Embryo at 7 8 weeks. Week of pregnancy: necessary tests

Pregnancy, is undeniably one of the most magical moments of any woman. In order for the baby to be born healthy, it is important to understand what happens at any stage, including at 8 weeks of pregnancy. This is necessary so that the expectant mother behaves correctly, because another life now completely depends on her actions.

So, The 8th week of obstetrics is already the end of the second month, this means the obstetric period, calculated from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. It is important to emphasize that this is the method of calculation that all gynecologists use. The embryonic period will be 2 weeks longer, since it is calculated from the moment of conception. It is almost impossible to find out the exact date of this event, so it is customary to use only calculations using the obstetric method. Therefore, the 8th week according to the obstetric period is the 10th according to the embryonic calculation method.

Distinctive features of the 8th obstetric week

At the 8th obstetric week, fetal development occurs rapidly.

The unborn child is actively growing, every day he becomes bigger, all the main organs are formed. Now it can no longer be called an embryo, it is a fetus.

In general, the period is quite exciting for the mother; if possible, she needs to rest more.

Internally, the woman already feels fully pregnant. Outwardly, most often, it is still invisible. There is no belly; it can only be seen in very thin girls. The only thing that appears is a slight tightness at the waist. But you can’t call it a tummy.

The fetus in the eighth week of pregnancy is exposed to external factors and is vulnerable. This happens because all systems are now being formed and laid down simultaneously. In the future, this will not happen; individual organs will grow and develop, and the rate of development in the second and third trimesters will slow down a little.

It is now important for the expectant mother to be especially careful. Avoid UV rays, pesticides, nicotine, alcohol, infections, etc. Now all harmful factors, even in small doses, can have the most detrimental effect on the formation of the vital organs of the fetus, leading to fading, miscarriage, and developmental defects.

The placenta, designed to nourish and protect the baby throughout pregnancy, has just begun to form. It is important that this process occurs correctly and that blood circulation is complete. This is why it is important to take special care during the 8th week of pregnancy. It is the placenta that will produce the hormones and enzymes necessary for pregnancy and nourish the fetus. Since the process of placenta formation at the 8th week of pregnancy is only at the very beginning, the vital activity of the fetus at this stage is still supported by the yolk sac.

The future baby is actively gaining weight and becoming about 2-3 grams. His height, of course, varies from person to person, but on average it is 1.5 – 2 centimeters.

You can compare it with cherries.

Already at 8 weeks on ultrasound examination you can notice slight baby movements.

Of course, the woman is unable to feel them, but the fetus has begun to move in the uterine cavity - a great achievement.

At week 8 the following changes occur:

  • A tiny heart turns from a two-chambered one into a four-chambered one, as nature intended.
  • The brain is actively growing and is now divided into sections.
  • The stomach penetrates into the abdominal cavity (previously it was outside).
  • The laying of future ovaries in girls occurs, the testicles of boys begin to develop.
  • The salivary glands, ears, kidneys, and optic nerve mature.
  • The intestines grow in length.
  • Small branches appear in the fetal lungs - future bronchi.

The body of the future person changes completely. It becomes straighter, the arched shape disappears. Now the limbs are forming quite quickly. The knee and elbow joints are emerging, the skin is thin and transparent, however, you can already see small fingers on the arms and legs of the unborn child. Fetal development at 8 weeks occurs in huge steps.

At week 8, the embryonic stage of fetal development is already completed. It's the turn of the fetal one. This is no longer a complex set of cells, it is a tiny person with actively developing organs and systems. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the development of the brain, heart, limbs, internal organs occurs, in a word, everything at the same time.

Eight week woman

Each expectant mother experiences and feels the end of the second month of pregnancy in her own way. There are only general recommendations and the most common scenarios. The 8th week has arrived, what happens to the expectant mother?

Physical sensations at 8 weeks

Along with changes in emotional sensations and mood changes from the very beginning of pregnancy, physical changes. At first they are invisible, occurring only in the mother’s body, but then they become obvious.

This applies not only to a growing belly, which, by the way, does not happen immediately after the start of pregnancy. If the stomach was not flat, pregnancy will be noticeable even later.

But there are also changes in the body, hair, skin, and gait that occur already in the first months of pregnancy. This can easily be explained by the hormonal changes that occur immediately after successful conception.

The main physical changes include:

  • toxicosis;
  • enlarged uterus;
  • skin changes;
  • breast growth;
  • volume of vaginal discharge;
  • general malaise.

Typically, signs of toxicosis appear much earlier, already in the first month of pregnancy. Now, at 8 weeks of pregnancy, they may persist or even intensify. Toxicosis means that the expectant mother has a difficult time with pregnancy and is often tormented by certain unpleasant symptoms. These include, for example, severe nausea that does not stop during the day or evening, migraines, and severe sweating. Toxicosis can also manifest itself in the digestive system, for example, severe belching, indigestion, bloating, heartburn. Possible constipation, general weakness and stomach pain.

At week 8, the uterus continues to grow. This happens for a long time and can be expressed as slight pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen. It is important that the pain does not increase and is not accompanied by discharge mixed with blood. You should be prepared that visits to the toilet will now be more frequent. The enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on nearby organs, the bladder is no exception.

The breasts change not only in size, but also take on a different shape. It fills up, becomes more sensitive, and you can see visible veins on it. This is an inevitable process intended by nature. Under the influence of hormones, the breasts prepare for the process of lactation.

Hormones also affect the skin condition of the expectant mother. The result is always individual. Some women experience healthy-looking skin, elasticity increases, and unevenness and blemishes disappear. For others, on the contrary, the skin becomes oily, dry, or covered with pimples and blackheads.

Attentive girls note that during the first trimester the color of the vagina changes. It takes on a darker shade. Sometimes there is even a tint of blue. There is no need to be afraid, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon. The blood in the pelvis begins to move at a faster speed, this is necessary to provide the unborn child with all the nutrients. The consequence of increased secretion work is an increase in the number of secretions. It is important to monitor their character. They should not have an unnatural color or smell.

Almost every woman suffers from mood swings during pregnancy. This is due to progesterone. There is much more of it in the body than before pregnancy, which is why a woman can be depressed. The usual restructuring of the entire body, which begins from the first weeks of pregnancy, is also important.

Emotional state at 8 obstetric weeks

During the period of bearing a child, not only a woman’s body, skin, hair, etc., but also her well-being and sensations undergo changes. Under the influence of hormones, her character, habits, and food preferences can completely change.

At the same time, if at the very beginning of pregnancy the expectant mother has any unpleasant sensations or toxicosis, at 8 weeks, most likely, there will be no significant improvements in her condition.

Feelings are always individual, it is important to listen to the gynecologist, tell the doctor about all suspicions and generally be attentive to the smallest details. Very often, pregnant girls notice that they have become very moody and irritable. They are capable of getting upset over little things and crying over trifles.

At week 8, the woman already realizes that a new life is developing inside her. And this is her continuation, her beautiful son or daughter. Now may be the time for fear. Thoughts arise about whether she is able to cope with the role of a mother, bear a healthy child, give birth to him without complications and on time. The mood changes abruptly, and the next minute the woman is already in an optimistic mood, all for the same reasons.

The main thing is not to be afraid of such changes. You just need to be ready for them. Explain to your companion that you now need special support, let him understand what is happening with his wife, support and reassure.

The expectant mother must take care not only of herself, but also of her unborn baby. And for this, first of all, you need to register with the antenatal clinic on time and visit the doctor regularly. Now everything that a woman drinks or eats directly goes to the baby. The fetus is completely dependent on you, and how correctly it will develop and grow in the tummy depends on many factors, most of which are completely under the control of a pregnant girl.

  • tell the doctor monitoring the pregnancy about everything;
  • Healthy food;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • take vitamins and, first of all, folic acid;
  • protect yourself from viral and infectious diseases;
  • limit experiences and physical activity, etc.

The course of pregnancy is greatly influenced by a woman's chronic diseases. The doctor is able to adjust the medications taken and manage the pregnancy, taking into account the patient’s condition.

Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is important to start including vegetables, fruits and, of course, dairy products in your diet. It is advisable that it is not whole milk, but fermented milk yoghurts, curds, etc. Water is very important during pregnancy.

Now some experts have begun to speak less categorically about taking small doses of weak alcohol. However, this area is still insufficiently studied, so the risk that even half a glass of red wine at any period of pregnancy will be fatal and cause fetal underdevelopment and other adverse consequences is quite high.

Vitamins are almost always prescribed today. Some doctors recommend drinking them throughout pregnancy, while others advise taking breaks. The issue of taking folic acid is always decided unequivocally by gynecologists: it is extremely important for the formation and development of the nervous system, and in the body of modern girls, as a rule, it is lacking.

Any cold, and especially an infectious disease at 8 weeks is very dangerous for the fetus. From the first trimester, you should avoid jumping, vibration, cycling, and lifting heavy objects.

The belly at the 8th week of pregnancy is not yet visible, however, throughout the entire 9 months, it is useful for the expectant mother to remember that, despite all the inconveniences and difficulties of this time, it is wonderful. A new life grows and develops inside, which you were able to give. Love your future baby from the first day, remember that it is the mother who is the whole world for him for a whole year after birth.

The second month of your pregnancy is coming to an end - a very difficult and important period when all the baby’s organs are formed. During this period, the expectant mother should be as careful as possible: the effects of negative factors can affect the baby’s health. Despite the fact that your baby is still very small, he already looks like a little man: with an ultrasound at this stage, you can clearly distinguish his head and torso, the sizes of which are now almost the same, arms and legs, eyes, and ears that are beginning to develop.

The pace of embryo development is now simply amazing: vital changes occur to it every day. His organs begin to work actively, he receives nutrition through the umbilical cord. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby's size is close to a grape: its weight is about 3 g, and its height is 1.5 - 2 centimeters.

How many months have passed? This week completes the second month of pregnancy. If you are in the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy, this means that approximately six weeks have passed since fertilization (obstetricians calculate the gestational age from the first day of the last menstruation, because it is almost impossible to accurately determine when a woman ovulated and fertilization occurred, unless specifically carried out tests).

What happens in the 8th week of pregnancy?

This period of pregnancy is characterized by the continuation of organogenesis. Every day his body is improving, the foundations of all organs and systems have already been laid. The mother also feels changes in her condition: subjective signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks become more and more distinct. The time has come to make your first visit to the gynecologist, and if you do not have a regular doctor, find one. According to statistics, women whose pregnancy is monitored by a doctor from the first trimester have easier labor and healthier children. Now visits to the doctor will be scheduled once a month, closer to the end of pregnancy - more often. This will allow you to get answers to your questions, so don’t be shy to ask them.

The development of the embryo continues. Last week, his brain was already divided into three main sections, and now they are being improved.

The period of 7–8 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of fingers and toes of the baby. The embryo still has a tail, it gradually begins to disappear.

Changes also occur in the abdominal cavity of the embryo. Intestinal formation begins. Its middle part is displaced into the umbilical cord, since there is not yet enough space for it in the abdominal cavity. After just a month, when the abdominal cavity becomes more spacious, part of the intestine, which is now located in the umbilical cord, will return to it.

The baby’s peripheral nervous system is also actively developing. There is already innervation of some muscles. If you could touch the baby's body, you would feel a sharp tug in response.

The embryo has almost formed a four-chambered heart. It already sends blood to large vessels. The bronchi branch and the kidneys form. The rudiments of the genital organs begin to form.

The baby's facial features begin to form. There are already eyes, which are still tightly closed with eyelids and are located on the side surfaces of the head. Ears and lips are forming, and you can discern a nose, which is still closed.

The walls of the embryo's oral cavity already have muscle tissue, and the formation of salivary glands and tongue papillae begins.

The baby's arms and legs can already bend - large joints are forming. The baby can already move.

Photo of the baby, ultrasound

Proper nutrition

Now your diet should be thought out to the smallest detail. This is easier to do if there is no severe nausea and aversion to foods. If toxicosis is severe, you need to try to eat more foods that are healthy and easily tolerated, fruits and vegetables.

Amino acids are the building blocks for all cells, so your diet should contain sufficient amounts of protein. It is advisable that the menu include a variety of protein products: meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs. After all, the baby is now growing very actively, his organs and systems are being formed.

Be sure to include foods in your daily diet that help prevent constipation. These are products such as dried apricots, prunes, kiwi, bananas, natural yogurt, pumpkin, cabbage, plums, apricots, apples. They are also a source of vitamins, antioxidants, and microelements.

Introduce enough dairy products into your diet. They contain protein, calcium, vitamins. Many mothers note that lactic acid products are well tolerated during toxicosis. Take advantage of this! You can add your favorite fruits to yogurt or kefir.

To avoid vomiting after eating, try to eat small portions, but often. This will be very useful for you in the later stages of pregnancy, when the growing tummy puts pressure on the stomach.

To reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and improve your well-being, drink more fluids. Clean water is better, you can add fresh lemon juice to it - you get a wonderful refreshing drink that reduces nausea. Rosehip tea is also very useful. It is advisable to prepare it in a thermos - let it brew for 8–10 hours. This drink strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the urinary system, and is also very tasty.

Mom's feelings

At this time, you already fully feel the change in your condition. Hormone levels continue to change, you notice that your mood often changes, and drowsiness appears. Often women report dizziness. Experts believe that first of all, you need good sleep, good nutrition, a sufficient level of physical activity and an excellent mood - and your well-being will improve significantly.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the uterus gradually increases in size. Now it does not exceed the size of your fist, but very soon you will notice that your tummy is already beginning to round.

Even though your uterus is not very large yet, you may already experience a frequent urge to urinate. Some expectant mothers try to limit the amount of liquid they drink, but this is absolutely wrong. You should drink at least two liters of clean water per day - this will ensure normal metabolism, cleanse the body of metabolic products, and form the required amount of amniotic fluid.

Quite often, the first trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by toxicosis. This condition is caused by the development of the fertilized egg and hormonal changes in the body. Toxicosis is manifested by changes in the central nervous system, vascular, and metabolic disorders.

The most common signs of toxicosis are nausea and vomiting. A woman may feel that even previously favorite foods are disgusting, her appetite is reduced, and vomiting may occur, more often in the morning. Excessive drooling also occurs. However, such phenomena do not occur in all expectant mothers, so there is no need to prepare yourself that this will happen. Very often, mothers endure pregnancy without toxicosis.

At 8.9 weeks of pregnancy, some women notice a change in facial features: lips may become fuller, the nose may become slightly enlarged. But such changes are also strictly individual. They are associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Almost all expectant mothers notice that their breasts become enlarged during pregnancy. It may become denser and slightly painful, but this is normal, because the body is preparing to feed the baby now. The saphenous veins may appear on the chest. Choose a suitable bra made from natural fabric, without wires, that will not squeeze your breasts.

During this period, you may experience taste disturbances. Appetite may be reduced, and sometimes you just want incompatible foods or simply those dishes that were rarely on your menu before. If these foods are healthy, feel free to eat them. But changes in hormonal levels sometimes lead to the fact that you want not the healthiest dishes, so be careful.

Changing your appearance also affects your facial skin. In some pregnant women, the skin becomes clearer and the color evens out. And sometimes rashes, peeling, and itching may occur. If these symptoms bother you, consult a dermatologist. Perhaps specialized skin care is needed now.

Discharge at 8 weeks of pregnancy

The nature of vaginal discharge should not change significantly. It is acceptable if they become more abundant. An alarming symptom is the appearance of bloody discharge - this is a sign of miscarriage, and this condition requires medical attention. During the period of bearing a baby, a woman’s immunity decreases, so chronic inflammatory diseases can worsen, and the risk of developing bacterial and fungal vaginosis increases. If the discharge has acquired a yellow, greenish color, or a cheesy consistency, this is a sign of inflammation. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor so that the correct treatment is prescribed, effective and safe for the baby.

Pregnancy 8 weeks, twins

If you are carrying twins, your uterus will be slightly larger. The babies are actively developing, and in the video “8th week of pregnancy” you can see how they move their arms, legs, and can tilt their heads. Otherwise, your health should not be different. You need good nutrition, adequate sleep, walks in the fresh air and support from loved ones, because two kids are double the load, but also double the joy!

Pain at 8 weeks of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is often accompanied by increased uterine tone, which can manifest itself in different ways: from a feeling of heaviness and tension in the lower abdomen to severe pain. It is considered normal if after a light load or a long fast walk there is a feeling of tension in the uterus, and after rest this goes away. If the pain is intense, be sure to consult a doctor: you may need medication to prevent hypertension and the threat of miscarriage.

The gradual increase in the size of the uterus can lead to some compression of the sciatic nerve. This condition can occur even in the eighth week. It manifests itself as pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the leg. If you lie on the other side, the pain will decrease.

Necessary studies and analyzes

If you register at the antenatal clinic at this time, you will be prescribed all the primary tests: antibodies to infectious disease pathogens and others. In addition, the doctor will conduct an examination, determine the stage of pregnancy, prepare documentation, and issue you an exchange card.

You will also be given a referral for an ultrasound, which will need to be done at 11-14 weeks. This is the first screening ultrasound examination that allows us to exclude chromosomal pathologies, fetal malformations, and also accurately determine the gestational age of the fetus.

Useful video

Questions - answers

I started having pain in the lumbar region at 8 weeks of pregnancy. What could it be?

The causes of pain in the lumbar region can be different: compression or pinched nerve, inflammation of the kidneys, irradiation of pain with increased tone of the uterus. You need to be examined by a doctor to rule out diseases that threaten your baby and prescribe effective treatment.

Is it possible to do an ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

Ultrasound examination at this period is carried out according to indications from the mother or fetus. At this stage, it is difficult to assess the child’s development, because he is still too small, all organs and systems are not formed. The optimal period for the first ultrasound is 11–13 weeks. At this stage, the baby is already quite developed, and all the necessary parameters can be measured, chromosomal pathology and developmental abnormalities can be excluded.

Why does brown discharge occur at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

The appearance of dark discharge may be a sign of trauma to the vaginal mucosa, for example, after a gynecological examination, because during pregnancy the mucous membrane changes, becomes looser and is easily damaged. In this case, the discharge is one-time. But this symptom may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, if brown discharge is prolonged and accompanied by abdominal pain, you should definitely consult a doctor.

I have a fever at 8 weeks of pregnancy. Can I take paracetamol?

This drug is acceptable for use during pregnancy, but you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the fever. Fever can be a sign not only of a common cold, but also of more serious diseases that pose a danger to the baby.

Pregnancy is no longer a surprise for a woman. She learned about her “interesting situation” a few weeks ago. As for the embryo, it continues to grow and develop.

Pregnant women gradually get used to their new condition. Their eyes now sparkle in a new way, some kind of mystery appears in their gaze - of course, although those around them do not notice the slightly rounded belly, women know that a new life has already arisen and is developing inside them. And in just 7 months a small warm bundle will be born...

Embryo size

At week 8, the embryo reaches a length of about 10–15 mm. Now it can be compared to a small nut.

Baby's weight

This week the weight of the embryo is 3.5–4.5 grams.

Development at 8 weeks of pregnancy

The embryo inside the uterus, which is huge for it, begins to move! The first movements during pregnancy appear, therefore, already now, at the 8th week of the “interesting position”. It is impossible to feel the baby's movements - he is still too small, but his development is in full swing. Internal organs and systems continue to progress. The rudiments of the palate and tongue, genital organs are formed, the inner ear is formed (it is responsible not only for hearing, but also for balance), eyelids appear, taste buds appear on the tongue, and constrictive membranes appear on the fingers and toes. The arms and legs are lengthened. Gastric juice begins to be produced.


The heart becomes four-chambered. It contracts at a rate of 110–130 beats per minute.

What does a fetus look like at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

The head is still much larger than the body (this is normal, since the brain is forming). The face takes on its own features, the nose with nostrils, eyelids, eyes (they are tightly closed) are clearly visible, and the upper lip appears. The ears form on both sides of the head.

Body changes and new sensations for women

A woman who has realized her new position and accepted it changes her attitude towards herself and others. Now, at 8 weeks of pregnancy, the most important thing for her is not problems at work, not quarrels with her mother-in-law, but the health of the unborn baby. Mental changes have a positive effect on the physical state: nausea and vomiting no longer cause panic, they occur less and less frequently, and sudden mood swings are replaced by a feeling of long-awaited calm (if, of course, it is not disturbed by premature “verdicts” of not the best and competent specialists).

But there are troubles that really await a pregnant woman at this time - they are associated with the pressure of the growing uterus on the sciatic nerve and bladder. In the first case, unpleasant sensations may appear in the lower back, thighs or buttocks (the doctor will prescribe medications that will help the woman), and in the second, urination becomes more frequent. To cope with the last scourge, the expectant mother must exclude from her diet drinks that have diuretic properties (sparkling water, caffeine-containing drinks).

Weight gain

During this period, a woman gains about 0.2–0.5 kg per week. And if she is tormented by attacks of nausea (toxicosis during pregnancy is a common phenomenon), she may even lose weight. The total increase over two months of an “interesting situation” for a woman with normal body weight is about 1 kg. However, in this matter one cannot discount the genetic constitution of a person. It is clear that women who are prone to obesity will gain weight more than thin women. This state of affairs should not be scary.

Mom's belly

At week 8, the uterus becomes the size of a lemon, but the belly of the expectant mother increases by an average of 3–5 cm. The old jeans already have difficulty meeting at the waist, and a tight blouse emphasizes the slightly rounded tummy. At 8 weeks he may still be sick - this is a normal phenomenon for the first trimester of pregnancy. The pain occurs because the ligaments that connect the bones are stretched. More often, unpleasant sensations occur on the right side, since the embryo stretches the uterus in this direction. A woman will benefit from a warm bath or lying on her side. Does the pain not go away, but only gets worse? Consult your doctor and find out the causes of unpleasant symptoms.

Tests and ultrasound

If a woman has not yet registered with an antenatal clinic, the time to do so is now. When registering, the doctor will definitely ask about previous and chronic diseases, previous pregnancies, abortions and childbirth, and also measure blood pressure, height and weight. He will also inform the woman about upcoming tests and ultrasound. In addition, the pregnant woman will receive the necessary recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle during her “interesting situation.”

Nutrition at 8 weeks of pregnancy

A pregnant woman should eat not twice as much, but several times better! Prohibited are drinks with a high caffeine content, fried, salty, very spicy, fatty foods, preservatives and fast food. However, nutrition during pregnancy should not be monotonous. Dietary meat, cereals, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables and fruits are the undisputed leaders in the ranking of the healthiest foods for pregnant women.

If before pregnancy you sometimes allowed yourself to drink a glass of wine, don’t risk it now! Replace the alcoholic drink with a delicious vitamin cocktail. Add plain yogurt and a peeled piece of mango to freshly squeezed orange juice. Mix all ingredients using a blender. The drink will be a useful addition to dinner.


At week 8, doctors recommend foods high in folate (vitamin B complex). Folate deficiency can lead to anemia and fetal malformations. Oranges, strawberries, mixed nuts, beans, as well as spinach and broccoli are rich in folates. Don't forget about folic acid, vitamins A, C, B, E and iodine.

Sex at 8 weeks pregnant

If there is no threat of miscarriage, do not push your partner away - intimate intimacy (preferably without sexual toys - this is now unnecessary!) and subsequent orgasm will not bring any harm to your baby. Sex during pregnancy is not canceled! However, starting from this time, you should avoid any pressure on the stomach (even if it is almost invisible), as well as sudden and very deep penetrations into the vagina. Make love calmly, without experiments - leave them for the postpartum period.


No troubles should disturb a measured way of life: now the main thing is your child, and problems can wait! Avoid strenuous physical activity, avoid frequent trips to the sauna due to the risk of miscarriage, do not take antibiotics, beware of exposure to chemicals and fumes, reschedule your planned trip (the first trimester is the most dangerous time, according to doctors, for flying and climate change). And if you feel that something is wrong with you, be sure to consult a specialist. Don’t be afraid to seem boring and intrusive - after all, now we are talking about the health and safety of the baby, which means that all your questions should be taken with understanding by the doctor!

Beauty and accessories

It's time to seriously think about shoes with flatter soles and loose-fitting blouses. Avoid skinny jeans and heels. And remember: pregnancy is not the best time for experiments. There is no need to suddenly change your image now, dye your hair green, get a new tattoo or remove an old one. There are already a lot of changes in your life, it’s better to take care of yourself and your unborn baby, protect him from possible negative influences.

To prevent stretch marks, rub olive oil into the skin of your stomach, and special creams will help with stretch marks on your chest. And don’t be afraid that your skin will suddenly become very dry and your hair brittle - these troubles (they are based on hormonal changes) are temporary!
