as this can injure the skin

  • Anti-aging masks – 2 times a week

  • Anti-inflammatory, acne - no more than 2 times a week

  • Whitening masks – do no more than 2 times a week

  • Moisturizing masks - recommended to be done after 1 day if the components of the mask are not very strong
Masks will be more effective if you carry out a full course of 15 procedures, and then, after taking a month's break, return to them again.
Attention, if you buy ready-made masks, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Usually, how often to make a face mask is written on the packaging.

Many women, trying to provide comprehensive skin care, perform all possible procedures: cleansing, moisturizing, toning and rejuvenating, without allowing the skin to rest. As a result, the skin of the face becomes tired from an excess of nutrients, in addition, allergic reactions often occur due to the incompatibility of the substances used for masks. Therefore, it is not recommended to make face masks every day.

After the mask my face turned red - what should I do?

  1. Allergy
    This option is especially likely when the mask is new and not previously tested. If your face turns red and itches after the mask, it may be an allergy to one of the components of the mask.
    The product has already been used before and did not cause any complaints, but suddenly your face turns red after the mask? It could still be the same allergy. It happens that during chemical processes in the body, some component may begin to cause allergies, although there were no such reactions before. Before use, you need to check for an allergic reaction, apply a little mask to your elbow, if no redness is observed, then you can use it on your face.

  2. Features of the mask
    Some products have a certain effect on the skin, after which it looks red for some time. But this is an absolutely normal effect, and soon the redness will disappear on its own, so there is no need to panic or get upset, you just have to wait.
    In addition, the mask can cause a rush of blood to the skin due to its warming effect - hence the redness, which, in this case, is also completely normal.

  3. Skin irritation
    For various reasons, the skin may become irritated, causing redness. Some components of even natural masks can slightly scratch the skin, hence the appearance of irritation. In addition, if the mask is not suitable for your skin type and, for example, dries it out, this can also cause a similar effect.
  4. Poorly cleansed skin or dirty hands
    Redness and irritation can be caused by simple lack of hygiene. If you do not cleanse your face before applying a mask or carry out the procedure with dirty hands, this can cause tiny particles of dirt to get into the enlarged pores of the face and, as a result, redness and inflammation on the skin.
In any case, if your face is red, then do not do anything yet (no need to rub it, wash it with soap, etc., the redness will go away in any case), try to identify the cause, if it is an allergy to the components, then do not use the mask, try find out which component could cause an allergic reaction, so as not to buy masks with this component in the future or exclude it from the recipe if you made the mask yourself. If possible, consult a cosmetologist or allergist.

The mask cannot be left untreated or overexposed; the therapeutic or cosmetic effect depends on how correctly everything is done. In addition, it is necessary to carefully mix the ingredients, only in the specified proportions, and it is also important to correctly apply the cosmetic composition to the skin of the face.

How to apply masks correctly

The process of applying a mask seems to many to be quite easy and banal, however, this is not entirely true. Application must be carried out according to the rules. It is forbidden to apply cosmetics to an unwashed face.

After the skin is prepared and the mask is made, it must be applied correctly.

It is possible to apply the mask either manually or using special means, for example, a cosmetic spatula, brush, or stick. You need to start from the chin line and move towards the forehead. Before making a mask, you need to put your hair in a ponytail or wear a special plastic cap.

  • From the jawline to the earlobes;
  • Then from the corners of the lips to the ears;
  • From the nose to the temporal region;
  • From the middle part of the forehead to the temporal region;
  • From the middle of the forehead to the scalp.

Under no circumstances should the mask be applied to the eyelids, the area under the eyes, or the area around the lips. In exceptional cases, a mask can be applied to these places, but this must be specified in the instructions for the cosmetic product. It is better to make a mask in front of a mirror, in a place where there is free access to water.

It is not recommended to do household chores; this may negatively affect the result. Yes, one more thing, a number of face masks have a very liquid consistency and therefore, in order not to get dirty, you should cover yourself with a towel. Wash off the mask over non-hot water, without using soap. After the product is washed off, the skin is moisturized using a good cream. It is impossible not to dwell on such an important point as the time of applying masks.

Directions for use: what time of day is best to make face masks?

Even if the mask is expensive and of high quality, it may not have any positive effect if it is applied at the wrong time. So, when is the best time to apply a mask? In the morning from 8 to 10 is the most ideal time for cosmetic manipulations with the face. Also, the morning until noon is perfect for wearing masks that remove excess fat from the skin.

Application rules

  • At lunchtime it’s great to apply a moisturizing mask, you can change it with a cleansing mask;
  • After 15 hours and before 18 hours you can no longer apply masks, they will not bring any benefit;
  • After 18 hours is a good time for all kinds of scrubs, cleansing peels, you can apply a refreshing mask before the party;
  • After 11 pm and until the morning, no cosmetic products can be used, there will be no benefit from them.

An exception may be a nourishing mask at night. It is important not to deviate from these rules and wear masks within a strictly defined period of time. If these rules are not followed, there will be no benefit for the skin.

Cosmetological morning face masks at home - preparation recipe

A cosmetic morning face mask, as numerous reviews say, can be a real salvation for many women who are not satisfied with the reflection in the mirror, who look tired and lack of sleep. Morning masks can eliminate puffiness under the eyes and make the skin fresh and toned.

Quick mask

This product perfectly removes traces of lack of sleep. Preparing the mask is quite simple. You need to take parsley and chop it, you will need 3 tablespoons in total. Parsley should be brewed with boiling water and left for 60 minutes. Then you need to take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and mix them with parsley decoction. After the mixture swells, apply it to the skin of the face and leave for 30 minutes. After the wearing time is over, the mask should be washed off with non-hot water.

Homemade morning mask

If time is short and your face urgently needs to be put in order, then a mask based on cottage cheese and yolk is perfect. To make it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of curd products and mix with egg yolk. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the resulting mixture. The resulting composition should be distributed over the face and left for a quarter of an hour. After time has passed, you need to wash off the composition with non-hot water.

Mask for freshness in the morning

To make it you need 2 tablespoons of sour cream and lavender essential oil, a few drops. The ingredients must be mixed and the resulting mask applied to the skin of the face and left for 10 minutes. and after exposure, rinse with non-hot water.

Morning cleansing mask

To make it, you need to take white clay and dilute it. It should have the consistency of sour cream. Add lemon juice to the mixture and apply the mask to your face. Remove the mask using cotton swabs soaked in water.

Banana morning mask

To make it you need to take a banana and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix everything to a paste and spread on your face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and remove it with wet wipes.

Moisturizing banana face mask (video)

Sour cream mask for the morning

To make it, you need to take half a spoonful of cottage cheese and sour cream. The components must be mixed and applied to the face area. You need to keep it for 1/4 hour, after which you carefully wipe off the mixture with a napkin.

Coffee mask

You need to take equal amounts of banana puree and coffee grounds. Mix these ingredients with a dessert spoon of heavy cream. The resulting composition should be applied to the skin of the face and left for 1/4 hour. After the allotted time, you need to wash off the mask with non-hot water.

Herbal mask for morning use

To make a mask, you need to take 3 tablespoons of dry chamomile and brew them with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, moisten gauze in the resulting mixture and place it on your face. Leave for 20 minutes. and remove with non-hot water.

Thanks to these simple masks, you can quickly get your tired and withered face in order. After the motivation, it is very important to pay attention to your appearance, because your mood for the whole day partly depends on the reflection in the mirror. By spending very little time you can find a fresh, toned and radiant face.

Cosmetic mask - wearing time

A better way to care than a face mask has not yet been invented. If until the age of 30 a woman may not even think about rejuvenating and cleansing masks, then after reaching this age it is advisable to do masks regularly. Masks 100% prolong youth and make facial skin attractive. Masks must be used in accordance with the attached instructions. You should not make masks more often than a couple of times every 7 days. The wearing time is individual each time, but usually it does not exceed 30 minutes. Most often, classic masks are kept for 15-20 minutes. Masks made from berries can be used more often. And some makeup artists are generally inclined to believe that masks can be used at least 3 times a week. The main thing is to observe the application time mentioned above.

By regularly using masks you will notice that:

  • The skin has become tightened;
  • Pigment spots have disappeared;
  • Fine wrinkles are gone;
  • Improved complexion.

How to properly apply a mask to your face (video)

Thanks to face masks, you can achieve excellent results in a short time. After 3 months of use, the result will be noticeable not only to the woman who takes care of her face, but also to those around her.

Any woman wants to look 100%. And only she knows how much effort this requires. To keep the skin looking fresh and minor imperfections hidden, various masks are applied daily. But at what time to do them?


Masks are an excellent care product. Their constant use makes it possible not only to look rested and refreshed, but also to lose several years. But at what time should you use daily face masks to achieve maximum effect? Cosmetologists recommend the following hours for the procedure:

  • The period from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. is the best time for masks with a moisturizing, toning effect. The skin is pale in the morning, fine wrinkles are more noticeable. But at the same time, it is at this hour that the epidermis is most sensitive to care products. You can use D’oliva “Morning Refreshing with Vitamin C and Olive Oil” cosmetics, Dushka “Morning Freshness”, Belkosmex “Home Cosmetologist”, Garnier “Moisturizing + AquaBomb” and others.
  • Closer to 12, it is recommended to apply preventive and therapeutic ones, the task of which is to solve the problem of oily skin, lipid balance disorders, and acne. The most common products are Sulsen "Anti-acne", Laura Beaumont, Caudalie, Andalou Naturals C, Garnier and others.
  • At lunchtime (up to 15 hours), the skin is less susceptible to any care products. If necessary, you can “feed” the dermis with toning and moisturizing cosmetics, but the effectiveness in this case will be several times less.

You can prepare the cosmetic product yourself at home. In the morning, it is important to apply a mixture of banana or honey with lemon and starch to achieve a refreshing effect. Frozen black and green tea in the evening will help tone your skin. To even out the color, you can prepare an egg mask.

The effectiveness of face masks greatly depends on the time of application. And it doesn’t matter whether they are homemade or bought in a store.


Young woman with clay facial mask.

After a hard day's work, the skin is in dire need of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. That's why evening is the time for nourishing and cleansing face masks. To get the desired result, they need to be applied at certain hours:

  • From 18 pm to 22 pm, cosmetics for cleansing are relevant. It will prepare the dermis for applying a nourishing mask.
  • 22-23 hours is time to nourish the skin with vitamins and microelements.
  • It is recommended to apply nutritional preparations half an hour before bedtime.

Each cosmetic brand produces products for day and night use. At the same time, moisturizing and toning masks work well in the morning and at lunchtime, and in the evening you need to nourish the skin with useful elements. Therefore, when choosing, be sure to pay attention to the mark at what time of day you need to apply the product.

There are many homemade masks. In the evening, vegetable and fruit compositions are often used. They have a calming, anti-inflammatory effect on the dermis.

Be careful when choosing recipes and use the product within the strictly prescribed time. The same goes for store-bought cosmetics. Of course, if you confuse day and night, your skin will not get worse, but you will also not be able to achieve positive results. If you don’t take care of your face at all, the dermis will lose its elasticity, many wrinkles will appear, and then you will look your biological age or even older.

To get the effect of the procedure, it is important to know when it is best to make face masks. The most necessary one will not give the expected effect if it is not done at the right time.

At what time of day is the mask most effective?

  1. Before waking up at 5:00 in the morning, the body prepares for the upcoming activity; hormones that control it are released into the blood. A person’s pulse quickens, the content of sugar and hemoglobin in the blood increases, and blood pressure rises.
  2. Then: 7 to 9 am - getting into the daily rhythm;
  3. from 9 to 11 o’clock the body is ready for the stress of the day, takes medications well, has good immunity, resistance increases, time for moisturizing masks;
  4. 12-15 preparation for meals, blood rushes to the digestive organs, tone decreases;
  5. 14-16 the body enters a phase of minimal sensitivity, pain relief is most effective;
  6. 16-19 activity increases again
  7. 20-21 immunity grows, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases, cells are renewed, nourishing and cleansing compositions are applied to the face;
  8. 21-22 immunity strengthens, sleep time; 2
  9. 3-05 cells are renewed and multiply.

Based on the daily cycle of the body’s activity, morning face masks should be moisturizing, and for a cleansing and nourishing face mask at home, evening time is better.

To get the maximum effect, you need to change the composition of the masks from time to time. do no more than one procedure during the day, cleanse the skin before it.

Morning - for renewal

Morning is the most stressful time for the majority of women. Before leaving the house, you need to get yourself in order. Due to the release of active hormones, in particular adrenaline, the skin turns pale, wrinkles are noticeable due to the disruption of water balance overnight, and swelling is noticeable.

In such a situation, a morning facial procedure gives a good effect.

In the morning, rested skin is especially receptive to care, the sebaceous glands are actively working, blood supply increases, and by 10 am it will most actively accept treatments.

Facial compositions at home should not be used more than 2 times a week; the procedure will take about 20 minutes.

Before applying, you need to cleanse your face, even if you did an evening cleansing. The procedure should be gentle - there is a working day ahead.

  • A refreshing face mask will help remove signs of lack of sleep.
  • Toning - refreshes and evens out skin color.

Moisturizing masks based on vegetables and fruits, honey, and lemon juice have a very good effect. Here are some recipes.

Refreshing masks:

  • Half a ripe banana is ground into porridge in a clay, porcelain or glass bowl, a little starch is added for thickness and applied to the face.

Leave for no more than 10 minutes.

  • 2 tbsp. l. stir liquid honey with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, add starch to the desired consistency and apply to face for 10 minutes.


An evening infusion of green or black tea frozen in edible ice molds provides vitamins, tones, and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Ice has a tightening effect on the face.

  • The infusion is prepared as follows: 1-2 tsp. dry tea leaves, pour a cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, drain the infusion, cool, freeze.

In the morning, rub the skin along the massage lines with cubes. There is no need to wipe your face; it should dry on its own.

You can freeze not only tea infusions, but also herbal decoctions - chamomile, mint, linden flowers. This procedure will prepare oily and combination skin for a long day.

Color evening mask:

Egg - made from a whole chicken egg, which is divided into white and yolk. The egg white is whipped and applied to a cleansed face.

After the white has dried, you need to apply the yolk on the skin in layers.

Day - for work

After 11 o'clock in the afternoon, it is best to avoid cosmetic procedures such as face masks. As an exception, between 11 and 12 o'clock you can apply a composition based on green clay to oily skin for mattification.

From 15 to 18 hours, the skin, as a rule, does not accept any procedures at all, all of them will be useless.

Evening - for cleansing and nutrition

After 6 pm and before 9 pm is the best time for such procedures.

In the evening, dry and normal skin wants cleansing, hydration and nutrition. Oily - cleansing and treatment.

Any skin will benefit from evening masks made from vegetables and fruits, which have a soothing, anti-inflammatory, and whitening effect.

Apricot compounds soothe, zucchini, eggplant relieve inflammation, tomatoes rejuvenate. For such masks it is better in the evening, as there may be slight skin irritation.

A well-chosen and timely mask will help you have a great day.

Masks occupy an important place in facial skin care. A lot can be said about the benefits of masks, especially those made from natural products. Such masks have a particularly beneficial effect on the condition of the facial skin; they can gently cleanse, nourish, moisturize, whiten the skin, and give the face a healthy, fresh look. Of course, if the masks are made in compliance with all the rules of the “masquerade”.

So, here are the rules you need to know if you decide to make “homemade” face masks.

  • 1) For a natural mask, choose the freshest, juiciest and ripe fruits, berries and vegetables. Spoiled, limp specimens are not suitable!
  • 2) When planning to make a mask, prepare a piece of bandage or gauze. If suddenly the mask slurry drips from your face, you will have something to blot it with, preventing it from flowing where it shouldn’t.
  • 3) The mask should be applied to clean skin. Before applying the mask, wash with foam or cleansing gel. Before a nourishing mask, to improve the penetration of nutrients into the skin, it would be good to use a scrub or simply steam the skin.
  • 4) Apply the mask and rinse off strictly along the massage lines of the face.

Forehead – from the base of the bridge of the nose up and to the sides. From the middle of the chin to the earlobe. From the corners of the lips to the middle of the ear. From the wings of the nose to the top of the ear. Nose – from the base to the tip of the nose. The oil around the eyes should also be applied along massage lines - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

  • 5) Do not apply the mask to the area around the eyes and mouth. You can apply jojoba oil with the addition of a few drops of sea buckthorn oil around the eyes. These oils nourish the delicate skin of the eyelids well and smooth out fine wrinkles.
  • 6) Keep the mask on your face for 15 – 20 minutes. It is advisable not to walk or talk during the procedure. The face should be relaxed. Therefore, it is better to lie down and relax during this time. Of course, it is best to combine a mask with water procedures. Before you lie down in a bath filled with water with the addition of sea salt and essential oils, apply a mask to your face and combine business with pleasure. The effect will be much higher, and time will be saved - “two in one” one might say.
  • 7) It is better to wash off the mask with previously prepared warm boiled water. For oily skin, water with the addition of lemon juice is better; for dry skin, a decoction of chamomile, linden blossom.

If the mask on your face has dried out, then you first need to soak it, dissolve it a little, and then carefully remove the mask without sudden movements using cotton swabs soaked in water, and then wash with water or herbal infusion.

  • 8) It is better to do masks not from time to time, but regularly - 2 - 3 times a week, better in courses - 8 -10 masks done, a short break of 2 -3 weeks. Then 8-10 masks with other components. You can also alternate masks, changing their composition each time. For example, you made a banana-lemon mask, then make a cucumber mask, then a yolk-honey mask, and so on.
  • 9) If after the mask a rash appears on your face, the skin turns red and is slightly swollen, then it is likely that you are having an allergic reaction to some component of the mask. Allergies can be caused by honey, lemon juice, red berries - viburnum, raspberries, strawberries. You need to be careful when using such components. Although honey and lemon juice are very common and good ingredients in masks, do not apply more than what is indicated in the recipe, and if you have an allergic reaction to them, you will have to discard them.
  • 10) Use mask recipes that suit your skin type. That is, if you have normal skin, then use masks for normal skin or for all types. If you have oily skin, then use masks designed for oily skin, as they have a mattifying effect, eliminate excess oil from the skin, and tighten pores. If you have dry skin, then use masks for dry skin.

Such masks eliminate flaking and the feeling of tight skin, making it soft and velvety. For these two skin types, masks designed for all skin types are also suitable.

In order for the masks to have tangible benefits, and to see the result “in person”, in the literal sense of the word, then you need to follow all the rules described here, and then success is guaranteed. You will learn how to properly make natural masks that will help you always look beautiful and young.
