Like curls with an iron. How to iron curls

The most important step to ensure that your curls turn out truly beautiful and your hair doesn’t get damaged is choosing a good tool. Really good and high quality, because many irons simply burn, break or tear out hairs, and you need to spend a lot of effort to get anything done.

Most modern gadgets have thermoregulation. This is also an important point, since irons without this function are set to maximum temperature, and this is not always necessary. For example, if your hair is too thin and weak, or you want to make only light waves and not elastic curls.

Another point worth paying attention to is the size of the device. It all depends on what result you want. Thin, small irons will make curls more textured, bouncy and vibrant, while a wide plate will give a slight effect of natural curls.

It is worth noting that for medium-length hair, flat irons with a wide plate are less suitable. It is better to turn your attention to a medium-sized straightener or even a little smaller so that the hair is well captured.

On the contrary, it should not be too short in length. A plate 10-13 centimeters long will do just fine.

Features of preparation

Many girls miss this moment due to lack of time or ignorance. In fact, in order not to spoil your hair (especially with frequent styling), this point is the most important and significant. There are several preparation rules:

  • washing head. A mandatory condition, since curling on dirty hair is more difficult and requires a higher temperature, and the styling itself lasts much less time.
  • Using masks, conditioners and balms. This will make the hair softer, moisturized and nourished, and professional products can also slightly restore existing damage.
  • Drying. If you have enough time, try not to blow dry your hair to avoid further injury. If you don’t have time, dry them with cold air, but so that they remain a little damp.
  • Thermal protection is a must when curling curls. High temperatures have an aggressive effect on hair and injure it.

IMPORTANT: Proceed with styling only when the hair is completely dry. You can't curl wet hair. If your hairstyle usually doesn’t hold well and doesn’t last long, use foam or mousse to hold it in place.

Before you start, prepare a thin comb for parting, a regular comb, a couple of hairpins (preferably the clips that are used in hairdressing salons) and set the iron to heat up.

Popular methods step by step

There are a lot of ways, each girl decides for herself what is right for her.

How to curl classic curls?

The most common curl option is classic curls. With a little skill, making such curls is very simple. For this you only need:

Fashionable casual waves

Another method is suitable for girls who are not afraid to experiment and look bright and impressive. This hairstyle looks deliberately careless, but it is very popular this season..

  1. First of all, we also divide everything into two parts. Pin the top one with a clamp. Always start working from the bottom.
  2. Use a thin comb to separate one strand. Comb it along the length.
  3. Clamp the strand at the very base between the plates of the iron, positioning it perpendicular to the length of the strand. Make one turn so that the ends of the strand go up, then in the same way, with the ends down. Do this until the ends of the strands.
  4. To make your hairstyle more voluminous and careless, you can vary the thickness of the strands and the amount of rotation of the iron.

Two more simple ways are that individual strands can either be braided, or twisted into a tight rope and run over them with a hot iron. This hairstyle will turn out to be light, airy and a little careless, but very stylish.


Below you can see photos of various techniques for curling medium hair with an iron.:

How to fix it?

If your style usually holds well without additional fixation, it is better not to use anything. This way the hairstyle will look more natural and easy.

ADVICE: If fixation is necessary, give preference to products that are applied before curling - these are mousses, foams and serums. They will also help keep you light.

If your goal is to maintain your hairstyle for as long as possible so that it does not “fall off,” take a varnish or powder with a strong hold. To prevent curls from looking stuck together, spray from a sufficiently wide distance. You shouldn’t try to re-curl your hair after applying hairspray., most likely you will simply ruin the result and damage your hair.

These are far from the only methods; in fact, there are several dozen of them and you can always experiment and come up with new options yourself. Styling with an iron is a lifesaver for those who have little time or experience. A couple of practices - and you will always delight others with beautiful and memorable hairstyles.

Useful video

Watch a video about curls on medium hair using a straightening iron:

Many people are familiar with the situation when they need to quickly but beautifully style their hair. A real salvation in such cases is perming. There are many ways to do it, but not all of them are suitable for quick installation. In addition to a curling iron, a straightener will do the job well. And if everything is clear with a curling iron, then how to make curls with an iron? After all, its task is to straighten hair, not curl it. It turns out that it is very simple, you just need to get the hang of it!

Iron as a hair curler

Recently, it has become very popular to use an iron for purposes other than its intended purpose. This device can not only straighten unruly curly strands, but also, conversely, help smooth hair take on the shape of curls or waves. And it’s not for nothing that a straightening iron is increasingly preferred to a curling iron: with its help you can create original curls of a wide variety of shapes - pretty spirals, light waves, zigzags. In addition, if you get the hang of it, you can style your hair much faster with it than with a curling iron. Therefore, it will be useful to know how to make curls with an iron at home. Before you start styling, you need to choose the right products and prepare your hair.

Selection of materials for styling

Any curling with stylers involves a thermal effect on the hair. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of their protection in advance, especially if you have dry and brittle strands.

When choosing a device for styling, you need to pay attention to its quality, coating, and the ability to adjust temperatures. It is preferable to use irons with a ceramic coating (it is believed that they are less damaging to the hair), as well as with rounded edges (so as not to break the strands).

In addition, purchase heat protection products, preferably not oil-based, so as not to weigh down your hair. And by using a heat-protective spray with a fixing effect, you will get rid of the need to use hairspray.

Preparing hair for styling

Before you start curling, it is recommended to wash your hair using a conditioner to make your hair easier to comb. Then you need to dry them with a towel and spray with a heat protectant. For more volume, you can apply mousse to the roots using a comb. After this, you need to wait until your hair is completely dry, otherwise you risk severely injuring it. The strands need to be combed well: if small knots remain on them, the iron will get stuck. If you have thick hair, for convenience it is better to gather the top strands and attach them to your head with a hairpin.

How to make beautiful curls with an iron?

There are several ways to style your hair with a flat iron. Depending on the length of your hair, the effect you want to achieve, and the time you have, choose the technique that suits you best.

Method 1: Messy curls

Twisting strands into strands is one of the simplest and fastest ways, showing how to make curls with an iron that is suitable even for short hair.

  1. Separate a thin strand from the rest of the hair.
  2. Twist it tightly with a tourniquet.
  3. Use the iron from top to bottom in a smooth motion. You don't have to curl the ends.
  4. Do the same with the rest of the strands all over your head.

The result was elongated, light curls. It is better not to spray this hairstyle with hairspray: it should be very natural. If you want to set your curls, use mousse.

Method 2: spirals

Spiral curls look simply gorgeous, especially on long hair. This method is more complicated, but the result will be worth it.

Method 3: large curls

How else can you make curls with an iron for long hair? An excellent solution is flirty curls at the ends of the hair.

  1. Divide your hair into 5 thick strands (if your hair is not thick, there should be fewer strands).
  2. Clamp the strand with an iron, positioning it horizontally, 5-10 cm away from the roots of the hair (or closer to the end of the strand).
  3. Wrap the iron around its axis and place it with the tongs facing down.
  4. Smoothly move the iron down. The manipulation can be done several times with the same strand.

Voluminous and airy spiral curls are ready!

Method 4: wavy curls

If you don't know how to iron curls on medium hair, try this method.

  1. Using a styler, clamp 1 strand of medium thickness as close to the roots as possible. Place the device vertically.
  2. Rotate the iron around its axis along the entire length of the strand. Repeat the movements with each strand once.

The smooth waves you want look great on medium length hair.

Method 5: volumetric styling

How to iron large curls? Here's another way.

  1. Separate a section of hair and twirl it around your finger.
  2. Secure the resulting bun with a bobby pin at the roots of your hair.
  3. Do this operation with the rest of the hair.
  4. Press each bun tightly with the iron for a few seconds.
  5. Loosen the strands by twirling them with your finger. If necessary, curl the ends additionally with an iron.

Waves designed in this way will add seductive volume to your hair.

Method 6: original zigzags

To create a daring, extraordinary look, abandon the usual waves and spirals - experiment with the shape of your curls! To create stylish zigzags, you will need food foil.

  1. Separate 1 strand and gather it with an accordion. For convenience, you can use the shaft of a thick brush: wrap a strand around it, and then pull the brush out so that the spring of hair remains.
  2. Wrap the accordion in foil and flatten it.
  3. Press the foil tightly with an iron. Hold for 15 seconds.
  4. After the foil has cooled, you can unroll the strand.

In order not to spoil the shape of the curl, do not comb it.

Precautionary measures

When you decide to curl your curls, do not neglect tips on proper styling. Taking good care of your hair will help you maintain its health and beauty.


  • use hot stylers only on dry hair;
  • use heat-protective sprays;
  • observe the temperature regime (curl at the minimum temperature, if the hair is unruly - at medium);
  • hold the iron on your hair for no more than 15 seconds.

Now, knowing how to iron a variety of curls without damaging your hair, you can easily change your looks every day. Romantic waves, flirty spirals or daring zigzags will help you express yourself and be irresistible in any situation.

Divine curls can be created even with an iron designed for straightening hair. There are many options for creating spectacular curls for different hair lengths. Let's look at the main ways to create curls with a regular iron.

How to iron curls - preliminary hair preparation

Before you start creating curls, you need to properly prepare your hair. To do this you need:

  • rinse thoroughly with shampoo;
  • use hair balm or mask;
  • dry;
  • apply a high temperature protection agent;
  • apply a fixative (hair foam or mousse);
  • wait until the applied product dries;
  • comb;
  • heat the iron.

How to make classic curls with an iron

First you need to decide on the size of the desired curls. We begin the work by dividing the hair into a top layer and a bottom layer. First of all, we take on the bottom layer. We divide it into strands and begin to make curls using an iron. The size of the curls directly depends on which strand you take. The larger the strand, the larger the curl. Select a strand and fix it with an iron. Next, we scroll the strand around the heated iron. Take your time, scroll slowly so that the strand warms up evenly. At the end of the work, fix the result with hairspray. The process is quite painstaking, but the result is worth it. The result is delicate, romantic curls. To make your hair more voluminous, you need to use mousse.

How to make zigzag curls with an iron

Curls in the form of zigzags look especially special. This type of curls is suitable for female representatives who have medium and long hair. It is necessary to first prepare your hair for this procedure. To create zigzags we need foil. It must be cut into small pieces. The width of the cut foil should be 2 cm wider than the strand itself. The length of the foil depends on the length of your hair, it should cover the entire strand.

To make curls with an iron, you need:

  • wrap the strand with foil;
  • give a zigzag shape;
  • pinch the strand wrapped in foil with a hot iron;
  • hold the strand for 5 seconds;
  • pull the edge of the foil to form an accordion;
  • wait until the hair cools down;
  • remove the foil;
  • fix the curls with hairspray.

This hairstyle is playful and mysterious.

Small curls of curls with an iron

To create charming small curls you will need foil. Cut the foil into small squares. To create small curls, divide the hair into separate strands. Keep them small. Wrap the selected strand around your finger, carefully remove it and secure it in foil. Next, press with a hot iron for 20 seconds. This way you need to process all your hair. The foil should be removed only after the hair in the foil has completely cooled. Set your curls with hairspray.

Curls on short hair with an iron

Don't despair if you have short hair. Creating graceful curls with a straightening iron is not difficult. To do this, you need to fix the selected strand from the root with an iron and slowly scroll to the ends. You choose the curl size yourself. This hairstyle looks elegant.

In order for your hairstyle to come out flawless, you need to practice. You can even create gorgeous curls with a hair straightening iron. Take care of your hair, use a product to protect against high temperatures.

Most often, a straightening iron is used to straighten curls. This is its main purpose. However, you can use it to create a wide variety of hairstyles. The article below will look at several ways to iron curls for medium hair.

The styling and condition of the hair after it largely depend on the straightener. When choosing, first of all pay attention to the coating material.

  1. The metal straightener is popular due to its low cost. But here it should be borne in mind that such a straightening iron does not provide a reliable level of protection for hair.
  2. Ceramic plates are more gentle.
  3. Teflon coating not only allows for high-quality styling, but also does not harm the curls.
  4. perfectly straightens even the most capricious hair and allows you to create chic curls.
  5. Ion-ceramic plates are a more modern technique. Normalizes water balance and protects curls from high temperatures. The price of the device is significantly higher. Therefore, they can often be found in beauty salons.

As for the shape of the iron, those with rounded ends are considered the best. But models with smooth outlines are popular.

For convenient use, the device must have a temperature regulator to set the required mode. The larger the diameter of the device, the larger the curls will be.

Preparation for installation

Before you iron curls on medium hair, you need to properly prepare them:

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly. This type of styling exposes curls to high temperatures and dries them out. Therefore, after washing, be sure to moisturize them with a balm or conditioner. For dry and thin hair, it is recommended to use special masks.
  2. Apply styling mousse to damp hair.
  3. Use a hair dryer to dry your hair well.
  4. Thermal protection is applied to already dried curls. It must be used, even if the iron has a protective function.
  5. Before styling, carefully and thoroughly comb all strands.

Now you can create beautiful curls with a straightening iron for medium or long hair.

How to make curls using foil and a straightening iron

The styling in the form of broken curls, as well as zigzag curls, looks interesting. Doing this hairstyle yourself is not difficult.

How to curl your hair with a pencil

Not everyone knows about such an extraordinary and easy way to curl curls. To do this styling, in addition to a pencil, you will also need a straightener and varnish. So how to make beautiful and natural curls on medium-length hair with a straightening iron?

Divide the entire hair into even small strands. Wind one onto a pencil, take a straightener and place this curl in it for no more than 5 minutes. Unwind and repeat the same with the rest of the hair. For better fixation, the hair is sprayed with varnish.

Light curls for medium hair with an iron

For styling you will need a straightener, varnish and wax. Procedure:

Classic curls for medium hair with an iron

Classic curls are especially popular. Let's take a closer look at how to quickly and easily curl your hair.

  1. Washed and dried hair is divided into strands.
  2. Apply styling product to each curl.
  3. Laying begins from the back of the head.
  4. Stepping back a couple of centimeters from the roots, clamp the strand with a straightener and twist it so that the tip is directed away from the face in the other direction.
  5. Next, turn the device forward and make movements (also forward) as when straightening.

Once done with a straightening iron, you can style them into your hair.

Beach perm

Beach-style curls look casual, with a touch of carelessness. The size of the wave directly depends on the size of the leveler. It is not difficult to make such curls on medium hair with an iron.

It is necessary to prepare a straightener, thermal protection and fixation agent. And also a metal comb.

  1. The entire hair is divided into even strands.
  2. Each curl is twisted into a tight braid and processed with a straightener.
  3. The ends can be curled up or down as desired.
  4. All hair is curled in this way.
  5. Carefully comb and fix the styling with special means.

To get large waves, grab each strand with an iron. Wrap the hair around the curling iron at an angle of 45 degrees and hold it in this position for about a minute. All curls are straightened by hand and secured with varnish.

Big Hollywood waves

This styling looks very elegant and romantic. Ideal for fine hair, giving it volume.

  1. All hair is divided into small strands.
  2. Wrap them around your finger and secure them near the roots with small clamps.
  3. Do the same with all strands.
  4. The curled curls are pressed tightly with a straightener and held for no more than five minutes.
  5. Each curl is carefully pulled out.
  6. The hair is sprayed with hairspray.

This type of installation does not imply clear and strict lines. It should be voluminous and careless.

How to curl curls with an iron: general rules

There are many techniques for making curls with a straightener. However, there are general rules for any styling and any hair type. Let's take a closer look at them.

You can properly curl curls on medium hair with an iron in different ways, described above. The goal of any styling is to preserve the result as much as possible and at the same time cause minimal damage to the hair. Let's look at some useful tips from professionals.

  1. Never use straightener on wet hair.
  2. The movements of the device through the curls should be smooth and without interruption.
  3. To get the curl effect, the straightener must be held perpendicular to hair growth.
  4. For a spiral effect, the iron is held almost vertically.
  5. The size of the waves depends on the thickness of the separated curl.
  6. To avoid cross sections of hair, it is necessary to iron the curls without stopping.
  7. It is better to distribute foam or mousse for styling on each curl separately.
  8. If the iron is used for styling very often, then the hair will need additional care (nourishing masks, oils, special shampoos and balms).

Many girls mistakenly believe that it is quite difficult to curl curls on medium hair using an iron. But that's not true. If you follow some tips, you can please yourself with various fashionable hairstyles with beautiful curls.

To style your curls at home, you just need to arm yourself with an iron and some accessories. This device is usually used to straighten hair, but today it can also perfectly create different types of curls - from playful curls to soft large curls. If you use the curling iron correctly, your curls will turn out neat and graceful. This particular method of curling is very popular among women all over the world.

Curls using a flat iron and foil

A hairstyle consisting of beautifully styled curls suits almost all girls with any hair length. This styling will be appropriate for work or school, as well as for special occasions, because it will highlight any outfit - both evening and business. Thanks to the use of a curling iron, curls retain strength and elasticity for a long time. If you use a hair straightener and foil, you will be pleased with the result - you will get voluminous and soft waves.

The instructions for creating curls are as follows:

  • Cut five to six pieces from a whole package of foil, each one should be up to forty centimeters long. Such foil cut into pieces can be purchased at a cosmetic store. If your hair is thick, then it is recommended to stock up on 7-8 pieces of foil.
  • Dry your hair thoroughly and comb it. They must be completely dry. We divide the hair into even, identical parts. The number of strands depends on how thick your hair is and what volume of curls you want to create.
  • After dividing the hair, we pin the upper part of the strands upward, and spray the remaining ones well with varnish. Then twist one thin strand around your finger and hold it in this position for two to three minutes.
  • With a gentle movement, we remove the finger from the curl. We repeat the same steps with each strand. We carefully place foil under each formed curl and wrap it well in the upward direction. Next, place the foil-twisted curls into the iron and hold the device for a few seconds. The main thing to remember is safety precautions: do not touch the skin with a hot device. Then you need to wait five to ten seconds until the foil cools down.
  • The last step: you can safely remove the foil from your hair, spray the strands with hairspray again, and then style the curls in any hairstyle.

How to curl curls with an iron and a tourniquet

To ensure that the strand is dense and strong, hold the curling iron vertically when processing it. To form long-lasting curls, you need to divide your hair into thin strands. It is worth noting that this styling is easy to do, but the result is simply magnificent.

Using this hair curling technique, you can easily achieve beautiful and airy curls in a “beach” style:

  1. First, we divide the hair into even thin strands.
  2. Next, we straighten each of them well with an iron.
  3. We twist the strand into a tight strand and treat its entire length with a straightener, as if fixing the curl.
It is recommended to start curling your hair from the back of the head. Next, the temporal part is processed, smoothly moving to the lower part of the head. Thus, the curling process is gradual, all strands are processed evenly.

If you want to create a modern and creative look, then it is better not to process the ends of your curls when styling and curling. This hairstyle is very easy to create, and it will take you no more than fifteen minutes to complete. As a result, you will get long-lasting and natural curls.

How to make curls beautifully with an iron and pencil

In order to form spectacular curls with an iron, first of all, dry the strands a little after washing your hair, the hair should be slightly damp. If they are wet, then it will be very difficult to create such a styling on them; moreover, the curls will quickly lose their shape under the weight.

Next, you should divide your hair into several even parts. To create natural curls, it is recommended to use thin strands; in this case, curling will, of course, take longer. The thinner the strands, the smaller the curls come out. If you use large strands for curling, the curls will be softer and smoother.

Select a strand of the required volume and wind it around the pencil with gentle movements. You need to wind the strands in dense layers, preferably starting from the edge of the pencil. It should not be visible behind the layers of hair; the strands should be well wound one on one. As a result, you will get curls that are evenly curled along the entire length, they look as natural as possible. Moreover, during the curling process you only process the strands, not the pencil.

The next step is to use a hair straightening iron to firmly pinch the strands wrapped around the pencil. Be sure to make sure that the curling iron is not heated to maximum temperature, otherwise you will simply burn your hair. For the process of curling thin or colored hair, the required ironing temperature is no more than 240 degrees. Curl coarse and voluminous hair at temperatures up to three hundred degrees. It is not recommended to set the temperature above 380 for any hair type or length.

Hold the curling iron on each section for five seconds. Remember safety measures: be careful during the process and do not overexpose the hot device to your hair. As soon as you iron your curls, do not immediately remove them from the pencil; give them a few seconds to cool.

When removing curls from a pencil, do it gently and without haste. If the resulting curls are very curled and resemble a spring, simply pass the curls through your fingers several times. You shouldn’t comb your curls, as they will quickly lose their shape.

For more durable and bouncy curls, after styling, spray your hair with a small amount of hairspray.

How to curl curls with an iron and braids

If you have no more than ten minutes to style your hair in style, then don’t worry. You can quickly and beautifully curl your hair with only a flat iron:
  • Sprinkle your curls with water; they should be slightly damp.
  • Next, divide them into small strands.
  • Braid several tight, dense braids.
  • Using a curling iron preheated to 280 degrees, lightly move through the braids. Do this several times.
  • Afterwards, do not unravel your hair immediately; give it a few minutes to cool.
  • Do not comb the curls, style them with your fingers, and fix the resulting hairstyle with hairspray.

Creating curls with an iron for different hair lengths

To achieve perfect curls at any length of hair, practice is necessary. Today there are many technologies for creating different types of curls - experiment. Each time the result will be better, and to make it take less time, use additional devices that every girl will definitely have.

Iron curls for short hair

If you have short hair and want thick, voluminous locks, use these tips to create the style you want:
  1. Curls for this type of hair can be made dense and longer, or soft and round. You also need to consider what type of face you have. For elongated hair, large wavy curls are best, but for round hair, small playful curls are best.
  2. To create voluminous hairstyles, you must use a straightener with thin curling irons. The hair must first be slightly moistened and dried with a towel, leaving the strands slightly damp. Next, you should treat your hair with special styling products - gel, mousse or spray. Apply the required amount of product to your hands and spread evenly over your hair.
  3. The final stage is the process of creating long-lasting curls. Hold the curling iron at a right angle and form curls. When all the strands are processed, fix the hairstyle with a styling product.

Iron curls for medium hair

It is very easy to create natural and long-lasting curls on medium-length hair. The scheme for their formation is quite simple:
  • Rinse and dry your hair well.
  • Select the required temperature to heat the iron (no more than 350 degrees), give the device time to warm up.
  • For long lasting curls, use mousse or spray when shaping them.
  • Distribute your hair into strands and separate them from each other using clips.
  • Also, don't forget to apply thermal protection.
  • Next, select each individual strand and iron it. The device must be held perpendicular to the head.
  • Hold the curling iron on your hair for no more than five to seven seconds, then carefully pull the strand out of the device.
  • Finished curls should be combed with a wide-toothed comb and the hair should be sprayed with hairspray to fix it.
Thus, using a straightening iron on medium-length hair, you can create excellent light, but at the same time long-lasting curls. And most importantly, the whole process will take very little time - no more than twenty minutes. Depending on the type of curls you want to achieve, hold the straightener at different angles.

Iron curls for long hair

Natural and bouncy curls on long hair look more than attractive. The length of the strands allows you to form curls of completely different shapes and volumes. The shape of the resulting curls will depend on the thickness of the strands into which they were divided.

Hair must be combed well and treated with a fixative. You need to work with it carefully, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the strands will be glued together and the finished hairstyle will be ugly.

To make the curling process less difficult, it is recommended to divide your hair into two parts. Pin the top strands with clips. And start working with the lower ones: select one strand at a time, using a curl iron, make circular movements with the device. For a soft, romantic look, curl only the bottom half of the strand.

The volume of future curls can be easily adjusted. If you want soft, flowy curls, use the iron in quick motions through the strands. If you want a voluminous hairstyle, then you need to start curling your hair from the very roots, slightly pulling it to the sides or up.

It is also worth noting that the volume of curls depends on the diameter of the curling iron. It is recommended to use devices with plates two centimeters wide. The most important thing in the curling process: do not stop abruptly under any circumstances; the device should glide gently and smoothly along the strand. Otherwise, the curls will take the wrong shape. In this case, it is very easy to burn your hair.

To prevent the ends of your hair from splitting or splitting, treat the strands with heat-protective cosmetics before any use of the iron. Quality hair products will also give your hair shine and smoothness. To keep your curls looking natural, do not curl the strand all the way. Step back seven to ten centimeters from the roots and start twisting.

During the curling process, each finished curl can be fixed separately with a clip, or you can collect all the curls at once using a wide hairpin and sprinkle them with varnish.

How to make curls with an iron - watch the video:

Natural, soft, elastic and long-lasting curls are always a fashionable and stylish hairstyle that is suitable for any event in life. In the process of curling hair today, not only various types of irons and straighteners are used, but also additional devices - foil or a pencil; hair can also be braided into a plait or braid.
