How to bleach a gray shirt. How to bleach a white blouse and shirt: a review of professional tools and folk experience

White shirts are often worn for formal occasions, going to work or school. As a result, they often get dirty. Everyone wants their things to look nice and neat. To whiten a white shirt at home, you don’t need a lot of effort, you just need to follow our tips.

To get rid of yellowness on a shirt, it is enough to pick up a quality product in any large store. There are three most popular types of bleach. It:

Please note: instead of whiteness, some housewives resort to using products designed for cleaning plumbing. If you are going to use them, then remember that such aggressive products can easily ruin your favorite shirt. And besides, if the thing is poorly rinsed, then irritation and a rash may occur on the body.

How to bleach a shirt with simple methods

If yellow spots appear on your shirt, then it is not necessary to immediately run to the store for strong bleach. You can give clothes freshness and restore their former appearance with proven folk remedies:


To whiten a white shirt at home, you can resort to another rather old method that was used at a time when no bleach or other means existed. It has not lost its relevance even today, but it has one serious drawback, due to which the thing can deteriorate. To boil, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a large saucepan and fill it with water. There is no set quantity - everything is done by eye. The most important thing is that the shirt absorbs water and is well covered with water.
  2. Now add the powder and stir, and then add the item to be bleached to the water.
  3. Turn on the fire. It must be turned on until the shirt has been boiled for 30 minutes.

To improve the result, you can add a little soda to the powder. So you can quickly return the whiteness of things, but it is important to know that this method has a strong drawback - prolonged boiling will have a bad effect on the quality of the product. And by doing such an operation too often, you run the risk of greatly spoiling the thing: it can acquire an unpleasant gray tint. This means that it is better to resort to this method in extreme cases.

Linen shirt

With shirts made from linen, there are no particular problems. There are several old ways that will return a beautiful look to such a product:

  • Leave the clothes in the vinegar solution for two hours. Then wash with powder. You can also mix ammonia and soapy water.
  • To return your favorite thing to its whiteness, you can use turpentine. You just need to soak the product in it. However, this method requires a fairly large amount of time - 12 hours.
  • If you want to prevent a gray coating after washing, then sometimes mix the powder with a little salt.
  • If you constantly have to fiddle with linen clothes, then a soda solution will come in handy. It should be infused for a day, and then it must be filtered and poured into suitable containers.

How can you bleach a silk shirt

Before processing silk items, you must first carry out a high-quality gentle wash. This fabric is very demanding, and therefore the bleaching procedure requires serious care, unless, of course, you want to spoil the structure of the fabric. You can use one of the following methods:

  • Yellow spots can be quickly removed with alcohol. To do this, treat all contaminated areas several times.
  • Mix ammonia, salt, powder, hydrogen peroxide and water together. Soak the item in this solution for several hours, and then rinse.
  • Add lemon juice to the water, and then put all the necessary things into this solution. After that, wait 12 hours.

Another way to wash a silk shirt - video:

Synthetic shirt

For synthetic products, products that contain chlorine are not suitable. Their use is fraught with the fact that things can become very yellow. And as a result, they will cease to be attractive. To whiten, resort to using any of these methods:

  • Make a simple salt and water solution. Wet things and soak them for several hours. And then you need to carry out an ordinary wash.
  • Yellow spots can be defeated with laundry soap. Put all products in cool water, and after three hours have passed, rub the soap until foam appears. Now immerse things in hot water without rinsing off the early remedy. Then wash the thing and do it all over again.
  • Aspirin can help remove stubborn stains. Take two tablets and dissolve them in water, and the resulting porridge should be applied to all problem areas a couple of hours before washing.

A few more ways to whiten - video:

As you can see, there are many different ways that can help you bleach your work clothes or your kids' school shirts.

Whitening shirts without boiling - 9 products

I was convinced that you can bleach a white shirt without boiling it. There are at least 9 ways to restore a snow-white look to a product and rid a shirt of characteristic stains.

6 ways to get rid of yellowness

Dealing with the characteristic yellow coating is not so difficult. I suggest using improvised means:

Image Instruction

Method 1. Hydrogen peroxide and salt

Dilute a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of salt in 2 liters of warm water (30-40 ° C for synthetics and up to 70 ° C for cotton).

Soak clothes for 20 minutes, turning occasionally for even bleaching.

Method 2. Potassium permanganate

Finding it now is quite difficult, but if you have a “strategic reserve”, then you can use it:

  • Dilute a few crystals of potassium permanganate in such an amount of well-hot water that you end up with a solution with a faint pinkish tint.
  • Add some washing powder to the liquid.
  • Soak the product, and cover the basin with a lid. Wait for the water to cool to room temperature.
  • Rinse your shirt well.

Method 3. Laundry soap

This miracle product has been used to whiten shirts long before the creation of modern household chemicals.

Rub the shirt with soap - take the bar "72%". Leave the item for half an hour. The shirt can then be washed in the washing machine.

Method 4. Boric acid

To whiten a white shirt at home, dissolve 2 tablespoons of acid in 4 liters of hot water.

Soak a white shirt for 2 hours and then rinse thoroughly. Finally, wash the wardrobe item in the washing machine.

Method 5. Soda

Pour half a glass of baking soda along with the powder into the washing machine and turn on the usual washing mode.

Method 6. Powdered milk

Powdered milk will also help to wash a shirt at home.

Dilute a glass of powder in warm water, and soak the product. Wait a little time, then wash the thing.

3 types of bleach

If you prefer to use modern developments, then there are effective tools for you. We are talking about bleaches, which are divided into three groups.

Image Recommendations


As the name implies, they contain oxygen. These bleaches do not cause allergic reactions and irritations on the skin, but the price of such preparations is appropriate.

Among the most popular oxygen bleaches, I can single out Swan, Persol and Vanish.


They have the most aggressive effect on the fabric, but at the same time they have the most noticeable effect.

So you need to use "Whiteness", "Domestos" or "Chlorin" very carefully, otherwise you risk damaging the fabric.


Roughly speaking, they do not bleach the material, but rather “sprinkle” it with particles that visually brighten the fabric.

Of the domestic bleaches, one can single out "Belofors".

In an attempt to restore a snow-white look to a shirt with your own hands, do not forget about some bleaching rules. This will prevent damage to the product and extend its service life:

  • Bleach in doses. Such a procedure (even when using folk recipes) thins the tissue structure. So bleaching white garments should be resorted to no more than every 3-4 washes.
  • Always read the instructions. Read the label carefully before using commercial bleach, and strictly follow the directions on the label.

  • Don't Forget Sorting. If you want to keep the original look of the shirt as long as possible, never mix light and colored clothes in the washing machine. And also it is necessary to wash synthetic and natural materials separately from each other.
  • Add salt. It is essential when you wash white shirts with embroidered or colored inserts. Thanks to salt, the color does not wash out, and the fabric, accordingly, does not deteriorate.


I told you how you can bleach shirts without boiling. And if you know additional ways - be sure to share them in the comments. If you want to learn more about whitening products, watch the video in this article.

White clothes always look elegant, fresh, elegant and suitable for both holidays and business meetings. But, unfortunately, light fabric gets dirty very quickly, even small spots are clearly visible on it, and in order for your favorite thing to be in perfect condition for a long time, it will be useful to learn how to whiten a white shirt at home.

How to wash a white shirt: basic rules

  • Before washing, sort clothes by type of fabric and color. White things are washed separately from colored ones, with special detergents.
  • When washing and bleaching fabrics made of cotton, wool, linen, silk, chiffon, synthetics, different washing modes and temperatures are used.
  • Bleaches with chlorine are used only for cotton and linen products.
  • In order to prevent the appearance of new stains and contamination of the laundry during machine washing, it is necessary to ensure that no water remains in the drain from the previous wash.
  • It should be remembered that it is necessary to wash clothes in a timely manner, since prolonged storage of things that were worn leads to the appearance of gray or yellowish tints.
  • When washing white clothes combined with colored inserts, so that the fabric does not shed, it is recommended to add salt to the detergent.
  • White shirts should be bleached after 2-3 washes, as the frequent use of bleaching agents thins the fabric.
  • When washing, it is recommended to add reagents to the water that reduce its hardness.

How to whiten white things from yellowness or stains

Methods for bleaching with hydrogen peroxide

  1. The mixture is prepared in a well ventilated area. To do this, take: half a bucket of hot water, 45 ml (3 tablespoons) of 3% perhydrol solution and 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of ammonia (ammonia). A white shirt washed by hand or in an automatic machine under normal conditions is placed in the solution for 90–120 minutes. After soaking, the item is rinsed well in warm, then in cold water.
  2. Hydroperite can be used instead of perhydrol. For half a bucket of water, you need to take 4.5 tablets of hydroperite, and then proceed according to paragraph 1.

Which is sold in any department store. To whiten a garment this way, add machine wash bleach to your laundry detergent. The dosage for each bleaching agent is different. It is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. In order not to spoil the thing, look at the maximum allowable washing temperature on the label.

You can use the grandmother's way. Boil with the addition of "Whiteness". This method is highly efficient. However, the fabric with such hard bleaching will quickly wear out.

You can bleach a shirt with "Whiteness" without even boiling it. To do this, dilute the product in hot water according to the proportion indicated on the package. Keep the product in the solution for just a couple of minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. After that, dip the shirt back into the solution. After a minute, remove from there and wash in the usual way.

Try bleaching the item with ammonia. Dilute five tablespoons of alcohol in hot water. Put a white shirt there for half an hour. Rinse well afterwards.

In addition, you can quickly and easily bleach a white shirt with hydrogen peroxide. For 2 liters of water, take one teaspoon of peroxide. For best results, add a pinch of soda ash to it. For 20 minutes, place a white shirt in the resulting solution. Then take it out and wash it normally.


Read the instructions for use carefully before using any chemical bleaching products. Otherwise, you risk ruining the white shirt.

Useful advice

All of the above bleaching methods can damage some synthetic fabrics. Therefore, in order not to spoil the thing, it is better to take it to a dry cleaner.

After several washes, white shirts may lose their original "purity color". Over time, they fade, become gray or even turn yellow. The color may change due to the temperature of the washing water, the soaking time, or the composition of the detergent.


To preserve not only the whiteness, but also the texture of the fabric, carefully study the information that is “encrypted” by the manufacturers on the label before washing. As a rule, the allowable water temperature, the advisability of hand or machine washing, the possibility of adding bleach, etc. are indicated there.

If machine washing is prohibited, pour water warmed up to 40 degrees into the bathroom or basin. Pour a small amount of washing powder and wait for it to completely dissolve. Dip in water and leave for 20 minutes. If the cuffs, sleeves, inside of the collar are heavily soiled, pre-moisten them with water, and then apply gel-like laundry detergents. If there is a stain, treat it with stain remover according to package directions. After that, soak the whole thing as described above. Do not leave the product to lie in water with powder for half a day, it may ruin it. Do not use brushes, otherwise the cuffs or collar will noticeably deteriorate.

After soaking, gently but very thoroughly rinse the shirt in clean, cool water several times. The more often you change the rinse water, the cleaner your thing and the less "chemistry" will remain in it. Take out the shirt, but do not wring it out by twisting it. Hang it on your shoulders right away.

If you are machine washing, select the gentle cycle without drying. Never stuff the car "to the eyeballs", otherwise the white will not stretch. In case of serious contamination, the thing should be pre-soaked. After washing, immediately hang the wet shirt on a coat hanger. Do not wring out, because then it will be difficult to iron it. Keep an eye on it and don't let it get too dirty. It is best to refresh it after each wear in warm water with a little powder.


  • how to wash shirt cuffs

Few people know how to wash white shirts. It's much easier to take your clothes to the dry cleaners and pick them up completely clean. Unfortunately, these organizations use harsh chemicals. Thus, by turning to dry cleaning services, you "kill" your white shirts. It is worth trying to wash them at home.


In most cases, shirt manufacturers put the main washing parameters on their labels. In particular, this is the temperature of the water, soaking time, detergents, and so on. So before washing carefully study all internal labels.

Almost any white shirt tends to lose its original sparkling appearance over time: it fades, turns yellow, turns gray, or you can inadvertently put spots on it. You can bleach such clothes both with ready-made bleaches and with the good old proven methods. Let's take a closer look at how to whiten a shirt at home.

Modern bleaches

  • Products containing chlorine. This substance is the most effective, but with prolonged use it has a negative effect on the fabric: clothes wear out faster and thinner. Cotton shirts can be bleached with chlorine-containing products, but it is advisable to use them occasionally, otherwise the fabric will become thinner. This method is not suitable for synthetic and silk shirts. In addition, sensitive people may be allergic to chlorine.
Instructions for using bleach without chlorine Bos
  • oxygen bleaches. "New" in today's market, no chlorine. Customers like that the products have a wider spectrum of action (also applies to colored fabrics). These bleaches are made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide. These detergents are not as aggressive as the previous ones, so they can whiten delicate fabrics: silk, synthetics, woolen products. The downside is the high price and not very long shelf life.
  • Bleachers with optical effect. These detergents do not remove dirt, but cover the fabric with special coloring particles. In other words, such a tool cannot whiten, it only masks pollution for a while.

If there is no bleach on hand

If for some reason there is no ready-made bleach in the house, or the hostess refuses to use it in principle due to its toxicity, destructive effect on the fabric, then alternative methods can be used.

  • "Burnout" in the sun. Suitable for light dirt. The most affordable and delicate way to whiten a shirt. This is what our distant ancestors did when there was no household chemicals at all. After normal washing, the product is hung on a wire, where it has maximum access to the sun. Natural bleaching occurs with the help of ultraviolet radiation. You just need to keep in mind that keeping shirts in the sun for a very long time (for several days) is undesirable, since the fabric can weaken from this .
  • Boiling. For use on cotton shirts only. Soiled white clothes are placed in an enamel container with water, powder is added and boiled for 30 minutes, periodically turning the contents over. Instead of powder, you can grind laundry soap. The boil time is the same.
  • Whitening with hydrogen peroxide. Here are some recipes:

Recipe 1: You need to heat 2 liters of water to 40 degrees (for delicate items) or up to 70 degrees (for cotton). Then you should add one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and soda ash. The shirt is soaked in this solution for 10 to 20 minutes, rinsed and dried.

Recipe 2: One tablespoon of ammonia and the same amount of peroxide - half a bucket of hot water. Soak washed clothes for about 30 minutes.

  • Boric acid. In a solution of hot water (4 liters) and acid (2 tablespoons), soak the shirt for 2 hours. After that, the product must be thoroughly rinsed.
  • Salt bleaching. This method is well suited for delicate fabrics because it does not require high heat to cook. In 2 liters of warm water, dilute 4 tbsp. spoons of salt. Laundry is soaked for 30 minutes.

Whatever ways the hostess uses to whiten a white shirt at home, she must remember the safety rules: use rubber gloves, make sure that the product does not get into your eyes, and ventilate the room if necessary.

In addition to the article, there is a video that talks about these and other methods of whitening without the use of special household chemicals.

How to bleach a shirt: bleaches and folk methods
