"Christmas carols in our group." Photo report

Carols for Christmas. Photo: O. Levchenko / photobank “Lori”

Since Vyatka people have called it holy time. This multi-day holiday was divided into two parts. From January 7 to 14, on holy evenings, they sang carols and arranged fortune-telling for girls, and from January 15 to 19, they also had great fun, but they were afraid of terrible evenings - the time of rampant dark forces.

On the day of breaking the Christmas fast, the food was especially delicious. Housewives cooked piglet with porridge or boar's head with horseradish, jelly or piglet aspic. The people believed that during festive dinner The souls of deceased ancestors come to the house, and food is left on the table for them until the morning.

On Christmas night, they always turned to the stars in the night sky. If there were a lot of them, a year abundant in mushrooms and berries was expected. And in the morning they certainly carried out the ritual of “sowing the hut.” Saying the words: “For the living, for the fruitful and for health,” they threw handfuls of oats and wheat three times.

Christmas festivities at the Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Wooden Architecture, Veliky Novgorod. Photo: S. Kholyavchuk / ITAR-TASS

Christmas carols in the Ivanovo region. Photo: V. Smirnov / ITAR-TASS

Baked suckling pig with porridge. Photo: N. Lisovskaya / photobank “Lori”

“In the Ryazan province people went in crowds under the windows asking for pies. Ahead of everyone walked a maiden called the fur-bearer; she was carrying a purse for collecting cakes; It was she who led the crowd and ordered the division of the collection.”

To the delight of the village children, figurines of cows, bulls, sheep, birds and roosters were baked in all houses. They were used to decorate tables and windows and give them to carolers.

Each family expected the carolers, prepared a treat for them and listened to the carols with sincere joy:

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On the eve of Christmas.
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.
Give you, Lord,
In the field of nature,
Threshed on the threshing floor,
Kvashni thickening,
There is sporin on the table,
The sour cream is thick,
The cows are milking!

Thanks for the treat:

U good man
Rye is born good:
A spikelet of thick
The straw is empty!

On holy days bad omen the table was considered an empty one, so there was always a ritual kalach on it, which was treated to those who came to carol. The hospitable hosts considered: what more guests will gather in their house, the better the chickens will sit on the eggs.

After a cheerful tour of the houses, the young people gathered in the hut for a common feast, where they shared and ate everything that their fellow villagers had given them. Then, dressed in new clothes, the youth danced to the tune of the pipe to avoid crop failure, listened to fairy tales and wondered about their fate.

Christmas fortune telling. Photo: V. Prokofiev / ITAR-TASS

Village fortune telling "for chicken". "Christmastide in Vitoslavlitsy" took place on the territory of the Museum of Wooden Architecture near Veliky Novgorod. Photo: V. Malygina (ITAR-TASS)

Christmas festivities, which again became traditional, took place in the courtyard of the Fedorovsky town (pictured) in Tsarskoye Selo. Photo: Yu. Belinsky / ITAR-TASS

The Christmastide period coincided with Orthodox holiday Nativity of Christ. Our ancestors believed that on Christmas night the gates to a good family life open. Therefore, on these days, fortune telling was carried out about the future. family life: about the betrothed, about the future husband and about predictions for imminent marriage. In Rus', marriage was treated with particular seriousness and responsibility, which is why fortune telling was very diverse. The most popular was fortune-telling with a mirror and a candle “The betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up,” as well as rituals with wax on water and with a comb placed under the pillow at night. Fortune telling, like carols, created an atmosphere of Christmas fun.

If a girl pulled a smooth log out of the woodshed, this meant that her husband would be good, and if it was knotty, it meant that she would be bad. If the log is thick, the husband will be rich, and if the log is thin, the husband will be poor.

Also, the qualities of a future spouse in Rus' were determined with the help of... a rooster. The girls scattered various objects on the floor and let the rooster fly. If he ran to grain, the husband will be rich, if he ran to water, he would be a drinker, if he ran to money, he would be an avid gambler, and if he ran to ash, he would be a smoker.

It is important for everyone who is going to celebrate this holiday to know how to dress up for carols. Despite his pagan roots, it still remains popular in many cities of Russia. It was based on ancient legend According to which, on the longest night of the year, the terrible monster Korochun ate the Sun.

history of the holiday

For our ancestors, it was important how to dress up for carols. After all, Korochun was considered an ancient Slavic dark deity, whom everyone tried to resist.

Our ancestors set themselves the symbolic task of protecting the newborn by performing various magical actions. This became the basis of this traditional folk holiday.

And today you can see carolers carrying the symbol of the heavenly body on a long pole. As soon as the first star appeared, our ancestors entered the courtyard, woke up the owner of the house, and began to sing so-called majestic songs, in which they glorified the sun, moon and stars in anticipation of the daylight rising again.

Scientists believe that these songs were the first carols, which received their name in honor of the goddess of the sky.

Why do they carol on January 7?

Why does caroling happen at Christmas? This question even today puzzles many who find out that the holiday was originally dedicated to the most long night year, that is, it should have been celebrated from December 24 to 25.

The fact is that if you count according to the new style, then the carols will fall on the night of January 6-7. In addition, Christian preachers who came to Rus' in 988 were faced with strong and highly developed traditions of cultural rituals. In order not to lash out, it was decided to look for a compromise. So they combined Kolyada with Christmas. Since then, the tradition of caroling at Christmas has appeared.

I wonder what Orthodox priests They urge not to confuse folk carols with church ones. The latter talk about the birth of Christ and praise the Savior. And the people call them human parables. They tell, in song and half-joking form, about the heavenly bodies and the household chores of ordinary people.

The classic carol is a short Christmas story about one of the greatest events in Orthodoxy - the birth of Christ.

How should you carol?

IN modern world caroling has gone far from the original traditions. Today it is, first of all, a way to have a fun and original free time. Therefore, it attracts mainly young people and schoolchildren. This is a big plus for them. After all, according to tradition, it is customary to treat carolers with sweets, food, or even reward them with money.

True caroling is a kind of performance, the organization of which must be approached with all responsibility. Therefore, roles are distributed in advance among all its participants, costumes and corresponding paraphernalia are prepared.

Stages of caroling

As a rule, caroling takes place in several stages. To begin with, the carolers ask the owner of the house for permission to sing. funny songs on its territory. As soon as they approach the house, they begin to perform so-called window-sill or outhouse songs, which contain precisely this request.

When the decision to let a motley group into the house has been made, you can proceed directly to the caroling itself. Majestic speeches are addressed to each family member.

It is important to perform the songs as best as possible so that the owners do not have the desire to drive away inexperienced carolers. In this case, it is appropriate to move on to the final part of the ritual - this is the performance of short benevolent couplets. In conclusion, you can ask for a reward for yourself, always in the same song form.

Why do you need to dress up?

Before you go caroling, it is important to decide for yourself why it is customary to dress up for carols?

We should not forget that the original purpose of this festival was to scare and drive away the evil Slavic god who dared to steal the sun. Therefore, our ancestors gathered in large groups, dressed up in costumes of animals or all kinds of monsters in order to scare the evil Korochun. How to dress up for carols?

How to start caroling?

If you decide to go caroling, then first of all get ready big company. How more people, the better, the faster the evil Slavic god will be afraid of your crowd and retreat.

It is important to distribute roles between all participants and decide how to dress up for carols. There are several popular traditional images, which can be found in almost any group of carolers. Or you can give free rein to your imagination by dressing up as anyone you like.

One of the most popular characters remains the bear and the goat. Often among carolers there are biblical heroes, for example, the shepherds who brought the first gifts to Christ, the angels or King Herod.

Roles of carolers

You need to choose a person who will get the main role in this performance. They call him the star. He carries a star, a key symbol of Christmas, on a long stick. This required attribute for carols. It can be cut from thick good cardboard and decorate with various sparkles. Or take broken toys for this purpose. Rain and colorful pom-poms will do.

Another option is to build a frame from rigid wire, wrapping it with bright multi-colored scraps, foil or rain. It is best to ensure that the star is octagonal, at least vaguely resembling the one in Bethlehem. In the center you can place classic look Mother of God with a baby.

An important character is Mekhonosha. This is a person who will carry a bag for gifts, food and money all the way. This bag is considered very important thing. It should not be taken into the hands of strangers. The hosts you come to visit should place gifts there without touching it.

You choose the size of the bag yourself. It is usually made from thick fabric, preferably bright and varied colors. But on extreme case Dark material will also work. Then draw the heavenly bodies on it with gouache and be sure to Star of Bethlehem. Or make an applique from colored paper.

Caroling outfit

The choice of clothing should be approached carefully. From this article you will learn how to dress up for carols for children and their parents. Folklore elements will look good in clothes. It could be traditional National Costume or the outfit of a popular Christmas character.

The Goat, which symbolizes prosperity, has long been a popular character. If you get this role, then you can take an old sheepskin coat or sheepskin coat, which you turn inside out. To complete the look, buy a goat mask or simply attach neat horns to your hat. The goat should be playful and noisy.

By the way, the mask is one of important attributes this holiday. Previously, they were made from scrap materials - birch bark, fabric, leather. Today they are most often bought in stores. For caroling, a mask of almost any animal that can be found in the forests of our country is suitable.

When deciding how to dress a boy for carols, they often choose the image of a bear. You can also do it yourself. Enough to take old fur coat and earflaps. Use a black marker or pencil to draw a mustache and nose. For the image of a bear, a clumsy, clubfooted gait is suitable, then you will definitely be recognized as the classic Russian Mikhailo Potapych.

Two people often try on a filly costume. It can be found in children's theaters, circuses, and at matinees. It’s easy to make at home using a stick as a base. A cardboard horse head is attached to it and dark fabric, under which both people will hide.

There are many options for outfits for caroling. What costumes are worn for carols, you have now learned from this article. Everything depends solely on your desire, imagination and capabilities. Nowadays, almost any of the listed outfits can be purchased in the store. And if you show your imagination, it’s not difficult to make it with your own hands from everything you find at home.


Happy Christmas Orthodox people continues to celebrate until the Old New Year, praising Holy holiday birth of the son of God. The whole week, among other things, is also given over to the power of Kolyada and ancient custom caroling Carolers are welcome guests in every home, because with their songs and jokes they glorify the owners and wish them good health, prosperity and fertility. And the owners reward them for this with sweets and even money. It should be noted that the custom of caroling has now been preserved, I am sure, only in the deep provinces, in villages and hamlets, where everyone knows each other. And most often, children carol, although in the distant past adults also loved to have fun, dressing up as “mummers” and going around relatives and neighbors with the “Christmas Star.”
So, Kolyada rules the world, and in all Slavic countries, carols and schedrivkas sound cheerfully in Russian, and in Ukrainian, and in Belarusian languages. Each country has its own flavor, its own customs and its own songs, but they are united by the bright holiday of Christmas and the wish to live peacefully, richly and happily.
In my traditional gallery, I collected paintings by Russian and Ukrainian artists, and the texts of carols in both languages. Already when looking at the pictures you are charged with positivity and fun. Join us! Or maybe someone will decide to become a mummer for the evening and, with a canvas bag and a “star,” make a “round” of relatives and friends - those who will not drive you away or call the police, but will treat you and have fun with you. I will be glad if you share your memories and impressions...

A pictorial and poetic round dance in honor of Kolyada.

Gray beard,
The nose is flat,
The head is like a basket,
Hands like sabers,
Legs - rakes,
Come under New Year, -
Celebrate honest people!

Somov Konstantin Andreevich (1869-1939) Mummers. 1929 Private collection, Great Britain

Vasilkovsky Sergey Ivanovich (Ukraine, 1854-1917) Caroling.

Kolyada, Kolyada
At the end of the peek.
I have a happy birthday
Light a candle for joy.
Call Kolyada to the house,
To greet Jesus.
Good people, carol,
Sin of God, be foolish!

Tafiychuk Lyudmila Ilkovna (Ukraine, born 1958) Christmas evening. 2012

Tafiychuk Lyudmila Ilkovna (Ukraine, born 1958) Generous evening, Good evening (left side). 2013

Tafiychuk Lyudmila Ilkovna (Ukraine, born 1958) Generous evening, good evening ( right part). 2013

We sow and blow snow
On a silk bed.
The snow is falling,
The blizzard will break out!
Give it to you, master,
For New Year:
There is offspring on the field,
On the threshing floor - threshed,
There is thick stuff on the table,
There is ergot in the bins.

Linnikova Nadezhda Andreevna (born 1982) National holiday. 2008

Gukasov Grigory Andreevich (born 1980) Untitled. 2010

Fedotov Ivan Sergeevich (born 1987) Mummers. 2010

A series of months are coming.
Dressed in leather jackets,
Like a shepherdess in a den.
It's a joy for children,
Generous for a hotel
At Llaniya Torbintsi.

Ropyanik Igor Ostapovich (Ukraine, born 1957) Carolers. 2006

Ropyanik Igor Ostapovich (Ukraine, born 1957) Carolers are coming 2014

Ropyanik Igor Ostapovich (Ukraine, born 1957) New joy has arrived. 2009

Quinoa in the garden
Pressed down,
And who pushed her?
And who thrashed her?
Little ones.

Paimanov Evgraf Semenovich (born 1949) Christmas carols with mummers. 2007

Popov Georgy Ivanovich (born 1939) Moonlight Night. Mummers. 1983

Kholin Dmitry Arkadyevich (born 1970) Christmas song. 2011

Carols, carols, carols,
Good with honey scorching,
But it’s not the same without honey,
Give me some pie, please.
Yak won't give me a pie,
I'll take the bull by the horns,
I'll take you to the market,
I’ll buy my own pie.

Kuriy-Maksimov Natalya (Ukraine, born 1987) Kolyada.

Kuriy-Maksimov Natalya (Ukraine, born 1987) Carolers.

Kuriy-Maksimov Natalya (Ukraine, born 1987) The Hutsul region sings carols.

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

Danilov Alexander (Alexander Daniloff, Russian born-Italian, born 1963) Carolers. 2002

Matsik Yuri Yurievich (born 1956) Kolyada in the Carpathians. 2011

Yakusheva Yulia Vitalievna (born 1967) Kolyada. 2009

Good evening to you, sir!
Bring us a couple of cowbass,
Oh, go around the stove,
Look for peppers.
Vinesi sala, don’t be stingy,
May your barley be born
Just press one hundred kip of life,
So that all the sieves are in the sieve!
There were so many cattle,
The wheat was swarming,
The house needs everything -
The carolers were treated to a treat.

Poturailo Andrey (Ukraine-USA, born 1973) From the series Moonlit Nights (Shadows in Altanza).

Kotlyarov Viktor Borisovich (Ukraine, born 1952) New Year. 2002

Unpretentious, short carols for children, probably familiar to you. “Kolyada-Kolyada, open the gate!” Children sing with joy, knock on neighbors' doors, and hold out a bag to be generously filled with sweets. Why should Kolyada open the gates and certainly treat the mummers singing children's carols? Many children don't know about this. Tell your child about ancient tradition Worth it for parents! And “Northern Fairy Tale” will share carols for children, crafts for Kolyada, so that the holiday will be a success!

Mummers sing carols for children

In honor of whom do we sing children's carols?

Nowadays, when carols for children have become entertainment and a way to “earn” a bag of sweets, many do not remember why they sing funny songs on the day of Kolyada. If we don’t remember ourselves, then we should tell our children about it. Slavic traditions can not! On what day do they meet Kolyada and why do they sing children's carols?

Tell the children that our grandfathers said this: Kolyada is greeted as a new sun is born in the sky, in the morning after the longest night of the year. Now we call this time the Winter Solstice. From the day of Kolyada, the sun begins to rise in the sky, the day becomes longer. In the old days, the birth of the new Sun was considered the beginning of the year.

How confused everything is now, that carols are sung for children at Christmas! This tradition began because in the old days the dates of Christmas and the holiday of Kolyada stood side by side. Later the calendar changed, Christmas moved to January 7th. It’s impossible to move the sun! That is why the holiday of Kolyada has been celebrated in all centuries on Winter solstice- now it will be on December 21st.

Morning of Kolyada - Winter Solstice

What carols should children learn for the holiday?

We collected poems for Kolyada for children, those that have been sung in villages from time immemorial, welcoming young sun. In children's carols, it is imperative to praise the hospitable hosts who greeted the children with a treat, rejoice at the birth of the sun, and glorify Kolyada! For example, the Slavs had such carols for children:

How the carol went
From the new city,
We were looking for a carol
In Ivan's yard.
On Ivanov's yard
On five pillars
On five pillars
At seven miles.

You, Father Ivan,
Silk beard,
Silk beard,
In Ivan's yard.
The head is gilded.
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve the whole loaf.

Or another carol, in which it is clearly heard that the holiday of Kolyada coincided with the beginning of the new year:

Oh, carol
I went to the farrier.
- Farrier,
Forge me an axe.
- What's the ax for?
- Chopping pine.
- What's the use of pine?
- Pave the bridge.
- What is the bridge for?
- Frost to walk,
Dress up the New Year!

How else to meet Kolyada with children?

Children may have the following question: Is Kolyada a he or a she? In today’s language, the name “Kolyada” sounds more like a feminine name; in carols for children, “Kolyada walked” is often sung. We are talking about the Kolyada doll, which was carried along the village streets by costumed children and youth. So that your son and daughter remember what the Slavic God Kolyada looks like, show them pictures for children depicting the God of the Winter Sun. For example, images from the books “Northern Fairy Tale”.

Kolyada is in the coloring book for children published by Northern Fairy Tale! Look how handsome the young Solar God is! Fill his robe with color bright colors, together with the children!

Kolyada, coloring book for children from “Northern Fairy Tale”

Crafts for Kolyada will be the costumes of “mummers”, in which girls and boys sing carols for children, depicting Slavic Gods, animals, good spirits. Mummers in handmade disguises are given more treats for singing children's carols!

The “Kolyada” doll is a traditional craft that you can make together with your child! In the Northern Fairy Tale shop there is a kit for creating a protective doll: bright shreds fabrics, thin twigs for a wreath that wards off evil. If you are making a doll with small children, it is better not to fill it with a spell; let Kolyada remain a good traditional craft made by a child. If you want to make a doll according to all the rules and fill it with strength, then make the craft for Kolyada yourself, without a child.

Doll “Kolyada” - a craft for the holiday from “Northern Fairy Tale”

Kolyada is a good family holiday!

Create family tradition meet Kolyada! Learn it yourself old carols for children, teach them to your sons and daughters, make a “Kolyada” doll with your own hands, a traditional craft for the holiday, bake beautiful roe cookies, place amulets with the Kolyada sign in your house. Let it be vintage Slavic holiday will become part fairy tale, and children will remember the story of the birth of the Solar God Kolyada!

Read our previous articles:

Folk rituals holidays traditions. Unhappy city yard!

Navya Week holiday - how to remember the Ancestors?

And when What do they say?

Simple, short carols for children are probably familiar to you. “Kolyada-Kolyada, open the gate!” Children sing with joy, knock on neighbors' doors, and hold out a bag to be generously filled with sweets. Why should Kolyada open the gates and certainly treat the mummers singing children's carols? Many children don't know about this. Parents should tell their child about this ancient tradition! And “Northern Fairy Tale” will share carols for children, crafts for Kolyada, so that the holiday will be a success!

Have you ever tried caroling with your children? But this great way do holiday time bright and memorable. What are carols, how to carol with children nowadays, how to make costumes and props - read about all this in our article. We have also prepared a selection of simple and funny Christmas carols that are easy to learn with your child.

You've probably heard about carols and maybe even took part in this action. If not, then it's time to start. It is the year of the Goat that greatly contributes to this; the Goat is an indispensable attribute of carols. But first things first.

To begin with, let us recall that according to Teplyakova’s method we build games around a familiar and interesting for the baby plot. Caroling can just be like that a vivid impression and a theme for your games for more than one day. Get inspired and carol with your kids!

What is Kolyada and what is it eaten with?

Kolyada (koleda) was among the ancient Slavs a holiday of the newborn sun, a birthday solar year. Over time, caroling became closely associated with the glorification of Christ. At Christmas we went with our children and carried a “nativity scene” with us, showing performances of gospel stories. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that pagan motifs are so closely intertwined with Christian ones in carols. And today, dressed-up adults and children walk around the courtyards and, with the help of short songs - carols - wish the owners happiness and prosperity in the new year.

How to carol with children nowadays

They sing carols in the evening, January 6th. And on the morning of January 7th they celebrate, sing Christmas songs and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. They give generously on January 13, and the next morning, at dawn, they sow (sow) grain. People go to their godparents, loved ones and relatives to sow (sow). But the man should be the first to enter the house on this day, since it is believed that girls do not bring happiness.

It’s great if you can gather a group of adults and children living with you in the same entrance, house or yard, and sing carols in a cheerful crowd. According to a long-standing tradition, caroling requires at least 3 people.

The head of the carolers is the star. This is the person who goes first and carries a star. The role of star was always chosen by a person who had a loud, beautiful voice and knew carols better than others. The star for caroling is eight-pointed. It can easily be cut from thick cardboard and decorate with glitter or broken Christmas decorations. There is a more complicated option: a star made of wire, which is then wrapped with colored ribbons.

The next most senior person is the bell ringer. This person is also an integral part of the caroling “team”. His duty is to carry a large bell and ring it to notify people that carolers are coming.

The third important caroler is the mekhonosh. He had to carry everything that the owners of the houses would throw at the carolers: candy, cookies, money, etc. They will throw it, since carolers should not take anything from their hands - the owners should put all gifts directly into the bag. The bag can be made from thick, bright fabric and decorated. Decorations can be either embroidered or painted. It could be the sun, stars, month, since in the old days this holiday symbolized the transition from night to day and from winter to summer.

Costumes for carols

The entire caroling “team” must be dressed appropriately. They dress up for Christmas in their best bright clothes- colorful skirts, grandmother’s scarves, ribbons, beads, earrings, rings. You can paint your cheeks with blush and paint your lips. If after the New Year there are Carnival masks, they will also go into action. Masks can be varied: animals, brownies, Baba Yaga and fairy-tale characters in general. Put it on old sheepskin coat fur side out, decorate yourself with small horns and multi-colored ribbons. Stock up on confetti and streamers to create a festive mood.

And most importantly, learn carols and Christmas songs with your children.

Carols and Christmas songs for children

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing!
Sons and daughters have come to you!
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes Kolyada
On the eve of Christmas.
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Christmas Eve
Even a ruble, even a nickel -
We won't just leave!

Today an Angel came down to us
And he sang: “Christ is born!”
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday!

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven,
We bring you good news,
We won’t leave without gifts!

Carols, carols, carols,
Pancakes are good with honey,
And without honey it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, aunt (or uncle)!

Merry Christmas to you, people!
May you have peace and harmony,
So that you don't know grief
And they were rich!

Kolyada - molyada
I entered a new gate!
And behind it comes the frost
It has grown over the tyn!
He brought cold
So, grandfather Arkhip
Became young!
The frost is small
Yes, he doesn’t tell me to stand!
The frost does not tell me to stand,
It's time for us to carol.

Hurry up and give me a carol!
Feet are chilly
I'll run home.
Who will give
He is the prince
Who won't give -
Togo in the dirt!

Kalidim, Kalidim I am alone with my dad,
My dad sent me
So that I can get bread.
I don’t want bread, give me some sausage,
If you don't give me the sausage, I'll destroy the whole house.

Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my mother,
Knee-deep casing,
Give me some pie, uncle!
Open the chest
Give me a penny!
What is in the oven - swords in the bag!

Here comes mother - winter has come,
Open the gate!
Christmas time has arrived!
The carols have arrived!

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish good things to all people:
Gold, silver,
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes
Good health,
Cow butter.

How many aspens,
So many pigs for you;
How many Christmas trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Good luck to you,
The owner and the hostess
Great health,
Happy New Year,
With all the family!
Kolyada, Kolyada!

A carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail.
You will give us -
We will praise
And you won’t give -
We will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

A little boy sat down on the sofa,
The sofa is fragile - drive away the ruble!

A star is shining in the sky,
At the hour of Holy Christmas
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses,
I knocked on doors and windows,
She walked and laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
carolers in a crowd...
Everyone rejoices and laughs,
they sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born,
on the eve of Christmas..."

The carol has arrived
On the eve of Christmas,
Give me the cow
Oil head.
And God forbid that
Who is in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is tough.
He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth.
And create for you, Lord,
Even better than that!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gate!
Give me some pie
A piece of bread
A pot of sour cream!
Won't you serve any pies?
We let in bedbugs,
Mustached cockroaches
And striped animals!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.
Even if you chop
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy
Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!
The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!
Hello, treats
Please accept congratulations!
You will live together for up to two hundred years!
I wish you happiness and good health!
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

She arrived young.
We found a carol
In Ivan's yard!
Hey, Uncle Ivan,
Take the good stuff out into the yard!
How cold it is outside
Freezes nose
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
He orders it to be served soon,
Or a warm pie
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble!

After caroling, don’t rush to return home: have a snow fight outside, roll up a snowman (if the weather permits), and come up with some fun. The main thing is that all the carolers are involved in the entertainment, and no one is left bored on the sidelines. Eat everything you can carol together with the carol participants. Have a tea party common table. Especially for children, continue the celebration at home. Come up with several scenes featuring various animals and fairy tale characters and play them with your children.

Few people know how fun and fervently you can celebrate carols with children in our time. But it is up to you to start a glorious tradition in your home. Try celebrating carols every year and involving your friends and neighbors in this old Slavic holiday.

Olga Chuparina

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They give generously on January 13, and the next morning, at dawn, they sow (sow) grain. People go to their godparents, loved ones and relatives to sow (sow). But the man should be the first to enter the house on this day, since it is believed that girls do not bring happiness.
