How to make an origami ninja paper sword. How to make a sword out of paper? Paper shuriken: the simplest origami pattern

Many boys like to make throwing weapons such as shuriken from paper. It can be used in games and entertainment. These four-pointed stars are origami, which is quite easy to make with your own hands.

To create such a throwing weapon, you do not need complex drawings or a template, just dexterous fingers and a sheet of paper. If you don’t want a fight with such shurikens to end in self-harm, or even death, do not use iron in the manufacture; the most you can make this throwing projectile from is cardboard. This is not a treasure sword. And diagrams with descriptions and pictures will help you fold it out of paper, which will clearly demonstrate exactly how you need to bend and fold a sheet of paper to make a shuriken and not a machine gun. What a shuriken looks like in the original will help you imagine a photo or drawing on the Internet.

Many boys like to make throwing weapons such as shuriken from paper

To create ninja shuriken, you need to create a transforming blank. In this case, a diagram will be described that will help create an 8-pointed star.

  1. You need to prepare the paper. Each module needs its own paper sheet. It is best to do this type of work using paper of different colors.
  2. The sheet is bent diagonally. Then it bends again.
  3. The bottom left edge should be folded into the center of the paper.
  4. Then the upper right corner is also folded into the center of the sheet.
  5. The top paper layer is folded from top to bottom.
  6. The workpiece is turned over. The triangle at the top needs to be lowered down by pulling its upper corner.
  7. The corner formed at the bottom is bent into the middle. This is the final stage of creating a transformer blank.
  8. Now you need to repeat the above steps to make 7 more of the same blanks.
  9. You can start assembling the shuriken. To do this, the right corner of the triangle is turned away from one workpiece. You need to insert the left corner of another workpiece into the formed “pocket”. This must continue until the end.

The 8-pointed shuriken looks very beautiful, especially if it is multi-colored. They can decorate the interior.

Gallery: paper shuriken (25 photos)

Flying paper shuriken (video)

DIY 4-pointed paper shuriken: diagram

A boy who wants to pretend that he is a samurai or a ninja should definitely make such a craft.

Master Class:

  1. You need to take a square-shaped sheet. You can tear out a piece of paper and make it square.
  2. Then this leaf is resolved in half. You get 2 rectangles. Alternatively, you can use paper of 2 different colors, so the craft will be much more beautiful.
  3. After this, each rectangle is folded in half lengthwise. You should get 2 new rectangles, but thinner ones.
  4. Now you need to fold the corners of the shapes. One corner bends up and the other corner bends down.
  5. Now the rectangle needs to be folded along the lines. They were symmetrically laid out in a triangle earlier.
  6. Symmetry should be checked at this stage. Two figures are placed side by side. If any of them is larger or smaller, you need to redo the workpiece. The correct shuriken can only be made if both parts are equal.
  7. To connect the parts, the right figure is turned over and carefully attached to the left figure.
  8. The modules are attached to the “pocket” formed at the bottom of the triangle.

A boy who wants to pretend that he is a samurai or a ninja should definitely make such a craft.

At the last stage of assembly, it is necessary to bend the edges of the fastened figures.

Paper shuriken: the simplest origami pattern

This fun activity is perfect for keeping the kids occupied. In addition, the operating scheme is as simple as possible.

  1. At the first stage of work, you need to make a square from a piece of paper. To do this, one edge of the rectangular paper should be folded towards the opposite edge. The part of the sheet that remains at the bottom must be cut off.
  2. The diagonal of the square is collapsed. In order to do this, you need to bend the upper right corner diagonally. Excess paper is cut off.
  3. Now the preparation of parts begins. The squares are folded in half. Rectangular shapes were formed.
  4. The resulting figures are cut to length with scissors. Instead of a knife, you can use a special paper knife; it is easier to work with.
  5. Now it is important to bend each piece of paper along its length. You need to align the edges of the shapes by bending the corners diagonally. In this case, one corner of the figure is bent down, and the other is bent up.
  6. Now the figures need to be compared. They should be a mirror image of each other. If the figures are not equal, it is recommended to remake one of the two blanks. Otherwise, you won't be able to make the right shuriken.
  7. Now each figure needs to form a triangular fold. To do this, the top edge is bent diagonally.
  8. At this stage you can begin assembling the shuriken. One figure turns over to the other side. One part is placed perpendicular to the other. This is how their connection should occur.
  9. The upper corner of the lower part is folded into the previously formed “pocket”. A similar action is performed with the lower corner.
  10. Now the design needs to be carefully turned over with the front side facing the needleworker.
  11. We need to keep turning all the corners.
  12. Then the final fold is made.

To make the craft last as long as possible, it is recommended to wrap it with tape. This will prevent it from falling apart.

What tools and materials do you need to prepare?

Working on shuriken is working with paper. This type of creativity, like any other, requires the master to prepare materials.

Working on shuriken is working with paper

In this case, you will need the following materials:

  • Paper sheet. This can be ordinary A4 printer paper or colored paper. The ideal option for creating shuriken would be to use special origami paper. You can find it in stationery stores.
  • Scissors or paper knife.
  • Scotch. It is not necessary to use it, but with it the shuriken will last much longer.

Warnings for Newbies

In such painstaking work, as in any other, it is important to take timely precautions.

Here are some rules to follow:

  • The ends of the shuriken are quite sharp, especially if it is wrapped with tape. That is why it is not recommended to leave this craft near small children.
  • It is important to be careful when throwing shuriken. There have been cases where people have injured themselves.
  • No need to throw it at anyone. Shuriken can hurt a person or animal. Especially do not throw the star into your eyes, since its ends are very sharp.
  • It is important to be careful when working with scissors.
  • You can seriously cut yourself on the paper, so you don’t need to run your hands and fingers over its edge.

In such painstaking work, as in any other, it is important to take timely precautions

  • To assemble the parts into a shuriken without any problems, you need to make all the folds very carefully.
  • After assembling the star has been completed, it is important to thoroughly wrinkle all the folds made earlier. This will also make the final work easier.
  • To make good folds, you need to crease them with your fingernail. But do not press too hard, otherwise the paper may tear.
  • To make the star look good, it is important to first check the symmetry of the parts. If they are not symmetrical, then the sriken will not fly.
  • All folds must be aligned when moving to the next stage of work.
  • If you use magazine paper, the shuriken will turn out as correct as possible.
  • This craft can be used as a decoration for a glass of cocktail. To do this, just stick a small stick or toothpick into the center of the star.

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


Japan is a mysterious country. The traditions of the samurai and the secrets of ninja warriors fill the hearts of boys. This is how an interesting game is born. Is it possible to play ninja without Japanese weapons? Help your child build a personal arsenal out of paper. The simplest craft - a shuriken star - will revive your child's interest in Japanese history.

How to make a weapon out of paper with your own hands

Show a little imagination and become the owner of a Japanese katana sword, an aikuchi knife, a kusarigama sickle, and a naginata - a long samurai sword. To make them, different techniques for working with paper are used. When creating, you will need glue, scissors, cardboard, foil and other materials that are easy to find in any home. However, you won't need all this if you master the Japanese art of origami.

Using origami, you can make a shuriken star with four or eight blades - almost like a real one. This throwing weapon is a mandatory, if not the main, attribute of a self-respecting ninja. Ninja stars can be actively used in the game. A correctly built figure flies perfectly, and you can organize competitions in throwing at a target. The boys will figure out for themselves how to use ninja weapons. It is important to understand how to make a throwing star for young samurai.

Four-pointed origami shuriken

Before you make shuriken, believe me: the star is so simple that it will turn out easily, even if you are not familiar with the origami technique. To craft a throwing weapon, you will need one paper square. Do the work carefully, according to the diagram, then the result will please you:

  1. Before making shuriken from paper, prepare a square paper blank.
  2. Divide it into two equal rectangles.
  3. Fold each piece in half to create two long rectangles.
  4. Place both blanks on the table in front of you.
  5. Bend the upper left corner of the first rectangle towards you, and the lower right corner away from you.
  6. The second rectangle is the opposite, so that it turns out to be a mirror image of the first.
  7. Bend the blanks along lines symmetrical to the folds. The two resulting right triangles must be equal and have an adjacent half of the hypotenuse.
  8. Fold the shapes together to create a pattern that looks like a mill. There should be sides with uncut triangles at the top and bottom.
  9. Fold the lower triangles in half, sending the corner into the “pocket” of the upper triangle.
  10. Turn the job around. Fold the structure on this side as well. Straighten the product.
  11. If each part is made from a square folded in four, the star will be denser, heavier, and more convenient for throwing.
  12. If you take blanks of different colors, the craft will be more beautiful.

Octagonal paper shuriken

How to make a shuriken out of paper that has not four, but eight “blades”? One option is to put two four-pointed stars together. To make eight-pointed paper origami shuriken beautiful, every detail must be done carefully. Let's start:

  1. Make four modules for a four-pointed star.
  2. When folding one of the stars, place one module of the second between the parts you are working with. Design four beams of throwing weapons.
  3. Add the last fourth module and create 4 more beams. The result was a shuriken with eight “blades”.

How to make a paper shuriken transformer

This is a more difficult task. Strictly adhere to the scheme, follow the instructions step by step and everything will work out. A complex star consists of eight modules. Before making a transforming shuriken out of paper, take two A4 size sheets, cut off the excess strip to make a square. Cut each of them into four small squares. So what is next:

  1. Mark each of the eight squares by folding them in half lengthwise, crosswise, and twice diagonally. After marking, the middle of the figure will become clearly visible.
  2. Place the item in front of you. Design the upper half like this: bend two corners into the center of the square. Fold the bottom half with the middle line inward along the diagonals. You should get a parallelogram.
  3. Connect the eight prepared elements by inserting the acute corner of the first part into the concave part of the next figure. This corner goes into the outer fold. Bend the small protruding corners inside the previous figure, fixing the assembly.
  4. You have got a ring that is a true transformer, because with a slight movement of the origami master’s hand it turns into an eight-pointed star.

To play with a child interested in knightly battles, or as a theatrical prop, you may need a sword. Of course, a wooden saber or blade looks more impressive, but the process of manufacturing such a weapon will take quite a long time. It is much faster and easier to make a sword from paper or cardboard, especially since playing with it will be much safer for a child.

We glue a three-dimensional sword out of paper

To make a sword out of paper we will need:

  • thick sheet (preferably whatman paper or cardboard);
  • glue (it can be replaced with a stapler or tape);
  • stationery (pencil, scissors and ruler);
  • colored paper or foil for decorating the finished sword.

Scheme for making paper weapons

  1. Main part. The thicker the paper, the stronger the sword. To prevent the finished product from bending, it must be made in relief; for this, the part on the cut should be diamond-shaped. We fold a rectangular sheet of the desired width and length lengthwise like an accordion to make 8-9 longitudinal strips of equal width. Eight of them fold into each other, and the ninth will serve for fixation. After smearing glue on 4 edges, fold the sheet bend over bend.
  1. Fixing parts. To ensure that the main figure does not unfold and is stronger, it is necessary to make fixing parts. To do this, you should make a drawing as shown in the figure, and the side of the edge of the main part should be equal to the length of the side of the fixing part (a1=a2). You need to make two such diamonds to secure them at both ends of the main workpiece.

  1. The edge of the sword. We make it from a separately prepared pyramid with a rhombus at the base, guided by the drawings. We will glue it to the fixing diamond on one of the sides of the future sword.

  1. We connect the details. We connect the main part of the sword with two diamonds, gluing them on both sides of the workpiece, and the tip with glue.

  1. Sword handle. We wrap a square sheet of paper, the length of the sides of which is 4 * a1 (see Fig. 1), according to the drawings to form a corner. We glue one edge and try it on to the main sword blank, making cuts at the tip of the corner along the fold lines. We wrap the edges outward, and, having greased them with glue on the inside, we fix them on the main figure.

  1. Decoration. We wrap the blade of the finished sword with foil, carefully wrapping its edges at the tip of the tip. We align the edges and glue the joints. We decorate the hilt of the sword with colored paper or make an applique.

So we made a beautiful three-dimensional sword with our own hands using paper.

How to make a paper sword from Minecraft?

By following the simple instructions presented in the following video, you can make a paper sword from Minecraft in a slightly different way, spending very little time. We assure you that this spectacular three-dimensional paper product, copying the diamond sword from the game, will cause a storm of positive emotions among both very young and adult Minecraft fans.

We construct a sword using the origami technique

You can also make a sword using the origami technique. For this we need a square sheet of paper.

  1. We alternately bend the sheet first horizontally, then vertically and along both diagonals. We fold the square horizontally, then vertically, after which we get a double square with a diagonal deflection. We bend the side parts of the resulting square towards the middle.

  1. We straighten the folded parts of the figure, and then open the top layer by pulling the bottom corner. Along the inflection lines, fold the sides of the rhombus inward.

  1. We bend the side corners of the rhombus towards the middle of the figure and turn it over to the reverse side. Fold the corners of the square as shown in the figure.

  1. We place the corners in their initial position, tucking them inward along the lines of the resulting folds.

  1. We turn the part over again. We form the blade of the future sword by folding the side corners of the outermost layer parallel to the axis towards the center, while the corners should align with the axis line. Turn the part over again and fold the wedges towards the center.

  1. Turn the workpiece over and straighten the wedges pressed at the center. By moving the lower corner to the right, we reveal the part. We align the lower part of the resulting triangle with the vertical axis of the part.

  1. Along the fold lines we fold a shape resembling a rabbit ear, put it down and form a similar part on the left side.

  1. To highlight the handle, move the lower corner of the part to the right, bending it along diagonal lines.

  1. Having done similar actions on both sides, we obtain a fence for the handle from the blade of the sword. Turn the part over.

  1. We fold the lower corners of the product towards the center, bend the rays of the fence, bending their ends upward.

  1. The paper samurai sword is ready.

The same sequence of actions for making a samurai sword can be seen in the video:

The simplest diagram of a children's sword made of cardboard

There is a very quick method for which you will need a cardboard sheet, a pencil and scissors.

  1. Draw the outline of the future sword on cardboard in 4 copies.
  2. Cut out the templates and glue them together to make the product thicker.
  3. For decoration, you can use colored paper or felt-tip pens.

Ready! You can start playing pirates!

Ninjato sword like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

To make a ninja sword out of paper, you need to prepare:

  • half a sheet of yellow colored paper;
  • half a sheet of brown colored paper.

We make the product according to the following algorithm:

  1. Fold the yellow sheet in half to determine its middle. After this, straightening the sheet of paper again, fold its sides three times towards the middle deflection. Fold the resulting workpiece in half again.

  1. We make the handle from a brown sheet, which we cut in a ratio of 2:1.

  1. We bend most of the cut at both ends: on the left - up, on the right - inward. The fold width should not exceed 1 cm.

  1. We wrap the previously folded sheet around one of the edges of the yellow blade and glue it together. We also form a handle from the remaining small part of the sheet, twisting it around the opposite edge of the yellow blank.

  1. Cut out a small rectangle from brown paper, 2-3 times the width of the blade. We make a slot and put the blade itself through it. The result is a fence for the hand - a guard.

  1. The ninja sword (ninjato) like Leonardo the turtle is ready!

Hidden cardboard blade for games in the style of Assassin's Creed

The following video will be useful for making props for a children's game of assassins. Using the diagram presented in it, you can easily and quickly make a hidden assassin blade for a child from cardboard, similar to the one used in the computer game Assassin's Creed.
