Fluorite is a stone flower. Fluorite stone - properties for whom the mineral is suitable

Fluorite is an amazing stone in its beauty and variety of colors. It has been known since ancient times. It is widely distributed in nature and is the main mineral of fluorine on Earth.

History of the stone

In ancient Greece, fluorite was considered a precious stone. Murrine vases were made from it. They were so beautiful that they were worth almost their weight in gold. It was an unforgettable sight, the vases did not sparkle, but glowed from the inside, the play of colors added bizarre patterns to them. Not a single murrine bowl, unfortunately, has survived to this day, only a mention of them in the work of the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder.

Fluorite is also known as the "ore flower" for its unusual coloring and graceful shape of crystals.

The modern name of the mineral was given by the German scientist Georg Bauer. He noticed one of its features, the stone easily melts together with other materials, and reflected this in its name "flure" (a Latin word), which means "to flow". It is also called differently - fluorspar.

Stone properties

Fluorite is a compound of calcium and fluorine and is easy to find in nature but difficult to recognize due to the different hues and colors. Transparent colorless crystals in nature come across occasionally, they are called optical and they are highly valued.

The mineral can have a variety of shades and colors. The palette is saturated, changing from yellow-green to emerald, from lilac to purple and black. Pink, orange, red crystals are also valued.

There are collectors who collect only samples of the "ore flower" and at the same time can boast of a unique and diverse collection of this interesting mineral.

Fluorite is a reference mineral, it occupies the 4th place in the Mohs hardness scale, where each mineral scratches all subsequent ones - from talc to diamond. It can be both transparent and translucent brittle cubic crystal with a glassy luster, as well as their intergrowths and druses. Very beautiful translucent fluorite with zonal and spotted color.

It has fluorescent properties, under the influence of ultraviolet or other short-wave radiation, it emits a pleasant violet light.

Types and colors of fluorite

Depending on the color, the following types of minerals are distinguished:

  • Black-violet radioactive fluorite, called anthosonite or "stinky" spar. With a strong blow or rubbing, it emits a characteristic odor due to the presence of free fluorine in its composition, which, when interacting with oxygen, releases ozone, which is the culprit of the stench.
  • Green fluorite is called chlorophane, and its color becomes brighter as the ambient temperature rises.
  • Earthy or fine-grained lilac, purple-pink mineral from the Moscow region - ratovkit. It was discovered in 1806 near the city of Vereya (Moscow region) along the banks of the Ratovka River.
  • Yttrofluorite is a variety of fluorite from yellow to yellow-brown in color containing yttrium, which replaces calcium by 15-18%.

In the 19th century, specimens called "blue john" were valued, they were a dense granular mineral, on which there were patterns of blue-violet stripes. Unfortunately, in our time, the deposit in Devonshire, where this species was actually mined, is depleted.

The uneven coloration of the mineral depends on various inclusions in its composition - rare earth metals, chlorine, thorium, uranium, iron. For example, a dark purple crystal contains a large amount of strontium, and samarium gives them a green color, a yellow color is obtained after radioactive irradiation or heating of fluorite.

Mineral deposits

Fluorite is found in Russia. There are deposits in Primorye and Transbaikalia. This is half of all explored mineral reserves in the CIS. Green fluorite deposits are known in Switzerland and Namibia. Blue stones can be found in Brazil, and in the United States, colorless and purple crystals. Germany and Norway can boast of good samples of fluorite, where the mineral is found in ore veins, limestones and dolomites.

Scope of stone

Despite the beautiful color of the stone, which can compete with emerald or aquamarine in color, it is used infrequently in the jewelry industry due to the low hardness of the mineral, which does not allow it to be widely used to create jewelry.

A rare colorless fluorite is a raw material for the manufacture of optical lenses for cameras and high-precision devices that operate in the visible, infrared and ultraviolet radiation range. Because it is much more transparent than ordinary glass.

Back in 1670, the property of the mineral was noticed, when interacting with sulfuric acid, leave a matte mark on the glass, which cannot be removed in any way. This is how hydrofluoric acid was discovered. For its manufacture, fluorite is still used.

Fluorite is used not only in glass etching, but also in copper. In steelmaking, it is one of the components for the production of milk glass and individual enamels. In non-ferrous metallurgy, it is used to obtain alloys.

Due to its low melting point, it has been used as a "flux" that accelerates the separation of metals from ore. Nowadays, fluorite is also used for smelting aluminum and steel.

They learned how to make photoplastics from fluorite - polymers that have high strength and heat resistance.

The magical properties of fluorite

In magic, special mystical properties are attributed to him, since he has the ability to glow in the dark. Magicians and sorcerers make balls out of it, which they use in their seances.

In ancient times, it was believed that the stone was given by higher powers to mankind in order for it to flourish. Yoga fans should take note that fluorite will help open the "third eye", develop intuition and clairvoyance. This mineral is equally feared and revered in the East, it is considered one of the strongest stones that can drastically change a person's life.

The healing properties of fluorite

In lithotherapy, fluorite balls are used. They are used to massage the face and body to rejuvenate the skin. The mineral itself relieves insomnia, stress. Favorably affects the cardiovascular system and weather-dependent people. For headaches, it is recommended to wear jewelry made of raw stone. If the migraine is chronic, then beads or a pendant are suitable for constant wear.

Talismans and amulets

Fluorite amulets will help creative people, scientists, practicing magicians, because the stone is able to compare information from different sources and push the owner to new ideas and inventions. We can say that fluorite is an inspiration.

As an amulet, you can wear a ring with this stone. And a keychain made of raw stone will bring good luck to its owner in his personal life. Stone products take away troubles from a person, but the talisman helps only those who are open and honest, the stone ignores rude, unworthy people.

Zodiac signs

Jewelry made of stone should be worn by Pisces and Capricorns, it will help them find spiritual harmony, and will also help in work or study. But for other signs, fluorite is favorable, except for Sagittarius.

Pomegranate - a stone of love and fidelity Cubic Zirconia is a synthetic gemstone imitation.
Simbircite - a stone of vivacity, strength and harmony

There is a beautiful and deceptive crystal in nature - fluorite stone. All people who are familiar with him are divided into two groups. Some simply idolize the mineral, while others fear it. Why is this happening?

Even the ancient Greeks knew and used fluorite, equating its value to gold. Even then, craftsmen made dishes from crystal for the rich, which were valued because they seemed to be illuminated from the inside. And the crystal was called murine. In Germany, the stone was given a modern name, which translates as "flow". And the mineral is also called fluorspar, ore flower, South African emerald.

Mineral deposits are developed in the territories:

  • the Federal Republic of Germany;
  • Great Britain;
  • Italian Republic;
  • Kingdoms of Norway;
  • Canada;
  • United States of America;
  • United Mexican States;
  • Mongolian People's Republic.

In the Russian Federation, fluorite ore was found in Primorye and the Nenets region. In Bashkortostan, there is the Suranskoye deposit, where samples of high quality are mined. This deposit is characterized as average in terms of fluorite reserves and consists of two sections located at a distance of several kilometers from each other.

The main characteristics of the mineral

If fluorite is given a brief description, then it will be as follows - a translucent or completely transparent crystal that has a unique color scheme and iridescent patterns.

Description of physical properties and formula

Fluorite is calcium fluoride. The chemical formula of the mineral is CaF2. That is, the main components will be Fluorum and Calcium. But in this form, the gem is almost never found.

Only real lucky ones manage to find a perfectly clean transparent melt, consisting only of Fluorum and Calcium. Most often, impurities are added to these two components, including Chlorum, Uranium, Ferrum.

Depending on the amount of foreign substances contained, the gem has different colors. The color of a fake emerald is also affected by temperature and radiation exposure of the crystal lattice of the stone. Mineral class - halides.

Fluorite has interesting properties:

  • dissolves in hydrochloric acid;
  • glow in the dark;
  • reacts to ultraviolet rays.

Unlike other gemstones, the South African emerald only has a hardness of 4 on the Mohs scale. Because of this, scratches appear on it rather quickly. The melting point of murine is over 1300 degrees, which also differs from other gemstones.

The properties of fluorite are unusual because the mineral does not have in its structure either Silicium or Carboneum, which are characteristic of all minerals used in the manufacture of jewelry.

What fluorite looks like (video)

Varieties, colors and cost

The South African emerald is characterized by a luster like glass and a different color, which is determined by impurities. If the additives do not get into the mineral, then it is “born” colorless. Often geologists come across rainbow fluorite, with uneven coloring, different color intensity. The natural mineral may be striped or spotted. Also, a change in the crystal structure leads to a change in the color of the mineral.

There are such varieties of fluorite:

  • Crystals of purple hues are called anthosonites.
  • Green - chlorophanes, remarkable in that when heated, their brightness increases.
  • Instances that have yellow and purple colors became known as "Blue John".
  • The blue-violet or pinkish-purple fake emerald was given the name ratovkit.

Mineralogists say that there is no natural mineral that has such a diverse range of colors as fluorite. A stone can be "born":

  • with a touch of yellow rays of the sun,
  • blue-greenish-violet,
  • colorless white-blue
  • pinkish red,
  • brownish yellow,
  • bluish black.

The cost of one raw gem can be 10,000 rubles. It depends on the uniqueness, color of the gem and additional inclusions.

The price of the processed product is approximately the following:

  • polished stones - from 200 to 600 rubles,
  • decorative items - from 300 to 2,000 rubles,
  • crumb decorations - from 300 to 4,000 rubles.

Decor items and unique jewelry gizmos are considered the most expensive.

Gallery: fluorite stone (53 photos)

Similar types of stones and how to distinguish them from them

Among the varieties of South African emerald, there are specimens similar to ruby, real emerald, sapphire, amethyst or topaz. But all these stones are very easy to separate from murine, even for an amateur: fluorite is enough to simply scratch it with a piece of glass.

Application area

Today, the gem has received great use in various fields:

  • In the jewelry business. This mineral adorns many women, endowing them with various magical properties.
  • In collecting. Fluorite, which has many colors, will please any collector.
  • in metallurgy. It helps to form fusible slags.

In jewelry

Each decoration made of an unusual mineral looks elegant. For people with blond hair and matte skin, products made from light and colorless stones are more suitable. And for brown-haired women and brunettes - gems of a different color scheme. Products from a gem of an unusual color are valued by many people, because you can choose a little thing of the desired color for any outfit.

  • Beads are in demand among the fairer sex. After all, crystals of different colors can be connected on one thread.
  • A silver ring with fluorite will look beautiful. You just need to know that professionals advise wearing it on the ring finger.

In production

Jewelers were not the main consumer of the mineral. Fluorite has found application in industry.

  • A huge part of the fluorspar is sent to factories that produce hydrofluoric acid.
  • The lion's share of fluorite stone is consumed by ferrous metallurgy.
  • They learned how to make lenses for night vision devices from crystal.
  • The chemical industry needs a mineral to make a substance such as hydrofluoric acid.
  • The production of optical fluorite has also been launched, which is used in the production of thermal imagers - devices for monitoring the temperature distribution on different surfaces.

Meaning for the signs of the zodiac

Before buying a piece of jewelry with this stone, you should check who suits fluorite and what is its effect on a particular zodiac sign.

  • Aries crystal will help to find new ways of spiritual and mental development.
  • Plavik will be of great importance for a person born under the zodiac sign of Taurus. Men and women are guaranteed a dizzying climb up the career ladder.
  • The natural mineral will save Gemini in a dangerous situation, and also help them get out of everyday stressful situations.
  • For Sagittarius, a natural talisman can become a dangerous decoration.
  • In Pisces, thanks to the mineral, learning will improve and performance will increase.

For most of the signs of the zodiac, the float will become an ordinary decoration that does not take anything away and does not present anything.

Healing abilities

Thanks to Fluorum, which is contained in the mineral, fake emerald has many healing properties.

  • The mineral has a positive effect on the nervous and circulatory systems, which allows a person to become more stress-resistant.
  • Fluorite improves immunity and helps to accelerate the process of regeneration of the body.
  • It can inspire and guide its owner, which is incredibly useful when starting a new business.

magical effect

The magical properties of fluorite have long made the mineral popular.

  • Many believe that thanks to an amazing gem, a person has various superpowers. The owner of the fin may have the gift of clairvoyance and good intuition.
  • Also, a stone can become a reliable protection for a person.
  • For those whose life is directly related to creativity, the stone will become a muse.

Among other minerals, green fluorite stands out. He is able to turn even a pessimist into a positive person who has found harmony within himself.

IT IS INTERESTING! The alchemists who worked with the melt for a long time decided that murine is the stone of Satan. Everyone who tried to get the philosopher's stone experienced poisoning, destruction of teeth and bone tissue. Some suffered death in agony.

Despite the dangers, the beautiful ore flower is really in demand in various areas of modern life.

Fluorite(from the Latin "fluo") - fluid. The doctor Georg Bauer, who lived in the 16th century in the mining regions of Saxony and the Czech Republic, who took the Latin pseudonym Agricola, called this stone fluorite. This mineral, as an additive during the smelting of ore, gave fluidity to slags and they easily separated from the metal. For these same properties, it began to be called - fluorspar or flusspar.

Origin and chemical composition

Fluorite formation is associated with hydrothermal ore veins, limestones and dolomites. Basically, the mineral occurs in nature in the form of cubic crystals up to 5 cm long, specimens more than 20 cm long come across less often. Pure fluorite is absolutely colorless; impurities of chlorine, uranium, iron, thorium and rare earth elements give it a rich range of shades. The chemical composition is calcium fluoride.


The cost of 1 g of an ornamental stone is about one dollar, for a carat of gem-quality fluorite, you will have to pay 5-7 dollars.

Physico-chemical properties of fluorite

  • The chemical formula is CaF2.
  • Color - colorless, yellow, pink, blue, green, violet.
  • Syngony - cubic.
  • Hardness - 4 on the Mohs scale.
  • Density - 3.2 g per cm3.
  • Fracture - stepped.


Perhaps there is no mineral in the world that would have such a wide range of colors that fluorite has. Its crystals can be colorless, pink, orange, blue, blue, yellow, purple, all shades of green. Often there is unevenness and different intensity of color, there are banded and spotted varieties.

Fluorite has long been called "false stone". For more than a thousand years, it has been known, depending on the color, as "false topaz", "false ruby", "false sapphire", "false amethyst", etc. Even scientists confused it with other minerals until they did not find strange properties in it: in the dark, the crystals glow, and its solution in sulfuric acid leaves an indelible mark on the glass.

Processing and use

The main consumer of fluorite is by no means the jewelry industry, although the fashion for decorative crafts and jewelry made from this mineral is returning. Beads, bracelets and various souvenirs are no longer a rarity on store shelves. The raw mineral is also of interest to collectors.

However, most of the world's fluorite production goes to the production of hydrofluoric acid for the aluminum industry. In second place in terms of mineral consumption are ferrous metallurgy enterprises, which require it as a flux for smelting furnaces. At the end of the XVII century. an artist from German Nuremberg named Schwanhard made an interesting discovery: if sulfuric acid is dropped into a vessel made of fluorite, the mineral emits a corrosive gas. Since then, chemists around the world have been using fluorite to produce hydrogen fluoride.

In addition, lenses for night vision devices are made from fluorite. During the Second World War, the mineral was of great strategic importance for the country's defense capability. The demand for fluorite optics grew every day, and all stocks of the stone were under strict state control.

Fluorite deposits

The main suppliers of fluorites are Mongolia, Mexico, South Africa, China, and Spain. There are fluorites in Germany, Italy, France, Norway, Greenland, Great Britain, Canada, USA, Tajikistan. Large deposits are known in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan. In Russia, there are fluorite deposits in the Chita region, Primorye and the North Caucasus.


Bright and transparent polished varieties of purple fluorite at first glance are very. You can also confuse purple fluorite with charoite, which is very similar to it. But even for a non-specialist, it is not difficult to determine fluorite: unlike amethyst and charoite, it is scratched by glass. Also, by hardness, fluorite is distinguished from other minerals similar to it.

magical properties

Since ancient times, magicians and mediums have used fluorite balls for seances and predictions, as well as for meditation. In India, he is revered and even feared, believing that this stone has almost the strongest magical properties.

Connoisseurs of stones believe that fluorite is able to relieve stress, relieve depression and anger. Amulets made of this stone are recommended to be worn by people who are overly excitable, in order to find harmony with themselves and the world around them. Fluorite bracelets help hysterical women cope with emotions.

For scientists, creative people, practicing magicians and mediums, a ring with fluorite can serve as a talisman. It greatly enhances the analytical abilities of its owner. Fluorite can be worn during exams, put on in critical situations.

Occultists consider fluorite to be a stone of the "third eye", one of the most powerful stones that conduct higher Knowledge to the physical plane. The stone promotes the pursuit of spirituality. During musical meditation, the stone absorbs the energy of music and gives it to its owner.

When wearing and storing jewelry with fluorite, in order to avoid scratches and abrasions of the edges, you need to protect them from proximity to harder minerals, glasses and metals, as well as from impacts.

Medicinal properties

Of the medicinal properties of fluorite, modern lithotherapists use its ability to protect against colds, cure chronic runny nose, and regulate the circulatory system.
Some lithotherapists suggest that fluorite alleviates the condition of weather-dependent people, tones the nervous system, relieves the negative effects of stressful situations, normalizes sleep, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Balls made of fluorite are used for general strengthening and tonic massage of the face and body.


Fluorite is shown to people of exact professions, it is a stone of Gemini and Virgo, it will not harm Aquarius either.


Fluorite was popular even before its "discovery". Vessels made from this mineral were used by the ancient Romans. Moreover, the cost of murine vases (the so-called fluorite) was comparable to the price of products made of pure gold. Fluorite jewelry (bracelet and necklace) was also found on the territory of modern Czech Republic. According to archaeologists, their age exceeds a thousand years. Similar artifacts were found in Ukraine.

After the end of the ancient era, the fashion for fluorite passed. The only use of the mineral was the manufacture of fake jewelry. The rich color palette of fluorites is similar to the shades of many natural gems. Green crystals resemble emeralds, red ones are rubies, orange ones are topazes, blue ones are sapphires, and purple ones are amethysts. This fact is confirmed by a set of a bowl, a cup and a jug, which once belonged to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The purple amethyst crockery turned out to be made of fluorite. The fashion for the mineral itself, and not as an imitation of other stones, resumed at the end of the 16th century.

A 75 cm high vase carved from fluorite is on display today at the Geological Museum in London. And the exposition of the Museum of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg is decorated with a pale blue crystal weighing about 3 thousand kg.

The ability of fluorite, when interacting with sulfuric acid, to release the poisonous gas hydrogen fluoride caused rumors to spread about the diabolical nature of the mineral. Medieval alchemists, who did not give up hope of getting the mythical philosopher's stone, felt the effect of the poison on themselves. Modern man understands that the destruction of teeth and nails, hair loss and severe poisoning were the result of a chemical reaction, but in those days such an explanation would hardly have satisfied anyone. Another unique property of fluorite is its ability to luminesce. The glow of a mineral can be observed either when heated (thermoluminescence) or under the influence of ultraviolet light (photoluminescence).

Unusual play of colors, variety of shades and unique patterns of fluorite were highly valued in antiquity. Then people began to notice the similarity of this mineral with various precious gems. And today, fluorite, a stone whose properties we will describe in this article, is used as a cheap replacement for more expensive nuggets.

History of the stone

For the first time, fluorite (a stone whose properties will be described in detail in the article below) was described by G. Agricola. The famous German scientist also named the mineral "fluorite". From Latin it is translated as "fluid". This name of the nugget is not accidental, since fluorite contributes to easy separation during the remelting of ore slags, making them more “fluid”.

The stone received its official name in 1546, although it began to be used by people much earlier.

There is evidence that the vessels made from this stone were used by the ancient Romans. But then the mineral was called murine. He was highly regarded at the time. Basically, jewelry made from it, caskets and vases, called murine, cost on a par with gold items.

Stone jewelry, created more than 1000 years ago, was found on the territory of today's Czech Republic, as well as on the lands of Ukraine.

During the ancient era, fluorite stone, the properties and significance of which have been of interest to people for a long time, was used in the manufacture of jewelry. The fashion for it soon passed, after which, due to the wide range of colors, this stone was used by craftsmen only to create imitations of precious gems: rubies, emeralds, amethysts, topazes, sapphires.

This confirmation was found not so long ago. For example, it turned out that the dishes that once belonged to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich were made of fluorite.

At the end of the 16th century, the fashion for the mineral resumed. In ancient India, there was a special attitude towards such a mineral as fluorite. The stone (the properties and signs of the zodiac will be discussed below) was revered for its rare beauty, as well as for its magical properties.

Today, fluorite is used in optics, smelting, chemical, and jewelry industries.

Fluorite (stone): properties, photos

The chemical composition of the mineral is calcium fluoride. Its color can be different: blue, yellow, green, pink, purple and colorless. These shades are explained by impurities of iron, uranium, chlorine. A huge number of fluorites have a rich purple color, which turns into violet-black or pale lilac with a slight blueness.

It is difficult to find two identical gems: the main part of the stones is of uneven color, while the shades flow smoothly into each other. On sections, one can find zonal alternation of layers of different colors or bizarre interweaving of lines.

Among the types of crystal come across minerals resembling amethyst, emerald, topaz, ruby ​​and sapphire.

For a long time, even alchemists found it difficult to distinguish fluorite (a stone whose properties were of interest to them) from precious minerals, until its interesting property was discovered - it glows when heated. It starts to melt at 1360°C.

Another feature of the nugget is that its solution in sulfuric acid is able to leave an indelible mark on the glass surface. The mineral has great brittleness and low hardness, it can be translucent or transparent with a glassy luster.

Types of fluorite

There are several types of fluorite, based on the range of colors:

  • chlorophane is a green-colored mineral that becomes brighter when heated;
  • antozonite - a stone of a dark purple hue;
  • blue John - an interesting color fluorite, which is a two-color crystals that combine purple-yellow or purple-white tones;
  • yttrofluorite - a type of mineral in which about 16% of calcium is replaced by yttrium or cesium;
  • ratovkit - a stone from violet-blue to violet-pink, an earthy type of mineral;
  • yttrocerite is a type of fluorite in which yttrium is partially replaced by calcium.

Fluorite (stone): properties where it is mined

The mineral attracts many with its interesting appearance. Fluorite (stone) is extracted from hydrothermal veins, dolomites and limestones. Its properties (the Oktyabriorite deposit, by the way, is very large in our country) are determined by the place where the stone was mined. The main deposits are located in Italy, Germany, Norway, Great Britain, Canada, USA. Large volumes of stone are supplied by Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In our country, mining takes place in the North Caucasus, in Primorye and Chita.

Fluorite, despite its amazing appearance, is an industrial mineral, not a jewelry or ornamental one, as many people think. About 3% of the mined crystals are used to create jewelry or decorative figurines, while the rest is used in various sectors of the economy.

The name of the mineral is due to its main ability, which was briefly mentioned above. When smelting cast iron and steel, it is added to the charge. The stone contributes to the separation of slag from the iron-carbon alloy. In industrial conditions, the nugget is otherwise called flusspar or fluorspar.

In the chemical industry, the stone takes part in the production of hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen fluoride. Alchemists in the Middle Ages worked on the creation of a philosopher's stone, while fluorite also participated in a similar process. Often, experiments ended in failure: chemical burns were caused by the release of phosphorus, in addition, its toxic compounds, while prolonged contact with these substances led to tooth decay and hair loss. But in those days, all the consequences were explained by the magical properties of this gem.

The electrochemical method of aluminum production requires a significant presence of cryolite, which also contains fluorite. It is used in the ceramic industry to create enamels and glazes.

Light generators use fluorite crystals with a mixture of rare earth metals and iron. Optical fluorite (a clear, colorless variety of the mineral) is used to make lenses, but small amounts of it have been mined to produce artificial substitutes. With the help of hydrofluoric acid, it is possible to apply patterns to glass by etching.

In ancient times, fluorite (stone) was valued more than gold because of its qualities. The properties (to whom the mineral is suitable, we’ll talk later) of the nugget allow today to cut out various decor items (bowls, vases, caskets) from it, while it is used in jewelry much less often than before. This is explained by the fact that the manufacture of artificial gems of the highest quality has now been established, while jewelers no longer need crystals of this mineral. Jewelry from it is bought only by people who appreciate the natural origin and originality of stones.

Medicinal properties

Fluorite is a stone whose properties are used in the treatment of headaches. The raw mineral helps a lot with this. With this constant malaise, it is recommended to wear a small jewelry around the neck (pendant or beads on a chain).

With sclerosis and epilepsy, the energy of the stone will also be useful. The consequences of stress, hyperactivity, nervous excitement, nightmares and insomnia are cured by the constant wearing of such a talisman.

magical properties

In many countries of the world, healers and magicians use fluorite. The magical properties (the sign of the zodiac to which it is best suited is Gemini) of the stone make it possible to use it as one of the most effective means to start séances. Such an amulet can protect from evil motives and thoughts, as well as from the envy of the environment. Yogis are advised to have a fluorite crystal with you during meditation: the stone helps to distract from problems and find harmony.

Fluorite is a stone whose magical properties allow it to be used as a talisman if inserted into a ring. It provides an opportunity to develop intellectual abilities, strengthen faith in oneself, and also attracts understanding and love to life.

But not only this is interesting fluorite (stone). Properties (the sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers, absolutely anyone can wear it) of the mineral protect a person: the energy of a nugget is rarely negative, and will not bring harm to any of the signs.

Zodiac signs

Astrologers believe that fluorite is suitable for all signs of the zodiac as a talisman, as we have already discussed above. Most positively, this stone affects Pisces, Aquarius and Gemini.

Application of stone

Fluorite (stone), whose magical properties have been of interest to people since ancient times, in the modern world has found extensive use in various industries:

  1. In applied art. For hundreds of years, the mineral has been used in the manufacture of bowls, vases, figurines, caskets, incense bottles, crafts and other decorative items.
  2. In collecting. Interest in fluorite has grown in recent years as a rare collector's stone. The cost of 1 carat is on average $20-30.
  3. in metallurgy. The stone is still used to form slag in the form of a flux (flux).
  4. in the ceramic industry. It is used to create enamels and glazes.
  5. in the chemical industry. The mineral is used to obtain aluminum, fluorine, artificial cryolite, in addition, a number of various fluorine compounds.
  6. In optics. Colorless transparent fluorite is used to create lenses.
  7. In engraving. Hydrofluoric acid, which is obtained with the help of sulfuric acid from fluorite, is applied to the glass with an etched pattern.
  8. In industry. A mineral containing impurities of iron and rare earth elements is used to create quantum generators.


Jewelry with stone is a huge rarity today. It ceased to be set in precious metals in the 19th century. At the same time, all its varieties are successfully used for the manufacture of jewelry.

Basically, bracelets and beads are made from polished beads, and inexpensive alloys, sometimes silver, can be found as a setting in pendants or rings. In these products, the stone is in the form of a cabochon, and is also used raw.

The cost of jewelry with this stone is low. In a specialized store, you will have to pay $20-30 for a carat of such a gem-quality crystal, while ornamental types cost less: about $1-2 per kilogram.

The mineral deserves to be in the collection. You can constantly admire its unusual color, while a small decoration with such an original stone will harmoniously complement any outfit.

In London, the Geological Museum currently exhibits a fluorite vase, its height is 75 cm.

In the Middle Ages, there was an opinion about the diabolical power of the mineral. This statement of the alchemists was facilitated by the ability of the stone to release hydrogen fluoride gas when it interacts with sulfuric acid.

In St. Petersburg, at the Museum of the Mining Institute, the highlight of the exposition was a huge transparent fluorite of a pale blue hue. Its weight is about 300 kilograms.

The properties of the stone include its interesting ability to fluoresce in the dark under the influence of high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.

How to distinguish fluorite from a fake

Natural fluorite can be distinguished from a fake by its properties, namely fluorescence (it will glow in the dark).

The natural mineral is not very hard, therefore, upon closer examination, one can find scratches or abrasions on the edges. It can be easily scratched with a sharp object or glass, although this is not the best way to check its naturalness.


Fluorite is a very fragile stone. He requires special care and respect for himself. This mineral, as well as products made from it, should not be exposed to high and low temperatures.

Natural stone is very fragile. If dropped or hit hard, it can break, therefore, it must be protected from this. Natural fluorite can be easily scratched, which means that it must be stored separately from other stones and preferably in a case.

When cleaning the stone, do not use any chemicals, including soap. It is useful to "discharge" it once a week under running water, in addition, "charge" it for 1-2 hours in direct sunlight.

The main chemical element of fluorspar is calcium fluoride. This natural mineral can be purple, blue, pink, black. In 1529, for its fusibility, the mineral received its second name - fluorite. It means "to flow" in Latin. Due to its properties, stone has found wide application in many industries.

Varieties of fluorspar

Fluorite comes in almost any shade and color, according to which and distinguish its varieties:

Fluorite stone at the first inexperienced glance can be mistaken for such noble minerals as amethysts, emeralds, topazes. But fluorspar is quite soft and can be easily scratched with a knife or needle. This is its main difference from noble stones. The same property makes it difficult to process the mineral. Fluorite is number 4 on the Mohs scale.

Chemical and physical properties

CaF 2 is the chemical formula for fluor spinach. It also contains various impurities that affect only the color of the mineral, but not its properties.

The interaction of sulfuric acid and fluorite releases poisonous hydrogen fluoride, which, if ingested, leads to poisoning and death. Trying to isolate fluorine from this mineral, scientists of past centuries sacrificed their health.

Quite often fluorspar looks like cubic crystals that have a glassy luster. Most of them have some color, but they can be colorless.

Fluorite is characterized by thermal and photoluminescence. This means that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, the crystals glow in the dark. The mineral melts at a temperature of 1360C.

Application of fluorspar

Fluorite has been used since ancient times to decorate jewelry, jewelry boxes, and pieces of furniture. Today, fluorspar is used in various industries:

In addition, the mineral is used in high-precision specialized optics, it is necessary for the manufacture of glazes and enamels.

For the designs of quantum light generators, samples with impurities of rare earth metals are valued. Colorless crystals are suitable for night vision devices. They transmit infrared radiation, which compares favorably with glass.

fluorspar manufacturer photos Canon has revolutionized by inserting artificially grown colorless crystals into the lens. Their goal was to eradicate rainbow streaks from photographs. They learned to grow colorless fluorite crystals in 1996.

Fluorspar in jewelry

The mineral was rarely used as inserts in jewelry. Although it is very similar to amethyst, emerald and citrite, it is always very difficult to deceive connoisseurs. In addition, this soft stone is very difficult to process. Therefore, jewelry craftsmen practically do not work with him.

Collectors are only interested in multicolored and extra large crystals. Multicolor fluorspar can have a purple base, green sides, a yellow core, and a red top. An exhibit of a uniform light blue color weighing 300 kilograms is stored in one of the museums in St. Petersburg.

Each mineral has its own mystical and magical properties. They also have a stone Fluoric spinach.

It is believed that the mineral is able to open the third eye, so occultists always include it in their attributes. Magicians use it at seances, looking with it into the future. They assure that not a single stone has yet surpassed the magical properties of fluorite.

There is an opinion that the energy of the stone is able to give the gift of providence, distract from material values, understand the emotions and feelings of other people. Such a gift makes a person wise. He ceases to depend on things and stresses and becomes prosperous in all respects.

Fluorspar is associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius. But people born under other signs can also use it. A colorless mineral is especially valued among occultists. It is believed that he has the strongest energy.

Fluorspar and its medicinal properties

Lithotherapists who treat ailments using stones have compiled a whole list of diseases that fluorite can help cure. The mineral is capable of:

  1. Improve brain activity, so it is very useful for multiple sclerosis.
  2. Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  3. Get rid of headaches and epileptic seizures.
  4. Normalize pressure.
  5. Get rid of migraines.
  6. Normalize sleep.

Fluorspar is able to give energy and strength, so it is acquired by people who are subject to constant stress and have chronic fatigue. Very well, it helps weather-dependent people, normalizing their pressure and eliminating headaches.

It must be remembered that in its pure form, fluorine is harmful to the body, therefore, it is impossible to grind the mineral into powder and ingest it. To get rid of ailments, you just need to always have a stone with you.

Stone color properties

Supplemented depending on color magical and healing properties of fluorite:

Fluorite amulets and talismans

A person who wears jewelry from this mineral acquires wisdom, inner balance and clarity of thought. Fluorspar bracelets help you manage your emotions and clear your chakras. Beads protect from evil spells and help to find a calling in life. Earrings open the third eye, clear the mental sheath and develop intuition.

Men can wear rings, key rings, flash drives with a stone. Lovers choose a talisman of fluorite to protect them from envious people and their negativity. Able to rid the mineral of rubbish in the family.

How to care for fluorite?

Fluorspar is a very fragile stone, so it requires careful attitude and special care:

  1. The mineral should be protected from falls and impacts, otherwise it can crack.
  2. The stone cannot be kept at temperatures above +40 degrees and below -5 degrees.
  3. Natural fluorspar is recommended to be stored in a soft case separately from other products, as it is easily scratched.
  4. From dust and dirt, the mineral and the product from it can only be cleaned with a soft cloth.

To "charge" fluorite, it is enough to hold it for about two hours under the sun's rays. You can remove the accumulated negative energy from the stone under running water. This procedure is recommended to be carried out every week.

The incredible versatility of fluorspar and its unique properties distinguish the stone as an unusual creation of nature. They like to wear it as talismans, which give their owners peace and confidence.
