DIY Dracula Halloween Makeup. Creating male vampire makeup for Halloween: trying on the image of a pale handsome man

Not only adults love to dress up and try on fairy-tale looks. Children want to feel like superheroes or princesses, characters from their favorite cartoons. Halloween celebrations provide this wonderful opportunity. And Halloween makeup for kids will help with this.

But you shouldn’t be zealous and try to make up “scary” makeup and outfit. Still, a childish appearance implies a cute image, looking at which others would be touched, and not run away in fear. Therefore, when selecting and creating an image, consider not only the standard images of skeletons, witches, vampires, but also pay attention to children’s favorite heroes.

Features of children's makeup for Halloween

For Halloween makeup for children, it is necessary to use gentle products that do not cause allergies and do not turn the face into a mask. The most common way of drawing is face art or face painting. The paints used are hypoallergenic and can be easily washed off with water.

Before applying Halloween makeup for children, you need to think about the design. But when thinking about a design on a child’s face, you should take into account that children are fidgety and it will be difficult for them to wait for an hour until you finish your work. Therefore, try not to come up with a very complex design.

For Halloween, girls will suit the images of princesses, cute fairies, butterflies, cats, foxes or the beloved line of Monster High dolls.

There are restrictions for applying children's face painting for Halloween:

  • wounds or scratches on the skin;
  • if the child is under 3 years old;
  • allergy to dyes.

Following these Halloween makeup tips for girls and boys will help you make the process fun and stress-free for your child:

  1. Do not force him to participate in the drawing process; the baby himself should want to take part in applying face painting.
  2. Make a few preliminary strokes with a brush so that the child gets used to the new sensations.
  3. The baby should like the drawing.
  4. Take breaks of 10 minutes while drawing.
  5. Apply face painting in front of a mirror - this will make the process even more interesting for the child.
  6. Do not forget to communicate with your child about topics that are interesting to him while drawing.

What you need for children's Halloween makeup

To embody fairy-tale images and apply children's makeup for Halloween, you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • toothbrushes with soft bristles;
  • sponges and sponges;
  • brushes with different widths;
  • face painting;
  • glitter for face painting.

But if you don’t trust manufacturers of face art paints, you can prepare them at home. To do this you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 10-15 g baby cream;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. warm water;
  • bright food colors.

Mix all of the above and add food coloring to deepen the color.

The image of a good fairy for Halloween - step-by-step instructions

Girls will really like the image of a kind and sweet fairy, be it just a forest assistant or from the favorite animated series “Winx”. This image corresponds to Halloween and will make the girl's appearance charming and fabulous. In addition to the appropriate makeup, choose a dress with a tulle (possibly multi-layered) skirt, wings and a magic wand.

Step-by-step implementation of good fairy makeup for girls for Halloween:

  1. Draw the outline of the mask using a sponge and white paint around the eyes.
  2. Using a sponge, apply pink paint to the corners of your eyes.
  3. On one side draw a flower with a green stem. Choose a range of shades depending on the dress.
  4. Apply baby pink lipstick to your lips and add glitter to the middle of the flower.

The image of a good fairy doing good deeds will make those around her smile, and the girl will feel like she is in a good fairy tale.

A cute pumpkin image for a girl for Halloween - step-by-step instructions

Pumpkin is an indispensable attribute of Halloween celebrations. As a rule, they try to make a creepy expression on them, but for a girl it is worth giving preference to a cute image. To complement it, a dress with a full orange skirt with a green belt is suitable. The hair can be gathered into several buns and tied with several thin orange ribbons, and a bun made of green paper resembling leaves can be placed in the middle. It will be beautiful if the ends of the ribbons are curled - this will complement the image of a small pumpkin.

Instructions for applying pumpkin face painting for a girl for Halloween:

  1. Using a sponge, apply orange paint to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes, upper forehead and ears.
  2. At the top, using a thin brush of black and green paint, paint small leaves like a pumpkin.
  3. Paint the area around the eyes with black paint. Using a thin brush, paint triangles to resemble the slits of a pumpkin.
  4. Using a thin brush, paint four stripes of brown paint (two on each side) starting from the lower eyelid and ending at the corners of the mouth. Using a sponge, make the boundaries of these lines more blurred.
  5. Apply brown paint to the chin area with a sponge or sponge to create a shadow effect.
  6. Using a thin brush with black paint, paint a smile on the pumpkin. You can make a simple outline or a more complex and interesting one like they make for pumpkins for the holiday.

The photo shows step-by-step pumpkin makeup for children for Halloween.

The cute pumpkin image is ready! This will be an interesting transformation for a girl, because images of princesses and fairies can be drawn for any holiday, and this one will be appropriate specifically for Halloween celebrations.

Butterfly image for girls for Halloween

A butterfly is a great choice for a dressy look. Be sure to put wings and a brightly colored dress on the little beauty to emphasize the cheerfulness and lightness of the image.

Instructions for applying butterfly face painting for Halloween for girls:

  1. Apply white paint to the area of ​​the cheekbones and forehead - this is the basis of such Halloween makeup for children.
  2. Draw the outlines of butterfly wings on the face in black.
  3. Next, make the outline of the wings brighter.
  4. Using a sponge, apply bright colors to the butterfly's wings.
  5. Use a thin brush to paint the butterfly's body and antennae in black.
  6. You can add sparkles or rhinestones.

The bright, festive image of the butterfly is ready and the girl will flutter around the holiday and give joy to those around her.

Video: Halloween butterfly makeup for girls.

Photo gallery of ideas and children's images for Halloween

Creating a Halloween look for children is very interesting and exciting. And it will allow adults to immerse themselves in childhood and approach drawing creatively. And this is a great opportunity to move away from the usual perception of Halloween outfits and makeup. You can make cute children's images that will add charm to all little beauties.

The shocking image of a vampire is a win-win option for a successful outfit for Halloween or another costume party. It has long since become a beloved “classic of the genre.” A pale face, bright makeup and the spectacular appearance of the prince of darkness will not go out of fashion for a long time.

Where can I get such a suit? One option is to order it from an online store. However, you can also make it yourself. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

We are preparing a suit, or the mission is possible

It is difficult to imagine the image of Dracula without a traditional cloak. It can be long or short. You decide.

Typically, such a robe falls from the shoulder to the ankles, so 1-2 meters of fabric are needed to sew it. You will need satin, silk, taffeta or velvet (i.e. any lightweight fabric, preferably with a glossy surface). The color of the cloak must be chosen as “vampire”: black, blue or red. To make this outfit more sophisticated, you can make its hem rounded.

A wide hood will add completeness to such a vampire cloak. It’s easy to make: a triangle of the desired size is cut out of the fabric, then its short edge is folded inward and sewn on to give it its shape. Then the hood is basted to the cloak - and voila!, the vampire robe is ready.

Ideally, a vampire cloak or cape should have a red lining. It is better to immediately sew the red satin lining to the black fabric, and then cut the cloak.

If we are talking about a costume for children, then feel free to start decorating the garment: decorate it with images of spiders, bats or the moon. They can be cut from any bright fabric, thick paper and even foil. An alternative is to use gold or silver paint in a can and a simple stencil.

Another important point is the choice of suitable clothing for the raincoat. To make this task easier for you, we offer a small list of popular options:

If you have the opportunity to get clothes similar to ancient costumes from the 18th and 19th centuries, be sure to take advantage of it. After all, with their help you can recreate the classic image of children of the night. You can use the masquerade costume rental service.

Below we have posted a video of the process of making a cape for a vampire costume with ruffles.

In the men's version, instead of a hood, you need to bend the fabric two or three times to get a high collar. For rigidity, you can line the inside with cardboard or stitch it with diamonds.

Spectacular makeup is an indispensable attribute of the vampire image

Another distinctive feature of this character is bright, catchy makeup on deathly pale skin. To achieve this effect, follow our tips.

  1. The first step is to prepare your facial skin by applying a light layer of cream or base makeup.
  2. The vampire's face should not be shiny, so you will need matte powder or baby powder. It must be applied on top of the cream.
  3. Ready? Then we can directly do vampire-style makeup. First of all, let's outline the eyes. For this you need a black cosmetic pencil or eyeliner. The main strokes should be applied to the inside of the eye, as well as lines on the upper and lower eyelids.
  4. Next we give the eyes a smoky effect. This can be done by applying gray, purple and brown eyeshadow.
  5. If you want a completely pale face, don't use blush.
  6. We pay special attention to the lips. Their shape and color should be expressive, but it is not necessary to paint them perfectly evenly. A slight carelessness in creating lip makeup for a vampire is even welcome. Classic lipstick colors are red, brown and black.
  7. Then we will start creating the effect of dried blood streams on the face. To prepare artificial blood, you need to mix any syrup and dye (red and a little blue for extra realism).

By following the link you can see how to do it, filmed by professional makeup artists and amateur makeup artists. They will help you create an elegant and exciting look. This training will take you 5-10 minutes, after which you can try to apply this makeup yourself.

Women can also get a matching manicure in red or black. If you have short nails, you can use artificial false tips.

Selecting accessories

To complete the vampire look, take care of other details of the outfit. Their number and options are limited only by your imagination. They will help you either copy the image of vampires from famous films and TV series, or create your own interpretation of it.

We offer several of the most common accessory options:

  • Fangs. They can be purchased in special stores or made yourself. To make vampire fangs at home, you will need a clean white plastic bottle. From it you will cut out a plate in the shape of teeth with fangs. You can apply the required texture and color of blood to them using nail polish. See the video above for details on the process of making fangs yourself.
  • Wig. Usually the image of a vampire is associated with long hair. Their color can be white, black or bright red. To create an original look, you can buy a wig. Today, various carnival costume stores offer a wide selection of such products.
  • Hairstyle. Do you have short hair but don't want to wear a wig? Then you can style your hair using a gel with strong hold. You can tousle your hair chaotically in the style of vampires from the movie “Twilight” or make a small mohawk by collecting strands in the center.
  • Decorations. The Gothic look of a vampire is unimaginable without all kinds of rings, crosses, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, medallions, brooches and belts. For women, fancy necklaces with bright stones and ornaments or wide black ribbons tied in small bows around the neck and arms are perfect.
  • Hats. Sometimes the image of the prince of the night can be complemented by this accessory. For men, strict black top hats a la Bram Stoker's Dracula are suitable, and for women - small hats with lace. Also, a headdress for vampires can be made in the form of an old veil, decorating it with imitation cobwebs, drops of homemade blood or a wreath of artificial flowers in an old style.
  • Cane. Continuing the theme of classic images of vampires, we cannot help but recall the ancient wands that we so often see in the hands of Hollywood villains. You can make a cane yourself or buy it in an online store.
  • Chains. They can decorate both women's and men's suits. The main thing is not to overdo it with their quantity. The ideal option is to hang a small chain with small links on the waistband of your pants or on your vest. Women can decorate a corset or dress with such an accessory.
  • Glasses. The best option is sunglasses with small round black lenses. They will go perfectly with a top hat and a black long wig.
  • Lenses. We also recommend purchasing vampire lenses for eyes with a red or vertical pupil. Today their choice is simply huge, so there should not be any special problems with their purchase.

By the way, if you don’t have the time or opportunity to make a costume yourself, you can buy or rent a ready-made version in special stores.

What your vampire look will be - ancient noble, modern elegant or simple realistic - is up to you. Depending on the type of this character, you will need to choose makeup and accessories to give the image integrity and completeness.

Have you forgotten? By following the link you can read the history of the holiday and find out how it is celebrated in different countries.
And if you have not yet decided which role to choose, then how to create the image of a delightfully bright, elegant or fairy-tale witch.

Don't be afraid to experiment, pay attention to detail and rich colors and your Halloween costume will be one of a kind!

In recent years, Halloween has been celebrated on a large scale in our country, of course, American holiday traditions, such as “begging” for sweets, have not taken root in our country, but schoolchildren and adults gladly take part in costume parades and parties, so on the eve of the holiday they are somewhat worried moments - and Halloween makeup, which must be unique. You can create a unique look with your own hands, complementing it with eccentric accessories and jewelry.

Women want to be beautiful every day, so every day they apply natural makeup, hiding minor imperfections in the skin of the face, but there is only one day when the rule applies - the scarier the better, and this happens on All Hallows' Eve. For those who do not want to spend money on going to a professional, you can do a simple Halloween makeup at home. The right makeup should definitely complement your outfit, so first of all, start sewing a costume or buy it in a store where you can find a wide selection of different characters. You can transform into any terrible monster - become a zombie, a vampire, Dracula, a skeleton.

Halloween makeup

Even those women who know how to do beautiful everyday makeup can face certain difficulties when they decide to do themselves Halloween makeup at home conditions. If you have never applied special makeup to your face before, then it is advisable to first conduct a skin reaction test, otherwise, instead of terrible makeup, you can get a terrible allergy, and your whole face will be covered with red spots and itchy. A small amount of cosmetics should first be applied to the wrist, and after an hour, look at the reaction; if the skin remains unchanged, then you can begin to apply festive makeup.

DIY Halloween makeup you should start doing it only when you have already put on a suit, especially if your dress has a narrow neck, otherwise you can then erase some of the makeup with the material and have to start all over again, but under time pressure.

First, your face must be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel. The next step is to attach objects to the face that should change its shape; you can attach warts or make a false nose; lately, false scars have been a particularly popular technique.

Next, the entire face must be covered with foundation paint, the color of which must be chosen depending on your character. Usually the face is made pale to create the image of a skeleton or a vampire, so it is covered with white paint. If you are the dead bride, apply blue, and if you are the devil, apply red.

When applying foundation, use a sponge, but a brush will help you add texture to your makeup in the right places. To highlight your eyes you need to use dark eye shadow, you can buy the cheapest dark eye shadow in the store and it will do the job. You will also use dark shadows if you need to highlight certain areas on your face, for example, sunken cheekbones or eyes. You can apply shadows with a thin brush or a special sponge.

An eye pencil will help you draw themed designs, such as a web on your cheek or a spider.

Once you have applied the paint to your face, you need to apply the final layer - baby powder, to apply it we will use a large blush brush. Thanks to the powder, the paint will not smear.

Halloween makeup at home

We have covered the main points, how to do makeup for halloween, however, each stage has its own characteristics, which we must not forget that the makeup turned out to be not only bright and thematic, but also durable and lasted throughout the entire party. Applying each layer, proceed to the next one only after the paint has completely dried. To speed up this process, you can use a hairdryer, setting it to the “cold air” setting.

The most popular holiday look is the vampire; it is chosen by both girls and boys. In order for the image to be complete, it is necessary make Halloween makeup at home, and for this you need to properly whiten your face.

You can apply white paint to large areas using a sponge, but to treat narrow areas you need to use a thin brush. You can also make do with improvised means to create a white mass; to do this, mix flour and starch in equal quantities and add a little water. Stir the mixture until it forms a paste. Add three drops of glycerin to the finished mixture and mix again. If your cream turns out to be very thick and dense, you can add a couple more drops.

To choose Halloween makeup, photo You can look it up on the Internet, but first you need to decide on a costume, and only then choose the appropriate makeup. If your appearance is frightening, then your face should be sinister, but there are also cute, good-natured characters that you can dress up as on All Hallows' Eve, for example, if you choose an angel or fairy costume, then the makeup should be natural, done in pastel colors. Such images are especially suitable for schoolchildren. Various fantasy characters with bright, catchy faces, such as elves, are also popular. But the Witch always has a white face and black, as if drowned, eyes.

Halloween makeup: photos

It's not just the girls who are puzzled, how to make Halloween makeup at home, but also guys, because they also want to stand out at the holiday party. Of course, guys are unlikely to cope with even the simplest make-up on their own, and they will definitely ask their friends for help. Men's makeup should be very simple so that they can do it themselves. Most often, men settle on simple characters with a white face and dark eyes. You can also easily create the image of the Joker, but to do this you need to carefully draw an ominous smile.

We agree that not everyone has the opportunity to buy a special make-up kit with which to create Halloween makeup, video There are a lot of master classes with various options on the Internet, for example, you can do .

Blush and foundation can be made independently from available products; for example, to make bronzer, use corn starch, which is mixed with cocoa and ground cinnamon. Add additional ingredients little by little and stir thoroughly, the amount of ingredients is at your discretion until the desired shade is achieved. You need to add a couple of drops of essential base oil to the mixture, you can add a couple of drops of vodka, thanks to these additives the bronzer will stick better.

Dark shadows can be created using activated carbon; the powder is easily applied to the eyelids with a damp brush. You can also make your own eyeliner: mix equal amounts of coconut and cocoa butter and add half a spoon of activated carbon powder.

Easy makeup for Halloween

Children can do easy Halloween makeup, for example, schoolchildren will love the image of a zombie, which is very easy to create. You need to apply concealer around your eyes, and also apply it around your lips, which will create a pale effect. The upper and lower eyelids should be covered with matte dark shadows, and they should also be applied with a large brush to the cheekbone area.

Using a soft black pencil, draw vertical lines on the lips that would resemble seams. Girls can turn into a bright cat: they need to decorate their eyes with glowing shadows or multi-colored pencils, and draw a small circle on the tip of their nose with a black pencil. Moving from the nose, you need to draw a mustache on both sides. The ends of the antennae should be decorated with sparkles; they can be applied conveniently using a cotton swab.

You can create with the whole family, even preschoolers can do light makeup, because they will watch the whole process with great interest and will also want to become part of this colorful holiday.

The image of a vampire is simple Halloween makeup for girls and for the guy, so you can come with your date in similar themed costumes as the main characters of the popular movie "Twilight".

First, you need to draw two lines with a black pencil that will go from the outer corner of the eye. Then you need to fill the space between the lines: apply a white foundation to the face to remove shine from the face and whiten it. To create a pale, sallow look, you can make a mixture of gray, brown and pink eyeshadow and apply it to the chin, cheekbones, around the eyes and nose. You can give your appearance a sinister look by lining your eyebrows with a black pencil.

Complete the look with fake fangs, which will leave a bloody streak in the corner of your mouth.

When preparing for a party, be sure to prepare souvenirs for your friends, for example, a stylish present with an ominous poem inside.

Halloween face makeup

Individual elements and accessories become of great importance in your festive look; even a boring suit can be complemented by making a bright one. Halloween face makeup. For example, a simple bright dress can be complemented with “candy sponges”, to create which you will need multi-colored sprinkles for Easter. First you need to apply the base to the sponges, and then sprinkle with multi-colored crumbs.

The eyes in this image can be painted with bright shadows: make a transition from crimson to yellow.

Once your makeup has been thought out and the elements to create it have been prepared, you should think about home decor or additional accessories to complement your look. To prevent your hairstyle from looking boring, you can wear a bright wig or dye your strands with tonic, which will be washed off immediately after the party.

It can complement your hat; you can attach it to a hoop using additional decorative elements, make bows from satin ribbons or make a base from bright tulle. A simple hat can be made from cardboard and then decorated with material of any color.

Remember that after the party, when you return home, you need to wash your face thoroughly; a regular makeup remover will help you remove the paint. Make sure that cosmetics do not get into your eyes, so you need to wash them off from separate areas using a cotton pad.

The Good Fairy or the Cunning Witch, the terrible Jason or the rogue Jack Sparrow, the vampire Count Dracula or the walking dead Zombie? Whatever costume you choose for All Saints' Day, you'll definitely need the right Halloween makeup to go with it. Of course, you can turn to a makeup artist for help, and he will quickly and professionally create a real picture on the face of a boy, girl, boy, girl or man. But it’s much more interesting and exciting to take a risk and try to paint spectacular makeup for a holiday at home with your own hands. And our simple, detailed instructions with photos of the final result and valuable video tips will help you with this. Study them carefully and bring your wildest fantasies to life. After all, Halloween is just perfect for creative experiments and madness.

Easy Halloween makeup at home for girls - how to create the look of Harley Quinn

Appearing at an All Saints Day party in the role of the bright beauty and supervillain Harley Quinn from the film “Suicide Squad” is not only a successful, but also an original idea. This image has not yet turned into banality and makes it possible to effectively stand out from the crowd of witches, vampires, zombies and deadly nurses. Creating a costume does not require much effort, and the master class below will help girls make light Harley Quinn makeup for Halloween at home.

Necessary materials for creating easy Harley Quinn Halloween makeup for girls at home

  • thick makeup base
  • face painting kit
  • gel eyeliner
  • pomade
  • lip pencil
  • glitter
  • cosmetic brushes

Step-by-step instructions on how a girl can easily make Harley Quinn makeup for Halloween at home

Interesting Halloween makeup at home - the best ideas for girls

In order for the image chosen for the holiday of All Saints to be as bright, effective and memorable as possible, it is not enough to prepare only an original costume. The outfit must be complemented by interesting makeup made at home. On Halloween, he will turn a girl’s pretty face into a scary mask and make her look truly creepy and seductively terrifying.

The best ideas for interesting makeup for girls for Halloween

Demonic angel is an option for girls who want to remain luxurious, sexy and attractive even on Halloween. To create makeup, you need to tint the general background of the place where the drawing will be located with a white base. Then, with a damp brush, take some black makeup paint and paint the area around one eye, including the eyebrow. Using a gray cosmetic pencil, draw small details. Apply the usual version of your evening makeup to the second part of the face.

Bloody Shy is a very unusual and stylish makeup for brave girls who are not afraid to appear before their friends in an unexpected and rather creepy form. To recreate the image, you will need to treat your face with cosmetic white, highlight the contour of the eyes with black arrows, apply smoky gray shadows to the upper eyelids, firmly define a thin thread of eyebrows and thickly apply eyelashes. At the last stage, vampire teeth must be placed under the upper lip, and the area around the mouth should be generously smeared with artificial blood, sold in cool gift stores. To make the impression of the image as strong as possible, you will have to take a fan in your hands and cover half of your face with it. While having a small talk with a person, you can casually lower the fan and observe the shock in which the interlocutor will find himself when he sees in front of him a nice girl who has suddenly turned into a monster.

Bride of Frankenstein is a classic Halloween makeup look. To do it at home, you will need to cleanse your face and cover it with a thick layer of blue and white foundation. Apply black and gray shadows to the area around the eyes so as to create the impression of deeply sunken eye sockets. Use gel eyeliner to outline the contour of the eyes several times and color the eyelashes thickly. Paint over your own eyebrows with gray shadows so that they are not visible. Draw thin black eyebrows a little higher. Draw a wound on one cheek, sewn up with coarse threads, and paint your lips with soft pink lipstick. The image will turn out to be very romantic and at the same time creepy and sad.

Video makeup for Halloween at home - videos with examples of creating scary images for girls

On All Saints' Day, a girl can turn into anyone she wants, and a video on how to create Halloween makeup at home confirms this. They show how to become a beautiful vampire, driving men crazy with her beauty, and then drinking their blood to the last drop.

Or try yourself in the role of the bloody Indian goddess Kali, who subjugates everyone around her with one glance.

Or try on the image of the Drowned Woman, who found solace from unhappy love in the clear waters of a magical lake.

On All Saints' Day there is no need to limit your imagination. Courage and the desire to experiment will make your Halloween bright, original and unforgettable.

Simple and quick Halloween makeup for children “Cat” - master class on how to draw

A step-by-step master class tells how to quickly and easily draw Halloween makeup for children “Cat”. This type of makeup is original, but not at all bloodthirsty, which means it is suitable even for kids, and not only for girls, but also for boys. For older children, the image of a cat on the face can be made more pronounced by enhancing the contrasts. To do this, just replace brown shades with deep black ones, and instead of gloss, use bright red lipstick, which will help make a catchy accent on your lips. This version of the pattern will look quite grotesque and will suit any festive outfit.

Necessary materials for creating children's "Cat" makeup at home

  • nude foundation
  • cosmetic white
  • colored eye pencils
  • clear glitter eyeshadow
  • natural tone powder
  • black mascara
  • lip gloss

Step-by-step instructions on how to make “Cat” makeup for children for Halloween

  1. Cleanse your child's face with a very gentle, gentle cleanser. Gently apply a thin layer of foundation in a natural shade to your entire face. This step is not mandatory, but with this approach the makeup will look brighter and more impressive.
  2. Use a chocolate-colored eye pencil to outline the edge of the nose, and at the tip draw a small circle, imitating the dark nose of a cat.
  3. Just above the lips, draw the outline of the base for the mustache, and paint it inside with cosmetic white. When they are dry, put several dots in a dark color, and draw mustache stripes on both sides with light strokes. Emphasize each mustache in a bright, white tone. This will give the image volume and naturalness.
  4. Paint your eyelashes with black mascara.
  5. Apply transparent shadows with glitter to the upper eyelids.
  6. Highlight the lower eyelids with brown and white arrows.
  7. Powder natural eyebrows so that they are not visible. Draw eyebrows in the shape of wings on top. Outline the outline with a dark pencil, and tint the rest with white.
  8. Draw teardrops in the corners of the eyes.
  9. Cover lips with transparent light gloss.

Classic and original versions of “Witch” makeup for Halloween for children

The witch is a traditional character in the celebration of All Saints' Day. Both preschool girls and young high school students take on this role with pleasure. The easiest way to create a Halloween Witch makeup for children requires almost no effort. It is enough to simply cover your face with the lightest possible foundation, apply thick gray-black shadows to the upper eyelids and the area under the eyebrows, paint your eyelashes with mascara, apply very dark lipstick to your lips, put a classic witch’s headdress on your head and the festive look is ready.

Necessary materials for the original and scary children's makeup “Witch” for Halloween

  • face painting set
  • multi-colored cosmetic pencils
  • liquid eyeliner
  • lipstick in dark brown or deep purple shades

Step-by-step instructions on how to make children's scary makeup “Witch”

  1. Apply marsh-colored aqua paint to the exposed parts of a dry, clean face. Distribute it evenly and bring it as close as possible to the scalp so that strips of natural skin color are not visible there.
  2. Using liquid eyeliner, highlight the arrows on the upper and lower eyelids.
  3. Use dark green paint to paint deep wrinkles and warts on the face.
  4. Apply brown or inky lipstick to your lips and mark the skin folds above your eyebrows with dark green paint. Complete the look by letting your hair down and wearing a witch's hat with stars on your head.

Children's makeup of the Good Witch for a Halloween party

You don't have to play the role of a scary character on Halloween. Positive heroes on the day of the holiday are just as relevant as evil witches, vampires, zombies and other evil spirits. To create a good witch's makeup, you need a light foundation, an eyeshadow palette in warm colors, blush, colored mascara and pink lip gloss.

On the face of a girl who wants to play the role of a good witch at a holiday, you can depict butterflies, flowers, or some thin, lace patterns in bright, rich colors. It is appropriate to use sparkles, rhinestones and shimmering cosmetics (highlighter, pearlescent powder, bronzer, etc.). Such a gentle feminine image will become a real ray of light, illuminating a society of gothic characters wrapped in black fabrics gathered to celebrate Halloween.

Scary homemade Halloween makeup for boys - how to create the look of Jason Voorhees

The legendary character of the cult film “Friday the 13th” still remains popular. Most often, boys who are fond of horror films and horror comics choose this image for celebrating All Saints' Day. You can buy a mask of a creepy killer for such a child in a store, or you can make Jackson Voorhees Halloween makeup for a boy at home with your own hands. The process of creating the monster's face is incredibly simple, but its realism is truly frightening and can cause a lot of unpleasant moments for people who see the famous maniac emerging from their entrance on October 31.

Necessary materials for Jason Voorhees Halloween makeup for a boy

  • cosmetic white
  • makeup paint red and black
  • black eyeliner
  • cosmetic pencil

Step-by-step instructions on how to give a boy Jason makeup at home

  1. Apply cosmetic white to a previously washed, dry face. Distribute them evenly along the chin, forehead, nose and cheekbones. Tint your lips tightly so that they are not visible. Avoid approaching the eye area.
  2. When the base dries, highlight the shape of the eyes with liquid eyeliner, and apply black makeup around to the eyebrows. As a result, the eyes should resemble deep black funnels, from where brilliant pupils look out at those around them.
  3. Using scarlet makeup paint, make marks on the cheeks and forehead, just above the eyebrows.
  4. Wait until the makeup hardens, and then use a cosmetic pencil to draw several black circles-holes, like Jason had in the movies.

Video instruction - how to give a boy Jason Voorhees Halloween makeup

How to do Halloween makeup for guys - draw a Skeleton on the face

Applying Skeleton makeup for Halloween for guys is not at all difficult. To bring this idea to life, only two colors of paint are required. White tone serves as the basis of the design, and black is used to work out small and large details.

The process of creating makeup Skeleton for a guy for Halloween

Halloween makeup for guys - how to do Zombie makeup at home

Another must-have Halloween character is the scary walking dead Zombie. Even the nicest guys are happy to transform into this monster with a bloody face, cadaverous spots and terrible wounds. Making Zombie makeup for Halloween for a guy at home is not difficult. The main thing is to be careful and use good quality paints so that after the party you do not suffer from itching and irritation on the skin.

Necessary materials for make-up of a Zombie guy for Halloween

  • face painting set
  • cosmetic brushes
  • napkins
  • sponge or sponge
  • red gouache

Step-by-step instructions for applying Zombie makeup on a guy's face

  1. Cover a clean-shaven, completely dry face with a thin layer of white paint and wait until it dries well.
  2. Mix red gouache with office glue and apply to the cheek where the bloody laceration is planned to be located.
  3. Tear paper napkins into small pieces and stick to the area where the paint is applied. Distribute them evenly over the selected area of ​​skin, creating a bumpy layer. The paper will absorb the paint on its own and in just a few minutes the cheek will take on a scary, bloody look.
  4. Take a little dark gray makeup onto the sponge and blend it around the “wound” with light movements. This will add naturalism and create the feeling of gore.
  5. Apply gray makeup to the upper eyelid and lightly blend it towards the inner corner of the eye, thus creating a tired, exhausted look.
  6. At the end, lightly powder the cheekbones with light gray makeup, giving the face a dead look.

How to apply Zombie makeup - video instructions

What Halloween makeup is suitable for guys with beards – interesting ideas for holiday looks

Finding original Halloween makeup for guys with beards is not easy. Of course, you can approach the issue radically and appear at a party in honor of All Saints' Day in the role of Conchita Wurst, but not all men can do such actions. But almost every bearded man can transform himself into the insidious and sarcastic leader of all pirates, Jack Sparrow. To do this, you do not need to apply a large layer of paint to your face. You can limit yourself to eye makeup and decorate your beard in an original way with colored wooden beads.

If your beard is very short and looks more like a week of stubble, you should choose the role of a werewolf for yourself. With the help of light makeup, you can quickly give the face the characteristic shade of the animal’s skin and glue additional “vegetation” on the forehead, cheeks and between the eyebrows with special glue. This makeup will look good with a solid evening suit, and with the usual jeans and a rough pullover.

The owner of a long beard will perfectly suit the role of a gnome from the famous saga “The Lord of the Rings”. To realize the image, you will need to shade your face with light makeup, intensively paint your eyes with dark gray or black shadows, and beautifully braid your beard in original braids. To enhance the effect, it is appropriate to decorate the cheekbones with symbolic magical signs and drawings. They will add color to your image and attract additional attention.

Halloween makeup ideas at home for men – photos and pictures

Relatives, friends and girlfriends can help men create simple Halloween makeup options at home. The image of the Joker with a bloody smile from ear to ear is ideal for this.

The pale face of Count Dracula, emphasized by traditional vampire fangs and droplets of blood at the corners of his lips, will look no less impressive.

Older men will surely enjoy the walking dead man's makeup. It doesn't require too much paint or any special costume. A dead skin tone and a couple of bloody wounds on the face, complete with any casual clothing, look creepy and impressive.

Making scary Halloween makeup with your own hands at home - video instructions

Bloody wounds on a boy's cheek, scary stitches on a girl's tender neck, burns on the body and peeling skin on children's faces... All these elements of Halloween makeup can be easily done at home with your own hands. The videos below with photos, pictures and detailed instructions will help you correctly draw and realistically recreate creepy special effects. Supplemented with such colorful accents, children's and adults' Halloween makeup will become even more terrible, and the images of zombies, vampires, Brides of Frankenstein, witches and other characters will look more realistic.

Guys love to dress up just as much as girls. Therefore, if you receive an invitation to a Halloween party, then you should not refuse the opportunity to try on a new look. To look truly impressive, you need not only to choose a suit, but also to come up with the appropriate makeup.

One of the popular male Halloween images is the image of a vampire. Moreover, there are many variants of this image, so even if several guys from the same company decide to dress up as ghouls, they are unlikely to look alike.

You can try to repeat the image that Robert Pattison created in the film “Twilight,” that is, to portray a pale, handsome man with a noble appearance. Or dress up as Count Dracula, who is perhaps the most famous bloodsucker on earth. It will be even more interesting if you try to come up with your own image, because you don’t have to look like a movie character, you can bring to life your ideas about what a vampire should look like.

But in any case, the image will be incomplete if it is not supplemented with appropriate makeup. Performing male vampire makeup for Halloween is not particularly difficult. It is quite possible to do it yourself. And if a guy doesn’t even have basic skills in working with makeup, he can ask his girlfriend or sister for help. Surely they will be happy to meet him halfway and even allow him to use products from their cosmetic bag.

How to do vampire makeup for Halloween? First of all, you need to carefully think through the image so that it is organic and complete. It’s worth looking at photos of makeup done by professionals in advance. Of course, it will be difficult for a man to repeat a too complex professional Halloween vampire makeup at home, but you can choose a simpler, yet quite effective option.
