Large stemmed crepe paper flowers. We make huge flowers with our own hands

Beautiful flowers from corrugated paper may be needed in many situations. For example, they will be a great decoration for children's matinee, amateur performance or photography, useful for a handmade postcard or festive decoration rooms. Making do-it-yourself corrugated paper flowers is easier than it might seem at first. Simple to follow step by step instructions, and it will be possible to make light decorations in the form of large or small, voluminous or flat, but certainly beautiful flowers.

Huge do-it-yourself corrugated paper flowers

Full-length fairy flowers will create the most magical atmosphere imaginable - adults among them will look tiny or vice versa, the background will seem alien. In any case, the photos will turn out bright and spectacular.

Necessary materials

  • Half-liter disposable cups;
  • Wire and metal mesh from a hardware store;
  • Cement;
  • Work cloth gloves;
  • wire cutters;
  • Glue;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors;
  • Corrugated paper at least 2-3 colors;
  • Dry moss or decorative wrinkled strips of paper;
  • Elastic.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. The cups must be filled with cement mortar and left for at least a day until completely dry. This is necessary to make the future decoration heavier from below for stability.

  2. Cut with wire cutters a long strip of metal mesh about 15 cm wide, length - according to the desired height of the flower (if the height of the mesh is not enough, it can be combined from 2-3 pieces securely fastened with wire). Fix one edge of the mesh on an inverted glass with cement, and twist along the entire height in the shape of the future stem and fix it with wire. The scenery will be more effective if the height is different.

  3. The stem must be wrapped with paper without gaps. It can be as standard green color, and any other, because the flowers are fantastic. If the finishing material is transparent, the frame can first be wrapped with plain, non-colored paper, and then with corrugation.

  4. The next step is making the leaves. From the wire you need to make a frame, as in the photo. Glue the paper blanks of the sheets onto this frame, and after the glue dries, attach the leaves to the stem.

  5. Now you can start making huge volumetric flowers. To do this, it is better to immediately make several petal templates, and for each of them cut out several blanks for each flower. For the core, it is worth preparing two or three paper mug of a different color with different diameters and a bunch of dry moss (crumpled paper strips).

  6. The collection of a flower bowl begins with the smallest petals - they must be fastened with tape. After that, larger petals are superimposed, fixed, and - the next layer of the largest blanks.

  7. Mugs for the core need to be artistically crumpled and glued in the middle. From above, fix the crushed strips or moss with glue, and after drying, glue the core, pushing the compressed petals apart.

  8. It remains to fix the light head of the flower on the stem with an elastic band and spread the petals decoratively - the growth flower is ready for a photo shoot or decor.

These huge do-it-yourself flowers turn out to be very light, but voluminous, so it’s better to make them right away where they are supposed to be used, because it will be almost impossible to transport them. If you intend to use the decorations on the street, you should take care of additional weighting of the stem or methods of fixation, because if the flowers do not scatter from the wind, they will almost certainly fall.


The instructions describe step by step the creation of only one type of large growth flowers - simple and easy, even a novice in needlework can do it, but there are many master classes that demonstrate different techniques. For example, this video details the creation of a huge daisy.

Here you can peep the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to create large dandelions from paper and wooden skewers with your own hands.

Lush growth peonies look spectacular, the instructions for making them with your own hands are presented step by step in the next video.

Stylish giant poppies will help brightly decorate any event, and instructions on how to make them on their own shown in detail in this video.

By this principle, you can make almost any floral decor. It is only worth noting that in such an exaggerated form, flowers with a three-dimensional texture look most impressive, and flat ones can turn out to be fresh.

Corrugated paper flowers for wall decor

One of the popular trends for photo shoots or other events is the preparation of an original photo zone. For this, it may be enough to decorate one wall or corner, decorated light voluminous paper flowers.

Necessary materials

  • corrugated paper;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Cardboard or thick paper;
  • Optionally - material for the core (wrinkled paper strips, beads, etc.), thread, ribbon or beads.

You can decorate the wall with a lot of options, for example, a garland of small flowers, large flowers on a flat base, a combination of decorations of different sizes.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. We cut out a circle from cardboard with a radius one third of the petal less than the estimated size of the flower cup. On the reverse side, it can be pasted over with green paper with protruding leaves that will cover unaesthetic glue streaks, or you can skip this step, since this part will still be firmly leaning against the wall and not visible.

  2. We prepare a template / templates for the petals. They can be one size or several - as desired. The paper should be folded several times so wide that the template fits, attach it and cut along the contour. Repeat this for each template, if there are several, until you reach the desired number of thin petals. You can make them all the same color or choose a gradient, for example, with a darkening to the center (make the smaller petals darker by a tone or two).

  3. Each leaf must be stretched from the center and bent in the right side. The corrugation easily takes and fixes the given shape.

  4. The petals must be glued in layers: first, the largest ones along the edge of the cardboard base in one row, then as they decrease with a slight indentation to the center. If it is supposed to use very small petals in the middle, as, for example, with a chrysanthemum, then this is the last step, and after gluing all the details decorative flower will be finished.

  5. The final touch, if any, is the preparation of the core. For its design, various contrasting materials can be used - crinkled ribbon, beads, sparkles, etc. They need to be planted with glue so as to cover the base of the petals, so you may need a circle of paper for the base.

All flowers can be the same or different in style, color and size, depending on what purpose is being pursued. In any case, it will turn out stylish.


Other options for creating huge flowers on the wall can be seen in the video tutorials. A stylish dahlia is presented here.

How to make a large realistic wall-mounted peony is presented step by step in the next two video tutorials.

just bright and beautiful flowers to decorate the wall - in the next video.

Paper flower garland for wall decoration

Making a paper flower garland with your own hands is even easier. It is worth following a simple step-by-step instruction to make it work.

Necessary materials

  • Corrugated paper of the desired palette + green;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Threads.

Step-by-step instruction


Flowers for a garland can be very small or medium in size, or small and large flowers can alternate. This instruction is just an idea that you can implement at your discretion. Several others original ideas can be found in the videos.

Light voluminous flowers made of corrugated paper - great option decorating a holiday or creating a special photo zone. You can follow step-by-step instructions for everything or move away from clear rules by using master classes as a scheme. For example, huge growth flowers made of corrugated paper should not be fixed on hard legs, but collected in a lush bouquet for bright photos We make with our own hands what money can't buy. In any case, for sure, making decorations will bring triple pleasure: during pleasant needlework, from the indescribable atmosphere of the holiday and long years- from viewing bright pictures.

Paper flowers are nice not only to see, but also to make with your own hands. In addition, they have a couple of advantages over their natural counterparts - they are much more affordable and durable. By the way, having learned how to make flowers with your own hands, you will never be at a loss if you suddenly need:

  • Pack gifts;
  • Decorate the house for the holiday;
  • Festive;
  • Make props for a photo shoot;
  • Make gifts for relatives, friends, colleagues or teachers / caregivers of the child;
  • …or just update the interior.

From this material you will learn how to make flowers with your own hands from corrugated, colored or tissue paper(silence). 4 are waiting for you step by step master class with pictures and templates, as well as a selection of 70 beautiful photos and useful videos.

Application Ideas

Later we will tell you about the techniques for making flowers from paper, but first we suggest getting inspired by photo examples of their use.

  • Bouquets of paper flowers can not only be placed in vases, but also "planted" in pretty flower pots. To do this, they must first be stuck into the base of foam or floral foam. Next, the base should be decorated with dry moss or small pebbles.
  • Paper flowers in vases, pots or just buds without stems will decorate March 8, Easter, Valentine's Day or a wedding.

Tissue paper flowers

  • How to arrange napkins for festive serving table? Just place small flowers on top or fold into rings with bright buds.

  • And here is another attribute for the festive table decoration - holders for guest cards.

  • You can decorate the house for a holiday or just like that with such garlands or cascades of flowers.

To make such a do-it-yourself garland of flowers, use the petal blanks (see MK No. 1 below, step 3) and skip the steps for making the stem and pistil

  • Take a sheet of cardboard or canvas on a stretcher, glue the buds to it and frame it. Voila, the panel is ready! It can be hung on the wall or given to a friend.

  • A beautiful photo zone can be ordered from the masters, or you can set aside a couple of days and make it yourself, saving a lot. The second master class provides instructions on how to make large flowers with your own hands.

Photozone with flowers for a child's birthday

  • Large paper flowers can also be made for a photo shoot.

  • Corrugated paper flowers make luxurious wreaths. They can be used as an attribute for theme party and, also, for a photo shoot.

  • Even the simplest gift wrapping will become elegant if you decorate it with homemade paper buds (see master class No. 1 and No. 4). In this collection of photo examples, you can get a couple of original ideas.

Master class number 1 - Corrugated paper flowers (basic instruction)

DIY crepe paper flowers can look amazingly believable. Although at some stages of their manufacture you will have to tinker a little, even a beginner will be able to cope with the craft from the very first time.

This collection of photos shows examples of paper flowers that you can make yourself by following our step-by-step master class.

For work you will need:

  • Corrugated paper of the desired shade (for buds);
  • Green crepe paper (for stems, leaves, sepals) and/or crepe paper tape;
  • Floral wire (wire in a green winding, sold in craft stores, on Aliexpress) or wooden skewer / wire / newspaper tube / knitting needle;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue (best hot glue gun);
  • Pencil.

Master Class

Although almost any flowers can be made from corrugated (crepe) paper - from roses to tulips - the principle of their manufacture is approximately the same. The main difficulty is to make the correct petals: give them the desired shape, volume, size, choose the color of the paper, guess the quantity.

  • Following our master class, you will master the basic skills of making flowers from crepe paper and will be able to make roses, peonies, tulips, lilies, daisies, chrysanthemums and dahlias.

STEP 1. So, first we need to make a stem. If you are using floral wire, simply cut it to the desired length: a stem about 30 cm long is suitable for making a bouquet, and 15 cm is enough for, say, a boutonniere.

  • If you do not have a special wire - it does not matter. An excellent stem can be made from a wooden skewer, any flexible wire or newspaper rolled into a thin tube with a knitting needle / skewer. At the last stage, your impromptu stem needs to be wrapped in green corrugated paper (we will talk about this below).

Step 2. Since the pistils and stamens of all flowers are different, and sometimes they are not at all, then the technique for making "cores" artificial flowers there are many.

  • To make a chamomile or daisy, you need the core of a bud in the form of a yellow button. Prick a ball of cotton wool on the stem, then wrap it in a pair of yellow squares cut out of corrugated paper, wrap the base of the “button” with green corrugated tape and, finally, fix the tape with glue.
  • To make a heart for a rose, you need to cut out a 9x9 cm square from colored corrugated paper, fold it into a triangle, then connect the two corners of the triangle to its top. Next, wrap the resulting torch-shaped blank to the top of the stem with green corrugated tape and fix it with glue.

The following photo illustrates blanks for making cores of different colors.

  • Do you want to present a bouquet of flowers as sweet gift(see photo below)? Use candy as the core! To do this, simply plant it on the top of the stem and secure with tape / paper tape.

Step 3. We proceed to the manufacture of petals and the formation of a bud. This stage is the most important, so it should be given more attention. Depending on what kind of flower you want to make, choose one of the two working methods.

Single petal method (suitable for roses, peonies, lilies and other flowers with few petals)

As the name implies, the method consists in forming a bud one by one, petal by petal.

  1. First of all, a template is drawn and cut out desired shape and size (see templates below).
  2. Then the corrugated paper is folded several times, a template is applied to it, the contour of the template is traced with a pencil, and then cut out with scissors. As a result, you will get several blanks at once. Repeat the process several times to get the desired number of petals.

These templates will help you navigate the size, shape, and number of petals. Keep in mind that rose, peony and tulip petals should be approximately 9-11 cm long, and lilies - 13.5-15.5 cm

  1. Next, all the petals need to be given volume and bend: stretch a little and bend inward / outward, if necessary, wrap the tips on a toothpick / skewer (for example, for a rose). To understand exactly what shape you need to give the petals, just look at the photo of a real flower and experiment a little.

Corrugated paper easily stretches, twists and takes a given shape

To make a peony, you will need to make 35 petals and a stem with a button. How to make petals: focusing on the photo, cut out the petals desired shape, then slightly stretch them and bend inward, tuck the base of the petals a little. Glue the central petals below, and the rest - higher. When the flower is ready, slightly tuck the tips of the petals inward

To make a rose, use 5 small and 7 large petals (see template above). Round the petals just below the middle, and wind the upper edges on a skewer / toothpick outward. Attach small petals to the core first, and then large ones.

To make a lily, use 5 petals (see template above) and a pistil with stamens from red and white corrugated paper. Fold the petals in half lengthwise to form creases, then unfold them. Curve the petals by turning them outward at their widest point.

Corrugated paper tulips are the easiest to make. Petals will need only six, they need to be slightly rounded, and the tips pleated

  1. When all the petals are ready, start gluing them one by one to the stem, and then on top of each other, following a checkerboard pattern. A hot glue gun works best for this purpose. If there are not too many petals, then instead of glue you can use the same green corrugated paper tape(see photo).

Tape method (suitable for daisies, daisies, carnations and other "layered" flowers)

The difference of this technique lies in the fact that the petals are not cut out individually, but from a strip of corrugated paper, when the workpiece becomes like a fringe. At the same time, the petals acquire volume and bend (sometimes several layers at the same time) only after the fringe is attached to the stem.

  1. Cut a strip of the desired length and width from corrugated paper, then fold it in several layers and cut out the petals of the desired shape (see template below).

  1. Wrap the resulting fringe tightly around the pestle and secure it with green corrugated tape, tape or glue. If there are too many layers, then so that the bud does not slip out of your hands, the fringe should be cut into several parts.

The central petals of the chrysanthemum need to be wrapped around the pistil quite tightly, the rest are looser and slightly higher.

The carnation is made from three strips (see template). The first strip just needs to be tightly gathered into a bundle and fixed with tape / tape. The second and third strip must be wrapped around it, holding and aligning lower part bud. Next, the bud is fixed with corrugated tape or glue. At the end, pull the petals outward to give the carnation a rounded shape.

To make a dahlia, start winding the blank just below the pestle, but continue winding the petals, rising higher and higher. Round the petals, twist the tips inward a little and finally pinch the tip of each petal to form a crease.

  1. Give the petals a twist if needed.

  1. Now that the flower is almost ready, it needs to be supplemented with sepals and leaves on the stem. To do this, you need to cut out blanks of leaves in the appropriate quantity, shape and size (focus on photos or templates) and simply stick them in the right places.

  • The sepals are glued under the bud, then they are given a bend and volume.
  • To make leaves for some types of flowers, such as tulips or lilies, simply cut out blanks and glue them to the stem. However, some flowers have leaves with cuttings and they need to be done a little differently. Cut out the leaves (with a little extra for attaching), then glue them to a small piece of wire, wrap the wire in green paper, then glue the stem to the stem. If desired paper leaves can be replaced with artificial ones.

  1. Hooray, your crepe paper flower is almost ready! It remains only to wrap the entire stem with a strip / ribbon of green corrugation, starting with the sepals and along the way wrapping the place where the leaves are attached. At the beginning and at the end of the stem, the winding must be fixed with glue.
  2. To make your handmade flowers look even more realistic and keep their beauty longer, cover them with melted beeswax and let dry.

To better understand how to make do-it-yourself crepe paper flowers, the following video tutorial will help you.

Master class number 2 - Big rose from corrugated paper

Large handmade flowers are good for decorating the photo zone, ceilings and walls at holidays (for example, at a wedding or birthday). And they can also be a spectacular props for a photo shoot.

For work you will need:

  • Corrugated paper roll of the desired color 50×200 cm (1 roll/1 flower);
  • A roll of green corrugated paper (for the stem and sepals);
  • A4 paper (you can use office paper);
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Scissors.

How to make big paper flowers:

Step 1. Let's make the stem first. Take a sheet of white A4 paper, put a pencil on the corner, then roll the paper into a tube.

Step 2. Fully unroll the crepe paper roll. First fold it in half, then fold it in half again, then fold it again... is it a rectangle? Now fold it in half to make a square about 25 x 25 cm.

Step 3. Cut the square-folded paper at all folds with scissors. You will get two identical stacks of square sheets, from which we will cut out the petals next.

Step. 4. Fold each stack in half. From the first stack, folded into a rectangle, cut out a shape that looks like half a heart, as shown in the diagram below. From the second stack, cut out the same shape, but smaller.

Unfold the stacks to make petals like this.

Step 5. Twist the tips of the petal with a pencil or pen, and stretch the petal a little and bend inward.

Step 6. Give the petal an even more rounded shape by making two folds in its lower part and fixing them with hot glue.

Step 7. We proceed to the formation of the bud. Roll one of the small petals tightly around the stem.

Step 8. Start gluing the rest of the small petals in a checkerboard pattern. When the small petals run out, continue to grow the bud with large petals. In total, your rose will “overgrow” 15 petals (+1 petal in the center of the bud).

Step 9. Fold a square sheet of green corrugated paper (25 × 25 cm) diagonally to make a triangle, then fold the triangle in half 2 more times. From the resulting multi-layered triangle, starting from the fold line (!), cut out the shape as in the picture below. When you straighten the cut-out blank, you will get a quatrefoil.

Step 10. Make a small cross-shaped incision in the center of the quatrefoil (see the figure above), put it on the stem through the resulting hole to the bud, then glue the leaves with hot glue.

Step 11 Hooray, our big rose is almost ready. It remains only to wrap the stem in green paper. To do this, you need to roll it into a roll, then cut off about a 2-centimeter wide piece from it from the edge (that is, in the same way as if you cut a piece from a roll). Now dissolve the resulting tape and wrap the stem with it, fixing the upper and lower ends with glue.

From the following video, you will learn how to make large flowers with your own hands from paper.

Master class number 3 - Colored paper hyacinths (suitable for children's creativity)

These hyacinths look like they were made by a quilling expert. In fact, even a child can make such paper flowers with his own hands! Making the first hyacinth will take some time, but you will spend no more than 5 minutes on each subsequent flower.

To make such a bouquet of flowers with your own hands, you will need a little more than half an hour.

To make paper flowers you will need:

  • Colored paper or not thick cardboard(for buds);
  • Green paper (for stems);
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Glue stick;
  • Knitting needle or wooden skewer.

Master Class

Step 1. Cut out a strip about 21 x 2.5 cm. If you are using A4 color paper/cardboard, then you just need to cut the sheet across.

Step 2. Stepping back from top edge 1 cm, draw a line along the strip with a pencil using a ruler. Next, using scissors, cut your workpiece into strips about 5-7 mm wide, not reaching the previously drawn line. You will get something like a ribbon with a fringe. Try to cut the paper into strips that are even and parallel to each other, but do not worry about mistakes, because they will not be noticeable when folded.

Step 3. Using a knitting needle or wooden skewer, carefully roll each strip into a roll until it stops. Make sure the pencil line is on the back of the paper.

Step 4 Now let's take care of the stem. From green paper (cardboard will not work!) Cut a strip of 21 × 2.5 cm.

  • By the way, if you want to save time, then just use green straws as stems.

Step 5. Twist one of the corners of your strip diagonally, then lightly go over the entire strip with a glue stick (see photo) and, finally, roll the entire strip into a thin tube.

When you're done, it will look something like this:

Step 6 Now it's time to roll up the bud and glue it to the stem. To do this, take the bud blank again (a strip with curls) and grease its base from the wrong side with glue.

Step 7. Hooray, your first paper flower is almost ready, it remains only to supplement the stem with leaves. To do this, cut a piece of green paper about 2.5 × 8 cm and fold it lengthwise into an accordion about 1 cm wide.

Assemble the accordion and, stepping back about 1.5 cm from the bottom edge, give it the shape of a leaflet with scissors.

When unfolded, your blank should have 3-4 leaves and look something like in the photo.

Step 8. Lubricate the lower part of the leaves with glue and place its corner about 5 cm below the bud and at an angle, as shown in the photo below. Next, wrap the workpiece tightly around the stem.

Well, that's it, the hyacinth is ready! Repeat the process using paper different shades to make a bouquet of paper flowers.

Do-it-yourself bouquet of paper flowers

Master class number 4 - Paper roses (express method)

This master class will come in handy when you need to make flowers with your own hands super-fast, easy, budget and in large quantities.

For work you will need:

  • Any pretty paper (even book pages will do);
  • Green paper for leaves;
  • Glue (best hot glue);
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil.
  • Wooden skewers (required if you want to make a bouquet).

How to make paper roses:

Step 1. Cut out square sheet paper approximately 12×12 cm.

Step 2. Draw a circle on your square and then draw a spiral inside it. It does not have to be flawless for the roses to be textured. If you wish, you can even make it wavy, then the rose will have pronounced petals.

Step 3. Cut out your circle, then cut the workpiece along the spiral line. As a result, you will get something like a spring.

Step 4. Take the outer end of your spring, roll it up (loosely), then begin to twist the entire ribbon around it. Hold the flower underneath to keep the paper from unraveling.

Step 5. When you get to the base (the inside of the workpiece), glue the bud to it with a sufficient amount of glue. Voila, the first flower is ready!

Step 6. If desired, the rose can be supplemented with leaves. They are cut out of any shape and glued.

Step 7. If you want to make a bouquet, then glue the buds on skewers or a newspaper / paper tube. It is advisable to wrap the stems in green paper tape.

Here are some more DIY flower making ideas that you can implement with the help of our master class.

Wedding garland of flowers from colored paper and book pages

Hello. If you want to please your loved ones with beautiful paper flowers, give your mother a beautiful handmade candy bouquet or present original gift, then I advise you to carefully study my step by step lessons with descriptions.

Any holiday is fun event which is accompanied by flowers, smiles, gifts and fun. And if you creative person, like to present original and unusual surprises, I recommend to stock up on time and please your mother, grandmother, friends or just acquaintances beautiful tulips, roses, orchids and lilacs from colored corrugated and other paper.

Flowers can be created different, large, voluminous, complex, using the origami technique, with sweets, cookies, and even with fruits. To begin with, I would like to show a master class for beginners, in which I will show step by step with a photo how to make the most light flower from colorful paper. No, it will not be a tulip, for sure, and so many people know how to do it, I will start with a rose, which in just a few stages can please not only you, but also your loved ones.

You can quickly and easily achieve results with plain paper, pencil and glue. for work and beautiful bouquet you will need several pieces of multi-colored paper measuring 10 cm by 10 cm.

  • On this cube we draw a circular spiral, for this we use a pencil or pen. Don't try to draw straight lines on the contrary, unevenness will add elegance and beauty to your flower bouquet.
  • Use utility scissors to cut the spiral in a circle.
  • Twist the piece tightly, starting from the outer end, fix the edge with glue.
  • Secure the leg with hot or regular glue. The leg can be made from an ordinary twig from a tree.

If you want to do big roses from paper for a floor vase, use cubes of multi-colored paper in other sizes.

Paper flower - schemes for beginners

See what interesting technique. A flower can be cut out of any paper, including from a magazine, and instead of a core, use regular button or a bead.

DIY corrugated paper rose

Bouquet of these delicate flowers will perfectly fit into any interior, decorate the office, workplace or regular room. If you make roses from corrugations on high legs, they can be placed in floor vase and decorate the living room of your house or apartment.

This master class is suitable even for giant corrugated paper roses, they are called twisted. Such a bouquet looks extraordinarily beautiful in a basket, I recommend making a basket of roses from corrugated paper and giving it to your mother on March 8 or to your girlfriend on Valentine's Day.

First of all, cut a strip with scissors, wrap the top, as shown in the photo. Fold the edge over, then roll it up like you're making pies.
Roll the strip in a spiral, fix the edge with wire or thread. The leg can serve as an ordinary stick from the garden.

Make small beautiful roses from corrugated paper or large giant ones, collect them in a bouquet or basket. So simple and the easy way it is not difficult to make buds, from which you will end up with a chic gift.

Diagram of a simple paper rose

To get started, study the template, copy, cut, and then connect as shown on the template.

paper flower garland

Now I will show you how to make paper flowers with your own hands with a garland.

Spread the resulting buds and string on a thread.

Do-it-yourself volumetric paper flower - templates

How to make big crepe paper flowers

To decorate the room and give zest, no need to invent sophisticated master classes, it is enough to use the easiest way. Growing roses from corrugated paper are made in a few steps.

Stock up on a roll of crumpled paper, wire and decorative tape, balloon, needle, thread and glue.

inflate balloon, tie and cover it with pieces of newspaper or other sheets. There should be many layers. Set the ball aside until completely dry. Poke a ball with a needle, cut the newspaper base in half, put one half into the other, sew the edges with a thread, pour hot glue on top. See step by step photo.
From a roll of corrugated paper, cut out the petals of a peony or rose, as you please. They should be different sizes and forms, as such, there is no template, but you can use my picture to draw similar petals on it.

Circle and cut each petal at least 12 times. Stretch them to the sides, and bend the tip a little with the letter G. It is the tip that must be greased with hot glue and fixed at the bottom of the paper base.
Before gluing a part permanently, attach it, see how it will look. Place small petals in the center, larger ones should be located towards the edges.

Fill the entire space, seal the edges of the ball with a strip of corrugated paper of the same color.
Cut out huge petals, attach them on the outside. As a result, you will get a giant rose, to which you need to attach a strong leg. Set such huge flowers separately in a room or office, or create a composition from a bouquet.

Paper flower petal templates

Original carnation - simple template

All you need is to do step-by-step actions which are shown in the photo.

Divide the bright magazine into individual sheets fold them in four.

Cut each such segment into thin strips, not reaching the edge.

Take a skewer, attach the edge of the tape to it, fix it with glue, start twisting.

Fix the edge again. Wrap the stick with corrugated paper or floral tape.

Paper flowers easy and simple

How to make a paper tulip

They learn to make this flower at school in labor lessons, but not everyone remembers the sequence of actions, how to do it correctly in stages. My photos will help you remember school lessons, decorate the room with an original bouquet.

It is easy to make from a regular sheet of paper, from corrugated tulip it turns out more beautiful, but the work is much more difficult.

I present to your attention a step-by-step photo with actions. It will help you avoid mistakes in doing this work.

First of all, we bend the sheet in half, cut off the rest with clerical scissors.

Again we turn the leaf diagonally, only on the other. Turn the sheet over, fold it in half on both sides. Carefully study the step-by-step photos.
We form two triangles, one will lie on the other. To do this, fill in the inside of the side of the pyramid.

We bend the corners to the tip of the right angle.

We put the figure on the other side, wrap the corners, we get a rhombus.

We take the upper left triangle and turn it to the center, on the other hand we do the same work.
We insert the left corner inward, we repeat the same action with the lower triangle.

At the base of the rhombus, we make a hole with a stick or a knife and blow into it. The paper tulip should puff up.
In conclusion, it is necessary to straighten the bud, let the petals out. plant, paper tulip on a stick, repeat the work a few more times and then you will succeed big bouquet to decorate an apartment or office out of paper.

Origami paper flower- scheme for beginners

Paper flowers - easy schemes

Everything is extremely simple here - copy the templates, cut, repeat the work.

How to make a paper tulip - video

If you find it difficult to navigate step by step photo I recommend watching the video. It will help you correctly, easily and quickly make beautiful flowers from colored paper with your own hands for a holiday and just like that.

How to make large paper flowers for the wall

Paper flower templates can be downloaded on the Internet, you can create it yourself, I advise you to use my proven ones, follow step by step descriptions with a photo and do not create errors. Such wall decorations recent times more and more often found in apartments and ceremonial premises, voluminous paper flowers are attached to the wall different ways without damaging the surface.

Use thick paper, regular color paper will not work. Cut out patterns in the color you like. Petals should be of different sizes, but the same shape. How larger size flower, the more petals you need. Cutting flowers from paper is not an easy process, so take it carefully.

Cut the edge of the petal from the bottom, coat one side with glue, overlap and fasten. For the largest petals, make more overlap, otherwise the flower will turn out straight.
Then follow the diagram as shown in step by step photos. Use beads, rhinestones and beads as decoration.

Photo of a paper tulip

Origami - paper flowers

The lightest flower in the origami technique is a tulip, I have already shown how to make it, although you can’t attach it to the wall, but in such a vase paper bouquet looks original and bright.

To create one flower, you need 4 square leaves, glue.

We turn diagonally into a square, bend the right corner up at the triangle, and do the same with the left. Unfold the resulting folds in place.
Fold the corners in half, directing them to the places of recent folds, turn the figure over reverse side, bend the ends towards you. Look carefully at the diagram. If you use large squares, you will get a growth paper flower.

Repeat all the steps as indicated in the template, glue all the petals together, give the glue time to dry. Decorate the middle with a bead if desired. When creating a similar arrangement of flowers, fantasize, place a small amount in a vase or basket, add greenery.

Friends, how do you like my paper color scheme templates, if you liked the full-length, wall-mounted or lightest origami tulips, share the article in social networks, I will be very grateful.

Yours Nina Kuzmenko.

Today I want to show you the idea of ​​using large flowers in interiors, such decorations are also called full-length decorations, meaning that their size matches the height of a person. Of course, it is not necessary to make giant roses, but to decorate a large room, small buds will not look as impressive as giants.

This design can enliven the space above the bed, sofa or ordinary corner. And also it is often made for significant events - for a birthday, St. Valentine's or March 8th.

Let's start getting acquainted with this beauty and figure out how to make several popular types of flowers yourself.

We have long known the idea of ​​​​decorating with volumetric elements, most often shelves perform this function, but sometimes you really want romance and new elements.

More often, a place is allocated in the hall where there is no extra furniture, a composition of buds and leaves is created and guests are invited. After all, you already have a photo zone ready at home. Believe me, elegant guests will appreciate your idea.

But in any decor there is always an idea. For example, using monochrome shades of paper, choose different color depths and textures. And if you want to create a stylish composition, then I advise you to look at and after that decide on the color.

Compositions with buds of different sizes look beautiful. This is how completeness appears in the decoration.

Now let's get down to how we make large paper flowers. I propose to start with such a bright and iridescent composition - a ball that can easily be hung on dining table in the living room or in the corner of the hall.

I suggest using A4 double-sided paper for the flowers. Also make some buds from velvet colored sheets, this will give more realism.

To form a circle, take a large object, you can use a dessert flat plate.

It is more convenient to bend the petals with scissors, just do not press hard, otherwise you will tear the paper.

And now flowers on a leg are very popular. They are just huge! The leg is formed by a coil of wire, but I know that some craftsmen have adapted to make it from PVC pipes.

Large arrangement of buds different types flowers will be an alternative to watches or paintings. This is not yet a very popular phenomenon - to decorate the walls with such a bouquet, but it looks just amazingly springy and gentle.

Another example of home decor, when the screen is decorated with roses of the same shade. Here you can take a selfie and just fence yourself off from the outside world and dream.

Any craftswoman makes each type of flower in her own way. For example, peonies can be made very simply using thin corrugated paper, as shown in the master class.

And also make an interior rose that looks beautiful in floor vases.

I gave an example small size, the more you need a flower, the larger number multiply each of these values. The main thing is that there is enough paper)))

The entire strip of paper must be folded with an accordion, attach a template and cut it out. Before cutting, check which part stretches best and lay the template so that the stretching side is horizontal to it.

Important! do not cut the bottom folds!

Expand and admire the resulting garland.

We take a stick or a thick wire. Lubricate the lower edge of our resulting garland with glue and start wrapping the paper around the wire.

As shown in the photo.

The bottom must be properly fixed so that the wire does not fall out of the bud and the petals themselves do not turn around. The edge can also be smeared with glue.

And I also thought that it would be more convenient for many, just print out the finished petal schemes and get creative, so I give three templates of parts of different shapes.

Maybe you will like this kind of petals more.

Or do you want to try using such an ornament.

Of course, it takes a lot of time to create huge compositions, but this will serve as an unusual replacement for boring balloons and posters.

Giant peony made of corrugated or crepe paper on the wall

Peonies, like roses, are popular. I think that this is the king of all colors, because it looks elegant and smells amazing. Craftswomen different approaches to its creation, but the effect is always beyond praise. I think that not everyone can immediately create such a flower, so I picked it up short video, which tells in great detail how to roll the simplest peony.

It is really done very quickly, but it looks no worse than that created using other techniques. I invite you to view.

I also liked the idea of ​​the base that is used in this video. because such a flat circle will perfectly attach to the wall even with double-sided tape.

How to make voluminous paper flowers for beginners?

Those who create giant buds go through many paid and free master classes, constantly improving their skills. But not everyone immediately becomes a professional, everyone started somewhere. I want to give you step by step wizard classes, where the photo very clearly describes the progress of work.

For example, the idea to create such a rose. No, it's not difficult, it just takes a lot of material.

We take a roll of paper, you can use design sheets, but for beginners it is better to take a corrugated roll. It is easier to work with it, it takes different forms well, and the color scheme of such paper is very diverse.

Cut out a sheet in the form of a drop, stretch it in width, so the leaf will wrap a little and take a concave shape.

If you want to make an unblown bud, then take less details, for a blooming one, more of them will be required.

From simple colored A4 sheets, make asters. This is one of the most simple options flowers. Each petal will need to be folded inward, but if you want to turn them inside out, then use scissors. Passing them along the outer edge.

For this aster you need to use layers of petals different diameter. The top one is the smallest. I would remove about 8 mm from each subsequent row.

I bring another master class on creating flower arrangement- ball. Depending on the selected diameter of each template, the size of the ball will depend. If you want to use it for assembly halls, for a wedding or birthday, then feel free to take the diameter of the plate.

It seemed to me interesting idea creating fluffy flowers from toilet paper. This material is easy to work with because it is soft and easy to cut and roll. Modern toilet paper is now presented in different color scheme from white to blue. Can you imagine what composition you can create?

The strip must be folded in half and start making a cut to the middle of the strip. Do not cut to the edge, leave at least two centimeters.

Now start spiraling this blank, periodically gluing the turns so that the flower does not fall apart.

Of course, there are so many ideas for creating these giants that I offer you one more video to watch. I really liked the simplicity and elegance of these crafts.

To make such decorations more like real ones, look for paper with a gradient when the sheet goes smooth transition from light to dark. The dark one is usually used at the bottom of the petal, because there is a shadow, and the lighter side goes to the tops.

How are large paper flowers used for home decor or photo zone?

Oh, any fashionista dreams of capturing herself next to such a gentle photo zone. Giants use for photo shoots at weddings, anniversaries and other important events. After all, it is important to create beautiful background. By the way, for magazines and even clothing collections, this composition is also popular. I think that such paper florists are in brisk demand.

See how one of the online stores revived its stand. Gentle, original and very feminine, isn't it? Maybe you have your own business, then this idea can be adopted to create an image.

And so simply our compositions look in the interior of an ordinary apartment. Very unusual and bright.

An unusual idea of ​​using the origami technique to create giants. See how fabulous it is. The girl seems to be just a fairy or an inch against their background.

When there is not much time, you can create such fantasy flowers in the shape of the sun yourself. Use normal landscape sheet for small fragments, and Whatman sheets for large ones.

You can make such a decor as follows. Along the length, fold the sheet into an accordion, bandage the middle and unfold each side. We glue the edges of one side with the edge of the other.

Cover the center beautifully with a paper circle.

Paper dandelions won me over. By the way, the top of the inflorescences can also be made using toilet paper as I described above.

Decor idea for a children's party.

See how you can combine several types of petals. Light and pastel shades almost all fit together. The main thing is to take all the tones of the same saturation so that a single whole is created, and not so that one bright element draws all the attention.

Make an imitation wisteria. It comes in such different shades that you can choose almost any color, but I would prefer pink and lilac tones. They are more natural and natural.

Try to pick up paper of the same tone but different saturation, from dark to lighter.

First we need to make blanks. To make it faster, fold the strip of paper several times.

Cut out a drop.

Wrap the base of the workpiece.

Now bend this tail inward. To keep it better, you can fix it with glue.

Here's what we got. You need at least 20 blanks of each shade.

We string the workpiece on a strong thread at the base, wrapping each subsequent one in the other direction.

Now these petal threads can be tied to the warp you decide to use. If you will have a suspension, as in the photo above, then select the hoop of the desired diameter for the base.

Master class on making a large decoration

Let's take a detailed look at how to make these huge iridescent asters. To create them, you can choose corrugated or crepe paper. The main thing is to correctly determine the shade. The entire roll will go into action.

Let's roll the paper into an accordion.

Paper clips and clips will help you hold all the workpieces in the right position.

Now we give each strip right size, remove two centimeters from each subsequent workpiece.

We shape the petals on all rolls.

Now we unfold the rolls and form layers, laying the blanks on top of each other from largest to smallest.

In order not to get confused, you can write its length on each roll.

We turn the accordion and fix it in the middle.

We begin to straighten each layer.

That's how easy it is to make your own decor. The main thing is to be patient and have plenty of material at hand.

Corrugated paper anemones

Anemones are also often used for decoration. They are incredibly beautiful and realistic.

I want to show you another video where detailed instructions for their manufacture. You don’t have to make decor of incredible sizes right away, start with the usual ones in order to understand the essence of the process and fill your hand, and save on materials, because each small bud can then be reproduced in large sizes.

I really wanted you to get acquainted with this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating and decorating walls and other surfaces. Bookmark this article to quickly find when you need to decorate your room for the holidays.


Have you just celebrated a friend's birthday, is it already a colleague's anniversary at work? Celebrated the anniversary, you need to go to congratulate the boss? The boss was congratulated, no idea how to surprise a picky aunt / grandmother / mother-in-law / mother's friend / neighbor? Come on, come up with a gift for someone who has everything. You just need to surprise this person with your skill and a gift made with your own hands from the heart! And for this, large paper flowers are suitable. By the way, if you still have a gift, then the box in which it probably lies can be decorated with paper flowers instead of the usual packaging.

corrugated flowers

Large, voluminous flower installations with your own hands can be done very quickly and with minimal cost. Corrugated paper is not very expensive, it is sold in rolls and is enough for many products. So get ready:

  • paper;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • a skein of thread;
  • wire.

To make large flowers, we need a petal template. It can be cut out of cardboard and attached to corrugated paper.

Now you need to think about the core: it may consist of many small petals or you will need to prepare the stamens. Also, before assembling, consider whether the flower is meant to be wall-mounted or whether it will be on a stem. If the latter, then wrap the wire with green paper and start assembling the flower from the middle, i.e. from the smallest petals, using glue in the form of a gun.

The core can also always be a delicious chocolate candy. It is attached to the wire and only then decorated with petals. It turns out a very original and useful bouquet.

In a similar way, using a stencil, you can create large interior roses that are placed in glass vases. There may be several such vases in the apartment.

giant peonies

How to make large peony flowers from crepe paper? In the interior, they look just gorgeous. By the way, you can even make a very interesting headdress, so take the following:

  • several rolls of corrugated or crepe paper in suitable colors;
  • glue;
  • thread and needle;
  • a balloon the size of a head;
  • newspaper for papier-mâché.

First you need to make a base from a newspaper and a papier-mâché ball. On the ball you need to stick squares or strips from newspapers. There should be a lot of layers so that the base is dense. Leave the base for 24 hours until it dries, then gently deflate the balloon and cut the base.

Now you need to put one half into the other and sew them along the edge. It is also desirable to glue the edge of the halves.

Now let's start making petals. They should be different shapes, prepare a stencil so that it is convenient to cut them out.

There should be really a lot of petals and they should be diverse.

Each petal must be cut in an amount of at least 10 pieces. Now each petal needs to be well stretched, and the base bent a little to the side so that you can later glue it to the base. Petals should be voluminous, this main point in the question of how to make high-quality large flowers from corrugated paper.

The thinnest petals go to the center, place a little more petals around the core, there may be a small distance between the rows. The edge of the workpiece also needs to be pasted over with paper of the same color.

Continue to fill the space with petals. Take your time before gluing, attach the petal, see how it will look.

Now you will need to prepare several very large petals, which will go to the external design of the workpiece.

As a result, you should get something like this chic peony, which can be used as a headdress for the holiday.

You can present such a flower as a birthday gift to a child. The birthday girl has never had such a charming gift.

In addition, such flowers can be used to decorate a wedding venue.

The master class of large paper flowers continues, the giant dahlia is next in line.

Such a flower can be made using finished pattern, and it is possible from a variety of details-petals. So we will do. These do-it-yourself paper flowers are very easy to make. What we need?

  • thick double-sided colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

Cut out a circle for the base from the same paper. Then you need to cut a lot of squares for future petals, the larger the square, the larger the flower will turn out. Then each klaptik needs to be folded into a paper envelope, rolled up in the shape of a horn.

After that, all the horns need to be glued to our base, observing the order, so that it turns out like this beautiful flower made by your hands.

growth flowers

Large crepe paper flowers can be made even easier, with little to no stencil and lots of detail. Using this method, you can make growth flowers. These decorations are perfect for decorating festive interior and become the focus of photographers.

To do this, you need to cut out a lot of circles from corrugated paper, they must be of different sizes: from huge to the smallest. The edge of the workpiece can be slightly processed with scissors - cut off with a wavy line. After that, all the blanks must be folded one into one, fastening the layers with glue.

In general, on our website you will find a lot of interesting workshops on large paper flowers, including full-length flowers.
