What to do hair shone at home. Mask with egg and cognac

Long, richly colored, shiny hair is still at the top of every woman's beauty wish list. While some women are born with glossy shiny hair, many of them, alas, are born with hair that is dull and dry.

Many women suffer from unmanageable hair that lacks shine. Regardless of whether short hair is in trend or long, still many girls crave soft and silky hair.

We have always strived to find the secret to silky, shiny hair. The answer lies in proper hair care.

Here are some simple home remedies for silky hair.

Eat healthy food

Vitamins play an important role in maintaining hair and cuticle growth. Try to consume as many vitamins as possible in the form of fruits, especially citrus fruits.

Our body must receive enough moisture, constantly maintain the water level, as dehydration can lead to dry skin of the face and scalp, and as a result, lifeless hair. Try to drink as much water and fluids as you can.

Choose the right care products

Do you want to know how to make your hair silky and shiny? To do this, you need to choose the right products to pamper your hair.

Chemically loaded shampoos, conditioners and styling products can have adverse effects on our hair in the long run.

Long-term use of these products leads to the accumulation of chemicals, which will be extremely bad for your hair and overall health. Use the most gentle shampoos and conditioners.

Buy only good natural products, it is very important for your hair and only in this way you will always be sure of the beauty of your hair.

Avoid shampoos containing alcohol. It tends to strip the hair of natural oils.

Head massage with oil

Oil massage is very important for your hair, just like any other part of your body. Root oiling provides nourishment and strength and helps hair grow long, strong and shiny. It also helps rejuvenate dead hair cells.

Massage is one of the simplest and most relaxing hair care essentials. It improves circulation and stimulates blood flow. You can use coconut oil or almond oil to massage your scalp.

Combing hair

Combing your hair is our daily task, but if you properly approach this process, it will lead to an increase in hair growth.

You need moderate pressure on the comb when combing, which will stimulate blood circulation very well. Combing also helps distribute the natural oils from the scalp to the ends of the hair.

Avoid combing your hair while it is still damp. Wet hair tends to stretch more and break more easily compared to dry hair.

If you want to make combing easier, use your fingers and gently run them through each strand of hair. Also use a comb with soft bristles.

"Treatment" with cold water

Hot showers can be detrimental to your hair and rob it of moisture. Cold water rinses, on the other hand, help seal the cuticles and strengthen the roots, thereby helping the hair retain some of its moisture. This gives the hair softness and silkiness.

Regular pruning

Many professional hairdressers strongly recommend trimming the length of your hair on a regular basis so that it grows faster and becomes thicker. By trimming the edges of the hair, you make it look more attractive, as you remove problematic ones.

Do not use hot tools

The biggest culprits for damaged hair are hot tools. Not very good if you use hot tongs, curling irons and a hair dryer on a regular basis.

Try to dry your hair naturally, just dip it with a towel (do not rub!). If you urgently need to dry your hair, then do it just with a little warm air (not hot!) And also try to curl your hair in more gentle ways.

Proper air conditioning

Conditioner is essential for good hair - it blocks the evaporation of moisture from the hair, prevents dry skin, and provides protection from pollution from the environment, and to a certain extent, from the sun too.

It also helps replace lipids and proteins within the hair shaft and seals the cuticle to prevent further damage.

How to get smooth and silky hair with eggs

Hair of any type can be made smooth and silky with an egg mask. This mask will act as a conditioner, further nourishing, protecting and smoothing the hair.

You will need:

2 eggs

How to make a mask:

  1. Crack two eggs
  2. Shake well and apply to hair.
  3. Leave the mixture on your head for 30 minutes

Wash your hair with a good shampoo to get rid of egg smell

Why it works

Plain eggs are one of the best known sources of protein and are great for your hair. Eggs greatly improve the structure of the hair, making it stronger and more voluminous.

Egg and cream mask

You will need:

2 eggs

1 tablespoon fresh cream

How to make a mask

  1. Mix eggs with cream and apply the mixture on your hair
  2. Leave it for 20 minutes
  3. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo

Why it works

Eggs are mostly made up of protein. And protein is what your hair needs to be smooth and strong. Regularly making such a mask, you will ensure that the hair becomes shiny, and the curls will flicker with a healthy glow.

egg and shampoo mask

Although I love eggs, I am not a fan of their smell. And you probably don't like it either. Yes, I understand you want your hair to be thick, but the fact that eggs don't smell very good is holding you back. But don't worry, there is a way out of this.

You will need

1 egg


How to make a mask

  1. You can mix the contents of the egg into the shampoo or use the shampoo with egg extracts.
  2. Rinse it with cold water

Your hair quality improves as the protein works for each hair.

Egg and henna mask

You will need:

1 egg

2 tablespoons powdered henna

How to make a mask

  1. Mix the contents of the egg with henna and apply to all strands
  2. Leave for half an hour and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo

Why it works

Eggs and henna work together at their best. Henna is also used to color gray hair. You won't believe how strong and smooth your hair can be with this mask.

Egg and avocado mask

You will need

1 egg

half an avocado

How to make a mask

  1. Mix eggs and avocado until you get a smooth paste.
  2. Apply to your hair and leave it on your head for about forty minutes.
  3. Rinse your hair with cold water.

Why it works

Using avocado is a great way to treat an itchy scalp. It promotes healing, nourishes and improves the condition of the hair and scalp, leaving your strands soft and shiny.

egg oil mask

Egg oil, unlike many other oils, is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, the cholesterol that is present in egg oil gives shine to the hair and eliminates dandruff.

Egg, olive oil and honey mask

You will need

3 egg yolks

1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon olive oil

How to make a mask

  1. Combine egg yolks, olive oil and one tablespoon of honey.
  2. Mix well and apply to hair.
  3. Rinse your hair with warm water after thirty minutes.
  4. Use a good shampoo and conditioner to remove all traces of the egg from your hair.

Why it works

Honey, being a natural humectant, provides moisture and stimulates hair growth. Adding olive oil to it facilitates the process of nourishing and moisturizing, and promotes healthy scalp and hair.

Hurry up and buy some eggs. You have no idea what amazing things they can do for the beauty of your hair!

Mask with mayonnaise and avocado for hair

Add 2 tablespoons of warm avocado oil to 1 cup of mayonnaise and mix well.

Apply throughout your hair as a conditioner. This mixture acts as a conditioner and you can use it whenever you have free time.

Keep it for at least 3 hours if you have time. For best results, wrap your head in a warm towel. Rinse your hair thoroughly.

Hair mask Honey and Aloe

Add an equal amount of honey and aloe vera gel to your conditioner.

Massage this into your hair and leave it on for about 5 to 10 minutes. This is great for dry hair.

Make sure you add Aloe Vera that does not contain other ingredients such as alcohol. This will damage the hair.

Mask for instant natural darkening of hair with coffee

For natural and instant hair color, brew regular coffee and wait for it to cool down a bit. Don't let it cool down completely, the coffee needs to be luke warm to apply.

Dip your hair in coffee, wetting each strand well, then twist it into a bundle and into a bun, and leave it like that for half an hour. If you regularly do this procedure, then your color will become saturated and bright.

Mask with yogurt for silky hair

Apply plain yogurt all over your hair from roots to ends. Make sure you massage the roots properly with yogurt, leave it on for 30 minutes until it dries completely.

Then shampoo your hair. Yogurt acts as a great conditioner and makes hair shiny.

You can also try another amazing mask: yogurt, olive oil and honey.

Add a few drops of vinegar to water and rinse your hair with it. Do this for at least a month, and you will be surprised how your hair will begin to shine.

How to get silky and shiny hair in minutes

If you're in a rush and need to add last-minute shine to your hair, follow the steps below.

Note: This method will not improve the health of your hair and should be considered a "quick fix" method in case of an emergency.

You will need the following:

  1. Straightener for curly or wavy hair
  2. Smoothing Shampoo & Conditioner
  3. thermal protection spray
  4. smoothing serum

Steps to get shiny hair

Curly hair is not glossy, and it is noticeable to the naked eye. Slightly wavy or straight hair is easier to add shine with a few simple tricks.

This is because straight hair has a flat surface that reflects light in such a way that gloss becomes visible. Hence, hair straightening can be considered positively for creating a glossy look.

Step 1

If you want shiny hair, don't take hot water baths. It has been proven that hot water washes away oils from the hair, making it dull and dry.

A good smoothing shampoo will be enough to wash the dirt out of your hair. If you really need to take a hot shower, put on a shower cap or use moisturizing hair masks later to replenish lost oils and moisture.

This is just the first step you can't skip if you want shiny, glossy hair.

Step 2

Rinsing takes moisture away from the hair, making it rough and unruly. By using a good conditioner after shampooing, your hair will look shiny and healthy.

Use a good conditioner and always leave it on your head for a couple of minutes to lock in the moisture in your hair.

Step 3

Curly hair is usually coarser and looks dull. If you want your hair to shine, you can straighten it. Be sure to use a heat protectant spray before you start straightening with an iron. The spray helps protect hair from excessive damage.

Step 4

After you have straightened your hair and it has completely cooled down, use a smoothing serum.

Do not apply too much serum to the hair, the amount should be minimal so that the hair does not look like wet and does not have to be washed after a short time.

Be careful that the spray does not contain alcohol, because it makes the hair dry and unmanageable. Then simply comb through your hair with a wide-toothed comb and you're done!

Natural remedies for silky hair

We have some simple ways, using products that are in every home:

Method 1

Natural products and ingredients from their kitchen are powerful enough to help you with your hair problem.

If you need a quick "fix" for dull hair, it's a good idea to rinse your hair with a mixture of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar/white wine/plain vinegar.

Method 2

Mayonnaise is also great for hair as it nourishes and makes it shinier. This is due to the vegetable oils it contains. Depending on the volume of your hair and length, take mayonnaise, put it in a glass dish.

Mayonnaise before use, about an hour, remove from the refrigerator so that it is at room temperature. Before applying this mask, the hair should be washed with warm water, which will open the follicles.

Then apply it along the entire length of the hair, covering them completely. After you have covered all the strands with mayonnaise, put on a shower cap. It is best to keep it for about an hour or more. This method makes hair soft, silky and glossy.

Other important tips for silky hair

  • Whenever you go out, cover your hair with a hat. Pollution and the sun are major contributors to hair damage.
  • Avoid using shampoos that contain sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate. Try using herbal home remedies for hair restoration; Harsh chemicals will make your hair even worse.
  • Don't tie your hair very tight; this leads to hair damage.
  • Wash your hair three times a week if you have an oily scalp, otherwise twice a week is sufficient. Because washing your hair frequently, it dries out the scalp's natural oils and results in dry hair.
  • Use a good conditioner after every hair wash. This is a must! It nourishes dry, brittle and damaged hair. It also adds shine and makes hair manageable. Choose the right conditioner for your hair.
  • Massage your scalp for a few minutes every day. This not only stimulates blood circulation, but also removes dead skin cells, helps prevent dandruff and improves hair growth.
  • Use brushes for combing, preferably with a soft bristled brush.
  • Cover your hair when you go out in the sun. The sun is bad for your hair. It dries them out and makes them dull and brittle.
  • If you have oily hair, add vinegar or lemon to the water when rinsing, this will help remove oil and add shine to your hair.
  • If you visit the pool or gym every day, then you need to wash your hair every day too. So use a gentle moisturizing shampoo followed by a light conditioner to replenish lost natural oils.
  • To prevent dry and lifeless hair, you need to use simple hair masks.
  • Avoid washing your hair with soap. Shampoo is always best for hair as a cleanser, and soap will dry your hair completely.

Now that you know how to get silky hair at home, you don't have to worry about the condition of your hair anymore. Because now you know the secret!

Get distracted!

Remember the old advice: to keep your hair beautiful, comb it with a hundred strokes of the brush? Of course, a hundred is too much. But if you slowly brush through your hair 20-30 times with a brush or comb with short and thick natural bristles (for example, from a wild boar), they will become smoother and shinier. Hairdressers call this technique hair polishing. Everything is explained simply: such combing really polishes the hair, smoothing the cuticle scales - and they begin to shine.

2. Use special hair shine products

Almost every brand has such a line. These are various products with vitamins (primarily panthenol), plant extracts, collagen, keratin, glycerin, betaine, volatile silicones, and various natural oils. If you need a quick and maximum result - choose professional products. You should only consult with a hairdresser beforehand: making a mistake in the choice (for example, choosing care that is not suitable for your hair type), you can worsen the condition of your hair. Yes, she will get shine, but the hairstyle will quickly lose shape.

And be careful with oils, leave-in sprays and serums for hair shine: if they are a little overdone with their quantity, the hair will stick together and will seem greasy.

Brand promo

Styling spray for shine and smoothness of hair "Stardust", got2b. Serum-shine for dark hair "Expert Super Shine", Oriflame. Spray-shine for light and highlighted hair Blond & Highlights, Syoss. Serum-shine to prevent split ends Repair & Shine, Maria Nila

3. Make hair lamination

In a beauty salon, to give your hair shine, they can offer you a procedure lamination or ellumination. Although the principle of action of the compositions used for them is fundamentally different, the essence of the procedures is basically similar: a special composition (transparent or with a tint) with proteins and other biologically active substances is applied to the hair for 20-30 minutes, which, as it were, stick together the disparate cuticle scales and smooth out the porous hair, making it shinier, smoother and more manageable. Moreover, the effect lasts 3-6 weeks.

4. Dye your hair with henna

No matter - colored or colorless- Shine is guaranteed. Unlike chemical dyes, henna does not penetrate into the structure of the hair shafts, and, like lamination compositions, envelops them, filling in irregularities in the upper scaly layer. An added bonus is that the hair will become stronger and grow better, as henna also strengthens them well. And such firming "masks" are an effective tool to combat dandruff. However, remember that after staining with henna, chemical dyes may not be taken or the result will turn out to be the most unexpected (up to a swamp green hue). For the same reason, after dyeing hair with henna, including colorless, it is not recommended to do a perm or chemical hair straightening.

5. Add acidity

By changing the pH to acidic, it is also easy to smooth the cuticles and make the hair shiny. Many balms for hair shine work according to this principle - the effect is achieved by adding fruit acids, extracts or citrus essential oils to their composition. And a very simple option - you can add it to the rinse water lemon juice or vinegar(per liter of water - a tablespoon). By the way, this acidification also softens the water. And hard water is one of the reasons why hair remains dull despite your best efforts: the salts present in it react with the detergent. As a result, a precipitate forms on the hair, depriving them of their shine. To remove it, many shampoos add fruit acids or salicylic acid.

Brand promo

Spray with argan oil for hair shine Glimmer Shine, Moroccanoil. Hairspray "Fixation and Shine", Garnier Fructis Style. Sun Spark Shampoo, Londa with macadamia oil and mandarin essential oil. Lumino Contrast Taming Gloss Serum Serie Expert, L "Oreal Professionnel. Shampoo to preserve the color and shine of dyed hair Bain Chroma Rich, Kerastase

6. Use natural masks

The simplest homemade hair shine mask- with egg yolk. Vitamins A, B and E contained in it. Amino acids and lecithin perfectly nourish, moisturize and restore even damaged hair. For maximum effect, it is better to mix the yolk with an oil (for example, olive, avocado or jojoba). The resulting mixture is applied to the hair 30-40 minutes before washing.

Of course, every woman knows that, no matter how long her curls are, whether they are loose or gathered in a bun, they, first of all, should always be beautiful. More than one survey among men was conducted, and their results each time only confirmed the invariable opinion: women's hair should be soft, smooth and shiny - this is their true beauty.

Therefore, for all women, one of the most pressing issues related to their external attractiveness has always been, is and will be the question: how to make hair shiny, and, preferably, at home? Why at home? Yes, because we do not always have the opportunity to visit a specialist, but we want to be beautiful all the time!

Causes of dull hair

To begin with, let's figure out what the condition of our hair depends on. It is believed that the lively shine and silkiness of hair is the surest indicator of the state of the whole organism. If you notice that your curls do not look the way you would like, if they have become dull and no longer soft and smooth, pay close attention to your diet. You need to know that in order to maintain the natural shine of curls, it is necessary to nourish them from the inside. Your daily diet should include vitamins B and E, dried fruits, animal protein, edible gelatin, and vegetable oils.

A fairly common occurrence, when lifelessness and dullness of hair are most noticeable in the autumn. The reason for this is that in the summer their mistress obviously neglected her straw hat or other headdresses. You can not allow scorching sunny hair to your hair - for her it is as critical as for the skin of the face. Do you use sunscreen for her benefit? Your hair also needs protection from excessive summer ultraviolet radiation. Other causes of dull hair can be stress, coloring, perms, curlers, hair dryers.

But for so many reasons for the dullness of the strands, of course, there are no fewer ways to make hair smooth and shiny. For example, after a hard day's work, take some time to give yourself a head massage - this is pleasant and good for the hair, because the massage relaxes tense muscles and improves blood circulation.

And combing the hair plays an equally important role. To enhance the natural shine of curls, you need to purchase a professional brush with natural bristles. Natural bristles spread natural oils well over the entire surface of the hair shaft, so that your hair will acquire a natural shine.

It is also important to dry your hair properly to maintain the shine of your hair. And above all, drying should be gentle. Chinese women, for example, use natural silk napkins to dry their hair.

In addition to all this, you need to smoke less (and it is better to completely abandon the bad habit), periodically use healing and nourishing masks, provide gentle care to your hair and competently organize the hair styling process directly. That's the whole secret of how to make hair shiny at home.

Glitter masks

You should dwell on such an old and proven method as masks in more detail - they are the best way to make your curls shine. There are many such masks. For centuries, women have collected the secrets of beauty and shine of hair, so choosing the right mask for you will not be difficult. Naturally, most masks are folk remedies.

If you do not have the time and desire to treat and restore each of your strands on your own, then, of course, you can go to any beauty salon where you will get an excellent professional mask for hair shine, but, as a rule, the effect of such a mask and the effect of a mask that you can make yourself at home is absolutely comparable and equivalent. Therefore, we recommend you a whole range of cosmetics that you can prepare at home to pamper your hair with them.

  • With egg and cognac

This is one of the most famous and common masks, which is done like this: take 4 tablespoons of cognac (you can use rum) and one egg, beat into a homogeneous mass, carefully rub this mixture into each strand, wrap your head with a towel, hold for 20-25 minutes and after wash off the nutrient composition with warm, and then cool water. This mask gives its excellent result after just one application - the curls become smooth and shiny.

There are masks that not only add shine to curls, but also restore them along their entire length.

  • Revitalizing mask

This berry mask to add shine to hair and to restore them at the same time. For her, you need to take two tablespoons of sea buckthorn berries, knead the berry in a deep bowl, mix with two tablespoons of milk and then pour in two tablespoons (tablespoons) of white clay. Next, apply the resulting mask to the hair and rinse with warm water and shampoo after 20-30 minutes.

There are masks that are designed for a specific type of hair: for light and for dark curls.

For example, blondes will be pleased with the effect of such a mask:

  • Light hair mask

You need to take one glass of strong chamomile broth (which must be cooled before use), apply it to clean hair and leave for 30 minutes, wrapping your head with cellophane and a towel. Wash your hair afterwards with shampoo.

  • Mask for dark hair

For this mask, you need to dilute two tablespoons of boiled unsweetened coffee with one glass of boiling water, strain, cool and apply to clean, damp hair. Then wrap your head with cellophane and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

And for the owners of “copper” curls, we offer a mask for shining red hair:

  • Effective mask for red curls

It is necessary to mix half a glass of carrot and beetroot juice, apply this mixture to the hair, you can put on a shower cap and then warm your head with a hairdryer for 5-7 minutes. After another 15-20 minutes, you need to keep the product on your hair, and then rinse with warm water.

Hair rinse

You can use not only masks, but also rinses for hair shine, which will also make your hair shiny in every sense of the word.

  • Apple water for rinsing

Pour the peel from three or four apples with one liter of water, bring to a boil, cool, strain and rinse the hair with the resulting apple water.

  • Lemon water for rinsing

Lemon juice should be added to filtered or boiled water at the rate of two tablespoons per liter of water, and then washed hair should be rinsed abundantly.

  • Water with citric acid or vinegar

For hair shine, it is also recommended to rinse them after washing with such solutions: add citric acid or table vinegar to boiled water (one tablespoon per liter of water). Such a solution will not only smooth the hair scales, which will enhance the shine of the curls, but also restore the natural environment of a healthy scalp.

  • Dark hair rinse

Brunettes can use a decoction of hops for rinsing (two tablespoons of hops and two tablespoons of tartar must be poured with one liter of water, boil for 20-25 minutes, strain and then cool) or the same tea leaves (two tablespoons of tea pour one liter of water and boil for a few minutes). Best of all, cool mint tea “invigorates” the hair.

  • Hair rinse for blondes

Chamomile with the addition of lemon juice will help golden-haired girls well. Dilute a decoction of chamomile with one liter of water, add a few drops of lemon and rinse clean hair.

  • Rinse for red hair

Red-haired beauties can use carrot juice, which is diluted with a liter of clean water (boiled or filtered). It is necessary to rinse copper curls with such a solution after washing.
For sauna lovers, there is a recipe with which you can make your hair shiny:

  • Sauna Recipe

It is necessary to mix the grated garlic clove with three tablespoons of mayonnaise and apply the mixture to clean hair while you are in the steam room, then wash off this mask with shampoo.

Hollywood Recipes

Famous Hollywood beauties also have their own recipes for masks to add shine to their hair, and, seeing all the luxury of their curls, it’s not a sin to use their products as well.

Jennifer Lopez, for example, in one of her interviews confessed her love for light beer. But not in the sense of ingestion, but for application to the hair as a mask for hair shine or, if time is short, rinse after washing. Beer must be light, from the dark there will be a smell and, possibly, an unnecessary shade. To revive dry hair, you can add a few drops of olive oil to the beer.

But Melanie Griffith uses almond oil for her hair: she rubs it into her curls, and this not only adds shine, but also eliminates split ends.

Based on beer, Catherine Zeta-Jones also uses a mask to add shine to her hair, but she prefers honey as the second component. The actress is sure that this gives her hair an amazing shine and serves as an excellent tool for caring for them.

But the most sexy brunette in the world, Angelina Jolie, also has her own secret of how to make dark hair shiny. She learned about this recipe herself, having visited the East. To prepare the product, you will need two pinches of strong tea and a small handful of sawdust. It is necessary to brew tea and sawdust with one liter of boiling water. After cooling the resulting composition and rinse your hair with it. Even if you can't find sawdust, you can safely get by with just tea leaves.

The simplest and most effective remedy

But the most versatile remedy for hair shine is, without a doubt, eggs. One of the oldest recipes: just take a few of them, beat with a mixer, then apply to wet, clean hair and massage well. This mask should be kept for 10 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. It is best to do this procedure 3-4 times a week.

Silky, smooth and shiny hair is not only a sign of beauty and grooming, but also of health. After all, painful and brittle hair will never sparkle and shimmer. Therefore, in order to give the strands silkiness, they need to be restored from the inside.

Why hair stops being silky

But why does hair become brittle and frizzy? There can be many reasons. Firstly, this is the abuse of thermal devices. Frequent use of a hair dryer, ironing and curling iron can injure the hair shaft, the scales become weak and begin to open. From this, the hair is fluffy, it is impossible to comb it, they stick out in different directions. Another common cause of hair deterioration is dyeing, perm, bleaching. Aggressive chemicals applied to the hair leave an indelible mark on the strands. Burnout in the sun, unbalanced nutrition or diet, lack of a hat in the cold - all this can provoke brittleness, dullness and hair loss. To avoid this, hair must be properly cared for.

Proper hair care

To keep your hair healthy, strong and silky, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. Do not wash your hair with hot water, especially if you have oily roots. Hot water promotes increased secretion of sebum and the opening of scales. After warm shampooing, rinse your hair with cold water. This will seal the hair scales and the strands will become incredibly smooth.
  2. Contrary to popular belief, you need to comb your curls when wet. If the hair dries tangled, smoothness is unlikely to be claimed. However, comb your hair very carefully - when wet, they are incredibly vulnerable.
  3. A flat iron will certainly make your hair smooth and silky, but like all hot appliances, it worsens the condition of your hair. Therefore, you need to use it extremely rarely - only before important events. Don't forget to use a heat protectant spray on your hair to soften the heat.
  4. Try to avoid hair dryers and curling irons as much as possible. Try to use gentle products with a minimum amount of ammonia for coloring curls.
  5. After washing your hair, do not gut your hair with a towel, but only lightly blot it.
  6. Even if you're growing your hair out, you need to cut it regularly to get rid of split ends. Hair from this, by the way, will grow even better.
  7. Comb your hair with a massage comb more often. This allows you to increase the blood circulation of the scalp, which improves the condition of the hair.
  8. Do not forget to use a hair balm after washing your hair with shampoo. It will make your hair smooth and allow you to comb it without much difficulty.
  9. Do not forget to strengthen the strands with homemade masks. This will help restore the very structure of the hair.

These simple rules for hair care will make your curls lively and shiny.

Here are some of the most effective recipes that will help you turn your hair into a silky fabric.

  1. Kefir, egg, honey. This is the most popular and effective mask for promoting healthy hair. Take five tablespoons of yogurt, mix with two beaten eggs and a couple of tablespoons of warm honey. You need to warm honey only in a water bath - in no case on an open fire. Mix all ingredients and apply gently on hair. First, treat the scalp, then spread the mask along the entire length and be sure to blot the ends. Gather your hair in a bun, wrap it with a bag and a towel, leave for an hour, then rinse your hair in the usual way. If you have oily hair, use only egg whites instead of whole eggs. If dry - only yolks, and instead of kefir it is better to put sour cream or mayonnaise.
  2. Almond oil, lemon and onion. Grate medium-sized onions and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix a couple of tablespoons of onion juice with a tablespoon of almond oil and the juice of one lemon. Apply the paste to your hair. Wrap up as usual. Keep the mask for 45 minutes. This is a good complex remedy that restores the natural beauty of the hair. Onion stimulates active blood circulation, which gives hair follicles nourishment. Lemon blocks the smell of onion and saves hair roots from oiliness. And almond oil compensates for the lack of moisture and vitamins.
  3. Cognac, avocado, mayonnaise, burdock oil. The fruit should be crushed in a blender and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix avocado juice, mayonnaise, cognac and warm burdock oil in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mass to the entire length of the hair, leave for half an hour. This is an excellent mask for shine, smoothness and silkiness of the strands. Perfect for girls with curly hair.

By making such masks at least once a week, you can count on silky strands in a month. However, not only masks can restore hair.

In order for the hair to be soft, smooth and shiny, they need to be rinsed with different compositions after each shampooing. After rinsing, you should not wash your hair with water - immediately gently blot with a towel and dry the strands.

  1. Vinegar. Since ancient times, mothers and grandmothers rinsed their hair with vinegar. It really gives the hair an incredible shine. A liter of water will require a couple of tablespoons of acid.
  2. Chamomile. A decoction of chamomile not only gives the hair softness and silkiness, it slightly brightens the natural shade of the hair. To prepare a decoction, you need to use three tablespoons of dried flowers per liter of water. So you can get a decoction of high concentration.
  3. Lemon. To make your hair smooth and easy to comb after washing, rinse your hair with lemon water. To do this, simply dissolve the juice of one lemon in warm water (2-3 liters).
  4. Mineral water. As you know, tap water contains a lot of salts and impurities that adversely affect our hair, they become dull and dry. If you rinse your hair every time after washing with mineral water, you can restore their brightness and lively shine.
  5. Beer. As you know, in live, high-quality beer there is a lot of yeast and nutrients that our hair needs so much. To transform the strands and restore their beauty and health, you need to rinse the curls with warm beer after washing.
  6. Herbs. Various herbs have powerful medicinal and cosmetic properties. To restore the silky feel to your hair, you need to restore its natural health. Calendula will help get rid of dandruff, you can eliminate increased fat content with the help of nettle. If the hair is dull, oak bark will help, and you can add volume to the strands with the help of sage.

All these tools are available to everyone - choose the option that suits your hair.

Beautiful hair does not need any special hairstyle. Silky hair, styled neatly and stylishly, in itself is an incredible decoration for any woman. Be beautiful, do not deny yourself such a luxury as beautiful, healthy and smooth hair.

Video: super shiny hair in 40 minutes

Every woman has the right to be proud of her smooth and shiny hair. Unfortunately, this does not always work out, because the sun and wind, temperature changes and malnutrition, as well as circulatory disorders of the scalp and diseases make the hair brittle and dull. How to make hair shiny and smooth?

There are a few simple secrets, adhering to which, you will not need to solve the problem of giving curls a healthy look. After all, the most important thing is to prevent the onset of the disease, and not to treat it. Lack of shine and strength in hair is a sign of unhealthy hair that many women ignore. So what should be done?

  • Wash your hair only in warm water, and avoid hot. So you will never get healthy hair, but only damage it. The advantage of warm water is that it steams the hairs and removes dirt.
  • As for rinsing your hair, you need to do it with cool water - it evens out steamed curls and gives them shine.
  • Choose your shampoos, conditioners and masks carefully. You need to wash them off very carefully, because otherwise a greasy and unhealthy shine will appear, and the condition of the hair will only worsen.
  • Do not forget to moisturize your hair and apply appropriate masks to them. Substances in the composition of care products will help restore the structure of curls.
  • Wet hair is best not combed. If you are thinking about how to make your hair shiny and smooth, then do not rub it when drying with a towel - the surface of the hair will be damaged and become dull.
  • You can not dry your hair too often with a hairdryer, style them with an iron - they become brittle.
  • In frosty and sunny weather, wear hats, otherwise the hair will fade and lose color.

Hair and nutrition

If you think that the condition of the curls does not depend on what you eat, then this is not so. It is worth eating the right products to make your hair shine. Include in your daily diet foods rich in protein - chicken, fish, beef, cheeses and mushrooms, as well as dried fruits. For smooth hair you need edible gelatin. You will find it in those foods that contain vitamin B: in cereals, vegetables, legumes and bran.

Does hair need to be treated?

If you have health problems, then there can be no talk of any smooth and shiny hair. In order for the appearance of the hair to become the way you want, you need to carry out general prevention. Drink vitamins and mineral complexes in tablets - their doctors advise those women who are thinking how to make their hair shiny and smooth.

It is better to immediately restore damaged strands, for example, with the help of special medical cosmetics. Radiance to the hair will give substances such as lipids, amino acids or mineral complexes. Try rinsing them with decoctions of chamomile, rosemary, or thyme.

When it is too late to treat the hair, there is only one way out - a haircut with hot scissors. With this method, the ends of the hair are “soldered”, and they are healed. There is, however, another way out - the use of oils.

What does the use of hair oil do?

First of all, it is the best of all natural remedies, which restores, moisturizes and pacifies the hair, as well as gives it shine and smoothness. Most often, hair oil is used as a styling agent or for protection after dyeing. Different types of oils affect hair in different ways, but all on the positive side. Let's see how exactly:

1. Burdock oil. It is not only able to fight hair loss, but also eliminates excessive oiliness of the scalp. True, it is worth washing your hair thoroughly, about three times - burdock oil is very oily. In addition to a healthy look, you will get long and thick curls if you use this oil once a week.

2. Cedar oil. It will help you get healthy hair that will be manageable when styling. Use this tool, and the hair will become deliciously shiny, easy to comb, and the hair structure will be protected and smooth.

3. Ylang-ylang oil. This tool will save you from brittle hair, split ends, and also perfectly stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp - the curls will shine.

4. Lemon oil can cleanse oily hair, eliminate dandruff and brittleness, and add a vibrant shine.

5. Melissa oil normalizes the sebaceous glands of the scalp, so you need to use it not only to tone the hair, but also to make it shine healthy.

In addition to oils, there are many other ways to make your hair smooth and give it a healthy shine. Which? Let's consider.

Home hair care: beauty secrets

All of the following methods are aimed at independently maintaining the health of the hair. So, how to make hair shiny and smooth? Experts recommend:

Originality in everything, even in hair care.

Many have been helped by such home methods, even if they are somewhat extravagant. Here is some of them:

How does professional hair cosmetics work?

Until recently, this type of cosmetics was considered the prerogative of beauty salons, as it takes care of curls in the complex. For this reason, the concentration of nutrients in such masks, shampoos and balms is greater than in ordinary ones. Why else is professional hair cosmetics so valuable?

1. Hypoallergenic.

2. Economy in use.

3. Long shelf life.

4. The presence of vitamins, oils and minerals.

Where to get such cosmetics?

Most often, women purchase professional cosmetics from their master - for the reason that it was created to eliminate problems of the hair and scalp. Only the master can tell you what to use for shine and smoothness of hair. As a rule, such products are quite expensive, so find out from the hairdresser how the product works and order it from the online catalog. Prices will be a little lower there.

What professional cosmetics is better to choose?

First, these are the brands that we all know. And secondly, you need to carefully study the instructions and know in which cases to choose one or another remedy. Try several tools and choose the best for you.

  • L'Oreal Professional. This cosmetics not only strengthens the hair, but also makes it smooth. If you are thinking about how to make your hair smooth and shiny, then stop at ammonia-free dyes, shampoos with arginine, almond oil and collagen.
  • matrix. This brand will be a real find for those women who want to give their hair smoothness and shine, protect them during styling or strengthen thin curls. For shiny hair, try strengthening shampoos, masks and balms.
  • redken. The brand's products include masks, conditioners, sprays and shampoos that make hair smooth by working from within.

Here are just a few ways to give your hair a vibrant shine and restore natural smoothness. Do not forget that all means and methods can be combined, and also eat right, and then your curls will look like a king.
