The ideal female figure: different standards of beauty. Perfect Size

We all know that nothing is permanent. And even female beauty, or rather, our ideas about it, is very fleeting. The ideal can change not only with time, but in space.

For example, for Africans, Cubans and Europeans, the canons of beauty will be completely different. In this article, we will tell you how the standards of female beauty have changed, and also present to your attention a fashionable photo selection of figures that are relevant in 2019.

A look into history

The fashion for a miniature physique and emphasized fragility appeared back in the 20s of the last century. During this period, women actively sought rights on an equal basis with men, and this also affected the ideals of beauty. Male figures with narrow hips, flat chest and thinness became popular.

Dancer Anna Pavlova added some femininity to the image of a fashionable lady. Possessing a "boyish" type, with her filing, female fragility and miniature began to be welcomed.

Forms were slightly rounded in the 50s, in the era of the brilliant Marilyn Monroe. It was then that the numbers, significant for all girls, were first heard: 90-60-90. Such a period did not last long, since already in the 60s a teenager woman with extreme thinness became the ideal.

Some associate this phenomenon with the active development of television. It is known that the camera is fat, so all the celebrities tried to become even slimmer in order to look better on the screen.

The political squabbles of the 70s gave rise to another ideal - the athletic and toned body of a female freedom fighter with a clear life position. The same trend was continued by Madonna in the 80s and Claudia Schiffer in the 90s. Feminine forms became prominent again.

Great importance was attached to improving the body with diets and sports training. Some variety was made by lean Kate Moss, who perfectly illustrates the unisex style.

However, her era did not last so long, and again on the pedestal is a fit female superhero Angelina Jolie. The owner of a slender body, at the same time, she boasts very feminine breasts and hips.

The ideal figure of modernity

Jolie's case was continued by British actress Kelly Brook. It is her figure that is now considered the standard of female beauty. The pleasant roundness of the buttocks and the third bust size make her extremely sexy and attractive. In addition, she has a close and ideal waist-to-hip ratio: 0.7.

In the 2010s, the fashion for curvaceous female forms returned. The tone is set by the female figure, which is called the "hourglass". Wide hips, buttocks “a la Brazil” and lush breasts, complete with a slender waist, are back in trend.

Beauties Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian are examples of this. An indispensable condition is the fit and healthy appearance of the female body.

Shape types

With the standard of beauty, everything is clear. What about those whom nature has not endowed with ideal forms? Some moments are quite successfully solved in the gym. To create a pleasant muscle relief and remove unnecessary body fat is within the power of every beautiful lady. But the fashionable type of figure - an hourglass - is not inherent in everyone.

There are many more types, the owners of which also want to look stylish. Let's see what types of female figures distinguish, and what styles should be chosen in order to visually bring them closer to the ideal.


The most proportional type of figure, with an ideal waist-to-hip ratio: 0.7. It is this type that is the standard of female beauty today. If you are the owner of this type of figure, you are incredibly lucky.

You don’t have to hide anything with clothes, it remains only to emphasize the dignity. A thin waist will be highlighted by an elegant belt or a tight dress that repeats all the curves. It is best when the thing repeats the outlines of the figure.

The hips will look very advantageous in a tight pencil skirt. Just try to avoid overly provocative outfits and straight-cut items. They will make the figure baggy.


Girls with this type of figure have slender legs, a rounded shoulder line, and moderate hips. The waist is weakly expressed or absent altogether. Its volume can even exceed the volume of the chest and hips. Accordingly, the stomach is the main problem area, from which you need to divert attention with clothes.

It is necessary to visually stretch the figure. Emphasize should be slender legs and a beautiful neckline. It is best to deal with this straight-cut things. For example, a straight sheath dress without sleeves. A high waist line will allow you to hide the stomach and emphasize the chest, and asymmetric elements (for example, an asymmetrical bottom) will help make the lady taller.

Knitted jumpers, narrow in the chest area and loose at the waist, will also hide the problem area well. Do not emphasize the waistline: a horizontal line at the widest part will make it even wider. It is better to make an overestimated or underestimated waist.

It is desirable to choose fabrics that are soft, flowing, and drape well. Avoid colorful patterns and prints in the middle part of the torso. All additional details and decor should also be located either at chest level or below the hips.


Women with this type of figure are characterized by small breasts and narrow shoulders, thin waist and wide hips. In some other classifications, it is also called a Spoon-type figure. The outfit should focus on the upper body. The bottom should be visually reduced, and the shoulders should be expanded.

This is achieved by choosing the classic combination "light top - dark bottom". It is advisable to choose voluminous blouses and jackets, shoulder pads, ruffles and frills, puffy sleeves are welcome. It is better to choose a square or “boat” neckline - this will also visually expand the chest line. Try not to let your jacket or tunic end at the widest line of your hips.

The horizontal line should run a little higher or lower, otherwise the hips will visually become even wider. Avoid clothes that are tight around the hips, as well as overly tight and small blouses and jumpers. Small tops with straps fastened at the back of the neck are also contraindicated. This will make the contrast between the top and bottom of the figure too noticeable.

The bottom should be solid and without bright details. All accents should be transferred to the upper part of the figure. The cut of trousers or skirts is most suitable for straight lines. Pants or jeans can be flared, they will divert attention from the wide hips. Skirts of lush styles are contraindicated.

inverted triangle

A characteristic feature of this type of figure are very wide shoulders compared to all other parts of the body. Therefore, your task will be to visually reduce their width while giving volume to the narrow hips.

Fluffy skirts and flared trousers cope with this task with a bang. The top should be chosen discreet, too narrow, but not voluminous. The color scheme should be selected in the vein of "light bottom - dark top." Visually narrows the shoulders V-shaped or round neckline.

All unnecessary details (ruffles, draperies, large decorative elements) in the shoulder area should be avoided. Also, give up the skinny models of skirts and trousers, they will make the figure even more triangular.


Boyish body type: narrow shoulders, small chest, weakly defined hips, flat buttocks. The waist of this type is weakly expressed. The purpose of clothing will be softening the angular lines of the figure and visually rounding the forms.

Things of a semi-adjacent cut will cope well with the task. Emphasis should be placed on the waist with a belt. Darts, pockets, folds and draperies, vertical lines that converge at the waist will help create the illusion of magnificent forms. It is also good to choose an outfit with contrasting colors on the bottom and top.

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In the past, everything was extremely simple - certain canons of beauty existed for centuries and changed very slowly. Antiquity glorified the harmony and athleticism of bodies, the Middle Ages - sickly thinness and pallor, the Renaissance - magnificent physicality, the Victorian era - miniature and grace.

But the 20th century began to proclaim new fashionable "icons" almost every decade.: slender ballerina Anna Pavlova, “appetizing” Marilyn Monroe, asthenic Audrey Hepburn, teenage girl Twiggy, athletic Jane Fonda, aggressively sexy Madonna, perfectly proportioned Claudia Schiffer, androgynous Kate Moss, strong and athletic Angelina Jolie ...

Reference parameters of fashion models“90-60-90” has been globally transformed over the course of a century:

And what do we have today? What body is now considered perfect, beautiful and fashionable? There is no unequivocal answer to this question, because “checking harmony with algebra” is very difficult. Although rules of the "golden section" - the divine measure of beauty - of course, no one cancels.

The distance from the crown to the floor refers to the distance from the crown to the navel as 1,618:1. This is the famous golden ratio.

We will get the same result by relating the distance from the top of the thigh to the floor and the distance from the knee to the floor, or the distance from the shoulder to the fingertips and from the elbow to the fingertips, the length of the finger to the length of the phalanx from the tip of the pad to the fold.

But there is an easier way to determine the correspondence of body proportions to the golden ratio. The female body is conventionally divided into eight parts. The measure is the head - so first measure it from the crown of the head to the chin.

  1. The head itself will be the first measure.
  2. Between the chin and the armpit is the second measure.
  3. From the armpit to the waist line - the third.
  4. From the waist line to the line of the base of the body - the fourth.
  5. From the line of the base of the body to the middle of the thigh - the fifth.
  6. From the middle of the thigh to the popliteal cavity - the sixth.
  7. The seventh measure is placed between the popliteal cavity and the base of the gastrocnemius muscle.
  8. From the base of the calf muscle to the heel - the eighth.

So now you can check yourself for compliance with the "golden" ideal and carefully look around - what if the standard of beauty is sitting somewhere next to you?))

As a result of dividing the waist by the hips, you should get coefficient 0.7. Deviations from the ideal are allowed in the range from 0.60 to 0.72. That is: the volume of a beautiful waist should be approximately 70% of the volume of the hips.

It is clear that the cherished and so attractive waist-to-hip ratio for men has been haunting them for many years. Here, scientists at the University of Texas, for example, decided to find a beauty with an ideal body using this formula. And yet they found it! She was a British actress and model Kelly Brook- a visual visualization of the same proportion. She has this coefficient equal to 0.70588253. Lush forms and parameters, far from the notorious 90-60-90, Kelly does not interfere at all. Still - after all, the main thing is not the numbers of volumes, but the harmony of the figure.

“I like my body,” she says. – The more I weigh, the more I like my breasts and ass. I'm getting happier!"


And in general, fashion today is not set by ideal beauty, but on the contrary - all sorts of deviations from standards. And if it’s somehow easier with a “different from others” face - nevertheless, the Creator made sure that our faces were individual)) Then with the body it’s a little more complicated - everyone basically has the same number of arms, legs, and we all look without clothes almost the same.

How to stand out from the crowd? The 21st century answers this question unequivocally - to modify your body! "Modify" in the broadest sense. I'm not talking about radical measures when a person turns himself into a cyborg - "modify" means to improve, decorate, make it different from others. This is the main trend of modern fashion, which gives rise to the appearance in the fashion sphere of people who dictate new standards of beauty. Let's get to know them and their most fashionable bodies to date closer!

Not a "blank slate"

- so much so that they ceased to be a sign of unsuitability for professional models. On the contrary, many top models even made tattoos their “competitive advantage”. Previously, “body drawings” were heavily hidden under a layer of foundation or retouched - now they are proud of them and turn their body into a kind of art object with their help.


In the photo from left to right: Australian top model Katherine McNeil, Polish top model Elin Weber; below - American top model Erin Wasson and Canadian Tasha Tilberg.

Is it a girl or...?

An androgynous body, as if sexless and equally easy to embody female and male images, is another modern trend. I don’t know how much he is in demand in everyday life, but in the modeling business, androgynes have become stars. Since today we are talking only about the female body, I will tell you about androgynous girls.


In the photo from left to right: successful Dutch models Saskia de Brau, Lara Stone and the Androgynous Princess, Dane Freya Beha Eriksen.

Shadow girls

They are so thin that they look like shadows or ghosts. A few years ago, the fashion world was shaken up by a whole series of deaths of models from anorexia. In response, many designers left the "transparent" models out of work. In Israel, a law against anorexic models has recently come into force. However, for some girls, their painful thinness does not interfere at all, on the contrary. Now, when there are fewer models of this type, they have become even more in demand. As sad as it may be, painful thinness is still in trend.

A photo:,,,

On the picture up successful model from Australia Cassie Van Den Dangen, who claims to be perfectly healthy and does not deny herself food. And below is Ukrainian Snezhana Onopka, who was officially proclaimed the thinnest of the podium models (her height: 175 cm, weight: 45 kg.)

hourglass girls

Women don’t go to any lengths to make their waist thinner - they wear corsets, slimming underwear, or even remove ribs ... But some are lucky - they claim that nature has given them a thin waist. Is it any wonder that they immediately became fashion stars. Wasp waist is always in fashion!


In the photo from left to right: Ukrainian model Valeria Lukyanova (waist 47 cm), winner of the 15th season of the show "America's Next Top Model" Ann Ward (waist 48 cm), Romanian model from Germany Yoana Spangenberg (waist 38 cm).


There should be a lot of a good person, and even more so a beautiful girl! This began to be understood in the modeling business - it is no coincidence that plus size models are becoming more and more in demand today.

Briton Ashley Graham is one of the most successful heavyweight models in the world. One of her most successful photo shoots - in Vogue magazine - is called "Be in shape!".

A photo:

The American model and actress Tara Lynn is in no way inferior to her beauty colleague. In an interview, she admitted that she was fighting to change fashion trends towards women with more realistic sizes.

Photo: ,

strong girls

An equally important modern trend is the fashion for athletic perfect bodies. Fitness models - beautiful strong girls - are gradually becoming the new "icons" of fashion.


In the photo from left to right: Brazilian model and athlete Eva Andressa Vieira, American Nicole Wilkins and one of the most successful models in this field, also an American, Jennifer Nicole Lee.

Which of the girls do you find the most attractive?

Announcement photo:, photo of fashion icons:,,,,,,, joliepitt .ru

The female figure at all times served as an inspiration for people of art, and, of course, at all times one or another type of figure was considered an ideal. However, if earlier the “trend” for certain forms held for several years, or even decades, now the fashion changes every year. So, fashionable female figures of 2017 are noticeably different from those that were in trend a year ago, and fashionistas cannot ignore this! Yes, not every woman can make drastic changes in her silhouette, but where nature is powerless, design solutions come to the rescue. That is why, we decided to tell you not only which figures are fashionable in 2017, but also with the help of what clothes you can adjust your figure according to the latest fashion!

Fashion figures 2017

In 2017, fashion is favorable to full ladies, since the fashionable figure of 2017 is the pear type. Everything shows that Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez and other world-class stars with magnificent buttocks have achieved their goal, as a result of which now girls with such a figure do not need to cover up a flaw, since it has become a virtue! Of course, in order to be in trend, it is not necessary to be overweight, because being overweight does not in itself make you a “pear”. After all, fashion figures in 2017 must meet certain requirements, namely:

  • full hips;
  • thin waist;
  • small chest;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • graceful hands.

If all of the above is written about you, then you are the happy owner of the fashion figure of 2017, and you have no choice but to learn how to emphasize your forms.

Tips for choosing clothes for pear-shaped girls.

We note right away that generally accepted tips for choosing clothes for overweight people will not work for you, since they, as a rule, tell you how to cover wide hips. You, on the contrary, need to learn how to emphasize them, but so that everything looks harmonious and stylish. For example, leggings will perfectly expose massive hips, but this is unlikely to make your total look stylish.

In order to look elegant, the following tips for choosing women's clothing will help you:

  • give preference to jeans and flared trousers with a flare from the knee;
  • choose fitted blouses that will emphasize your thin waist and fragile curve of the shoulders;
  • only wear trapeze and pencil skirts.

Tips for choosing clothes for figures of different types

If the fashionable female figure of 2017 is very different from yours, then this is not at all a reason to be upset. In any collection of women's clothing, you can find a huge number of things that can visually reduce the shoulders or increase the hips. Of course, the main thing in the pursuit of a figure is not to overdo it, so listen to the opinion of stylists.

Tips for choosing clothes for every day

If you need to visually increase the volume of the hips, then you have two options - either order special pads for the buttocks, or choose clothes with which you can achieve an optical increase in the buttocks area. If your choice fell on the second option, then the fashionable type of figure 2017 will become a reality for you if you wear:

  • jeans and trousers with patch back or side pockets;
  • trousers and skirts with draping or pleats at the top;
  • jeans, trousers and skirts with a low waist;
  • pleated skirts and dresses;
  • skirts and dresses such as "tulip", "bell", "tutu".

Ladies with a "rectangle" figure need not only to increase the size of the hips, but also to make the waist thinner and more "expressive". Almost all of the listed clothing models will help them with this, with the exception of the low waist, which are offered with a wide belt. We emphasize that skirts with an elastic band, even of the “tutu” type, will not be able to clearly define the waistline, so if you already have such things, then they should be worn with a fairly thick belt.

If nature has endowed you with magnificent breasts, then you need advice on choosing clothes to visually reduce the top of the silhouette. To do this, you need to remove all blouses and tops with decorative elements, puffed sleeves or wings from your fashionable wardrobe. All these models additionally “load” the top, and you need, on the contrary, to emphasize its elegance and fragility. The easiest way to achieve this effect is to choose models with thin spaghetti straps, but since it is impossible to wear such typical summer clothes in winter, give preference to tight blouses.

Tips for choosing clothes for a photo shoot or a special event

The most feminine outfit, by right, is considered to be a dress, so girls always prefer dresses for important moments in their lives. That is why, our advice on choosing clothes for a photo shoot and special occasions will affect fashionable dresses 2017 for a pear shape.

Girls with a fashionable type of figure need only emphasize their advantages, and quite a lot of styles of dresses cope with this task. When choosing an evening dress, be sure to pay attention to the following models:

  • empire;
  • asymmetrical cut;
  • with a flared skirt;
  • with smell;
  • open top.

Each of the listed styles will correctly accentuate, and if you decide to combine a dress with high-heeled shoes, then your total look will be stunning!

Girls with a different type of figure can be guided by the above tips in choosing. Dresses with puffy skirts will help you add volume to your hips, while ladies with puffy tops are advised to wear dresses with spaghetti straps or full open tops. It should be noted that they help visually adjust the silhouette, and in the collections of fashion houses you can find models of different styles, among which there are dresses with a voluminous bottom, and models that emphasize the fragility of the shoulder line.

Tips for choosing clothes by color combination

You can create an optical illusion of a fashionable figure not only with the help of certain styles of clothing, but also with the help of the right color combinations. In general, tips for choosing clothes for different figures by color boil down to the following - dark tones visually reduce volume, while light colors increase it. Thus, if, for example, you have an hourglass figure, then you just need to choose a dark blouse and combine it with a light skirt to achieve the effect of a pear figure.

The desire to be beautiful in a modern woman is associated with fashion. Full young ladies are no exception, for them the question of what to wear full in 2017 in order to remain fashionable and attractive is the most acute. And this is not surprising, because the world fashion industry is turning too slowly to girls in the body, and on the catwalks, models now and then flicker, demonstrating designer masterpieces focused on skinny ones.
How can you find your style among the proposed outfits? What clothes to choose for a full woman to emphasize her individuality, beauty and stay in trend? In my review, I will tell you what trends it offers, what prints are relevant, and how to adapt all this to a full figure.

Fashion trends 2017 in clothes for the full

Fashion for obese women in 2017 is a harmonious combination of grace, elegance, softness and naturalness. Do you consider yourself a classicist? Celebrate! In the new fashion season, a huge selection of classic models will be presented. Designers do not give strict rules on the classics, some trends of past years are still relevant.

White or black? What's in fashion 2017?

Do you like complex colors and always prefer white or black? This year you won't have to choose between them! Both are in fashion: black and white. The main trend is the creation of monochromatic outfits. Do you have full uniforms and are afraid to wear white clothes? Forget this statement! The saying that white adds volume is already outdated.
Pyshechki look great in white suits, dresses, sundresses. To become fashionable in 2017, feel free to purchase light-colored outfits, let it be all shades of white, very light sky blue or sand.
Combinations of contrasting colors remain relevant in spring and summer 2017: white with black, black and green, dark blue, dark gray. So, full lovely ladies, it's time to pay attention to dresses made with contrasting color inserts. With the help of such an outfit, it is really possible to correct the figure. You really, really will be able to visually get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

Trendy colors for puffy outfits

Spring is just around the corner, but can you already meet it today? How? Choose bright juicy colors for clothes. the absolute favorite is red and all its shades, it can be fiery, bright red-orange, and even carrot. For lovers of darker shades, fashion for the full in 2017 offers wine, burgundy, purple, emerald shades. In such outfits, luxurious ladies will gain even more luxury through the noble veil of mystery.
In the fashion season of the 17th year of the 21st century, other colors of the rainbow are also relevant:
  • yellow;
  • coral;
  • bottle;
  • rich blue;
  • sky blue;
  • pink;
  • mustard;
  • juicy blue.

Fashion prints 2017

The 2017 season is famous for a variety of prints and patterns. Your outfit will not be trivial and boring. With the help of beautiful and original colors, magnificent ladies will be able to hide some of the flaws in the figure and highlight the advantages. And for this, do not choose multi-layered shapeless clothes at all. Fashion spring-summer 2017 for obese women recommends choosing not only plain outfits, but also clothes decorated with trendy prints. A variety of patterns and prints are incredibly relevant in the new season. In the photo, all fashionable prints and drawings spring-summer 2017.
    • Floral print, it can be simple scarlet poppies, roses or exotic flowers,dresses and blouses with a floral pattern will give the image of donuts even more tenderness and sexuality.
    • Ethnic, exotic print; Hawaiian print outfits are incredibly trendy this year. They decorate not only dresses, tunics and blouses, but also shorts, trousers, capes.
    • Geographic and star prints. Dresses and skirts of curvaceous ladies can be decorated with maps and images of popular geographical objects. Jeans and other clothes decorated with stars and pictures of the starry sky are in fashion.
    • Geometry and illusory prints; intricate interlacing lines and optical illusions, full ladies need to be more careful with the choice of patterns in this direction, choose intriguing blue zigzags, patterns with clear lines, but stretched wavy lines should be avoided.
    • Abstraction and prints in the tradition of abstract painting in bright colors are the next trend of the year. Stylists for women with full forms recommend light and juicy clothes with abstract patterns. It can be geometry or small intricate strokes of paint.

Pictured is a trendy floral print 2017

In the photo, fashionable dresses for the full with a floral print

Pictured are exotic and ethnic prints, fashion 2017

The photo shows a fashionable geographical, abstract print 2017-2018

Flats and a cage in clothes for donuts 2017

Stripes of different widths and directions are inextricably linked in our minds with summer. This is a classic print in the fashion world. It is regularly updated and appears before us in an unrecognizable guise. For spring and summer, the striped print has a hint of eclecticism and a layered format. Voluminous striped skirts, dresses of different directions, clothes with narrow vertical stripes are suitable for chic ladies, but the horizontal arrangement of the stripes should be avoided, they, whatever one may say, divide the figure in a plane and add volume.
Tartan and plaid is a bright and eccentric trend of the coming season. In the spring and summer of 2017, it is presented in shirts, jackets and skirts. It can be a combination of contrasting color large and small cells or a strict black and white design. No less interesting was a cell with a shimmering effect and the addition of skin. Dresses with regular and diamond-shaped placement of the cage are suitable for overweight women, they give rigor to the image and emphasize the shape of the body.
photo: fashionable plaid dresses for full

Leather - trend 2017

The current and sought-after trend of spring 2017 is leather, but not just genuine leather, but. Designers offer to wear skirts, dresses, trousers and even sweaters with inserts from it. Leather dresses for overweight ladies look sexy and help to give the desired shape to the body. Eco-leather of any color is in fashion, but dark (brown, burgundy, black, dark green) and light (sand, beige) tones are preferred for donuts.

Lace and transparency

Spring fashion 2017 has prepared a lot of surprises for lush fashionistas. The ball is ruled this year by a veil of transparency, tenderness, lace and crochet. In fashion, everything that at least from a distance resembles a 3D format gives texture and “bulge”. The main thing for full ladies is not to play too much in search of trendy outfits.

Fashion for obese women 2017 photo of lace dresses Fashion 2017-2018 offers a lot of new and extraordinary. Dresses with a three-dimensional pattern in 3D design have firmly entered the fashion of the season and are likely to fill the catwalks of 2018 even more. And, if it’s time for thin people to choose outfits with a 3D pattern, like these from the podium for slim girls, then girls with nice shapes just need to add a lace dress or a crochet cape to their wardrobe.
Well, how do you like fashion for obese women 2017? Has struck your imagination or has appeared expected? Personally, I was impressed by the "shaggy" dresses and 3D bulges. I also really liked the Hawaiian and abstract prints, I want to add similar outfits to my wardrobe. And about what styles and cuts are in fashion this year, we'll talk next time. Good mood to you!

Who is the cutest in the world? If today someone asked such a question to the magic mirror, perhaps it would shatter into smithereens in search of an answer. Modern search engines will also not find one or two options.
The current canons of beauty are very vague, the trends of the next decade seem even more strange: maybe a woman with a beard will become beautiful, but her forms will not matter - everything will be covered by a hijab.

In the past, ideals remained such for many years: in the ancient era, an athletic physique was popular, in the Renaissance, splendor. Now time seems to have accelerated the run, the standards of beauty are changing at lightning speed and every decade the most desirable woman has an increase or decrease in waist size, leg size and height.

Known for her blond hair, voice and demeanor. After filming for Playboy magazine, she became the most desirable woman of her time. By the end of the 50s, Marilyn Monroe was idealized by her contemporaries.
Marilyn Monroe - actress, singer, fashion model. She could drop everything and leave with a concert for participants in the Korean War.
The growth of the most famous blonde by today's standards is small: 162 centimeters with a weight of 55 kilograms.
Bust - 96, waist - 57 and hips - 96 centimeters.

Lush Marilyn Monroe was replaced by a miniature Lancy Hornby known under the pseudonym - Twiggy. She is considered the first supermodel and the one that brought "bones" into the world - the fashion for thinness.
Height 169 cm, weight 40 kg, bust 80 cm, waist 55 cm, hips 80 cm.

American singer, songwriter, music producer and entrepreneur - Louise Ciccone-Richie, known throughout the world under the pseudonym - Madonna, is perhaps the brightest woman of the 80s. However, this Madonna remains now.
In the 80s, she brought the fashion for chic: labels, bright jewelry, combed or shaggy hair, bright makeup and an open beautiful body.
Height 162 cm, weight 54 kg. Bust 92 cm, waist 61 cm, hips 87 cm. Shoe size - 39.

The ideal of beauty in the 90s has seriously changed and one of the new standards of beauty is the actress and model - Monica Bellucci.
The Italian, unlike the same Madonna, shows the world calm tones and a minimum of makeup - no experiments.
Height 178 cm, weight - from 63 to 68 kg, parameters - 92-62-92.
Shoe size - 40-41.

Angelina Jolie is the most tattooed celebrity and one of the most desirable women in the world. Ambiguous, bright and strong - the attention of the press to Jolie, her work and personal life, does not subside.
The actress and director, model and screenwriter, mother of six children and UN Goodwill Ambassador amazes contemporaries not only with her appearance, but also with what lies inside.
Height 173 cm, weight - from 43-56, parameters - 92-70-92.
Shoe size - 40

The idea of ​​the most-most in 2010-2015 is blurry, and all because there are so many beautiful women that it is impossible to call any one language a standard.
Sandra Bullock is perhaps one of the most attractive women of our time.
The 50-year-old actress topped the top 10 most beautiful women according to People magazine. At the same time, she was ahead of the young and talented: Gigi Hadid, Megan Trainor, Shay Mitchell.
Apparently their time has not yet come.

Height 173 cm, weight - from 59-62, parameters - 86-61-86.
Shoe size - 40
