Why white clay is useful: properties and applications. White clay - kaolin: properties, masks, treatment

A unique tool for solving dozens of cosmetic problems is part of many home and professional masks.

What can white clay do, why is it so useful and how best to use it to get a pronounced effect?

Properties of white clay

White clay for the face has an impressive number of properties that make it versatile. It is suitable for any type of skin, being completely natural, it can be used without fear by allergy sufferers. Availability, ease of use and low price allow you to use it regularly.

What are the properties of kaolin (white clay):

1. To the greatest extent, the benefits of white clay for the face are noted by owners of oily, combination and oily skin types. The drying and astringent properties of the product have an effect from the very first application - the activity of the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases, the face remains dull for much longer.

For a long-term effect, regular use is necessary - the use of masks 2 times a week is optimal.

2. White clay is also famous for its tonic properties. Due to the presence of iron, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other essential microelements, the skin becomes more elastic after the white clay mask, its relief evens out, and the color becomes uniform.

3. All types of clay are great for dealing with such a cosmetic problem as enlarged pores. However, white has the most pronounced pore-constricting properties: the use of kaolin for the face in the form of masks can minimize pores in the shortest possible time, as evidenced by many rave reviews.

4. Kaolin will also have a powerful healing effect on problem skin - a course of white clay masks will help dry pimples. In addition, the absolutely natural composition allows you to resort to the use of the drug even when there is inflammation on the face.

5. Being a natural antiseptic, white clay is indicated for regular use, even for those who are satisfied with the condition of their skin. A gentle but thorough cleansing action will help keep the skin and its properties in good condition without much effort.

6. White clay has been used to whiten the face since ancient Rome. Acne and acne marks, uneven pigmentation and minor redness are easily leveled by a course of masks made from natural raw materials.

Rules for the effective use of white clay

Impressed by the wealth of miraculous remedies? Then choose a mask recipe that suits your skin type and goals, and enjoy the result!

But first of all, remember the rules of use that apply to all types of clay:

  • it must be well sifted;
  • the water with which the clay will be diluted should be warm (in no case hot!) And boiled or purified in any other way, you should not use tap water;
  • do not miss the opportunity to increase the healing properties that white clay has for the face: reviews of the use of kaolin masks in combination with a few drops of essential oils and hydrolates (floral waters) suitable for skin type convince that such homemade masks are in no way inferior to expensive ready-made cosmetic products.
  • the consistency of the finished mask for any recipe should be like that of thin sour cream;
  • clay masks are washed off with warm water, preferably with a special sponge for the face;
  • before applying the clay mask, it is necessary to completely remove makeup and allow the skin to dry;
  • natural raw materials are not applied to sensitive skin around the eyelids and lips;
  • control facial expressions while the mask is on the face: try not to laugh, yawn, or perform other actions that lead to sharp contractions of the facial muscles.

Recipes for masks based on white clay

Drying mix. In equal parts, mix clay, medium-fat milk and talc. Apply evenly on the face for 10 minutes.

For oily and oily skin. Mix the protein of one chicken egg and clay until the desired consistency is obtained. Leave the mask to act for 20 minutes.

For problem skin. In the already diluted clay, add 1-1.5 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. alcohol (as an option - alcohol tincture of chamomile or calendula). Apply the mask in a thin layer (but so that there are no "gaps") and soak for 20 minutes.

Whitening mask. In order for white clay for face whitening to have a more pronounced effect, treat your face with a peeling agent before applying the mass. To prepare the mask on a fine grater, grate the cucumber so that it turns out 2-3 tsp. gruel. 2-2.5 st. l. mix kaolin with cucumber gruel, stir until the lumps disappear completely and apply for 20-25 minutes.

For dry skin and prone to flaking. Kaolin can nourish dehydrated skin in a duet with honey: mix a tablespoon of white clay and 1-2 teaspoons of honey, leave the resulting mass on your face for 15-20 minutes.

P.S. Agree, not to include such a unique and versatile tool in your arsenal of care is at least wasteful. Choose the type of mask you need, include it in your regular beauty rituals and enjoy the effect!

How often, in order to get rid of health problems, we go off our feet in search of a foreign panacea and are ready to pay big money for it. But a wonderful medical and cosmetic product lies literally under our feet. And worth every penny. It's about white clay. It is also called kaolin by the name of the province in China, where large deposits of it or china clay were found.
It is unique in its medicinal properties. The composition of kaolin includes calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and other trace elements. The main one is silica. With its deficiency, other trace elements are not absorbed, which leads to anemia, hair loss, softening of the bones.

Useful properties of white clay

The use in medicine is due to the excellent absorbent properties of kaolin with its almost one hundred percent inertness. The smallest particles of which it consists easily adsorb toxins, poisons, radionuclides, waste products of cells until they enter the bloodstream. Kaolin particles are able to bind pathogenic bacteria, fungal microorganisms, viruses, attracting them to themselves and, as it were, gluing them, without affecting bacteria that are beneficial to humans. It is used for all types of intoxication, drug overdoses, long-term antibiotic treatment, chemotherapy.

- Another useful property of kaolin is its high heat capacity. This property is widely used in heat treatment in the form of compresses for diseases of the joints, arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, bruises, sprains of muscles and ligaments. Compresses are made cold, diluting the clay in water at a temperature of 7 to 10 degrees, or hot - the water temperature is 40-42 degrees. The patient is prescribed a course of 10-15-12 procedures.

- Kaolin has radiesthesia properties, that is, it can change the wavelength of diseased cells, bringing it to the wavelength of healthy ones. To achieve the effect, clay is used orally as part of powders or topically, applying a compress to the affected area. Relief of the patient's condition occurs in an hour and a half.

- And finally, clay is able to create an enveloping effect, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema.

- And in dentistry, kaolin is added to the composition of pastes for whitening teeth, removing tartar and preventing caries. For the same purposes, it is part of chewing gum.

“But perhaps the most famous property of white clay is its ability to absorb fat accumulations and dirt from the skin, thereby cleansing the pores, stimulating metabolism and regeneration. It is this property that has led to such a widespread use of white clay in cosmetology.

Application of white clay

You can use other types of clay, blue, pink or yellow. All of them are unique, but white is the most gentle and suits all skin types, including very sensitive. Therefore, it is white clay that is part of baby powders and talcs.

– In cosmetology, various masks are made from white clay - cleansing, smoothing, toning, tightening. Clay is diluted with purified water or tinctures of chamomile, calendula, sea water, nettle, tea, with ready-made lotions.

- In addition to masks, it can be used as a gentle soft scrub. Clay can be diluted not only with liquids, but also with oil. A particularly good effect for the skin is obtained if it is diluted in olive oil.

- PH of kaolin is 7.0-8.0, that is, it has a slightly alkaline environment. This feature allows you to stabilize the electrolytic system of the body, and also helps in the treatment of seborrhea, dandruff, reduces oily hair. To do this, use shampoos, which include kaolin, and to obtain a more stable effect, make hair masks with kaolin. Clay is stirred either with pure water or with decoctions of burdock, nettle, chamomile. You can also dilute the clay with low-fat milk or apple cider vinegar diluted 1:10.

- In many SPA-salons, kaolin is used for clay baths (hot and warm). Clays are diluted so much that the water becomes cloudy. You can add aromatic oils to the water to provide a therapeutic effect in case of stress, nervous disorders, prevention of colds. In general, clay baths help deal with acne on the body relieve itching, rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

- White clay has found application in folk medicine. With the help of clay, edema is well removed, dark circles under the eyes, bruises from bruises.

- In decorative cosmetics, clay is added to dry deodorizing products, to powders, to talcs.

Contraindications to white clay

There are few contraindications for white clay. As masks, it cannot be used for dry skin, as kaolin will dry it even more, absorbing all the fat.

- If the skin is combination, masks can be applied only to problem areas.
- It is not recommended to use clay as compresses in places with open injuries.

The harmlessness of clay makes it possible to use it not only in salons, but also independently, at home. The only rule that needs to be observed is that you can only use a purified preparation purchased in the distribution network, since clay taken from dubious sources and, as a rule, unpurified does not help, but aggravates. This is due to its very absorbent property, since in nature clay absorbs many substances from the environment, both beneficial and hazardous to health.

Nature has given us a large number of unique substances that are popular in various areas of life. No exception is the field of beauty and health, which is very positive about natural products. Now we will talk about white clay, which contains a lot of useful substances and is used in cosmetology to improve complexion, eliminate age spots, fight cellulite and premature skin aging.

Another name for white clay is kaolin. It was first found in the province of Kaolin, from there it got its second name. This substance was of interest even in ancient times: women used a white mixture for powdering, as a bleach, and when dyes were added to kaolin, good lipsticks and blushes were obtained.

The composition is a wide range of substances: there you can find calcium, magnesium, zinc and other trace elements valuable for the body. But it is especially worth noting silicon, which clay is very rich in: this element is indispensable for maintaining body tissues in good condition. The components that make up kaolin have the ability to adsorb other substances. Externally, kaolin looks like a loose powder of white color with a yellow or gray tint. It is insoluble in water, it is enough to dilute the clay powder for masks in warm water.

Properties and uses of white clay

White clay has a wide range of uses due to its rich composition. Due to its high silicon content, it can be taken orally to eliminate the deficiency of this element. Its lack in the body can lead to damage to nails and hair, calcium leaching from bones and premature aging. Slightly alkaline reaction (pH = 7.0-8.0) clay allows you to start the process of fighting free radicals in the body.

The particles of kaolin are quite small, besides, they have adsorbing properties. Hence the benefits of kaolin for cleansing the body of toxins, poisons and other harmful substances. This also applies to the ability to absorb viruses and bacteria, so it can be used in medicine for long-healing wounds, etc.

The analgesic effect has a remedy in the form of thermal compresses, which can be used for various ligament injuries, joint ailments and bruises.

Of course, white clay has found its greatest application in the field of cosmetology. It improves the condition of both dry and oily skin types. Use it in the form of masks that narrow the pores of owners of oily skin. It also cleanses the skin and makes it more elastic. Clay can penetrate into the deep skin layers and trigger the active production of collagen and elastin, which are mainly responsible for the youthfulness of the skin. As a result, small wrinkles are smoothed and new ones are prevented. As in the good old days, clay is used to whiten the face.

Whether it is possible to accept inside?

As mentioned above, clay is a good adsorbent, so it is advisable to use it for intoxications of various genesis, food poisoning. Substances in the composition will bind toxic substances and remove them from the body as quickly as possible. Also, kaolin is part of some drugs that can fight diarrhea and bloating.

White clay for the face

There are a lot of recipes for masks that contain this component. For simplicity, you can use clay as the only component without other additives. Available in the form of a powder, which must first be diluted before use, as well as in the form of ready-made masks. Before use, pre-cleanse the skin and apply a generous layer on the face, but avoid the area around the eyes. The mask should be kept on the skin until it dries - this is about half an hour, then moisten it a little and rinse with water.

There are many masks where substances are added to enhance the desired effect.

Some of them:

  1. For dry skin: add an incomplete spoonful of honey and olive oil to the already prepared clay mass. Apply to face until dry, then rinse with warm water.
  2. For oily skin: you can get a more pronounced drying effect by adding 8 drops of lemon juice and a dessert spoon of honey to the clay.
  3. For a whitening effect, clay powder is diluted with kefir with the addition of lemon juice.
  4. For normal skin, clay is mixed with egg yolk, a spoonful of honey and olive oil.

The benefits of kaolin for the skin

Kaolin has a beneficial effect on the skin due to its rich and concentrated composition. The following are the actions that clay has:

In the fight against cellulite

White clay is also perfect for complex work with cellulite. Due to the ability to remove toxins and excess water from the body, the skin looks more toned and elastic. Kaolin has good thermal conductivity, which improves oxygen exchange in tissues and lymph flow.

Clay is used to combat cellulite in various variations:

Does clay pose a health risk?

Kaolin brings many benefits, but do not forget about the possibility of individual body reactions to an unfamiliar substance. Before using clay in any form, it is recommended to test for individual sensitivity: you need to apply a little product in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist, and then wait about 20 minutes.

If there were no unpleasant sensations, and when washing off, redness or itching did not appear on the skin, then you can safely use the clay for your own purposes. When taking clay internally, you should start with small portions and also wait for a while.

Even useful substances should not be used uncontrollably. The composition of the clay is quite concentrated and contains minerals, which, in excess, can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance of the body.

The benefits of clay have been tested for centuries by millions of women. With the right use, you can achieve:

  • healthy, rested facial skin without excess wrinkles and oiliness;
  • elastic buttocks;
  • reducing the number of unnecessary centimeters;
  • improve the state of inflammation in the body.

Hello dear Readers! Nature has created many substances that have beneficial properties for the human body. One of her most unique gifts is cosmetic white clay - kaolin. It is a safe and effective component that is widely in demand in medicine and cosmetology.

Even in ancient times, people were interested in kaolin, but the use of this component was somewhat limited. The substance was used as a bleaching agent - women used kaolin as a powder or whitewash. When dyes were added, they received lipstick and blush.

Over time, people realized what healing power kaolin contains. It perfectly cleanses the skin, gives it elasticity, relieves irritation, stimulates the regeneration process.

It is difficult to find an analogue that can also take care of human health and beauty. That is why the variety of white clay is no less relevant and in demand today than in ancient times.

Origin of kaolin

Kaolin is a sedimentary fine-grained rock. It is mined in ecologically clean places in Bulgaria and China. A deposit of this rock was also found in Ukraine.

Thanks to the extraction of the product in China, in the Kaolin area, this unique substance got its name.

Composition of kaolin

Kaolin has a slightly alkaline reaction. Its pH=7.0-8.0. Thanks to this feature, the substance has a great effect on the human body and stimulates the process of fighting free radicals. It has been clinically established that a decrease or increase in pH can lead to the development of many diseases.

The benefits of a unique component are dictated by the rich chemical composition. Kaolin contains silicon, aluminum, manganese, zinc, calcium, silica and other useful substances.

Silicon has a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the dermis. It stimulates the production of collagen. Due to this, the skin acquires firmness and elasticity.

Aluminum provides the clay with binding properties.

Manganese effectively eliminates oily sheen on the skin. It is an excellent disinfectant mineral. It relieves any inflammatory reactions.

Zinc is a natural antioxidant that takes care of prolonging youth. It prevents cell aging, rejuvenates the skin. In addition, it has drying properties.

Thanks to calcium, the epidermis acquires not only elasticity, but also natural tenderness.

Silica is an important component that ensures the most complete absorption of all the necessary substances by the body. Silica has a beneficial effect on cells, restoring their normal functioning.

Of course, this is not a complete list of all components contained in kaolin. But the listed substances are quite enough to understand how white clay is useful.

Properties and uses of white clay

Due to its mineral concentrated composition, kaolin is widely used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

The main useful properties of white clay, which are used:

  • cleansing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bleaching.

Kaolin is able to perfectly absorb all poisons and toxins. It effectively rids the digestive tract of many harmful substances. It is part of the adsorbent drugs.

Sometimes white clay is used for internal use on its own, at home. This is done according to certain rules, which we will also talk about.

Kaolin is an excellent hair care product. The product is part of a wide variety of shampoos, masks.

On its basis, products are made that reduce the production of sebum, cleanse the scalp, and strengthen hair. Kaolin is an indispensable component in the fight against seborrhea and dandruff.

Found the use of white clay in the care of the oral cavity, teeth. It is included in the composition of toothpastes, as it perfectly cleans teeth without damaging the enamel, and is able to remove even tartar.

The use of kaolin in medicine

White clay, the properties of which have been carefully studied by medical scientists, is used for medicinal purposes both externally and internally.

But it is important to know that only a purified product is consumed inside. Such clay must undergo special cleaning and be allowed to be received. Therefore, only a product purchased at a pharmacy is suitable for internal use.

Treatment with kaolin is widely practiced. For various skin diseases, diaper rash, ulcers, burns, kaolin is used in the form of ointments, pastes, powders.

Take white clay inside to cleanse the liver. It perfectly dissolves solid formations in the biliary tract, eliminates stagnation of bile.

For various poisonings (poisons, toxins, chemicals), allergies, kaolin is used - it is an effective sorbent. Its use allows you to bind and remove all harmful substances from the digestive tract.

This product has a positive effect in the treatment of colitis, enteritis and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kaolin is able, passing through the intestines, to absorb radiation and remove it from the body. This feature was discovered empirically after the Chernobyl accident.

That is why white clay is recommended for use in unfavorable areas. The properties and use of this component inside will have a positive effect on health.

As various compresses or therapeutic baths, a unique product is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Good results are obtained with kaolin treatment of bronchial asthma, intoxication of the body with heavy metals, and allergies.

Properties of white clay for face and body in cosmetology

Kaolin is a soft, natural product that does not contain substances harmful to the skin. Because of this, white clay is often used for the face, as a variety of care products.

The product can be used for all skin types. It is especially effective with increased greasiness. White clay face masks are good for combination skin care. Kaolin is able to fight acne, inflammatory processes on the dermis, relieve integument from greasiness.

Speaking about the properties of white clay for the face, consider the main effects that it has.


White clay is quite effectively applied from age spots of any origin. It makes them invisible.

Calming action

A white clay face mask eliminates inflammation and irritation on the skin of the face and body.


White clay for the face is an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant. The use of kaolin allows you to get rid of rashes, acne, acne.


The product eliminates oily sheen, greasiness. Clay stimulates the narrowing of enlarged pores, dries the skin.


For this purpose, white clay is often used for the face. The properties of kaolin to rejuvenate the skin could not go unnoticed.

After all, the component helps to smooth wrinkles, provides elasticity and elasticity to the skin, evens out the texture and stimulates the production of collagen.


No less valuable are the tightening properties of this substance. Kaolin helps to get rid of jowls, the second chin. It provides a more rigorous contour to the face and body.

Stimulation of blood circulation

This allows the integument to absorb all the beneficial substances much better.


The benefits of kaolin are not only absorption in the digestive tract. The substance, when used locally, removes all “garbage” from the skin: impurities, sebaceous deposits, dead cells.

White clay for the body

Kaolin is also widely used for the body. White clay is often used for acne on the body, and wraps with white clay for cellulite are also widely known.

In addition, it is a natural, harmless and versatile remedy that provides:

  • tissue repair;
  • adsorption in the body;
  • bactericidal, antiseptic effect on the skin of the body.

Speaking about the cosmetic use of kaolin, the following effects should be emphasized:

  • care and rejuvenation of aging skin;
  • getting rid of wrinkles;
  • acne treatment on the body;
  • anti-cellulite properties.

Watch this video and read the article on if you want to get rid of orange peel with kaolin.

The results of the use of white clay

I propose to consider what results can be achieved if kaolin is used. In practice, such effects are fully confirmed by reviews of white clay by women and men. They testify that the product allows:

  • dry the skin;
  • narrow enlarged pores;
  • normalize the production of the sebaceous component;
  • provide an antiseptic effect;
  • relieve inflammation and irritation;
  • rejuvenate the skin;
  • provide the covers with elasticity, softness, tenderness;
  • eliminate cellulite.


Kaolin is a natural product. Due to its naturalness, it is completely harmless to the body.

  1. Do not use clay at elevated temperatures.
  2. People with sensitive skin should be very careful when using this substance. In some cases, especially when combining kaolin with other ingredients, an allergic reaction may occur.
  3. Those with dry skin should also be careful. After all, the product has a drying effect. Therefore, this component can only be used in combination with moisturizing ingredients.
  4. Do not use the product if there are open wounds on the skin. It is not recommended to use a miracle cure during an exacerbation of dermatological ailments.

Indications for the use of white clay

Kaolin can be used for any skin type. It is recommended to resort to the help of this remedy both for mature women and very young ladies.

The use of kaolin requires compliance with certain rules. Otherwise, you can not only aggravate the problem, but also achieve the appearance of irritation or allergies on the integument.

Application rules

  1. Dilution of clay and its combination with other ingredients should take place exclusively in non-metallic dishes. The component is able to react with the metal. As a result, it loses some of its useful properties.
  2. Dilute the powder with cool or slightly warm water. Hot liquid destroys essential minerals.
  3. Prepared kaolin products should be used immediately.
  4. Owners of sensitive and delicate skin should wash off the product from the integument before the clay completely hardens on the dermis.
  5. If white clay is used for the face, then the area around the eyes, where the skin is quite thin, should be avoided.
  6. Before applying the product, it is recommended to thoroughly steam and clean the covers.
  7. It is unacceptable to reuse the mixture, because it draws out of the integument and collects all harmful substances.
  8. The kaolin mixture is applied to the epidermis for no more than 20 minutes.
  9. For oily and problematic skin, it is recommended to use products containing kaolin 3-4 times a week. If the skin is dry, then 2 procedures within 7 days are enough.

White clay for the face

We discussed the properties and use of white clay for the face above. Now we will discuss exactly how to use kaolin at home for the health and beauty of the skin.

Cosmetologists have developed many excellent recipes that allow you to take care of the epidermis. Let's consider some of them.

If kaolin is used for the first time on the skin of the face, be sure to test it on a skin area (inner bend of the elbow). This will protect against the unexpected development of allergies.

White clay and aloe face mask

This tool is used to eliminate acne. It effectively dries microcracks, ensures the normalization of the production of sebaceous secretion.

To prepare the remedy, you will need juice squeezed from a freshly cut aloe leaf. This liquid is diluted with mineral water in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is introduced into kaolin. The consistency of the product should resemble thick sour cream.

Facial mask with white clay and tomato juice

This mask will help to narrow the pores, relieve oily sheen and significantly whiten the skin.

To make the product, you need to squeeze the juice from fresh tomatoes. Kaolin is diluted with a tomato drink until the desired consistency is obtained.

Honey Clay Facial Mask

White clay effectively eliminates age spots and freckles. This mask can help with wrinkles and perfectly tighten the skin.

You need to take 1 tbsp. l. kaolin powder and combine it with 1 tsp. liquid honey. Such a thick mixture is diluted with milk to a creamy state.

white clay inside

No matter how absurd it may look, but the use of white clay inside is not without meaning. After all, kaolin really helps to fight many pathologies.

Kaolin will not cure cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, hypertension, blood diseases, infections of the genitourinary system, asthma, oncology.

Do not attribute magical properties to kaolin and do not waste time, because with such ailments, adequate and timely medical help is needed.

Very often, white clay for ingestion is used in the form of clay water. This is a real storehouse of nutrients that can replace expensive vitamin complexes.

To prepare such a drink you need:

  1. Hold kaolin purchased at a pharmacy for internal use in the sun for 30 minutes.
  2. Then the powder (tablet remedy must be crushed), in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., add to a glass of water. Mix thoroughly and drink.
  3. Treatment with kaolin is recommended in courses. The drink is taken daily (1 time per day) for 2-3 weeks. Then they take a break for 14 days. If desired, resume treatment again.

Kaolin is a harmless universal remedy that Mother Nature generously rewarded humanity with.

Kaolin can be the guardian of your health, normalizing metabolism, getting rid of toxins, improving the functioning of the digestive tract.

It is an indispensable assistant for those who seek to slow down the aging process or wish to have soft, supple skin.

White clay - reviews

We offer to consider the most characteristic reviews of white cosmetic clay. We picked up reviews of white clay for the face, as this is its most common use for cosmetic purposes.

Elena, 24 years old

I have been using kaolin for 2 weeks - I accidentally saw it in a pharmacy and became interested, bought it. That's why I want to leave my review.

White clay face mask is now my good habit! I do it twice a week to cleanse the skin of the face - I just dilute it with some water and let it dry. Excellent result.

With my experience I confirm all the positive reviews about white clay for acne! I didn’t have a lot of them, but in the heat it was a frequent occurrence. Now my face is clean, without inflammation and pimples. Even the black dots from the nose are gone in 2-3 applications.

Anastasia, 29 years old

After acid cleansing, the beautician left a stain on his face, which is very sad. You will not constantly cover up with foundation. I was looking for help from this trouble, I found a good remedy on the Internet, reading the reviews.

White clay from age spots helped a lot. My spot was just below the eye, and kaolin cannot be applied there, but I did it anyway, adding to the mixture. The stain was almost completely gone, and I made 5 masks for 15 minutes. It makes me very happy and I recommend it to everyone.

Lovely women! It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive tools and procedures. If you want to look young, feminine and beautiful, pay attention to such a simple, but at the same time very effective remedy, like kaolin.

In pursuit of effective cosmetic and medical products, people are willing to pay fabulous amounts of money. But few people think that the best is not always the most expensive, and often lies literally under their feet. It is precisely such an accessible and useful tool that is white clay, the use and properties of which will be analyzed in detail and described in this article.

Types of cosmetic clay

Before talking about the benefits of white clay, you need to understand what to compare with. There are many varieties of these tiny particles of rock. The color of the clay depends on the composition. Of course, clay of any kind contains various useful substances and silicon.

Silicon is a substance that is part of the bones and tendons in the human body. In addition, silicon is the prevention of skin diseases and in the composition of clay, silicon is presented in the form of oxide compounds.

  1. Gray clay - perfectly tones and refreshes the skin due to the content of magnesium and calcium.
  2. Pink clay - contains more silicon than other types of clay, so it is actively used for skin irritations, brittle nails and weak hair.
  3. Red clay - differs in iron impurities, which gives it an advantage in using it for anemia, anemia and other diseases associated with the hematopoietic apparatus.
  4. Brown or black clay - includes a high carbon content in its composition, which causes such a color, which is accompanied by a clear smell of carbon. The use of such clay enriches the cells of the epidermis and promotes renewal.
  5. Green clay - has a high content of silver, copper and iron, which allows it to be used as an anti-aging agent and to strengthen the skin, but this is a rather rare type of clay.
  6. Yellow clay - contains a lot of iron and potassium, which allows it to be used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  7. Blue clay is effective for various inflammations due to the high content of cleansing and disinfecting substances, such as cadmium and cobalt salts. This type of clay is actively used and used in medicine and cosmetology, but white clay has become even more widespread.
  8. White clay (kaolin) is the main type of clay used in cosmetics due to its rich composition, availability and high content of potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium.
natural remedy for cleansing and renewing the skin

Useful properties of white clay

To understand what white clay is, the application and properties of this unique substance, you need to familiarize yourself with kaolin. Kaolin is a kind of clay with a rich composition of minerals and trace elements such as nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium zinc and many others. The basis of kaolin is silica. White clay is also distinguished by its high heat capacity, which allows it to be used as compresses for various injuries and problems associated with joints and muscles.

The advantage of white clay is that it can be added and used to whiten teeth, strengthen enamel and get rid of caries and tartar.

Even white clay perfectly dries and cleanses the skin of excess sebum and various impurities, which is why it can be used for oily skin types. If you are the owner of dry or sensitive skin, the use of white clay in its pure form is not recommended, but it is quite possible in combination with other components in the masks.

Application of white clay

The most common use of white clay is in cosmetology. Based on it, a huge number of talcs, powders, scrubs and deodorants have been created. But in most cases, white clay is actively used as part of face masks, which you can prepare yourself at home.

white clay masks

Clay mask for oily skin

To prepare a mask for oily skin based on white clay, you will need the clay itself and a liquid in which this very clay must be diluted to a creamy state. The liquid can be purified water, milk or juice. Each of the bases promotes the absorption of nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin and narrows the pores after removing the mask. It is necessary to keep such a composition on the skin of the face for about 15 - 20 minutes, after which the mixture is washed off with water.

Clay mask against pimples and blackheads

To prepare an effective cleansing mask you will need:

  1. White clay - 1 tablespoon;
  2. Vodka - 2 tablespoons;
  3. Aloe juice - 3 drops.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for 10 minutes. Then you should wash with cool water.

Whitening clay mask

For skin pigmentation or traces of pimples and cuts, a clay-based whitening mask is perfect. To do this, one spoon of clay is diluted in the juice of one cucumber and it is possible to add a couple of drops of lemon juice. When a homogeneous consistency is obtained, it is applied to the skin of the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with warm water. The visible whitening effect will be visible only with regular use.

There are many more recipes for face masks that use white clay. The use and properties of this wonderful remedy are inextricably linked. Once you find your white clay beauty recipe, don't lose it and use it consistently. And then, as a result, your skin will shine with beauty and health at no extra cost.
