Grunge style in clothes for girls and women. Grunge style in men's and women's clothing

There is nothing random in the world of fashion, everything is built on certain patterns. All newfangled styles and those that have proven themselves for several decades did not arise by themselves, they were not invented on purpose. Each style is the personification of the way of life, thinking, worldview of people. Designers always focus on a specific consumer when creating each new image within a particular trend direction. A suit, whether classic or in the spirit of true romance, must be targeted, designed for a specific group of people who will wear it and through it reveal their individuality.

Among the famous and popularized styles in clothing - grunge style(grunge style). It is for those who are tired of excessive glamor, gloss, luxury and dress code. This style puts convenience at the forefront, so it has a combination of those things that, it would seem, at first glance, are absolutely incompatible, but they are comfortable and this is the main thing. There is a place of negligence, carelessness, but this is only an external appearance. A grunge-style costume suggests very high-quality things. This contradiction expresses the essence of grunge and those who wear it.

So what is grunge? Sloppy or with excellent taste? Who liked it so much and when did it appear?

History reference

Grunge - translated from English means something disgusting, repulsive, and from French - barn, barn. For example, the phrase grunge work is “dirty work”.

It is believed that the grunge style of clothing arose thanks to the eponymous direction in music in the late 80s of the last century. He appeared in the American city of Seattle. In particular, the famous rock band Nirvana, its leader Kurt Cobain, contributed to the birth of the style. Nirvana has become a trendsetter in the grunge style.

The world, in fact, learned about the style after the release of the first album of the group called "Nevermind". The musical compositions of "Nirvana" with an electric guitar with sometimes pessimistic lyrics were very fond of young people who were tired of bright colors and disco style. Both the music and the appearance of the band members have become iconic for the younger generation X. They were imitated, their songs were covered. At the same time, Cobain himself was not overly happy with such popularity. He believed that the band's music was for the underground.

After the death of Kurt Cobain in 1994, the grunge style faded somewhat. It is believed that it was revived in clothes by designer Marc Jacobs, who in the 90s of the 20th century developed a collection of grunge style clothes. The public was presented with models of checkered shirts, torn sweaters, worn-out dresses with floral patterns. Seemingly very sloppy, these outfits were made of very expensive fabrics and cost a lot of money.

Subsequently, Marc Jacobs founded his own brand and often resorted to grunge culture in his models. At five more shows, he showed the world his creations, which took place to the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by the Nirvana group. . It was this work that made the group so popular.

Grunge style still finds its fans today, of which there are already many. In almost every new season, famous couturiers turn to grunge to create clothing models.

The target audience

Worn and faded things, as if taken from someone else's shoulder, the denial of fashion as such, outrageousness, shapelessness - this is what distinguishes the grunge-style costume.

The potential wearers of such clothes in the last century were young people, i.e. people under the age of 30. Most often these are fans of the Nirvana group. They still remain the main target audience. Through the costume, young people protest against generally accepted norms, uniformity, and luxury. Grunge style for those who want to stand out from the crowd.

Star celebrities, grunge adherents

Among the star celebrities who prefer grunge are Johnny Depp, Shakira, Taylor Momsen, Alice Dellal, Pixie Geldof, Ruby Aldridge. Their images are rather not “pure” grunge, but a kind of symbiosis of different trends.

Distinctive features of grunge style

A person dressed in grunge clothes may seem like a poor man who has to wear someone else's clothes, but this is not so. Wardrobe items are of excellent quality, and negligence is just a specially created appearance.

The grunge style is well combined with other trends, for example, casual style, vintage, military. There is no place for glamorous luxury here. Therefore, it is impossible to mix these two radically opposite directions. This is bad tone.

The dominant items of the grunge wardrobe are worn, torn jeans, sweaters with holes, t-shirts with faded inscriptions, jackets, faded shirts.

Holes, protruding threads, raw seams, scuffs that can be everywhere and on any clothes fit perfectly into the grunge suit. The effect of negligence is only welcome!

The criterion for choosing clothes is ergonomics. No things that hinder movement.

Layering or "from under Friday Saturday", as they say. It is created by wearing, for example, a turtleneck on a T-shirt, a sweater, a scarf on top. This is a classic grunge look, but if you add distressed effect jeans and sneakers, you get a truly grunge look. For women, layered skirts, dresses of different lengths are appropriate. At the same time, the cut should be complex, different from the traditional constructive solution of clothing.

Eclecticism is another style-forming principle of grunge. It is not considered bad manners to combine absolutely incongruous things. If in such an eclectic costume it is psychologically comfortable, then this is what you need. The main thing is not to overdo it. Everything should be in moderation, harmonious and attractive. To create such a costume, you must have excellent taste.

Often, grunge-style costume items are purchased in second-hand stores. It is here that you can find interesting things from famous brands that will occupy a significant position in the wardrobe and become the starting point for shaping the whole image.

Shoes are usually bulky. Sneakers, sneakers will be a great addition to the denim outfit.

Accessories - large bags, large sunglasses, bracelets, rings. There is symbolism from the rock style (crosses, skulls), because grunge itself is a substyle. Accessories should not be many, one or two. The grungists don't like them very much.

An important aspect in the formation of a grunge image is given to hair and makeup. There is no actual hairstyle. There is no place for styling, classic haircuts. Negligence must be maintained here too - tousled hair or carelessly styled, tied in a ponytail, hair roots that have grown out of a different color. Makeup may be completely absent, or dark shades are preferred. Focus on lips or eyes.

Grunge style fashion trends

Today, the original meaning that was laid down in the grunge style is somewhat lost. Representatives of this trend fought against luxury. In the songs of "Nirvana" and the costume, the spirit of the class struggle was maintained, a protest against expensive outfits. Nowadays, torn jeans and T-shirts are often worn not by representatives of the working class, but by wealthy, even very rich people, movie stars, pop stars. At the same time, the cost of such clothes is very significant. For representatives of grunge, it is not affordable.

This season, many designers and well-known fashion houses have turned to this trend direction. Grunge costumes were presented by Chanel, Roberto Cavali, Versace, Givenchy, Saint Laurent, Zara, Mango, Prada and others.

Among the dominant types of clothing that could be seen on the catwalks and glossy fashion magazines:

Sweaters in black, brown, burgundy, dark beige are large in volume and often shapeless;

Women's dresses are somewhat faded with floral prints, either long or vice versa short;

Checkered shirts. Without them, grunge wouldn't be the same. Not a single representative of this trend can do without a plaid shirt;

Jeans with ripped effect and frayed. Here are the famous vintage-style Levays, shabby skinny, torn boyfriends;

A well-worn leather or denim jacket;

Shoes - martins, rough boots, shoes with massive heels.

Grunge costumes are a protest against fashion. Grunge style does not recognize fashion trends, but there are still some principles that should be followed.

To get a grunge suit, you need to choose the right things that are completed together. They can be made from materials of different textures, for example, chiffon and denim or leather. For ladies, you can combine rough things with more feminine ones. Light "flying" dresses will look great with large boots, and a voluminous shapeless sweater can be worn with a small skirt and heeled shoes.

Successfully "mix" grunge style items with other trends. Add, for example, a little goth, like Taylor Momsen or vintage, like Erin Wasson does, punk style, or military. At the end, you should choose the right hairstyle and makeup.

Many today strive for material wealth, but there are people who put the spiritual at the head of everything, and grunge helps them in this. Creating your own clothes in this style is easy. You need to take stale things from your own, and even better, someone else's wardrobe or visit a thrift store, use your imagination and take into account a number of recommendations that were described above. Voila! And you are in trend.

Grunge style is often confused with hippie and (boho-chic) ​​styles. Undoubtedly, there are common features. In all styles, through the costume, opposition to generally accepted norms of behavior, a protest against everything mass can be traced. Emphasis on exceptional individuality! There is a place for creativity, outrageousness, catchiness, exclusivity. And yet - convenience. The difference is that in the grunge style, a thing that, even if bought in a second-hand store, must be of excellent quality, and not just cheap and environmentally friendly, like a hippie. There is a place for luxury in boho, which is impossible in grunge.

Being in fashion does not mean following it implicitly. No need to imitate anyone, borrow other people's thoughts and ideas. To be fashionable means to find your own image, in which it is psychologically and physiologically comfortable and at the same time, the opinion of others is absolutely unimportant. For many, it was the grunge style that became such.

Natalia, Ivanovo

About myself:
Creativity is an interesting and exciting thing for me. I draw, I embroider, I sew. Hobby - collecting decorative thimbles

Before I talk about the style itself, I’ll delve a little into the history of its origin.

Why is it important? Style does not appear by itself - it is a reflection of social, cultural and economic phenomena. Today there is no dictatorship of fashion, but the trend is also a response to some kind of request from society.
How will this information help you? If you are drawn to some style, then having learned the history of its occurrence, you will understand what kind of internal requests it meets. Or, on the contrary, knowing your inner request, you can choose a style.

So what is "grunge"? First of all, it is a style in music that appeared in the late 90s. And the translation of this word - "dirt" refers to the musical sound.
As a result, the "icons" of this style are musicians of rock bands playing "grunge" music. For example, Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain.

What's the point? These were musicians from Seattle who did not have special costumes and went on stage as they were, i.e. in what they usually went.

Therefore, the immutable attributes of this style are: checked flannel shirts, jeans and comfortable shoes.

With this style you declare: I don't care what you think of me, I'm comfortable with that.

So, what is important for you to know if you decide to turn to the grunge style?
1. This style is sloppy, and not like Casual, but generally sloppy-sloppy.
2. Convenience is at the forefront.
3. Modern grunge is very different from what it was 20 years ago. It is much sleeker and neater, now, this is not a sharp protest, but rather an irony over fashion.

And, most importantly, what distinguishes grunge from other "comfortable" styles is that it is the style of bad boys and girls, so you should have sex drugs & rock-n-roll Or at least rock and roll.

If you decide to master this style, then you should get:
- jeans, preferably worn and torn, shorts
- coarse knit sweaters
- plaid flannel shirts, and you can wear them tied at the hips
- rough, comfortable shoes
- leather jackets
- sundresses, overalls
- floral dresses
- black skirts
- T-shirts with prints
- stockings, preferably also torn.

The colors are mostly dark and saturated (and plaid, plaid, plaid... I love her very much). Fabrics are mostly natural.

As you understand, the style is based on negligence, so add to this:
- torn edges
- dropped loops
- clothes and shoes with a worn effect
- clothes, as from someone else's shoulder
- multi-layered.

The hairstyle also reflects casualness, usually loose hair in the style of "I just wash my hair and go."
Make-up is either dark or absent.

- hats or caps
- small and discreet decorations. You are not trying.
- heavy shoes, but may be sneakers.
- backpacks or bags. Usually leather.

This, if in its "classical" form. In fact, take what you want. This is grunge - everything is possible here:

"Grunge" and other styles

Since one of the distinguishing features of this style is eclecticism, elements of punk and ethno and country can be found in the style itself. Hence, it goes very well with other styles, making them informal.

Grunge and punk or gothic

Grunge is often confused with boho, hippie, country, because it often includes features of these styles, but it is always more "daring".

Grunge and casual. By dosing the number of elements from the grunge style, you can fit into the urban style quite well, without an expressed protest.

A prime example is my favorite Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl. In one of the seasons, they used such a "combed" grunge.

Some people think that grunge and glamor elements are not compatible, because grunge is anti-glamour, but it just seems to me that this is the most buzz - an aggravated contradiction that I love so much in style and in life.

As you can see, this style loves experiments. So, choose what you like and wear with pleasure.

The grunge style denies the classic postulates, glamor and luxury. Its founder is Kurt Cobain, who blew up public morality not only with incendiary music, but also with bold clothes. With his filing, ripped jeans, frayed jackets and flannel shirts came into fashion. From the side, the grunge style in clothes seems to be things from the nearest garbage dump, but looking closer, expensive brands from well-known fashion houses are recognized. More recently, only young people flaunted in stretched sweaters, torn tights, sundresses with a stretched hem, now the trend has conquered fashionistas who have stepped over 40 years of age.

In the grunge style, several directions have combined that complement each other. It combines notes of hard rock, simplicity of hippie culture, softness of software, vintage and military elements. Most often, dark and light colors predominate, natural fabrics without shine and tinsel. Small patterns, a cage are welcome.

All components of the grunge style in clothes create a single image, although they seem incompatible with each other. They select an outfit according to the unity of fabric, texture, silhouette, prints, complementing with accessories.

The main features of the style:

  • layering - several things are selected to exit, each of the layers should look out from the previous one. For example, first a stretched T-shirt, sweater, vest, and a long scarf will complete the look;
  • a combination of things that are inappropriate in style. The line between military and grunge is difficult to draw, so the use of things of different styles is allowed;
  • comfort - grunge clothes are comfortable to wear, do not cause discomfort. Nothing can unbalance style adherents, and torn edges of shirts, holes in tights become the “highlight” of the image;
  • natural fabrics - grunge-style clothes create the look of a beggar in things of expensive brands;
  • muted tones - it is allowed to use a palette of white, muted blue, gray brown, black. The style excludes neon shades, bright prints;
  • patches and holes - scuffs, spools, holes are considered a sign of style.

Adherents of the grunge style discard everything shiny, distracting attention from a person. There should not be any rhinestones, jewelry and embroidery on clothes. Grunge didn't go with the rock culture of the 90s. It continues to develop, giving a person the right to self-expression, allowing him to stand out among the gray crowd. The style was divided into several directions, giving you the opportunity to choose the right image for yourself.

Types of grunge style:

  • rock grunge - a challenge to glamor. In the wardrobe there are only branded items made of quality materials, but with patches, scuffs, holes. Suitable for women who prefer austerity in clothes, without challenging society. The basic thing is leggings or jeans, complemented by shirts, jumpers;
  • soft grunge is a softer version of the style. Jeans and shorts are worn with dark ripped tights, short checkered skirts are allowed. It is interesting to combine tight-fitting tops and corsets, wear a checkered kilt over skinny;
  • punk grunge - will appeal to extravagant youth. The wardrobe is complemented with leather clothes, coarse accessories. An example would be a combination of a short puffy skirt with army boots or a chiffon dress with a leather jacket;
  • neo - maturity combined with romance for creative people. The thinness of the image will give chiffon shirts instead of traditional flannel, tied at the waist. Fashionistas choose T-shirts, loose trousers, skirts with floral patterns;
  • post - fashionable and expensive things. Layering is not welcome here, although other grunge differences remain - curved edges of clothes, army boots, ripped jeans.

Representatives of the grunge style are wealthy, educated people who can afford to wear branded clothes, artificially aged or torn.

Wardrobe elements

For girls, the grunge style in clothes becomes not only a sign of negligence, but also carries a gender accent. Provocativeness, aggression, appeal are the hallmarks of grunge fans.

To draw up a wardrobe follow the rules:

  • jeans are tight or loose, but always full of holes;
  • tights with holes and arrows;
  • ragged hem of dresses;
  • aged denim jackets with a worn and greasy effect;
  • leather jackets have an abundance of metal rivets and spikes;
  • flannel shirts in a large cage;
  • stretched sweaters, jumpers several sizes larger, large-knit gray or marsh-colored products are in fashion;
  • T-shirts made of faded fabric with large prints, an obligatory elongated collar at the product;
  • straight T-shirts of free cut, decorated with abstraction, skulls, stickers;
  • the kit combines several inappropriate things from different styles;
  • threads stick out of the clothes, unevenly processed edges, broken rivets are visible.

The style of men's clothing does not always imply classics, many people prefer looseness, grunge comfort. For a party or friendly gatherings, it is preferable to dress in ripped jeans, complementing the image with a stretched T-shirt and a checkered flannel shirt, a long gray or blue knitted jumper is also suitable.

Popular colors and combination rules

In the grunge style, things look beautiful in muted shades of gray, swamp, khaki, red, dark blue, bottle, black.

Rules for combining things:

  • Distressed ripped jeans look stylish with any outerwear. Summer option - shorts with torn edges over tights with arrows;
  • leather skirts, leggings, pants in brown or black with a dusted or worn effect;
  • leather jackets "leather jackets" with stripes and metal details. The jacket will complement light dresses, sundresses, T-shirts and T-shirts;
  • denim jackets are also combined with chiffon dresses and skirts. Denim must be artificially aged or adorned with broken rivets;
  • T-shirts with a straight cut, with a stretched bottom. Choose dark shades of burgundy, rich blue or black;
  • single-color or large-check shirts. There are stains, scuffs, holes, patches on the product. Sleeves can be rolled up or left loose. Be sure to see a stretched T-shirt or T-shirt from under the shirt;
  • knitted or denim short sundresses are combined with T-shirts and shirts. Small patterns on fabric or embroidery are allowed;
  • light dresses with floral patterns are worn with faded T-shirts and leather jackets. It combines the tenderness of chiffon with the roughness of the rest of the wardrobe.

The trendy print of this season has become a strip. Decorate with stripes of different widths of skirts, dresses, T-shirts and tights. Women with large forms should stop at a strip no more than a centimeter wide, complementing the image with two vertical lines - a scarf tied over a shirt or jewelry.

Selection of shoes and accessories

All grunge-style shoes are sewn from genuine leather, dyed black with an artificially created worn effect. Decorate products with rivets, metal inserts, spikes. Low and high heels are allowed, the main rule is to wear shoes on bare feet.

Examples of grunge shoes:

  • ankle boots - most often made in black, although there are interesting combinations of several shades. A high stable heel, a raised sole, a wide zipper on the shoes will complement the stylish bow;
  • army boots with a chunky sole and lacing are suitable for grunge men to wear. Although girls also like to wear berets with light dresses. In summer, they prefer worn sneakers or sneakers;
  • sandals with a low steady heel or "ballet flats" are chosen by women of respectable age, refusing a heavy platform.

In grunge style, accessories are used in a minimal amount. Several large bracelets or rings are allowed, glasses in a specific frame. Instead of a flirty handbag, style followers recommend wearing torn bags with stickers or disproportionate worn backpacks.

Grunge style involves wearing comfortable things made of quality materials. Layering, a combination of several wardrobe items, the rejection of glamor are the main features of the style. Grunge things are appreciated by free people who are not dependent on the opinion of society.


A photo

A similar trend in fashion can be classified as "anti-glamor". Demonstrative contempt for one's appearance, deliberate laxity - all this is notorious grunge style.

grunge style

The term grunge, literally translated from English, means dirt. Initially, he appeared in alternative rock in the mid-eighties of the last century. In music, he is distinguished by a “dirty” guitar sound, an abundance of distortion, contrasting dynamics, and gloomy lyrics. Moreover, the ostentatious "dirt" was also manifested in the aesthetics of grunge. The appearance of the musicians was emphasized "democratic" and "artless", they went out to the public in simple, often wrinkled or worn clothes, avoided stage costumes, theatricality.

Following the example of idols, their fans began to dress up in "unpleasant, disgusting" clothes. Some socially active girls and boys used this method to express their own protest against the foundations of modern society. With all their appearance demonstrating contempt for generally accepted rules and norms, young people expressed themselves with the help of shabby, faded, torn clothes. From a distance, a person dressed in such rags can be mistaken for a poor man, a vagabond who put on cast-offs given by others. But this is not so: grunge is distinguished by a very high quality of clothing.

If grungers used to wear really worn old things, today you can increasingly find artful stylization.

This style is still the prerogative of youth. But by Western standards, youth includes people as young as 30 and sometimes even older. Therefore, this seemingly careless clothing is suitable for everyone who wants to distinguish themselves, stand out from the patterns and stamps of the fashion industry, protest against the consumer society imposed by dress codes. If a person wants to show his inner world through clothes, then this trend in fashion is exactly what he needs. Shakira, Johnny Depp, the Olsen sisters, Taylor Momsen and many other representatives of the world of stars could not ignore this daring style of clothing.

Cara Delevingne is a famous fan of grunge and rock styles.

Kristen Stewart also decided to bring a little casualness to her everyday outfit

Jeans, sweaters and jackets are considered the most typical wardrobe items for this trend. All this should be worn, torn, with holes, but not from moths, but in the form of loose loops. This list would be incomplete without faded print t-shirts and faded shirts. Moreover, holes and arrows should be everywhere: on tights, T-shirts, sweaters.

And in grunge there should be a lot of protruding threads and any other manifestations of negligence. It is important to consider the main rule: although all clothes have a "beggarly" look, they must be of high quality. Usually these are outfits of youth brands, but there are also second-hand finds or items from the collections of fashion designers. And by no means is it a waste. So, if grunge-style boots are chosen, then they must be made of genuine leather, deliberately brutal, comfortable, although in appearance they will seem massive and terribly uncomfortable.

“Terrible on the face, kind inside” 🙂

These boots are very comfortable and can be worn for years.

Soldier-type berets with thick soles, loose boots, shoes scattered in different directions with untied laces - you won’t look without tears! But in fact, it is very easy to walk in them even for the longest distances, it is comfortable for the feet and it is not hot even in the tropics. Whatever you say, it gives its quality!

This style does not oblige its supporters to dress from head to toe in grunge-themed things. It can be perfectly combined with other styles of clothing, such as vintage outfits, military or casual clothing. When building an image, it is important to remember that grunge outfits oppose glamorous and luxurious clothes, so mixing such fundamentally different things is absolutely wrong.

Another distinctive feature of this fashion trend is the layering of clothing. In it, you can wear a turtleneck over a T-shirt and vice versa, and on top you can also fit a shirt, sweater and even a scarf. In this way, you can build a grunge classic look. Will complement it shabby grunge jeans and worn sneakers or sneakers. A multi-layered skirt, a dress with a complex baggy cut will allow you to embody a more sophisticated version, declaring your challenge to the general dullness and sameness.

Like any protest direction, grunge cannot obey clear laws. Its main rule is the absence of any restrictions. Therefore, within the style there is a clear inclination towards eclecticism. Since people who choose grunge despise any fashion trends, they are allowed to mix incongruous. At the same time, they feel and look just fine.

By the way, the main criterion for choosing such clothes is its quality and convenience. Grunge fans will never put their comfort below the beauty of the outfit. They never strain in choosing clothes for today. A distinctive feature of the grunge image is relaxation. Both shoes and accessories in this style should defiantly indicate that its supporter is relaxing and would not care about outsiders' opinions. He is alien to any sequins and rhinestones, as well as other attributes of glamour.

Do not confuse the grunge style with. The only thing that unites them is protest and a choice in favor of comfort. They use clothes to communicate their principles and beliefs to the world. differ in that they allow real cheapness and wretchedness. But grunge clothes, although bought in a second-hand store, are always of high quality, and not cheap or eco-friendly.

Examples of modern grunge outfits

To match this style, you need to search the Internet for photos of the most popular grungers, which primarily include Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain, William Duvall and other rock idols. Then you need to pick up a stylish wardrobe, either in the most expensive boutique selling grunge clothes, or in a second-hand store.

Clothes that look cheap in muted dark shades should be of very high quality, which means that they are initially expensive. If the jeans are not too dead, you can rip them without remorse. And the worn and faded look will only add color to them. This is an important attribute of this style. But ripped jeans from a glamor store will look fake, so it's best to add credibility to them by tearing them yourself. Another symbol of grunge is T-shirts with the names of bands: PAW, Pearl Jam, Nirvana. You will have to dress in layers. Clothing in several layers is also a demonstration of the desire for one's own comfort and a disregard for the opinions of others. You can wear a large shirt, for example, a flannel shirt, a sweater over a long-sleeved T-shirt, and so on. Each item of the image should seem to stand out from it, not combined with other outfits.

Grunge girls are not afraid of arrows on pantyhose 🙂

To create the perfect look, you can go to a second-hand or vintage clothing store

This style often combines seemingly incongruous things.

Pay attention to the clothes of girls - they are absolutely not cheap

From shoes you can choose army boots. Grangers wear them even in summer, sometimes replacing them with sneakers. Perfectly worn to the limit Converse sneakers. Such an artifact can be picked up in a second-hand shop or at a flea market.

You can also take the risk of putting stockings in holes. Of course, there will be no heat from them, but it is in leaky stockings that any girl becomes an icon of this style, listening to grunge music. They can be worn with a black dress and old boots. You also need to remember that grungers never wear flashy hats. But hats suit them, however, they avoid bright colors, and even more so - neon and pink. So, it remains to complement the outfit with a knitted hat, if you like it. Otherwise, you can take a faded old bandana and tie it around your head, neck, or wherever.

And the last condition - grungers do not allow themselves too many flashy decorations. A beautiful leather bracelet is perfect. Pierced ears can be worn with simple-looking, non-shiny earrings. And since grungers don't dress to impress, tunnel earrings can also be worn.

Since girls often become supporters of grunge, they will definitely need cosmetics. To make grunge-style makeup, just smear red lipstick on your lips - and the image will be complete. Some grunge aficionados like to wear bright red or maroon shades of lipstick. You can make bold eyeliner around the eyes, and the color of the eyeliner and mascara should definitely be black. After that, the shadows and eyeliner should be lightly smeared with your finger, creating the effect of flowing cosmetics. The view should turn out as if the girl had been at a rock band concert all night, jumping around the stage, rushing into the crowd of informal fans. Although, in principle, many supporters of grunge do not apply makeup at all, in extreme cases they stick to dark tones.

Grunge girls either don't wear makeup at all, or choose dark tones in makeup.

The image is carefully thought out, although it seems careless in appearance


Of course, in creating an image you can’t do without grunge hairstyles. To create it, firstly, the girl must grow long hair. After that, they need to be given a lifeless and dirty look. No need to look for any intricate hairstyle options. Most grungers wear their long hair simply loose, tangled, slightly greasy. But that doesn't mean grungers don't actually care too much about their body hygiene. They simply skillfully create an image that matches the word grunge.

No hairstyle is also a hairstyle 🙂

So, in grunge style:

  • hair should grow and style in the way they want;
  • no need to cut your long hair. Confirmation of the conformity of this approach to hair can be found at a concert of any rock band;
  • you can dye your hair. Some grungers like to bleach them. Often they dye their hair in the craziest colors or become completely scorched blondes. And when their hair grows back, grungers are in no hurry to tint their roots. Hair dyed in this way is a hallmark of grunge supporters;
  • you can try to paint with Kool Aid, which will save money;
  • you need to be prepared for aggression and misunderstanding on the part of onlookers regarding the appearance and condition of the hair. But style is style!

Grunge girls like to dye their hair in incomprehensible and bright colors, often mixing the colors themselves.

But in addition to strict conditions regarding such hairstyles, they appeared in fashion. It's more of an imitation of grunge than it is. This type of haircuts and styling goes well with any kind of activity. Confessing any lifestyle, you can easily adapt a grunge hairstyle for an evening outfit, or you can make it a casual or business version. The peculiarity of this styling is the constant care of her, the need to maintain it within the bounds of decency, so as not to turn from a dude into a too sloppy girl.

To make a stylized hairstyle, grunge hair:

  • must reach at least to the shoulder;
  • a similar hairstyle can be used to highlight the features of your face as desired. Styling must be modeled in such a way as to visually mask or correct the nuances of the lines and shape of the face, while highlighting the advantages;
  • the image of a woman with a grunge hairstyle should turn out to be disheveled. You can stop on a low collected tail; "pike tail", a highly collected tail, twisted into a tourniquet;
  • in imitation of a grunge hairstyle, you can stop at a fashionable, neat haircut, preferably a natural hair color with a wavy structure;
  • for short hair (up to the shoulder), not tight pigtails such as a spikelet, a “waterfall”, a French braid are suitable. Part of the strands, at the discretion of the client, can be slightly pulled out of the weave, giving the hairstyle a slightly disheveled look;
  • grunge-style bob for any length and texture of hair should be careless, with randomly curly strands. Even the shortest hair can be combed and sprinkled with varnish. It’s good if the hairdresser makes the base of the hairstyle asymmetrical;
  • hairstyle in this style needs a specific refinement. Hair sticking out anyhow, you can not style at all;
  • the classic version of the grunge hairstyle is loose, slightly tangled hair, as well as a careless, loosely gathered ponytail with broken strands.

As you can see, no "dirt" - only style. And image, as they say, is everything!

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In this article, "Modnaya" will introduce you to such a stylish trend as grunge style. If you do not accept generally accepted laws and are not used to looking like most people, then this style is close to you. The birthplace of the fashion trend is America, where true rebels live.

Origin of style

Americans call grunge something unpleasant and repulsive. Hence the essence of the style that came from rock music. Seattle is considered the birthplace of fashion. It was from this city that such bands as Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jeam and Nirvana came out. Rock bands have changed their view of reality, which has created a new subculture.

The grunge style is suitable for those who do not follow the changeable fashion, who are against the brilliance and luxury in clothes, who are a rebel in spirit. The fashion trend is preferred mainly by young people, however, even older people can afford a rebellious decision in clothing, without taking into account all the stylish trends.

Today, the grunge style is gaining momentum, fashion catwalks present collections in this style. So, are there any rules for rebels and how Kurt Cobain fans like to dress up.

Grunge style features

The famous musician Kurt Cobain is the founder of the Nirvana group in the late 80s. – has become a role model for his fans.
The grunge fans looked like they were homeless, but that was their goal. Grunge artists have always not accepted chic, glitz and glamour. This is especially true for those who did not grow up in wealth and could not afford expensive fashionable things.

Plain flannel shirts, stretchy worn sweaters, frayed jeans, uncombed hair - all this was a representation of the grunge style. Grunge fans did their best to prove to society that spiritual values ​​are more important than material ones. That is, it does not matter how you look, the main thing is what is in your soul.

The first to demonstrate this trend in fashion was fashion designer Marc Jacobs, who in the early 90s. released a grunge collection inspired by the work of musical groups and the outfits of ordinary youth.

The fashion collection was a huge success and it is not surprising, because the designer painstakingly created his offspring - he visited nightclubs, made sketches right on the streets. Despite the fact that the world's colleagues did not quite accept the new trend in fashion, designer Jacobs has been an unconditional success so far.
The grunge style represents a certain freedom, a style without rules. Grunge is rightly considered the most provocative fashion trend today.

Garnge style clothing

Grunge style clothing is a combination of several styles - hippie and punk. If you decide to join the grunge ranks, you should first buy a flannel shirt, preferably in a cage. Such things are worth buying in second hand or commission stores, i.e. clothing must be worn and slightly oversized. It is in such attire that modern grunge artists resemble children of the 90s who could not afford to buy new things, but wore the flannel things of their parents, brothers and sisters.

Shirts can be combined with or faded T-shirts with the image of your favorite artist. Also in the theme will be jumpers and cardigans in oversize style, stretched and loose. Coats and jackets should also be worn, a size or two larger than what you usually wear.

If you're a denim fan, ripped and frayed options are a good fit for this style. By the way, scuffs and rips should be created on your own, and not purchased in a boutique model with artificial holes. It is advisable to choose a free style of jeans, and a dark color. For summer, denim shorts with raw edges are perfect.

The main thing in the selection of clothes in the grunge style is not to adhere to generally accepted rules and aesthetics. Therefore, do not think about whether the T-shirt matches the trousers and whether things match in color. The grunge style is characterized by layering - a half-open shirt, worn over a T-shirt, and on top - a jacket or jacket. In the case of shorts, they can be worn over, specially torn in some places. Summer dress in a small flower with falling straps can be combined with men's trousers or flared jeans.

Grunge style shoes

As soon as the grunge style became popular, its representatives wore voluminous jackets and sweaters. For grunge artists, the main thing in clothes is comfort, and not how they look. Therefore, with such a voluminous top, it is necessary to use massive shoes. The ideal solution would be army boots with thick soles like "grinders" or "martins". Fans of "Alice in Chains", "Soundgarden", "Pearl Jeam" do not prefer to wear stilettos and other exquisite shoes. And no wonder, because such shoes are very comfortable.

An excellent option in the warm season for young people will be sneakers. Another option for grunge shoes is high models that cover the ankle without a hint of sophistication and sexuality.

grunge hairstyle

Grunge style fans prefer to wear long hair, both women and men. Hair dyed in a bright non-natural shade with regrown roots will be very appropriate.

Also, to complete the look in grunge style, a hairstyle with yesterday's styling will help. Such “not fresh” styling can be fastened into a careless bun at the back of the head with hairpins, and old foam and yesterday's hairspray guarantee a long existence, falling strands will give a certain charm. Also, for girls who prefer to look grunge, a disheveled braid is suitable, which can be done artificially or naturally (walk with a braid for several days).
