Peeling of the facial skin. Why does the skin on the face peel: reasons and what to do about it? How to treat peeling on the face

Peeling skin is one of the most common cosmetic problems today. This condition can be provoked by quite a variety of reasons - external or internal. Taking into account why the skin on the face is peeling, a method of treating the problem will be selected. You can carry out effective restorative procedures yourself at home, but in the most severe cases you will need to seek the help of a cosmetologist or doctor.

Causes of severe peeling skin

If the skin on your face is peeling, you need to think about your health, because this is the first sign that a certain malfunction has occurred in the body’s functioning. Perhaps this phenomenon was caused by improper skin care (this applies not only to women, but also to men) or cosmetic procedures are carried out irregularly.
Redness and peeling of the skin may indicate the presence of hidden internal diseases that require immediate treatment. If such a problem appears after using new cosmetics, it will be enough to simply change it and there will be no need to consult a doctor.

When the skin on the face is very flaky and at the same time there is a disturbing feeling of itching, inflammation appears, all these are sure signs of the presence of a serious disease - for example, seborrhea, eczema, etc. Treatment can only be carried out by an experienced dermatologist. While taking medications, the skin begins to peel off even more, redness appears, but this is a completely normal reaction, as the body is healing and cleansing.

Most often, the skin on the face peels in winter, which is a reaction to cold and wind. To solve the problem, you need to use rich moisturizing creams every day, but the product should be applied no later than 40 minutes before going outside. If you neglect this advice, there is a risk of aggravating the situation and causing more severe peeling. It is useful to follow these tips:
  • Do not wash your face with soap, as it dries out the epidermis;
  • mild cleansers should be used every day;
  • The epidermis needs hydration every day, so you need to regularly use only those creams that are designed for a specific skin type.

External factors

If your face is very peeling and cracking, the following reasons can provoke this phenomenon:
  • exposure to dry air;
  • improper or unbalanced diet;
  • using hard water for washing;
  • adverse weather conditions;
  • long-term effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin;
  • this is the result of recently performed mechanical skin cleansing;
  • incorrect application or use of incorrectly selected cosmetic care creams;
  • frequent contact of the epidermis with hard or synthetic tissues;
  • use of low-quality decorative or caring cosmetics;
  • improper personal hygiene.

Internal factors

It is much more difficult to accurately determine the internal reasons due to which the skin on the face begins to peel off severely. These include:
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • the presence of vitamin deficiency;
  • lack of valuable vitamins and minerals;
  • drinking large quantities of alcohol;
  • presence of bad habits (for example, smoking);
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • weakened immune system;
  • loss of vitality and energy by the body;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • various skin diseases that are chronic (for example, eczema, lichen, etc.);
  • frequent consumption of caffeine, sweets, carbonated water;
  • the presence in the daily diet of a large amount of fried, fatty, smoked and salty foods.
These reasons provoke the problem not only in women, but also in men. If the above factors are eliminated, you will not be bothered by the question of how to get rid of peeling skin on the face, because soon the problem disappears on its own, and the epidermis returns its natural color, elasticity, and firmness is restored.


What to do if the skin on the face and other parts of the body peels and cracks due to various types of dermatological diseases, possibly of a fungal type? Special treatment is required. It should only be prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient and determining an accurate diagnosis.

In other cases, peeling of the facial skin can be eliminated using simple preventive procedures:

  1. It is necessary to choose the right cream for peeling skin on the face and use it every day. These products eliminate the problem and ensure that the epidermis is filled with vitamins and energy.
  2. You only need to wash your face using special gels and tonics. It is strictly forbidden to use plain soap, because it dries out the skin greatly.
  3. You need to add more fresh vegetables and fruits to your daily diet.
  4. Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of plain water to replenish fluid reserves in the epidermis.


Wanting to solve the question of how to get rid of peeling skin on the face, many begin to try everything. If treatment is carried out using medications, it must be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe them. For example, one of the most effective is hydrocortisone, but it is a hormonal drug, so it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Provided that individuals, Panthenol can be used to protect and restore the epidermis, which is prescribed for burns or other damage to the skin. The product is evenly distributed over problem areas and left for a couple of minutes, after which the excess is removed with a clean cotton pad. During treatment, it should be used at least 3 times a day.

Bepanten children's cream can be used without restrictions. It is recommended to use it both in summer and winter. It can act as a prophylactic drug that will help prevent re-peeling.


In order not to worry about the question of why the skin on your face is peeling, you must first of all reconsider your usual diet. Fast food, a variety of semi-finished products, fast foods and other unhealthy foods, sweets and foods containing preservatives are completely excluded from the menu. The consumption of any alcoholic beverages is also minimized, as they have a negative effect on the condition of the skin.

To prevent the delicate skin on the face and other parts of the body from cracking, it is important to try every day to consume as many foods as possible that contain B vitamins. The diet must include fresh herbs, various types of nuts, dairy products, berries and fruits. raw vegetables. Taking certain vitamin complexes that supply the human body with microelements valuable for the epidermis also brings benefits.

Salon treatments

Having established the reason why the skin on the face is peeling, the cosmetologist can advise carrying out certain cosmetic procedures, with the help of which a more accelerated restoration of the normal state of the epidermis occurs. These include:
  • peeling using fruit acids;
  • procedures that provide intensive hydration of the skin;
  • mechanical type of peeling;
  • mesotherapy;
  • peeling using hyaluonic acid;
  • biorevitalization.
The procedures listed above can be carried out only after the permission of the attending physician, since some of them can provoke a worsening of the situation. The duration of treatment is determined taking into account the severity of the condition and the extent of skin damage.

Masks against peeling skin

Not all girls know what to do if the skin on their face is peeling. There is no need to immediately use medications or expensive cosmetic procedures, because you can opt for simple folk methods.

Honey mask

Mix honey (2 tbsp), quail yolks (3 pcs.) with olive oil (2 tbsp). All components are mixed well, and the composition is heated in a water bath. If severe peeling of the skin on the face of men begins, apply the warm mixture in a thin layer. Every 5 minutes another layer is applied. After 20 minutes, you need to wash your face using warm chamomile infusion or plain filtered water.

Mask with cottage cheese

To eliminate peeling skin on the elbows and other parts of the body, mix cottage cheese with the maximum percentage of fat content (1 tbsp) and linden honey (1 tsp). A small amount of milk (fat) is added to the mixture to obtain a creamy consistency. Then the mass is applied to clean skin and left on? hours. This product helps to quickly moisturize the epidermis and relieve severe irritation.

Nourishing mask

This product will help quickly remove peeling skin on the legs and face. Take 1 tbsp. l. fresh carrot juice, cottage cheese (with maximum fat content), olive oil, milk. The resulting composition should be of a uniform consistency and applied to the affected areas? hours. It is recommended to wash off the product with chamomile decoction, and at the end wipe your face with an ice cube to restore tone.

Linen mask

To quickly eliminate peeling skin on the elbows or face, you need to boil flaxseed (1 tablespoon) until it acquires the consistency of thick porridge. Then jojoba oil (1 tbsp) is added. The finished composition is applied to clean skin and left for a couple of minutes.

Mask with milk

This product is recommended for the care of very dry skin. Combine full-fat cottage cheese (1 tbsp) with olive oil (1 tbsp), add the same amount of cream (fat). The finished composition is applied to the damaged area, left for 12-14 minutes, and it is recommended to use a warm chamomile decoction for washing.

Tangerine mask

Take quail egg yolks (2 pcs.) and combine with full-fat sour cream (1 tbsp.). Tangerine peels are crushed in a blender and added to the mixture. The mixture should sit for about half an hour, then olive oil (2 tablespoons) is added, the mixture is applied to the injured areas, after 25 minutes you need to wash your face with warm water only.

Egg mask

You will need to take quail egg yolks (2 pieces) and combine with olive oil (1 tbsp), then add oatmeal (1 tsp). Using gentle massage movements, the composition is applied to the damaged areas, after 20 minutes you need to wash your face.

Carrot mask

Take 1 carrot and chop it on a fine grater, then add ground oatmeal (1 tbsp). The composition is combined with warm milk (1 tbsp) and applied to problem areas. When 20 minutes have passed, you need to wash your face.

Banana mask

To obtain a homogeneous paste, you will need to grind the pulp of a ripe banana and add olive oil (1 tbsp.). The mixture is then applied to? hours on problem areas. Wash off with warm water.

After this cosmetic procedure, you need to apply any nourishing cream to damp skin. Soft scrubs, which are useful to alternate with massages, will help enhance the positive effect. This procedure can be easily performed independently, the main thing is to study all the facial massage lines.

What to do if the skin on your face is very flaky? Video response

To solve this problem, you can use a variety of creams and medications, as well as cosmetic masks that you can easily make yourself at home. The following video explains in detail the causes of this problem and methods for eliminating it.

Peeling skin on the face can be caused by the negative effects of many factors. Their phenomenon causes a lot of problems for women. Readers will be interested to know why skin fades and how to get rid of peeling skin on the face at home.

Causes of peeling

The causes of excessive dry skin are external and internal. External factors include:

  • exposure to strong and dry winds;
  • prolonged exposure to negative temperatures;
  • excessive passion for tanning (including in a solarium);
  • dry indoor air during the heating season;
  • allergic reactions to pollen from flowering plants or to washing water;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • exposure to hot water;
  • hormonal changes during adolescence;
  • swimming in the pool (the water in them is disinfected with chlorine, which has an irritating effect);
  • contact dermatitis, which develops as a result of the action of chemical and physical irritants.

There are internal reasons why the face peels:

  1. Lack of moisture, or dehydration. It develops if a person does not drink enough water or abuses coffee or alcohol. Due to lack of moisture, the epidermis begins to become keratinized and peel off.
  2. Lack of vitamins.
  3. Allergic reaction to food.
  4. Skin diseases. Dermatitis, ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema, and fungal pathologies lead to peeling.
  5. Constant stressful conditions.
  6. Hormonal imbalance in the body. It often occurs during menopause - at this time peeling appears on the skin of the face. The same problem occurs with a lack of sex hormones, active substances secreted by the thyroid gland.

How to get rid of peeling

Traditional recipes are the safest for getting rid of flaking skin. Their regular use can improve the condition of the face, get rid of wrinkles and sebaceous plugs. There are many ways to exfoliate your facial skin at home.

Use of pharmaceuticals

They are recommended for severe peeling. You should first visit a dermatologist. As a rule, he prescribes drugs with dexpanthenol. Panthenol is applied in cases where the skin is very dry and damaged. The cream relieves irritation and restores skin cells.

Bepanten cream has a positive effect on the skin of adults. It helps relieve inflammation and irritation.

Sudocrem is an inexpensive and effective remedy for eliminating inflammation and peeling.

Cosmetical tools

It is best to choose cosmetics for flaky skin based on their composition. It must contain natural plant extracts. Creams and lotions containing extracts of string, chamomile or nettle are especially useful.

Note! A cream against flaky skin must have a dense texture and high fat content.

Regular baby cream has excellent moisturizing and protective properties. It is advisable to apply it to the skin in the morning and evening.

Face masks

Masks exfoliate well, give a fresh look to the face, and relieve fatigue. Here are the most effective recipes for masks against peeling:

  1. Composition with milk, honey. You need to cook oatmeal, mix it with 1 tbsp. with honey, a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply with light massage movements to the skin.

  1. A mixture of ground oatmeal, olive oil, honey, and egg yolk in equal proportions is applied to the face with light rubbing movements. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse gently with cool water.
  2. Mix ground oatmeal and carrots in equal parts, add a little milk, apply the paste on your face. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Carrots can be replaced with raw potatoes, and milk with yolk.
  3. Make a mask from olive oil and ripe banana. It is applied to a flaky face, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with water.
  4. A mask of vegetable oil and honey nourishes and moisturizes dry skin. The components must be applied alternately every 5 minutes. It is best to wash it off with linden decoction.
  5. A sea buckthorn oil mask should be made once every 7 days. During the procedure, it is enough to lubricate your face with it. Sea buckthorn oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, heals abrasions, and quickly helps get rid of the feeling of dryness.
  6. Honey diluted in water can be used as a therapeutic mask. They need to lubricate the face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Provides good exfoliation:

  • black tea brewing;
  • coffee grounds;
  • pieces of apple or fresh cucumber;
  • watermelon;
  • a small piece of bread dipped in milk.

Further care

Dry and flaky facial skin requires careful care. It must be regular and consistent. This is the only way your face will look beautiful and young.

The face should not be injured by hard towels. Use soft tissues, or even better - paper cosmetic wipes. If the tap water is hard, it cannot be used for washing. For these purposes, they take rain and melt water. Hard water can be softened by adding a little borax to it.

The thin epidermis cannot withstand too high temperatures. Ideally, the water should be lukewarm. After water procedures, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer.

It is forbidden to exfoliate the epidermis with abrasive scrubs. They can injure it and cause inflammation. The ideal option is to apply gommage (it covers the face with a thin film that peels off along with dead cells and dirt).

Cosmetics with fragrances are harmful to delicate and thin skin. It is recommended to use hypoallergenic products that contain a minimum amount of natural perfume components. Cosmetic products must be from the same series and have moisturizing properties.

The indoor air should always be humidified. To do this, ventilate the room and use humidifiers.

Not all plants are good for problem skin. Decoctions and infusions of calendula, arnica, and centella enhance inflammatory processes. Decoctions of linden or chamomile flowers will come in handy. Laminaria and fucus are very useful - they soothe the affected skin and moisturize it.

If a woman or girl wants to have healthy and attractive facial skin, she needs to quit smoking and minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages. If you have these bad habits, all measures to support and treat flaky skin will be ineffective.

Prevention measures

To combat external irritants of flaking skin, men and women need to follow these recommendations:

  1. In winter, during the frosty period, you need to protect your skin by using special creams before going outside.
  2. Use sunscreen in summer, during periods of increased ultraviolet activity.
  3. The air in the apartment needs to be humidified during the heating season using humidifiers.
  4. You need to wash your face with boiled water.
  5. Soap should be replaced with foams and mousses. If a woman wants to use soap, then she needs to choose varieties that contain olive oil.
  6. After washing, you do not need to dry yourself with a towel; there are soft cosmetic wipes for this.
  7. Alcohol-based toners should not be used even by those with oily skin. They provoke even more peeling.
  8. Exfoliating products should be used carefully.

Note! Cosmetics should not contain lanolin - it often causes an allergic reaction and the skin begins to turn red.

  1. Constantly monitor the level of sex hormones by taking appropriate tests.
  2. Stressful situations must be avoided.
  3. Every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water, even more in hot weather. A sufficient amount of moisture in the body will help get rid of dry skin, refresh it and prevent it from fading.

It is important to establish normal nutrition. The menu must include the following products:

  1. Olive, sesame, cottonseed oils. They contain vitamin E. If there is not enough of it, the skin begins to peel off intensely.
  2. Seafood.

  1. Liver, especially beef and veal, and dairy products are sources of vitamin A.
  2. Broccoli, cereals, cottage cheese, almonds, avocados, bananas, avocados, nuts, fish are products containing B vitamins. They prevent premature aging of the skin and improve its color.
  3. Citrus fruits, sauerkraut, cranberries, rose hips, currants are sources of ascorbic acid. It is an excellent antioxidant that fights premature aging processes.
  4. It is also necessary to consume more fish, meat and cheese - sources of vitamins K, PP, D. With a lack of these substances, peeling of the skin occurs.

You can cope with dull, dry skin at home using simple remedies that are accessible to everyone. When using them, do not forget about the basic rules of skin care. Proper balanced nutrition, the absence of bad habits and sufficient physical activity help restore skin health.


Among possible skin problems in women, flaking is one of the most common. Usually it is not a constant process, but periodic and occurs due to physical or chemical effects on the skin of the face itself, and the body as a whole.

To prevent such unpleasant manifestations, you should know something about how to get rid of peeling skin on the face.

Causes of dry skin

There are several types of reasons why the skin on the face is dry and flaky.. In winter - under the influence of cold, wind, as well as due to excessive dryness of the premises, low humidity in the house. Overheating in the sun or in a solarium less often provokes such symptoms.

External reasons may also include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • very drying of the skin; poor quality of water for washing;
  • low-quality decorative cosmetics or with additives that cause an allergic reaction;
  • dermatitis (exposure to household chemicals or other irritating factors);
  • reaction to taking medications.

Does dry skin affect not only the face, but also other areas of the skin? Peeling does not stop for more than 2 weeks even with active treatment? In such cases, the reason may lie in systemic malfunctions of the endocrine glands, a significant decrease in immunity, a skin disease, and not a cosmetic defect. To understand what the real reason is, it is better to contact three doctors: a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, and a dermatologist.

The female body develops cyclically. When entering menopause, the formation of the menstrual cycle, six months after childbirth, the concentration of hormones in the body is so variable that it makes itself felt through external manifestations.

Sometimes the patient should just wait until the body gets itself in order and just use moisturizers so that the external problem does not get worse.

But it happens that a timely visit to a gynecologist due to a simple problem will be life-saving.

Endocrinological problems leading to flaking and dryness are most often associated with the thyroid gland. Its dysfunction also leads to excessive sweating, fatigue, changes in heart rate and other negative conditions.

A woman can determine for herself that the thyroid gland is not in order if the neck begins to look swollen, more on the right side than on the left, or nodules that are barely noticeable on palpation appear.

Self-medication in such cases will not help; you must undergo a course of treatment in a hospital setting.

Itching, redness, and peeling as a result of constant scratching are symptoms of fungal diseases that easily find a new host with poor immunity. Consultation with a dermatologist and treatment with antifungal agents will give a quick effect. To consolidate it, it is worth working on general health promotion.

Helps keep your face and body skin healthy:

  • balanced diet;
  • drinking clean drinking water in normal quantities (more than 2 liters in any weather and stress);
  • sound healthy sleep (at least 6-7 hours);
  • stable physical activity (walking);
  • reduction of stress, or the severity of the reaction to it;
  • compliance with hygiene standards in the house (the room should be clean, warm, and not heated to the point of a stove, ventilated, with normal air humidity);
  • careful selection of cosmetics, preferably from one manufacturer, to avoid cross-reactions;
  • removing care products with a significant amount of alcohol from your cosmetic bag;
  • daily skin care by washing, applying masks, protective creams;
  • performing cosmetic procedures only when necessary.

All these tips will help minimize the main irritating factors and help avoid contact dermatitis, skin injury, and the occurrence of immune reactions.

The concept of “balanced nutrition” also includes control of the amount of vitamins consumed. A sufficient amount of vitamins B and C (stimulation of collagen production) is especially important for skin health. It is possible that due to age-related changes or other health conditions, a woman may benefit from vitamin supplements rather than a large number of corresponding products. Before taking any specific medications, consult your doctor.

For women suffering from allergies, the path to recovery may be somewhat longer: identifying the allergen and treating local symptoms is the first step, but if it is not possible to remove the allergen from the person’s constant environment, then the second step will remain the treatment of specific manifestations.

The skin is the largest human organ; it often gives signals about the internal state of the body. It is important not to miss them, so communicating with your family doctor once every six months and taking tests is a mandatory procedure.

Rules for facial care at home

The first thing you want to do with scales and itching is to get rid of them forever, maybe even rip them off. For those who decide to injure the skin even more, the path to recovery will be delayed.

Important! Dry skin cannot be cleansed with scrubs! Cleansing procedures will increase irritation and may cause skin infection!

It’s good if a woman manages to independently identify the cause of her condition (chathering, a reaction to cosmetics or too zealous care), eliminate it (walk less on the street without proper cream protection, remove harmful products from her cosmetic bag, reconsider her understanding of skin care). The next thing you should definitely do is moisturize your skin!

The best means to help get rid of dry skin on the face are any creams used in pediatric practice. They contain panthenol, which heals wounds and microcracks, as well as a large amount of fats that well moisturize and protect the skin. You should not use these products on an ongoing basis, but they are perfect for treatment for a week or two.

Daily washing with settled water or infused with herbs (chamomile, string, mint, calendula) will help relieve inflammation on the skin and moisturize it. If you experience significant discomfort from washing, it is better to use blotting sponges soaked in infusion.

Since oily skin most often peels off due to improper care, it makes sense to choose products to combat the problem together with a cosmetologist or dermatologist. A single consultation will solve the problem in the long term.

Beauty recipes and folk remedies

First of all, different types of masks will help. Honey masks will help moisturize the skin and consolidate the health effect for a long time. Use them 1-2 times a week. It’s simple to prepare the mixture: mix two tablespoons of honey (preferably herbs) with a spoonful of water, apply evenly to the face. After 15-20 minutes, rinse off the sweet medicine, but do not wipe your face with a towel, but blot it.

If for some reason you went outside in winter without applying any protective product to your facial skin, then lip hygienic lipstick can save you from severe chapping or hypothermia.

Apply a thin layer to exposed areas of the face. Although the oily shine effect will not go away even after half an hour, the advantages of this method will be the prevention of more serious manifestations of dryness.

You can carry out the procedure for moisturizing your facial skin at home using the power of sea buckthorn oil (sold in its pure form in pharmacies). Mix it with raw chicken egg yolk (10-15 drops per 1 egg), apply with massage movements on the face, leave for an hour.

A moisturizing and vitamin-rich mask will be a mixture of honey (1 tsp), cow's milk (4 tbsp), homemade cottage cheese (1 tbsp), sea buckthorn oil (1 tsp). Dissolve honey in warm milk, add cottage cheese and butter. Stir until smooth. Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes.

A suitable mask in this case would be a mixture of a tablespoon of rich sour cream with a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. The mixture can be used both as a night cream and as a mask.

Sea buckthorn oil can also be mixed with distilled water (5:1), vegetable oils (3:1), and applied to the skin instead of night cream.

Among the traditional medicines, it is also worth highlighting flaxseed oil.. It can be used without any additives and applied to the skin instead of cream.

A mask of aloe juice (a tablespoon), half a grated apple, one egg yolk. Apply for 15-20 minutes. It nourishes well, after which the face stops drying, is restored, and returns the lost water balance.

Massaging with ice cubes from decoctions or infusions of parsley, dill, and chamomile will help soothe irritated skin and prepare it for moisturizing treatments. A tablespoon of any of the listed herbs is poured with 500 grams of water and boiled over low heat for up to 5 minutes. Cool, strain, pour into ice trays, and freeze. You can use ice cubes every day. They will also help maintain overall skin tone, and not just relieve inflammation.

Some salon procedures and special cosmetics will also help get rid of the problem of dryness. It is better to select products not independently, but with the help of an experienced cosmetologist.

Peeling skin is one of the most common problems in women. There can be many reasons for this. The main thing is not to ignore this fact. In this way, the body signals about any disturbances in it.

The problem of dry and flaky skin can manifest itself in various areas of the body:

  • the skin on the face dries out, this can cause redness and peeling;
  • hands and elbows are prone to dryness mainly due to external factors;
  • Dry body skin can be caused by disruption of internal organs.

Causes of dry skin and flaking

  • 2 How does dry skin and flaking manifest (symptoms)
  • 3 The skin on the face dries and peels: the main methods of treatment
    • 3.1 Medications against dryness and flaking
    • 3.2 Vitamin therapy for dry and flaky facial skin
    • 3.3 Cosmetological procedures against dry and flaky skin
    • 3.4 Traditional recipes that help with dryness and flaking of facial skin
    • 3.5 Proper nutrition as a way to treat dry and flaky skin
  • 4 How to prevent dry and flaky facial skin (prevention)
    • 4.1 Videos about dry and flaky skin and how to fix it
  • Xerosis or xeroderma is the scientific name for dry skin. It occurs due to disruption of the sebaceous glands and insufficient secretion of sebum. As a result, the skin dries out and peeling appears. In most cases, micro-wounds and cracks form on dry skin.

    If the skin on your face dries and peels, you must first determine the cause and then begin treatment.

    The causes of xerosis are divided into two factors: internal and external.

    Internal factors causing dryness and flaking of the skin

    Internal or, as they are also called endogenous, factors for the appearance of peeling on the skin include:

    • diseases;
    • heredity;
    • unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition and lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.

    Metabolic disorders affect the functioning of the immune, endocrine and digestive systems. As a result, the skin's metabolic processes cease to function normally.

    Peeling can also be caused by diseases such as diabetes, infectious diseases, and kidney failure.

    Read the popular article on the site: Menopause in women: symptoms, age-related characteristics, treatment with effective methods.

    Heredity is one of the reasons for dry skin. If one of the parents has this diagnosis, then most likely the child will have the same problem. Starting from infancy, children are susceptible to peeling skin on the face. It is necessary to notice this in time and properly care for the baby’s skin.

    The skin on the face dries and peels may be due to diseases such as diabetes, infectious diseases, kidney failure.

    Interesting fact: The skin on the face dries and peels often in people with a deficiency of melanin production in the body: fair-haired and light-eyed.

    An incorrect (unhealthy) lifestyle, which includes increased consumption of unhealthy foods, alcohol, and smoking, leads to a decrease in collagen production in the skin. This affects its elasticity and the accumulation of the required amount of moisture.

    External causes of dry and flaky skin

    External or exogenous factors affecting dry skin are related to the external environment:

    • weather;
    • cosmetical tools.

    The skin on the face dries and its top layer peels off often due to exposure to aggressive UV rays, strong winds, frost and other natural factors. All of them cause the thinning of its natural protective layer and, as a result, dryness appears.

    This problem can be solved thanks to properly selected cosmetic products. Currently, many creams, ointments, and lotions have been developed and marketed, which, after application, leave an invisible film on the skin that can retain moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis.

    A common cause of peeling is cosmetic products. Or rather, those that contain aggressive substances. They negatively affect the surface of the skin and dry it out.

    How does dry skin and flaking manifest (symptoms)

    You can see and understand that the skin is dry and requires increased hydration through a number of manifestations. This is evidenced by the mark left after pressing on the skin. Also the fact that there is not enough moisture in the body is clear from the scales coming off the surface of the epidermis.

    They are visible even to the naked eye, and all attempts to disguise them with the help of cosmetics lead to the opposite result.

    Dryness can cause dark spots to appear on the face, which not all creams can cope with.

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    Besides the unattractive appearance, dry skin may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations such as itching and tightness. Small damage that occurs for this reason can become an open portal for germs and bacteria to enter the inner layers of the skin. In this case, inflamed areas and swelling appear.

    The skin on the face dries and peels: the main methods of treatment

    Anyone who has skin problems on their face in the form of dryness, itching and flaking experiences discomfort. It is recommended that you begin to resolve this issue as soon as possible. To determine which treatment is appropriate, you should consult a dermatologist and undergo the necessary examinations.

    Medications for dryness and flaking

    External preparations that prevent dryness of the epidermis on the face include creams, tonics, ointments and masks. The main condition for their acquisition should be an exclusively natural composition.

    Creams with a vitamin complex, masks containing collagen and elastin maintain the skin’s moisture balance and help tidy up and maintain its youth. Preparations containing phospholipids and fatty acids have a moisturizing effect.

    When purchasing care and cosmetic products, pay attention to their composition and instructions for use. It should indicate whether a particular product is suitable for dry skin.

    Also, after examining and determining the cause of peeling, the doctor may prescribe medicinal ointments. Pharmacies sell a large number of medicinal drugs: “Bepanten”, “Fenistil”, “Eplan”, “Losterin”, etc.

    We should not forget about the internal causes of xerosis. In this case, external treatment will not bring the desired effect, but will only temporarily eliminate the problem. Only an integrated approach and elimination of internal and external causes of the disease will restore hydration and a healthy appearance to the skin.

    Even with minor manifestations of flaking of the skin on the face, it is necessary to immediately determine the cause of the dryness and begin treatment. This may be the first signal that hormonal levels or the functioning of internal organs are disrupted.

    Vitamin therapy for dry and flaky facial skin

    To ensure proper functioning, the body needs to receive a certain amount of vitamins and minerals every day. They can be found in fresh vegetables, fruits, grains and dairy products.

    Unfortunately, it is not always possible to eat properly and a deficiency of nutrients occurs. Hence the problems with the skin, in particular its increased dryness.

    Vitamin C increases blood circulation and thanks to this, collagen production increases. Also, with its help, tissues are renewed and formed.

    Vitamin E protects skin from external factors and free radicals.

    To prevent vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to systematize the intake of medications, both internally and externally. A specialist can prescribe a complex consisting of taking vitamins and vitamin-based creams.

    Cosmetic procedures against dry and flaky skin

    The skin on the face dries and peels for a number of reasons. If they are not associated with internal factors, then this problem can be solved with the help of cosmetic procedures.

    They will come to the rescue cosmetology salons. They will conduct an examination and prescribe a set of measures., consisting of several sessions. The number of visits is determined individually.

    Such procedures include:

    • peeling with fruit acids;
    • intensive hydration programs;
    • mesotherapy;
    • biorevitalization.

    Be careful: any of these procedures has contraindications and undesirable consequences, so you should only contact trusted beauty salons.

    Folk recipes that help with dryness and flaking of facial skin

    The problem of dry skin did not arise overnight. Previously, when there were no beauty salons or special cosmetics for facial skin care, traditional medicine was used. Nowadays, the so-called “grandmother’s” recipes are not inferior to newfangled creams and masks.

    The main advantage of such products is their naturalness and accessibility.

    Read the popular article on the site: Dry cough in an adult - treatment with drugs and folk remedies.

    Olive, sunflower oil, peach seed oil, wheat germ - all of them can eliminate peeling and nourish the skin with beneficial substances. Soak a gauze pad with a small amount of oil and apply it to your face for about 15-20 minutes.

    Herbal decoctions are suitable as a cleanser and a base for nourishing masks.. If you are not sure that you are not allergic to any herb, then it is recommended to start not with a collection, but with a separate species.

    Fermented milk products such as kefir, fermented baked milk and low-fat sour cream will moisturize the skin and smooth out small wrinkles. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of a suitable essential oil.

    In addition, masks prepared at home will help greatly against the problem under consideration. You can prepare them from products that every woman probably has at home. They will help get rid of a number of consequences resulting from skin loss of moisture.

    Important to remember: Any means, be it cosmetics or homemade products, will give results only if used regularly.

    Proper nutrition as a way to treat dry and flaky skin

    It is not for nothing that it is said that a person’s appearance often depends on the food he eats. Eating plant foods helps normalize moisture in the body, which will give the skin elasticity and moisture.

    In a proper and healthy diet Fried and fatty foods should not be present. Sweet and starchy foods can also negatively affect the condition of the skin.

    Only an integrated approach and elimination of internal and external causes of the disease will restore hydration and a healthy appearance to the skin.

    The main products on the table should be green vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to exclude or minimize the consumption of coffee, strong tea and alcoholic beverages. The main liquid should be pure still water, green tea and herbal infusions.

    You should be careful with diets. If there is a lack of essential nutrients, problems will arise with the digestive and endocrine systems, and this is a direct path to dry skin.

    How to prevent dry and flaky facial skin (prevention)

    It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. Xerosis is no exception.

    Read the popular site article: Clotrimazole ointment, suppositories - instructions for use for women

    By following simple rules, you can prevent the appearance of flaking and a feeling of skin tightness:

    1. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily.
    2. Normalize your diet.
    3. Use cosmetics suitable for dry skin that do not contain alcohol.
    4. Moisturize the skin with nourishing creams, especially during the cold season.
    5. Get examined and make sure there are no problems with the functioning of the internal organs.
    6. Do not use soap for washing. The alkali it contains dries out the skin.
    7. Provide a suitable microclimate in the room.

    Well-groomed, beautiful appearance and healthy skin must be maintained from a young age. Proper skin care should become an integral procedure for every day.

    According to dermatologists, only an integrated approach to this process will help keep the skin in good condition and give it health to look great at any age.

    Videos about dry and flaky skin and how to eliminate it

    What to do if the skin on your face is peeling, watch this video:

    How to get rid of dry skin, watch the video:

    Watch the video: DRY SKIN? 9 CARE MISTAKES! (January 2020).

    One of the problems that arise with appearance is dryness and flaking of the facial skin. It has a lot of unpleasant consequences: cosmetics do not last, and pain may appear in some areas. A constant feeling of tightness causes discomfort.

    Proper care of dry skin is the key to solving this problem. With an integrated approach to this issue, the skin becomes healthy and moisturized again.

    In this article we will talk about the causes of dry face, talk about diseases that cause the skin to become dry, and also find out what to do if the skin on your face is peeling.

    If the skin on your face is peeling, you shouldn’t panic, you just need to find out what to do in such cases. The process of dehydration, when the skin on the face dries, does not occur spontaneously. As a rule, it lasts for some time, influenced by several factors.

    Dehydrated, dry facial skin has its own signs. These include:

    • Hypersensitivity to cosmetics and decorative cosmetics;
    • Exposure to climatic factors and properties: low humidity, low temperatures, wind, frost cause redness and peeling of the skin on the face;
    • After each wash or cleansing, an unpleasant feeling of tightness appears, so you want to apply a rich or moisturizing cream;
    • The superficial, stratum corneum of the skin is very thin, which does not allow it to properly retain moisture in the lower layers;
    • A lack of lipids causes the skin on the face to dry out. Ultraviolet rays speed up this process. This is why it is so important for people with dry skin to protect themselves from sunlight.

    Signs of dry facial skin will help you pay attention to the problem in time, which means solving it with the least amount of effort and expense.

    Important! It is important to understand the difference between dry and dehydrated skin. Dry and even very dry facial skin, which peels, is initially caused by an innately thin, delicate epidermis, which contributes to sensitivity to external factors.

    How to tell if your facial skin is dry

    To diagnose dry facial skin you need to:

    • remove all decorative cosmetics;
    • Do not apply cream;
    • After two hours, apply a paper napkin to your face;
    • If there are no marks on the napkin, this is a sign of dry skin.

    Knowing the causes of peeling skin on the face, you can choose the most effective remedy to eliminate it. To get a permanent result, it is worth influencing the cause.

    The main causes of dry and flaky facial skin and their diagnosis

    Dehydration of facial skin is caused by external and internal reasons. Often they act in combination, resulting in severe flaking of the skin on the face.

    In addition, the process of loss of natural moisture can be a consequence of overdrying with cosmetics, as well as caffeine abuse and insufficient water consumption.

    Below are the reasons why the skin on your face peels:

    • Peeling skin on the face can be caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. This is often caused by an illiterate choice of care products and low-quality cosmetics.
    • Age-related changes can lead to peeling. Especially in women after 40 years. This is due to changes in hormonal levels.
    • In addition, the individual characteristics of the skin also contribute to the appearance of dryness and flaking on the face.
    • Insufficient water consumption during the day is one of the causes of dry facial skin.

    It has long been established that there is a direct relationship between the quantity and quality of water consumed daily and the condition of the skin. Only water is taken into account. This is an important indicator. Lack of water in the body can lead to serious consequences, such as metabolic disorders, inflammation and much more.

    Dehydration is a dangerous phenomenon in the long term. Occurs as a result of non-compliance with the daily norm of water consumption. The result is delayed in time, which is its danger. Dry and flaky skin indicates that the problem has already started.

    By paying attention to your body, you can identify a lack of water in advance. The following signs are characteristic of dehydration:

    • Thirst;
    • Dry mouth;
    • Dry skin;
    • General weakness, lethargy;
    • Itching in the eyes, burning, dryness;
    • Pain in the spine, joints;
    • Frequent urination, darkening of urine;
    • Digestive disorders;
    • Unfavorable external environmental factors: strong winds, scorching sun rays, low and high temperatures, unfavorable working conditions can even make oily facial skin dehydrated.

    Negative factors that can lead to dry skin include:

    • Aggressive chemicals;
    • Ultraviolet;
    • Low temperatures, low humidity, wind;
    • Stress can affect the body's hormonal levels and cause dryness and flaking of the skin;
    • Using inappropriate cosmetics.

    Peeling of the skin on the face in women can occur as a result of illiterate cosmetic care procedures. For example: if the sebaceous glands are not functioning intensively, it is forbidden to use any soap for washing, as well as to use cosmetics containing alcohol.

    • Peeling;

    You should pay close attention to the peeling procedure. This does not mean that you need to exclude all possible peelings. It is necessary to correctly select, taking into account the characteristics of the epidermis, a suitable simultaneously nourishing and moisturizing peeling;

    In addition to the reasons described above, there are also more serious ones that cause peeling of the skin.

    • Diathesis;

    You can often hear about diathesis in relation to children. It can also occur in adults. It is not a disease. Diathesis is a special reaction of the body to the influence of external irritants - allergens. Most often, it appears in people with impaired immunity, as well as in the presence of individual characteristics of the body.

    • Psoriasis;

    A skin disease accompanied by itching, dryness, and peeling. It is one of the types of dermatitis. Requires immediate comprehensive treatment and daily care. Tissue dehydration occurs, resulting in dry skin and the formation of a crust on it. It can occur as a result of stress, drinking alcohol, or taking illegal chemicals.

    • Mycosis;

    The disease is caused by a fungus. It is quite common, since the main factor in the development of the disease is reduced immunity. In addition, people are poorly informed about the sources of infection.

    Mycosis can cause dry skin and flaking. Treatment in this case is prescribed only by a doctor.

    • Seborrheic dermatitis;

    Refers to sluggish inflammatory diseases. It occurs as a result of infection with a fungus from the genus Malassezia, in areas with sebaceous glands.

    Signs of the disease:

    • reddened skin with local irritation;
    • rashes, purulent inflammations;
    • peeling;
    • scale formation.

    For this disease, a diet is prescribed, strengthening the immune system through hardening, a healthy and active lifestyle, as well as proper skin care.

    • Ichthyosis;

    An inherited disease in which the process of keratinization of the skin is disrupted. This leads to the formation of a layer on its surface that resembles fish scales. The causes of ichthyosis are still not fully understood. Sometimes it does not cause discomfort to a person.

    • Avitaminosis;

    A lack of vitamins and microelements can contribute to dry skin.

    Lack of which vitamins leads to peeling facial skin?

    • B vitamins.
    • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a well-known antioxidant, responsible for the youth and health of the skin. The lack of this vitamin causes dryness of the epidermis.
    • Vitamin P includes a group of substances called flavonoids. Working in tandem with vitamin C, they promote metabolism and strengthen the body's defenses.
    • Vitamin A (retinol) – perfectly fights pigmentation. This is the second vitamin of “youth” after ascorbic acid. Helps maintain the integrity of the skin and is able to initiate recovery processes.
    • The lack of vitamin PP is fraught with skin diseases, lethargy and other symptoms.
    • Vitamin E is the body's best protector against free radicals. The third vitamin of “youth”, which protects the body from aging, cracks, and wrinkles. Makes the skin elastic and elastic.
    • Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting and is also required for a healthy person. Its role is not as noticeable as the above vitamins. Also significant.

    All of the above vitamins and microelements are responsible for the beauty and health of nails, hair and skin.

    If the problem of dryness and flaking appears periodically, in autumn - spring, we can say for sure that the cause of problems with the skin is vitamin deficiency. To solve the problem you just need to take a course of multivitamins.

    Why does the skin on my face peel in winter?

    With the onset of winter, the likelihood of problems, tightness, and even cracking of the skin, is significantly increased. The reasons for this are as follows:

    • As the temperature drops, the humidity decreases. In houses and apartments, when the heating is turned on, the humidity becomes even less. Dry air also affects the skin. Add to this the additional influence of low temperatures outside.
    • The transition from a warm room to the street promotes vasospasm. The result is impaired blood circulation and reduced functioning of the glands that produce sebaceous secretion.
    • During the reverse transition: from the street to a warm room, vasospasm is also observed, only in the other direction - expansion occurs. The result is redness, irritation, and sometimes itching may occur after being in the cold.
    • Often in winter you want to take a hot shower. Very hot water also dries out the epidermis and leads to its peeling in winter.

    Important! It is a mistake to think that in winter, oily and combination skin types require less care. Fat does not mean it is moist.

    Below is how to get rid of flaky skin on your face.

    How to get rid of peeling skin on your face

    If peeling appears on the skin, it is necessary to take timely measures to eliminate it. You can remove peeling from your facial skin at home.

    Maintaining water balance

    As mentioned above, the main cause of dry skin may be a lack of water in the body. Restoring water balance is the first thing you should pay attention to. Often, dry facial skin is a consequence of a lack of water in the body.

    M askifrom peeling skin

    Now let’s look at how to get rid of dry skin on your face at home, without visiting expensive salons. Not the last place in caring for dry skin is played by masks that you can make yourself.

    They are all easy to prepare: they usually contain products that are always in any refrigerator.

    • Carrot mask;

    To prepare this nourishing mask for dry skin, you only need one large carrot.


    • carrot;
    • olive oil;
    • yolk.

    Method of preparation and application: you need to chop the carrots, add the yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix. The resulting mass has a liquid consistency. Taking this into account, it is better to apply it with gauze so that the mask does not spread on the face. Keep for 20 minutes.

    Carrot mask is an express method for dry, flaky face. Olive oil also perfectly moisturizes the skin, rightfully considered a “beauty product.” Do you want to be beautiful? – Include olive oil in your diet.

    • Potato mask;

    Perfectly moisturizes, whitens, moisturizes. To prepare the mask, boiled or baked vegetables are used.


    • potato;
    • milk or cream;
    • vegetable oil (replacement with glycerin, lanolin is allowed).

    Preparation and application list: mash boiled potatoes, pour in milk or cream and beat. Afterwards, dilute with vegetable oil. It is recommended to apply to the face, as well as to the neck and décolleté.

    Photo from the site

    • Cucumber mask;

    The best mask for very dry skin. Good results can be achieved in season by using the vegetable directly from the garden. Vegetables from store shelves are not suitable for medicinal effect. Preparing the mask is similar to preparing a regular summer salad.


    • cucumber;
    • greens: parsley or dill to choose from;
    • vegetable oil;
    • lemon juice.

    How to prepare and apply: chop the greens in a mortar, add grated cucumber, a spoonful of oil and lemon juice. To apply the mask, you will need gauze, as when applying a carrot mask. Spread the mixture evenly on gauze. Keep for 20 minutes.

    In addition to the excellent moisturizing effect, regular use of the mask will noticeably brighten the skin.

    Flaxseed, rapeseed and camelina oils have an excellent nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin.

    Avoidance of adverse external factors

    Care for dry sensitive skin consists of:

    1. UV protection. It is especially needed for dry, flaky skin. It is worth using special creams to protect against UV rays. No need to overuse tanning.
    2. Applying moisturizing and protective cream during the cold, dry season. In rooms, during operation of heating devices, air humidity is significantly reduced. Don't forget about herbal moisturizers - oils. They should be applied immediately after taking a bath or shower.
    3. Taking vitamins and antioxidants orally.

    Proper use of cosmetics

    To help dry skin there are many cosmetic products, as well as products of natural origin.

    One of the best natural substances is clay. There are several types of clay. Each of them is designed for a particular type of skin, providing the desired effect.

    G Lina is also good for dry skin . She delicately cares for skin prone to irritation and peeling. Several types of clay are suitable for this type: yellow, white, red, pink, gray, green. Making a clay mask is easy. Dissolve the required amount of powder in warm water and apply. To enhance the effect, you can add essential oils.

    The good thing about clay is that it is a natural product. Its effect is obvious, and the cost is low.

    After the clay mask, be sure to moisturize your face with cream; this is possible for very dry skin.

    When choosing cosmetics in a store, you need to carefully study the composition of the products offered. They must contain:

    Substances that attract and retain water molecules in epidermal cells. Among them: panthenol, hyaluronic acid, glycerin.

    • Oils that strengthen the protective barrier;
    • AHA acids (lactic, glycolic);
    • Plant enzymes;
    • Antioxidants.

    Avoiding excessive use of cleansers

    Often dry skin on the face flakes off after washing. Therefore, you should be careful and attentive to the cleansing and exfoliation procedure.

    • give preference in choosing products based on natural products;
    • carry out no more than two cleansing procedures per day: morning - evening;
    • Oil products are perfect for removing makeup;
    • soft foams are the best choice for washing;
    • delicate scrubs with a cream texture are ideal for exfoliating the upper stratum corneum.

    If you have a problem with peeling, you should carefully choose a care product. The cream should be used not only for dry skin, but also one that helps against flaking of the skin on the face. Peeling is not only characteristic of dry skin, as it might seem at first glance; oily skin on the face can also peel.

    How to care for dry skin

    So let's figure out what to do if you have dry facial skin and how to deal with its peeling. Regular, competent care will help avoid the problem of peeling, a feeling of “tightness” and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

    • You should be careful when washing: use only warm water. If possible, it is recommended to cleanse dry facial skin with mineral still water or settled boiled water. Tap water in this case is too hard and will dry out the skin;
    • After washing with foam or soft gel, do not wipe your body dry, just pat dry with a towel;
    • When using cosmetic products or products for dry skin, it is better to use products from the same brand. The product must not contain alcohol;
    • With decorative cosmetics - for dry skin - you need to be careful: use in moderation, only high-quality, branded cosmetics. A special powder with protection from UV rays, or a foundation with the same effect, is perfect;
    • Often powder dries out the skin even more, so people with dry skin types are better off using only foundation, after applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream as a base.
    • If you use decorative cosmetics, be sure to wash them off thoroughly before going to bed. Soft milk is ideal for dry skin.

    In general, caring for dry skin is not that difficult, it just has its own characteristics, just like caring for any other type. If dehydration occurs, that's a different matter. Caring for dehydrated skin involves a complex effect, not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole.

    You should be careful when choosing cosmetics: choose a cream for dehydrated facial skin.

    Pharmacological drugs that eliminate dry skin

    The problem of dryness can be solved with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. Every woman will be able to choose what suits her. Let's take a closer look at what the pharmaceutical market offers to eliminate dry facial skin.

    1. Cream for dry skin “LIBREDERM” with hyaluronic acid in its composition can be found in almost any pharmacy. Perfectly moisturizes thanks to a natural humectant - hyaluronic acid. With regular use, a nourishing cream for dry facial skin launches a rejuvenating process through enhanced creation of elastin and collagen. Camelina oil, which complements the composition of the cream, nourishes the skin with PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids). They inhibit the withering process, relieve inflammation, and perfectly moisturize. This cream can be successfully used for peeling skin on the face.
    2. Bepanten cream stimulates tissue regeneration. Used for the prevention and treatment of dry skin when its integrity is violated, normalizes cellular metabolism.
    3. D-panthenol - the product is aimed at protecting the skin from adverse external influences. Promotes tissue regeneration, due to which it has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. In pharmacies it is presented in the form of lotions, moisturizing masks for dry skin, sprays, and creams. Its main effect is aimed at moisturizing and eliminating flaking. Thanks to its enriched composition, it has a quick, intense effect on the epidermis. D-Panthenol is used in courses. The duration of one course is no more than a week, in order to avoid addiction to the drug.
    4. Oily cream for dry skin "Hydrabio". This cream is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Its action is based on the Aquagenium complex, thanks to which metabolic processes in the dermis are restored for a long time. There is an improvement in water exchange between cells.

    This, of course, is not the entire list of cosmetics. The best cream for any skin, including dry skin, is the one that is chosen taking into account all the characteristics of the skin. And he is always individual.
