The elegance of a man. Mister elegance - elegant style for men

Here in Italy I thought about the fact that I can’t imagine what an elegantly dressed Russian man looks like. I can imagine what an elegantly dressed German, Italian, or Frenchman looks like, but it’s impossible to automatically dress a Russian in the same clothes and then get the impression of an “elegantly dressed” Russian. Something in the image is limping, falls on the heel...

I can imagine what an elegantly dressed Russian woman looks like. Russian women sometimes dress very elegantly, in which they are close to Italians and significantly superior to Germans. By the way, this elegance has nothing to do with the tendency of Russian-Ukrainian aunts (and in general all women “from the third world”) to mediocrely dump their bodies in the most inappropriate places (in public transport, for example). But the image of an elegantly dressed Russian woman in my imagination was still quite complete... It often depends on education, intelligence and environment; it presupposes, first of all, a sense of detail, proportion and harmony (if these are not synonyms) and, necessarily, a manner of deportment with dignity. There are undoubtedly such women “in Russian villages.”

But what is the “elegant” Russian man wearing???

Russian men have several ways of dressing, as I imagine them:
  1. Complete indifference. The choice of clothes occurs automatically, guided by certain stereotypes that have been hammered into them from youth, if not childhood... Most often this is a low social level - sweatpants, a T-shirt, a purse, a bald-sporty hairstyle. In this form, Russian men can take out the trash and... travel around Europe (no exaggeration - life experience). The most important thing in this type: clothing is not used consciously as some kind of sign of the state of finances or mind, social status, origin, etc. It appears unwillingly, but is not deliberately used. This is the only non-presentational manner and in this sense it is also a kind of elegance, only with the opposite sign - a value in itself.

All other manners of dressing are various forms of presentation of something - status, intelligence, arrogance, power, etc.

  1. Official style. It's something like the military, only in jackets and ties. This layer, by its very place in the social hole, cannot be dressed elegantly, despite the suits purchased from famous companies depending on the position. This is hampered by the iconic nature of the clothing, and also by the demeanor characteristic of our officials: casual arrogance downward and total ingratiation, ass-licking upward. A person who is always in a slightly bent state that is inconvenient for walking upright cannot be elegant. Even a stylishly dressed official cannot be elegant; he can be stylish, but not elegant. Elegance is freedom manifested in behavior and clothing. Not swagger, but rather the restrained naturalness of her behavior. And elegance cannot serve presentation, any permanent meaning, it is a value in itself, it is a goal.
  2. "Worldview" manner. Sometimes a hat is used to cover a bald spot and protect from the sun, and sometimes a person walks around in shorts and a hat and only takes it off along with his underpants before, for example, sexual intercourse, or even doesn’t take it off at all. The hat in this case is usually wide-brimmed and worn in winter and summer with any clothing. This means that under the hat there is a “creative nature” moving around the world and you can expect anything from her. Some boots are simply torn, and there are boots that are artistically torn as evidence of the complex mental organization of the owner. A beard today is almost always an ideological accessory, especially the longer one. This is either evidence of religious affiliation - “Orthodox”, or again “creative nature”.
  3. I am a businessman (not a hukhra mukhra). The manner is completely presentational, iconic, no matter what it includes. In different parts of our country, depending on income, it is customary to equip oneself in this category in different ways, but one thing remains unchanged - each element must convince others that this is not an HS, but... the general director of a trade stall, or... an aluminum plant. Here, the manner of dressing can include a car, a house, a long-legged girl, a chain, and panties made of rock crystal with a cosmic connection...
  4. Managers in corporations. People are both modern and modernly educated, and most importantly, they are the main readers (“flippers”) of “men’s” and even “women’s” magazines, where they get all their intelligence and all their ideas about reality, and a bunch of vulgarities about how one should behave conduct “in bed”, “how to make a career”, etc. This is also where ideas about how a “real manager” should be dressed (a synonym for a “real person”, what kind of person is he if he is not a manager), advice, as a rule, is translations from foreign magazines. Despite the fact that among men in this category, the most favorite foreign word is variations on the theme of “creativity,” they are completely devoid of fantasy and imagination. At best, they are able to “match the style” that is being imposed, which also excludes elegance. Elegance is not style.
  5. Sales managers who knows what. (Here I would also include representatives of a variety of professions, quite free from the social dictates of tastes and demands for orderliness - lawyers, successful doctors, journalists, etc., the category is quite vague, however...). It seems to me that this is the most promising category, if they are not representatives of some large corporation dictating their own style. Sellers of cars, glasses, coffee grinders, mirrors, knowledge and skills, all kinds of intermediaries... people who communicate with clients in bulk and all kinds of “representatives” who are always in sight, must always be decently dressed... In a word, they have chance... And, as I noticed, they use it quite often. I can’t, however, judge this fully. I rarely meet...
  6. Youth styles. They are abundant and all entirely presentational: from punks to football fans, Nazis and so on. and so on. There is not even a chance... Elegance is a category of maturity in general; young people do not approach it due to immaturity.

    You can still produce descriptions point by point, for sure there are some, but it is better to move on to general definitions of elegance itself, partly repetitions.

    Elegance is not a means, but a goal, just as, for example, perfection cannot be a means (of presentation, achieving something, etc.), it is a goal. Elegance is synonymous with perfection in terms of appearance - clothing, manners and behavior. It has no service functions, it is not presentational, it is not a sign of something, it is a value in itself. Elegance is natural and organic. Elegance is not style. A “stylishly dressed” person is a person subordinate to style. Elegance is freedom from the dictates of anything.

    A person who is too fat or too thin cannot be elegant, and even too athletic (for example, too pumped up) cannot be. The very common male style of dressing in the vastness of our homeland, emphasizing one’s sportiness, or former sportiness, or “military sportiness”, “scorched”, so to speak, by battles and campaigns (I have this myself:)) also does not fit with elegance. The stupidly shaved type of hairstyle is deliberately presentational, there is no chance. (I had a friend who cut his head square, and when everyone asked what it was that you had, they say, a square head, then he explained what it was, so that it would be more convenient to put a helmet on it, because you are dealing with a famous... .. hang glider or whoever he was... I’ve already forgotten).

    In Russian men's “well-dressedness” there are always two extremes: most often it is the presentational aspect of “beautiful packaging”, which must be used to guess the rich (mentally, spiritually or creditworthy) inner content. Or the other extreme: falling into some kind of perfumery, homogeneity, acquiring antics and jumps more characteristic of women (the notorious metrosexuals...), some kind of unworthy (because too much) flickering around one’s appearance. If you look at the guys on the catwalk (mannequins), well, the homosexuals have narrow shoulders, sway their hips, and make smooth turns. Maybe they are not homosexuals per se, but this stereotype of movement was shoved into them by those who force them to walk along the catwalk and stick their ass out to the side at the end of the walk.

    But where is the desired middle ground? She could be in a graceful emphasis on masculinity, but not too much... In general, nothing too much.

    It’s easier to say what there shouldn’t or should be in elegance (I’ve already said a lot), and somehow roughly define it, than to give an example of it in the form of “Citizen Petrov.” For example, I must say that in my long life I have not met a single elegant Russian man, that is, I did not know him personally. However, I met one, but he, as one would expect, turned out to be a homosexual, so all these smooth movements, sing-song intonations, etc. All this was disgusting. And in elegance, in its foreign models, and in general - theoretically - in men it is precisely the masculine principle - masculinity - that should be emphasized. But not protruding. Not a demonstration of raw strength and courage, as in readiness for anything (frostbite), which is quite often observed in a Russian man, the limit of which was the image of the “brother,” but rather an emphasis on restrained strength, restrained dignity, a kind of nobility. So, male elegance is precisely emphasizing the best masculine qualities in clothing and behavior, in the image. Here, gestures, the ability to carry on a conversation, and physical demeanor (there are almost no men nowadays with an upright posture and at the same time natural, relaxed gestures) are as important as the rags themselves. Everything is achieved through training. The intellectual's somewhat fussy delicacy and embarrassment do not go here, just as any rudeness, swagger, or demonstration of negligence does not go with it.

    There is also no need to attach the perfume definition “gallant gentleman” here - this is not about that.

    I don’t even take Soviet times into account; Soviet people were not destined to be elegant, and not because there were no suitable clothes, but for a number of reasons... Which, by the way, prompts the thought that elegance is a social category, connected with a certain layer - the bearer of it as a social affiliation (but not a function). Hence the conclusion that there may be a certain time in the development of a national culture when elegance may not occur.

    For example, at the beginning of the 19th, a certain layer emerged as the bearer of such a culture, described in detail by Pushkin in Eugene Onegin. Even more understandable if you read the detailed comments on it by Lotman and Nabokov. It is quite possible that now it has not yet developed (or I don’t see it). The Russians are still broken after what they experienced as a result of the collapse of the USSR, they are still “not themselves,” so they may, of course, still be missing something ( in behavior and appearance) that others have.

    Of the television images that would be easiest to imagine as an example of some elegance, Leonid Parfenov comes to mind. With some reservation, however, that he also went a little too far with some pomp. But since then I haven’t watched TV, either Russian or non-Russian, and I can’t say anything about it.

    I would finally like to see some more masculine Russian elegance. Maybe someone can tell me and I just don’t see it? I will be glad for your judgment and direct instructions on it :)

Elegant man! How I want to see my husband always just like this, he writes. But it happens that, it seems, the clothes are expensive and everything is neat, but it doesn’t look right and that’s it! Something is missing, but what exactly is difficult to understand. So what's the deal?

Men most often wear suits (including three-piece suits), as they say, “for a feast, and for the world, and for good people.” However, the suit does not always look elegant on everyone. The most common shortcomings here are related to the inability to adjust the length of trousers and sleeves - they are often too long or too short, and disfigure the proportions of the figure and gait.

It happens that the innate male “solidness” is reflected in a tightly buttoned jacket (since all the buttons are sewn on, that means all three need to be buttoned!), and in an excessively tightened tie under a stiff collar. Naturally, the lightness and grace of even the most elegant suit are immediately lost.

Often the color of a shirt, tie, socks and shoes is chosen without a system, without correlation with the situation, mood, sometimes age, respectability. Suddenly you see yellow low shoes with thick soles in combination with a black suit, white shirt, and formal tie. And plump men seem to lean back, thereby protruding their stomachs even more and unattractively moving their elbows back or to the sides. Again, you need to remember about posture and gait.

What does an elegant man look like from the outside? Posture - shoulders are straight, slightly directed (by feeling) forward, the stomach is pulled in, the back and neck are straight, the chin is slightly lowered, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows. In this case, the collar will not slide back, dragging both the shoulders and the tail of the jacket along with it.

The gait is firm, full-footed, with the obligatory straightening of the knees with each step. The feet and knees should be strictly parallel, and not turned out or spread wide apart. Hands subtly (not with wide sporting strokes) help the rhythm of walking. Pants should not be longer than the middle of the heels of shoes.

Gestures are moderate, restrained; when communicating with women, it is better to avoid active gestures altogether. You should never answer over your shoulder to anyone: before you say anything, you should turn to the person and look him in the face. When talking with women, it is customary to slightly tilt your head towards them.

Postures are naturally taut, not relaxed. While sitting, you should place your legs parallel, without spreading them too wide. During a conversation in the presence of women, you should not cross your legs. When sitting down, you need to unbutton your jacket, and when standing up to greet someone, you need to fasten it with one button. When talking, you should not keep your hands (either one or both) in your pockets. It is necessary to accustom yourself to a calm, natural position of your hands so that the painful youthful feeling when you don’t know where to put your hands disappears.

Additions - they are selected for the costume (this is the easiest way) according to the principle of uniformity; to gray, gray-blue. blue - white, light gray, blue shirts, plain or with small stripes, thin checkered patterns; for brown, beige, terracotta - white, beige, cream, grayish-pink: for black - only white.

The tie is chosen according to the situation, temperament, and age. In order not to miss, it is better to prefer a modest tie, subdued colors, with a small pattern.

You need to monitor the position of the tie so that its ends do not diverge. Many men use special pins for this, but, unfortunately, they are often tacky, flashy, and vulgar. Meanwhile, on the wrong side of the wide end there is often a ribbon-label sewn under which you can insert the narrow end, or use a pin (very simple) to attach it to the edge of the shirt.

The tie should be long enough to reach the waistband of your trousers. In a casual setting, you can lower the tie knot slightly and undo the collar button to feel freer. A shirt without a tie should not be fastened with all buttons - one or two top ones should be left unbuttoned.

Shoes with a dark suit are black or dark brown, and only with a light suit - colored (beige, gray, white, reddish-brown). Worn heels and uncleaned shoes are unacceptable. You need to clean your shoes when you take them off, and not before putting them on - creams have a smell, and it takes time for it to dissipate. And when leaving, just add shine with a dry brush.

Socks should be long, stretched (strictly according to the size of the feet), dark or very light (gray, beige, creamy white).

Cologne, eau de toilette and other odorous liquids should be used sparingly. Sometimes for a man, the subtle smells of deodorants, shaving paste, good soap, used daily, and not for a special occasion, are enough.

Men today follow fashion no less closely than women. After all, a well-groomed and stylish appearance always accompanies a respectable and confident person. What do designers suggest to add to the wardrobe of strong and courageous guys in 2018? Modern trends are such that blue suit colors are in great demand, because they look truly rich and stylish. Many people buy stylish blue suits for men for weddings, graduations and other events . Blue colors have replaced black, since previously black suit models were at the peak of popularity.

If you decide not to save money and make a custom-made suit, it is very important to choose high-quality fabric for this. The choice should be based on the purpose of the suit and the time of year and climate in which the suit will be used.

For sewing a classic suit The following materials are suitable for office and business meetings:
fine wool
wool and silk blend fabric
wool with a small percentage of polyester or viscose.

For a suit that will be worn mainly in the summer , will fit:
very fine, lightweight wool
fine wool with silk
silk and linen
wool with lycra.

Don't forget about lining fabric . A beautiful lining glimpsed under the hollow of a jacket will say even more about the owner of the suit than the outer fabric. For a perfectly fitting suit, it is better to choose the following materials for lining:
viscose-acetate blend fabric
The most important thing is that the suit fits perfectly and reflects the essence of its owner.

The plaid vest continues the stylish trends this year. If you choose a blue suit, then you should choose a vest in pastel colors. Fashionable models of gray suits can be worn with a white or denim shirt. The business accent in a suit of this color must be in the tie. This year the trend is on the side of a pastel tie with white small polka dots. A gray business suit combined with a tie will create an inimitable look. Classic gray suits can be highlighted with blue shoes and a blue tie, as well as brown shoes and a tie.

Black classic suits always remain fashionable. This year's trends recommend choosing black suits without inserts, prints, etc. Business models should have a matte, solid color.

Will be fashionable green and blue suits. The green color of the suit goes well with the diamond print tie. It is recommended to wear such models with a light shirt of any color except green. A blue suit will look great with a brown textured tie and a brown vest.


To ensure that a stylish business suit for men looks perfect on your figure, it is important not only to choose the right color, but also to choose the appropriate style. If you want to get a stylish, fashionable business suit and follow the current trend, pay attention to the following points when choosing: the sleeve of the shirt must peek out from under the sleeve of the outer jacket by about a centimeter and a half; The collar width should be no more than 5-7 cm; a stylish and fashionable business suit should have slits on the sides of the back; buttons on a jacket should not be more than three. The ideal option is only two buttons.

Youth style can be emphasized with trim with imitation pockets and buttons. Jackets usually have one or two buttons sewn on them. A belt will go perfectly with trousers.

At the graduation party for young people, who have blue or gray eyes, it is also recommended to take a closer look at gray suits.

Shirt– this is not just another element of the wardrobe, it is a way of self-expression. The style of a shirt can say a lot about a man’s style preferences, mood and even character.

A properly selected men's shirt is guaranteed to attract the attention of the fair sex.

Classic– the best option for everyday wear or business meetings. The main thing is to correctly combine a classic shirt with the rest of your wardrobe; that’s when it will look appropriate in a variety of situations.

This year, designers introduced several new models of classic shirts with a laid-back collar

Classic fit - guys with a thin physique will look perfect in them.

For those who have not yet joined the gym and have not lost excess weight after winter, we recommend a semi-fitting, loose-fitting classic shirt.

The most stylish Russian politician Sergei Lavrov

The only thing that the media found out is that Lavrov wears items from Italian brands. The style that Sergei Lavrov adheres to is fully consistent with his image, which is known throughout the world. Those who have encountered him in life say that Lavrov is calm and serious at work, but “off camera” he is a sociable and witty person with an excellent sense of humor.

"The most stylish in Russia 2018": The most stylish man.

Ivan Urgant, who turned the classic “light top - dark bottom” combination on its head; Yuri Kolokolnikov, extraordinary both in creativity and in terms of style; free style fan Maxim Vitorgan; Konstantin Khabensky and his variation "50 shades of gray"; Grigory Dobrygin, who chose total black; as well as Fyodor Bondarchuk, who presented a casual look, combining a jacket and jeans.

Who is the most elegant man for you, his image, style, share with us!!!)

Elegance is an aesthetic category characterized by a certain style of clothing and certain behavioral characteristics. How elegant a man will look depends primarily on what he is wearing. Elegance doesn't necessarily mean a suit and bow tie. Clothing is selected according to the situation. You can also look elegant on the golf course or at a football match. Although, of course, the word “elegance” is associated for men primarily with a suit. Elegant style for men is, of course, a suit, but other attributes of elegance are also important. Many people think that a suit is the least important thing, but shoes... Shoes are much more important. And we can agree with this too. And again “but”. we are talking about suits, jumpers, shoes, but this is not even the main thing - the main thing is the whole image, which consists of many elements and not all of them are of a material nature. This is a big topic of conversation. But we’ll start with the costume.

For many men, the need to create their own image of an elegant man does not arise so often. As a rule, most representatives of the stronger half of humanity have to put on a suit and accompanying wardrobe elements during various celebrations. However, there is a category of men for whom an elegant image is simply necessary due to the nature of their work.

That small category of men who are able to have a good understanding of clothing can, by selecting various wardrobe details, create their own style of clothing, their own image of an elegant man. Most representatives of the stronger sex do not trust their own taste to such an extent that they can experiment with clothing without fear of being ridiculed.

For them, the best solution would be to follow the path trodden by others and buy discreet, good suits and, combining them with a shirt and shoes, create their own elegant look.

For the majority of men who are not creative in terms of clothing, it would be best to choose suits in gray, dark green, blue, and brown. You can try on a checkered suit. It's worth noting that you don't have to buy the full set. you can buy a jacket and, if you want, a vest, and then pick up trousers.

In the store, you shouldn't grab the first suit you like. It's better to try on several and see which one fits better. To help, take with you a friend or girlfriend (wife) who can give practical advice in terms of clothing. If you set yourself a goal, then even for a person with a non-standard figure you can find a quite tolerable suit that fits, if not perfectly, then something like that. Of course, you will have to go around more than one store.

There is one very simple piece of advice. Do you want to look elegant, but don't know how? Everything is elementary. We go to the mirror, look at ourselves, invite our wife, girlfriend and decide the question - which politician are you like? Why political figures? It's elementary. Almost every politician employs stylists, very high-class specialists. Their task is to create an image that everyone will like. Why not take advantage of the opinion of experts. There are many politicians - we choose the one that best suits the figure, build, hair and eye color, face shape and off we go.

But first, before going shopping (boutiques), it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the latest fashion trends. Although, what’s good about our advice is that elegance is, first of all, a certain conservatism. And it is conservatism in choosing a suit that leading stylists advise for politicians and businessmen. Despite the fact that fashion is a capricious madam, a classic suit will always be relevant. Although there are some changes in the tailoring of classic suits. For example, single-breasted jackets with three buttons are currently popular. Narrow sleeves, medium-width lapels, narrow trousers with creases in the back and front, with a slight break above the boots are also popular trends in current fashion. The jacket is sewn with slightly widened and raised shoulders, fitted and slightly elongated. Sides with four buttons, like short lapels, are currently not so popular.

Club jackets, once popular, are also gradually going out of fashion, although such a jacket is still relevant today for semi-formal receptions.

Gray and blue suits are quite popular among business people. These fabric colors do not distract attention, but at the same time create the image of a respectable person. Brown and olive colors are also welcome at formal events. Suits in black and white are best suited for the evening.

It is generally accepted that tall and thin people look better in double-breasted, two-piece suits. Short men prefer single-breasted suits.

Although vests are no longer as popular as they were a hundred years ago, the three-piece suit has some advantages over the two-piece suit. With the jacket removed, a well-tailored vest looks great with a shirt, even if the figure is not at all athletic.

It is advisable for a man to have three or four suits for different occasions. If they are sewn in a classic version and of high quality, then they will be worn for a very long time.

Now about the shoes. If we are talking about an elegant man's style, then forget about sports shoes and moccasins. Neither one nor the other will definitely go with a suit.

The shoes are shoes and shoes in two shades - black and brown. If black does not imply shades lighter or darker - black, it is black. There are variations with brown color. And shoes are selected mainly to match the jacket or, if you have a three-piece suit, to match the vest. Shoes, if you don’t know which ones to buy, choose classic ones. There shouldn't be any problems with men's shoes. But there is one rule - shoes shouldn't be cheap. It is very important.

Shoes are also matched with trousers, but strangely enough, if we are talking about elegance, then trousers are the most conservative element of the image. This mainly concerns color - gray, black, and blue colors dominate here. Let's make a reservation right away - we are talking about cases when the color of the jacket and trousers are different.

About ties

A man's elegant style requires a tie, but in reality a tie is not always a required attribute. It could be a bow tie, or you can do without a tie - there is such a thing as “no ties.” That is, a protocol event, but implying informal communication. But still, a tie should be present in the wardrobe. Selecting a tie is a whole science and requires a separate article. In our framework, we will give a couple of tips - there should be at least two ties in your wardrobe - a brighter one and a more discreet one.

The most neutral option is stripes, but bolder patterns are also possible. But it's better not to experiment. Let us remind you once again about conservatism.


Accessories, like shoes, accessories should not look cheap. Watches - if your budget does not allow you to buy a decent watch, then it is better not to buy them at all - your phone also has them. If the shirt requires cufflinks, then do not buy them at the first souvenir stall along with a hairpin. By the way, about hairpins - it’s better not to use them at all than to buy cheap ones.

Everything we have told you will help you create your own elegant style, but remember, style is not about trousers and a jacket. More precisely, not only them. The main thing is the harmony of the image.

A modern man plays many social roles. He confidently walks up the career ladder, realizes himself in what he loves, plays sports, and builds relationships with the opposite sex. The stronger sex today pays no less attention to their appearance than the fair half, this no longer bothers anyone. We invite you to talk about what a man’s image is and how it affects the process of achieving success in life. From the article you will learn a lot of useful information about creating a wardrobe, the ability to wear clothes, and the importance of little things in creating an image.

What makes up a man's image?

The handsome men from the glossy pages, one and all, look like James Bond clones. In the mass consciousness, the image of a successful man has already formed, certainly dressed in an expensive suit of a fashion brand, with a neat hairstyle, well-groomed skin and manicure. If you want to give the impression of an accomplished person, you will have to follow established canons.

It must be recalled that the image consists of not only clothes, shoes and accessories. They only complement the appearance. The concept of image is much broader than just a set of clothes. The image is intended to emphasize the inner qualities of a man, such as determination, dynamism, and the ability to organize his own time. What matters here is a fit figure, neatness, the ability to behave in society, and maintain a meaningful conversation. The latter is impossible without a broad outlook and a desire to learn new things.

What makes up an elegant man's wardrobe

Creating a business image begins with clothing. You don't have to have a lot of things to look elegant and fashionably dressed. A basic men's wardrobe includes:

  • Jacket for everyday wear;
  • Suit for business and going out;
  • Several long sleeve dress shirts;
  • Two or three pairs of trousers, matching the color of the top;
  • Jeans;
  • Shoes;
  • Accessories;
  • Jumpers are plain or in fashionable colors.

Costume couples but must fit perfectly on the figure, so items made according to standard patterns must be “adjusted” to individual parameters in the atelier. The classic cut is considered the most advantageous. It remains relevant for a long time. In addition, it is believed that adherents of this style are self-confident people who know exactly what they want. The material from which the suit is made must be expensive, high-quality and low-wrinkle. It is better if your wardrobe contains things in light and dark tones.

Blazer should match in color and cut not only with trousers, but also with jeans. Single-breasted models fastened with 2-3 buttons cope best with this. Double-breasted jackets do not suit every figure, so they are not included in the basic wardrobe. When choosing a pattern, give preference to discreet options. A thin stripe or check goes well with classic trouser models. It is customary to wear plain or tweed models with jeans. A jacket, like a suit, should be age appropriate in cut, color and even cost. A young man wearing an expensive classic black jacket will not look entirely harmonious, as will an older gentleman wearing a cropped, fitted model with a print.

If we talk about shirts, then there should be a lot of them in a man’s wardrobe. Solid color models are suitable for everyday wear. White or blue shirts are an indispensable component of business style. A pattern in the form of a thin strip is allowed. A discreet check will also find its place in the wardrobe. Pair a light jacket with a pastel-colored shirt. These things go great with jeans. Preference should be given to natural fabric, since the shirt is in direct contact with the body. You shouldn't wear it over a tank top or T-shirt, it looks sloppy.

Fits perfectly into an elegant look thin jumper. But the model must certainly be made of thin knitwear, which contains silk, cashmere, and natural wool. The jumper is worn with trousers and on the naked body. Such clothes are intended mainly for free time, but you can also afford them in the office if the company provides “Casual Friday”. The choice of color of things, in all cases, is determined by external data: hair color, eye color, skin tone.

Modern masculine or impossible to imagine without jeans. Today they are worn not only on vacation, but also in the office. Many companies allow employees to dress casually. For such cases, high-quality and comfortable items made of knitwear or denim are indispensable. Models in dark blue or black, with a classic “five pockets” cut, would look appropriate. Choose things without scuffs, stenciled inscriptions, or unnecessary details.

This is an accessory that can completely change the appearance of any man. The choice of this wardrobe detail has many nuances, which are simply impossible to cover in a small material. Therefore, we will voice only the basic rules. The width, length and color range of ties changes every season. If you want to be considered elegant, this will have to be taken into account. Patterned ties are worn with a plain shirt, while solid colors are paired with stripes or checks. A butterfly fits only with a tails pair; wearing it with a regular suit has always been considered bad form.

Shoes often determines the entire image; it is from this that others form an impression of a person. An indispensable component of a business image are classic black or brown boots, polished to a mirror shine. Shoes should not be lighter than the suit; two-tone models are also not welcome. An elegant man cannot afford to wear sneakers even outside the office, because he knows that they are only intended for sports.

How to choose accessories for a business wardrobe

Little things make an image complete; anyone who wants to look elegant knows this simple rule. There are unshakable rules by which accessories for a business man’s wardrobe are selected. For example, the wrist does not carry a functional load, but can tell a lot about its owner, playing to maintain his image. Writing instruments play a similar role, wallet, business card holder, tie, scarf or bag. It is not customary to save on accessories; they must be expensive.

Particular importance is attached to additions to the costume. This includes cufflinks, and tie clip. It is better to choose things made of precious metals with a laconic design. The clip and cufflinks should match each other in style and other small details, such as the bill holder.

Briefcase choose according to size, according to build. Large men will prefer a large size bag, while short, thin gentlemen should use a medium size bag.

Representatives of the stronger sex wore jewelry just like ladies. This hobby has not escaped modern men, who willingly complement their outfits with rings, bracelets, and chains. All this looks stylish, but is completely inappropriate during working hours. The most you can wear to the office is a wedding ring. Let expensive jewelry work for your image during informal meetings with colleagues or business partners.

Personal care

It is impossible to create an image of a prosperous person if you have an unpresentable appearance. Clothes decide a lot, but not everything.

“You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails,” wrote the classic. A man should watch no less than a woman.

To hairstyle remained neat, hair is cut once every 3-4 weeks. Dandruff or unkempt stubble on the face is unacceptable.

Healthy teeth and fresh breath, clean skin, hair and nails create the image of a neat, collected person. This is what managers, colleagues, and business partners trust.

Men often neglect their health, meanwhile, any disruptions in the functioning of the body are reflected on the face. It is difficult to create the image of a successful person with bags under the eyes, yellowish skin, and acne. Meanwhile, sports create excellent well-being and give strength to solve business problems.

A person who pays attention to his health is regarded as a more reliable employee, whom any employer will be happy to have.

Man's behavior and manners

When thinking about your image, you should pay attention not only to external attributes. Often the way you behave can ruin your efforts. When assessing a stranger, people pay attention to nonverbal signals that can give you away. When creating the image of a confident man, watch your posture and gestures. Hunched shoulders, a drooping chin, and a mincing gait will eloquently tell outsiders that in fact you are an insecure, even timid person. Meanwhile, it is inner peace and self-confidence that are the qualities necessary to achieve success in business.
