Sports style clothing for girls summer coat. Sports style of clothing

Modern tracksuits are not only intended for sports, as was the case a few years ago, because with their help you can create your own style and look fashionable.

Fashionable sportswear is used exclusively to create everyday looks. This style direction is based on certain fashion trends. Despite the fact that sportswear always remains at the peak of fashion and does not lose its relevance, trends still undergo some changes every year. It should be understood that sports style is not only sportswear, it is only part of this fashionable style trend. In fact, sports clothing for women and girls covers many stylistic trends.

Women's sportswear is the most popular among young women; it is also preferred by active people and motorists. It liberates, allows a person to feel at ease, comfortable and confident.

Products belonging to this fashion trend are made from soft elastic fabrics that do not hinder movement while wearing them. These can be natural and semi-synthetic fabrics.

The sports style of clothing for girls is quite universal, thanks to which you can combine several things from different directions in one outfit. Moreover, it has many varieties, so active fashionistas will certainly be able to choose the most suitable clothing options for themselves.

The main characteristic feature of this subtype of fashion trend is slight negligence, but at the same time it is always thought out to the smallest detail.

This is a sporty-casual style of clothing that is ideal for young women. When putting together such outfits, it is mandatory to use comfortable jeans, simple trousers, light blouses, and shoes with low heels.

The casual trend also allows you to create more elegant looks. To compose them, cute “casual” dresses of medium length were specially created by fashion experts. For those fashionistas who want to create an image in this style, you can also choose skirts with a straight or a-line silhouette.

Fashionistas who wear such outfits often like to complement their looks with small rectangular handbags in bright colors, which add originality and a special sense of style to the look.

Clothing in a modern sports style: summer coats and shoes for girls

The modern sports style of clothing for women also has such a variety of trends as urban style. It is chosen by fashionistas living in the city. Their outfits are significantly different; when composing a wardrobe, preference is given to restrained neutral colors. As for the style of wardrobe elements, the simple form of cut of clothing predominates.

With clothes designed in a sporty urban style, shoes with flat soles look most harmonious. It is recommended to choose large soft bags as accessories for such ensembles.

A summer coat in a sporty clothing style for girls is one of the brightest trends of this season. The best suit for this look is a coat-jacket, which is characterized by a wide shoulder line, a long collar line and a loose fit. This model of a light coat looks as if it was taken off someone else's shoulder. A good option for those who love a sporty style for the summer of 2019 is a kimono coat. The sleeves in such products can be short, long or exaggeratedly loose. This model of women's coat often does not have a fastener; it usually imitates a wraparound robe with a wide belt.

This type of sports clothing for girls is pictured below:

The “military” style direction is characterized by the presence of military motifs. Girls and women who are admirers of military sportswear give preference to strict styles, lace-up boots, stand-up collars, etc.

has a color scheme typical of a military uniform. As a rule, these are grassy and brown shades. This fashion trend is characterized by such characteristics as rigor and tact. Considering this feature of military sportswear, you can safely wear it to work if there is no dress code there.

Women's clothing in a sports-classic style and photos of fashionable images

The sports-classic style of clothing arose earlier than any other sporting trend. Initially it was intended exclusively for sports. Today it is one of the most popular fashion trends in the “sports” style.

When creating models of these clothes, semi-synthetic fabrics with the addition of cotton are usually used. The use of such materials when sewing sportswear is necessary to ensure that the product fits tightly to the body during sports, but at the same time the skin “breathes”.

The classic sports style is represented by such items of women's wardrobe as wide tight pants, leggings, leggings or shorts. The top, as a rule, is represented by products of a shortened length - racer T-shirts, T-shirts, fitted tops.

When creating such images, fashion experts focus on the functionality of the clothes and the “fitness” of the silhouette as a whole. Accessories are usually absent; instead, women use sports watches to complete the look.

Stylish women's looks, made in a sports-classic clothing style, are pictured below:

Business and elegant sports style of women's clothing (with photo)

This fashionable style trend in the jockey style, according to stylists, in 2019 can rightfully compete for primacy with business style. The fact is that jockey motives are quite appropriate even for working in an office and visiting informal events.

This is a kind of sports-business style of clothing that is ideal for business ladies. It is often chosen by modern fashionistas who want to slightly change their appearance, opting for simpler and more relaxed outfits.

A woman dressed in sportswear in a jockey style looks sexy, seductive, elegant and at the same time quite restrained. You should not worry that wearing wardrobe items designed in this fashionable style direction will make a woman look vulgar and defiant; outfits in the jockey style do not cause such an effect.

A fitted jacket and trousers or tight-fitting breeches are the most common type of clothing in the jockey style. This outfit is often complemented by tall black boots and a miniature hat. As for the color palette typical of the fashion trend, brown, green and gray shades predominate here.

This sporty-elegant style of clothing presupposes the presence of moderate, strict silhouettes, clear and concise lines. Elegance in this case is achieved through the use of a monochromatic color palette and a wide variety of various decorative elements - zippers, buttons, straps, pockets, shoulder straps, cuffs, collars, stitches. However, we should not forget that even decorative elements should be as strict and restrained as possible.

The jockey sports style in clothing for women is most clearly demonstrated in this photo:

Streetwear style "sporty chic"

The main feature of the sport-chic style is the combination of incompatible things.

The “sporty chic” clothing style is represented by such wardrobe items as sweatshirts, bomber jackets, basketball jerseys, leg warmers and knee socks, sports shorts, tops, etc. In principle, this is a street sports style of clothing that modern youth loves so much. It involves wearing the most convenient and comfortable clothing that does not hinder movement.

However, many fashionistas do not know how to wear such clothes and how to put together the right look. The fact is that such things always look phenomenal on the catwalks during fashion shows, and when putting together fashion sets in real life, designed in this style, many girls may have problems.

First of all, it is important to adhere to these rules:

  1. Logos must be abandoned.
  2. When creating a fashionable look, you can use no more than 3 contrasting colors.
  3. Do not overload the image with layers.
  4. Select clothes in such a way that they hide figure flaws as much as possible and emphasize its advantages.

“Sport chic” involves combining things of different styles in one outfit, but it is important that the materials are harmoniously combined with each other. For example, a combination of items made from light chiffon fabrics with puffed and. Products made from wool and fine knitwear will look beautiful, as they suit each other according to seasonality.

One of the characteristic features of the style is brightness, but moderation is also important here. In addition to the fact that it is undesirable to use more than three contrasting colors in one outfit, it is also important that they combine with each other. Even if you love colorful things and are used to always looking bright, do not deny yourself this, but let it be one thing of an explosive color, and choose all other elements of the outfit in calm, restrained shades.

Stylists recommend that girls who decide to create an image in the “sporty chic” style keep it entirely in either cold or warm colors. According to them, it is best for an outfit to have one of its elements in white or black.

When creating fashionable looks, stylists pay special attention to certain details. In the “sporty chic” style there are zippers, hoods, rivets, buttons, stripes on trousers, laces on sneakers. To look stylish and fashionable in 2019, experts in the fashion world recommend choosing fairly modest and discreet items of clothing, decorated with bright sports details.

This type of sports women's clothing style in this photo:

Here are the best ensembles for 2019, made in the sport-chic style.

Fashionable sportswear for women over 40

A sporty style of clothing for women over 40 years old allows mature women to look younger and feel as confident as possible. The main rule of sports fashion is to dress in a way that is comfortable, emphasizing your individual style and not paying attention to others. The expression of individuality is achieved through the use of bright colors and unusual combinations of things.

Pay attention to the photo: yellow pleated floor-length skirt looks great paired with a short denim vest, decorated in a hippie style, and a white top. The look is completed with a small crimson handbag and massive jewelry.

Denim clothing for women over the age of forty always remains relevant when creating fashionable looks in the “sporty-chic” style. Ripped jeans, which take center stage when creating an image, look great with a plain beige long sleeve, a brown jacket and sneakers. Despite the fact that this is a sporty style, when choosing clothes, women of this age should give preference to products made from quality materials. They fully emphasize the elegance and respectability of their owner.

Sports clothing style 2017 for obese women

Sportswear for plus size women is also a good option for those who want to look fashionable and stylish in 2019. First of all, plump girls and women who decide to add such clothes to their wardrobe need to choose jeans for themselves. It is known that many owners of appetizing shapes refuse jeans because they fear that they will highlight some of their figure flaws. However, on the contrary, they hide them and make the figure more toned.

For more than ten years, the sports style of clothing has been considered one of the most popular. Today it is not only clothing for sports training, but also everyday and even festive clothing. What are the requirements for sportswear and does everyone...

For more than ten years, the sports style of clothing has been considered one of the most popular. Today it is not only clothing for sports training, but also everyday and even festive clothing. What are the requirements for sports style clothing and is it suitable for everyone? If you also think that sportswear is training and walking suits, you should learn more about it.

  • Sports inspired dresses
  • Video tips from fashion experts

Deciding: sporty or just comfortable

First of all, these clothes must be comfortable. Nothing should restrict movement. The style of any sportswear is simple, there are no unnecessary details. It is generally accepted that sportswear is best suited for teenagers and young adults who lead an active lifestyle. But if you put together your wardrobe correctly, everyone can wear it.

The main elements of sports-style clothing are trousers and shorts, T-shirts and leggings, T-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, tunics, dresses, skirts and sports-style jackets, overalls, and windbreakers.

Most of the clothes came into everyday wardrobe from some kind of sport. So, pleated shorts came from tennis, wrestling jerseys, respectively, from wrestling, overalls - traditional clothing for winter sports, short jackets and tapered trousers - clothing for horse riding enthusiasts. And many of the names of things speak for themselves. We buy T-shirts, tennis shoes, golf pants, baseball caps, ski caps and wear them without thinking at all about their origin, although all these things have migrated into our everyday wardrobe from athletes' locker rooms.

Features of sports style clothing

This clothing is suitable for hiking and outdoor recreation, for walks, etc. Many people are happy to wear such clothes at home. It is a mistaken opinion that sports style and office style are incompatible concepts. Many sports-style dresses are missed by even the strictest dress code. What is so special about this type of clothing?

  • The silhouette is straight or trapezoidal;
  • the cutting lines are geometric, sometimes inserts of a different color or other materials are used as finishing;
  • clothing is usually loose or semi-fitting, rarely tight-fitting;
  • Tight-fitting and loose-fitting clothing items are often combined in one set (for example, a loose T-shirt and tight-fitting leggings);
  • sleeves are usually one-piece or set-in, and may have cuffs;
  • The waist is emphasized by a belt or drawstring cord.

The styles of sportswear are simple, but they do not look monotonous because they combine different colors and textures of fabric. For finishing, designers use metal fittings, leather, and various lacing. Clothes may have cuffs, pleats, and vents. Let's consider options for sports-style clothing for walking, as well as dresses that will be appropriate for the office.

Clothes for informal settings

Such clothing can be decorated with brand logos or sports team names. Shirts and trousers, as a rule, are fastened not with buttons, but with zippers and snaps, and if buttons are used, they are usually metal and resemble rivets.

Sports style trousers come in loose and tight styles. Typically, loose trousers are made from linen or cotton fabrics, and the fitting clothing contains elastic fibers. can be long or short. Sporty jeans are jeans with lots of pockets and studs.

Skirts, jackets, vests and sundresses made of denim are also sports-style clothing items. These are comfortable and practical things.

Sportswear is also made from elastic or knitwear. T-shirts, T-shirts, and turtlenecks made from these materials. Sports style hoodies, sweaters and jumpers have a simple cut. The decoration of the neck of these wardrobe items can be varied - stand-up collar, hood, trim with trim.

Sports style footwear is not only sneakers, boots, sneakers and moccasins, but also high boots. The sole can be flat or high, grooved.

Sports inspired dresses

If they have not yet taken their rightful place in your wardrobe, hurry up and buy at least one dress in a sporty style. These items of clothing emphasize femininity, while at the same time they are practical to wear.

Dresses in a sporty style are, as a rule, short dresses with an A-line cut. There are many such models, in particular, Victoria Beckham loves them very much. A low waistline, light folds, cream color - and in front of you is a classic (so to speak) dress in a sporty style.

Short A-type or straight-cut dresses that are flattering and have beautiful legs are another option for sporty style dresses. These include loose sweater dresses, tight-fitting sheath dresses, and light tunic dresses. Such styles can be found in the collections of fashion houses Kenzo, Sportmax, Alexander Wang, Victoria Beckham, Marc Jacobs.

Many sports style dresses look feminine and romantic. They are made from different fabrics - corduroy, soft jersey, elegant silk, fine cotton and transparent chiffon. The color can be absolutely any. The style is recognizable by its pockets, zippers, zippers, hoods and ties. All this makes the dresses very comfortable clothes that are suitable for everyday wear. Almost all sports style dresses are combined with baseball caps, visors and caps. The sporty style does not require additional accessories; just choose the right bag and the look will be complete.

Clothing should be fashionable and comfortable, beautiful and at the same time reflect an individual “handwriting”. All these criteria are ideally matched by the modern sports style of clothing, which is loved by both young people and older people. Let's take a closer look at what characterizes sportswear these days.

Historical reference

If you understand where certain sports items came from in fashion, it’s worth taking a little dip into history. A great many items of clothing came into our lives from sports. So, some things began with a uniform and golf shoes, others with a tennis suit, etc.


We owe the appearance of sports suits made of jersey material in fashion to aristocratic golf. Modern designers dilute these white suits with contrasting stripes, for example, red or blue, or inserts. But high-quality material and discreet style betray the past of the “aristocrats”. Slip-on shoes are no less open a hint of retirement from sports. These closed, laceless shoes were originally designed for surfers to make them as comfortable to move as possible. And they firmly entered into everyday fashion in the early 90s of the last century.

From the game of polo, a T-shirt of the same name with a recognizable fastener came into fashion. It is made mainly from natural material - cotton. Previously, such T-shirts were worn by polo players, and later tennis players also liked this item. When it comes to tennis attire, shorts for men and a short skirt for women have become the favorite clothes during the hot season.

What came into fashion from American football? Of course, these are bombers with various stripes, logos of teams, communities and groups. Men's sportswear style does not lag behind women's in terms of variety, so bomber plus pants suits are a new fashionable turn. This sport brought bright tops, overalls and dresses into women's fashion - the clothes of cheerleaders.


The modern sports style of clothing does not represent a form for physical education and is a much broader concept. Today, most of the clothes that are worn every day are made in a sporty style.

Clothing must be comfortable, and it is better if it is made from natural materials. But there are also materials such as raincoat fabric, suede, tartan, tweed, fleece, velor, stretch fabrics, knitwear, as well as waterproof and rubberized ones.

Another feature of the sports style is its versatility. They spend a lot of time in this outfit, going for a walk, to a cafe with friends, a cinema, or bowling.

Of course, things with a sporty “touch” are most convenient if a person likes jogging in the morning, cycling, team games, etc. Photos of sports clothing in magazines and on the websites of fashion houses practically call for an active lifestyle. The predominant cut is straight, trapezoidal or fitted. That is, the style is made in such a way that the clothes do not hinder movement throughout the whole day.

Diversity is also a characteristic feature of the sports trend, since there are several types of sports style, which allows anyone to find the ideal option for themselves.

Subtypes of sports style

If previously there were clear boundaries between fashion trends, now they have blurred. Styles change and acquire new features. Thus, a sports style of clothing in combination with a casual one is transformed into casual, and then into its different versions. Representatives of the fashion industry propose to distinguish the following types of sports trends:

  • sporty chic or sport casual;
  • denim style;
  • spectacular jockey style;
  • strict military;
  • unusual safari;
  • sporty glamour;
  • Street style;
  • city ​​Style.

Sport Casual

Fashion designers, inspired by the appearance of athletes, gradually created a sports style of clothing called “sport casual.” This includes jogger pants with elastic bands, sweatshirts, sweatshirts, shorts, etc. Today, all of this is a must-have item in the wardrobe of modern active young people. Sports items are adored not only by ordinary people, but also by show business stars who love to take part in mass races and marathons.

Sports clothing for girls implies maximum convenience and comfort. For example, comfortable tights and leggings made of neoprene came to us from cycling. Now they can be with a geometric pattern, floral print, abstraction, etc. For female cyclists, tight leggings served a good purpose, since nothing interfered with fast riding and participation in competitions. They also like their clothes not to restrict their movements. This is where the banana bag on the belt, convenient for cycling, originates. Lately, designers have fallen in love with it and have come up with models made from fur, using sequins, lace, mesh, and plastic.

Denim style

The sports direction includes the urban one, which involves combining sportswear with shorts, jackets, skirts, and denim sundresses. Denim lovers can either create a “monogamous” look or combine denim with knitwear and knitwear. When it comes to shoes, preference is given to comfortable and practical ones.

Jockey style

This is an interesting women's sports style of clothing, which is distinguished by a restrained color scheme. Soft light brown tones, gray and beige predominate. Jockey style includes tight trousers, riding breeches or breeches, high flat shoes (boots), a shirt and a fitted jacket. The last element can be made of genuine leather or tweed. To add a feminine touch, add a thin belt over the vest.


Despite the fact that military style is an independent fashion trend, some fashion experts believe that it is a sports style of clothing for women. Although many men also sometimes like to wear something in khaki color. The female version of the wardrobe in this style contains a T-shirt, parka, cargo pants and brutal flat shoes. Also distinctive nuances of military are the stand-up collar, strict shapes, and lace-up boots. The colors of grass and earth are used in different variations. This style is especially characterized by the absence of glamorous things, such as ruffles, romantic frills, rhinestones, stones, sequins, etc.

Safari style

This is a unique sports style of clothing for men and women, as designers create safari clothing for everyone. Basically, this is a loose-fitting robe, sometimes there are patch pockets and large buttons. Guys are offered trousers and shorts with cuffs in natural shades, such as sand or marsh. Girls - blouses and shirts of a simple cut. As for the material, artificial or natural suede and fringe are often used for decoration.

Sports glamor

This version of the sports direction nevertheless succumbed to the influence of the festive splendor and allowed similar elements into its ranks. Here we can see sweatshirts with lace decor, sneakers with shiny inserts, and bomber jackets made of tulle. Velor or velvet is used to create glamorous tracksuits. Fur backpacks look unusual. This sporty style of clothing is more suitable for girls than for adult ladies due to its eccentricity.

Sport shoes

The most important condition for sports shoes is ease of movement. Among the most popular models it is worth highlighting the following:

  • sneakers,
  • sneakers,
  • slip-ons,
  • moccasins,
  • uggs,
  • flat platform boots,
  • lunar rovers.

All these shoes are exclusively flat-soled (or orthopedic) to ensure comfortable walking, running, and active sports. Modern footwear is represented by a huge number of options in a variety of models and colors so that everyone can satisfy their needs.

Differences by age

It is no secret that bright and flashy shades of all wardrobe elements are “prescribed” for girls and boys. At the same time, the sports style of clothing for women (40 years and above) implies more restrained colors and styles. This does not mean that people of advanced age should dress boringly and gloomily. You can experiment and combine a bright color and a neutral shade to create a harmonious look. Moreover, sports items themselves already attract attention with their dynamism. What do stylists advise for older men and women? It is not prohibited to wear sweatshirts, sports-cut trousers, and for ladies - skirts, T-shirts, straight dresses, and comfortable sports shoes. All this can be safely combined with denim items.

As for the style, here variations of “sporty chic” are more to the liking of student youth who lead a very active lifestyle. People in adulthood are advised to pay attention to the sports-classic style of clothing. What it is? This is a skillful combination of comfortable cut items and classic elements. For example, a combination of “T-shirt plus jacket” is possible.

Where to wear it?

In a sporty style you can look appropriate almost everywhere, except for special events and business meetings. As for office workers, a sports-business style of clothing was invented especially for them, which combines comfort and rigor. For example, a pencil skirt “in company” with slip-ons or moccasins.

More or less strict also include military and jockey style. They can even be used for work, and after work you can safely go to the cinema to relax in the evening. However, it is worth remembering that these things look good on those with ideal shapes, otherwise they will highlight all the flaws of the figure. If a strict look is not required, then you can safely take elements of safari, casual and denim styles and combine them with each other.

For daily wear, loose-fitting hoodies, hoodies, turtlenecks, jumpers, Bermuda shorts, A-line and straight dresses, leggings, tight-fitting trousers made of soft fabric, etc. are perfect. Outerwear for the cold period includes loose-fitting jackets, parkas, short and long down jackets .

You need to look stylish everywhere. And if sport is part of your mandatory life program for you, then a fashionable women's sports suit - 2019 - you need to choose from the latest trends.

They are set in fashion by the world's leading manufacturers, who dress the national teams of their countries and world-famous brands. However, both of them are guided by the main trends in world fashion. Which ones exactly, let's take a closer look.

Fashionable women's tracksuit - 2019: style and functionality

Functionality coupled with style has come to the fore this season. The choice - and it is huge - depends on what kind of sport you are involved in.

This season, lovers of morning and evening jogging will benefit from sets of straight trousers and hooded sweatshirts.

The basic rule for choosing the most current model is a fairly loose silhouette and a contrasting color scheme.

The loose fit will appeal to those who have just started playing sports and are not ready to show off their curves. But even on very trained and slender bodies, such sets look amazing - they perfectly emphasize a beautiful, chiseled figure.

A hood, contrasting color inserts, kangaroo pockets and stripes are stylish features of the most fashionable sets.

One of the main trendsetters, the Puma brand, has set a trend for contrasting and bright colors this season. The combination of pink (fuchsia shade) with gray in all its diversity of all its shades and blue is a very stylish solution.

These fashionable women's tracksuits 2019 combine two colors - your choice - laconic and very elegant.

Pay attention to the photo, women's tracksuits 2019 are designed in bright and contrasting colors:

But do not forget about the main thing - such clothes must “breathe”, which means they must be made from the most comfortable materials.

Among them, there is no equal to cotton, but you should not ignore modern versions of such material as microfiber - it has unique abilities to create comfort. The trend for environmental friendliness and comfort for the body is beyond fashion and seasonal trends. Therefore, if you are serious about taking care of your figure, choose a high-quality and bright set.

Women's tracksuits for autumn 2019, such as in the photo, will create a special mood during training.

Fashion 2019: models of women's sports suits

Outdoor activities for most are available only in the summer-spring season; not every girl dares to go for a morning jog in the fall and winter. A universal solution in this case is a gym: yoga, fitness, and even a “rocking chair.” Each of these sports has its own current models.

But first of all, it is worth clarifying that the trend today is naturalness and naturalness, and dressing up too thoughtfully, which means sometimes uncomfortable, means looking unfashionable.

Natural fabrics of simple styles are also appropriate here: cotton with minimal additives to give elasticity to the material is the best solution.

But do not forget that microfiber has thermoregulatory properties. And if you are working, for example, on your thighs, then shorts made of such material will only benefit you.

The 2019 fashion for women's tracksuits is very democratic - people come to the gym to take care of their bodies, and not to show off their outfits. This trend is appreciated by the best manufacturers.

Therefore, this season the most popular set has become a T-shirt and shorts.

A must-have item, especially if you do running or strength training, are sports bra tops.

Styles of stylish women's sports suits 2019-2020

The choice of style depends only on the characteristics of the figure. But it’s worth clarifying that skimpy models have left trends this season.

The undisputed authority in the world of sports fashion, Nike, offers loose shorts with a tight fit at the waist and a comfortable multi-layer elastic band for any type of activity. The length of such shorts can be very different, it depends only on how much you are ready to show off your body.

Pay attention to the fashionable women's tracksuits 2019 in the photo, each of them is worthy of attention.

Same with shorts, it’s quite easy to choose a top. A sports bra in a contrasting color with the shorts will perfectly complement this set.

And for those who value comfort, loose-fitting T-shirts cropped to the waist are addressed to bright shades.

It is characteristic that even the most famous brands today do not strive to demonstrate their own logo on women’s tracksuits in the fall of 2019. A high-quality and well-designed item is decorated with a miniature brand sign, and from a distance a visible inscription, most often a sign of a fake.

But stylish women's sports suits will always help you stand out from the crowd.

In 2019 and 2019, these are fashionable sets of long trousers with wide cuffs at the ankle and with a low crotch line. They are perfectly paired with sports bras or frivolous T-shirt tops.

Fashionable women's tracksuits for spring and autumn 2019-2020 (with photos)

Designers strictly follow the wishes of their customers, and today you can easily choose a set that would ideally emphasize the advantages of a figure and hide its (temporary!) flaws. One thing should be voluminous - this is the main rule.

In the trends set back in the spring of 2019, fashionable women's sports suits are a democratic and comfortable pair: a loose T-shirt (with or without sleeves) and miniature shorts.

Or tight-fitting T-shirts - men's style, complete with loose trousers. This trend will continue in tracksuits in the spring of 2019. And in general, stylish women's tracksuits 2019-2020, judging by the forecast collections, will be largely similar. Therefore, it is worth investing in high-quality materials and absolutely comfortable styles.

The color scheme of women's tracksuits 2019-2020 follows the main trend. Bright and rich tones of blue, green, anthracite gray in combination with bright additions in the form of pink or lemon yellow.

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Every girl dreams of looking beautiful and fashionable in any situation. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to spend a lot of money and buy expensive outfits. You can look stylish even in a tracksuit, the main thing is that it emphasizes your individuality and sense of taste. What fashionable women's tracksuits 2018 designers offer us to wear - we will find out from our article.

New items in tracksuits for women and girls 2018

In the upcoming 2018 season, designers propose to diversify your wardrobe with a fashionable tracksuit that will distinguish you from others. New for the 2018 season is camouflage print. Initially, clothes of this kind were worn exclusively by men, and most often it was found on army clothing. But times change, and fashion changes along with them. In 2018, tracksuits with prints borrowed from men's style are becoming increasingly popular. Another new trend in the fashion world is the combination of a dark top with lighter pants. For example, a sweatshirt in dark deep shades together with bright pants looks very trendy in 2018. Such an accent will certainly arouse interest from others.

camouflage tracksuit

In the photos of fashion magazines 2018 you can see tracksuits made of plush material. Such suits are most often worn in cool weather or as loungewear. In 2018, designers presented plush tracksuits in bright colors - orange, pink, light green, as well as fashionable blue and gray shades.

blue teddy tracksuit

New for the 2018 season are women's tracksuits, consisting of sweatpants and a sweater - hoodie. Experts recommend choosing pants that are fairly loose, and a jacket that fits your figure. This ensemble will be very comfortable; you will be comfortable in it all day long. As a rule, such suits are made from knitwear or pure cotton - they are not afraid of any bad weather.

comfortable hoodie and sweatpants

Hand-knitted sweatshirts look very interesting this year 2018. This model looks original and unusual, this is the trend of 2018. Fashion designers suggest wearing this element of the suit with or without a hood, with sewn pockets, kangaroo pockets, with zippers or buttons, and even without fasteners at all. The decor, as we see, is very diverse, so in 2018 you can and should be surprised. Knitted sweatshirts in pastel shades, as well as in black, blue and brown, look especially harmonious. For lovers of brighter colors, in 2018 designers presented purple, green, pink, crimson and yellow women's tracksuits to fashionistas.

gray knitted sweatshirt and leggings

New for 2018 is the use of large prints, bright patterns and lacing as decorative elements on clothing. This season, designers have tried to get away from the ordinary and diversify tracksuits with interesting decorative items. Some went further and presented 2018 suits embroidered with rhinestones and sequins. This may not seem very practical. In fact, they look very beautiful and make your everyday look more elegant.

tracksuits with bright floral patterns

dark tracksuit with bright colors

beautiful tracksuits with flowers for adults and children

Of course, in the 2018 season, designers did not forget about the quality of materials - they should be as insulated and windproof as possible. The designers tried to combine convenience and comfort with the beauty of the suit. Most often, at the 2018 fashion shows, tracksuits were presented - three-piece suits, including a vest, sweatshirt and sweatpants. For autumn-winter 2018, fashion designers offered fleece suits - a combination of practicality with concern for convenience is in fashion.

sports vest

corduroy tracksuit

New models of women's sports suits 2018 - a combination of two styles. Fashion designers prefer to combine military style with sports style in one image. Also, models with elements of romantic style and unisex style look no less relevant.

camouflage tracksuit

Designers have very actively picked up the 2018 fashion trend in the field of beauty - increasingly, young girls and women of different ages are trying to devote more time to their health, to monitor their figure and proper nutrition. It is these trends that have led to the relevance of the sports style in clothing. The main emphasis on fashionable women's tracksuits 2018 is on the features of the cut, the materials used and colors. The new trend of 2018 is laser cutting. Emphasis is also placed on the compliance of fabrics with hygienic requirements. People who often visit sports complexes really appreciate the quality of the suit. Therefore, in 2018, the materials underwent a number of changes that made it possible to raise them to a higher level. It is worth paying attention to expensive models of sportswear, since they are the ones that meet quality standards.

In 2018, new models of tracksuits made in pajama style appeared. This new trend has already been picked up by more than one fashion house. They are characterized by a loose fit and wide outer seams. It looks unusual and at the same time very stylish. A pajama tracksuit is an option for brave young ladies.

bright pajama-style tracksuit

What tracksuits are in fashion in 2018?

It is a mistake to say that you cannot look feminine in a tracksuit. Designers have thought out modern suit models to the smallest detail - they can not only decorate a woman’s figure, but also become an excellent option for clothing for the gym. Today, the variety of models of women's sports suits is impressive. Below we will find out which tracksuits are in fashion now.

Women's tracksuits for spring and summer

In the spring - summer collection 2018, the designers decided to combine comfort, style and naturalness at the same time. It's becoming increasingly easier to look feminine in fashionable suits.

If we talk about summer sports suits, they can be either loose styles or tight-fitting ones. The choice of model depends on women's taste. Those with a slender figure can safely afford to wear short shorts with a mini-top that reveals their belly. Fashion designers also presented women's suits in the following combinations: a top with shorts, a top with sweatpants, a T-shirt with pants or shorts, a sweatshirt instead of a T-shirt. Additionally, for cool summer weather, designers suggest complementing the look with a warm vest. Shorts can be loose or, on the contrary, form-fitting. They can be replaced with beautiful breeches - the length to the knees will well emphasize the slenderness of the legs and hide imperfections.

pink top and black breeches

Many designers suggest replacing trousers with fashionable, stylish capri pants, and they can come in a variety of colors - from delicate pastel colors to bright, flashy shades. The hit of the spring-summer 2018 season is red in combination with blue, or another equally bright color. Summer is a time of bright colors and colors, so you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of pampering yourself with rich shades in your clothes.

If we talk about the top part of a women's sports suit, the style can be fitted or looser. Sports sweatshirts with decor on the sleeves in the form of contrasting bright stripes are very popular. No less popular in 2018 will be cropped sports jackets, or, in other words, bombers. Such jackets with elastic at the bottom will make an excellent ensemble with sports trousers. The trend for the spring-summer 2018 season is bomber jackets made of satin fabric - this material will definitely appeal to fashionistas.

Traditional track pants are floor-length pants. But in the coming spring of 2018, designers invite us to look at other trouser models. Sweatpants that are tapered at the ankle will come into fashion. Pants with elastic at the bottom will also be trendy - cropped pants will look good with wide sweaters. Thus, fashion designers are confident that the game of contrasts will only benefit the external image - the figure will seem more fragile and feminine.

For the summer of 2018, women's sports suits made from natural fabrics - cotton, knitwear, raincoat fabric - are most suitable.

Very fashionable in spring - summer 2018 - a combination of shorts or sports skirts with leggings, as well as a loose T-shirt with a cropped top. Multi-layering is the trend of the 2018 season.

For girls with a full figure, tracksuits with prints are most suitable, and the print should be on the trousers. It is advisable to leave the top plain, otherwise the print on the sweatshirt will make the figure even more voluminous. Designers suggest paying attention to sets of bright colors - figure flaws are not yet a reason to wrap yourself in black. There are also adorable floral tracksuits.

tracksuit with flowers for plus size

And again in 2018, bell-bottom trousers will come back into fashion, and this will also apply to sweatpants. At fashion shows, this trend has already gained popularity among fashionistas.

Summarizing the above, we can say that spring and summer 2018 will delight us with a large assortment of sportswear. The main thing is the quality and natural materials of the suit.

sports leggings and windbreaker

blue tracksuit with three-quarter sleeves

blue tracksuit with three-quarter sleeves

crop top sweatpants

spring-summer sporty look

Women's tracksuits for autumn and winter

Conventionally, women's sports suits 2018 can be divided into two large groups - suits for sports in the gym and on the street. There are few requirements for the first group - it should not be heavily insulated, but it should be comfortable to play sports in. For outdoor activities in the cold season, you will need a sports suit with insulation - this can be a fleece lining or the use of thermal underwear. The main thing is convenience and the absence of excessive layers. The designers thought through these points, and for autumn-winter 2018 they offered insulated suits, the material “breathes” and does not allow moisture to pass through. This makes it comfortable to practice even in wet weather. In general, when choosing a winter tracksuit for yourself, experts advise paying attention to larger models. This size will allow you to put on an additional layer of clothing, for example, thermal underwear, and the layer of air will keep you warm.

A mandatory requirement for a women's winter tracksuit 2018 is that the color must be bright and eye-catching.

white floral winter tracksuit

Women's winter sports sweatshirts and hoodies

This type of clothing is very popular, and designers are confident that in 2018 they will be incredibly fashionable. Sweatshirts and hoodies are very practical things; they can be worn not only with sports trousers, but also with jeans and as a windbreaker. Designers sew sweatshirts from high-quality cotton; for the cold season they prefer insulated knitwear. In the fall and winter of 2018, knitted sweatshirts, hoodies with patch pockets, lace-ups and hoods will be at the height of fashion. Colors in fashion 2018 are black, gray, blue, pastel shades.

sports gray sweatshirt with black leggings

Women's winter sweatpants

For winter 2018, sweatpants are a “must have” of the season. They are comfortable to wear not only for sports, but also in everyday life. Fashion 2018 focuses on classic styles of sports trousers - straight, wide or riding breeches. Other cut options are also acceptable, the main thing is that they fit you well. In winter and autumn 2018, fashion designers recommend giving preference to models made of knitwear, microfiber or polyester. Models made from raincoat fabric are suitable for rainy autumn. For winter 2018 - puffy pants that will keep you warm even in severe frosts.

blue winter sweatpants with jacket

Women's winter sports vests

As we said earlier, in fashion 2018 are women's tracksuits - three-pieces. That’s why it’s worth paying attention to vests. Warm vests to match the suit or in a contrasting color will become very relevant in the coming season. Vests may have a hood that can be detached and turned into a stand-up collar. Animal prints and bright designs remain popular.

beige tracksuit with vest

Fashionable colors of women's tracksuits 2018 with photos

Contrasts are in fashion 2018. Fashionable women's tracksuits 2018 look very impressive, where the top is dark. And the bottom is a bright shade, and vice versa. Prints also look impressive - a large animal print on clothes will not leave a single chance to be unnoticed by representatives of the opposite sex. In addition, women's tracksuits with futuristic prints look very unusual.

tracksuit with a bright top and dark bottom

Fashionable checks and geometric stripes also graced sportswear in the upcoming 2018 season. Scottish checks have not left designers indifferent for many seasons now, so they decided to add it to the sporty style.

For lovers of classics and calm colors, the 2018 trend is blue, black, gray, dark green, and purple. What’s nice is that they are the easiest to match with other items of clothing.

The trend is neon colors, namely pink, red, yellow, orange. A tracksuit with a floral print looks very feminine and at the same time original. The designers also added brand inscriptions on sweatshirts and sweatshirts as decor - this is now a hit in 2018.

As a decor, the designers turned out to be quite bold - they decided to add current leather and suede inserts to women's tracksuits 2018 - they look very original and status-worthy. In addition, on winter models you can see faux fur or zigzag stitching, shoulder straps, unusual zippers and fasteners - all these decorative elements are designed to make your look irresistible. Therefore, the main advice is not to be afraid of experiments.

red tracksuit

Fashionable materials of sports suits for women and girls

The fabric of a tracksuit decides everything - it must be natural, of excellent quality, wear-resistant and certainly beautiful. For winter 2018, experts recommend thick, waterproof fabrics, and for summer, thin, breathable materials in bright colors are suitable. Let's try to figure out what materials are most in demand when sewing women's tracksuits.


This material is the most popular when sewing summer sports suits. It allows the skin to “breathe”, and playing sports in such a suit is a pleasure. Designers presented many models of women's tracksuits 2018, made from cotton. The only thing you need to know is that this material can “shrink” after washing, it wrinkles easily and gets wet during active sports. Therefore, many fashion designers prefer to mix cotton with a certain percentage of synthetic fabrics so that the clothes look fashionable and stylish and do not lose their external beauty.

comfortable cotton tracksuit


This is a natural material, although some fashion designers tend to believe differently. Sportswear made from viscose is very soft and pleasant to the body; it’s not without reason that fashionable women’s sports suits for 2018 are mainly made from viscose. But this fashionable material also has its nuances - viscose wrinkles a lot and does not allow moisture to pass through well, which can lead to some discomfort when playing sports.

gray viscose tracksuit


Another fashionable material 2018 for women's sportswear. Polyester is very practical, wears well and makes excellent sports suits. Products made from this material hold their shape well and give it additional strength. It is thanks to all these qualities that designers add polyester to the tailoring of their fashionable new items in a sporty style 2018.

polyester tracksuit with decor

original polyester tracksuit


Speaking about fashionable materials in 2018 for women's tracksuits, we cannot fail to mention microfiber. It is often added to warm tracksuits because it retains heat perfectly. Designers suggest coping with active sports loads in microfiber suits.

The choice of sportswear must be carefully approached, because health is not only a figure, but also general well-being. Playing sports should be a pleasure, and this can only be achieved by wearing a beautiful and high-quality women's sports suit.

beige microfiber three-piece tracksuit

Fashionable images with a tracksuit 2018 with photos

Let's look at several options for women's sports styles that will be fashionable in the upcoming 2018.

Classic tracksuit 2018

Classic will always be in fashion. She did not ignore the women's tracksuit. Designers offer two versions of the classic. Either it’s a zip-up sweatshirt and straight sweatpants, or a three-piece suit, complemented by a top. Classic tracksuits can be bright and unusual, with decorative elements and prints, the most important thing is quality. Therefore, when buying a tracksuit, you should pay attention to well-known brands.

blue classic tracksuit

black classic tracksuit with multi-colored vest

Tight tracksuit 2018

Lovers of “fitted” things can be pleased - at the 2018 fashion shows, designers presented tracksuits with a tight-fitting silhouette, calling them the most fashionable in the coming season. The materials used for sewing are highly stretchable, so the fabric emphasizes the female figure well. The trousers here are tapered, emphasizing the slenderness of women's legs, fitted sweatshirts and cropped tops.< Спортивный стиль для девушки может быть очень сексуальным.

floral tracksuit

Pajama tracksuit 2018

The new fashion trend of 2018 is women's pajama-style tracksuits. Once you put on this outfit, you won’t want to take it off - it looks very cozy and homely. Such suits are quite loose, do not fit the figure, trousers are low-waisted, the top slightly reveals the stomach - this is how designers see the pajama style of 2018. As decoration, they use sewn pockets, hoods, some decorate sweatshirts and sweatshirts with cartoon characters. The color range is mainly presented in cream and beige tones.

pajama blue tracksuit

As we see, designers never cease to amaze us. Even in a sporty style, a girl can look no less charming and feminine.
