Mink coats for obese women.

About causal relationships, or Why does a woman need a fur coat? Fur coat and woman

Why do women love fur coats so much? Women's magazine

It is believed that the best friend of any girl is a diamond? Yes it is. But a diamond is not always an expensive gemstone.

After all, this can also mean fur coats that women love so much. The number of girls who would like to have a fur coat is growing every day.

Why do girls love fur so much?

The fact is that a fur coat for girls and women is not only outerwear. In addition to the fact that a fur product can warm in a frosty winter, it also makes the wearer more elegant, refined and beautiful. No other item of women's upper wardrobe can be compared in beauty with a fur coat.

Women prefer fur coats not only because they give comfort and warmth. There are a number of other reasons.

Fur coats are such clothes that can turn a woman just going to her job into a real "socialite" walking along the red carpet. And fur coats cannot be worn in any other way. And it's not because of the female character. It's all about the furs themselves. At any time, a fur coat was a sign of wealth and a high position in society. The furs are very luxurious and give the hostess the opportunity to feel all this luxury. Any fur coat can give a woman a sense of self-worth and self-confidence - all this makes women better.

The fur is distinguished by its foamy and enticing beauty. A woman in a fur coat at all times was the cause of the excitement of artists who created portraits of unique beauty, which depicted women in the collars of their expensive furs.

Men perceive fur coats as one of the symbols of passion. Natural fur awakens the hunter in them. A woman who wears a fur coat will never be deprived of the attention of men. And perhaps this is not the key reason, but one of the main reasons why women love fur coats so much.

The process of choosing a natural fur coat is very, very complicated. It is like an artist choosing a frame for a new masterpiece. The right fur coat can turn an ordinary woman into a work of art that can play in richer and brighter colors. Such a woman will never be deprived of the attention of men and will not be deprived of the envy of other women. By clicking on the link https://armadafurs.kz/katalog-shub/shuby-iz-norki/ you can pick up mink fur coats.

The color and type, style, length, texture of a fur coat - all this can show all the advantages from the favorable side and remove all the shortcomings from sight. If a woman does not become, then she will definitely feel like an ideal.


Fur coat models for obese women - 20 fashion options 2018

For several decades, a fur coat has been considered a sign of wealth, and the fact that a woman has an excellent financial situation. And if you are a complete girl? You should not despair! After reading this article, you will know what to wear and how to choose a fur coat for a full girl!

A fur coat from a muton for a curvaceous girl is the best option, since such fur does not have an unnecessarily long pile, which means that such a fur coat will not visually add volume to our beauty. If you are buying a fur coat for a full girl, then it should have the simplest cut, but if you also have a magnificent bust, then you should give preference to a straight-cut fur coat with a belt.

This snow-white fur coat from a short muton, complemented by a silvery belt, can make your look a little lighter and more elegant, due to the short length of the pile. The average length of the fur coat will make your image lighter and flying. This style of not too long fur coat is perfect for plump ones. By opting for a simple cut, you will save yourself from additional folds.

This half - poncho, half - fur coat is perfect for a not too full girl, and will successfully hide the flaws of her full figure. The main rule remains the same: so that the fur of the fur coat is not very long, since this will only add volume to the figure. We don't need this at all. You can add such a semi-fur coat with some large brooch, it is not only decorative, but also practical.

If you really do not want to add volume to your figure, then you can pick up a fur coat sewn with fur inside. This will protect the fur from external pollution, add unusualness and creativity to your image. You can complement this image, for example, with a bright leather bag or a warm and cozy scarf. And of course, pick up a fur coat of such a length that the lower back is closed.

The classic straight cut fur coat is perfect for girls with an hourglass figure. With this type of figure, the hips and shoulders are proportional in width relative to each other. And the waist remains quite thin. It is for these types of figures that fur coats of a simple, straight cut are perfect. Please note that the fur coat is free-cut and does not hinder your movements.

In the photo, the model demonstrates the ideal model of a fur coat for a full girl: short pile, straight cut, ease of tailoring and the absence of unnecessary details make the fur coat in the photo very pretty and elegant. The length of the fur coat protects the female fragile system from hypothermia and possible colds.

There are several criteria by which the quality of a fur coat is evaluated. Price, wear, quality of fur - this is the first thing you need to pay attention to. For women and girls with a magnificent bust, a fur coat with a length just below the hip is more suitable, which will hide excessive fullness in the upper body. Tall overweight women can buy a mink coat "trapeze" or a fur coat with floors slightly flared to the bottom.

Please note that the models in the photo show us inappropriate styles of fur coats for full girls. The girl on the left has voluminous applications and decorations on her fur coat, which adds unnecessary volume to the figure. The girl on the right shows us which fur is categorically not suitable for full girls - very thick, with a very long pile. This coat will add a lot of volume.

This luxurious coat in white with black fur will make you look like a Dalmatian. However, such fur will not suit very full girls. It will only add volume. Still, a full girl should carefully select the fur from which the coat will be sewn. A simple leather handbag is perfect for this coat.

This coat only at first glance seems simple and unpretentious. However, it is decorated on the clasp with a decorative element, and this makes the coat suitable only for those women who have a small belly, because when choosing a fur coat it is very important that it does not add extra volume! In combination with a hat, such a fur coat will look very stylish and elegant.

This is exactly the fur coat that will be a great option for a full woman !!! No frills, straight silhouette! The only thing is if the fur would be sewn vertically to visually lengthen the figure! Simplicity of lines, comfortable clasp, all this makes it ideal if you need to look stylish and beautiful every day!

An elegant fur coat to the floor will make any of you a queen! Especially when the fur is properly selected and does not fill your figure. Regarding the choice of fur, artificial or natural, we will not impose anything here, because this is the choice of everyone, depending on material capabilities and attitudes towards animals.

A wonderful fur coat, with a short pile, complemented by long and fluffy fur along the hood and sleeves, looks very creative and elegant. The only thing that breaks this whole idyll is that the length of the fur coat is too short, the tummy will be visible. Otherwise, a very beautiful and stylish model.

A long fur coat of a reddish color is perfect for daily wear in strong, Russian frosts. A long, simple cut will perfectly hide all the existing flaws of your luxurious figure. A small accessory in the form of a collar brooch will complete your look.

A full girl is absolutely not suitable for a fur coat in the style of an auto lady, because a fur coat of such a short style sticks out your figure flaws for everyone to see, and you will also look simply ridiculous in a similar attire, like a hedgehog in the fog. Full girls should not wear fur coats of this style.

I would also like to note that a fur coat is usually purchased in order not to be worn every day, otherwise, without proper care and periodic repairs, the fur coat will quickly wear out and lose its wearable appearance. When purchasing a fur coat, also do not spare money for proper storage of clothes in the form of a cover and so on.

A fur coat is such a wardrobe item that is most readily eaten by harmful domestic insects, for example, moths. Therefore, when sending a fur coat for storage, you should make sure that your fur coat is safe for the next winter season. In order for the moth not to attack your precious fur coat, put some kind of anti-moth agent in the company with it.

By purchasing a fur coat, you make a good financial investment, first of all, in yourself, because a woman must take care of herself, only in this case she will remain beautiful and happy, exuding positive energy around her, which will recharge all the people around her.

In conclusion, I would like to say: in no case should you buy a fur coat from your hands and on the market, as well as from dubious sellers. Also, you should not buy such a thing, if at the first inspection you do not like the quality and appearance for some reason. Such things should be purchased exclusively in specialized stores, or directly at the factory.

Fat girls, and indeed those girls who want to earn a reputation for being stylish and fashionable, should never wear clothes from their mother's or grandmother's shoulder. If you have financial difficulties, but you want to look stylish, then you should pay attention to a fur coat made of faux fur. They are cheaper than their natural counterparts, and look just as good.


About causal relationships, or Why does a woman need a fur coat?: kot_begemott

This is connected with previous discussions about the topographic cretinism of women.

A man orients himself on the terrain according to the map that he keeps in his mind, and a woman - only according to landmarks already familiar to her. She knows that there should be a pink kiosk "on this side" here, after which you need to turn. "If the pink kiosk is in place, and I turned where always, then I made the right turn to the right." And if there is no kiosk, then a normal woman will no longer be able to understand where to go. The image of a pink kiosk is primary in a woman before the concepts of "right" and "left". First comes the kiosk as a symbol. A woman is guided by these symbols, in her mind they are primary.

Now, it's the same with wealth. Men have the right causal relationships. If a man earns decently, then he thinks: “Now, I have enough money now to buy myself such and such a car. He keeps his wealth in front of his mind, and buys something for himself, based on this general understanding of his wealth. First there is an understanding of well-being, and then the need to buy a car corresponding to, say, one's status is derived from it.

In women, the cause-and-effect relationships are completely different. A woman's consciousness comes from what she already has. “If I bought myself a fur coat, then I am rich,” the woman thinks to herself. And she buys herself a fur coat. A woman does not have such abstract thinking as a man. By itself, she cannot understand whether she is rich or not. After that, she thinks: "My friend has a car, but I don't. Maybe I'm not rich? I urgently need a car. So if I buy a car, then I'm rich."

“There is a vase. Since there is a vase at home, it means it’s cozy at home. But I don’t have another vase. But Marya Ivanovna has another vase. It means that it’s uncomfortable at home, since there is no other vase.”

A man comes from the content, for example, wealth. For a man, the content always determines the form. Since he is rich, he buys himself a cool car, a Rolex watch for two hundred thousand bucks.

But a woman has no content, she does not operate with categories of content, and therefore she endlessly improves the form - she buys and buys all sorts of little things for herself. “If I have all these things, then I live well. And if they don’t, then how can I determine if I live well?” She has an idea that if a person is rich, then he should have a house and a car. These are the primary symbols, it is on them that the consciousness of a woman is oriented.

A woman lives first in the world of signs and symbols, and if they are not there, then she does not know what to focus on. All these things are a "pink kiosk": a car, an apartment, a vase. Others buy apartments, but if we don't, then something is wrong. Her husband's income may increase tenfold, but if he does not buy a new apartment, then it is not clear whether they have wealth. 10 times is too abstract for a woman.

The mother of one friend, for example, says: "You have nothing. You don't even have a car. Since you don't have a car, it means you live in poverty." She is not interested in the size of her daughter's salary. If her salary was five times less, but her friend had a car, then her mother would consider her richer.

A Russian woman begins to feel rich when she has a fur coat. How do you know if you're rich or not if you don't have a fur coat? It is not clear... If there is no pink kiosk, then it is not clear where to turn off. If there is no fur coat, then it is not clear whether you are rich or not.

Of course, all this is very exaggerated reasoning, women are not so stupid idiots, but nevertheless, they still have this moment. And we men need to keep that in mind. For a man, in his mind, the content is in the first place, and the symbols corresponding to it are in the second place, while for a woman it is exactly the opposite. I don’t think that abstract thinking is completely absent in women. It exists, but it is secondary. I'm talking about priorities here.

Hoarding for men and women have a fundamentally different character. A man proceeds from the content, he thinks in meaningful categories. And under this content, he selects a form. And the woman wants to buy all these things to prove to herself that the amount of money she has is a lot of money. It comes from form.

A man loves a woman and decides to start a family with her, put a stamp in his passport. He already spiritually, ideally, sees himself with her together, that they are a family. And the stamp in the passport is a certain form that corresponds to this content. A man sees himself with this woman as a family, and goes to put a stamp. The family, the fact of the existence of the family, the very concept of it is primary before the stamp, and, in general, does not really need it. A man is ready to love, take care and be with his woman without this stamp.

But the woman is not. She has the opposite. She thinks: we will put a stamp in the passport, and then we will be a family. And if there is no stamp, then there is no family. Despite the fact that she can live with this man for ten years, have three children, but if there is no stamp in her passport, then it is not clear whether she has a family. Some uncertainty. A woman does not see the content if there is no symbol corresponding to it. Because most often unable to think meaningfully, that is, abstractly.

A pink kiosk, a stamp in the passport, the presence of a car - a woman focuses primarily on these signs, and not on the content side of life: a general map of the area, family, income level in numbers ...

P.S. Anonymous comment on this post:

"As it is written exactly. I have one friend who was going to marry a foreigner, he had already come to pick her up, the wedding with marriage registration was supposed to be in the states, but she set him a condition before having a wedding (without registration) in her hometown - okay, this is understandable - for relatives and friends, but - she also demanded to buy her an urgent natural fur coat, although she absolutely did not need a fur coat where she was supposed to go (I saw this myself when I arrived in the states later - an unnecessary fur coat hung in the closet, she she never wore it and could not sell it.) But in the city where she lived before, she was able to demonstrate it. Do not think that I am writing this out of envy - her fiancé secretly borrowed several thousand dollars from mine to buy this fur coat. He also explained to mine then - Russians have such a tradition ... "

An important addition for readers who ask the question: "If a woman operates with symbols, concepts, etc., inherent in a man, then, therefore, is she a man?"

Not at all. This means that you have a classic female inability to think abstractly. The text describes not individual individuals, but general properties. Which not only is, but also should be.


by color, fur, length for a young girl

A lot of girls ask themselves the eternal question: what kind of mink coat to choose. A huge variety of colors, textures, lengths and styles amazes even the most inquisitive mind, resulting in many misunderstandings. But this can be avoided if you know what to look for.

The color of the future product

Many people believe that emotional throwing on the topic “what color of a fur coat to choose” is a trifle. But in fact, such a statement is fundamentally wrong. Color plays a very important role, but to make a choice, you should decide on one of the parameters.


  • Practicality.
  • The beauty.

Of course, a skilled fashionista will be able to find a balance between these factors, but it is simply impossible to find incredibly beautiful and unusual, but at the same time non-marking clothes. That is why it has to be determined.

White is considered one of the most exclusive and beautiful colors, but it is simply impossible to wear it in everyday life. You will either have to choose a different color or take your clothes to the dry cleaner every day.

Popular colors are pastels, browns and blacks. Neon ones are not worth buying: they are out of fashion. In addition, the paints of this color are often of poor quality.

Choose a style according to the type of figure

The body type also plays a role. A poorly chosen fur coat can age a young girl or add extra pounds to an adult and wealthy woman. For owners of a not too perfect figure, it is better to purchase flared clothes, perhaps a little tight chest. But it's best not to overdo it. In this case, it is better to take the fur sheared, not too voluminous.

If your chest is quite lush, and the hips and waist are narrow, it is better to buy a product with a belt at the waist to emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. Well, if you are the owner of a small stature and a frail physique, then it is better to pay attention to small fitted options.

For tall women with a small figure, absolutely any options are suitable, up to the “royal” product.

How does a fur coat fit your style?

What style you prefer also plays a role in how to choose a fur coat. In some cases, it is better to completely abandon the purchase, turning your eyes towards down jackets or jackets.

A mink product is considered a universal option. It is equally suitable for both young girls and adult women. At the same time, styles and varieties of fur also play a role.

If you prefer sports shoes even in a fierce winter, it is better to pay attention to not too long jackets made of sheared fur, which do not differ in volume and fluffiness. On the contrary, if you look elegant and beautiful, giving the impression of a graceful girl, then you should buy such a product.

Varieties of fur animals

What kind of fur your fur coat is made of also plays a big role. This affects how much it will cost - for example, the mink version is considered one of the most expensive, but at the same time quite prestigious.

The fur of the following animals is commonly used:

  • Beaver. The fur is durable, wear-resistant, not afraid of moisture and frost.
  • Mink. A mink product will perfectly survive both hail, and downpour, and a blizzard. The best way to keep warm.
  • Fox. It will help even in a fierce winter. Quietly tolerates frosts down to -60 degrees!
  • Astrakhan. The warmest, but not the most aesthetic. Often worn by young girls.
  • Fox. It retains heat very well, at the same time it looks quite elegant.
  • Raccoon. Sufficiently voluminous, but at the same time very light fur.
  • Wolf. The photo does not look too beautiful, but calmly endures any weather conditions.
  • Ermine. Very beautiful, bright and shiny, but does not last long.
  • Chinchilla. Such fur is not suitable for every winter - not the warmest and most durable, but prestigious.
  • Squirrel. Soft, but fragile, quickly deteriorates and breaks.
  • Sheep. Mouton is made from her wool - a good material with an ideal price / quality ratio.

Correct length

The length of the fur coat should also be comfortable and practical. Long ones are suitable, respectively, only for tall and stately girls. If you do not fall into this category, you should forget about the floor options.

The average length will look great on medium and small stature, as it is considered universal. Short options can only be afforded by the owners of an ideal figure.

For others, a short length is contraindicated - it will emphasize plump legs and large buttocks, making you awkward and fat.

Clothes for young girls and mature women

A fur coat for girls and women is significantly different in its style. So, for example, only very young female representatives can afford lightweight jackets. But it is also important for them not to overdo it: the fur should warm, and not serve as an ornament.

Already mature women are better off choosing a product of medium length, preferably a calm or plain color without flashy fittings and bright colors.

Your lifestyle

A big role is also played by how severe your winter is and at what events the fur coat will be worn. If you walk a lot, then you should pay attention to long and warm options with voluminous fur. On the contrary, those who like to ride in public transport should buy a product that is not too easily soiled and short.

For motorists, there is a special style at all: a mantle that does not constrain the movement with a hood and a straight stand-up collar.

If you decide why you need this product, and understand how long to choose a fur coat, your life will become a little easier and warmer. Decide what you want before buying!


Fur coat for a woman. Rules for storage and operation | Magazine "Feminine"

"I want a coat! So what if I already have!” - a phrase that every woman should say in her life. folk wisdom
Why does a woman need a fur coat? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Some consider a fur coat a symbol of wealth, others the status of a “dear” woman, others have a passionate desire to please, others just out of a whim, fifths consider a fur coat not a luxury, but a necessity ... And indeed, in a harsh winter, a fur coat made of natural fur is a necessity. Many may object: "There are down jackets, coats, jackets ... Practical and warm." But, a fur coat for a woman is not just a wardrobe item. This is a thing that can give self-confidence and bring a lot of joy. And having approached the choice of a natural fur coat wisely, you can purchase an elegant thing that will warm and decorate. A fur coat for a woman is not just a wardrobe item, it is a work of art. It should emphasize individuality, fit the figure, be light, but at the same time warm.
Mink coat is perfect! The colors of mink coats are very diverse: walnut, mahogany, mocha, pastel, sable (http://elenafurs.ru/norkovaya-shuba-cvet-sobol) and others. At the peak of popularity, fur coats from Elena Furs. Fur factory Elena Furs provides an opportunity for any woman to choose a fur coat that suits her. Every woman sees her special fur coat in her dreams... Mink coat color sable - a dream come true. Mink coat Classic with a hood is warm and cozy. Light flamingo-colored mink coat for sophisticated coquettes. Luxurious silver coat Silver belongs to the group of light blue tones. Indescribable luxury! A fur coat made of natural fur costs a lot and is usually bought for one season. Therefore, it is important to use and store it correctly. From improper storage, the fur loses its elasticity, shine, may thin out, and bald patches appear. You need to store a fur coat on a wide hanger in a well-ventilated spacious closet. In order to protect against moths, you can hang an anti-mole cassette or tablet in the closet, but without smell, since the fur absorbs the smell. You can store a fur coat in a special case designed for fur with anti-moth impregnation. When using a fur coat made of natural fur, it is not recommended:
  • dry a fur coat over heating appliances
  • wash and self-clean. If necessary, clean only in specialized dry cleaners
  • self-treat with aerosol preparations for gloss, color, etc.
  • wear on the shoulder or on the arm at the elbow
  • sit in transport for a long time (in a car it is better to take off your fur coat)
  • wear a long fur coat under adverse conditions, especially when the roads are sprinkled with reagent
You can sew on your own buttons. When sewing a button to a fur coat, in order not to damage the fur, it is necessary to leave a “leg” of threads 2-3 mm long between the button and the fur. And one more thing ... When buying a fur coat, choose the right size. The fur product should be cozy and comfortable! .

Today, most designers are ready to offer plus size mink coats for obese women in their collections, because plump women also want to look elegant and stylish at the same time.

It is the mink that is most popular among the abundance of natural furs. In addition, such a fur coat is practical and very warm. A variety of styles and models can satisfy even the most capricious lady with chic shapes. But the choice must be made very carefully, given the features of the figure. It is quite easy to spoil the impression of the most expensive fur coat by choosing the wrong style.

The good old classics are always in fashion, unlike fleeting trends. If, trying on the latest collection, you could not make a final decision, it is worth considering classic cut fur coats.

Color solution

An important factor when choosing a fur product is color. Even the most successful style with the wrong color will look ridiculous.

Advice: It is better for large girls to avoid models of white or any shade that is too light, because the light, reflected from the pile of the skin, will only visually increase the volume. Black and noble shades of chocolate, brown tones, on the contrary, will add harmony to your silhouette.

Mink fur coats for overweight women in gray should be chosen with extreme caution, because in the light of the day it would seem to hide fullness, but in artificial evening lighting it will only create the effect of a fluffy “cloud”.

The option with combined colors should be used to focus on the advantages of your figure and deftly masking problem areas.

Youth options for puffies

Young plump girls should not beware of the bright colors of a plus size mink coat, because classic black visually adds age, and unusual youth color will surely look stylish and at the same time add lightness and playfulness to the image.

Having opted for a dark, monophonic model, the girl will seem more mature, experienced and a little bit mysterious.

Shortened styles are always relevant for girls, and light models with a hood or an interesting collar are ideal for everyday wear and are in perfect harmony with any shoes.

Fur coat - butterfly loose fit with flared sleeves will perfectly complement the evening and festive outfit, add a unique gloss to the image.

Fur coat model "Butterfly"

A short fur coat - a ballet flat, with an extension on the back, will be convenient for motorists.

Model "Ballet"

Plus size mink coats for overweight older women

With age, girls want to look more status, not too catchy. A trapezoidal model with a slit on the sides is perfect for puffies. Elegant, soft folds veil voluminous hips and give ease of movement.

An oversized bell mink coat will accentuate the waist, even if it is hard to find. Tight sleeves are not allowed, they will create a stiffness effect.

Advice! It is very important that the fur coat is not tight in the chest, such a flaw gives the impression that the fur coat is small for you, the principle “if it fastens, then my size” does not fit here, keep in mind that the mink does not tolerate constant stretching and will look at least funny.

What fur to choose?

There are several types of mink fur processing:

  • Sheared;
  • plucked;
  • natural;
  • Painted.

Exactly sheared fur is most suitable for fur coats of puffy fashionistas. According to the tactile properties, fur coats for obese women made of sheared mink, like velvet, look very stylish and expensive.

Modern designers urge not to repulse long-haired models, but to avoid flashy accents, such as patch pockets, catchy buckles, horizontal trims, all kinds of beads and rhinestones, such details reduce the cost of the product and give it a touch of vulgarity.

Products made of plucked mink look favorably, where all the hard hairs are removed by hand, and the soft ones shimmer beautifully, diverting attention from the owner's large forms, and focusing it on the quality of the model.

An interesting option for coloring plus size mink, smooth transition from a dark pile to a lighter one, such as amber, allows you to hide extra inches in the waist area and brings a unique zest to the image of a fashionista.

Choice based on height and body type


It is no secret that a fur coat made of darker skins, in which there are not too many seams, will cost more. A more budget option is mink coats of large sizes from the remnants of the material. The quality of such a product is slightly lower, but the appearance remains attractive and does not reduce the cost of the image.

Did you know that the styles of fur coats for obese women are numerous and varied. Thanks to such an abundance, each lady will be able to choose a fur product according to her figure.

Fashion is what suits us and makes us more attractive. From the 14th century to our modern day, a fur coat has always been considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth. This product is designed to keep warm, it can be natural and artificial. Soft fox, tender mink, playful astrakhan fur, chinchilla, rabbit, dog, raccoon, marten, polecat, reindeer, squirrel, muskrat, nutria, bright fox fur, muton.

Fur coats adorn women, emphasizing dignity and stateliness, making them sophisticated and mysterious. And “what style of fur coat is suitable for overweight women,” you ask? The answer is simple. First of all, a fur coat should just please you. Choose the fur and color, regardless of the length of the pile.

The right finish and color of your piece will only enhance your curvaceous, feminine curves. Fur coats made of polar fox and fox are a perfect confirmation of this.

What models of fur coats are better to wear for full girls?

Before choosing a large size fur coat model, the color of the product is also selected. Now their choice is diverse thanks to the latest technology.

To find out which fur coat to choose for a full woman and which particular model of a fur coat is suitable for full ones, you need to find out if the structure and height of the fur can affect the figure.

There are short-haired, medium-haired and long-haired types of pile of skins. The length of the pile does not really matter, the main thing is that the product pleases and suits you. Although some ladies choose short-haired type of pile to correct the figure.

Previously, it was believed that a woman becomes larger due to the large volume of the relief of the material. This is an outdated myth. New skin processing technologies will make it very thin, and fluffy and beautiful fur will hide your roundness.

Depending on the location of the skins on the animal, they are divided into femoral, lateral, ridge and abdominal areas. Fur coats are made from full-bodied skins and its pieces, the price of the latter is lower. Therefore, you can choose expensive fur in an economical option.

Look at these photos on the styles of fur coats for obese women:

What style of fur coat should a full woman choose?

At the moment, manufacturers offer the following models of fur coats to full ladies:

  • The classic shape is straight and trapezoidal. Whether it will be with or without a hood is purely your own business.
  • A short fur coat with a straight, trapezoidal cut with or without slits on the sides is an ideal fur coat model for full-bodied ladies. It will make you neat and easy!
  • Cleopatra fur coat, expanding downwards, decorated with fur inserts along the edge of the product.
  • The bell is a little flared, suitable for ladies with curvy shapes. If the increase in the trapezoid begins at the waist, emphasizes it. (In this case, worn with a belt)
  • Ballet flats are the shortest product made for full-bodied beauties. The fur coat is straight, but widens at the back at an acute angle. Indispensable with trousers from the hip and a pencil skirt.
    Butterfly-fur coat of a free style with "flying" sleeves.

On a fur coat of large sizes there should be nothing superfluous: no pockets inside, no stripes and “pendants”. They will only add volume.

The length of the fur coat should not be on the floor, as such a fur coat will not emphasize your dignity, but will make you even larger.

The product just below the belt is also not yours, it “cuts” you into halves, into two squares, visually increasing the volume.

The ideal solution for a fur coat model for obese girls is the length below the hip by 20-25 cm, the middle of the knee cup and below it by 5 cm.

The length of the product to the middle of the calf muscle will also correct your figure. With this correct length, you will become taller and slimmer.

Outerwear should be primarily your size, should be loose in the armpits and not gather on the back!

Put on a fur coat, walk around in it, bend over, take your purse from the sofa, sit down. If you are comfortable and the fur coat does not gather with a caterpillar, this is your size!

Take good care of your coat! Hang it on the soft coat hanger, dry the fur coat after rain (in no case hang it on the battery), pushing the sleeves back. Comb the product. Make sure that it is individual for fur. Buy a special anti-moth product for your fur coat at any hardware store.

Soft and comfortable things, such as a fur coat, always give joy and comfort. Wear it with pleasure, especially since now you know that the choice of styles for full ladies is quite large!

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It is customary to choose a fur coat according to the figure. For overweight women, this piece of clothing should be chosen with extreme caution so as not to spoil the overall image of its owner. Today on Koshechke.ru - topical advice.

How to choose a fur coat for a large size

Fur coats for obese women have a very diverse list of styles. This allows you to choose a fur product that suits the specific taste and character of its owner.

The first condition for choosing a fur coat for the full is personal comfort and preference. A woman should feel that the thing is really "hers".

It is also important to analyze the structure of the body and understand which advantages need to be emphasized and which disadvantages are best hidden.


The next step to buying a fur coat is to determine its color.


The next question that needs an answer remains: what style of fur coat is suitable for overweight women. On the rounded forms of the female figure look perfect:

  1. Fur coat of a straight or trapezoidal cut. Great for figures where the main volume is concentrated in the lower body.
  2. Straight or trapezoidal coat. A length just below the knee or reaching mid-calf hides the hips.
  3. Fur coat Cleopatra. This style of fur product is distinguished by flared bottoms and inserts along the edges of the fur coat.
  4. A bell coat for overweight women is a great way to emphasize the magnificent forms of its owner. When the extension of such a style is at the waist, stylists recommend to beat such a fur coat with a stylish strap.
  5. Fur coat-ballet. From the front, it looks like a straight-cut fur product, but there is an expansion at the back, which makes this style of fur coat indispensable for full ones.
  6. Butterfly style. This coat is a free cut product with flared sleeves.
  7. Poncho. Perfectly hides the large volumes of the upper body of its mistress and emphasizes the dignity of the lower one.

Remember! When choosing a fur coat, overweight women should exclude models with extra details (pockets, stripes, etc.) from the options. Such a decision can add excessive splendor to the image.

Having decided on the style and color of the future fur coat, you need to make sure that a number of the following recommendations are observed:

  • a fur product in length should not reach the floor, since such a solution visually increases the volume of its mistress;
  • models of large fur coats made of natural fur visually add age. To look younger, it is better to give preference to faux fur products;
  • women of short stature should choose the most simplified models of fur coats (straight cut, without decorative elements and long fur);
  • a coat to the waist or slightly lower should also not be considered as an option;
  • long fur of a raccoon, silver fox, muskrat, beaver or lynx looks perfect only in the decoration of the collar or hood of a fur product;
  • fur coats with horizontal stripes are not suitable for full forms; it is better to give preference to vertical stripes;
  • fur coats with a length of 25 cm below the hip, up to the middle of the calf, knee-deep and just below it have the best visualization;
  • medium-length fur coats for obese women are an excellent tool in smoothing out a voluminous top (the length should reach mid-thigh);
  • a fur coat with a lush collar perfectly balances the lush hips of its mistress;
  • during the fitting, you need to make sure that the product sits freely (does not press under the armpits and does not create folds on the back);
  • fur coats of animal coloring for full ladies should be chosen with extreme care. Leopard or tiger shades can create the wrong impression about the owner of the fur coat or draw unnecessary attention to problem areas;
  • if you want bright colors, then fur with a “feather” color can be an alternative;
  • a shawl collar or a puffy top is contraindicated for owners of large breasts.

When buying a fur coat, one should not forget that there are always exceptions to all rules. Therefore, discarding the option you like, following the advice above, should only be after trying it on.

If a woman has doubts about the selection of a suitable fur product, then the solution to this issue can be an invitation to shopping for a person who understands fashion and has good taste. It can be both close friends and professional stylists.

What fur to prefer

Fur can be the most diverse: plucked and unplucked; shorn and unshorn; dyed and unpainted. But it is very important when choosing a fur coat, to look not only at the look, but also at the price of the product. The cost should correspond to the variety and quality of the fur.


This fur coat material for curvaceous girls is the most suitable. Its short pile will save its owner from the possibility of visually adding extra volume. Astragan should be preferred, since the sheepskin hair of this valuable breed is the shortest.


Mink coats are ideal for overweight women, and are in great demand among them. Stylists claim that the reason for this is their shiny and textured fur. It perfectly emphasizes all the advantages of the mistress of the fur coat.

Mink coats are always relevant for obese women, especially Scandinavian and North American mink fur.


Swakar, white, black and gray shades of fur look more effective than the rest.


This expensive fur is completely unsuitable as a fur coat material for overweight ones. A long pile creates extra volume for the product and, accordingly, the figure of the owner of the fur coat.

goat and otter

The fur of these animals is not very popular, but with proper processing, models from this material look no less impressive than mink.


This material does not have a long service life and visually does not look as impressive as a muton or mink.

Fashion trends in fur coats for full

Fashion tends to change every day and the choice of outfits in the style of the latest trends should be approached judiciously and with extreme caution. For example, bright colors of faux fur coats may not be relevant next year or may not match the color of the hair after dyeing it.

Modern fashion trends include:

  1. Faux fur coat. Models of this variety are distinguished by relatively low prices, a variety of styles and make it possible to more often purchase an outfit in the style of the latest trends.
  2. Fur coat for autolady (coat or length just below the hip). The cropped cut allows its mistress to feel comfortable behind the wheel and does not hinder movement during maneuvers. Also, this style of fur coat looks great with an evening dress.
  3. Mink. Mink coats for obese women are an indicator of the well-being and taste of their mistress. These coats are always relevant and fashionable. The most luxurious plus size model is a chocolate-colored fur coat with a stand-up collar and sable cuffs.
  4. Long coats. This version of a large fur product is not acceptable in cases of low stature of its owner.
  5. Poncho. Such a fur coat expands to the bottom and has slits for the arms, or flared sleeves. Effectively with such a product looks like a belt to match the image.

A fur coat can both emphasize the dignity of a woman with curvaceous forms, and highlight flaws. Therefore, it is better to approach the process of choosing a product carefully and accurately.

A fur coat is a garment that any woman wants to have in her wardrobe, regardless of age, height and features of the figure. For women whose figure does not quite fit into the notorious 90-60-90, designers offer models that will hide all the flaws. For this, there are various cutting techniques, certain types of models, features of the choice of material for tailoring.

It can be both natural fur and faux fur. The choice depends only on personal tastes, preferences and financial capabilities. Every woman, wearing a fur coat, has the right to feel like a queen, and for this you need to choose a model that will favorably emphasize the merits and make the flaws of the figure invisible.

Overweight women should avoid models that, due to their volume, will only add weight. Also, do not choose models with narrow sleeves and narrowed chest.

Long-haired furs are not suitable for full women, as they visually add volume. Horizontal stripes will also add weight, they can only be present as an element of a decorative stripe pattern, that is, in combination with vertical and diagonal stripes. Also, you should not get carried away with fur coats with frills on the sleeves or on the bottom of the product, since such decorations add weight.

Models that are suitable for almost any type of figure are straight, A-shaped and flared silhouettes. Depending on the features of the structure, you can add a belt, fluffy fur collar or other decorative details.

Long coat model in black and white, classic style, with three-quarter sleeves from the new Dennis Basso collection, in combination with a floor-length dress in a gray-green shade of a free cut and Dennis Basso silver heeled sandals.

Stylish semi-fitted fur coat, dark brown, above the knee, complemented by a hood from the collection of the fashion house Dennis Basso in combination with satin trousers and a dark gray blouse and silver heeled sandals from Dennis Basso.

An original coat in the form of a poncho, dark chocolate shade, above the knee, with three-quarter sleeves from the fall-winter collection from Dennis Basso, combined with a long burgundy dress, a large black handbag and sandals with heels from Dennis Basso.

A trendy women's fur coat of a free cut, taupe, knee-length from the new season collection from Dennis Basso, combined with a long dress in light gray and black shoes with heels from Dennis Basso.

A winter version of a fur coat just above the knees, white and red tone, loose silhouette, with wide sleeves from the Emilio Pucci collection, combined with a short black and white dress and dark brown high boots with Emilio Pucci heels.

Women's asymmetrical fur coat in white with black inserts, straight cut from the 2015 collection of the VFiles fashion house, combined with a carrot-colored midi dress and black patent leather platform ankle boots from VFiles.

For women with large breasts and narrow hips, models flared from the shoulder or chest are suitable. Ladies with a narrow waist, but voluminous breasts and hips can safely wear a fitted model and will look chic in it. And owners of wide hips and small breasts can balance the figure with a fluffy collar.

When choosing a fur coat model, the owner of magnificent forms needs to clearly know what she should hide and what should be emphasized.

The color and length of fur coats for full

When it comes to color for plus size fur coats, the dark color immediately appears. Such associations are not accidental, because it is dark shades that can visually reduce objects. The same thing happens with coats. The vast majority of models of fur coats for obese women are dark in tone. Most often it is black and dark brown. Fur coats of a lighter brown shade are also not uncommon. Lighter shades of brown are found with less intensity - beige, golden and others.

As for white and light gray fur coats, there are few such models, but they also exist. For some women, it is these shades that give so much charm and elegance that no extra weight becomes superfluous.

A winter fur coat for overweight women in a dark gray tone, classic style, above the knee length, with a stand-up collar will perfectly complement the look in combination with black leggings and black suede boots with medium heels.

A long model of a natural fur coat for obese women, black, semi-fitted silhouette will look good with blue jeans and black leather boots with wide heels.

An original coat in the form of a poncho for overweight ladies, white, above the knee length, complemented by a hood, will perfectly fit into the image in combination with black trousers and black leather boots with lacing and low speed.

Stylish gray coat for overweight women, semi-fitted style, above the knee length, decorated with fringes, from the new Dennis Basso collection, combined with a black blouse, slate-colored trousers, a fur bag and Dennis Basso silver heeled sandals.

Fur coat made of red natural fur for full ladies, straight cut, just above the knee length from the collection of the fashion house Fendi in combination with a black leather clutch and black high-heeled ankle boots from Fendi.

Women's black and white full length, straight cut, medium length fur coat from Miu Miu's new season collection, paired with a grass green dress and gold-tone heeled shoes from Miu Miu.

When choosing the length, tall women, even despite the appetizing forms, can safely choose a long fur coat to the floor. In such an outfit, a tall lady will look stately and beautiful like a Russian noblewoman. And short women are not recommended to wear long fur coats, they will look squat in such an outfit.

Knee-length fur coats can be worn by women with large breasts and thin, slender legs. In such a fur coat, the beauty of the legs will seem to the fullest. Similar models can be worn by women with wide hips.

A fashionable short fur coat in turquoise tone for overweight women, straight cut, with a turn-down collar will be ideally combined with light blue jeans, a black sleeveless blouse, a light turquoise clutch and black shoes with small heels.

A leopard-colored fur coat for obese women, a classic style, above the knee length looks great with light blue boyfriend jeans, a black T-shirt and black leather shoes with wide heels.

They are universal and suitable for women with any, you just need to choose the right model.

Faux fur coats for overweight

The type of fur when choosing a fur coat plays a very important, if not primary, role. The choice between natural and artificial fur arises, as a rule, with limited financial opportunities. If it is difficult to purchase a fur coat made of natural fur, you can always find an artificial analogue, because with today's technologies they are visually very similar.

Also, young girls often make a choice in favor, because it is on the young that such fur looks most natural. Products from it are quite diverse and, moreover, very affordable. In addition, such fur coats are acquired by animal protectors.

Faux fur for a plus size coat should be short-haired, since it is these types of fur that look best on curvy ladies. Most often, fur coats are chosen that imitate the fur of mink, astrakhan, broadtail and other short-haired furs.

Women's oversized faux fur coat, black, above the knee length looks great with a black hat, burgundy skinny trousers, a lady's gray handbag and black high boots at low speed.

Spectacular straight-cut fur coat for overweight women, beige-red tone, medium length is ideally combined with tight black trousers, a red-colored handbag and leopard-colored high-heeled shoes.

A short model of a winter coat for obese women, dark turquoise, straight cut will look great with a white T-shirt, tight black trousers and a black clutch and black boots with heels.

The winter version of the larger gray fur coat, straight silhouette, below the knee length will complement the image well in combination with a long black dress and silver-colored sandals with heels.

A stylish short black coat for full ladies, with three-quarter sleeves, will go well with a gray blouse, wide black trousers and black heeled shoes.

A fashionable straight-silhouette fur coat for obese women, black with red inserts, above the knee length, with a stand-up collar, looks perfect with a black pencil skirt and high boots in a light brown shade with wide heels.

It also makes sense to check the fur coat for weight. Often, faux fur has a significant weight. It may turn out that it will just be hard to wear it. Modern technologies make it possible to create wonderful types of artificial fur that are not inferior to natural fur either in terms of heat-retaining ability, or in appearance, or in weight.

Natural fur coats for obese women

The natural fur most often used for tailoring fur coats for overweight women is mink. Its characteristics and appearance are best suited for models of large sizes.

It is also popular, but its cost does not allow it to compete with mink. Long-haired furs for overweight women are far from the best option, but there are lovers of such products. For tailoring fur coats of large sizes, astrakhan fur and broadtail are also suitable.

Mouton, although it is the most budget option, does not look good on full ladies. also affordable, but not so beautiful and elegant, moreover, short-lived. It turns out that the same favorite mink remains the best choice.

A trendy sleeveless fur coat for overweight women, brown, above the knee length, fitted style, with a leather belt will complement the look well in combination with a black midi dress and low-speed black leather shoes.

Spectacular fur coat of large sizes in dark chocolate tone, classic style, knee-length, complemented by a hood, goes well with black trousers and patent leather large black boots with heels.

A natural fur coat for overweight women, beige, straight cut, above the knee length looks great with a milk-colored blouse, pale gray trousers and low-speed black leather shoes.

Women's winter coat in the form of a poncho for obese women, dark gray, above the knee length from the Dennis Basso collection in combination with a gray blouse, a navy blue satin long skirt and black heeled sandals from Dennis Basso.

Winter model of a fur coat in white and black for a full, free silhouette, above the knee length from the new DKNY collection in combination with a black blouse, black leather trousers and black platform sneakers from DKNY.

An original oversized, beige, knee-length, short-sleeve fur coat from the Paul & Joe new season collection, combined with a swamp-colored blouse, wide black trousers and black leather ankle boots with Paul & Joe heels.

Large sizes are sewn, most often, without the use of horizontal stripes. Diagonal or vertical patterns are not uncommon.

A combination of furs is often used. For example, a combination of mink and rabbit, which significantly reduces the cost of the product. Often a combination of two or more fur colors in one model. Often there is a trim of the sleeves or collar with fur in a contrasting color. There are often models that suit everyone, regardless of the figure.

What to wear with an oversized coat

Long models are best worn with a skirt, and if possible, short. In this case, tights should be tight and dark.

If the figure allows you to wear tight trousers, a short hip-length fur coat will look great with them. To this model, you can wear a beret or a small hat. The coat can be with a hood, which will complement the suit very well and allow you to create an interesting look. It is not recommended for full women to wear a wide skirt at all, and even more so as an addition to a fur coat.

Also, short coats look great with classic trousers. Such sets are quite popular among women with different body types.

A stylish blue fur coat for overweight women, a classic style, above the knee length, with patch pockets goes well with a lilac-colored blouse, blue-colored trousers with a floral print, a red handbag and beige low-heeled shoes.

The female model of a large-sized fur coat for the winter, red, semi-fitted silhouette, above the knee length looks great with a milk-colored skirt below the knees, a voluminous black sweater, a red clutch and black and red high-heeled shoes.

A beautiful evening set can be made up of a short fur coat model with, but the fur coat should not be very short and without fashionable puffy sleeves.

Knee-length models look most advantageous with classic suits, skirts and dresses of the same length or a little shorter. If the fur coat has a hood, it will make a good walking kit.

A winter version of a beige coat for overweight ladies, straight cut, above the knee length will look perfect with a long black skirt, a black blouse, a black and beige lacquered handbag and black leather heeled shoes.

A short model of a straight-cut fur coat for obese women, in blue colors, will perfectly complement the image in combination with a knee-length dress in light blue and black leather ankle boots with high stable heels.

You can create business images, romantic and playful. Fur coats for their creation can be fitted, with or without a belt, flared. The main thing is to select models that are best suited to a particular figure and its features.

Shoes and accessories for a fur coat for obese women

Fat ladies often wear low-heeled shoes. These boots can be worn with a short fur coat model, in combination with trousers. For longer models, the heel must be present, it can be of medium height. Stylists allow the use of platform shoes complete with a fur coat. The only requirement in this case is that it should not be thick.

For long models of fur coats, boots must be with heels, otherwise the fur coat will completely lose its appearance, and the image will be hopelessly damaged. If there is no way to wear a heel, it is better to choose a fur coat of a shorter length.

A short version of a winter coat for overweight women, black, straight cut, with three-quarter sleeves looks perfect with black trousers, a black leather handbag and patent black shoes with medium heels.

Women's short coat of large sizes for the winter, light gray, straight cut goes well with a milk-colored blouse, black trousers, a midnight blue beret, a beige handbag and high black low-cut boots.

An original winter fur coat for overweight women, blue-black, just above the knee length, with a hood will perfectly complement the look in combination with a black handbag and high black leather boots with a small heel.

A spectacular milk-colored fur coat of large sizes, medium length, with voluminous sleeves will go well with a white blouse, black leather trousers, a white clutch and black-colored stilettos.

A short model of a black fur coat for overweight women, a straight silhouette is ideally combined with black and white trousers, a black top, a black clutch and patent black high-heeled sandals.

A trendy white fur coat for full ladies, knee-length, with a voluminous collar looks great with a white blouse, a turquoise vest, white-brown trousers and white ankle boots on a high platform.

If shoes are matched to a natural fur coat, the general requirement is the naturalness of the materials. Boots must be leather or suede. Artificial materials can be used when the fur coat is also made of artificial fur. Shoes are better to choose classic models, without buckles, tassels and other decorative ornaments.

The scarf should only be thin, it can only be worn under a fur coat. In no case should women with magnificent forms wear massive knitted scarves, especially over a fur coat. This combination will be very heavy and will simply round the figure.

The winter version of the women's fur coat of large sizes, peach shade, straight cut, medium length will perfectly complement the look in combination with a short black dress and open red shoes with high heels.

A short winter coat for overweight women, black, straight silhouette, with three-quarter sleeves looks great with a blue dress, a silver clutch and black ankle boots with rhinestones, open toe and high heels.

Natural fur can only be supplemented with expensive accessories - leather gloves, a good bag, a fur hat. With faux fur coats, you can wear simpler shoes, but you still shouldn’t combine them with felt boots.

How to choose the right plus size coat

In order to choose the right model for yourself, you need to carefully study your figure, its shortcomings and advantages, then, depending on the results, select a fur coat that will fit the figure.

If you can’t find the right model, carefully look at the fashionable fur coats for obese women, the photos of which are presented in our article. These photos can help you make your choice.

A fashionable fur coat below the knees for overweight women, gray-violet colors, semi-fitted silhouette, with a stand-up collar, goes well with classic black trousers.

A winter fur coat made of natural fur for obese women, black, loose-fitting, just below the knee length, with wide sleeves, will go well with a black and yellow hat and black open shoes with medium heels.

A women's fur coat of large sizes in a dark chocolate tone, straight silhouette, below the knee length, with a stand-up collar will look great with classic black trousers and black leather boots with heels.

A fur coat made of natural fur with a hood for overweight ladies, gray in color, classic style, below the knee length looks perfect with black wide trousers and black leather shoes with a small heel.

A short version of a winter women's fur coat for a full, black, straight silhouette will go well with a maroon dress, a black clutch and black mid-heeled ankle boots.
