Girl's 45th birthday. Original, beautiful and funny congratulations to a woman on her anniversary

They say that the Indian age
It lasts like 40 years.
Don't believe the story
There is another legend:
The woman will be 45 -
There will be a berry again.
Spring will come after winter,
Don't count your years
And like the golden sun,
May you always be young!
Happy anniversary!

You are 45 today.
Of course, it's not 20.
But you are a “berry” again,
And it’s too early to indulge in sadness.
Let the gray strand shine.
By God, she decorates.
You're only 45.
And life promises so much...

You are 45 today
And you are the most beautiful in the world,
our children have grown up
And the grandchildren began to grow up.
We want to wish you
So that you always smile
She was beautiful, young,
Charming, playful,
She is a little patient with her husband.
We wish you warmth,
May you bloom like a rose for us.

I wish you always
She smiled happily.
To be strong and healthy
I woke up in the morning.

To make the sun laugh
Looking at you
And men gave peace,
Grief with love.

Be beautiful and slim
Every day and hour
And so elegant
What are you like now?

Such a beauty
I would be very glad
Without even doubting
Conquer anyone.

It's true what they say
That only 45
And then our woman -

You turned 45 today

And there winter will come white and white,

You have a lot of worries.

And winter won’t come at all.

Are you forty-five today!?
Or maybe it's still eighteen?
How do you manage again
Should I remain as young as I am?

Let this be your secret.
I wish you on your birthday
Live in the world for many years,
Love, health, inspiration!

On the threshold of forty-five -
Congratulations, darling.
Become a berry again
I wish you with joy.

May your dreams come true,
Happiness warms the soul.
You'll soon forget
Troubles and misfortunes.

You are 45 today
And happy birthday to you!
Now you are a “berry” again,
Please accept my congratulations!

I wish you happiness
To cover your head,
And so many good days in life,
Enough to last a lifetime!

You are 45 today.
Of course, it’s not “20”.
But you are a “berry” again,
And it’s too early to indulge in sadness.

Let the gray strand shine.
By God, she decorates.
You're only 45 after all.
And life promises so much!

You are 45 today
In my heart, of course, 25.
I congratulate you with love,
I wish you warmth.

Live and rejoice always.
Never be upset.
An open world awaits ahead,
And every moment is unique.

I wish you many trips,
See the world with your husband together.
Let the family surround you with care,
So that you forget about work.

May an angel protect your home
Protects from all adversity.
Will give happiness and love,
You will return to your youth again.

Let the celebration be bright!
And he doesn’t skimp on surprises,
Let there be magic on this holiday
The incredible will happen!

We wish you to celebrate your anniversary,
In a great mood
Well, what kind of age is 45?
The beginning is just for adventure!

Not forty-five, but eighteen,
And a passport is just a trifle,
I ask you to smile
I ask you to take a step forward,

After all, I really want to congratulate you,
Say “thank you” for existing
And you know, I can’t lie
It's an honor to know you!

Happy anniversary!
Let it be modest and small.
We became closer and dearer,
Heart, body and soul.
We now understand
What to give in to each other,
What is pleasant, what is unpleasant,
What to give, what to do?
We want respect
To live in harmony and happiness,
Celebrate many birthdays
And be friends with your relatives!

At any age,
In any period of life,
For a woman, age is a mystery,
There is mystery in it and wisdom in it.

May your life be full of happiness
And there will be joy in it.
Let the bad weather pass,
The flow of days makes me happy.

We wish you success, good luck,
Pleasant events in fate,
Health, love and faith
For many years to come.

Don't let forty plus five scare you,
After all, there is still so much to come.
Let only success await you
Go through life beautifully!

You turned 45 today
Or maybe, at least it looks cheerful,
You think sadly: autumn is coming,
And there winter will come white and white,
Or maybe you don’t think about it -
You have a lot of worries.
May God give you a great Indian summer,
And winter won’t come at all.

Forty-five years have passed,
How were you born?
On a gloomy autumn day
You find yourself in a sinful world.
Many long miles have passed
One in these years,
And may fate protect you
In this white world.
Let love rule in the soul,
So that you become loved again,
May God send you health,
So that the eyes glowed with love.
So that you catch the bird of happiness,
So that your misfortunes go away,
And let peace reign in the house

Well, here you are forty-five,
How quickly the years rush by,
But for a reason like this
Don't be upset!
Of course it's not 17
And far from 25,
But, to be honest,
There is no reason to be sad!
A string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's take an honest look:
What were you like before?
I walked - my ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
The bones are overgrown with meat,
Features are rounded:
Lush bust, hip, whatever you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to with your bones.
And those eyes with a sparkle
They'll drive anyone crazy!
Honestly we must confess:
17 were good!
How they lived in paradise in “stagnation”,
They served the party faithfully,
According to the call “Be ready! »
They did everything without words.

Happy birthday to my friend.
You are forty-five today, I remember, I know.
A wonderful age, by the way, I think.
I wish you more dearly.
What is most precious to you?
Peace? Self confidence?
So that by all means on horseback,
Don't be like anyone?
Yes, you are beautiful and smart,
The article is proud and majestic.
And you have every right
Shape your own destiny.
-What do you need if you have everything?
Health? Wild success?
Beautiful radiant sin?
Perhaps you already own everything!
Love?.. But you’re so afraid:
She will break your foundation
You won’t be able to control yourself in it,
You will lose your former peace.
But only she will illuminate everything,
Will fill all aspirations with meaning,
And it will give an incentive for inspiration,
And the soul will be inspired again.
Take a risk, fall in love at least once again!
After all, without love, all life is nothing.

Anniversary - open window
In the happiness that is given
Fate itself will visit you.
Let's celebrate 45 with you.
How much tenderness and kindness!
How many heights are there now,
Sky, sun, white clouds
From some forgotten dreams!
Congratulations are coming your way,
And the soul blooms like a garden,
That in the spring it was filled with flowers.
We will be with you, and you with us.
Let's wish you joy without sadness,
Know that happiness will not let you go now
From your arms. This year
Will bring many adventures.

Here you are at 45!
So it’s a berry again.
The sea of ​​happiness awaits ahead,
All that is left in the past is grief.

Breathe life deeply,
Greet the morning with joy.
Let the smile never leave your lips
And luck doesn't go away.

Congratulations on the round date -
And I can’t believe it a little.
After all, if you look, you’ll immediately say:
She's still in her early thirties.
Please accept congratulations -
What can you wish for?
So that you will always be
Like a berry again.
You have health, happiness, blessings,
Always look like this.

We don’t regret catching good ones,
Congratulations on your anniversary,
And today is such a day
We wish with all our hearts
Only great joy!
Be still cheerful
Be loving and sensitive
Waking up early in the morning
Don't forget to smile.
For endless happiness
Your good home was full,
Keep your family warm
And care and warmth.
Don't worry, live happily
So that they always say after you: “How beautiful this woman is.”
And endlessly young! »

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
You are still a flower for us,
The most color and the most juice!
Happy anniversary!
You are at your peak today
Admiring attention
And full of charm.
The glorious deeds cannot be counted!
Already over twenty-five years of experience.
And in the family everything is sparkle and smooth.
Well done! Keep it up!
What is an anniversary?
The clink of glasses, the noise of speeches...
On weekdays everything is quieter, more modest,
But he lives among people

A man of great soul
All actions are good:
He brings so much good
And care and warmth!
And we're just on our anniversary
We say “thank you” to her.
So let's be more generous
And appreciate such people.
Congratulations with all our hearts!
Be forever young!
Be happy forever
Our favorite person!

It’s not in vain that we gathered today
Congratulations to you, dear hero of the day.
May the sun shine brighter today,
Your glorious birthday has arrived.

After all, forty-five is a wonderful age,
It's time for flight, happiness and love,
And it’s not for nothing that you’re called a “berry”,
Let the crazy nightingales sing in your soul.

We wanted to give you the whole world,
The radiance of the stars and the spring face of the earth.
So that, as before, she sings with us,
And all your wishes came true!

The years fly by like fluff from poplar trees,
We are sad as we look at them,
But years are no big deal, 45 is nonsense,
If your faithful comrades are nearby.

So you must always be cheerful, lively,
Smile at friends and acquaintances,
And always be young at heart
At work, with friends and at home!

We wish you health, laughter,
Smiles, joy, success,
We wish to live to 100 years,
Not knowing sorrow and troubles.

Be happy, healthy,
Not sad, not harsh,
Find joy in life
And don't forget us.

Everyone says, at forty-five
All women are berries again...
But I would say these words instead:
You are my darling, my sweetheart, my bride!
Even if not luxurious, small -
The scarlet flower in the world!
You are rain with a rainbow-arc...
I can't find another one like it!
I'll give you not forty-five, but twenty!
Will you walk down the aisle with me, madam?!

Well, here you are 45,
How quickly the years rush by,
But for a reason like this
Don't be upset!
Of course it's not 17
And far from 25,
But, to be honest,
There is no reason to be sad!
A string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's take an honest look:
What were you like before?
I walked - my ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
The bones are overgrown with meat,
Features are rounded:
Lush bust, hip, whatever you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to with your bones.
And those eyes with a sparkle
They'll drive anyone crazy!
Honestly we must confess:
17 were good!
How they lived in paradise in “stagnation”,
They served the party faithfully,
According to the call “Be ready! »
They did everything without words.

4 5 - perhaps a lot.
It's too early to draw a conclusion.
45 is a great start
In a life full of happiness and anxiety.
45 - even though a lot has been covered,
There is still a lot to be done.
45 is a great start.
The main thing is not to grow old with your soul!4

Happy anniversary, happy birthday, may no one at your forty-five even dare to mention that you are approaching old age. After all, first of all, your age is maturity, knowledge of this world and its orders. May every day you feel free to do and embody what you want. Happy holiday!

The gait is still as light as before,
The same neatness in clothes is visible
And its own special style is everywhere in everything,
The portrait of the hero of the day is very familiar!

You don’t know tiredness and indifference,
Having given your word, never break it,
You know the name days of all your friends,
Greeting anyone with your smile!

We remembered this significant date,
The boys and girls prepared together,
To celebrate a big anniversary for the whole world,
And now all one hundred and twenty friends have gathered!

Of course, there are fewer of us, but this may happen,
You can have more than a thousand friends,
After all, your soul is wide like a river,
And let your light hand rule!

Health and happiness, and interesting things to do,
Only joyful news, only wonderful meetings,
People who make your heart warmer!
We all say together now: happy anniversary!

You are 45 today
And you're a berry again!
Today I have become no more mature,
But simply - wiser.

Let beauty not fade
Let your beloved not offend you,
And fulfills all the whims
And he often makes surprises.

So that all problems and worries
We always solved things like clockwork.
Greet the new day with a smile
And never be discouraged!

You are forty-five today!
Well, what would you like to wish...
Of course - the world is above your head,
May the angel always be with you.
More health and goodness,
May your beauty bloom.
More feminine
There is a lot of attention from men.
Love, smiles, long years,
In life - only victories!

Congratulations, berry, on your wonderful anniversary. I wish that at 45 you blossom again and feel young, most charming and happiest. I wish you health and inspiration, good luck and prosperity, family idyll and pleasant meetings with dear people. And may there always be the opportunity, strength and confidence to realize all your ideas.

You are 45 today!
This is what I want to wish:
Always bloom, never fade,
Live with a smile, don’t be sad,
Love, laugh and dream,
Achieve great success
And evoke admiration
And receive compliments
Charge everyone with optimism
And like a star always shine!

I'm talking about the "berry" today
I won't talk
At 45 you are young
Fairytale lady.

Do not change. Be spicy
Bright, fantastic,
Let there be happiness in love
And the income is decent.

Let wisdom and experience help
Avoid troubles
I want to believe you
Rejoice and dream.

They say that at 45
Baba is a berry again,
Well, know this, my bird.
Among the berries, you are a strawberry.

Nice and young
It was as if the years had not passed.
If you go to university again,
You'll pass for a student in no time.

Don't get old at heart either
And don’t worry about age,
Read this “poem”...
And let's go to the disco!

In general, drink, sing and dance -
First kiss coming soon.
Away with the robe and curlers,
The best is yet to come!

This was difficult at twenty:
This is impossible, but this is possible.
At 45 the tracks are open -
Liberty, whatever you say.

You have already achieved a lot:
And spectacular, thank God,
Saved up my savings
And you don't tolerate objections.

You are your own boss.
You fly like a seagull.
I wish you on your anniversary
In life - happiness, in the heart - May.

At any age,
In any period of life
For a woman, age is a mystery.
There is a secret in it... And there is wisdom in it.

May life be full of happiness,
And let there be joy in her.
Let all bad weather pass,
The flow of days makes me happy.

We wish you success, good luck,
Pleasant events in fate,
Health, great love, faith
For many years to come.

Don’t let “forty plus five” scare you,
After all, there is still so much to come.
Let only success await you
Go through life beautifully!

Here you are at 45!
So it’s a berry again.
The sea of ​​happiness awaits ahead,
All that is left in the past is grief.

Breathe life deeply,
Greet the morning with joy.
Let the smile never leave your lips
And luck doesn't go away.

Don't hide your age, you are beautiful!
May you be forty-five today,
You conquer with your beauty,
Making your heart flutter.

Today we wish you
Remain daring, groovy,
Stylish, smart, kind, modern.
Be young in soul and body.

Laugh, sing, joke and smile,
Be yourself, dance, be inspired,
After all, you are still eighteen.
This is age, the rest is experience.

You are forty-five today,
You are simply beautiful as always!
You know how to surprise us all,
Be unexpected and different!

Let your life be
Beautiful, bright, multifaceted,
Live without hiding your smile,
Let happiness flow like a fountain!

I wish you prosperity
And only clear days in life!
May all your cherished desires
Will come true soon!

On this significant day, please accept our congratulations on your anniversary! You have only seen good moments in life. You colored the gloomy days of your colleagues and friends like an artist. I could always hear only warm words from you that sound like music. And, of course, you make decisions without fear as a talented director of your own destiny. Therefore, your life is like a wonderful movie. May the film never end!

45 years is the age when vitality and energy are combined with experience and self-confidence. This is an age when the mistakes of youth have long passed, and the problems of old age will not come soon. This is the age when it is possible to draw some conclusions, but it is too early to stop there. This is the age when everything is balanced. I wish to maintain this balance, this poise, not only at 45, but also at 85. Let nothing in life be too little or too much. Happy birthday!

What is 45 years old? This is the age when true wisdom appears in the eyes, this is the age when you begin to breathe deeply. At the age of 45, a person is completely deprived of unnecessary illusions (only the necessary ones remain), and at the same time he does not yet have fatigue. So happy 45th birthday to you! And may your age bring you good luck!

Dear hero of the day! Today is a significant day - your birthday! Everything has happened in your life: both good and bad, but today is the time to remember only the best. And let what was glorious in life be repeated, again and again bringing joy and happiness. And let everything bad go away and be forgotten. I wish you many, many more years to live serenely, enjoying life!

45 years is the age of real achievements. This is the age when the number of years turns into the quality of deeds. And I want to wish you that may your 45 years bring you only joy and victories! And may many new, interesting and pleasant things await you ahead!

You know that not only on this glorious day, but also on any other, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful things!!! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements! Happy anniversary!

I wish you to feel the protection of the goddess Venus every moment, to be dearly loved and caressed by fate! Through anniversaries, walk through life with a light gait, with a smile and eyes shining with happiness! Remain a seductive, desirable, charming lady and a pleasant conversationalist!

My dear friend! Congratulations on the anniversary! This holiday does not come to us very often, so we need to celebrate it in such a way that we will remember it for a very long time. Is the hint clear? Come up with something unusual - you can do it. I expect a lot, a lot of positive things, and you can expect many, many gifts!

Time inexorably flows forward, taking the past years further and further away from us, but the memories of them always remain with you, like true friends, who, despite the distances that separate us, are always close in our hearts. On your anniversary, we are very glad that we can congratulate you personally, we are happy to all gather at the festive table, raise our glasses in your honor and remember our youth. And we all wish you remarkable health, love, happiness, favorable fortune and eternal youth in your soul!

You, dear, are 55. We want to thank you for the wisdom of parental advice, for the ability to always help everyone, for the example of a mother and housewife, and for your golden hands. May the Lord send you a blessing, may all the Saints grant you health and strength.

We have known each other for many years, and I have always admired how much kindness, warmth, love of life and ability to make the world around you more beautiful! There are few such amazing women in the world, and therefore you deserve all the best, which is what I wish for you with all my heart!

My friend, on your holiday I want to say that you have always been and remain for me an invaluable example of courage, nobility and warmth. I wish you great victories and achievements, I wish you not to know grievances and grief. Good luck, success in everything! May your home be happy!

Forty-five is an important anniversary, a symbolic feature of the golden middle of life. Important experience has been accumulated, life priorities have been set, and with valuable baggage in your heart and soul you will move on in life. After all, there are so many things ahead that have not yet been achieved or come true, so interesting and necessary. So we wish with our souls not to grow old, to emerge victorious from every situation in life, and to perceive every turn of Fate with faith, hope, and love. And there will always be those who sincerely love you and wish you happiness, health, optimism every day, peace in the family and harmony in the soul. Give your warmth to those who love you and be a shining example of Fortune's favorite.

Your desire was to celebrate your anniversary without noise and fuss in the close company of your closest people. I want to say that today I am very glad to be among those chosen people whom you invited to your birthday. I want to wish you an ocean of love and happiness, because you, like no one, deserve them. I think everyone present will agree that there are few women in the world like you - as modest, smart, kind and patient. You are wonderful, you are extraordinary, and I wish you to always remain yourself!

Relatives Friend Girlfriend Beloved Beloved Colleague Happy Anniversary Man Woman For 45 years

Forty-five... Please accept congratulations quickly!
I wish you happiness, a lot of money and love!
And sincerity, and peace, the best blessings in life,
So that if you want something, it will certainly be so!

Your anniversary is magnificent and solid,
There is simply no more beautiful number than forty-five.
A partner like you is both rare and enviable -
The secret to success in business has been revealed to you.

As usual, we wish you good health,
And besides that, many happy years to come.
Let everyone look at you, as before, with love
And, as always, any advice is appreciated!

At forty-five, life takes on a new meaning! Thoughts, feelings, and sometimes even lifestyle change. We wish that this mature age brings many positive impressions, joyful events and unforgettable meetings into your life!

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy glorious anniversary - forty-five!
Let there be enough perseverance and luck,
So that your ideas can be boldly realized!

The years cannot scare you,
Just think - only forty-five.
The soul is full of youthful enthusiasm,
Well, has she matured a little?

Let them only add wisdom to the year,
And faith will never leave.
Everyone said that around again:
"You're kidding, what forty-five."

I don’t know what it’s like about the berries, but the fact that at forty-five people are experiencing a second youth is for sure. I wish your second spring to be no less warm and sunny than your first.

Celebrating your forty-five,
We wish: let the game last.
May there be endless luck
And a whole sea of ​​goodness!

On your radiant anniversary
Let life become brighter, brighter!
I wish you the highest victories,
The light flowed for happiness!

I wish you sunshine in your life,
Easily reach your dreams
How to go out again at twenty.
Happy birthday - forty-five!

Forty-five years are like summer, when everything blooms, ripens and you can enjoy these fruits. Continue to create, create new life projects and may the richest harvest greet you in the future!

Beautiful anniversary - 45,
You can start living from a new line.
So we wish you from the bottom of our hearts -
Let old age not rush into your soul,
Let youth lead you,
Joy and love live in the heart.

Congratulations on your anniversary,
A wonderful age - forty-five!
We wish you to live without getting sick,
Joking, laughing and dreaming.

May your life be pleasant
And she will be generous
Love will multiply many times,
And he will reward you with happiness in full!

Happy 45th birthday! This is another reason to know how much you are loved and appreciated! This is the time to fulfill your most important desires! This is a great opportunity to become even happier, wiser, more attractive and more successful! Let it be so!

I wish you wonderful moments,
Be happy at 45
And to your reliable family hearth,
Every day, add firewood of love.

Someone "berry again"
Someone is in love for the hundredth time,
Well, and you at forty-five -
Ideal and standard!

Let beauty shine
Never be discouraged
And we wish that you always
There was happiness - over the edge!

Forty-five is a special age, a lot has already been done and a lot has been passed, but a lot is still ahead! We wish you inspiration, stormy energy and bright colors, may your most cherished aspirations and desires be realized, may your heart be filled with love and harmony, and may new meaning and interest appear in life. Happiness to you!

Alina Ogonyok
